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Synthesis of Artificial Tanning Agents of the Sulfo=-'~Pett Movolak Typo, IM D. Tishchenko, Is Uvarovy 10 py. AWSIAN,, perp Zhur Prik Dim, Vol =, No 1., 1957Y pp 104-113. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jun 55 R - 18/64 Living Traditions, by M. _o _2Xar_v. IIUSSIAAS 11P., Krasnaya Zvczda, 30 Nov 1963, p 2. MRS/SPECIAL/SF-2972 us's R LA Jan 64 Measuremnt oC the 72m ae Fll&t for Electrons in PhotcmuMplim, by V. IL Go*adbev, L. D. Usenbo., U. A. 4 pp. IUSSWj pw~j WboM ** Rbv"s No Is 1*j. pp 69~. =A Sci /id 0 9 war 61 ~~rjarstioo Cooffidents V~ 12C jind 14C Iiv 6,2 4;uilibrim EvaporWoR of ~UUgw. by a ' .0 V, Uv M mid Lyspin at al pp i-SC -~4*41,-tr-64 NOV b6 313o714 11 ) T topes, by 0, `4% UrTarcrv, ru~-l Uij .1 N. 1-j. K~meiv~rLftc, Vol III, No :4~ N - AEC Tr-4r,%05 s -167/60 O)C -3516 ) - Sepaxation Factors of Carbon Isotopes of Ethylene, Mane and Methane During Liquid-Vapor Phase EquilibriLm, by 0. A. Yagodin, N. M. Zhavoroakov) 7 PP- RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXI, No 2, -L956, 384-387. JMS 3195 Sci - Chem Apr 60 Separation of the Stable Isotopes of Boron, by N. N. Sevryugova, 0. V. Uvarov, N. M. Zhavoronkov, 1~ 0 pp. RUSSIAN) PER, AtcmvAys Mmerg, Vol IX, No 2, 1961, pp 110-125. CB '4 P 71"r Sci sep 61 Separation of Boron Isotopes by Frational DiBtilla- tion of Boron Trichloride, by N, N. SevrMova, 0. V. Uvarov, N. M. Zhavoronkov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, ~)er, Dok Ak Fauk G36Hj Vol GXWIj No 51 pp 1044-1046. Sci Aug 60 CB 9-587/60 (NY-14587) Separation Factors of Boron Isotopes in the Equilibrium Vaporization of Boron Triflu"xide, by N. N. Sevryugova, 0. V. Uvarov, N. M. Zhavoronkov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXIV, No 5P 19,00, pp lWi-1008. JPRS 5289 g; P3 Sci - Nuc Phys Aug 6o %tCrmi"O+,iQa QC t1w sopsmtloa C=Iri"=ts of the Botopes of Wron In the Equilibrim Evaporation of BCI . by N. U. Sevryupva, 0. V._!bTnvs R. M. ;;Xronhov, 5 pp.. MMIAK# bim per,, Lt,2~ WwEg&j~p Vol I, No 4) 1956., pp 2MR. //-I - 117. CoasultantE; Bureau Sci - Nuclear Pbysics w -31- / 'o, 9- Mr 57 CTS Some Physico-Chemical Constants Water,, by N., M. Zbevamakovj, 0. Bevryugova.- 14 pp. RMSIAN, source unkncnm. of Heavy Oxygen V. Uvarorp ff. N. sci *M "I; Tr P/07~3 A.I.R.N. ffwweU I4b Tr 6-Q,4 Bel - Chemistry 41 ~r,,P- d Jul 57 Sepsration Coaffteients for the Chlorine Inotopen in the Re"ralblo Vaporization of IM, by X. I. mktvwtwo 0. V. vmm; W. No Zh&vora*ovj* 4 PS MWIANj perj Dok A lauk MRj, Vol =Lyo No 3v 1959,9 PY 580-583 Consultants Bureau Sal AIM 60 An InvesUgation of Us SepmUon of the Stable Isotopes of Ugh nmentso by N, 1(. Mmyoronkov, 1. Babkow) 8 p. RMSIAN, Us Pmeedines of the Firwt AU-Usdm Conferenae on flaftation Cheml"_Froduction of lsotoPesi 1957m PP 132-140- 9NM5-0 Consultants Bureau Sci - Me= Apr 6o Cost Aocounting in the Supp3,v Organs of the Gorlkiy Motor Vehiole Plamt Imeni Molotov, by P. T. Uvarov -M==-p pert kOo I Trek Pmaj NOT 1954, pp 1-40 Olk/FDD/Sm 522 usm z0onomic . p J-.~405 Mw 55 CTS Af/ On Tuitimip b tM lktUua ScomWi, by T.-unww* 1. 6 vp. VM Now# Opp Pnvko 6 on W9. a IM39 aft MW 59 a / ~02 'of/ A/ The Refkeetion of Radiation From an Infinite Flat Surrace illuminated by a Point Source., IW - Choxacteriatics of the Radiation Fieldp by B. A. Gyrigoriev, A. G. Ershov, V. A. uvarm, 4 pp. BUSSIM, per., Optik-a i Spektroskopiya, Vol X,, no 1, 1961, pp 96-103 - OSA jun 61 ftflection of Radlation by an Influlte Flat Surfacep Muminated From a Point 2= Source.. II. Partickular Cases, Mqortant for Prutleal Applicatlonsp by B. A. Grigorlyev, A. 0. Ershov, v I A. .~~Vl ~~ PP. RUSSIAN, per, Optita I Spektro, Vol X, No 2, 1961., pp 198-206, OBA scl ,Tui 61 Uvarov, G. A. ENrRAINMENr OF LIQUID BY GAS OR SrEAM (Uvlecheniye Zhidkosti Gazom ill Parom). Dee 59 18]p. TIL/T. 5028; f DSIR LLUI M 1747; AD-235 547. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-13082 TranB. of Industdial'nyyj InIstitut] Kuybyshev. Sborn[IkJ Nauchinykh] Trud[ov] (USSR) 1955. no. p- 19(-203. DESCRIPTORS: OLIquitts, VolumetricanslysiB. *Bubbles, *Gases, Steam. Motion. *Acceleratim Mathematical analyBiB. fl-13mz 1. Uvarov. G. A. ll. TTL/T-5028 in. MIR LLU M. 1747 IV. AD-235 547 V. Ministry of Aviation (Gt. Brit.) A method Is given for calculating the quantity of liquid entrained by gas during its movement In a free space- matorm owics k OWUM4AOM 0. **bOtlas A 0 bY 9- Vjt,b sadcoaftew p5w iLl 0. ~Vamnf j T&UNW&I va m=s ib 3# N'lowl V"* Arwasts 9 vp V13:We 19ft. %a -OLII~ V02mom Vol 1.960" pp sci J= 61 -A- It UWX swr4r, orstboAs MA sm" mm--v to 10AMOMI- ztw.. bf IL To jjjjgpw=j~odro 5 ". u a so* was gloom# IWO , W.P30*f, man **# 1b it, 1* a $A 1 200" jot 69 0 1-7 -,- w i ~p k=96#. LJ7 me W~..Mwwwwgu A* 1111111111m, ru= 6EEW- I'. %two .Mgbm ~A** lb d S"ausd swe " IWA" q i SoLle conver SIovs of vilwl ,,,th.l Etiier 1 uvarcrvEL) 4 -p-p- otdel ,USSIk,i, per, 1.4 A]-, IiauK SSSR) "48-351- 10 2, 1961, -PP CB Sci Jun C-2 193,820 Sk-ardh for Ways of Dprm-il* the structural- lix-Chanical Properties of Fhmogmphlg BoAlotous fcw Naclear Research, by V. M. Uvarma, V. A. )VlltBevaj pp, TUBSTIAP, per, Uspekb Naueb Potograf, Vol Vn, 1960, pp -15o-i6o. C3A'/PM xx-1047 NOT HmRazANjx To FOFJ= NATIOWLS &A - Ilualear Pbys S, ~n 61 USIB DMUL USE ONLY An Investigation Into the Process of ReCrystall of Grains of Halo'idal Silver.ia Emulsions for Ntjojear Research., by V. X._pvaroira, M. p. Rodichelmj Ke H. Rcman&MWC-2-6 Fp, T-jr,-310,, per, Trudy Wes Nauch-Isaled Kinafototoinstj No -11. (2-1).. 1957, rp 17-29. ABC UCRL -Trans -452 Sai - phys '/ & ~; 73 Y3 Aug 61 A Study of the Sulfate Precipitation Process of suclear ftils ions p by V: No uvargy&j. M. Yu. Debardeyevs H. I scfie-rb-akov~, 19 pp. RUSSIM., perj, Trudy Wes Nauch-Iseled Kinafototoinst No U (21).. 1957., PP 3642- mc ucn-7ram -454 sci - Pkw / 6 -s; -3 -~ '/: Aug 61 mallawAty tm ran= awn tin Limus Of Q=Xts mtmrio2at opectavi 'a- 1~ by V. N. Warm X, Re a0llsg;*~6 IWO WBUD9 PW.. 223Ur Noleh I PAk Faft L Xtm.. Val VMo No 6, 1963s. 3v M6-Wo aom IZ-1343 ND Bel - rms fty 64 UMB laftrma USS oay 0.,042 Ollie es Ce-vatu"I 0a lass, "'auct.,101 ! -r, In Al-vs. paciproDaty Lm Fauun ViV31A the Ludu of Qugmu:i MtmvioUt S!poctml PsoMp by ~o JL IL 0401'skiyo 6 ypo V, me UVaMa MMff AN, x*r, Dw Nnymb 1 PjFLk YOU I FJ=p Val YMP so 619 wsv pp "JI490 CIAIM XIC-1545 no FGFJM mam sa % pbp mpy (A USIB Interml U" Oay it Study on the Causes of Appearances of Dichroic (CvIvred) Fog and Black Film Occurring in the Process of DevelopIng Thlak-layered Nuclear Plates: by V. M. Uvarovas Us F. Rodicheya., 15 PP, RUSSIAN, per) Trudy Veto Rauch-jealed KInarototmimt, No 11 (21), 1957, PP 9nd= 30-35- Am ucHL-Tram -453 Sci - Phys -3 ;~S- Aug 61 Swelling PmperUss of nford 0-5 vzd NWi R-Typee PIftt,cvj bY V. X. Vva=va. N. T. Amama, 7 pp, HWIMj per, T=4y XaUeb-ImsUd UwZoto Uwt, W Uj, 1937s PP 43-W- CA/M XX-967 10 RKAABAU To sci - mmi try Mar 61 usn au 61-13122 _jbW&0Ap.M_16, Chernobraftin, A. P. and cthers. MANUrACTURE OF LARGE GAS 71MINE PLANTS. 1. Gas turbines--instaltmion [1960] 18p. 4 refs. C.E. Trans. 1599; M1793. 2. Power plants- -operation Order from LC or SLA m1$2.40. ph$3.30 61-13122 1 . Uvarov, V. V. U. Chernobrovkin, A. P. Trans. of TeploenergetLka (USSR) 1959. v. 6 [no. I Of Ill. CE Trans-1599 p. 8-17. IV. DSIR LLJJ M.1793 Another translation Is available from LC or SLA V . Central Electricity mi$ 2. 70, ph$4. 80 a e AEI TP/T- 2744. Generating Board (Gt. Brit.) It is shown that at the present time there are possibili- ties for the creation of gas turbine plants with outputs up to 400 MW and efficiency of the order of 39 to 40TO, and outputs up to 60D MW with efficiency of 38 to 39%. Mce of T*A" Swv4ces (Machinery- - E ngi nes, TT, v. 5, no. 3) The Gas Turbine and Prospects of Its Use for power and Transport) by V. V. Uvarov. UNCIASSUIED o -RT ,i5olAN) perk Teploetergetika., No 5, 1955, PP 3-9. CIA 9033793 C Reel 572 TIL 4665 investiption of the Composition of Dry-DistMed Retort TUTGMLW fftm tb* RBSIU Of K*rs= PIM (Pinus koraiensis sieb. et ZUCC),, by N. 1. Uvarova *% 1. is BardyakwTv 4 ppe MWIAN, perp Zhur Prik, MaImj Val Mo No 7v IMs pp 1105-11070 cowultants Bmau Scl - Chen Oct 58 lyneesis of Suvw Compounft tr the. Aid of ~ Vlrql; Stheom and Acetylew~, Ommmiaktion 11. tv. Acoo of ZtJW2 TIVI BUUUQ9 4r-H. 0 sbotwo"aws 3. No 0 1o pp. ha M33UH. blu ipwo in A-mw ilia 1, Zupeb 190, pp. 194-362.' OU D I"= Drw Rau 'S'eientifto ChwleW Am 55 Synthesis of sulfur Compounds Based on Vinyl M, hero a' Acetyleite. 17. Vinyl Ethers of G~Ycol, by M. F. Shostakovskiy, E. 17. 5 pp. ~MSLAN, -per, iz Ak- Nauk 8;GR, i0t;del Khim Naukt No 10.. 1958, PP 3245-1249. Consultants BUMOU sci Apr 6o Ma,416ioll OT O.-O-DiollWl E~*-ogoa Pboophoradithioates V:Lt-h "AIVI &=des., by T. A. Yaat47*m; 2. 3f. N. 1. Uvarovax IL 1. mostakovaky auld- M. 1. K~b~j ' =WVS, = per U Ak Nuak &SM, otdaa. v*,-#= uu* ND 4~ 1956s DD 43-450- OU 90M074 0, Rml go 64 Consultamts Buram W 0 ChomiAtq Doe 56 ems/&= f.~ypthesls of Sulfur Compounds by the Aid of Vinyl --'there and Acetylene. Caawanicatioa 13. General Pliltbod for the Dyntheols of Vln-~rl 191alfidea) by M, F, ohostaNovety, Be W, PrIlazibay"a. H. It Warm) 8 pp# RUSSIAN, bimo per, Iz A Nauk &iM , Otdel Khim Kauk) SOP/Oct 1-955, pp 9V)-91'2~ CIA 511'76'00 4 JV *C Conaultonto Bureau v sci - Chemistry !'.u9 1956 Synthesis of Sulfur Cmwounds by the Aid of Viwjl Rtbers and Acetylene, Commicafton 10. Synthesis and Certain Roactlow of Etbyl Viml Sulfidep by X. P. ShostakDVOky, l- No PAUzhoymj, N. l. Molop ibim pwjq ;I Ak Nad So 3.- Vkko *Y-Jm 1954# PP Coul"Itauto Rare= Scientific - chewma m WOW 55 oil the TurNrit1wz Yf6iL, tsui. Resirl ot Ficea Ajantncis FIGth, by E. 1. TUN-arrva a, 0. V ' M, o-rozora, ~!. P, pp. F-Ug---~STPT.. per, Zhur Prik i0im. Vul. M, No 16I"VIg 1957, I;p 1271;-Lri6- Cc"ul"atz Sci - Chem .e7. A2eOtrQpiC MfttUren of VUWI&Wl Rtberg Wjkh Alcohols - n' , tw m. ip. Shoe X. N, RUMIOP Port Zhur Prik Dim UMP vol xxvi, NO 10i"Oat 1953., pp 1W4-1079. C9 0, C Bureau scientifi6 - Chmistry Jan 55 CTB/MM mmVestization of tbek swaxuug cap"Ity of 11fora 0-; and ~ Sik:ti Ine-A na+aop 'by 1. M. UrWrMl N, Ve ADWQV&p b JM9 RUSSIUj, P"s Mmdy- Vassopm Namob-Imaed XlWoto- masto NO ut (23.),* 19571, Pp 4348. AM VOM-ftans-455 Sol - phys 1501fw msy Q Uvarova, V. M. Deberdayev. M. Yu.. and Shcherbakova. Ve. 1. A STUDY OP THE SULPATE PRECIPITA-171019 PROCESS OF NUCLEAR EMULSIONS (lealedovaniye Protessa Sul'fatnogo Osazhdenlys Yadernykh Emul'sly,' (19601 19p. (foreign text included) 3 refs. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40. ph$3.30 UCRL TranS-454 Trans. of [Vse"uznyy Nauchno-lsslodovatel'skiy Kinofotoinstitut. Trudy] (USSR) 1957, no. 11(21). p. 36-42, (Materials- -Photographic, TT, v. 5, no. 6) 61-15427 1. Photographic emulsions- Chemical reaalons 2. Sulfates- -Chemical reactloas I .Uvarova, V. M. 11. Deberdeyev, V. M. 111. Shcherbakova. Ye. 1. IV. UCRL Trans-454 V . Lawrence Radiation Lab.. U. of California, Berkeley office of Tochoicol Sw-Acos Uvarova, V. M. and Rodicheva, M. P. A STUDY ON THE CAUSES OF APPEARANCE OF D(CHROIC (COLORED) FOG AND BLALK FILM OCCURRING IN THE PROCIM OF DEVELOPING MCK-LAYERED NUCLEAR PLATES (ISAISCIMAnlYe Prichin Poyavleniya Llikhroichemkoy (Tavetnoy) Vusli 1 Chernago Naleta Voznikayushchikh v Protsesse Proyav leniya Tolacoaloynykh Yadernykh Plastinok). 119601 15p. (foreign text Included) 3 refs. Order from LC or SLA mI$ 2. 40. ph$3. 30 UCRL Trans -453 Trans. of [Vsesoyuznyy Ibucbno-Isaledovatel'sitly Kindotainstitut. Trudy) (USSR) 1957, Do. 11(21), p. 30-35. 61-IS426 1. Photographic plates - - Processing 2. Title-, Dichroic fog 1. Uvarova, V. M. 11. Rodichevs, M. F. Ill. UCRL Trans-453 IV. Lawrence Radiation Lab.. U. of California, Berkeley A study was made of the dependence at the dichroic tog density upon the sulfite concentration in the de- veloper and on the temperature of the dry stage of development. On the bases of the study. the following Office of Te"cal Servim conditions -for the development of thick-layered plates (Materials, TT, v. 5, no. 6) (OVC4 Uvarova, V. M., Rodicheva, M, F., and Roinanovskaya, K. M. AN INVESTIGATION INID THE PROCESS OF RE- CRYSTALLIZATION OF GRAINS OF RALOIDAL SILVER IN EMULSIONS FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (Issledovanlye Protsessa Perekristallizatell Zeren Galoldnogo Serebra Emul'siy dlya Yadernykh Issledovanly) tr. by R. TItunik. Feb 59. 28p. (foreign text included) 5 refs. Order from LC or SLA mJ$2.70. ph$4. 80 - UCRL Trans -452 Trans. of Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skly KinofotoinstitUL Trudy (USSR) 1957, no. 11(21), p. 17-29. 61-15420 1. Silver halldea-- Crystallization 2. Photographic emulsions-- Properties 1. Uvarova, V. M. 11. Rodicheva, M. F. III. Romanovskays, K. M. IV. UCRL Trans-4S2 V. Lawrence Radiation Lab., U. of California, Berkeley An Investigation was made of the bMuence of bromide, urea, soda. ammonta, rhodanide and methyloxytria- 201ndoll2lne on recryotallization of nuclear ernuislon 64- J T-W..j S-14 grains of haloldal Ag, The methods used were ;hC=M=j stat standing potentionnet the nonsingle layer, arKI (Materials - *Gographic,rW v. 5, no. 6) (over) Study of Swelling of Plates of Ilford G-5 and Nikfl Type H) by V.,M. Uvarova, 1. V. Anosova. RUSSIAN, Wbrk"f-t~e All-Union Scientific Research Kino-Photo Institute) No 11 (21)) 1957) pp 43-48. *AEC Sci - Pbys Feb 59 Vkwuring of Contact Gaps by the Absolute Interferem YAthod ,~ by I. T. T!Eak~yf 3 pp. RUWIM# parO I=rital Tekbp No 30 1958s pp 46-47. Instru am at Amer Sci Apr 60 / / -?. lel ClakIVS of TONS %Jtb MOMW and PAW by ~~ GR 'A pas Hunt6 Val 9v No N Ma pp 10M. RD J. 0 v I k, o- Set/W&M may 65 278,476 CONDITIONAL SPECIFICITY OF SERUM ALBUMIN. PART 1: EXPERIMENTS WITH RX PRECIPITIN AND COMPLEMENT FiXATION, BY SADAMU IJWAZUMIj 72 PP. GERMAN,, PER., ARB MED FAKULTAET., PKAYAMA; VOL XLV, 1934, PP 53-104. NAVY TR 3225/R4s 730 SCI - MED s Ea~ 6z 2LL,8U Scientif ic Coeerence of the Medical Faculty of Turtu Stave University, Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Estonian S.S.R., by V. KaInt ESTONIANj perk Xoulzopde Nesti Tervishoid., No 4p 1960, pp 77-79. JFR3 962T Soo g ,4.g 61 Weathw Rdftop by U70"i Uymtsuo 19 :vw. Down va E=,v No 9/3* ava :1,47 ftisatific -PAO"%* e- 4 Goomplas /'&/ Mo (DC-53q,o) Mwhine and Mind, by Z. fiavewkiy, P.. 14-=ovt Ye. U3~y 209 pp- 11=1M) ~4%~ ftQU= I Vul', 19W, pp 1-143. JPRB m - I i~, 3 5 -gal - Mice Aug & (DC-5830) machine and Mind, by Z. Favenskiy, A. Uy=ov, yet Vl=OM? ~ 109 v - RMSM, bko MWdw L Kral', 1960, pp 1-143. JPRS 8781 -3 T -5 - sai - Mize / ~ 5, Aug 61 Uyemura Takeshi. I)EiftC PROPERTIES OF WOODS AS MM WIXCATOR OF THE MOMnME ISm - CrED POR- 71ONSJ tr. by Muaklyo Kmo. June 19M [35]p. FFLD tnns. no, 136. Order from NRCC mi$0.80, ph$7. 50 NRCC C-U9, 61-12595 1. Uyemura. T. 11. FPLDTrsns-136 M. NECC C-3497 IV. Forest Products I Div. (Canada) Partial tmna. (p. 116-118 and 127-164) of Iffingo Shikenjo Kenkyu Hokokul (Japan) IM = 119, p. 95-166 (or4onally pub. as Holz da Roh- und Werkstoff (West Germany) 1959, Y. 17, = 10, P. 364-396). A complete tramalation is available hun NRCC MI$0.65. ph$4.50 as NRCC C-3395, Jim 60, 19p. L DESCRIPTORS: *Wood. Melectric Properties. A. MoLsawe, Humidity sengitiveelementa. hiathematical Maya" (Materials- -Wood. TT, v, K, no 11) Determination or the Vapor Pressure of SoM Salts (IV The Vapor Fresswe of the Oxides., W03., Niooqjp Mo., Tegg and TheIr Thermodyvaidc Valucep 5 pp,- by Kot.0 UY000 ., per., Rbon Ragaku Zaashi., Vol IXII,, No 10., JAPAIMSE 5 Oct 1941. AM Tr l(r$. 61'.A. Tr 764/1955 scl - Chem ~-O) ~2 6 (0" JUI 57 Syntheses of Pyrimidi Derivatives. 1. Synthesis of P-Alkoxymethylene- xypropionitriles, by Masao Tomita, Shojiro_Wq2l_6 pp. JAPANKE :per, Yakupku Zasshi, Vol LXXIV, No 7) 1954) PP 742-746. sLA 6o-10952 Sci UrS, Vol III, No 6 Sep 60 07 Bynthesis of o-nitro-N.-~1-9.aee+ALnislaiae, by JAPAIMe per$ Takeft KOWQWO NWO Waal Report of the Takeu Research TAboratory)., Vol VTllp 1943- 194% VP 22-29- sm 6-1.5 Sci - Chem &a 58 6 71 S-3 Uytterhoeven. J. and Frlpia4 1. 1. 1 TT-64-10990 ,APPLICATION OF I-R SPECTROSCOFY ON THE STUM 1. Uynerhoeven, J. OF SOME ORGANIC DEP1VATIVES OF ALMUN10- H. Fripia.4 1. J. SILICATES AND SILICA CEL 119631 10P Ilrds Order fit., SLA $1. 10 77-64-10990 Trans. of mono. International Geological Congreso (no, 21) Copenhagen, 1960. Rept., 1961 Ipt. ] zc p, a0-87. (Eardi Sciences - -,\Wieralogy. T'r, v. 11, no. 11) 1 offl.. .# T.......1 ~-t ... ftrPhologloal Chanos In the Skln Tlamw& Of Cattls ftMetLinad by I%Mid Ticks. by V. U2akov. Ftusaw, pax~ At, much. rob. lab. R.I. Yet, Inot, Vol. 15, 1963. Do 109-113 CM0/110-7491 u Sci - Aug 67 339-481 Concreted Thermal Catbodes Haft of Nickel and A3 kal in FAxth Oxides,# by 0. MesmuAj, R. tlzau,, 4o PP. NO Journal cited# Mmwcript. SrA Tr 57-998 Sci Engineering Jan ~8 Sintered, Alkaline Earth Oxide Cathodes Con- taining Zirconium., by 0. Mesnard and R. Uzan, 3T) pp 0 FRENCH# per, Le Videp No 58-5,10 JU-Se 195% pp 124-13h~ Copj o,11). PI SCI. 7/ L) .1 The.,naionic &'Auslon of Siritered Mixtureu d Povdered Tungeten mid LUmliue Earth Carbonsteu,- by r;,, ~tzonard Rnd Re Uzon, 22 pp. FRENCH, per,, Le Vide, No 58-59,, JU-Sep 1955j, pp 105 -118. COp-j SILA 57-304 S, c i ,o a; 7 Aug 58 M H. Uzawa "rglycerldezia Resulting From Intake of Rice Oil Contaminated With Chlorinated Biphanyls. JAPANESE, per# F xzwm zassu vo3. 6o, 1969. pp 449-M NrC 72-13136-M sept 72 m- -- - - M m Obanges in the electrical activity of the brain after partial pancreatectoTV.9 by A.A. Uzbekov, A.D. Yawryuk., 7 pp. R'WSIAN~ pery Fiziol M= -SSM imn:L I.M. Seebonova, Vol XLvlip No 3, 1~619 pp Set Apr 6 2 Hamral Factors of Bloocl With Applications of mid, by A. A. Uzbekov., L. B. Ozieva., 4 pp. waftwa. RUSSIAN$ mo per, Byid Ewper Biol i Yed, Vol XLI, No lo, oct 19561 pp 44-47. C=mdtaatl3 Burew Sci - limair-ine J-~7 J-d 42, aan 58 rr--ta Concoram:Lng the a,ad Dabc-orUca.1 MaCt o;C DLd by G X., Mriolesp 1~* A. Uzbekov. 5 RUSSIAN, per, Byul Ekspe:., i DLol i Mocl.. Val .2=, No 1-9571 PP .15-19- Ccmsultants Bureau Jul Thw1wrlm Awtwt Bru*Uwls of Panow with Positive Rewtlows by Xb. A. MNYMUP L Do Be Ro 7 BUSUM,p pwi Mar Ulkrabla 'a"dodol i bmandbiolp Va =0 lb 40 IMP pp 53-W- PIP ml Or 61 Firing dolw4tes from the 66ba deposit, by K. 7. Simonov,, A. 1. Uzber& 0. Ya. Vaynshteynp 6 pp. 'Ogneupory, So 9, 10, 1960, RUSSTAN, per, SP alm - -- - - m f. pp 389-397. AOU metanurgUa ftt ftr (e //0/ . //. z ,I. - - lag WON at womuc bots by Pe X, blja&m~jj Ao Is 1~,;;;:i ]me 0 06204mys No 7/88 -loot At% X" - e10- sci My 62 19404TI 3 AM ..... " wxl~ pmalawasm ~ ~ ff " sammogaft, SO& ma- v lW* I 7"UNZ v woo W Kisig I "O~ an"-M PL-M Sd - oft #d & AMM SNI a MW600 1 1451/61 1:~ Turkish Journalist~s Report Kazim Uzen, Mehmet Luma, on Visit to Albania, by (DC-65-02) TURKISH, np, Yeni Sabah, 8-14 Oct 1961. *JPRS EEur - Albania Soc, Pol, Econ 28 Dec 161 !km (DG-6502) Tt=kiah Jou=mliat Re-norts on Visit to IL"bani a j by Kazim Men 27 lop. I 10=, np., Yeni Sabah) 8/14 act 1961. JM 12M Bear East-Afriea - /00/1 -310 Turkey SOC Jan 62 Vegetative 4bridizatim ef Cottons by S. Kh. Uzenbayev. MWIU,w Up pift bv Ak Rm* U*ebkd SeHs Taskents 19%m 178 P- CIA D 5OM5 USSR Sai - Biology Jun CTS/dai"" USDA r (sp-laa."D ) Tae Economic and Sociapolitical BaBis of the ,initary Power of States,. by V.,JjKtj~yev. 11 pp. RUSSIAN; pws Kommlat Vboruzhenn7& Bil) no 6., 195-1, PP 4T-54. JM 4T4Q 160" 017~ jui 61 t~je Ilse L of Jkov Machinen oi,, by A. S--j--;;Lln-3V. i'. ftD1,C]d Alt, J111b 5 1596 Ural Pathophysiologists Investigate Problems of Regional Putholoo, by Ta. Udansays 2 pp. RU38IAN,, per,, Ned Rabot, Vol XV3:1,, go 15, 19 Fob 1954, P 4. Sai Tr Center BT-1371 Scientific - wicine M/Du The SiL-mificance of Deeterirdnations of the Total Piftotm-lu- of Blood in Studies of the Mechanism of Reglation of Blood Formation, by Ya. G. Uzhanskiy, )~ PP. - RUSSIMUT, per, Tnik, Wes Konfer Med RacUol, Eksper Mled Radiol, Moscow, 1957(~,~ex, - f);"- I-z. AEC Tr 3661 Oct f-59 The Dangor of Tnstantaneoan Br0L-"':"Io-wn of Structural Elements S-3ubjected to Cyclic Overloading, by B. V. Uzhik, M. Ya. Gallperin, 3 pp RIISSIAN, por, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR3 Vol CXXXI, No 41 19602 pp -'--TL5P--APJX 1046-1048 AIP Sov Phys - Doklady Vol V, No 2 Sol Nov 60 C24 Limiting;Resistance of Plastic Metals to Brittle Fracture, by ~- ~UthI16 1-6 pp- RUSSIU, ~per, Vest Mashinostroenip, Vol Mv, so 6.. 1955.. vp 13-17. Sci Hue Lib 55/3410 Sci - Minerals/metals 3 /,, 76 4:"* P,t,rcngth and Plact-icity a Metale at lou TemWratures, by G. V.-R~hLkj, 180 PP. RUSSUR, ~k.,'Prochnwtl i Plastichnost' HebaUov pri NizkM T=Wraturaldlx,, Ak flauk SSSR, 1957o ml Sai - r*hVa f,2 ~ sul 62 Matala~ "by G.V. Uzb:U,,, FiUssuel, p,~rs 1?, Ak A S&SR ', 07M.- No 1.0, 19LI8.. i c,,6623691 ATIc mm 523/1 Sol - V44-mat, 6 -P e? .T= 61 7,,J / Mch=cal FropMles or Lov-A22py stea-, 13,, b,v G. V.,V&bl)4 M. Y&. GallperJn, P. P. arl&ICV, G. L. Livshits,, and Ya. K. Terent'yeva, 4 pp* RUSSIM, p=~, Stal, No 1, 1961, pp 68-72. BM sci .Am 61 5- -Urittlo IdGixi- .,.,asist~xaee of Plastic Metals t6 teuwatiou by G. V. UZWkj. 5 PP- MICL 'WSSITIO, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSM., Vol- XCIX., No ~,.954.t mo 685-687. 9660970 Ano mm-534/in L"Ld - 11inlYat Aor 61 4osl-a - item 1.8 C~rnmsitc -pe-r-L's (or Rcas) as a mxans of rMising Load Capacity and Prevent"Ing Dlrittir.~ "'acturebt PorAtionz of Concentrated Str~/.rs, by G. V. Uzhik, 3 PP. RUSSWi, per, DA 14!.- Hauk SSSR, Vol C~DCIJTI, -No 1, 1959, pp, 41-. Amer Inst of Phys Vol IV2 110 3 Sci jun 60 On the Elastic-Plastic Longitudianl Impact, by Voloshenko-Klimovitsky., RUSSIAN OCI - Min/met Strain of Steels Under G. V. Uzhik, J. J. 16 pp. CIA/FDD X-2862 may 58 A Nov Criterion of Bx!ittleneee ead Pl"tlcitv or Metala; by. G. V. Uzblk. RUSSIAN; thrice-mo per,, Pok Ak ftuk 860p Vol LXV11Ip xo 6 1 P-0 1037-1039-,O,-rXD'?&v-~r.3rU 949 Bruteber Tr No 29D7 Scientific - min/metals T= 55 CTS/m ,4a, 999' ,strength and DuctiUty oil Metals at Low and Extremely Low Tempmtureop by G. V. MM Uzhik. RUSSIAN....pery Iz Ak BM* SMj Mel ftkh Na*9 No 1., 1955) PP ~7-&- :\A, V) Brutcher Tr No 3537 Scientific - Min/ketals Zan 56 CW)M $6.65 S 0 j a lufluence of increasea Hygroseopicity of viscoso Cord Upon the Properties of Hol;or T~jv Covers, by R. Uzina. MWIM, per, Mdm Promyshlemxst, go l.- 1955) PP 34-39. UEM4 OB 57 RO 497 Sci - Chemistry Feb 58 1 63-'14418 U 4n, V. F_ - .=, R. V. and Bar GA-S-PERNMAM117Y OF RLIWER-OORD SYSMI -IS. 1. UzIna. R. V, (1963] 13p. 13 refs. El. Basin, V. E. Ctxler froin CTS or SLA $1.60 (Z- 14418 711mr,, of K4WhUk I AGUM (USM) IM, V, 17, no. 11, p. 18-21. DESCRWORS: *Gwes, Diffusion, *'Mes, Vibers, *Rubber, Impregnation, Additives, Polarization. bVregmting the cord considerably reduces Cie SaB ermeability of die rubber cord system of tubeless 4 6 p tires. 7he gas permeability of the rubber cord s)w-em Is rWuced by bupregnwing the card. 1~ bemam of die polar additives (caseins resorcin-fornwMebyde tar etc.) contained In the inVregnant. 7he &qxT wun"tal dam leads to the conclusion d= the main pa ftmt in a rubber cord system occurs in a direction perpm4cular to that of the cord threWs. If the ends of the cords are 04terials- -Rubber, Tr, Y. 10, no. 6) (over) Eff ect of the Ingredients and Condensation Conditions of the Resorcinol-riormaldehyde Resin Used in Cord Dips on the Adhesion of Rubber to Cord, by R. V. Uzina, I. L Shmurak, 4 pp. RUSSIATT, per, Kauchuk i Hezina, Vol IK, 1110 7) 1961, pp 24-27. BAPRA Sci v 62 M.ay ......*....... 61-19437 Llzhik, G. V. RESISTANCE OF PLAS71C METALS TO BRITTLE 1. Metals--Test methods DISD;TEGRATION. 2 Nov 60 [61p. (2 figs. ornitted) 1. Uzhik, 0. V. S i~4~ MCL-934/1- 11. MCL-_eS4)1 Order from LC or SLA mi$l. 80, ph$I. 80 61-19437 111. Technical Information Center, Wright- Patterson Rough draft trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. DDkiady, AFB, Ohio 1954, v. 99, no, 5, p. 685-687. 'Ihe possibility of determining the resistance to brit- tle disintegration in plastic metals was confirmed on samples with notches without resorting to very low temperaturLs for these tests. offic. of 7-61C.1 S-1c., (Metallurgy--Rructural, T7, v. 5, no. 10) ft-ification of Wu tris- Ques with F.Lectr:Lc FUtero$ by V. N. Udw. RUSSIM., bl;., OcbUtlm EQW=hLjWj&& Oazov m * . xo~qlf 1962~ 300 pp- RM Wrs 24--flU Loim)- V, A/ It72- hOV Aug 65 207;202