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I I t.riction and *Wear in Machinery, Val XVIII. New Wbricants in Z.Iachinos. 11,W-61M, apt$ Akademii Nauk SSSR Inst, ,'kisitinivedenalLas floscm, 1964,, 177 1)@ *CFSTI I-f 66-Sliss sci-N41,11 Feb 66 Frictimi mid 'Wear in 1.1achinory. Vol XIX. ;.Icar and Friction of Matals and Plastics. IMSIAN,, rrjt, Akadedi INauk SSSIZ Inst., Nashinovedeniya, MOSCOll't 1�940 195 139 *CFSTI '17Y 66-51156 Fob 60 certain Possibilities of Using irrad5Ation for Surface Ra~~ of ~Iatals, by F. Y9. Dtyachanko & P, K, Oshchepkovs 5 ppe RUSSM, per, All SSSR. InLtitut IvAshinoMontm-, Kachastvo Povwkhnosti RL4102 ~h I Ho 50 71 1. pp 27-31. FIOO118368-V M-rIT-24-t95-67 Sci/i.jat jui 68 36o,no Properties of stool in tho fa ljoarI 1'resenco of polynor '4~01-jdora, bY Yu. Ya Pod-011SI-Av nor, 3SSR. InstitUt 117-1- 1ballin -vocloni a T**~r~eennvll 1, -0, 11_1~ -1-, 0 ~Qio a91, 7-7 10 pp IVORO a- ~~o2_67 ~TD _361~j 224 _a"p 6 3 71- Distributiou of Strains and Stresses in Fia:'u lloi;jwd. Bcxz 1;zociated vith a Mme- Dbmnsional Stressed State, by V. S. zhukovshiy) 26 pp. RUSSIM,, perp AX lauk =R) Inst, YAsh Problepy Ilrochwati v Mashimatroyeiiiip"No 2,- 1959p- im 54-71-. 967oO47 ATIC UMmWIl S L. i - Env /.5-7 Z19~1 Jul 6L mastic Bouspace with ophunicia Caviltyp by Go Ge Chankmtedw, RUMIMJ, Pw., ALW~ Nouk SSGR. Institut Nekbonlki T.Zbenerjul Sbornik Vbj 28, :L955, Pp 65-T3. MM-69-10M-20K BeA-Ptwg Ab 70 4MI94T The Unidimensional Problem of Thermal Stresses in Elasto-Plastic Media I by V. A. Lomakin. RUSSIAN, per., Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Inst Mekhaniki, Inshenernyy Sbornik, Vo-T-23-, 1959, pp 174-178. NTC 69-10941-20K SCI.-Phys May 69 382,721 Rare-earkh Met&U and Mbeir ComWounds as Msbarials fdr giarmLulc Catbodsaj, by Be Ve Bondarenbo and Be Me Toarev. Rmsrm,, PW., Atad~ NM* smi m2stitut motauur In As As 19w$ -pp W-91- AM Tr T-65-45 Aug 65 287,,W7 The Interdiffusion Between Ti and Cu and other Metals, by A. Ya. Shinyayev. MSSIAN, perpAkad Nauk SSSR, lust Met Baikoval 1964p pp 289-293, *CFSTI TT 70-59084 Sci- N June 70 Surface Tension of Meters and Alloys, by A. M. Korolkov. RUSSIAN#, per,, Mad Nauk SSSR Inst I-let Issledovaniye Splav Tsventnyka Metal,, No 2, 1960, pp 122-134. *NASA TT P-12,407 Sco-Mat June 69 Some Structural Peculiarities cmd Distinctive Propeities of Cast Tita~ium Alloys, by G. A. Bochvar, Ye. P. Mistyakov. 9 ppf IUJSSIAN, per. AN SSSR. Institut Mtallurgii. Issledovaniye Splavoy TsvetnZkh Metallovp No 4, . pp 24S-256. AI R/PTD/HT-23-1487-67 sci/material-i mar 69 377,7V1 'iliv Sutictural-Unutic Investigation of the Prowss of uxidation of Nickol, Cirow, mid .Ujoys Lasod Upon Them, by D.V. Iguatov, ReD, Sllu.'VUnOVU* 13 J)p* por, Ak ilauk WR. lustitut flitalluriJi. Issloduv.miya po ZharopRZWY-71 SI-EMP No 4,, 959, ~A6-351. P100021166 Sci/Natcrials Sep 66 509,4U0 Maining Complex Mn-WaUed Pmft M&& of Titanium by Pouring Into a CMII MWAI by YU. P. Gavrilenicoo YU* N* 6 pp. RUSSUN. pars M SSSR. In Atjt,u~ ffl6w6.* Titan i yelzo �Qm~ No 9# 1963t pp ZM-W3. AM/FTD/HT-23-1499-67 Sci-Hat Jan 69 3700812 Continuous Control Systems and Their Modelingt by N. N. Rikko. RUSSIAN,, per,, Akad, Nauk. SSSR. InsiLtut Nauchn9y Infor=t3ii, Inrorn"Slaw sistemy, 19641 PP 168-177. �700353 FTD-TT-65-1560 Sci/Engr May 66 301.063 Conter,porary Concepts on the Role of the Kidneys :in the Pathogenesis of Hypertonlal by So j:1. Shonderovj 35 pp. Russlui, rpt, Ah SSSR. institut Nauohn9Z Informatsii (I~EK:Nauki). "Fiziologiva Clieloveka i Zhivotukh."t 1-:os-,,owo 1964, pp 5-1241. Pioo2-65368-v M), %IT-24-95-67 Oct 366,961 Developmnt of Basic Directions of Space Biology and Madicimp b5r A* D. Vovkresenukiy, 50 PP. RMSIAN. rpt, A14 SSSR. Inatitut Nauuhnov Infamteii UEZ -NA-vid)0- Mazw%&)m Cholonka i ZhivdaKhm" 0 NoIcab - 1964, Pp 5-124. P100265368-V WD-1-2-24-95-67 sci/Lim, oct 68 366#959 asion of oenes Th6 71acti pfmlo~mphic the Conditioned Reflexl by Yu. A. Kholodovs 18 pp. RUSSIMI, rpt, MI SSSR. Institut Informataii (Itogi llw)ld). N, --- ~hqlmka i Zhiv t 41 140samp 1964v -4- mdt% a PP 5-12 - P100265368-V FTD6-VL.r-24-95-6? scihwi Oct 68 366s962 1-behanims of the Formation Operant Reactions, k~r 11. 1. Lisiml, 21 pp. RUSSIANS rpts AN SM9, Nu2bmy m9L. "FiziolgEw h,11 Chelovska i zwu~mt sagg, 19641 , 4 EQ PP 5424- P100265368-V ITD-Mr-24-95-67 So /am Oct W- 366s963 ,ehysiology of labor Under Conditions of the New Technologyg by ~i. I* Vinogradov, 30 pp. RUSSIAN All SSSR. I rpto -- &bLt Informatsii ltogiNauki)s "Fisiolod'ya Che1ovekaiZhivotMkh*P 14'scowt 19b4, . A pp 5-1244, PtOO265368-V 1-ii)-me-24-95-67 Sci/fleth &- Equip wat 68 366.%0 Mtholo3y of Faloozoic Carbonate Rocks of flerama, by G. I. BSIAII~ luk, Ak WL=16 Thot Nefti; Moscmy/LmAngrad, 1950. Dept or interior Geological Survey Paleontology & Stratigrapay Br Wa4hinoon, DC Ocl - Geophp M,V 60 17,, 110Y Influence of a Third Element on the Dif- fusion Coefficient of zinc in Alpha- brass, by S. D. Gertsriken, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Obsh. i Neorgan. Khim., Sekt. Piz-.Zxhim. Anal, Vol* 16, No. 2, 1946, pp. 174-179o W-CPSTI TT 70-57077 Sci/phys Jan 70 Matou -ns in tlio Indian and Pacific Soctors of tho Antarctic, by 0. G, Kozlova, VllubsiNllip rpt Alkademiya Aauk Inst. Okean- 010J."RO 1964: 169 P. M771 'n 66-51154 Sci-).-'ar Sci Feb 66 The vIA DavslqP=t Of Far- Zastem Flemam.. by T. A. Pertseva-05trOU- 001-0 BMW, porp bmutut mamma iggi 4,- - X9610 94 Ipp Dept of intutw Fish WA wilwift serwim XWO Bag= or 70,01M FIMhsrI" Sol-am Oct 67 34303h0 n-Butyl Vinyl Ether, by A. E. Favorskii., M. P. Shostakovskii. RUSSM, per., Akad Wauk SSSR Institut Organicheskoi Khimii SinteM Org!nicheakikh Soedinenii Vol 1,, 1950, pp 2W8. SIA ~~-2Oi6o Apr 67 322,277 On Stationary Meteorological Measurements in Lower 300-Meter Layer of the Atmosphere, by F. Ya. hlinov., 61 pp. POST EDITED RUSSIAN, per, Ak Nauk SSSR, Inst Prikladnoy Geofiziki, 1963 969349o rn),41IT-63-184 GOV'T USE OlMY Sci - Earth Sci Aug 64 265,175 E"riments on Propagation of Deposited Impurity From Point Source in Lower Layer of Atmosphere, by A.K. Aleksandrova, N. L, gyma., et al. 53 pp. RUSSIM, bk a AN SSSR, Institut PrikladupZ Geo- fizikiv issiedovinlye NishnM 300-fttrovw Sloya Atmosfery, 1963, pp 3-13. P100283067 1-7D41T-64-361 Sci/Atmospheric Sci Nov 67 343t514 On Profiles of Wind and Characteristics of Tur- bulent Regime in Ue Lower 300-Meter LayeT of Atmosphere. by Z.I. Volkovitskaya, G,B. Mashkova 53 pp. RUSSIAN* bkv,M SSSR, Institut Prikladngz Geo- fiziki. Issieifovaniye 300-metrovogo S oya Atmosferyp 1963g 11 14-25~ P100283067 PTD-Wr-64-361 Sci/Atmospheric Sci Nov 67 343.31S Some Results of Measurements of Horizontal Dif- fusion of Impurity in Lower Layer of Atmosphere, by YL L. Byzom S3 pp. WJSSIAN, Us, M SSSR. Institut Prikladnoy Geo- fiziki. Issladovanlye N zhnevo 300-Metravogo Sloya Atmos*exy, 1963p pp 26-34, PIUOZ83067 FTD-41r-64-361 Sci/Atmospheric Sci Nov 67 343x316 Carrylq Captcfty of a Mdtlumck SystAm, by 1* A. Omyovich. 21 m RUSSLAN, per, A Nauk SSSR, In& ProMem Peredaclil IdormstraU, No 14, 1963, pp 43-3E6 FTD- qT-6"4 Sd - Engr Apr 65 277#M3 ~-acctronlc Dicital conputor 3imulatio~' of Grin, Method, by P-.. 14. Kuldnov, 3J~ pp. ?or, A! SSSLt. Institut-Problerl. '-,eradachi Info-.aatsii. Problany tiliv. ,, odachi r I --ni r 0a -corlya Iler YET a* I-PO 16) 19 0 00 16 6 364, 222 6 15 A Probabilistic Model of the Photographic Process, by M. A. Ayagorn., 34 YP- MESM, per, AN SM. Institut Problem Peredachi Thformatsil. PrObLag PereUchi Informatoli, No 16, 1964, yp 09-90. P100324967 rn)-HT-66-632 Sci-Methods W Equipuent Dee 67 34414-44 Trans Zorwation of Logical System 0' Algor"')"Iso by V. F. Dlyadieukos [,,W~Cj&js per" AN SSSR., Institut Problem Pexe- duchi Infonatsi'. Problew .Peredach! In- .1 formatsiYa NO 170 1964, pp 35-47. 1-11 M0366 irrD-Tr-65-2042 !ici-Nath 5co Fob 67 318,241 One Type of Probability Di3MtQ Automatas by V. N. Roginskiy, 11 ppe RUSSIMP For$ Institut Mlom Peredadd Informatsii M SSSR,_,No 17-0 1964p pp 85-90* TIO-0061147 FrD Irf 66-646 Sci-slact Mar 67 3209482 Optimum notliods of Photographing Faint Objects, by 11, A. Ayngorno RILGSIANO per,, AN SSSR8 Innitut Problem Pere- dachi Itifornatsiv. Problemy Peretladd,G- Lq ___N 17 -1964o pp112-114, P100144366 f orraa IJ, 0 S NT D - 65-2042 Sci-Nuhtods & Equipments Fab 67 518s242 The Rotational Motion of an Atrificial Satellite on Elliptic4l Orbito by No So Volkov. 14,pp, RUSSIANj perv ad* Nuk SSSL Institut Two, reticheskoy Astronowil. Byulletenw, Vol 9v R-o 49 T99r, pp 274-282. 9700133 FTD-Tr-65-ISS7 Sci/Aerospace May 66 301,079 Notbod for Obt&tuiug DiUme DM of Polarized tmml Xcut"m, bgr A. D. OmIlkoo 7b. A. OratmaMI., at 81.1 51 Ipp. MgMUs bks fecretlebe. skad I ad - NMI ftl Ja 63 Mazuremnt of &w Parull crove sec- tions of the Isotope u235 aw yuM:ror HOSOMM Neutme by K. 00 zPatleva I. V. XLrylohaikm, a pp. =SLAB$ Vwl. Ak Rai& SMO rwU Tematich i EkaperLwntallnol ftz--1063.. July. ABC-tr-5917 Sci Phys Oct 63 awe Aw.,lLyals bV 1. V. KLY-;dduAkAv old K- G- lewtlevs 16 ppo RMVJO pWj Ak HU* SM r=tltUt U i Eka; F zanaiw-m-f-ffs-, -r963, &11Y - ABC-47-5916 Sci - Phya oat 63 Ibe Influence of Ultraviolot Radiation Ovi UM7. Nucleic Acid Content in Paramacimp caWatum, it by K. A. Samoilova, L. P. ~Ovfls RUM&% per, Aka(4 Nauk MR4 Instit, Tsitolo~di,, NO 3, 1965P pp7j=53. P911101.%6 Z'C URNL-tr-12wj Sci/I'J'uclear Sci We 66 514,624 mv ~,ZkiKtvm Asmdr-4 tad ,,tztK,- Itf rN ~4 to. R-/ LLf -12,e,4A -,--jKr Miuarals of, the Rbmbdophm Grcup i-A AU- alic Hassives., by E. 1. S=exm. z2pj-. RUSSIAN,, por i Ak X=ch WSR, Kol lakly FiLial, wtarialy po Poluostr- Dept Of Interlor 103(570) U41811 zm 64 4 lh,c- stratigraphy of tho quammary wpwits of vio soutlern Parts of !~iu Lhukotsk Peniusula, by 0. 14. Petruv. Aka&miia NaWc SSSR. Koulssiia po lzuere"nilu M-otvorticluioto 1"Crioda, Uiulloten, . No 28, 1-963. Wpto Into Libe OB E57 illo, 106 Sci Aul" 65 286,704 of Kuydak &Ws by T. V. Borlacm. pwp- Ak Nauk 990, KmdSLID V T~~f,jmleksnom lauthen4u Kasplyskogo Morya i Sovet pp A= (;eQpbyo 3u.n. 62 A High-Speed Photorecorder with Filament Optics and an Blectro-Optical Converter,, by N. A, Valyus, Go S. Axwhanov. RUSSIM,D per$ AN SSSR* KomissiZa n Nauchnoy faojrafiy i KlMatograny UVekU Nau0noy Fatogn - zo o pp 33-36, P100218967 FrD-14T-67.9 Sci-Method f Equip Ano 67 NU - 17% An X-Ray Swrae for RI&-Speed Pho"mby of Varims Processes,, by A* A, Vwoblyw and V& A. Moskalev. FUMIAN., per., AN SM. KamissUa po LaMELpM Fbtoarafti i KI.- 0 ZWNA Nauchngy Fotografil, Vol 9,, 1964P PP 171-172. P100134368-V PM-UT-67-210 Sci-Methods & Equip. ilay 0 360,672 Tha Otuay Qf the Spectntm of a Detwatlon Wave vith the BP-75 ftatro~, by V. N. K*Iogdv(w amd A* k Amhurorp 10 ppo BABW* per,, AN SM* Mudomi" ft N=Ohwy Fa j, Val 9j, 1964V pp 2yo-e4e P100134-- -V I Sci-MetbodA & Xquip jWy 68 360#673 Work of the Kwa Kilm MHpedl:bioA 01, J~)~q'~ by Nat=soa. Rwj_,nkT~T, per, Ak Naixk SFMO tbferir-,V Komisoll. Vol Y-f-R-1930 L ed, Ser Tka-imen, AZIC go.! Astron --.. 1, . .I Iriwunocheraical Studies on Complex Antigens of a Normal and Cancerous ILuaarl Tissue, by N. M. Mazina. .- RUSS11-11) pcr, Alk Dauh SSSR, blcditsinskill~h., 1958, iTTD-TT-63-1180 Sci - Biol 1 '-,cd Sci Jan 64 1. A. Yudin Collection and Examination of Meteor Dust. RUSSIAN, per, Meteoritka, Akademiya Naul USSR, No. 25, 1964, -PP 192-193- NASA TT F 14,472 Oct 72 neory of Continuous Automatic Control Systems; Transactions of the Congress, HUSSIX49 rPt. Mazhdunarodnoy Federatsii Po .Avtomaticheskomu Upravleniyu, Basel'; Trudy 11 Mozhdunarodnogo Kongressa; ~Jazh -n ay &ratsija po ravleniyu 'Nav!iffi4ri -Avt.owjjgh_qqkLqmLj~-- -- sional:iw KoUW SSSR Po Avtomati- es omu UprvleIIii6. 1963, 50-68; 214-229; 230-242. *FrD,-~.IT-65-418 Sci-phys Vive Years of Suvict Space Investigation, by `.~. G. Kroshkin, V. G. Sa=in, 19 pp. RWSIAlJ,, per,, Ak Nauk "ZSRA MazliduveduastvOll L;(.,ofiz Kouit Vol 771 , 1963, pp 80-93. r 9098999 VTD-TT-GS-64 Sci - Aero Feb 66 296v372 Zatrutina, R. F. aDd Rubina, L. & BIBLIOGRAPIUC LIST OF LITERATURE IN RUSSIAN 1. FOR 1959 DMERNAMONAL GEOMSICAL YEAR. U. tr. by Lloyd Q R&Wns. June 61 1681p. 793 refs. 111. AERDL T- 1140. IV. Order from OTS or SLA $6.6D 62-32D93 Trans. of jAkademiya Nauk SSSR. DESCRIPTORS: 0111bliograpMes, Scientific orpnIza- tions, Conferences, Terrestrial mapetism, M& sky, Aurorae. Ionosphere, Meteors. Solar disturbances. Cosmic rays. Claciers, Oceanology. Rockets. Geology. Meteorology, Arct1r regions, *Ge*yaics, Satellites (ArtificlaD. 62-32D98 7Atrudw. R. F. RAM-, t- S. AERDLT-1140 Army 'Ingineer Ilmsearch and Development Labs.. Fort Belvoir, Va. (Bibliography, TF, v. 9, no. 14 (over) Ofte el lKbWcW briku Problews and l4othods of Absolute Photometry of lucent Clouds, by V. V. Sharonov. 4 r -b", AR N'Mlk SSSR. '-Iczh roln no proved ,ie zh ,eofiz .oda. 11 razclel vro,., I gvuim., IMGG: 5tatcy) No 11 !~,')Oj Li - Feb 63 Invulan of Pzvtow La Polar AUMUS by Yu- 1. Galsperin# 20 pp. RMIAN, per., AN 8=9 Moth Nomitet PO rEmmftrAm ~ Geofizi- aboakono Goda. IV Rmtdda Xm~ lpolyar- M Yeba my siyanlya I fteesgo W"w so 10s, 1963s 'PP 70-79- PlOrLUW-V FTD4dT-65-478 WIPhAtell ZAy 68 350AT ireaulariq Su=mo W movftwt in- IV S. F. M#tatkn6 Yu. V. Kwdlrw 125: RUSMN, AS~A--&#. TMIa.AA6.-aC-Co 1. 1 atvcmm J~g= W - --a - MA 92" b'"tell va Roxtwo Pazmmx NO IVIV04# M 4 bec;# Ch JUI *c Ch IV Sm 2, 10-34 74-88; 109-1391152-159. wMS6 AMer Meteorol Soc T-RC-23 Sd - ES Jun 65k 279,635 The ldve Bounds of the, Sea) by N. I. TaraBav,, W, 92 pp. RMIC.. M.. AkaLMT4L X= 83W. NAUCM0,19 PMJUIYX M-Paya - -8";, -1w,, 88 -py -, ~ u, q -'i -i 6 lfmy'Tr 3433/R0 .152 fti - Earth Sai & Axtr= ja 63 76 v Origin and Regime of Salinized Soils, by V. A. Kovda. RIMSTM. per,, Akademly- Nauk SSSR. PbchvanrwI Institut Vol 1, 19461, 573 PP. *MM TT 70-501410 6,, Sci/Er Sci Feb 71 Origin and Regime of Salinized Soils., by V. A. Kovda. RUSSIANs per) AkadWy Nauk SSSR. FbghM= lutitut -Vol 3:11, 1947 p r, 5 PP - *WM TT 70-50170 Sci/Ear Sci Feb 71 '--h.corctic;l.l Piloblems of I!ide- unnO by 7. l,"oulo-Plyanov v a nuk S,13S:~', c I I ns t i tu t',_1 lo-sc' ow, Tho 1928 Soviet Oermn 110 Altltuft UpeUtim in the Pmirsp by No P. Corbucovp Do Io Shcherbakov: OBIUm Wj, AkadomUs A" 8Ms PmIrAMP speau4s i9wo vol 1.9 igggs phru i. n. m, # P2 1-%* 5-13" 39481, 55-%. A= a Oeopb7s ,~ ;z // ~,?/ 63 Sci - M/M JUn 64 261,696 A Study of the Parmeters and Laws of Toobnological Procosees Witb the Aid of Simlation Devicest by Yu. Ye. Yefraymovicb.9 17 PP. RUSSIAIN, per$, AN SSSR. Nnuahno- Tokhnicheakove Obahchestvo Radl tekhniki i Elektr avvnzi. "AnG10005mi'metody i SrOcIstva Relhmua KrMan Zadach 19WP PP 329-X6. AIR/r,TD/IIT-23-642-67 Sci/Math 353.9190 Properties of Annihilation Cross-Sections of a Polarized Electron-Po3itron Pair, by V, N. Baier, V. A. Khoze. RUSSIAN, per, Ak!&ai a Nauk SSSR, Novosibirst, .U Instutadernoi Fiz, (Kreprint),, AEC SLAC-tr-63 Sei - Phys Oct 67 3429255 Loss Cone Instability in the Sullaratorl, by A, A. Galeov. RUSSIM, epr,, A Nauk SSSR, Novoibirst, Inst Yadernoi Piz.-P-PI-11. AEC NP---t;:MO Sci - Phys Oct 67 342g304 Scientific Results of the Drift of Station North Pole, by Petr Petrovich Shirebav,.51 py, RMUN ili~ awk am 'WAkhQh*A,SdbnnMp Fob I dd lu)6.,WO-. M'D 1910 AmrjA= Metearol Soc for ales Hes Vir, AMA . Al, 44- 5-8 Bel 4"Geopbrales fty l0% Roentgenographic Effects in 110utron-jrpaauted Crystals, by S. T. Konobeyevskly, P. P. Batra, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, bk,, AN SSSR,-- Roel. Fjz* Ath. jLaj* . I j na 'Maimlaut Hoscow, 1962& pp 251-2.56. FTD-41IT-ZA-26-68 PM26516m Sol./Pbys Oct 68 366o925 Electrical and Recombination broperties of Germ- smium With Addition of boxylliumo by V* Be Lashkarevq Re N, Bondavenko,, ot al. RUSSIM. bk, Akad. NMA P,*. Otd. Fiziko- Matematichesk='=, Sbo=Lk Statei, F-Ma TverdoLo Tela 11, 1959, pp 39-46. Dept of Navy 5435 NRL tr 1103 SciAlaterials Jul 67 329,361 Basic Principles of Preparing prediction Charts for Fhosphorites, by B.M. Gi=el'Farb. RUSSIAN, per Alrad Nauk SSSR Otdel Geol-Geogmf Naulc ]-later Nauclm Sess Metall Prognoz KartaTn, No 1, 1958, pp 98-1--,8 CRL/T. 2051 Sci - Sep 67 -540,251 ti., Liorption Pl,of~ertic~; L);- G. TAtshvili, T. iwdvonikashvili ~SII Otd,:l RUSSIZY L, ~.y -- iclLl. 11,:uk, -01~ 117-1- --4: L) JI'll I Investigation of the ginetics of the Cyaniding Procesz of Silver, by L.A. Kakovskii, U.B. Kholmanskikh. RUSSIAN, per, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otn. Metallurgia I Toplivo., No 5, 1959, pp 97-106. (Sk2SUR/Ref: 336) Sci - Aug 67 339,940 OoLreilesis Periodicity in Arg.~sid Lnd I/odid Ticks, by Yu. Btlt,shov- RMISIldl, per, lk--d Na4 SSSR Pcr-,izit oborfiihj No 21) 1~63; pp 3ci-43 ~SIRO/No 7081, Sci - Jul 67 334,11"56 Structure and Development of the Genital System in the Superfan,ily Ixodoidea, by Yu Balashov. RUSSIAN, per Alrademii Naulc SSSR. Parazit Sborn. Zool. No. 19614, pp 28-6o 13SIRO/No-7565 sci - Aug 6y 339-698 Soils of Eastern Siberia, by Ye. N. Ivanova,, 196 pp. RUSSIAN, Mono, AK Nauk SSSR4 Pochvemnyi Institute imeni V. V. Dokuchgova 1963. *CrSTJ TT-68-55073 Sci/Earth Mar 69 Use of Stema in the Bessemmrization of Copper illiattes in ()xy,;t:ns by 1J. 11. Diyev, V. V. Paduchav, 10 pp. 111USSIM, rpt, Akad Nauk Ssu, Bastern Brmich, No 6, 1957, pp 79-94. AEC/13NWL-Tr-56-70 Sci/Illater Nov 70 Moduh-; of Elasticity of Pyrite, by K. S. Aleksandrov,, IWSSIAX. per, Izv..Akad No 6, 1961, pp 43-4~-. *NASA-TT-F-15#406 6 ci I/ %lat e r Nov 70 Agencyl U.3..'my Ould 1w.:iin)a -tAISOU? v' -D itlP 'j,,)=teiBtvIO Vas, na In*hODOMY9 vowuwlow, ia (,.ct.A'im of Ice on unt-,inuoring structu"n) Authors Kir"i-6viapEoNs ;C. /r Sourcei Novosiblruk.lad-vo AbirakoV otdcleniia AX&de Mauk 11~62v W2p, LAngulval ILUOULM Special Instructions$ plaws tr&=IaW type I guPy f ,-~ - --f V.-O J17rr px;1.4- 13 lKo 1 - - ------------ The Stochasticity of a Very Simple Dyne,%It Model with a Divided Phase Space,, by R, IM. izrailyev F. M. rzrailyev, 8. V. Chirikov. 5S pp. MJSSIAN , preprint 191 of Akad, Nmik, SSSR, Sibirskoye Otd. P 911269698-V AEC -ORNL-Tr-1955 sci/Math Dec 68 354,934 Oiai-n-ring Coding Mtliode by I. A. 14abiyevj, M, S. Granovskly. 7 pp. msiml peri, P14 SSSP, Sibir" Otdaladye. Imtitut AVt=k=-t i Euktrcn * Avbmat:L- dv.skiv Kontroll, I T;'. 1; ~";:T Me lzm Vol Zj i964,r pp 7,1-77* .,UIVI-MAIT6-23-406-68 sci/electratics ~Vr 69 3-n,,gn Matrix Computer for Calculating Correlation Functions, by O.V. Ulin and V.K. Petunin. 9 pp. RUSSIANO perp AN SSSR. Sibirj%ge 0 eleni-ve. Institut Avtouttki I ElektgMtrii. Avtomat- icheskiy Kontroll L Elektricheskiye Imerenin, Vol. 2. 1964, pp. 78-83. PIODO08968 FTD-HT-23-M-67 Sci/Blectronice and Electrical Engineering July 67 351,533 Special-Purpose Computer for Statistical Studies,, by A. N. Domaratskiyv V. P. Vorontow,, n pp ~ ak ~e DAWN.. perp AN SSSR* Sibi M 2LA eni~. Elektricheekiye *t-o4y~~m~utich~e~ Kontrolyu,o 19b4, ]pj-94-402. P100340967 ft~NNT W-23 Sci-Blectranics and Electrical Engre jan 63 346..491 A-C Power Tranxmission Ower DisUnces of 1500 to 30M Me M Nank.E�Ae- Sibiv~Wcge RUSSILN, part AMdqmA Otdalwde GosudarddgW 'Prolvadstwenal Kmdtot EnergetAke i Elektrifik4sh SSSRj No 1 (20) 19644 CFSTI TT 68-50378 Sai/Mach, Ind, Civ & Mar Ena Nav 68 3709270 Chain-Ring Coding Methodo by 1. A. Hablyev, M. A. Granovskiy. RUSSIAN,- per, AN SSSR. Sibirskaye Otdol. Inst Avtomatiki i Elaktromstriy. Avto- matlcheskiy Kontrol o Elektricheskiye lzmareniya, 0l 2# 1964, pp 74-77. AIR/FTD/HT-23-406-68 Sci-Elec APr 69 379,792 Swampy Forests and Dogs of Siberia,, by N. 1. Plyavchenko, 215 pp. RUSSIANI. bk, Mademiya Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoye Otd., Inst Lesa i Drevesiny, 1963. - AW-l/FSTC/j7l--23-310-70 Sci/Ear Sci Mar 70 401,938 one Class of Element Selection Algorithms I)= a FJ~Iito Set, by Yu. 1. ZhuravlOve 10 PP- RUSSLUt per, Ai S55R. Sibirg2~Le Otdolen& A _ y2 I Institut iiatematikia Diskrej Amlizt 110 21 1964# PP 28-36* P100268068-V iTD-I[T-23-1300-67 (;et 6B 366,940 1 wt of a Graph In a Planes IV G.o St Ploonevicho 8 pp. RUSSUNg pero AN SSSR* Sit-d-MIM 20219-n-IM-k InnUtat HatonatUd. WohisUtolvirw P"Ammog flo 69 19636 pp 45-53. 1111# HT-23-1029-6? Sci-EUct & Moot Engr Jan 69 ITIM.Rob 0--nt~ijm-l StUdY of Fluorides and Orldes of Ram E4rth metale, ty so so i3stanov & G. N. Grigorlyevs. 7 pp RUSSIAdit per, " =R. Sibirskoys Otdolenivo. Spaktroak2j,Y~M. 'Imt~- i L Moscow 1964, pp IM-130, PIOOI03868-V FTD-W-23-M2-67 SC:L/r,hva June C8- 3550310 infrared Abawj*ion Spectra of Some Substances in Different States of AggrWticm. by As V, Korshunav & Ls So Soloviyevo 7 pp RUSSIU, per, A14 SSS - SLbirskgM QWdedy-9, �pektxROSS&~U. W9k i WMAMAI-al 2d-Vo M222OW 1964, pp 143-145* FIOOI03868-V FTD-HT-23-882-67 Sciftys June 68 339011 -~articlc AslvcU of the 'Iboorf Of Tuxbulcat Plasiria, by A.A* Galoyevg V,I, Karpmm* 65 I)P* rwGSIAN, per, Ak Nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye Utdoleulvo. histitut Yade3;-,Ivl-iziki, 1964 6 66 pp. PlOW31966-V sci/illysics Scj) 66 309,442 'ilia il~oie of 11olyplaidy in Forest Selection, by N, V, Matskevidi, RUSSIAH, per, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Soobsh- d1clAya Laboratorii Lesovedoniya, No 1, 19593, pp 70-81. Cr.3TI TT 65-SOOSO scijA""'u Feb 66 294,705 Effoct uf Different Rmges of the Spectrm at the Trwispiration Itate of Woody 5peciest by L,, A, ivanov, E. V. aurina. 9 pp. 1,1WSLIV4, per,, Akademii Nauk SSSR. Soobsit- dieniya Laboratoili lASo-V"e,&=Ya,70 5, 1961, pp 53-61. *CKM 17 66-51083 Ws R :ici/FarVi Sci Jan 6G rxxv by-, Astory of Aviatim and CcGrrcnautics (Collectim of , by V. A* i?q)ovl A. ,ia~.ulov,,et aL 41 lip. I bl- -4 S~~R. Sovetskoye .14Atsicnallncrm RWS U)"yqcdneniye- Istorikov Yes~~vom~ara a i 1IL-1-judkid. IZ Is= Aviatsii YL lCcsmmavtjkd, Vul 1, Bl 6 4,, 1-5 1. Al r1'-2 3-12 33-6 8 sm/acrmautics nuv 69 397j295 and Cartagra;hle studio:) of TT.- - by V. P. fqhehe(~IOV. Mk'PT44 per Ak Hauk . . I- 11-1 -- ~ r C., Vol iv.~ 19 ) 1JLO 95-los, ACIC sc-,. - G--Opbas ,2~ -5,/~ / (- J- Jim 6,,~ Memento of Outer Orientation of Photos during Optical Axin Orientation on the Center of Brightness of Us Celestial Body, by G. B. Gonin, 14 lip. MUM, per, AN SM. Smtslallmw vomay FotmenWtrii, 1964, pp 21-30- P100326167 PTD-HT-66-616 Sai-Methods and Equipment Da e 67 344,445 Results of Ilec t1XIC Investigations on the Influence of Sbalter Belts on the Variation of Air Tm*watwe and Relative Bmidit.v New the &ouud$ by V. S. Lavrov', 10 pp. RtWIAN,, I per., Ak Jkuk 8=,, Sukbovis iM PnAskhoz L Dw1b 6 1997P pp 322-331. 9097146 = d0-"5 Sci - 0009bys The Crcod~ic party in the Pamir, by 1). zhougoiarich. M88M., per, A lbuk SWH.. Ttdzhlkc!,rqa Zonplek=a7z Ekopedlt[Aya - 'i6f-'jf5- ACIC 3a1 - Ccrz4hyc sm 62 & -67F/ 16,7 :,I- ~