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Bioelectrical ActWty in Various Iz"19 of tho Cerebral Oartez In Rabbits DwIW the Blaborattion of the Defensive Canditioped Refl" to Stimuli with --- I&W Rkfftmv by 1. N. MApets, 29 pp. ZMVJ;p Wv TrMV Just Voeboy Nervoy Dayatell ,e ser miap voi n. m6. on PL SOL - wed Feb 61 MT So 71 m.ectr-tm,a Aeuvity at. Duftrout Daptho (if the Cerebral Carbw or MO)Uts Vwd tba Maborsti= of a DmAmive C(xWitlcm& Verlex, by L V. mdwtj~ 149 pp- - vnol ver, Trw rust V.Vsow somw Doutal, FUl"), VOL I# M5P 30 995--WT- m 60-91897 mift 4w ma Ilf /50 on ft (DC-380L) fRODUCTION AND DISTRIBTUION UNDER COMMUNISMy BY PETER Kft!.Ls~ 17 PP- GEW4AN, PEI? OSTROPA, VOL 11 NO 7/8, 1961, pp 4-131489. JPRS 12198 EE - GERMANY OL , FEB 62 EE 180.9651 Fluoridation of Drinking Water in the Light of Some Nev Informtion Aboat the Effect of Fluorine an the Organism, by V. A. Knishnikov, 11 pp. GMIAN, per. J. Hyg Buidemiol Microbiol and Irmnal, Vol w, i40 i, 1960, pp- 6-11. NIH.-4-21-6o Set - Medicine jun 6o Preparation of Fatty Alcohols From Acetaldehyde., by Wolfgang Langembeck.. Nana Alm, Karl Wolfgang Knitsch, 8 pp. GEMN, perj 'Journal fur Praktische Chemie, Bar. 4, Vol V.UI; no 1/2, ~959) pp 112-116. 02S., Vol 111, NO 7 RIB Md:~23 xov 6o Ge cmtry of Vaftuum Vapour Ccating With Ro4ating - - - - - - Bell Jar,, by ZD. !~~ CZBCR,. pwr, JLwmm Wobs-3ke a Optikas No 3.1j, 1958a PP 363-369. wz u. 2767 Sai - Ptws . 14r0, tiz f Aln 62 63-18156 Knizek. Miroalav and PrDVaZnlk. Jan. PROBLEMS OF BLIND TUST ANALYSIS OF TRACE ELEMENTS. [1963125p. 57 refs. Order from SLA $2.6D 63-18156 Trans. of Chemicke Listy (Czechoslovakia) 1961, v. 55, no. 4. p. 389-399. DESCRUIMRS* *Impurities. *ConEamittatlon, Purifica- tion, Microanalyals. Chemicals, Semiconductors, A survey of the literature. 1. Title: Trace elements 1. Knizek, M. 11. Provaznik. J. 6 2 Ti (Chemistry- -Analytical. TT, v. 10. no. It) Determimtion-of Ep on-Caprelacten With Potassium Biomuth Iodide by J. Francp J. Kulack, 5 PP- CZECH,, per,, Coll Czech Chas Cam,, Vol XXII., 1957, pp M3-M6. NOT MRASAMA TO FMMX NATIMAM CZAIYM XXA73 Sci -Cbm Aug 58 IAC Dn%?JUM UES ONLY vaistin of 17Atdmmo by Sb. F. ftsww. a. KAU". i*sslms.. , j!sw,,~j 5113.27t v, 0, an 4 - A~ in" ago THE EFFECT OF' THE SIMULTANEOUS CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM AND THE TRACE ELEMENT FLUORINE ON REMATOPOIESIS IN RATS, BY V. A. T~PNK~9Y) -11J. D. BALIKAj 3 PP. RUSSIANp PER., GIG I SAN, NO 7, 1962, PP 8-11. JPRS L5920 SCI-BIOL., Nov,.62 215,279 (NY-6743) The DetemInLtIon of Sr9O and Cp45 I&en Pmusent Together In Biological Substratervp by V A,.WLbn&w, P, F, Busryshevo V. P: RMSUN, per,; HadIt ftd1olog., Val VI, No 8, set wr 62 (Nr-6725) powwal anairposal of Bond Rmuoactive W&-OAop by A. 8* bellEtakly,, V. A. Nrlzbnlkovp V- Z- Agmmt, 7 ]MPV R*WM., qw,p *4 WSW p 3b U., 19Wp pp 62-". am lim od /,?/, " an 62 Influence of Fluorine Content of Drinking-Wateer on Certain 1=mological Reactions.. by V. A. Knizhulkov, P.P. M=10,, perp Zhur Mikrdblol Epidemiol I M=unobiol., Vol M=.- No 5v 1958s PP 113-116 m2st Sci - Med Fob 59 -ro Gram-litgatIve, 111annital-ftgative BaciUi Isolated f0m the ftAces and JbrtejM Ravlrommut In a Toxic Infection of the Now-Zorn, VO-by V. A. Katzhnikov* 5 pp. R=JAV# perp 22mr Mmobial, Evidesiol I laminoblol,, V01 XMI# NO 5ji 1957, ff 81-85- Pargomon Institute Sol - Ned ja 58 A/p" 40~6-3 W-5965) We Axe Building a Wdern )btallurgical Plant, by asroolav Krdzka, 9 pp. OFFMIAL WE ONLY GZ3Mp porp Tftebmiaka Praca, Vol X=, Feb 1961, PI? 83-85. im u7ft BE= - czed:koslovakia Econ .Tan 62 9-5357 (N-v-2967). SelautVic Besision, at the ThIlIzi Saicatific Rmeareb lyftimatcoroloigical Imtitute, 3 pp. RMSIAN, persMat I GIA, go 2,, 1959,t pp 70s 71. Sol - Geopbys Nov 59 lea, 7 Th~- C--.4-kn Iraski; of the Winter Sorvice Cc=.Iuslon and SM_IrA,.t Snow Clearigg in Pass Roadz., by A, Kucbel. MqCL GERNW, por, Strause una vericeh-, vo,-, Ho 3, 1958., P-P 101-107. DBIR 34598/CT Scl - Enr- Mar 59 Wl=ine Lacquerap by H. G. Knoblatichy 12 pp. F G~, per, Oatte-Scifeu-kLotrichmlttel, Vol LVII, lg!;5j. prii 96-99. SLA 3320 Bel kig 58 71 14.97 ProceBs and Apparatus for Makin Very Fine Filawrts M? Gl"s or the Like, by MW Knoblauah, 4 pp. GEMN, Patent No 571,807. Dept of Camrae Patent Office Sol IAb (9m) Soi - Bog Aug 57 The Converai-on --- of-Iraried-Magnitude Clearance-Widths to the Rev 1-SM/.DR C14mrance Gauge., by E. Knobloch., 10 pp. UMLABSI= GERMAN., pw., Deutsche Eteenbalm Technik., No 3x 1959,, pp 135-138. ACSI., H-4025 SCI - Bw Jun 60 AMlptl*Wl. ROUSUads -bV X, loxftach, et al. WWRP PWO salf-stal & rAd out 65 A~O?V-ody/ 99OP324 ,~~ Edward, janclk. Fedle and others. ERMINATION OF PHYTOL AND PHYT- ADIF!NE AND THE PREPARATION OF PURE SAM- PLES. [1962] Op. Order from K-H 510. OD K-H 6609-a Trans. of [Chemicke Listy (Czechoslovaide) 1957, v. 51, no. 7. p. 1379-14';81]. Another trans. is available from SLA mI$I. 80, pb$l. 80 as 61-1D914 [1961] 8p. DESCRIPTORS: *Phytol, Synthesis. 6 2 - 2 2,503 1. Title-. Phytadienc 1. Knobloch, a U. jamik, F. III. K-H-6609-a IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates, Detroit, hitch. (Cheinis try- -Organic, TT. v. 9. no. 10) ORLC of Tethml:sl Servim A COUtributlm to the Tedbniqua of Fbaily by F. mu*-a-Qw4-mG- raefrnova,, .13 W. CZEM.- Ws (*ikce2*v=Wmj, Vbl XW# .1954., im 217-M4. MW 2-3-6e / ?/, .9,v/ sai - MM 02 On the of Families of Curves; by per, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte M-athemati'lK und kkichantt, Vol 'AXII, Do 6, Dec 194~22, PP 364-1 TPA3/TIB T-2513 Scientific - Mathematics CTS/DEX MORE EFFICIENT OPERATION IN REICHSBAHN DIRECTORATE DRESDEN, BY GUNTHER KNOBLOCH, 5 PP. GERMAN, PER, FAHRT FREI, NO 49, 4 DEC 1962, P 3. JPRS 17093 EEUR - GERMANY ECON . JAN 63 219,441 minjn~6 Itesearch Methods on the of Sulfur frot, Dust Containing by K. Knob,lauch GE.WMAN, per, Ber bau-Forsch!,qiL, *CPSTI TT 70-58033 Dry RenoVal Off-Gases, Nov. 27,1V69 Hetli/equip '... 6-ICZ-1 Feb 70 mabor Vehicles in Tvaea-CmMundastims, -Er .jr Siagrried MuPbloch,, 14 pp. EM GEMANJ. perj D-we D-matuche Poot, Val VI, 11b 12, 1961., PP 0-372. JM 13410 EEur - (Ummmy ~?-r7 Becia Apr 62 Ible of Primes In Structural CmuMe of pxvd.,Ac tion and Conamptioll, by VI&-Us1vLv Knoblochp 13 pp-P wiUMkounwr IDEM MY CZM., per., PIMMMM 12godarstvio Vol. Xx, no. I, Jan 19670 smi, 57-66-~ XEW GUO 23RO sc:m Apr 67 321PO55 FlaaUoyhaxas of Complexcompolind in. of Separation of Rare-Urth M=wntr. by O:r Mectrophoresto on In a Medium of 1131L Xtriletria"ticat Aci and men tj TO-HOU, 23 0 Hwalm', x2to JDLZWJ~~ tuta~,tor Nuclear Research Tr--n3 SCd - fts Oct 63 (DC-51,?,'5) ~~at was Shcrun by Ane4ses of 'Wholesale P-riec Formtion .1 ., by VladWMI~~?~blmb~ 19 pp. GOVEIUM UU. ONLY CZMM., per., Plaaov=c liospOdarstvi, NO 12, NOV 1961., P-11 1101-2-107- JPFL) 12502 HEur - CmahosUmn1da 4qp- S con ti= 62 S ER ;;, El zfrfectu of the Price System. on 4M',-e in the National Pcononj, by V3-adislwr Knobloch, 15 PP. MITHCH, per, Finance a Uver,, No 1, 1960, Prague, pp 35-44. JFRS 5052 -wc'u-- - Czechor-lo-w-a-lda 9K/ Econ - Pi-m-nac Aug 60 Pzift Ming for Son-StaAme rAehium4hdldtm PAoduetiMg, by laaftelm Mabbloch., 24 pp. tNM_ -C=, par# PlsiWwnn. Wip Vol mm" mwr6i BleotMhoresis ar Coup2ex Til. -Serzx- atIon of Swe Ham*Earth Elemats by Blectrophoresis On Paper In a ltdium of Mtrilotwlaeetio Acid., by V. Mwblokhs Men W-hou,, 32 pp. RUWWj, xpt.. Wolut lastitute for Molear I~asearchj, Dubxa UWR,, lAboratory of Nuclear ReactIms., 15163, 9212A9 D"i timteriall :Encer-t-ive for Promotinf- DevLAlocinent, by V. icad-bloch, E. Liska, 16 P.P. CZECH: per, Planovvuric Hospodaratvi, 1-.) 11, Prague, 195-9, PP 833-1344- JMS 21191 EEur Czechonlovakia Econ General Onvpstrent Dcvelopmc;"~v - Apr 6o 63-1642D w. d K.*bd6 F. p ODMWgnON APPARAnS FOR EL.E- lt 1. Kmablach W. PAEUrAL M CROARALYSM. 119 Apr 63) 6FL U. Kmablodu P. Or&r ft 07S or SLA St. 10 3-1642D M (ROM Gemmy) TrUL d FAn Germui pai(eml 2& 5M. aWL 14 May 60. Ismad 2 Atg 62. DMRU"MR& OhOcromMysi~6 Cbmbualm Labm- tOrY CqUiPnW!Z4 *PUr=WE36 MOM *CRWYA16 cots) emay" Me puem lovdves an Butomdc combmim GPPUW- 1114472 9 for ekmx" microwdysto witb a MWd combumtke . 2 fturnace and aoxciatedcal-irm humwr- Tmcouibm- Um furnmen with lamml opentni;% whicb cm be red im&v.&*Uy at JoWy in the &recdm of On wearrmVedoom ma no thm they cm be &spbmd In fttwem the combmdai tuffffrme4s. lea OMW d bdmbd Nnbw (CW=&Mr--#.adjt~mt TT. v.I 10. no. 7) (09m) SETBE (NY-2902). The Active Role of Prices ia the .-Applicatioa of New Taclmology, New Products, amd Mair DUterip-la, by Jaroalav Ra:Lzdil, Vladislev Knabloch, 15 yp. CZW,H,, per, Flixanae a Uver, Nro 6, Prague, 1959, pp 321-328. JPRS-1938-3 Saur - Culach &on Convcn~~:Aon of Varioun hiagnitud~~- llidthz -J!'Or the New Clearance Cal~gej. by Von Ing E. jlr,,njLj2q_h. 10 2142804 GERUOp per, Dautsche Usenbahn Technik, 19:519., Berliap PP 135--138- ACSI H-40425 S-ci-EngJxicering Jul- 60 1,2,~j V patmt so 847.9248 - Rqdq=t for Deterjdzdng- the SequIred ZsVmrs Uum fm ProwmUka tly awe E*wm*o 6'rp F= tr OMW,v 3 ATM 1-=-%32/= B" fa Plaidi" 444 Z71 aso mow co/diNg 7935 3-1493 A Visit to Budapest, bjr Jhroslav Knobloch, // CZECHt d np, J_W& Fronta, Vol XII, No 285, Prague,, 25 Nov 19561 p 2. C -t- 7e?,3,S- /,tCIA/ EEur - Hungary Pol GY1 a ,~he,- %pplicatiou of e Distortioa Function in Uy GZRMIRI, per, ZeitBchrift fuer Angc,-.;,andte 14,atheLatil. Lind I'lechanik, Vol Ro 2, Apr 1941, pp 103-107- TPA3/TID T. 1332 ccientific CTS/Da: x. R-4-T66-D rs>-tenslive linomalies of Sediment in the Equatorial Region o--;' the Pacific Ocean, by K. ialoch. GEU-IlAli, per, Annalexi der Hydrographle,-Vol L~T, No 12, 1927, ijp 361-367. *Jp-RS/Sr.-dtl l3ollian Duc 64 Cb*VU for Rlsh- Twq~aratv" Mum"s b7 P. 2ftojakwiev W. Syrtvr,. & F. twobap P. Sweboltes, 26 pp. MMAWIVZM azmp VWO Tlwbw-wbo 2mbsobals" CTA 90333U FAW n .F.ft-.-vaebica of M-t-witan, Plutonium, fbithen-lum., and Cirv=iua Id-Ith Tri-aio-oatylaminat 'by Von Werner r"30ch, 4 pp. M-.n M- per, Z Nabuforsobg Vol XM, 1961, pp 525-527 90935U AW T-L-53,07 Jul 62 A Wall W-1 dew 'Nat for the Evaluation of Moistime Prop- erties of -Wa3ls,,, by Haw~~el 3 Pp, (MUIM, perp Owtundheits M.- Val LXXV.. 1954j, pp 29~49'- 2996 MA Tr 1487/56 Sci - pbYsics MEkr 57 CTS A'5 L- C- Crystal ~uu"-Uxro -MIA tht *Wacw-ul ttz vw: cam V--nm -~Jscm, bi m kl6ftew- Ofeir"LO.'IMI, low 0", U, pp Ir, 2- W7 M4 P112' WAA.-Tr42U-L :mom (Nf -4589) Differentiation (if Standard Wages of Production Workers in. the GDE BcOnCeWp by Hermann Knoescbko, 31 PP. I- GEEMN., per, Wirtsebaftevieserisabaft, Vol Vn., No 6, Aug/Bep 1959, vp 8W-918. JPRB 759B EL'ur - Germany Feb 61 Kowyenazat, Kun. IPPOCES',T WFOR THE ownwous FRODUMON OF PLIRE GAMMA-MEXACHLOROCYCLOtOXANE. 11901 12P (figS OMIEted) Iref Order trom 07S, SIA. or RM $1.60 TT44-14376 Trans. of German patott applicalou 3 36 312, 12 a. 25. CC4= no. 4397/U. &W. 77 Nor 33. 17 C. F. SpJMS & Son, annouacod 30 Sep U. pub. 30 Sep U, c"vWcu umu 30 )an W. (Aborect ovallabW) i MsMwrORs: olonala6bi. %Wtuaroryckbum". Prodmice. Purmcation. Molecular 1"Mutsm. wSowea ourscuon, The inwnUcm cacmapasou a proem for We antlowto p"ucd- ct p- p--bv---oqtkbwu* b7 *=rocdoo & a vainurs of bencWorocrclobsum isw mtra at cloraw tomparstwo wft sdmcim d dous- TT-AW-14376 1. KoogroMP3. K. U. Patm amucaft- (owany) 536312 .. j 71 Process for %be Coutimous Pr6duction of OffM^-*McblOrmyCl by Kurt Emmvemgel, 12 NO MWO". G*rmm Ment, 30 Sep 1954. SOL-k- Tr WIA956 ftlentitia - Oben'stry sffect of Light - iatemity - an the use or - co Mvwda Omp=ft - Mrim the MotoantMsil of ChlomWmudmm" RUWUau&4 IW R. u. maUtaksya., ye. N. Ewa-atyeftp "a. v----------- OWZW# PWp UUM1*14061yup Vol ==pNb2,* 1963 Sol - W01 to 104 001 4 21 ism 64 TbAb Oat&4tic iropertles of Titanium Dioxide and Its 3olid Solationve 4r 1, So Sazonova and To P. ~Thokhlova, 1"- - 9 - .MiSUM, per, Metila, A ratallag Vol III, No, 50 1962. pp. 751450 as Sol 117 zan 63 lyatfh~mis of AryDstiboule Acids via Dm*le Sate Of ~-)io4cajum ik&ts wd AntloomW ftntachtm4doo by f A. SO'NoonoyewV~ 0. A. Reutovp P. G. lomol.0 6 Iv. Tun *ww*tSft*"?;m MOMOO VAW %or# U soft am$ otaa& W" Sanks woo ftiy= 3.954# ~W 410-4170 CYA 1) 15131b Suma '3018rMitic - MWAGU7 rd Pfo-wssfor 1%0 Prepai-Aian of Pxylaimides of Bromo-Stblitituted and Contingently Mloro-Substi.tuted SaUqrUc Acids, by A. G. jLn~ FmNai, Patcmt lon,giol. 19S4. Itc- 186 Jan 67 3170889 Experimntal Analyses of SWmoftc HyarwAdiess by ~ Jozeet Knoup Mwoly Melemen., Berta mwn - et al., 17 pp. EUNUMAN.. pwj, A Upow TWWmaym Akadmda RLdIcsW as Otwosi Tudcumovk W. OdztQ37Smk mDulaw-welp VbI x1r, Ib 112s, 1961,v pp 137-10- Jm LU347 Sci - Wid 73r, 113 Doc 61 (NY-10) Experimeutal Andlyises of Spasmodic Hydrazidejop W ZM Zozsef,Knoll KaroXy Nelemen, Berta Moo3l, et al., 17 pp. MMGAUUAI., perp A Hmaw Tu&mwyos Akaftda Uldlosial os Orvosi Tukxumvok 32 OsztA3L3wAk Xbz2,awxqvljp Vol XII., lb Ipj 3.541, pp 2.97-10. JPRO 1U347 Sa - Ned -73r, 113 I)eQ 61 fin. u-- e- Crew .9"", tu ay ialoll. iia WX AX-l" var, 2 1-jo-tailkjew Vol LIVS 297,:866 (NY- 10) SOME PRESENT PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, BY JOZSEF KNOLL, 46 pp. HUNGARIAN,, PER, A MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA BIOLOGIAI ES ORVOSI TUDOMANYOK OSZTALYANAK KOZLEMENYEII VOL X11 NO 1/20 ig6ij PP 177-202. JPRS 12262 SCI - CHEM FEB 62 181,864 Screening and GroWing ., of- Psydw-Phamacological Agents, by, Jozsef e!ll. HUNGARIM, v&& Amnal md Clinical Pharmacologic Technigms In Drug.l!valustissn. Vol 11. CIA/FuD,r-9m sci - R/M May 66 3000611 USIB Internal Use Only ConceratUg Colorless Cubic Silicon Carbide, by B. Routers 3, mMm2j4I 2 1?p. aCEMB., pair# Naturvies, Vol XaV., No 12,, 1947,t PP .372. MA Tr 2332 *Sci - Electricity 15 Aug 57 Cloud So3des .'Photograa?hs IV - A Svm=at,-,:Lcal Curmullonirabuo~ by X, M. 11. G. Boumm, IT. Fl. Rauss, 17 pp. G-R-M-2., per, B-cit-rap nsw Pbyalk der Atmosl%am, vw. moxu~ Tio 1/2., JL9591 pp 69-77. ~~ 7 7,~- Amer Uateorol e-oc AF Cczbrldp Reis Contok O'ci - cleal3byales / s ~ g S~5, ,u an 63. A, WItiple Cathode-flay OxaMcgMpht by m= xmn,, 7 mm I part AIRUnMabsUphe Z ga2cbrift Vol ILVIj 17 EDT 19329 Ipp nOl-IID3. S.LA. Tr'742/J.936 Sci - Faectrialty Dot- 56 C" 77- A Study ar the Stweocbmlatry of SubaUtatiou Rewtiom at ca Oleflnlc Carbw Atom by the Isotope Mithod, by A. It. Beemymwv, 0. A. Rextov, 1P. VLOJV, 6 pp. RMSIM,p per, Dok Ak Nauk SSW,, Vol CXVM, So 1, 195a, pp "09-1402. Comultants Bureau Scl - cbelm inn 59 ' -1 ":7' T71 17 -":; Y :it mrm IMF m Tb.q Stem-C.Chmustry of isotope r.=baf2p Reactions of Orgatommwy Salts vlth Metallio mermpy and iuvem xame Labeied vitt, HSM3,; by 0. A. . 7 ra3mtov,, P. awil, u lam-ftell 4 pp. =SUN,, per,, A Dak Ak Nauk 688R, 3 Vol =, No i958" pp lm-lm- Consultants Buzeau Scl - Cbem v 7, 7 $0059 D O.-~ 'llia Production of Radioactive Isotopes, by Pater Kikull, 14 1)1),, U.:W,YU, !~Orv Chou Tach vit 25-26 Ju:C/ORNL-Tr-2227 (Leipzig. NO 12, 1960, I ejo~) 6cilpil Y Hay 70 405,715 'flite Ptodiictiui oi Radioactive lsota~es, by Poter Knoll. GEWMIN. per, Chem Tech (LeiriziO No 12, 1960, 3,,p 25-28. *AEC/UIUL-Tr-2.Z27 NOV (19 ftp= C4==ikWM;pby of BuSw Wixturas m Mws Tibre lFba a, by G. JaWma& wd R. Monet Isrs amaw ami VOL UTMO 30 71 A3. WA Tr 57-1729 '7j D-avelopmeirb and Final Version of the Lignin Determination Methad According to 'by Georg jayme, Herbert Kno.Uc, Garda Rapp, GMAN, pe3,*, das Papier, Vol XII, no 1'(/!8, 1958, pp 464;JZ7.. SLA 59-15362 sci Dec 39 Vol 2, No h, 7ho LW2uDn of Sulfur on the Datectic of Lead-Antbnwy Alloys.. by K. -nLonel X. IA)bbergj 15 pp* MMWj PBrp Z Notallicunft.. Val LI, No 6, 1960~p PP :550-353- A28438K43G Sol 5?61 Y7UF- W 62 Vol 4, no 10 ON IM,MN QWVUM OF 7M WSIWHILEs, BY xgxmw: U. www"J. A, mlows 4 pp. MOM$ Mo if ZULRWo VOL XLVI I)., 19%,o pp 1304361. Him "-.& SO a. aim= OCT 62 213,,XDW Firerxroof steam-Turbine Lubri=tsj by E- Ena,. GERMO.. mo per.. Erd Oelund Kohles Vol IXv No 9., 1956p pp 613-6i6. Tech and C $38-00 sci - FWLUI 4 9 C2 Co -i , JU 57 3,.ge-- FaUwczp Tki*ir Cause cod the Ufluence of lin~ricationp by Eo -Kiwopo Glow,, per; Brdol Und Y-Ohlo.- Jan-APr 1957,- PP 2,38-243., 9072290- ACSIL No 1038 ZOL Nov 60 13,1, 4~7. 9 I C!!S-Dicc!,~argo Triode 1% Kaoop' Lro-CLAssirM per, Z. angew. nwo., Vol V.,# RO 1953, wa:;jtm T 4244 Iftysica TaectrIc Beating In the Light MvMa Industryp by Fr. xwqmj. 12 p- QMMMs Pori 11"U wd Ems 1937s Vol M=V,, No 17P VP 453A60.; MA 59-20657 Sol mw 60 /Ya f VCOL 3 iv So I - fa Waste WatA,,r in Coking Plants., by E. Knop. OMM., pLr., Tbebidr.-ta Mittellungen., Vol ]MVUIS RD 5. A.955, Sed - mi%fwt VAy -62 / ~'41 7JZ (sr -1355) Lon3 Re-pgrrge -Econonic PlarnnlnZ P-ncl Tc-cbrlic.Pti Prc-~-t as.9 ., by Rans Po-D, Rolf Pieplow, 14 ipp. GM'dIN$ par., SozIalistinche Flaxurlzrtschaft. Vol III wo 4, 19051, pp ig-24. jpRs lo49T M.w - E . Germany / 7-edf foot F.emarks or, the Litersture of Spectno Amly- Gis. Spectrum of Iron in Brode's Tables., by PP- ,-It , CZECH., parj Chem Usty, Vol Lp No 12, 1956, pp 2o4o., P-o4l.. SrA 57-3493 Sci Aug 58 'qa-/ Y// Remarks on the Bibliography Relating to Spectrum Analysis, bjr J. Knop. 3 CZECH per Chem Listy, Vol L, No 12, 1976, pp 2040-2~41. TIL Tr h8A Sci - Chem 1-6,6,07 Jan 58 The DistrJUmt1oa of DwAterium in the Natwul and laftrtrial WatOrs In Migoslavlap by L. Mop. I'D-CMIM,, pWr.P/988,v Pmmedlup of Inter- national Owference an Peaceful Uses of Atomic ftera 36101 at OOD&M 8-2D Aug 1955,9 Vol VM. MaterMU Omf -- 'UN Sci - Ikebtar Pkasics CIA 1-&9.9.162 -ra 1. Ii 117 Sme New Cbmpoum% of Silicon Fluoride. by ja_34sM. GERVAH,, per., Joupol, fur Praktisebe Cbemle, 18580 pp 4142: SIA TT 64-20475 w , ~ /,~ May 67 32S0024 Safety RoqWLrements for Pressure Vessels, A. - - by W. jKpo GEMN., pwit Cbende-IvjwAeur-MDdbrdk, vroi mm., 19193o pp %4-666. Sol --BW 7'" Aipr 62