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woft Asum x1ma M I----Sibsto Wlboaftim&& km Problao of Mmerdo ftfwa Pambrodo zdanek its&, 6 pp. go Ims Do* G&VA ywo WEND 1901 pp HAS 47o435 Feb 69 375o609 r- .11 j -Z VOUVIM Z&MUM &aa UsInAMb by JO OWS- ku* 7 IDPO 19 for 1967P vpq !!-3'P WoMova mah 902110 JM WA32 To ~s 0 4-1 - Ktlk- ys-Kores - sac 329;rol July 67 Relation aptween pblxture Content QzA PreheatIng TcrQerature of Charge and uality of D*ke, by I JO, 3 Ids, 1#11vishl. JAPAUSE, per T*jW:M:HRg-m Val W so n. 1964 pp 159,'-1594 CW? 2526 7 Sci - AL'S 67 339-391 Investigation of Upward ad MmumaiM USht Weasurmwats in the Ocesas sad Their kelationship to Traaspammr wassuromms" by Joseph Joaddso 23 pp, GERAMN WO Deutsdw 11yansedhische zeit Vol 111-8,16 bibs Inge rbwolb"T 9Pff-Oof Navy/ONI Tr No 2229 J-e -SF d Y J-6 114 part)% Sci a Oc"Skouraphy Feb 67 COMMIT 3160820 Cal ,777 7 7~, WA7 Tcl ftmddWA M wrowthq kw lh B-1:44lis pwo oot 1969p pp ipits 49550 go Dd=vUmnd On "I nlin jogehims 6 ppe i (mt"Mb 12-15. Yawa Mood in the Gaboom GMWMNMtl by 0 PwAlln Jawbimo 7 pp. FINWH# Pws UW lb- 174 APr 196TP PP- 24se7o ipre 413a rp, L)D N UoA (H I M lXftca -Cmbm poi June 67 329#505 11sw Book kw Goorps Capita Rewl&wd* tW vlouw Jammel 9 ype fulms We CAW-IM Sept 1969p yp 81-M9 im 49113 Pal oat 69 3949896 i'vench Comanist Vorsion of Presunt-vay intenutio"11=v by VIctor Jawmes, 5 pp. AM4, sw=thly JAW.' 4biary de tflngg'fat I tUprico nt ...A arts, Vol. No. 7/4, 11~-I ec 67. pp. 64-67, ji.11~6 43994k) In t c rna t 1,An I e0liticat Jun fili 347,331 127 ~- VAter mtunes Awty l'oucre i"Pose bw Victor Joan" . ? W* I Ri~Sk;H* CkPe InWO UUMIA2 ilmAs, 5 FGb 1969, pp We am 475n V, C ~ 0 R- ~5 Qq A, N) 6 t~, W." Fyw%co -01 .-~" &) 7(*99* smmr.v of Odlem P6Uttal bitmUms tff Jass Jmqtdn &=we 8 PPs spA;UbHo rptq -li~~~ Jon-Fab 1969, pp ". J Piti 47514 LAO-Lblis .ar 69 _T4.863 Ign hmddmual jw "a joequin maxwo 5 SPAN=# yWo --- oat 19690 Pp 459-Wlo Ass 49165 LA-ChUG POI 3950011 1;ov 69 Wwawlm of Qr"um L*wmuo Favir "t"O IV Jose imquu wvmnwo 7 PP* SPANISa. per, 129MIJ& Santiago, Jun 1969, pp 197-199, Ofts 48440 j c (I Oy' t-k 10 ~s C. LA-1-Idle 1101 Jul 69 386.4W $Aat Problms of vypn*mic lhmtryg by C. nowis, 21 jeat"O niNCHl, par, Air ot Cesms, " M& Ift7g, pp 15019. IMA TT F-11.148 (AIVEMItNT M MLY scle-SPOM Sept 67 ROGET, J. and JOBERT Chromosomes and radia J.,Nldd.Bordeauk-(-fT (1967) (AAEC LIB/TRANS 274) Sow Equipmat ftm VU Cal lei" JENA at t1w 19" Laipsig Todmical fair* by ke Jobst, 0~9 pots !!!~enutodmlx, No 40 It"s pp U3.57, *ACSI J-0300 I D 2204037U6 Ask. Uvir/ftw/Gsr~y Jul " ;jaw Latntmats !'rw, uto V:4 Carl Zeiss Aaa at tits TeclmicA 1~4ir, JY' jf;)Sto 12 yo t;, Per, via,vrotatect-ui.~, :.(N 4,P Itma" A "'I",". - -1 . /,?. Z- A ,.- ];~, ~~-.I Margi-W Ifteso by No Jodlo CZBQJ - per, Literam' Noylayo, 22 Jan 1.966, R2d pr Run" ca"A Psm Somy No 17S1 (200 21) 11 II" EE-Cloch Pal may 66 3000660 Critics, W Iftivelor Jodl., 15 -~V CoMamir LM au CWIp per) Literami !MWA vol uv" no 5p 3) ;an 6~'q lyp I and I Plis (Rio 6r'. fx-clzee-ll Son. API. 65 271,502 scums of Csoch &=Nlmde tv ft"SIAT Jocas ? YP. GOVERKH"T USk; G= G"Gdo zq4 AMO FM=* 21D ftv 1969o p 3. 4m QUO 301) Www.;sech pal rimy 69 381o823 -."! t f: '~,Q" 71,10 i ~.; 7 ~ ~ -, x. ! 404mmk Lfba of cenmn !Podckukm vvw$ an ocam- Lo Vuro a" in vivolo by ~'~ A. UC6"ktty^ 49 *L 'W.S.%U4 put QLMII Of A W M-e-IL re- ,~Jg 65 28 701.79 ,2V I - Cwaes of- Acciuclits nour Acculerators anti Radiatic)4 1, Protection :-casuras. uy ilenri Jof"fro, Ileary Vialettes,, NO r,t, CIA-li 3443, Jan 196H. 392,245 s-U"4wwuw ~Vlmtic" batw"An Trwwicr 0i Enarzy Per Unit oi Leai;th Absolue%l Dosee Kara& an4i Lik)uSulvo Af-i;jicatiou to Qiaui~ws of ka4ium* 6y lisuri Joftraj lAclen P&Ofs 31V vj~v 1:hLisOls rpt. CLA-li 3424 1.06 19", JUL b) 5u Owiv pj,o~wt f*r the GdM ndlymdp IV Co Jaff- 12) M) 7 99. rm=f rar, idgmift, et 2m= dt<ra. mr Vol 13p go Wo 29t*v IV* 490-*W4, gi~ ":L VS-F,.TMC gem ft4~ (/~ lwpo* SM PMA)JAW OC toomm - -p br B. 0. jagmem Is no Ausems ann. , Role" jqftm go A aluk Wall NO 9p 19tept IV TT603- /~, v -Y 94-W ftevT OWWO f I? cookolbutiftIas as NaU" ma at so fte ~ m~ 1w F* 41mutswo ho a to lot ~k Pws DIN6 ", %I pp 53-AWO "#A &d.lutn4au an R i I I . ~- 4, ~. , il j ?S, no valstions owtv"m moistwm costmt md PrWwmtInS Tm"vuv= of ow On& Owle ad COM t~wutyj by He Jqbq 0t stp JAPMSRO per& Tom to tmp, Vol saw Sopto 0*4# pp 092-15940 9161 4M Jul 66 3060470 !~. 'r - ~0;=l I'labi-layer chromatograplLy climpatography as controls preparation of amides fror IWVISTA DE GIDIM, Vol 17, I ;;-, -.- T-f:fc3*1~~ amt :,aper in tile urea ankI oleic acid. pp 6,11-647, 1966 m, ~, t r 7 1 IUV&h br Mmbad Odwalso = amz G~* Dw, am Vbl 110 no 5.0 194 w am-en. fq R 0 ~40 L Xw 69 049% AodWVSr43 Of B*Oftt W IL J*bw=mt IL J. 1-mm. a M=Mpwo Ibma , ib go,, xO68o pop M& Bef: ;6 (A58) SCL46mb Oct 69 39523M Stabilintloo and Gtowbw of Vddcloo Volile a Dis"q by D. DAwv 0. :dbanoM. 010=0 Vwp "tltk* ft "d Zof t-, - --, r DjSQ&M , (;. Tokq*~)seo AW--l 7.1 Fish Pathology Activities in North Awries. An Dverview Wed on a Study Visit Duriag 1%7, by NJ Is Johaftsorto SWMISIIM, rpt, Swedish sals" Res"reh Institutep ~W LFI WIDD.0 No 38 IM7, pp IM, Dopt Of laf=sror ECF/OFF A-36oF*b 197046o S3 va L"n L 12, rj -c, C~ r6 May 70 lrhirliug Diseam Causod by Nyxo3aca Corebralial, by kils Joboussm. 5 pp. molsil, rm. swdlsb Baim "Onb Do N6 9 in*# !29rt LF I "Pt or luv;rT*'r KFJOFF A-36oFeb 1970-No 26 On Loan SCI/B& May 70 AWj$d4 Of ~W~h IAIVA I.VpaMUQM# TboAr '-wantice. by PP- 1* 19680 101 Avg 68 361,,;66 pr-jL.4rxmt sirvegim comaists bpaLa ilvdr pwmyts ?oaltioa in Twovislan latemlews by Leif JOCANUM afti *'WL,4&r To Luvool, 'I pp* *jr4.nwlp ON ~"m 1112 jet lx-x~q pp. 5.0 110 ArUalo lonan OUR CdrV4W 3t&bUlfAW cmempus tv MO&W johI4 V ppe wwwo pwo sinigsit, "A DW]qn- Vol 60 9* 1968. pi-ilSkmil". RAS 416s798 LOW Da 68 Methods for Testint of Air Foau, by ho John, 32 V,). 6MM WNT 11~5E ONLY Cr-.MA-14,, per,, MB-Zeituhrift, Vol too No It Iwo pp 25-33. 400"MORMSI~ Lept of Navy NRL Tr 1204 j I ~' " ,.,k:th & i;Q101) May 70 406.737 TbA Mosauvmmt of Surfam Arew With the Areowurp tr ft. &imp v. saverin. lz-hb MMjfij_.jgMQjeUr-T&CjM4t. Vbl 37s, .M a No is 57 do 9MUA 7c, k Y) t~- sept 66 U0474 DaLly fluctustLou ot ftubelim 4w awy Tampon- tufts in Sober COMM" am Cmplet4 mucalar I" t 1, by J. 9. JMWWR. W pp. G=U"t PGV9 SCg!giMVL82bLW AfthLv O"r Pb"jgI, VOI Bo Ift6a pp IIS-142- NMA TT P-129873 SCL-M 301 70 C, iq , U-Q ~ t4 so f3 Modern MeUWs of Speci= Propustion for Light Microsoopyg by C. A. Johnwn MUAIN, peTs 22gM&M ArcUX ruer Mmmook WismagghgQ tmd 2!9=0 NO 30 1965o pp 52-~7 10 71-13276-14D mar 72 A Process fbr 11allUfaCturing Curb~ouized 11.9 Fibers, by J. it. Johnson, BELGIAri, Patent 708,6S1. NTC 69-12t221-11E - -1 --.'-, /.' /V -, L, "I /-l' I 6, J kl.' f, sci-mat A u 1; 6. t) WsM Madem rofsawr AwW Ued. Alm in amms, by ~U"h F, JOIMMq 8 MU ~-, Aid;jj.,o npe _rogF%it-OJL# &Moe Aima. 18 ~.*o I-A9, pp 1, 4. Lb-Argentina ob ?0 f Wwk in AftlaW TAW -"Oddy "6W06# Y~/ tW aqmcnd jobasm. 6 m?o awls. Dec'19669 I RLWha rYto &MELIWAMM pp 40-43- 44 4073 ..-4 1 '-/ c ,,, I I vna., fd~Ni P-Ai I 5w 373,067 Apr 69 on tho Ainins Indatly JS ThAload and Holvdas by Joictilro Modyawo U pp. rA)VERNXW WE ONLY JAPAQUIg perv Too= !La LmkM Vol lit hq 4g 19650 pp JPPS GOO 2426 Far Last/Thailand L-con Jun 67 S37gO99 r1metors in Pakins Irrigation Pay Orf Outlined, by Evalla joltup 19 ppe RMANIM,, per, RL-vista cLe Statiftle NO bm AUS 1961, pp ]pJ45. TA L Scon Jan G3 346o447 ,JJL~- -- -- - - . II, ~ j~~ i-. I . k II . I p-. % ... "..- 0~ ~~ -skb4ll'..TAW&I,al Bottw k4ediM of lugoolm AM M80WHO"t ttF Nodeljko Jdda# 9 ppe SIRDO-mofirme pwo go-ina skonow Pgo" ftigraft tio Ile um 19696 91"160 ba-lago Al Fab ?0 4019963 Ci- Urged to heao~tq Promote Frinciples of Internationalism, by Urho Jokinang 5 ppe Mash, Med3eg&AJA, Helsinki$ No 20, 17 Feb 19727, pp 39 10. JI'M 35" iiar 72 ,I) ~io, Defieioncio U,rho Jolf.Anonj FITTISM, nor, NO 9, 22- Jan rf rts in CP Draft 5 pp. Tiodonantaja, 77,~P 3- - IT Progran f0ted, by Helsinki, mar 72 of free SokLmn wd eareOW3 v%w Joklmn United Acuour ty 6 so 196619 vers -10-wmw:b vv;~33-35- JP 3"99 ftl mar 66 MAW GlPA&LAlim%.Ln Fidandt I ZodaUst RmltttUm is E*nauxtod, by Uft Jokinent 6 ppo FMSH, AN XVMM 19 Ja 1967. p? 5~ JPFU 42424 WT-Plaand Pbl Svt 67 X. Jokl Influence of Ileat Conditions of the Surrounding on the Work Output of a Person JWEIT and LEI.MNG, No. 1, 1966, pp 173-80. ..,4 T MT W3 Feb 73 - ---------- . . . .... . . . . ll Al L F*b 73 A ft&amtric ftuOr of the Difftsim of Phosphor in Si givgl* O"Wil by Z. J*j. CZKH., part Ca Cu 7". 9 Vol 169 lot pp 419-425. W T? 71-56049 2. T" V- -S MY 71 . -1 ". 0~ ~t'( 'a' Behaviour of Zinc Electrodes in Ukaline solutions, by F, Jolas, ^'.5 A, i - FM . per, ElediiChisdea Acta Val 13, 1968, PP 2M7-=1. = -71-10015-07D /V~L6/x ILI - L - 3/1"l-1 I/ 'for 71 Alkaline PrIwxy 0911st by %=a4 jabol, GOVEMW Use MLY GEMM6 pelra gleum"Mi9dw Z*LU"rLft,, Ser 0. so Vol XVIII, ro 13. IMO PP 45904730 P20919UG? ! I Sr-L--E"rsy Conversion Jul 67 3310"1 Joliot, P. A New Model of System II Photochemical Centers. PHMMMSTRY AND PUMOBIOLOGY., vol 10, pp309- 30, 1969 VtA, (() NTC-72-146V-07E ~ k PIT ;11 )- I'l W) to 4,-~ -- X,I\ Jan 73 Automated Determination of Lysozyme tit the Urine of Patients With Various Fortis of Leukemia: Characterization and Puriftcation of a Lysozyne Only In the Patielitz With ACUTC MyeloblgStie LaUlbOA0, by re Jolles. F111-Nais jw, Rev franc Ltud ON hiol. Vol 120 No 10t t. 1, 190, , "Ht. NL~ 11-21-0 .9 3970161 me ..--- - Ot ftwo vmrft ad~ ill sunda ftfts tV Ib JWIY* S6 FAMM" :Mms-mmuft-v VOL 63a Bw 2960v OM 547 L :oily Sa - Wodwd4al MAnuta ftr 67 CIVIlo and Iftnim - nowas- ?Asuuz putht saw in MR Civil AVI"imo by 1. V. Jolv&w. SM.-Slis rpto 27 Apill 19". DIA 18070076" USSR/Ec" Jun 66 302sO70 q j v - ~~~ Vmductlun atul Pru.ecrties of ."~olybdoilum. by t Joly, UA 'liM.1bilit -or, e '4)4iorne, Vvi b9 247-25i), TL ~~Ci- .J'ilf "." 40013t-, pa"Mma Nair" qwhdwb~ so an and VW MOOrso bF J. IL J%Vv 0. 0=096 vwt, Ambivem amidgm do va mo ON v 9D%-MA. me-69am-a I%J, ~e,. S -7 SCUM Soot 69 ---- -lb or ----I-varift Rub Al s DO" ftefts 1w aban IL YMMM". am Dws ML~ W6~,L SOL %1630 MU = D" mat 0 zw-imoo BUZ 5437 L. Joly 304253 a" - YAM AW 0 5tat an 110 SWO, I-Uf*ot of LWM~Udtirv :;.Slltos cootaft wA Cdo AdAitim ftto an Pvopwti" of idm siow, tv Y. JMAO- JAPAZ16% v pw* -r)XU uwt ata AML- SOWN#. Vol t6o So i. 1967v pp 1--6o alsl 6443 J=* 68 Study of LiLe Slitter, Part 2 (On the Iduntificatich of Conposition of Lime Sinter by X-ray Uiffracticut) by Y, JoLoto, JAIIAI;LSL,p r"t Fuji Iron Steel Techn, Report, Vol lbs %o Is 19678 pp 7-14o U.S'l 6444 Y, J-6 P1,7 -, ~_ 0 ~,Ci_~*mt 3790720 Arr b!) Iv;tWy of Line 5interg Part 3 (Relation LAttwoen Properties of Live Sinter and its Mancralogicul Cmpusitim), by Ye 3cmoto, 3APX,4SL, ror, Fuji iron Steel Techn, It*jQrt, Vol lbg N%; 19 19U78 111' A5,-Zlv BISI 644S Y, J-eht 0~-6 !~Cl.!tat 379,733 Aj-r 6ti o I I ): , v!,.) ~- . ftfluem of the P2wdftl Propwueg of Ltm M ItAI& VAWA9"TIIW WMA VAQ&UQQ tO U 8%"IVQrkp also# bT U. iga. mclo rpts I" - F* IMP pp 93-114. =1 10330 ion T3 77~7-77777777 K7 el Put 73. / 0 Wluv=* of tue Slag CampoeftLou an the BA6wt FurnacAt Froduction of Fercommgme", by R. Jou. 0 g!r Peemated at tkA Coufarduce on VREWi cpt, Ea udaMe~~ Paris, 1-9 Jum 1969. pp 1-9. 9181 75d1 >CL June 70 Nowilawam 1w-- 4~40i nom "Mr. mx " %0 ca - -t MIWA*= at Bumst ramome alwwp Como elm # lb. lo, 107, 0 gn740 , ftl/ibt ll;~ oftr TO **,O*r smpligis of Nazarials iv the nosis of No. I $last Furnace 4t liaZondang-st by R. Jong J. ViSlieno. FRENCig I;ers CeDSv Cirt,g No 6g 19689 pl- 1469-1482. ETSI 6770 e o P-\ ~,:mr 69 377o525 S"-5- Study of the Functioning of the bosh and Tuyere ?6 Zwe it) the Liege Ureriuente, furnace$, by R. Jon. r-4641i, F-cr, Ray, Mote Vol 65, No So 1968. j-1, 317-3321. W4 671S C) ,- -MA t "C ~!ar 69 377,324 SOU.MJUMO U the my to otir Viftmo by j ii-tvtoozo 7 We m mivju mosoup KDIWs OPi, JPFG 3D303 IS-Ko"s Pol jim 65 9 AV 1*0 ps 2* 2ftsAD5 J-. To oz % 4. 41 Sp~lcity of Antipolyamlm AnUbodies, tV J, Jonard RMPFANg porg badgk d" �" a W". 20=1211 92WAs -9e=t" D, Vol 265, 1967. logg-noz IM 71-1052-M mar 72 baftaft aw proftmm at inns by ubluelme the vasu &mlwg cattIft 4mmuomp by J. jawn O~WP Imr,, ftM Vitt , VOI 4, lb 3, ]L^ pp 26&M. 02M 6339 / (~/ Sa4kterjal Fob 69 Pathomorphologioal Uploration of Internal Organs In the Cas* of Experimontal Manganese Intoxication# by 0. Jonderko. GLUAR, perp III*& QSW~XkMthp oats und 2gv*rbghj;C&=p T 1 23l 19679 pp 106-116 NTC 72-12382-06T July 72 numua am %thwea mmoteme propow 3 Y for uzwm De"I mg - 1 at In ArAft'v bw bw JODSOM4 9 rp. aft.-Odum lb im wl R e " t ~ (j, 1) Ci CL ~,~ ~, Afrlm b= J= 66 Pip"5