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The Equation of State of RX Gabbro and Dunite at High Pressures, by V. N, Zharkov, V. A. Kalinin, 5 pp, RUSSIk~, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 30 1962, pp 298-306. AGU Sci Sep 62 2100583 Seismic Wave Reflection at the Core-Mantle Boundary, by Zharkov, V.A. Kalinin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofis~ No 4, 1962, pp 449-455. Amer Geophys Union Sci Aug 62 214,536 Natural Oscillations of the Earth., Their Attenuation, by V. N. Zharkov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN,, Ferj 1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Ber Geofiz, Ho 2. U 1962, PP 159-170. Amer Geophys Union Sci Oct 62 214YO36 Z b~ , by Them of Weak Bolutlons of Ra4 in Liquid g03. V. N. Zbarkov wd V. P. SlUnj T pp. RUSBIUO pwo Zbw MwW I TeMt Fix) Yol Z=1(1Q)j 9"Y-4Wo PP 143-153. AI& 7), 1 !)-1 Amw Inst of PbyS saw pbws -F JZV scl ilpea 6o on trio pi Urlcn Sci Jan 60 The Physica of the Eatth's Core. Thermodynamic PropertiC5, I- ) by V- ff- MarbOvi 6 PP- RUSSIAN) per, Iz Ak Miuk SM. Ser Oeofiz, No 10,, 19601 PP 1417-11125- AGU IR /wj T40 ~ scl Apr 61 OIL the physima astav or In"Plaft (mmu vith lawred Voloedly) la tW Uner B~SU= of the Mmtle at DWAs of W900 Up by V. 1. ZbArkow-o 3 PP. MWIM,j pero Dak A NwA MO.* Val CMLYp go 4,p 1959., Pp 771-TT4. AOI sci J5-A /'-s- 3 J~m 61 Gravitational Arorlal ica una Tcapxcrature Defolimtioill; of the E arth, by V. it. Zharlwv, 6 pp. RUSjIAII; pcr, Iz A.,, llaul-4 .5SSE, 6cr Gcofft, lNo )i~ pp 441-455. kler GcoDhys Urion U'4 2~ 4 , Equation of State or Iron Up to Pressures of Sever,0- Million Atmospheres,, by V. 1. Zharkov., V. A~ Kalinin, 4 pp, RUSBIAN, per,, Dak Ak Wauk SM. Vol C)=V, No 4, 1960, pp 811-814. ALP Sov Phys - Dok Vol ir, No 6 /j1- 33 Jun 61 of the Earth's Ca=. '-ho=O- lixvpartless, 1. by V. N. Zbvxkay. 6 RLESD.N) per) Iz Ak Nauk SW.R, Ser Geofiz, V* 10, 1960, pp A17-1425- AGU 501 is, 7 3 , 61 TT-65-26473 Field 14E I Centre Delp do Traductions BruzWs jBelgiuln) Zharkov, V. N,,Pobroserdova. E. P. KRISTALLISATIE VAN ZILVERHALOGENEDEN LN FOTO- GRAFISCHE EMULSIES. 1. ELF.KTHONEN-,NllCHOS- COPISCHE STUDIE VAN CIlU)OltZlLVER-E,%lVUjES Wristallizatmiya Glogenidoy Serebra v Fotograllchesklkh Emulstyakh. 1. Flektrono-Mikroskopicheakoe Iruchenle Khloroserebryanykh Ernulstil. Tr. tjy J. E$teM&rn. Up. CDT-111-111. Order from CBT as CIIT-111-111 Trans. in Dutch of Zhurnal Nauchnoi L I rikladnoi Fotograill I Kinernatografil (I'ssl(I Y1 n3 p170-3 1956, European Tranalatixg Centre cni tlhc ot tha Frocalm~ by V. if. Zharkm, 3 RUWUGm Viep Zluw Safth i Frik 7r,,1 =Cj, "'To 5) sep-ftt 1"al pp 3T9) 3w/ ciA/sm xx-n6 1104% M-?-ASAMA Oct - plValca 1) ^ e 5- C) ;; 1B ui~~ U51 cm Hatuml Oscillationa of the &irtho III,. by V* N,, Zharkov, 5 ppo RuSSW,j pars Is Ak Nauk MR# Ser Geofiz, No 09 i.,j623 pp 9YY-1008. ACU Sci Doe 62 -~ 5,? 9,-21 On the Mactrical Conduotivity and Towporaturc of the Zath's Mantle, by V. W. Zharkov, '( pp, moma., Iz Ak Nauk MR, Sor Gaof It, 1:0 4., lg",r,.';p 4,54-470. AGU Oct 59 4? ~' The Scattering of Neutrons With an Energy of Several Degrees in Liquid Helium 2, by 1. 14. Kht4atnlkoy, V. fi. Zharkov, 4 pp. RUSSLAN, tbrice-mu per, Dok Ak INauk SSSR, XW Vol XCIII, No 5, 1953, pp M-802. SCIL Mu; Lib 55/21-53 A.E.R.E. Trar's 515 t..509/ Sci Nuclenr Physics The -Pusloa Tanperature or the sarwo ~tatle and the Fusion Temperature of Iron Under High Pre3sures, by V. N. Zharkov.. 6 pp. RUS51A,qj per) Iz A ll&jk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 3, 1959) PP 463-470. Amer Geophys thion Sci jun 6o ,V ~7 .1 "i Thaory of Diffuidon und Therml Conductivity !or Dilute Solutions of W In 11alium 11, by I. M. MaUtnikov, V. N. Zharkov RUBSTAI., w ptr. Zhur Mwpar i Teoret Fiz, Vol =C:Ij to i108-1125. Amer lust of Phys Sov Fay$-J-611 Vol V) No 5 YAr 58 Papics of the Earth I a core n, *m&,anima Propartles and Viac=lty.. by V. 11. Zborkov, 6 pp. MMAN, W, Iz A Wm* BOSH) ftr Osofiss No 1l,, 196o, pp 1553-1562. AGU sci my 61 crystal-lization of suYer Halide@ In ktotofgaphic EnmIDIonD, by V. H. Zharkov, 13 PP. -1;s"TY '/`t,,r N-u,~h t Pril, Foto I Vol 11, Po 5, 1957, pp 330-339. -C JA/FM -2M Mar 5 I-gikysics uL the LurtAls COIL4j, by ~. 14. zhum)WO 6-1 oWV~AA:.', . er, Aki;,- ..aui6 Truuy lastitutu I iziii ze-di.8 14U 2J, IJ62' S-50. i~"MIUCIII-Tr- 105 00-70 Jai, 71 .rr.-v Diulains; by V. V. Lbarkovp 7 A4a>!3jAS, paT, Zhur 9such L tvit Yoto i rAa*mtca,, Vol 110 No 3p 1937p pq 172-173. CIA/M xx-573 Mj,r,.qAjj3 To r" A A ,_Zft IL_TIM13 Sei - ftywies Jan 59 VSIB isrKran USE MY /7 SLA R-4918 The Influence of a S*3 IMurity an the Viscoeity of Belium np by V. N. Mwrkovp 3 PPs .M'zMyf,p per Zbur Msper i Teorst nzs Vol XKMI) No 4 (10);, 1957.. pp. 929-932 Ann Dwt Of Fwa Sov PbWe -JMT Vol VI (33); db Bei - pivis Jun 58 (NT-6499) Ion Focussing for a Flat Electron Beam, by Yu. D. Zharkov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz V -hikb Ucheb Z"ed Seriya - 7, wo- Rmuotakhulm - 701. JPRS 13233 Bel Apr 62 Cascad-s Groupin-~r o2 Elzctro= Used ;or the AnnlysiL; -)f' ~he th--,.J~Icctro~ilc Ylu~,: Lio. E leCtromn met ic 'Illolvoling, Wallo., by V~.F, M.. iind rp RUSSUN, RR, Radiotekhniku i Moldro-nika, Vol 11, 3~57, irr P-3"f-l"43 Geometric Parawtars of Electron beams in Ionic Focu.-ing, by L, 6. bakhrakho Tu. D. Zharkov, pp. 6. AUS31AN, per, Radiotekh i Elektronika, No 6, 1961. AIM Sci Aprii 62 or :r;v, *, I " ^ .1 g. 9 6 !957, Tech Pbys Vol I!, NO jr-I, .0duation a ~;elaan Down 14;~gmw;nie, ,4.LtL A- - - I ~ .1 -, - ~ --'. T. !?~J.-l'. I 0~ bY D- Shiat Pm,, 10 19,1-7) pp AM W-224h sci - Cho wv 6o 71, ain- PP - RAU" ~.LA tile i~ltics of Pb'-,l0i., by ell 17, p 'I't Nrnsvk 1;(-, 33 The Zinc 'rungstate, Hydrogen Equilibrium and th-c Thermodynamic Properties of ZnWO4, by L. A. Zharkovat Yao 1, Gerasimov, T. N. Rezukhina, Yu. P. Simanov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXVIII, 140 5, 195% pp S02-994. Consultants Bureau Sel Aug 6o 62-10723 ZMrkm M. A., Rassolovs, E. A. and others. THE COPOLYMERIZATION OF ACRYLONITRILE 1. Zharkova. M. A. ?JiD 2-METHYL-5-VINYLPYRIDINE IN AQUEOUS It. Rassolova. E. A. SODIUM THIOCYANATE SOLUTION. 18 Dec 611131p. 6 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-10723 Trans. of Khim(tcheakiel VoMna (USSR) 1961. no. 5. 2 0 8 iA 5 p. 13-17. l DESCRIPTORS: OAcryloattriles. Methyl radicals. Vinyl radicals, Pyridines. Copolymerization. Sodium compunds, Thlocyaastes. Solutions. *Synthetic fibers. Fibers, Textile industry. We studied a process for copolymerization of AN with MVP in concentrated NaCNS solution. It was estab- Ushed that the polymerization process depends on the pH of the medium. The copolymerization rate to higher Otago of Togwrol (Materials- -Textiles. TT. V. 7, no. 10) (over) Diazotizati= cmd Azo Couplins of Capolmm Bund On Acrylu=ltrilo and P-Adn"Vxew, by G. 1. XudrYAv'o"v. E. A. ,2 Ir RMIM per 2bur Prik MAx) Vol MT-T, NO Us Nwv- 60 CB /.~i Z, Z--F -;V luvm,~;tigation of the Conditions fDr the FroCtictinn --;*, Acv I c, y1lonitrile I = -Vinyl, Ryrl.Alre Copolymr, Suituble for the Spinnin& of. FIbres) by M A. Zharkovs, at &I. ?-P 11 -19. nL m. 376U Sc i - Chem ,a/ 1. S, Nov 62 Acid Hydrolysis of Copolyners Based an Acrylonitrile.. by G. 1. MArysvtsev., N. A. Zharkovej 6 pp. RMBIAN, per,, Zhur Prik Xhimp Vol XM, No 7. Jul 1956, pp U03-1107. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 14915-71 Jun 57 6 1 - L2688 Zharkova, M. A. and Kudryavtsev, G. 1. COPOLYMERIZATION OF ACRYLONITRILE AND 1. CopolymerIzAtion ~-VINYLPYRIDINE IN AN AQUEOUS SOUMON OF 2. Vinyl cyanide-- SODIUM TMOCYANATE. (19601 7p. Polymerization Order from ATS $12.60 ATS-63M47R 3. Vinyl pyridine-- Polymerization Trans. of Khinjicheskiy] Volokna (USSR) 1960. no. 3. 4. Sodium Wocyanate-- P. 15-18. Chemical reactions I . Zharkava, M. A. Il . Kudryavtsev. G. 1. III . ATS-63M47R IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange. N. WK.-, T_*.Jj (Chemis cry- -Organic, TT, v. 5. no. 7) rzAn-a-lon of a Discharce in Cbdralum lyr-Nr, by Yu. V. It"u4a"rAloWfla; 0. P. rdehiln. Full trnnD!mtlon. IUSSLUT., per,, Dok kk Hawk SSM Vol IEM, No 2,, jqt~l PP 175-177- OC4 LJ tzc Tr 1582 52, ArtIfIcial Active Tmaunization to Tranaplwta of Sarcoma-IW, by E. A. Markovskaya., 5 pp. POSTAN per; Voprony Onkol, Vol YT, No 72 196u~ pp 91-9L pp SC i ~- "r /41~- ,, I- um- 61, 111; ,11 Reflection of Waves fzx= an Isotropic Inhomogeneous Iayer,, by A.G. Z-bg Dvekly x P~M~ Todess-3 YP~ RUSSIM per Maw PP 815 :w V/ S,. Nov 195u Sci, - ph" Jul 57 Eksper I Toorat Fizp Vol XMp No 5j, Amer Imt or Ftwo Soviet Ptws im Vol rV, No ~ 1-21 r;7-6a~ '.!)C-2r-'^ '21. Thou,,wbt, by 1. Zbe-rkovukly , 6 pp. RUSSMR, per, Kryl 'ya Rcdiny) No 12, 1953, pp 14-16. ims-L-18gi-D Sci - Fzginecriag, Aeronalitical Oct 519 17 ~' ~ j7,2 The opqrstlas BROTAOR" of tso Ion usbuts filter for ANA Roactery by Z. &orgusbawski, 91 &0 zubsugmaki" KW:ilA?t* rptq ZFIL-RN-170 pp 127-139. ALC AAPD*Tr"'77~ 4CS-3cul 3" 0"a; 67 326.228 N= for )Imdum PAmIssible M3&wtrlal RWo Miter,* :eerenoe., lw A. 2barovp 6D 1W. mwwo I N4 HCW ProbIllp p I I I h D*Xrtrw I Mrkh 3 1111 01 a 19618 pp 540 -006i~' YzKT-Ce-"2 3(d - BIN i mm 6e -1/1, Fq (1374/92-N) The Appllcatloa or ftdicalegUvajov to by A. F. Zhams 11 pp. RMDJS, W,, TV -- zhur, 1o 5" 1"g. im 2443 set - mod oat 6o A.Sol ll~ -)t2 Autcxatic Sand Distribution in Fwadrlea, by N. T, Zharc;y, 4 pp. RM'.1N, per, Lit Prolt, No '7, 1961. BCIRA Sci /Y/, a zP I. 'Feb 62 TP 872 ZRAROV P. N. Speeded up radium measurement in water M6thode accMrk de dosage du radium dans les eaux Radiokhimiy , 2, No. 5, 630-631 (1960) Commissariat 6. I'Energic Atomique, Saclay- French Euratom -L,I!., -,flk,6L. C).), Great ticniosphcric 1'xc,,,3crc 7,h%op-c6 rhc Hurnari Body at High Altitudes. by 3~ G, ~',hur. No f T ~Z T r, d Zh,, TUm aod the %M nobuy Is the MIMMO 90"Mip w Vp xhuw# us dmft I BMWs* bAddlIb2p 19%0 Im PI& MA WildUft serrige WTp buxom ot Pbw*&V FAmborles uses Soon Oct 67 . 62-12210 Zhaskme16, V. and Moldavakil. 8. A STWY OF THE ISOMERIZATION OF AMYLENES 1. Title: Amylenes AND THEIR EQUIURRIUM CONCE14TRATIONS. 1. Zharkova, V. Pt, 9 ct Isomerization of Hydrocarbon*. 119611 Op. It. Moldavakil. 8. Order frorn ATS $12.90 M-07NMK Ill. Title: lamerization... IV. ATS-97KS6R Trans. of Zhurfnal I Obahchel KhInifil I (USSR) 1948. V. Associated Technical Y. 1$. no. 9. p. 1674-1680. Services. Inc., East 0 range. N. DESCRIMRS; *Hydrocarbons. *Pewenes, toonwrIc 1 transitions. Chemical equilibrium. IJT_ (Movastry-Organic. Tr. Y. 7, no. 3) Wro"ej Im4*6 c AcQtum-la'Aon a-L' Badioactlive Isotp-pej of 31rontiuir., and Ceriizu by Som,-~~ P,acLeria b- ItUUI~2niu:-.I) CeAun~) V. Lriarova 4 pp. RU33IA:', 2Qi,, I,UkrubioloL~iya, Vol M, AM13 UNIVERSAL LIC4iT FILTER,, BY N. A. ZHAROV., 21 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, VOPROSY KRIMINALISTIKI, NO 1-2, 1961, PP 23o,.24z. % JPRS 17445 sci - PHYS BrEa 63 221,379 luolaizv and of Va TeUcWln 2k= -~- 7 In the ft)Sdml P64 Of AtUMUO Ooms by V. L. a)uw. ^-P&2* - ma- - n, p PWO Vbi ux 19640 pp 27-35. *Dept or nm wo ftm wa V. ~;( ,- W144M Oct 69 Ulao Antigania Pl~perties 6f Sme Pr*;gLmtio=u Uacd tu tho Treattout of Patigints VM IAWamla, by 1:. 1. 2hamvs, N. 0. PAV9&enba& m 8 pp. M."BlAllf per# ProbleW GooZologit i Porollyulya -~rl-mi,, V-n3- TV3 &; 5, 1959s vp 29-35 Nregsw= Pmra sci ipab 60 p7? ,~LL 611L. colivaesioa of lli&er Fnenals to Fhenol, ~rc-~315 and to V. 'K. O',YeAova,, A. B. M. 14, Zhurova E. A. Zwukhtna, 7 -al YX N 9 Scl Al -racUon of aLaphuric, ani Phosphoric Acids Wi'~,Iq Oxygen- Con Laining 01--ganiC Solvents, by F. G. 'U,,&rovzkiy, V. F. Mel'nik, 2 pp. 1 IYJ33WIT, per, LIur 11co.rgan Knim, Vol VI, 'I'0 6, .i~,6-', pp 1466-14T.). Distribution of a Oilorlde Umlybdemm CMlex in the. 9rdrochloric Acid-Orgmia solvent System.. by P. o. ,Rwwm per., m= Nears KwA) Vol n) No I 195T) OW.W. AM-tr-k*3 L S c I Apr 61 ;2- S z,- m NO so Colorimetric Detemiration of Germgnium PhenyLi'luoronate, by P. G. Zh=vokiys A. T. PiliPenkop 3 PP. ilizzirm, pur, zavoa Lab;, Vol xxvp no 19) pp u92-uq4. lrntru Soc of Amer A-r 60 -Y Continuous Refining of ampe-6eed Oils by A. N. Zhars)dy. RUSSIM, per Nulobino-ZhiroMa Prom, Vol X11" No it 1955P pp 12-13. MWOCM123- Sci Aw 58 on the Ref inix8of Rapeseed Oil# by A. IL Zbuvkly T. S. Ro=wvao RUBSI". mo per, Malftlw-ZbUvvop hvk No R., ^A$ 1954f PP 359 36. UMdoC NA'jan Nat fti D= Oenter Bat PbWolcal ULb of Mad3a R1111 Road* Nm DeIM 12., India to 3bWQstij*.iw wo tho nnatilmi of the lhltdatdgZ ckf the lAquid Rmw oad--Uttum e. oboam", tw 1. V. LW~q" nnd Z. A. 1.1mom4im. !um moo 't ft UL OT X) (on Lm pr ftvft.,u a, ty el on the Use of %M Awr&WW& Madod to "1v6 a" f4tausm ft Ponial oarinumv Eacmtond in dw lbeary of O"HUtims, by 0. A. Zkmtykavs 11 pp. "Sim* per& Tmig int MtmatiU, Ak N" ukxssx. r2unsimewle WSA- wismy afftnasiluww" urawaftiy. 902 IM 27/2 Ov hath scl Nov 66 3U.927 NY The Problems of the Development of Mathematical Sciences in Kazakh tan, by 0. A. Zha4~y~~.. H. V. Pentkovskiyj 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Neuk Kazakh SSR, Vol XVI,, No 60 1960# pp 9-19. im 92ge Sci - Wth 15-2,110 jul 61 uzic *I Chu V*xxhw oi 4tjczjjy ,~Ai)14 T7. %0 Distribution of Colicantraticia of C"a.1crint 'Pherle PrWipitationo O-mr C6 Conte cmt, in Atwo =1 by T. K. ZhAwaroakim,, A. A. DrAtrl,;r*v, -4 rp, MSIM# U Ak N=k SWI., Ser Geonn, No 19Q,8, Pr 330-V- Anar Goaph" ~hion ft 59 On the Occurrence of Salts In the Atmaphere, by U. A, Bulins" and T. K,-, Zhavorghnna., 4 pp. RMIAN,, per, 1z Ak Mauk MR, Mr Gaafizx Ila 81 1956, pp IQW-1014- Amer Goo" Urdon set Doe 59 19-2 /,~ 7 IT70 JITZ L-657-U 1L orragou of Cowsate UftftwcemM In zc& 4.&=o by V. V4 I'lusw..4 per, lztv& mgmm- a 0 gam I~bd rAft bii~,dp Val 10 M-11op W57 74r~~ 7 ~ - -4 v, t';m US MAW xechanication of Assembling Bad Weldlng Opemtions at Rostellmash (Rostov-on-Don Agricultural Yachinery Plant).. by 0. P. Solodelft, P. M SRPOV, P. I. Zhavoranko, et al., 7 P.P. RUSSIAN, per, Byaroch Proit, No 6, ig6o, pp 22-24. BWRA Sci am 61 / 5-9 'V I/ S-5005 (2622-D). To Inrm the Tralaing of Chadma Ragb"np by N. Zhaormkov, 6 pp. RMSUNp up., Pravft, 15 Dft 1W, p 4. im L-lW-D tx3aR Soo - Iducatlon; chem sagimmAng Apr 59 ~,,41 ~U Z - -J~ " T lim -ov, C.- rd, v.-6) pCr, 7-119" Trlul,; C:ll I'- S I eparation of the Stable Isotopes of Boron., by 11. If. c-evryugove, 0. V. Uvarov, H. M. Zbevormkov, 16 pp. RUSSUffj, PERv Atcmu.)s Rwrgi, Vol U. No 2, 1961,, pp 110-125. CS ,4 sci sep 61 6ena-ration P'actors o~ Boron q;'itilibrium Vaporization of by N. 11. Sevryugova, 0. V. Zhavoronkov, 10 pp. Illy -1~ laotopes in tnu Boror Tri Uvarov, N. M. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXIV, Tio 5, 196Q, pp icrJi-1008. JPW, 5289 '~ Sci - Nuc Phys CA w Aug 60 (Dc-hio4l industrial Methcxhs of Obtaining Heavy Water, by N~ M. 7havoronkov K. I. Sakodynskiy) Ot Dp. RUSSIAN, per, Khim Pi*om, Wo 3, 1959, pp 35-48- JFRG 5064 Sci - Chem Jul 60 Dual-Twperature Methods for Preparing Heavy Water, by K. 1. Sakodynskiy, N. N. Zhavoronkov, 13 PP. MWIM, per, Uispekhi Min, No 9, 1960, pp 1112-1137. Cleaver-Hume Preno Sci Jul 61 Vapor Prewuxe mmr Crysteall Nephtbaleue,$ by I. As 0119danblutp A. So PU=mwvp No Xo WOMMIMP 3 pp. HJ88M.. per,, Ziur Prik XhIm, Vol M=, No 1, 1960., pp 246-247. ca sel reb 61 /-M, v ,vaztigatiou ot FAza Trensfer to a Single-Nase G,:,F. In 'C"CrIzoO rn'lllmm-'; 'H- X- GII'da-ziblat, "7'. IM. Pz,=, 110 ~;W'Wll, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol- )CC=II, No -'-~O, PP 1790-1&)0, CIB zi Ll 61 of's 'be Effect of Y -I=Uatim m the Rate of gydxogm Exchanse betwean Water and laomVlthlol~ by K. 1. "Cal ., Ma~-W;dyj N. M. MM=ra2lWVp 4 pp. RMIM, per., Dok Ak Nnuk SM., Vol CMM.. So 2, 1959j, pp 391, 0 sci Oct 60 /JLIJ 0 63 sisbu %ovA*leycvuz coaMss on Gounal and Applled mmistry.. by I. H. Zbavawkoyj A pp. MM RMSIANO "ro M21m Prm# No hp IW# A= MA14ft Set - Cbm Aw 60 /4 62-34300 aAvoronkov, N. NJ. , Satin. R. StL , and Nikolsev, 'K _i_ NE 1. Zhavarankov, N. M, SWS TRANSFER D4 ROTARY-TYPE EqUIPMENT. It. Win. R. Sh. )an 62. 4p. 6 refs, [it. Nikolsev, A. %t Order from ICE in v. 2, no, 1, $15. 00/year IV. International Chetracal Engineering, New York Trans. of K11mlicheakoe] Maahinostroente (USSR) 1961 [v. 31 no. 5, p. ISM DESCRIPTORS~ ObidustrUl equipment, Design. *Mass trangfer. *Hest transfer, Gases, Velocity, Resis- tance, Equations, *Mewdcal eigincerin& Parts, '171', v. 8, no. 10) Se-mration of Boron Isatopes by ?rational Distilla- tion of Boron Trichloride,, by N. N. Bevryugovu.. 0. V. Uvarovj, N. M. Zhavoronkov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, -er, Dok Ak Nauk OSSR, Vol CXXVIP No 5P pp 1044-1~;6- - sci Aug 6o CB / 6 , -1(7 ~"~ Some Physico-Chemical Constants of Heavy Oxygen Water, by N. M. Zhavoroakovj, 0. V. Uvarov.. N. N. SeTryugova,' 14 pp. RML43,, source unknown. 5 ), ~j ~" , ) -~ C. Sdi Has Lib Tr 57/0793 A.Z.&S. RuveU Lib "A'r 693 Sci - Chazistry "~4 Y J-02- d Jul 57 N~M XkAYQkoNkC)v' Partial Ifail,or Pressures of kinonizical (:o;,!.,er Solutions, IZI,",SIAN per 'ZI. 11di. Provi. lip R-W. ATS-P..f-J'F)Y CO, and li,p (Ner INY %47~. 'd"havorojilluv. .,o 10, Vol 16 A)~r 7Z The Relative Volatilities of Mixtures in Evapora- tion 1W High Vacuum, by V. A. HLIyubovs ff, A. W10feyevi W. N. Zb&Twowwv.. 4 pp. RUSSIAN, pero Dok Ak Nauk 8W# Vol CXFTj No 4,, Jul-Dee 1957# p 660* Se i - Chem sag 58 & 9) J5 J7 Tht (,*oefft-~iaata for the SVilibrim A-3triburlor of:.Deuterium in the isotopic Exchange Betwmm Wat-ta end Certain lhio-'U3, by K. 1. Pokodyukly, S. I. Zbavaronhovp 4 pp. RUSSLM,", Doh At Houk SSSR, Val C'.(Xlo NO 4, 9C!q rhe Partial Pressure of Ammonia# Carbon Dioxide u4 Vater Over A=nlun Solutlocsp by N. N Mavoron1mys 6 'No lar, Zhur M" Iwo Vol xvit so ice PP 36o 37. SLA R-Aft 59