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or luammalwAs m odwato COWW, balm Havana" ma 2m - ln OWUU NOW Axem or Usbablatan, bv P. Sh- MMM, vw.# mut =vat WAIBA , V!dW!!IE pp HT-Re OCM 27 696-530153 V oat 69 Structure nnd Propeartles of 1,,,aded Rubb!~-r Mlixtures. VIII, 3trenat% of Loadod, Bubb,.,r Mix-low-urea Prepared Directly from Latex$ by R. Uzina, lei. Doatyano 8 pp. Pull translation. rMSSIM, bimo pero Kollold ZbaL-, Vol Mp DO 3p May-Jun 1952., pp 19'1-203. Cour.ultauts Bureau 7!,~l /74 Scientific - Chemistry Doc 53 OrS/LEX c~l -~he Propert:Les of the AAAheslve on, Bonet Arer~gvth in the SyGtem Cord-Adhesive-Rubberp M. S, Doatyf&% D. M. Sandcmirskiv, R. V. Uz:L-ia, pp ASSIAP per, Kauchuk i Uzina, Vol XIX., No 9,, 19609 .Pp 20-26 Sai Jul 61 7 .of Main Factors Determining the Beat Type of Butadiene-Styrene latex for Dipping Tyjve Cord, by A. B. Peizaer, R. V. Uzina, N. A. Fermor, I. G. Khazaaovlchj 4 pp, - RUSSIAN, perl Kauchuk I Rezina, Vol XVIII, No 12, 1WO PP 10-13. British Rubber Manufactures Sci Jul 60 Use of CarbmWlated Latican for ImPregnAting Tyre C ord , 11. 0 by D. S - Bogalavskiy., M Dostpnp R._T.-V*twj_5 P- MSSL4,N, per, Kauchuk i Razina, No 10, 1959, pp 27-31:. Res Amm of BAtish ROW Mm sci -"able IR Apr 6o (FDD 21957) Reviev of 11, ~Ge Mebotenv's Dookt "CoUected Works," by A. 1. Vskma RMSIMS no Wa, SOT Kalov so 50 Ibecavo may 500 yp 23-e5, usm act - Naummtsce, b0349SIby C~ of am i - (sr-i5o4), Occuastiou -- Fw"itep t7 E. JNWAj 1'. g4g, 12 pp.~ doSIM., P&rp sojU I RaigVe, No 19, 1960.. w &33. JPRB "m so* kpr 61 'r s ZILI pl~ / 77 Switary ProtectIM of Atmospheric Air; :Mrif leatiM of D-imtrial Discharp owes Irm SupeiA&d Sab- stanwa., by V. N. Ushovs 152 pp. RWSUN$ bk$ okhram Atmwforooep Vozeb, 1955. WA W-91092 M FSV 11f):5-1to Sci - Ingimerim jun 6o Nervm Yom of the AujesdWl a Dismse in Adult Swine, by L. M. Uz1a" AW510,9 per., Vateri=a-Uat Vol =It No Sep M5j pp 83-84. CIA D 4" UMK 4 40'.0 scientiric - B10100 10 10 Control of the BUStRurnace Frocasa by Ymus of Radioactive lamotopas,, bi V. A. Smolyak,, V. W. Uslyuk, 4 pp. RMXMI, per, Notallwao No Up 1958t pp 7, 8. cowultants saftu sai - Kin/)%t D*o 58 ~7 ~ 44 ~& AaWan otUa Buft ftlt AlmuLas an the Atm%= md=164 - - - -1 - - I I pza"v at 1-mmill N bylile D4 VAnadme, AL 24 Iwo IMIGAd 2w; T4 ZU# So 3s IMs pp 30475. 8a - ohm am " c Qut-fttlvat QJ2do Procedums int, Tsnltwl&W CwbWled b7 tto Tigdomm 4M=7 Hooital Dodrg 1962-1963~ by L Usw4 D. Voiadescul, 6 ppe pwo Pa. 4290 x3ealm muwall ,W 4s 1964# pp 05-We ?10026?w Kim 68 3(-A*996 Exchange of Substances Between Neighboring Higher Plant,- and Soil Algae, by E. K. Uzorin, 3 PP. RUSSLO, per, Fiziol Raotueniy) Vol VIII; No 1., 1961, pp 119-121. AMS sci /'~ !? ? a'.~r sep 61. herual Plator Stress In a Two-Stroke Engine With Carburettor and With Puel Injection, by B. A. 'ISSIM) per) Avtomobil Prom, No 10, 1959, P 10-13. wiR uu m-1524 (loan) ci - Rngr Ag 9-) 7411's et 6o fiw '..,1q~8ratiiuu .",rilmit 0t Trao" of To Ffm Im, iatractim., i?y Yo uzum"a; C2Muo Soc, Jopu. 196S, 501-306. Quantitative Spectrographic Date=inatioa off Blemontz in Solution, by Yasumitsu.Uzumasap, saiichiro HiMmet 9 pp. -UkOANBSE, part Bumseki Kagaku,, Vol Vt 1956, pp 327-329o 9689087 MXR&ts= DDC RSIC-79 sci - Chem .2 J/ '/, 0 z :5 Nov 63 Overall Utilization of the Danube Waters for tho Donefit of the Coma Comtrias, by B. Lzu-=# 12 VI). RUSSIXI, per, MuMunarod Selskokhoz Zhur, No 4, 19640 pp 5-9. MRS 27304 USSR Econ Jan 65 271s552 6 Awn 66 On the lajwy of the 6mAml aftww %~Aw * Lcniui% redleumm %r: N. VvAw md V. mmul nw~ awm Goorow (SoM) 1960 w 99-IM 9 pp BmIaerim - eat for wdst TAM 'l =40=1 awy 0ay. wommt =w be (=t. 63-17460 mov 1. G. XWX DETERitNATION OF nE LOAD ON SURFACE 1. Uzurnov, L G. EQUIPMENT DURING THE WORKING CYCLE OF A 11. ATS-9SQ67R DOWNHOLE PUMP. (196317p. 111. Associated Technical Order from ATS $10.25 ATS-95Q67R Services, ' mc., Trans. of IzAestlyal Vysablkh Uchebnlykhl Zavedenti. East Orange, N. J. Neft' I Gaz (USSR) 196Z Y. 5. no. 10, p. 35-40. DESCRIPTORS- *Pumpo. Operadon. Pe-',-- Machince, Load distribUtIon. (Engineering, T1', v. 10, w. 6) Me of lodekal UWas '~X-4987') 'The Status a Psycbiatric and Neurological Care and the Froispect~ f or Its FAi-pansimp by 0. Uzunov~ ~~ At. Sirekov, 20 pp. B=ARIAH, per, Suvremema Witaima, Vol U., no 7/8,, ig6op pp iqi-m.. om 6673 1A) C, Feb 61 (NY- 10) CONTEMPORARY ENCEPHALITIES IN BULGARIA, BY G. UZUNOV, S. BOZHINOV, IV. CEORGIEV; 11 PP. BULGARIAN, PER., SUVREMENNA MEDITSINA, VOL XII, NO 1, lig6l, PP 3-11. JPRS 12164 SC I 14ED FEB 62 18o,666 Diotribution of 1.1--dioactive Cobalt (60C0) in the Body in Exparimentally Induced 4ileptifom Paroxysma, by G. V. Yordanov, V. Khristov,, 3 PP. RUSSIAN) per) Fiziol Zhur SSSR imeni. I. M. Sechenov, Vol XLV, No 11, 1959, PP 1304-1307. Fargmon Pross Sci may 6o Dynamic Power at the L-overing-Hoisting Ogeration, by L 0. Uzumov, RMSTPN; per, Neft. Khoz., Vol 7A. 19571, pp 1~~_JT. Tech and Com ~20.00 Scl - Engr Apr 58 6 /~ 46 m 1-7-Ifth ,:~robl em Children ir. BuIgnria -- A Schools 3:~-1-:~:-,,.,~!r-ce, by Lxgel U = 12 pp. Narc4m& Prosve-ta, Vol X711, Yo 1, 29-38. ,TR- 8 8280 0hur - Dulgaris 79 4 ,Ivn 6.1. t~ullutucti tat :u~~rhiar ao " U-30 t~y A-0 -*VkI2~-Am Eil .1 i r Va F) V The SOCQU4 SGIOutVU Goacrome ou SconmIc Qco5mpbp . by Ce V9s 8 py, UMCLArAIrM CZECH, per, Politick& Economiks Vol VI# No 2, Prague, Feb 1958; pp 192-196. / US JPRS/DC-L-307 EE - Czech Econ - Geography MBY 58 Isf NY-13111 Foundation of the Veterinary Research Inatitute: by Dh. V 3 Pp. UELASSIMD -L.!d PI-B Alf.1111Y. ., qu per, baletin per Shken at Fat~Tcre, No 2. Tirana, Apr 1957~ pp 178; 179. US JPRS/NY-L-109 Sci - Medicine (nD 27131) Acadamiclan Prof romil Hmmer, MD. an M 6M BlrtbWj by ~* V. (QmWbW&sWlft)9 34 PP, CUM, bim per, Nemlogia a Psychiatri~' Vol xvli~ No 2, ?rM=, Nor 1955, PP 81 3. CU/'FM U-8562 ERW - OsechDsl*wakia Jrz 7~14 Blogmpuc interview With Tran BW Lim m the Vietmm Historical Institute; by Po V. g 5 pp. MMOMP upt 20 QUOCO 1 lky Im., amij No 1Zo pp 11., 12. i= . 10~9-x 71 - ROM soc Sep 59 P4 e~1,92-x N MY-3M/2). Up/ Tw tm Thtarriewd an the 14MINIeft of the stme ftleaft Calmitteas bt P. V~... 8 0. WAIMp nVy XM " *mp I Ale IMP mimip 50 lap 1w Emir - viet~ Aug 59 SEME (my-wgl). Experimental Model of Autowted. natorlas in Czechaslavak Industry, by R. V-, 3 PP- CUCH, per) Hospodaroke NovIny., No 3.1, 11 Mar 1960) U JS- 8 5799 Mur - Czech Econ la2 , 19 oct 6o m Navy Annuals, by L.L.,v._M�A.10 pp. U3CLASSrPIED wTCH., per, Ooze Vloot.. go 10s Oct 1954s pp 386-391 394-39.5- savy Tr lo67/oNi 128h WEur - RoI1W Nov - CTS Military - navy / I/ 1 11 ,,4 stion; by M- V-x ijiaiverowl. COOPIV Alww c?"wav"u, 6 sep 1957, firms, am/mu Tr J V, P,- c 57 itry-56,28) Standar6ization in YuSoGlavirm, by S. V., 14 pp. SMEMO-CROATLUj per, JuSosloveaski Pregled, Vol IV, no lo, ig6o.. pp 415-418. im 9e48 Mur - Yugoslavia ,14-< ~7p/ Econ j= 61 W-pm) Aw"s cmtlv4y 0=0u1 cm*luslm fto W Pb=ommp bY I*- VMS.- 3 "- MMIANY IV# AmmdohsdbP %ZOUP NO 11P 16 Oct wmj, p go. am 12"6 MR 20= Mar 62 Comparison of Raw FAtOrJL&IS A VaeJoemus MWISH, per, PaRSE& A PUU, =nVnef. 642 Sci - Aug 6'1 for Making Chipboard, by Vol. 43, 1961, PR 407-408. /~ U A )q Z 0 ~ A,, S u ,, 334-748 The Croso-breeding of Speciets Within the Genus Rubug, b7 Antero VeArama pp .,"Lai tranaUtion. Z-:,MlSHI S.L.A. 3cientific - Biologioal Aug 55 (SP-2.881) Conuumer Gwdu Mut be both P*W%,I-t'ul and of ExceUent Quality, by, U. Vearandl pp. IMSW, per, Kommist letonii, No 1. 1962, PP 39-45. ims 14172 USSR Pcon ,T,un 62 (SIP-1&3i) Cor-sume!r Gooda *wt be Both Beautiftl snd of ExceUent Q=Iity, by M. Vaarandi, 11 pp. RMTAN, per Kommmist Estonii, No 1, 196~,, pp 39-45- JPRS 143-72 USSR, Econ 2 .0 3 ~/ -Z/0 6 Jun 62 Kinetics of the Direct Synthesis of EtIV1chlorailanes,, by Ya. 1. Vabell. MYSSIAW, rpt, Chemintry and Practical Applications of Grgz~no Silicon Compounds, Leninffed Conference, Vol VI, 1950% PP 31-35. MX M. 3629 Set - Chem, Aug 62 Kinetics of t1w Direct Synthesis of Ethylahlorsilanes, by Ya. 1. Vabell. MJSSIA,N, rpt, Chemistry unO Practical Applications of (h-gano Silicon Compounds, ImIn Lqningrad Conference, Vol VI, 1958., PP 31-3~r 44,o!, Na m. 3628 jC1 - Chem Aug 6R R'luet-ics oz the Direct SyWrlwuis of Etbylehlorsilaness by Ya. 1. Vabell. MBIM., rptO (jImmintry and Practical Applicationa of Organo Silicon Compoundn, Vol VI., 1958.. PP 31-35- MI X- 3629 sci - Cb--m .~- 0 7"-3r 7j Aug 62 Kinetica of tb-- Direct 8ynthesiz of 9thy1chlarsilanas,, by Ya. I, Vabell. I RUSSIAR, rpt.. Chemistry and Practical Applications V, Orgavio Silicon Compounds, lmtaG Leningrad CoOerence, Vol VI,, 195a., PP 31--%35'. MI W. 3628 Sai Chem A u S Kinetics of Phase Transitions in Copper-SiI-iQoa PLIloy Catalysts and Their Relatlon to the Kinetics of Direct Synthesis of Ethyl- ClOwrosilaues, by V. D. Krylov, Yu. H. Efremov., A. M. Xleaine, G. L. Lel'ehuk, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz 1(him, Vol XMIX, No T, 1959? pp 1594-i6ol. Cleaver-Hume Preen Available Br 5 Library Sci A ~' F--Y 3 may 6o 7 Reserves in the Growth of Monetary Funds in Rumania, by C. Ionescu, I. j4g-qxvl, U pp. RUMANW.. per, Lupta de Clasa.. NO 7, 1962, pp 32-43, JM 15335 EBur - Rummula Econ -T / S-14 VY Oct 62 The Finances of Rumnia in the Service of the Construction of Socialism, by H. DIamandopol, 1. Vacarel) 25 pp. UNWSSIFED MrMiM, mo per, Probleme Economl%' , Vol 14o i,' RucbareBt, Dec 1957, Pp 63-6--- Us JMS/DC-L-139 BE - Rumania EcoD - Money Apr 58 j Dose Focelved After a SIng Abarytim of a Fissim ProdWt MLXt=ej, by Go VIMISp 9 YPo xyt$ 2962. ARO,ft-%U Sel - lkwl Sol ja 63 ~~61 jy~ Dose receivea Mter a Sind Absorptica of a FiSSIM Pr,odtwt Xtxtm~ by Go Va=p 9 P99 In I ~ I , I ~ rpt" 1,962. Ago-Tr-5683. Sol - NWI sci Jul 63 174 A:)-l.:U'!estio7a of tbo MxCtrGcW';2UOC;T= ae AllbliM RutM CubjectoA to TSA5W-t4vl (Tiwevemal) keelcratiou wfore =d Atter Spjcwctck-qj by C. Vfkcm L6 Vaccao Iger, A--victa H '~*jlujs; vol xxTT . PP A7-367. 9670443 Di Modicina Aeroumutiea uo 3y svpt 1960.p AM ML-787/1- 6 3ul , Ift I --- s- MONA "D am swomm"m 1 In w r* vp *wzsmqw 106 vmkm- AA We N 4 *% T 00 lb~ 4% W= =- %A " . J 44,66 3004 m Doce remiVed After A s~lnmdm Abw*tim ct a Fiwlca Xtuni, by 0, Vb proamt HL _An&- 9 IV* wmimA Mt$ *62. AW-W-%a Sd - Hwl Scl 13 Aa c J oe AVo:laio R~to Dubjectod. to TWWWU9_1 73efbm and After L. vacce. imm: Vorv RavUta Di Mzditira Aerormtica E RP"Uae, Vol U-111, go 3, SMt 19(03 347-367- iMVM z A= ICL-M/I Ir no . - 61 irin&inas " to streptomnin Reeistenee of Tabercle Bacilli, by ft. Vag !El&pj A. CatraDePlos. It Cueehinni-Acevedo, 23, pp. eAllisH, per;: Bev Asoc YAd Argentina., Vol LXIIII No 647/646t rob 1949p pp 53-58- MA Tr 2559 Sci - Wdicime 'Ton 58 Antibiotics in the Treatmant of TubercUoaia.. by T. Villafane-Lastraq IR. Vaccamusp F. Aralbami, 2 pp. --- No Jourma cited. Mmacript 1949. MA Tr 57-U25 Sci - Medlclne J- 7,, ~4 a 9z ima 58 J Tr-U-10634 Vaccarezzm. Raul F., PolUtzer, Oildo, ond Forrat Raul. L Vacmr=u4 L F. TRIANGULAR MEDIASTINO-DIAPHRAGMATIC MIAGES' M Pollitzer. a CAUSED BY RETRAMON OF THE LOWER PUL. IM Ferretti. R. MONARY LOBULE Onugams TmIrgulares Medla- adw-DialragmtIcas por Mnccion del Lobulo Pul- ra"r linforio4 19 Apr 48, 8p (OP rds omitC4 Order from SLA $ 1. 10 7T-U-10834 Trarm ct Prense 1404iml AnP41=1 IMP Y. 6 2 7:1 (Biological Sdeam-Paftiogy, 7T. v. 12. am 1) offma of To"almal ft"to" On a Cytochemical Reaction for Demonstmtion of the Thiol Groups in Blood Cells, by a. 14amr-Lo F. Vaccarlo G. P. SmderaVekp 31 pp. INgams pe;p Ist Pat SM Modica e Hatodologis Clinicas Unly di Modena Vol ==Mo 1954v PP 263-282. M31 scientific - Cbmdatry Z4 ,;24 7 / 7 M 70/Jla 55 Hintochemical Regearehen on the Thiol Groups of the Blood Celle andRematopoletic Organs of Normal Man# by C. Maurip P. Vaccarit B. Ssbottov 37 pp, VALIM., per# Medleina (Farm)$ Val IV# 1954,, PP 321-350. NIB Scientific - Chemistry CM 70/Jul 55 0 LYDOZYM in lijgwU" Trout of NoWbor bftnU andL MaILUWp by 1. Thowe j. Ombnot Do 0t"? 17 OPAM, ]pro 14"" awiftes Ta Ms 19%52 pp MA 5M30 Sol Asie RT o If Sbotgoos =dim, ""c*l Prows% bf -'k- T. al. op, -mks $A C 44a ovs~isc% ty AAL pet -;'A ~61 20i.-2 1 4, F-.407 Am "13 -Y=L A. CHAWGFS IN THE GAS EXCHANGE IN RA73 AFTER UnWERITONEAL INTkZnON OF CYSTEINE AND C YSTEAWNE. [19631 [9)p. 15 refs. FASEB msmwjip no. S 164-2. Order from M or SLA $1. 10 63-1937S Trau. of Madlisinskays RadloWys (MR) 1962. Y. 7, w. 7p p. U-6Z. DESCRIMRS: Gases, Rats, Perlmmm, Injacdou (Medicinei. "teine. #CystAina~. ORedlopro- teCdVe agents. MCUbDUSM. *Or/SM It to shown that the internal ndUeu of biological. objem expoeW to irradiation Is distgbed after a&nialstranom Of cysteine and cystesmine. The metabolic prW-W are larem IfW and the C02 excretion and do RQ am Increased It Is evident that the turect pan played by 16eoxyomdemarAtaftmechanLomarther 'To small; actim of cysteine and cysteamine Is wry do Imu" is not the re"It of the specific action of them tv alkologi,cal Sciences - -Pharmac-olM. TT, Y. lk m, 51 63-19375 1. Week. A. 11~ FASEBS-164-2! M. Pednatim cd Amerim Societies for Egerimaw Wogr. Washbtown. D.C. - "W's - IV. tar- IMS ~~D. a A24291 ('I Ift of Tod" brAm I rjWf4it ran :lth Adjc*%ble lid- cmrk.t "I. ing, and !-.'Ado by :'.I. dm Am ron aLt 7�5/60 (DC-11210) Israel WIll HAng Bichmmy vy zgon vacci-,, 6 pps OEM , per, Stern, No 29, 16 Jul 1960, PP 36, 38, 39- JM 3831 EEur --f4ermany /,"7 Sep 60 f'.x~iosivos &W 'llwir 6fiactuaauss ;-~Qr;4zg 4y lAptasions, IVY im ~~U441. t;zi..u;r 414or'. V"Iroval "to AUA 1-77!)3 12, Tungsten and Molybdenum# by C. Agtap J. Vacak. 288 pp. CZEW,, BK,, Wolfrw a Molybdans 1954. NASA TT P-13S Sci-Chim Jul 63 15--1- OptUd Sias and In the Pood JStONIAV V&Odra 0 kdusu7o tv FPO PSUWUI CMHP- pwo - Val is* so 24 605;Wle-- 19%# 0 a GUO 655 m BOW ma- 165 276*W PRODUCTION AND PROPERTIES OF SEMI-FINISHED TANTALUM) BY JIRI VACEK) 30 PP. , GERMAN, PER, NEUE HUETTE) VOL 11) NO 11i, ig,;7, pp 692-702. JFR5 17z96 SCI . CHEIA JAN ~3 220)891 Vacek, jiri. THE POWDER MLTALLURGY OF NIODIUM, [19M] 1. Vacek, J. 18p. (refs. 17 figs. omitied). Order front SLA $1, N) 6 1 - 1616.9 1 Trins. of Neuv Ifflne (Rast Germany) 19,59, v, 4, no, 1;, p. 493-501. DESCRIPTOKS: 'Niobium, *Powder metallurgy, 61-16169 (Metallurgy- -Nonferrous Metals, 717, v. 6, no. 3) 1 Office of I.tImIc.1 semc.% Influences of Sintering Behavior oL-' 'hinsotci, by jo vacc!", J.P- pp. P!,,*;a,-j-,,berichtc fuer Vcl VII, ~Io JL, 1959, pp 16-17- AEC tr-3822 jan 6 0 Recmt TwL-Ical Trends In Powftr *UaluWs by Curt Agtev J:Uf ?~a"k ,j_ 17 yp4 CZMHj, bkt Nejanjaa m-edwilm Susty v Pmakove Hatoalurgi, 1955.9 VP 7-130 68-ft. AM lc~~� Sai - min/met Dee 6o Bolling of Hallway UV Tyroa,, by FOLM, per, Hatulki Vol V11P So 2p 1957P pp 47-50. -tr 829 Sci - Engr Apr 58 (R-4641) Structure of Casoboolovsk Iw3u2try.. by A. Cor"A'Y". J. Vwba.* 12 pp. CZ=.. per, &Atlirticky Obsors So 4, 11960# pp 159-W. im BMW - Czachoolmkia Jan 61 dog SEIM (NY-3905). ladustry in 1960 -- The Last Year of the second Five-Year Plano by A. Cerveny, J. Vaeba 7 PP- MCH, per,, Statisticky Obzor) No 11 1960, pp 1-5. JPRB 5311 EEur Czechoslovakia Econ Industry sep 6o 77 BEIM (BY-3448) Fanpower in Czeohoolovak Agr-ioulturep by Vladimir I tfacha, An Vranyt 30 PP- CZECII, per, Zemedclolm stocomlimp Vol XUII) No 11;, Prague, 1959p PP 609-626# JIM 2789 BEur - Czachm1ovakia m) Econ - Jkgri=ulture jilt 60 Highvay Construction Types in Third Five-Year Plan, by Zdenek Vachay FOUO. CZ=, per, lnzemWwake StavbW, Jun 1960, Prague, PP 217-219- FM Sum 2603 Mur - Czechoslovakia Econ - tramportation oat 6o COFMIGHT On a Sm Hotbed of fastUg WcUlgblUty of apeeas by a. B. MaYlk, Z. Thlest.; ~t C=q DWP -09W - Obzors Vol =1 No 7. 1958j, pp 46"W4 Nbrris D. Vrie4ma S-2-33 Sol - saff3morizg *Y 59 ,p X-, 0 dl Aritiblotlas aud the Gmft of ftim aud Mmfbimm of Auwao-Jn on the DisestiblUty of lbtrLeatis by Swim) by &c.TevrIer? vTo re Ynah"t at all 13 pp- 7MM,* p6rp Andft do Zwtftbm%p Vol Ms. 195hp pp 1-7; Vol XVP 1955.. pp 14&152. ALO 59-2D883 Scl - *dlcl~e am 6o Vol nil. NO 5; !he Zv-1 li~~b ia of Carbon nnd O~on;lm A ti Mk)l "I Lmn, by H. 0 Tacher, E. 'E'. H 1, t bls,-r, 3049 mer ;A&44 lut Cho ~ittucturul variatioas 1ARGliti,.- to i~vltriiiciclwis 6y i-~Oaus oi U,4t :icdttariu~,s Dj L. ~rwlauuuva C. ~uchvmd. Vi4Lr-;Cl, -,er. Vevrets Lt keirAqtair!~j, Vdl 20, ~.o 5" Li", 1~11-1 3~4-361. 'tLL 1,vi 94421,4L (24A) A ft A* si~ FAM4 fts a am ho 6? ooo4:w*Aftw- aft""o rp- 6~-~"A644t* t" 39406 BaTyllim, by P. Vecbe*w*,, 15 pp. "r ~ , per , Chill & 2hd, Vbl- L=j Farls, 1959, PP 64 -77. mo = MIS-59(ItD/S) sci - Fab 6o 1e 7 "--/ -alpadal can# cc tbo P"Party Reapmablilty Of outain an (Qxwntl" Fm) awmm I 1151 by 1. AOM V- MLOARW* put schat4vodgtvo I Kmtral, So 5,v 1962t pp 9~-15. im 16352 Mir - Ddgerla Ewn Nov 62 :)1fRol Hictintim- fbr Acc*=Une Persomml (a COOPOMU" TUM maor the aw $Yet" tor, Pi =W no md Wa~gW 08 XWOMI 2000M bY NAOISW Vbcbw, T W- RHAAIM -In I kantial So i pft, M21esg& 5.1 a3lm OA N V,, W-Ragarta s= jan 66 295.,173 gydration of Olef insp IT F. Vacbez.. 4.7p9. FEboudil lxrp Rewe de I'loatitut Francais du Petrole et Ammano des Combutilaeo UqAdeG,, VOI a -3p,.NO.50 rp CMI TT-G'-IC7 - -Y~ -, , /".." C., .~ d~~ 323..- -0 Sci - Chemiatry AW 67 .#=,A am,%. Ams 4. First Cues or Acute Txterownft. apatitis -With Positive Beio-agAutlantlon rm RICkattaim , Bmmett (Q-7ova). loolAtion of a Strain in One qase., by A. Vachonj J. pe Garlus 8 pp, 7r=mj pars WOU MCA$ VOL Mjm=l IM-P PP 33-36- Scientific - Medicine