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JFR,S: C L'i 2L juj 'u"D VALUE AND COST IN KM CONSTRUCTION: BY V. USPENSKIY, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., NP: EKONOMICHESKAYA GAZETA, NO 50, 8 DEC 1962: p z6. JPRS 17870 )OBRUSSR ECON MAR 63 224,120 SIMULATI ;NG THE SOUNDS OF FIRING, BY V. USPENSKIY, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, VOYFNIM VESTNIK, No 1, 1.962. ACS1 1-0424-A ID 2194530 , scl 19 JUL 62 203,669 (NY-000/5). Value and Cost in Construotion, by V. Uspemkiyo 6 pp. \W \ a/ WSSIANO 'W ,, Stroltel Gazatm, 8 i1a 195Y, p 4. im-1923-N Uss Econ - Co=traction =ustry Oct 59 lqf(~E, "isruilod Flutter of 144# -IOU Godel's Theorem and the Theory of Algorithms, by V4 A. Uspanskiy. RUSSIANO parg Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XCI,, 19S4 pp 737-740. Amn Math Sot Sci-Math .1i44, a.) ~ Sep 63 On the Theorem of Uniform Continuity, by V, A. Uspeaskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Uspekhi Matemat Nauk, Vol )(11, No 1(73),, 19S7, pp 99-142. Amer Math Soc Sci-Mith 024 .2 Sep 63 go, r Some Remarks on Recursively Enumerable Sets, by V. A. Uspenshy. IVSFMqGBRMANs porg Z der Mathamtischan Logik. Grundlagen der Mathematika. Vol IN, 1957, pp, 157-170. Amer Path Soc sci-math -1V,41 Al r Sep 63 On the DaflnLtUm or Algar:L*kmm, ~by A. IL Zoblogerm &M W. L. Upposekly, 28 XMIAJ6 pert V"Jhl- Smak- VA ob lot vp 3-0V p9umw AN M.-MM-534 Fob 6B Gocrapetic Probl= and the ItUrna.8tructure of the Earth, by V. 16 UsysnWdyj 2 pp. RUMIM) per) A N#A B=j QWizi choskiy Thatitut) 30 26fl53),p ..' -1954.* pp 208oMo Smi - Goopboics ob 6o Amer Mffte=ol Soc A? Csmbrld~p Pas Comber Lecti,ircs on F-unctions, b- A. PT- j:) S L,C - ",i- *IV!or math Soc ,-I .". Nuaticotac pnmemw Put Ow d Ludawa*-A ca"WSMIOM4 by E. E6 Dynun and T. A* U#Pmmku. kuwmo U6 "m two a Aw"* 1"I fV*LL rm LOW ;/, /9. J~ Spe 17 5 /~ i'i aug 65 2WAV (DC-3224). The Problem of Cmutructing a 16whine Langusp For an Wormtion YAcb:Lue,, by V. A. Us penakly.. 17 pp 9 RMUNS bkj ftOWAM KobarnatiU, No 2., 1959j, MWCOV., PP 39-50- JM-U45-D Sci 0 Mize ftb 60 (DC-390186) Conference on spoech Statiaticaj, by V. A. uspen5kin 6 pp. =SUN.- per.. voyrogy Ysvkozumn4mr No 1j, 1958., pp 170-1 ~- 0 JM 6U5 Bcl - thac Jan 61 /S 6.11 / 1~ / (.1onwarblva UnAt Mmabav~p tn the Boeing of a Gameaus Fwljs by V. 1. Timaoyevp mV TW 2 V MOSTANt pOrp Is At A;"!: PaSRo Mal Takh ftakp zo q., 1956., pp 3,U.114. Cu Tm 49o9 Sol - fts Doe 58 Hardwood SaLving With Electric SMS; by V. A Uspenskly 12 pp. RUSSIO, perq leenaia Pr Vol XI.. No 9s 1951,s pp 10-13- Sci Truns Center RT-147 USSR Economic - Technology Jan 54 cTs 1.1lio OrIg-In ar Patmlcm~ by 11 - A UspeacIdy., ;IM-3101. no pztr; 1771v-74.- T'ho-sr,; 701 S: pp Tech Laid CO= .:~-i - Getopbynics oct ,,956 mmldeav (2235-my The Iffeet of Occent InvAlutlom bgr Xr" cc the Matorat4on of Berl= hvtebm It ftV Atter Bimokrhap# by V~ IL No"P#^ T, Do 0. 0. fAwa*tklnap T. Oratp GM T,, Pe 111~~ pp. RMI/A i' TvVMy Ibd Mag Val Vp No 5,# IMs pp 327-33170 im Bel -a Y*dp Radlobi*LW lia Electrophoresis Studies on Phoep~ellpase-C, by .V-.- D - Uapenskaya and Ezhi Meduski,, ~~ ,Pp - RUSSIAN, per.. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVII, No 3, 1957, pp MR- - / & 4 - - Consultants Bureau se i - cAAn,,, Aug 58 7,,91 671 4 k IMP W low P9 I Oome APPlicatiOns of Mechanic~i in Matharmtics, by V. A. Uspenskiy- RUSSIAIT, b1t, Nekotorye Prilozheni~a I-Icklianiki k Matematike. D.C. Heath Co. .7 Put) 285 Coluxnlbu~~ Ave Doston 1L I, Mass. per Plciao: NSF 1F,') Dee 60 raiL~ s.r.."oet of W-1c Chuge of ?ropc:Ltjc-.,j Llm',: i!j.; of the. Concentration of Non-DII'Dizing Color poneubs in the PhotogrcThic Layer on the Colczr- vel oT D- Speed, E-'(93.. by V. 1. Rociioncnra, 8 pp. IMSDIN, per, Zhur Nauch Prik Fotograf ~J.mi Vol V) 11; 6, ig6o) pp 419-423. ciA/r,DD x7,-:u-o2 NOT REMSAILE TO MUIGN NATIONALS sci - Yhyc Jan 620 INIUMAL USE ONLY :,-IirA !T nference on Scientific j ,,mgarian c0 m) hpIp'-field Rhoto aphy) by V. T. Uspaz--ekiy, T, Lev`~oyev, et ai, 6 pp. NalA"uch M i h-ik 3 r J. 'awmatopXaf, Vol VII) 110 1, JIFS 13812 ~j PGcmUsrltUw In the XUnU= of the Caw ftniopmnt Pfoofts't by V. L Ubpbnoldyt H. I. Bodlonove. FM GOVBBNUW = a= =6100 pwo Zbmm 1 PrikLadmv I Numbws ko- AFM/FSTC/HT/2~40:~8 V,-! - U C~ P e A) Gk motb/fti Dac 68 3511.,783 tije Change of Propert~je--. -=a jrcrcase the concentretion 0: !ion ivsing Color Co,*.rt- .1.11 'the Photcomphic L,~,Yc-r on tho Cclor UspenskAy; 21it 91)-Led, E-75,2, b~.,, V. -j o, 7., e ~_ JOVJ_ y --7,b ur Nauch PrJ-'-, Fc-,tograf i Kimmratig, 193% pp 23 -23o. CIA/FDD NOT RKTt-ASARLE Ir,3 TIATTOIIALS L-,ci F117jo ,jan , i, t ..'a-miacture and Use of Porous Bearings, by !~- F, ~,'oshkov~ Ya~ V. qRnRL!Lf `H - . qST All I OTS 62-2403S ~I~ci - Zngr 'L I . ;;'~ r. 7~ v IP-410, / 7 7 In,,?es-Hgation of Plau Detection in Trae'li Moving -Ma=etic Pields, 13. Flav Detector V. V. ITIMOVI A. 1. Vorob"yev,, Ye. I. 6 pp . RUSIHAN, I~er, Piz Metal i Metallov, Vol VII, No 4", 1959, pp 527-533. pp Sci ku 9 3) 53~ -111dy, Ya. 1. Azhipa., Mum 1.0~917 SY',--PathQItiO Fte~~vo'=q Syotam and Cnotri.0, occretJtonj by 'Piziol Zhtw SSSR im".Di 1. SO chinova, Vol XJVj~ no 4) 1960, PP 458-466. Sci -7 0 Nov 6o cbarP3 in th* Protein Composition of the blow Bar= and IU the DIPOtITO JUUQ5 Lu 14wimutAl R"Iatl= DIBOMM In DoPs bY Tu- N-As-~klb A. Va *A%f=*M# 5 VVIS RMIM, parg Fis Mw SM In I. IL ftob"Mo Vol Im, So 6. 1958, pp 50-569j. pftvamm Imt Sol a Wd 791,- 9-" J" 59 of Ionizing Radiation On the Activity of the re Organs In Dogs, by P- N. UOP!2!!~jZP ;V, PP USSIAN, mo per., riziol Zhur SM 'imeni I. H. Becbenova, ol XL111: No 4. lx~~ pp 326-335 - 71 J Pergamon Preve - Yled 58 6 ~ q1Z The Effect of Ionizing RAdiation of the Activity of the Intestiml Glandsp by Ya. R - UsPenskiY, 7 pp - RUSSIAX* per. Fia Zhur SM im I. M. Sechenova, Vol XLVF No 30 i958,p pp 225 -2N - Pergwon last Sel - Had Jan 59 g-d S.!?7 NY-i649 Tha Activity of the Sallvary GlAmdu In Dap After A Yawalye Single X-Ray Irzodiation In The Awa of Tb,7 Iry Prof -Yu. H. Uapawltlyp T4 A. Tcmcfeyevr... srA 1. V. Shyarteer RUss1AH.Lwr,, Med Radlolagp No 6t HoacQw? Nov-,Dec 19571 PP 37-41. sci -- Medicine Dec 58 ~7 69'1 Electronic.Mathods of Rapid., Non-Destructive Testing of Metals, by G. H. Dim., R. Usquelis. MtW. per, Ingen A Tech,, Vol-WPAW,, Doc 1955, No T31 No 4756 Sci Electronics FAluati= for the Miporbance of Neutr*wj Resotor Meties and the Tbeory of Parb=bstion; by 1. N. U1;oacbofgL_-, MWIM.9 paper P/656,, avemAinp of MatematjwW C=ferenw on Peaceful Usew of Made Smergy Ibid. at Gmeva.~ 8-20 Aug 1955,j Vol V. Sci - Raclear Pbysicig Alir 57 latAnMaU CW -- M +gu- .9.'16 mA 1-669.9.162 The ziectrita conauctivity of the sptAm: Areenic TrlbrmM*4tftl Etl*ro by N. Ussanovitach. 9 pp. GVMNp per, Zelt f PbpIk Ckwls, Vol CMV, 10p PP 427435- A. X. R. X. Llb Tr 6U 0 Sci - Chosistrys Zlectricity Blectroc -*--I OtIgatIons on M618662 solutions U111) Mm system: Arsenic Trichloride- DIetbyl-Z%tmr,, by M. Usea=itachr 6 pp. GUM* per., Zeit fuer Pb4vik Chmic., Vol M As No 5/6, 1929p pp 429-43he A.R.R.E. sarnil Tr 64o Scl - Electricity, ME CbmaLstryp '5. hi 1956 541 w i.later Absorption Througli the Fikin of Toads. Illustrated bY Isotope Fxpe'riments, by ji. Ussinzp. CER"AN, per, Naturens Verd. Val 34, 1-4'0 1. 19500 pp 11-13. CS1110P.0 9SSO Sci/Agri July 69 386-850 izotope-" in 111-.=C-ebility 'Studies, by H. R. Usaizg. VMWWWWOWI"-ft~ DANISH, paperp P/9080 Proceedings of International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Held at Genmm 8-20 Aug 1955) Vol XII. Intexuatl Conf -- 'ON Sci - Nuclear Pbysics CIA i-669.9.i6p 'r C::~ L-9 6 4 I-lies of Karelia and the 'Muramisk Wgion, by Zo Vs Ussova* 257 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Fauna moshek Karelii i "urmanskoi Oblustis 14oscow-laningrad 1961, OTS 64-11005 (0 Sci 1~:Ur 65 27S.744 (NY-3001/1)"- The Contribution of SpecipalW Institutes nf tbo Oral ReP,10a to the Dew-lopwat of gonferrca,,~ %bt& Uargy, by T. A- Ustalav, 7 Pp. R1,101.0. p&jr, Tsvetayye Metallyo -No 4., 19500.0 pp 1-4. iras-1961-o USSR Scoa - Tech; Nonferrous Metals Nov 59 m SHISTUMN. 1. A. As,rWskqo laborstoriMyol, 14# 1948# Not 4p pp, bDO-501s I figures I tables UO wor4s, Detorminat6m of Basicity of Open-Howth Slag by Spectrommalystee Brutaher Transo, Order go, 2150. 11.50 cq31. 63- 20216. Ustavahchikov, B. F. , Farberov, Nt. I., and Podgornova. V. A. 1 1. Ustavahchikov. R. F. SYNTHESIS OF METHACRYLIC ACID ON TIIE It. Farberov, M. 1. BASIS OF ISOBUTYLFNE. JL9631 110p) 12refs 111. Podgornova. V. A. Order from OTS or SLA $1. M 63-20216 Trans. of Neftekldmiya (USSR) 1962, v. 2 Ino. 41 p. 592-599. DESCRIPTORS: *Butenes. *Acryiic acidg, Methyl radicals, Synthesis (Chemistry). *Canavanine, Nitrogen compounds, Oxides, Catalysts, *Acrylic resins. Reaction conditionu of laobutylene with nitrogen tetrox Ide were found, producing a -oxyisobutyric acid in - 80% yield. NIErozadGn and not nitration occurs under the conditions Indicated and the intermediate ,Z -nitrato-isobutyric acid Is formed from the isonitre- socompound- L7 -nitratolsobutyric aldehyde. Catalyst and conditions were chosen for production of metha- crylic acid In almoet quantitative yield. (Author) (Pngineering-Chivrnical. 77. V. 10, no. 11 ) GINN W UcMkii Unkes IReactions of ChloroprMlenes With ForrAldehydn; by 11. 1. Parberovp B. Vv Ustavshchikovp 10 pp* '.%,U tr MMW., m0 Poo Zbw fthah xhillp Vol XVj No U., 1955., pp 2M-2b8l. CX& AW6640 r"1 31 Coumatowto Bureau 4v7 zecp, Scientific - Chemistry Avg 56 M MOORING A HELICOPTER IN A STRO14G WIND, BY A. USTENKU, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, VEST VOZ FLOTA) NO 12~ ig6i. FTD-ST-61-ii 1. '. % USSR MIL JUL 62 2o4,4ii Some Features of the Formation of Potato Crops Under Conditions of Irrigation in the Southeast, by A. V. Favlov, G. P. Ustenkop 3 PP- RUBBIANp per) Fiz Rssteniyp Vol Vnj No 1~ 19600 PP 100-103- Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci Sep 60 74 Asirodya#4c wd nest OxaWage V"Vs tis M AMMIar (14=01 Witk 8a LOW satalting cylia"To by W. N, Z"rkovo Ike re Wd"Aos 3b NO fLUSilAA,:W, I!S ToRl i Fri& Toplauss", ** 1, Mil jp 11 1-74----fTWWA67 FYV-TT-6S-2d26 ,~P. -~ v s T//44 E 1~~6 ;ki - NY U7 noweal Effect of Nou Isotberml Field on Aerodynamic Flow in the Cyclone Purms, by L. A. ValLas, S. P. Russm, Dw. TOP108WAVOWO Val ma so 40 19A vp 3r~-398- ma LM (I=A) U.430 SaL - Pbp Avg f75 TT-65-13749 Field 6M -Ustimmko, L, M, -7ro L FACTORS LEADING -TRANSFORMATION OF THEPONEMA PALLIDUM. 7p (ftV owitted). Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-13749 Trans. of Zhurml MikrobiologU EpMemologU I lnimunologtt (USSR) v42 ml p107-11 1965. See also 'Translated or Abstracted PubUcations.1 In TT VoL 14, No. B. MR 664 Investigation Into the Deformation of steel-Rialcal BimetalDuring Rolling, by V.A. Ustimenko, L.V. Heandrov. RUSSIAN, per, Tzv*n!nje fttaily, vol. 36, no. 6, 1963 pp 64-68 xu,/5W. 4 1963 (5427) u 1q.14US71fi7dA111LO ".ug 67 334-740 T he syi:the si - of 0) ~-Unsaturated ?'etone a of Vlt3 Furan Series and Study of Their Trannformations~ Ill. Condensation of 5-fttrofurfurol with Lfethyl Ketoncs, by 2". N. Nazarova, T. V_,.~~ 4 ppe RU~FIAIN, per, Zhlar Obahch Kh:Lm, Vol XXX,, ro 6, 1960, pp 2017-2020, CB Sci Aug 61 /9 ~ I S~'O TT-65-32797 Field 17G Ustimenkov. V. USE OF THE 'LA)RAN A' RADIO NAVIGATION SYSTEM 1. Joint Publications IN SHIP NAVIGATION. 8 Oct 65, 5P. JPRS-32307. Ressamb Service, Order from C FSTI, SLA. or ETC: HC$1.00, M F$0.5D Washington, D. C. as TT-65-32797 I Trans. of Morskot Flot (USSR) v25 n7 p20-1 1965. Devalopmant of an Experimamtal Technique foT the Production of Nickol-Clad Steel and Study of Its Defmation Process DuTing r'n41-'Wvvg, by L, Y. Vb=drov, V. A. Ustimenko, RUSSIM, paro Stall, Vol XXIII, No 2, 1963, NLL Ref-. 582&4 1963 (S409). (Lotm) icil Engr Vn~ 64 .2 4" (0 3asically it is Individual Competitionj by T, A. -3etimenko, 8 pp. FM OMCIAL USE ONLY XSSSIAN, per, Vest Voz Flota, No 1, 1960, pp 19-26. 1 :),,-,48ol ATIC Sci A,ug 6o 6, ~ ~~ Inserts in Speech Held at Festive Reception in Berlin %Y 71 by Ustinov. GEMUN, np, Neues Deutschland, 8 May 1960. FBIS Speech at SS Session, by Ustinov. RUSSL~Nj np, Pravda, 15 Jan 1960- FB33) Daily Review USSR Pol Jan 6o In the Interest of Combat Readiness (Develop Militarily Useful Forms of Sport), by A., Untinov, 3 PP. RUSGIAN, rp, Kmaraya Zvczda~ u Jun 1960, p 4. JPRB 3956 USSR /-~ 7, /41~1 Mil Sep 60 Testing of Now Orouic Campaum4s for the Control of the Gan lamtode,, by A. Ai 9 P. 1. Mitrufanovs 5 ppe IFIED Rmlup perp "y Z"jOgjCbg9koSO Vol Us No 2s 1951m vp 460461. usu 3, Nov 2ARrIn tbe Study of Ue CbU Nmt4Jdep by As A. Ustinowl 12 rp, uNcLAss3713D RMSUN,, perp Trudy Zoologichaskogo Z"Vp Vol IXO No 2j 1951p pp 446452. scientific - Biology Includad In "Collection of Works on Mamtodes of Agri- cultrual Plants" StOady-StAt* Fafanow= of gas lastauft" in Appmtus with a nuidLud Eedp by B. M. UrUray. RUBSUR lum Pimp lb lip 2962, ppi8,%o jF Dws ~8%* - "o. iv." CFM T~~5730 Sa - Eag 4. ~-) . ?~A&Itrv Jul 66 305,839 Food Foisoai% in a Childrea's Instution Caused by Sa?=nella Tvphimuriu% by Z. V. Khrochkire, A. I. Samenoval E. A. Dobrovollskayap 9- B- Us.tiwvp 3 RP. EIMSUM., per$ Zhur MLkrobiol Epidemiol I Immunobicl, Vol XXIXx No UP 1958a PP 71v 72- Perpmon Imt Sci - Med Jul 59 t,;,Stijlov,, 12 Alpo ~-,u Pip UsT,'Ai Sums of bftctlm of Pip by WhstrwaUftv by L D. U3tlWv. RUS-11M. per# Tnilbrxumn*__= a M-UM lastilt#d Gell I-Mo lb 10o pp 63-67. ML lm 2655 (oil Low or pochum) V Aug 65 28aO862 'DC-44151) Repair Commnicatiom Lines in Good Time and With High Quality, by L. I- V-7~427., 3 PP. RMSIM, par, Vestnik Svyazi, flo !948, P 3. i2m 6758 SIGTA No 1-230 Sci Apr 6! R-900 (DO-2700/1). E=bmW of gVerlenee ReSkrding Y=Ctwy Pay- m=t in Koakborm, by N. Ustiwvy 9 pp. RUSSIA, per, Sw*m I Porftm OWt v %I Iskm Khoz) NO ut Nov 1958, pp ge-g5- JM-"-D um &on 9 4w.- gr ff q* v A u9 11 (NY-7203) no Splicing of the Protective Wires PS-70, 1)y L. I. Ustinov, 3 lip. RUSSIAdN, per, Vestnik Svyazi, No 6 (267), 1962. JPRS 15561 sci Ocj 02 g13/p q LAAct sulutiomi to Ulu wumfial's Of W14 IL*al c, 1,4tinov. ~CA V -. it~r Ia4,,ca4mjXi Vol b., i~,i 4, '7Z!Ms ,>I ~"vy tr 5IU6 U.SJ;4()v Exact Solution of a Gas Dynamics Problem About the I-lotion of a Piston, by M. D. Ustinoy 6 pj). IIIJSSIPIT~ per, Inzhenernyy Zhur, Vol IV, 1-io 1, 1964, pp 1o4-107. JPRS 25622 Aug U 264,7167 The I-raflueme of t-he Principal Factora = thQ Gasifice,iou Proccas in go 1 FaWl Of the nEbUrr- Abjn&k Ulo, statl=., by M. 1. !kt P. A. Bukin. RUSSUN ' VW.- Podzemmys Gsziflkrtaiya L%by go 21 lywo py 3-7- Dept of Interior TN7,, r,57, No 147 Sai . Faels Nov 59 The Form and Mcde of ACCUMoaation of the Proaucing Boas of the D Horism of the 29 Tuiwzy Oil Fteld., by N. I. uatin.ov., 4 pp. RMSMN,, per, Dok Ak NAUk BSSR, V01 CMII, No 5) 196o, pp 1163-1166. AGI / ~ '4 1 4 f Sci Avg 61 b4movownt at t" Acwv3q Chmmetaristics of Aaalou~-Uigital LuuvarUrso Py A.U. vatinavp V.V. 27 pert DIjam 'ftkIjQicha$k%v Udiilisnoles, YC"SI to i Itaiwa Takhaika. Vol 40 M40 777-=b. VID(WIM6--- LmpimUS the ivmfty CbuftftttMks Gt V I. Mileyn. n~usaAI,4 PWO y tkhtH&d*. M) 4, JIM= N=Mm= L964, pp b3-67. OUTU-1AT6,05-314 U C, V" Jul 1'~l Co,m.Jko Roaket Planes of the Future, by S*S, Ustinov. RUSSIPM.. np, Sovetskaya Aviatsiys., No 218., 16 Sryp 1960. 9661850- IL-21C MC11 405/1-2 Sci - Space Res Jun 61 / 5T) // 71 .%ji4icvtlam oe omv~ru in %Aoricul ~-.;(Acwo (poz -AmIrila oir mma-aocz (z M-l"I.-Ilaml Rllow)o t7 V. A. lul"N.4 r Imy"Zil., 1*0 PrAmooft VSVWAMC~ Mv;i~l v U~ ~IiIWAEX 8M.'*ep 11-14 5-L,64 Jun &I 3l7j5Ql invesTAgatiou of Aucieut Vayau Maauscriptlo th,a Aid of az Bleztror-ic Cam-puter. Methods,. by Z. V. Yevreinov; Yu. G. Xoaarcv, V. A. Uatlns-v 5 pp. RGSIAN, brochule, Doklady na Koacrentsii pu Obrakotke Informatsii, YAwhimomu Perevodu i Avi'l-omaticheakomu Chteaiyu Teksta, 1961, pp !-!I. JFRS 10508 / 7-:i~ 0 7a (DC-3901) Investigation of Ancient Mayaa Menuscripta With the Aid of an Electroutc Computer. Algorithms and Progr=s, by E. V. Yevreinov, Yu. G. Kosarev, V. A. Vkt , 11.9y, It pp. RUSSTAN, brochure, Doklady na Konferentaii Do Obrabotke Iaformatail, Mashinnomu Perevodu i AIRE= kAow.,-tichczkomu Cbtenlyu Tekata, 1961, pp 1-9. JM 10508 Sci / Machine Tz%=Iation ,,, , aw ANA-10000 at XLWWGDU Ooqwmm mmealm in!zlftoxdod salloss, by To A,-- tIWV o 9919. Ross=$ PWP WOMY 3"W"# NO as 29fts " 97quIe I am I" ftl . ow mw 6g A I fl; ~L& I? (IqY-6502) Application of Xlectronic CompuUrs in Historical Paseareb, by V. A. _I nmj 6 pp. RUSSIM,, per, Volwony Istorfty No 8, 1961, pp 3-6. ipm 11W Sci - Reetron / 7 ~"' / 17 r Doc 61 Electronic Function Converter., by Yu. Ya. Yurovj V. 1. Vinokurovp V. B. Tlatinov,.;L7 pp. RUBSIANp per,, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Eaved, Ser Radlotetkh,q Vol IIIr No 3p 1960. JM 7380 sci 15f, :7 man 61 ("Wiplex corroctioa zi by V 3 7-P - 76-78- Tnstru Soc of S --i -%P-Z 60 Isotopic Caq)ositica of &aphur vnd Carbm in one of the Shorsu Vzbekletanj by V. I. Uatlnov,, V. A. &Inu*o., A.?. Vlnogradov. MMUNp pers O&ftWa No 21, &scow, Va., PP85-1075 T. U -- T) Jul 67 334023 Dic o,- an 111yer of F~~T-t tL Vorcmich ~nd Yu. Uri, Perfmamon 11! ess Tick-BOrac EmcePhalitif; in the Molotov Oblast., by S. G. Gledkikh, N. V. Kipri~mnova, A. P. Ustinova, !~, pp. FUSSI.B., per., Voprozy VizuBolog: Vol 1I.- No 3.- 1957; rm M5-167- Perg = a Institute Sci - Medicine MY 58 Ron-Wovea Matherials for Everyday and Technical Purposes, byrN-ebs-r-o-v~V. NC. T. r -U~~ RMUN,, Tekstil Prom, No 5,, 1959, Pp 73-77. DBIR LLU RTS 1523 USSR 1.2 Icon oct 6o A Study of Halo Steri3lty in Corn# by S. I. Ustiwng 4 pp. -1 RtMIANs. per,, Dok Ak I%uk SMp Vol C=Iq go 3j, 1959s- pp ft-- Amer b3st of Biol Sai sci mar 60 // 0, ~~a 7 ZY# G. N. Ustinova .3 um *goomwdw Aod*MW MA ~WftOm I of M- IM."Awn- ILV. so SIZ, awmw pr ,Vdj"WL- -.Jdhldh~ V-41 MWV4 YM -- SuAdo W-90 IWO Owe - sun P L . . IVA An 66 306003 Iw,-cstJ-L;ation of 111hrashold An"I. alies in the 2-= cl-Oss foeclujolG for Compton ScatterinC ind Photor,roduction ofITO Mezons, by G. I'- UsUrnova 4 rz).- I RUSSUd", Zhur Eksper i Tcoratu Fiz, Vol XLI, To lr~61) '7183-587 AIP Sov lrr-yf:-ju2p 01 XIV, NO Z2, Sci 12 Jun 02 933 Oeveiapamt of the ,,%umm ma Lnoistrua '~Issq In'Jastry A~ tho 58~year nsn by I, I. Nmv w0 (3, /1~ tl.Y TIIYL,~ V,141 66 311071 AMPMM Usft &Ib~~ Tubm4 by A. V. Pardiin, L. B. Usd=w& RL=Mt per, PrQwT I IM biwow. 30 1964, pp 102-107. NASA TT F-9194 Scl-Electir Feb 65 U.S. GOVEP104MT ONLY 274j,907 i5he CokxvalUon of Prequamy Curves for Wide Ilmd -Amplifiers by Wom of Feedback, by L. 13. Mtirova, Z. N- "mianine, 16 pp, iTISRIMI~ parp Rudlotekh, Vol XV, Ib 6, 1960p ppO4- PP Yeb 6,, Electrometer Amplifiers, (Review), by L. B. P 15 pp. RUSSMI) per, Pribory i Tekh Elzsper, rio 4, io~ftj PP 5-19- ISA Sci Jur. 1':)2 193,334