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(NY-4385) A High-Speed Electrostatic Printing Devicep by 14. A. Kartsey, V. D. Knyazev, V. P. Kuznetsova, 5 -RT-TSS' .um,; bk,, Taifrovayn TekhaLka i Vychiujitel'uyyc Ustr,Dystva,, 1959., pp 173 -178. JFM 741 Sci - Electron, Mar 61 (z4y-6326) The Priwiple of Movable Blmk Systeff-a in Building I.P.1ectronic Digital Computers) by M. A. 10artnev., 8 pp. RUSSIAR., per., Dok Ak Hauk SOW., Vol CX)MV., No 5P II.Ddd 1960# pp 106Y-10&7. 4 JM 9407 /5-67- Set - Electron J~m 61 The Principle of "Mobile Dockout6~ in DesignIng Electronic Digi,~al Computer Inetirorks, by X. A. Kartsev, 4 pp. RUSSIAIV,, per Dok Ak Nauk B3W, Vol CXXXV, No 5, 196o, pp 1064-2.067. AIP Boy Phys - Dok Vol V, No 6 ke- Sci T= 61 313 % Ev.1 - ~~Xuu: I k1 I LoGical Methods for Speeding Up Matiplication on Digital Cazputers, by M. A. Yartsev, 19 pf3. PUSSIAN, bk, Probleqr Kibernetild, 1-b 4j lc,)W, Vp 111-120. MRS 9&% Sai - Faactrm Aug 6:L /, ~, 3j a? v f AUTOMATION OF CALUATIONS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERINGO BY M. A. KARTSEVI 9 PP. RUSSIAN2 PER2 VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, NO 11, 19622 pp 64-69. JPRS 17355 SCI - ENGR 1. JAN 63 221,000 AritbmetIG UAts cit MACtrC"C Digital CMPXUwgr .p 152 py by 14. A4-Prtwr MM HOSOMO bk, ArLft9tUkvddk" VEUV"vs Elekk"=Oft TfIftVV7* "MWA., 190j, pp. &,5 -7o AM M,285/V 110i - slectrm Alm 6D '1", 1 oil I Imw , - for-Cbackft sim"M IlD 3, VP 47- Some Problems in Trade Education in the German Democratic Republic, by S. K. Kartsev, I. G. Kovalenko, I. M. Mukin, RUSSMI, bk, Profobrazovanie v GDR, Moscow, 1.957. CIA/FDD X-2812 EBur - Germany Soc Apr 58 blacharIzed and Automt:Lc Imtrawcats i'm Mecklag Gew Uwass IW So S. -Matseve- RVSSIW# parp bk4bIggat Vol As pjp 4T-5~5; . M-~Wlyq. 2 ZZ DWI 2479 (On Loan or Pmvhwo) voetsiff v Aug 65 28a~m Properties of Vuleanisates-of-Si-licone-Rub-Der with a Low Vinyl Group Content,, by V. N. 1~a~e G. G. Karelina, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Val XX, No 12, 1961, PP 7-11- Sci Nov 6P 216,477 Effocz of Various StabUlsers an the Ageing Properties of Chloroprene Rubber., by A. L. Klebawkly, L. P. Fcmim,, V. N. Kartsev., at alp 3 PP. RUSSIM, per, Kauchuk L Hezina, Vol =, No 8, 196o., pp 9-le. .\ ?APRA sci / d'9' 27 .-- jun 61 "Success Depends on Cadres" by la. Kartsev RUSSIAN., Gudok, 2-4 February 1959, p 3 U69SR Economic -- Pzilroad Transportation -, Training )l , L, ~ lz~ -: - i- --I~ I./ ',C,, Y ":11 ~, V , I, -) --, -~l - / 'I'i ,/ - 1! 'rhe Corstrol of Gat% Saturation in Copper=Bar-e .-Uay Melts, by A. M. Kartseva, T. ViI-'---.,revv-, 3 PP. R"J,%'W, per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXIV, ro 4, 191-8, pp 410-412. Inatru Boc of Amer Sci vir 60 T t _GM-1 frmd --Sir I ,:6L uq - -. ; 0 TW21 u :~riiu A I--- ll~:Smla at varlow Levels of f1mr."tIon r-urtmic4i 4ind Tlvart_%oft# 14V I b AT is Jan 65 2n(A9 KAIRMAO ?A'* V. wrmR OF MnYzm RAW TAM On. 4 paean* zwti Prit mdx2o, ira s, no 4p 4w igO Omodtauft Barem Tromlatim X,=a-riwmtea Preparation of Culture Media In Penloll"s Productimo by Tu. A. Koslov,, N. V. Juxtem.- IMSUN, per# Zhur Zkroblolp EpIdodol i lp NO 8/9p 1946s pp 57-59. - 0 9 .0 7?,: ~ um &Kelrl Scientiflo - Blolog3r Apr 53 OW rizgsicochendcal 11"bthods for Dctc=iImUcU of Anstibioticn. X. Determi-maticm of PO!YmYxi-- I- c,Litux;-. Muid., by V. D, Kartse" and B. P. Lrww, 4 p1w. MJBSIM, per Antlbiotikip Vol IVp No 5 y 195% pp 453~- OB sci Aug 61 II. The Autbrm I%thod for the QmUtative DatemmAlu- 11 ow I atim of PAUMM ""w%m-%WtarWb4 E, N. swlt*l~mj B. P. Hmm, A. A. FUU RUSSIM. b1m per, &Z Vol it No 2p Nbr/Ayr 1955, VP IU-4W. Cit D 25M SclsmtlflO - Ch8ml$tf7 0 0?/ Mm 55 Xqerlence In the Use of Polyeaddes in the Bearing or emn prcpnijAr sharts, 7w ye. I. Belakovekiy, Yu. M. Ewtow. MMIM,, pwl Plastlebeekiye blasmy., Ybacow, J%a 1962. Ravy Mmm 331T/OW 930 Sol - Mstarlau & metkuwa mr 63 A D ~C, I ~- 0~` Esti=a-jin- 'Intibiatics. L' -;~,:nthod for -h-- -~-Iautltctive De- of St;:---ptowjciu, by E. :Ii. SavitDL-aya-, !'nr1;ucvn. 4 pp: UKOLA-SSIFIED. Zbur Anal nim, Vol VIII, No. 1, 1.953, Consultants Burc--u Chemistry Some Characteristice of the Forms of Tr=Ltion to SuclaliSm in tha CPR, by A. 1. Kartunova, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Obshchiye ZakGnMwruOztL Perekboda k Botsialiam i Osobennasti ikh Proyavlenlyu v Raznykh Stranakh, 1.960, pp 171-187. JPRS 5963 FE - China Pol noy 6o Pb1m=gnrrJW of Lwrganic Redoz Syatems 1, The Tnf33le" of Capillary Cbaracte;istics m the Anodic -- catbcKUc Wave in the Ti(IV)- TL(In) System,* by A. 0. Stromberg, A. I- Nutwobiftalwya., 3 PP- WWrMq perp Mar JU XbIm., Vol M=V., Do 8j, IM) pp 1684-169b. Cleaver-H=e Press cl, Sol Aug 61 Thermal Decomposition of Tetravalent and Trivalent Plutonium Wlates, by R. X. Kartushova, T. 1. Rudenko, v. v. Pbmiu, 6 pp. RUSSUN, per, Atom Energ, Vol rv, No 7, 1958, pp 24-28. Conmatauts Suresu SCIL - vac RWO AM 50, 729, -3 5 7o A Study by the lsomolmx-&-ries Vathod. of the &ctraction of Nitric and perchloric Aeids; and Uranyl nitrate by TrIbutyl Phosphate Solutions, by V. V. Fominj R. E. Mirtushow, B. F. Maiorara, 4 pp RUSSLU, per,, 2hur Neorg&n Dim, Vol V, No 6, 196o, PP 1337-1344- Cleaver-Hume Press SA Apr 61 -Deeccenpositioa- at Plutordm Qmlelmw IMider the - - - Action of Thair Ova d-Fadiatioa,, by V. V, Faninp 11. Be Xartilshova T. I* Rudenko, 6 ppe w per., Atanuwa &Ars'Ymp vol I., Ho 3j, 1956.s PP 117-3M. Mom Tech Sv 6OM-1 R (&00 - 2.00) 41 _q or? Scientific - N=lear Fh~mlw Feb 57 Fit- 15 C, ~v t'~.V. i~,CUCIQI Of 'MU4 jmiz!flj VC-1 4,L IL~bzl. 7-r- A. I. Kartuzhanskiy 0--fflWhl bY W-* Act-10~ G;r -0;40n, of "'OnAzInG by 1, u -k wba T P- 3, 4 3-3 -7 Ns Nrsloq Failure Phisnuzenor, i-t Criv Photographic Action of Gamma Radiation, by A. L.,_'Ksrt1q1zhsnski-i. 3 pp- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Nauch Prik Poto Kina, Vol VI, No 2. 1961, pp 141.-42. CIA/FDD XX-1373 NO FOREIGN DISSSM Sci - Jul 63 USIS Internal Use Only Photographic Action of Ga a Radiation, by A~ L. Kr-v-t6uzhauskii---3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Rauch Prik Foto Kine, Vol VI, No 2, 1961, pp 141.42. CIA/FDD XX-13?3 No FOREIGN DISSEM Sci - JUL 63 USID Internal Use Only axwmgmdm PbpUosPdn UW=m lbr ftepWIW Iowa or b"V1601 macbm awwals p WA. L. notmin"Idy- I Pau jummj, ywj, zb Nwamb IbL 331l Mb 2j, XV445* AL marooes-hy (RAM") 0 - L, ):~ iq e- --t u 7- '9 lt~ ~~ i'~ I ~ ftl-Pws Fab 70 40L0582 13 099 UK-30 KA.RTUZHANSKJ,l A. L. Kinetics of development of an individual ionizing particle track in photographic emulsions Zhur. Nauchn., i Prikl. Fot. i Kinemat., 4, No. 6, 417-422 (1959) M. 2313. On loan - English* Euratom Review of Soviet Work on the Photogmphic Effect of Ionizing Particlesp by A. L. Khrbuzbw3zkLy, S. P. Soltitukiy~ 17 p. EMBIM,. perp Zhur Nauch i Prik Poto 1 Kinematografti, 3.958, Vol 1111, No 4., lop 299-305. SLA 59-lT60.5 Sel Feb 60 Vol 2" via 9 /a 7- M.9 x AetilvwUon Enera of Mernal DecaW of Latent ImaGe C~erjters eLs a Function of the NwMber of Atoms., by A. L. Karbuzbmakiy, 5 P.P. RUSSIM., pery Zbur Nw-wh I Prik Pbtograf i Kinematog; Vol Vn (1), 1962j, yp 5T-58. OWYM XX-1241 NOT RELIABANZ TO FORE= MMORAW Sel, Aug 62 UBMB MIRM UM ONLY Action of Triothanolarmine oa Photographic Ymulziona by A. F. Zhdanov., A. L. Kartuzhamakiyp I. V. Fqshlrove.. L.P. Shur,, Ispp. Rwislas perv Dok Ak is-!: vol avins, No 4, !, 8, -,e . -46 Goasult=te Dureau &I - Cb= Dee 58 77) CC 04, (M) 2280) Tim Heabanism of the Photographic Activity of Ionizing ParticUsp b~.A. L. lyp .35 pp. RMSIOJ Ino Ver YsR&b Pi z Nauk, Vol UI; No 3,, Mow(nrj, Mr, 3.9.4, 1V 342.-376. Clh/M Wr 343 Scientific Mysics, ioraizing particles M 63/Dcc 54 0?/ T Me Effect of Continuous Exposure of Different U.1-rations on the Properties of Photographic Film,. by A. L. Khrtuzhanskiy,, P. V. Neyklyar., 9 pp. MMSIMO per,, Zbur ZkWr i Teoret Piz,, Vol XXI,, 1951; PP 532--540. ABC Tr 2161 aj,..4 C14-40C SclentIfic - VOYSICS Jun 55 Some New Data on tba lbt mm of Photographic Sensitivity to lonl=d Fdrtlcles~, by A. - LO 1 10 pp. mmsw~ perp Zhur Smyeb i Prik Poto i Ku=ato~o Vca ITI# So 2, 1958s pp 81-87- STA 59-15028 Pbysics Sep 59 Vol uj. m 2 cu/rj~) mc-668 lam Lrte=ni urse only Th-- Phot;ographic Action of lanizimg ParUcles- I The Form of ikd'Blaakening CmVe for Photogmphic plim RKposea to Ra&%tion,, by A. L. Prtffl~anffld~'f 9 pp. RUSSIM9 mo perp Zhur MM i Teoret Fiz,, Val XKU, Uo 4,p Oct 1955P pp 53b-525- Amer 1wt of Phitsics Soviet Pbysicap Voll II-i No 7 c'-,;r- sai - physics a Fob 57 CTS .Cr4pariLson 01 Dispersity Of t~e Latcnt Ima~,e Formed by the Effects of Ltight and Ionizing Particles, by A. L. 19 pp. 112USSIM4. per, Zhur Nlauclh i Prik Poto i Ujio, Vol IX, 111o 4, 1964, pp 276-282. CIAJFDD XX-1697 NO FOREIGA DISSLN) Sci Apr 65 277,804 USIB Internal Use Only !,raotol- ,chic L;-alsi by A. P. 'Zr~~:riov, -1 -p. , 5 p -Nkwch i IT. 500-,3Q. Apr 65 Intcornal use only 2 7 707 The qaantitative Study of Latent Image Formation by Ionizing Particles, by A. L. Kartuzbanskiy, 4 pp. wwwvi, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Hauk MR# Vol CX3:v., No 6, 1957, pso 1199-12&2. 0 Amr Inst of Phys Sov Phys, "Dohlady" Vol II, No 3 Sol - phya Mar 58 'Regrouping of the Latent Ivoge in tha Photographic Action of Ionizing Particlea, by A. L. mniQ90-11 3 pp. FlUSSW, per., Dok Ak Nauk 330,, Pb~m Sec, Vol C3X, No 2,, JUl-Aug 1956, vp 285-;?Fr Amer Inst of Fbys Sov Phys "DoklWym Vol I, No 4 Sci - Pbys J Aug 57 V-3 57 r-ropm-ties of Photographic EumlGlons With Intermit- -~.entvaiosures, by A. L. r4rtikpbanskly, P. V.,, Meftlyar 22 pp. UNCLAWIFIM. -Us ME., per, 2J3= cksp i teoret Fiz,, Vol Ma,, So 5, .953~~, PP 5198-609.' Stability Gf the latozAt. Tmge cmd orprzc,~ In-NucLocz' Phetographic Rmlaiong Samattlu-d Yith Trietbano- lamimv, by A. P, ZManov, A. L. Ryzhko=, L. 1. Shur, 6 pp". RMSIAN, per,, DdL, Ak Muk SSM., Vol CMIT., '-;o 5., 1958, pp 8744M. CL4#m wr RWIMPAUX TO IPCHEM KWIOMW sci - ptQmIcs Dee 59 ISIB IMMM UEM MZ fSensitizat"ons of Photogrkphic Ivaterials f- -vith '11riethanolan-Ine to Improve the Auto- radia~p~aphic Teuhniq!ae, by A. L. Kartu,,~hanskiy, B. P. Solititakly, '3 pp. RUSS-'-Aff., per, Biofiz, Vol TIE, 7.0 1, Ic,161. F? sci jan 62 Kartuzhanskii, A. L_ QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATE OF THE CHARACTER- ISTICS OF THE LATENT IMAGE FORMED BY ION- IZING PARTICLES. [1961] 3p. 3 rets. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18673 Trans. of Zhurnal Nauchnoi i Prikladnoi Fotografii i Kinematografil (USSR) 1960, v. 5, no. 3, p. 221-223. DESCRIPTORS: Electron diffraction analysis, *Photo- graphic emulsions, *Beta particles, Infrared images, Optical images, Temperature, Ions, Ionization. The relationship between the reciprocity effect and temperature, which is of special importance for the fading process; was investigated. Results showed that the activation energy determined in the case of the ef- fect of ionizing particles by the isodensity curves, can be used as a measure of dispersion ct the latent image. (Material.&=4hotographic, T1', v. 6, no- 10) 61-18673 1. Karnizhanskii. A. L_ Ofli.. f T-61-1 5"... Wfect cC Recjpmcf-,,rFaIIwm at. 1=9 IrpovuT*9 I,-- Nuclear Eno jm~. Gem:itizcA 'kith Trietbrm-za-imims by A. L. gwtt~-~.v, RUsfflM., per.. 21w..~ Nauch i Prik Fbto X133 -stZsrofp Vol V, so 1,0 IVJO., PP 58-60s CU/FM XX-969 Eel - piwaics Nat FOUZASABLE TO gar 61 AMMM NATIMP~TS Hffect on Trlethaaolsmin-~ on Photographle Ewlaions Sensitized to Partialest of Minimum Ionizing Pover, by A. F. Zbdanov, A. L.. Kartuzhazwkiy, 2 pp. IV-TSSTAN.p per., Zbur Raw% I Prik Fotogrefil I Kluem%tografllp Vol III, Ito lp 1958,, PP 53, 54. SLL 59 -1o:245 Bel - Phys Sep 59 Vol 2, No 1 ~7 laterpretstion of XKperiwnts Fade cn the InCresse in the Speed-of Nuclear I-hotographic HmAsIons With Trietbanal=dw; by A. P. Zhd=Ov.- A. L. Kmrtuzh=kiyp L. 1. Shur,, 3 pp. ~VSSMIIO per, Zhur Much I Prik Kinemmtowmall, '701 Ino No 2,, 1956, PP 139, 14o. MA 59-19772 sei - Pr4s SeP 59 Vol 2, No 1 Failure or the PhotochemLeal Reciprocity laj for PbOt,O9r6PhIC ImUlGicne, by A. L. Kw-tushanokiy, 72 IT. RUSSIMv par# VBj!khI, Pimicbsekikh Nauk, vol Ij. 16 2s; 1953t PP 1b1-203. CTA/X..;L809 Um Sci - physics .50, Properties of the Photogmphic E=3 I at Different Temperatucresp by A. L** Kaitimbanckly., P. W.' Heykiyar., j-4 PP. M51AN, per, Zhur Eksp I teoret Fiz, Vol MCI, No 6.. 1951j. PP 693-700. CIA/FM/X-1425 Scientific Owliall 75'-1 kQC:hsuj#m of sewitising Effect of lkziathanol~as on Photogmphla Rvalsiomap by A. P. Zhdanav, A. L. Zwtimbans 0 1. V. Ryzbkoymp. L. I. sh=v 3 RMUH.. perjp Zhur Nauch L Prik Fotog i IrInematogp Vol Mv No 4p 19518s pp 281-282. =Amm =.657 NM MUIASAM TO FQFMW IMCKUS WIB Ivimm4i UEM Om Effect of Ionic Caaductivity on the Deviation From The Reciprocity Lav for Photographic Emulsions, by A. L. Kartuz4!wskiyp 6 pp. . , Zhur Sks i I oret Fiz,.Vol XXVI, RUSSM, per. p!r Te No 6, 1954,, iT =(3--7*9- CICL/X-1-(98 USSR Sai - Physics Properties of Photographic Bmultdons Exposed to Continuous and to Intermittent Light, by A. L. 16 pp. RUBSTAN.p pery Uujwkh Waunhuoy Fotografli, Vol TTI, Ac *U. 1955, PP 66-15. CIA/PDD X-2W SOL - ftsics NOT 57 Activation Energy of Thermal Decay of the ~~errt Photographic lukige, by A. L. Marti-, zhan-r,'Kiy, L. 1~ Shur - 7 PP - . ..... SUSST AN, per., Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CXUMI, No 1, 1960, pp 6~-67- CIAIFDD XY-921 NOT MLEASOLE TO FOREIGN HMOWS Sci - Fhys -Z" Nov- 60 USIB INTMNAL USE ONLY L A ". -1 1* __~Iicn Detucam the Speods of Reaction of a Photo- C..'-a-phic Emulsion to a.3110:~t Exposure and M to _.~'ctrcns, -~y L. F'a._rt-u.zbana_Uay, IZ pp. . UFICLIXIS~JZD per, Zh-Ek--I) i-Teoret Piz SSM, Vol XXIIj, N 4 1952, i~p 10' 77 ciA/FDD/x-14ig f~L:ientific - Phyoics Measurement of Extremely R--0-1 Of-E=itter Conccntx---. tionsi in Vegeteble objects Using Thick Photograph"V~! Rmasions., by B. P. Soltitakyr A. L. Karbizhawkr, 6 pp. IWSSIM, mo per., Z1n1 Tekh Fizi. Vol XMI, No 3, Max 1957s PP 606-613- Awr Inst of Phys Sov Ph", IR-ch Pbvs Vol Ili No 3 SOL - Ebysics Fab 1950 -fir ~y 9, imio KanvalisLviH., 6 blip grizurii DVa Prrverki inter- Gimm-Itatsimp2w AgwaIii V -.L Val XXV0 NO 07.* TUM. No 655ZIZU, i~apr. of Navy 4492P.1co Tr 267 Ali *#W%U st the Pzablm of A -- ttl'" MAIN or a " a 1-2 - - or BMW 9ptmsjo 530 .am A Agaido 2964 W-li, Pp. AM-%M79 0. J~~ Jtt~~ jb4* - - 30W05 Oa the Optiml Distribution of Resistive Toad aad the Voltage Mode In Power System,, by if. &,_Kartvel1s1ivili 3 pp. RMIM., per., 1z At Bank SM., Obdel Tdh Matk,., Raerget I Avtomt,. go 2s 1961s, PF 3-6. M!ItMTAI Pbysical In&x Pawer Z)qweas Vol I.. No 2 Scd - MActrcn a0 f7,5?, oun 62 1-11"It'WiNI, -P-1- - - luf luence of Error in Relative-Increase Maracteriatice on Effect of Optimum Load Dispatching Between Power Stations, by N. A. Kartvelishvili. HUS9101 per., Iz Ak Nawk SSSHI, Otdel. Tekh %,,uk,, Energ i Avtomt.. 110 6., 1959., pp 16-21. MI IL 3020t aci - Env Feb 62 On the Behavior of Cauchy Type Intep-rals Near the Ends of the Path of Integration, by I. N. Kartzivaaze, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Mate Instit Alt Neulk 'Grunzinskoy SSR Ti flis, Vol XVIII, 1951. Morris D. Friedman K-180 $4.oo Sci - Electronics may 1959 88,027 The GeograAco-eaologlcal Anallysiia ol' .vc-cl of q Faver, by B. E. KaruliD, T pp. RIMUN, per, Zbtir Mikrobiol, Epidemlol i B=Muol' VOL XXXI, no 9, 196c" .r..p 19-24. pp Sai reb 62 Wam-Slooded AnImmU an Carriers of the Caumtive Agent of Qftver,, by A. Be NRzuUu,#- As A. Pche"M # 3 PP -, RMIAN,p peirs Dok Ak Jhmk OM,& Vol CXMO No 5p 1958j, pp 20%-,. Amer Imt of Blol fti Sci - Wd 96, A P""Ite SIM12ar to ToMoAaM In the Bmin of Vol"v by D- X- 3"Vid"jq B. A. Sbovk=ms, B. E. Itar-alm. 3 ppt W RMVZ# IW# Dck Ak Nm* SSMp Vol CMM,, No 6s 19%j. pp Im, Amer Ust of Biol Sci SOL - Jftd Five CmTonent Electric Aerodynamic Balances, by A. P. Dirytilin, Ye. I. Karatin et al, 5 pp. RMIAH. patent No 135,245 (Appl. Nr. M 649975/ 27, Jan S, 1960)v 1961, pp 1-3. 9669391 PTD-TT-63-379 Srzi-Engr 4AZ July 63 6"717- 043 1 ,,4 Crested Wbeat Gi-aaq; by S. S. Shain, B. A. Khrunin, -aftimp. RUSSIAN, bk, 1950, Moscow, A.0 9 USDA USSR Economic - Agriculture (CSO: 18TB-N) Weeds and HerbialAos, by S. &avnldze,, 4 pp. XMIAN, APP ZuTa Vootoks, Thi3lai, 15 Jul 3.961.. iws p 2. JPM: 15,2D4 Sai - Biology Sep 62 ;?. / 0., .9 S>lf ~ slect2va4azzoomo. ZM19cuou of Lunp bxonu as Dome cbxavu -tion an Zaduftd by AodiowtAve strcmt:Lum,, by A. A. acivastekLy, V. y&. at sip 6 ppo W%wa MWIM. IcWIo1Qoy&p Vol Ip no 4j. 1961 py ~9~-b 92025W Sol bur,63 224 1-1rc)nertie'- of iJ 1'~ 10 - 1-122, V. T%2-,,uop 2 NIn9IM" bl= pTrt 7z AL- F"A?& mic I', -.995iftly, 7, -Scl cat -1W.,) Vae Absorption of 21.twtic -jjb=4.jonz -in Rocks. -j_,,ue_mg Statia2arY -1twitation, by H. V. Mmus, 6 pp. .. RWSIM, par, :Ez Ak Pauk MR, Ear Geofiz, No 4, 1958, pp 168-1m, AOU Cat 59 ~? ~? / e5- Ul ,r,Pfect of , C=osine ou Carbcbydrate -Phosphorus McchatCe of Masclesp by S. B. Severinp V. 1. I-vanovp P. Ka=zim., R. Ia. ludelcr-rich., 32 pp. T,N-J! tmnslaticyn. KUSSIANp bimD perj, DickhIm Val ft 2, 1948# 158 :; P CTA/lMD/X-859 WSSR Scientific- Medicineep biochemi5try The of Ribormaleic Ac and its Wdrolyzates ~R oz Vae Upta of Glyaine-1-0 by Proteias of Normal and Tumr Tissues., bj I. B. Mxxskiyl N. P. Kar awma-P 5 pp MMTAN, per, Byul Emper Biol i Mod, Vol XLVM.. NO ill 1959, mp 65-68. CB Sai - ju 6o The Problem of Objective Diagnosis of Functional Headaches., by B. D. 1(arlia- sarskiy. RUSSIAN., mo per, Voyenno Ntled Zhur, No 21, Moscow, Nov 1959., pp 36-40 US JPRS 2183-N Sol le 7 1e5;5;' ;001 'Tau 60 Equipuent for Stvain Measuxement Using, Wire Resistance Strain GNps., by Vo V. Xodrov,, M. IL Mwwatokiy.- N. 1. )bxo=w,, 39 Im_. RUSMO., per., Trudy Tsentml Aerogid Institut, vo.-t mm Dmvm.. 1957. STA 60-173,"-g sei VOIL lvo no 8 _q-0 !o fty 62 Iii-Y C1,7iees, i-Y ;E Tit P), f2l) Ts vim* ftvtdoloaa am Ommandosa b7 H.J. ZUIVC=i UMMM SoPt. 296A ok" 3-4`3 5 Pv 042=m tat Tw vft-. Zmo ca, origifti com=a renav, ara.7. (NY-6440) qmlity verme Wages aid Mwxntives, by Et. Kqxwa~!!M 7 pp. FoLums ow., zYcle Goopodaroze, No 52/53, 24-31 Dee 19U., p 6. JPRS 134CA Emar ~ polarA /9/_., S" JLpr 62 ( ivY,-6h4o, ~' 1--lorking Tine ae the Basis of Ba--& Control of the Wege Fund, by Hyszard Karvanski, 12 up. PO-T:-MH, per, Fir-anne, Vol XII, No P;p 45-52. -PRS 10737 Mir - -Poland e7 r., --on r, crv 61 om coolins wablve Pwomm in Sweaml steps :mw the paulcatim or CnAe Gagm Contolnlm sarur ord Mob 1n COZ by Z. Karvat- amms pabot 2a*2&. MV-69-16334-OTA S"-Cbam JiBb 70 Oxidatiorl of Nitric Oxide In Coke Oven Gas by 14mns- of Chlorine DioxJLdep by 1. Marmt. GEFUM,, perp Unde Barichts, No. 7. 19550., pp 26-30. GFC IC /; Pu,47- sel JuIY 1967 334-5B5 Vol f T11 L E: 7- ar. n- Brvtcher Trar,:3