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On the. Pzactivity of Uranma-mic O~Lipz'-. (111)~. vae TrDliz,cmee of knecific Surface ~Lma Upon th-.- Reactivi of Uramurmic Oxib, by Ralwo UtWi. JAPAMSE, per, Mrq= Genaldryoka voll IT 1960; R9 389 -393 - AEC Tr-5073 jul 62 On the Reactivity of Uraumu*anie Wde (IV). Uue~y of th- Surface Strud-ure of UrazoumAc Wde llo%Mcx by Mectxrcm Werwcope-Paplica bttbod and X-Ra-y D.J.-ffrex.tion Method, by Rokuo lgmii~ JAPAMBI per, W4pm Gm~hlrjoku Ga "Wshl, Vol. IIj .L.96o, Pp 598-W2. AW TT-5070 JW1 62 QrA the PoetefWaV of Uranouranic Oxide M. on Pition Botween Reaetivity of thWaouranic Wdes Co7-ANA-w of Preparation., by P4kub UkQi. JAPASR-931.~ per., Nippcm Genshiryoku GaklmiW) Vol II.. 1960, Pv 7-31-735. AM Tr-5072 Sci - Chem Jul (e -2 ~ /j, Uk ' It. ind Kageyanw. 1. A m~~]S 01: HYDROGEN FLUORIDE IN FLUORINE BY THE DIELECTRIC CONSI'Awr mirrin). ligm) 71). Order from ATS $10. 00 ATS-SON56J Trans. of Nihon GenshiryAu Cakkalshi ().illan) 1959, v. 1. no. 6, p. 359-362. I)TESCH1170115: Illydrogen compounds, *Fluorides, *FluDrinc,, Analysis. 62-12072 1. Ukazi, R. 11. Kageyarna, 1. It. AT.S-5DN56J V. Amsociated'rechnical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. (FDD 24858) Two-Stage Vaccine Therapy of Tularemiaj, by L. C. Ukh -I Ovap RUSSIANO bkl Ioech2B&S Infektsio=ykh Bollpykh# moscovi, 1953., PP 26o-266. r,iA/Fi)D Tr 474 U3SR disiases 0~4 Sci - Medicines infectious Cm 72/SeP 55 Olivine Melilitite From the Dianmd-Bearing Diatrems cn Anabar, By_AI. Ijb&1ov. RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, Vol CLIII, No 1-6, Nov, Dec 1963, pp Aner Geol Inst sci Jul 65 ',i, FECULLMMIrS l"; -ME FOMA od "!:i. ?vi,; W1 AURVO!,h~ , I , . . OF ME DISPI'.3SION 0!- ORE DEPOSITS. [19011 lip. (I table Order f. onn CTS or SLA $1. 60 61-231,62 Tr.~a~. frcai rnono, [Materialy po Gcologii R"riykh Pr-ro"raffi, 11 G-11:irmil Q,111te7qals on the Geology of Ore Deposits, Mlncralo.~ y and Geocheinistry) [Moscuw, lYj9, 424j). DESCIRITIM-AS: *Ores. Deposits, Goochcmistry, Rock, Geoliysical prospecting, hUncrals, TYan6- formations, licavy elements, Separation. RiLre earth ell"ents. Porosity. I-kulwy. 61-23962 1. Ukanov, K. M. II, TItle; hiatcrilill . . . Iii. Geological Survey of Canada (Earth Sciences-Crtw1ogy, 7f, v. 7. no. 7) OW'. .1 S-1... Formula for Calculating the Mean Velocity on a Vertical Line in the Presence of Ice, by V. V. Ukhanov. --------- UNKNOWN. NLL M. 2453 jan 62 OptAA Absorption of Germanium and Silicoa Beyond the Main Absorption I= Edge at High Temperatures, by Yu. I. Ukhanoi~) 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol III, No 7, 19061) PP 2105-2114. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State 3 Vol 111) No 7 Sci 201,O'-jO jun 62 Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of the Electron Effective Maza in Semiconductors, by Yu. . P-qY1=, Yu. V@ Malltsev, 6 pp* RUSSIAN, per) Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol V) No 10, 1963, PD 2926-2934- Amrer Inst of Phy-3 SOV ]Phyz - Solid State Vol V) No 10 Sci May 64- 259.,007 Modulation of Infrared Wistion in Germanium at Lov Temperatures, by Yu. 1. Ukhanov, 2 pp. MWIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVII., No pp 1652-1654. Amer lut of Phys Sov Php-Tech Php Vol 11" No 8 Bel - Phys Jun 58 An lavestigmtlon of Induced Absorption of Infrared Radiation in Germn'= Diodes, by Yu. 1. qM~Wvj_, 7 PP. RUSSM, per.. 7hur Tekh Fis~ Vol WMI, No U, 1958, pp 2410-2416. Amer Imt or &w FAys - Tech Phys vol in , No ii Scl - Phys Jul 59 o17 A-6 ~jj / %0 r~&Ihe Frequency Rewporsek of Germanium Diode to Infared radiation, by Yu. 1. Ukhanovp 3 PP- RUSSIM, per Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XMI, No 9p 1957 PP 1950-1953. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Tech Phys Vol 11. No 9 Sci -Phys Jun 58 Effect of Strong Electrical Field on Tranapaxew-y i7X Germanium Diode, b:! Yu. I. Ukhaaayp. G. Shul'mar'., 3 Pp. RMSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVII, No Ill., 1~957, pp 2507-2509. Amer Inst of Phyn Sav Phyv-Tech Pbyr, Vol 11, No 11 Sci - Physics Jul 58 (TjC-3901155', Session on Pre9ent Problem of LaxicoloU ana Gerasiclogy, by N. 5, Ukhanovao 9 pp. ,WSSIM, r-r, Voproey Yazkozvanip., Vol X. No 1, ,',ran/Feb 1963., pp 160-164. JmS 8132 sci - misc f9 Apr 61 A. New Methods of gWfybg ArUrlaW wA synthetic nban,, by Z%- L_M&um* V. B. Kll=mkov,t N. A. p No 10 mildw3w; B. The ReUbim letween ArtitlaW Silk wA the Stole 70as by V. A. Vesub*s 13 pp. UNOWBIrm RUSSM, pap T*kxW Prom# No ~p Sep 19%j pp 110 22-16. W'0" af USS W. Economic G-R., OWBA 0-4445 aw 55 M/M lauxim tC An%Um In a "40.4"u A"Ww# IW a* A. Wft4r. 35 P. ammm" MXV~ prp Omdmlhb, ftft& Vbl. 23* Jb Up uaa M WAW~- - - li-;~ h a P,&, sci-cbm Aa 66 3WA9 Phenomenon of Suppression of Isomarphous Reaction During Psorissisp by A. F. JgLb~ln6_.P.P. R=UN, per,, Vest Van i Demp No 3; 1952.v PP 31-33- CU 900W% Sol - Medicine Apr 1957 M/dex $-- -- 1 etwMattan or memwnmn7 Abw~ Amim AcIft In Cam FODUp by E. 1. Elftwo So F-.~~ 5 PPO Bumms pwo rista Bostod1j, Val X., No kt 2963P pp 293-amms 0 sa Alp 64 954p270 Patho and Mcchauism of mimrs6l Substance movement From Hoots to AbopeGround Plant Organs as Exemplified by p32 -rVMport, by E. 1. Utur, T. A. Akimochkina, -S...I-.-F----*---#A.0 - 9 pp - RMSIAN, per., Piz ftatenly., Val VI,, Wo 1, 1959j. P.P 3-12. Amer Ust of Biol Sci Sci - Biol Sep 59 ? 7, -S 416 NEW POLYMERS AND THEIR USE IN MACHINE BUILDING) BY V. UKHINOV 5 PP. "' ff) RUSSIA~~.. MASHINOSTROITEL, NO 9; 1962) Pp 4o-41. jpRs 16556 USSR ECON '- DEC 62 217,303 (SF-1440) New Studies in Spectroscopy., by B. A. UW;Q llao. 3 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Fx& SM, ND 11., 1960., i3p 12T-128. im 45o6 Sci - PbYs /S-9 5ql 7 . I ft 61 Datermination of the Individml Oydroaarbon CoVosition of Gwolim by the Co*inationlethodi Ca=lnleation 3- Surekban Gasoline6j, by B. A. Kasanow't GO 8- Uaddbergp A* Fe Pl%te* A* LO Libermn, R. A,, XlkbaylMl P. A. UAW% N. Is Batuav., 8 - A. MCI. i4; T - 7Bd&WviLv G. A. Tar" $ S SSM Otdol RMSIM,v bimp per Is Ak Nu* MAx N&Ek No 2j. 1954v ip 151,309 conexatants Scientific - Chemistry an 67/4r 55 ADelysia of the Arowtic CoWoments of JAgroin by Rawn Spectroscopys by B. A. Kazanski, G. S. LaWs- berg, V. T. Alelpas n, T. F. Bulsvm, A. L. Libor- ww., R. A. Xfkbe love,, A. F. Plate., Kh. 9. Sterin, j kp.V RUSSM., b1so Nw, It Ak Nauk SM, Ber ftz, Vol XVIII, So 6,, 1954., pp 7W06. CIA C 40664 Columbia Tech Tr 8cientific - ftsits 31,7A~ -Fob 56 MOM DetormizeUm of the Coupooltion & tho IndiviCatal Hy~ocvebow of GasoUnes by the Cocbination Mothcd,~ Ca=mlc--U= 5c GasoUw frm Ebba Pubrolaun., by B. A. I~iznas;vv' 0. S. lax"oergjp As F. Platep 11. A. Ban~mXinj A. L. Lib,-Vml E. A I I M. A. T3xasmt S: ~Wq- -*, M-. A, Vomnkop 12 ppa RUSSLMII~, bl= per Tz Ak Mmh MR ot4cl lalim umllh- .9 =. 6 NO 5j, slap-4at 195!- FP I W5-M. d, scia-Itti'la - cl=mlabry 55 CTS/= Burmu Detemination of the JuUvidml Hydrocarbon Compositiola of fteolium by the Combiwtion MetbCd- COM=icatiOtl 4. ansoline Prom Tulmztu Pet=Uua,, by B. A . Kazmskyj, G - a. Lauftbergp A. F. PlAtes P. A. Bazimainp S. A. KiWAylovap A.~ L. Libemaj, X. U. SuAbidhi=kj, Gs As Temovap B. A. Mall S. V. V*r*Wwj 10 PP- . -M"MAWNNW MU translation. R=IM, bimo gas Tz Ak XWk Hai %K KhtA Wk.# No 3,, UMP lk~-J~m 1954p Vp 456J". CTA D 1%= -4" Scientif lc Chw 68/*Y 55 OlivamWeinp a Naw AntibW" Produce& by AetinoMWis OlivozeUcull, by 0. 7. (Imuze,, A* So MdlO3Jna6 B18MM Per, AntOUftldo Vol VII,, No 3: 1962, py 34-;A. I= 1042-62 Sal - lbd Dec 62 rZ I ?) %W I isolation and Properties of the New Antibiotic 323/58: Wbich Possesses Antitumor Actioup by Ye~ B. Muglyak., R. S. Ukholina, et al, 8 pp. MSSIAN., per,, Antibiotiki, Vol VII, No 7~ 1~)62~ pp 588-593. JM 15278 Sci - Med oct 62 Z 0 The YnactIvAting Bfz4,--ctD t,~f Actinomyceta; on %bbacco Mosmic Vtnirj by R. S. UldloliMp 5 pn. MMLU, per.. 141krobiol., Vol XKM.- No 3P 1958.- PP 352-350".1 Amer Iwt of Biol Sai Sai - Biology Feb 59 7ht Vl-ASsluU=tioa T"t In Um Diego@!* of the nTbdd ftrfter Sfttep y 1w A. Ta.-Odws. 5 vy. A.* --A - ZWWs. "ro &ur Mkroblal . .--rklog I bnnwbiols ftl == ft it., f9al IM ~*-570 Wi im 62 gwf.%B Using Ult in Treating CIVey Sails for Construction Under Winter Conclitim., by S. IL MM IT pp. MMIM., poT-,, Is Y-vaublkh Upheb Zaved, Stroitel Arthitektum, N6717). 1959: pp B1-94- ACSI H-6330 ID 214W39 USSR - Econ Jul 1960 Static Method of Studying Elastic De- I_'/. formation of Icep by S. B. Ukhav. RUSSIANP per# Morglotnyye Issledovenlys, No 3, 1963, pp 354-361. *ACSI J-6356 *FSTC-HT-23-598-68 Sci-Ear Sci Har 69 A New Method for the Isolation of 124imaric Acid fr= Mixtures of Resin Acids$ by 1. 1. Bardyshav, Kh. A, Cbercheap L. I. UWWmY 3 PP- RUSSIAII., per, Zhu Prik Thimp Vol =p No 3$ 1.958, pp 512, Conaultants Bureau Sci - Cbem A Irv 5 9 Y-44 .~ ~ fy Acetylene Derivattv". Ccownication 150. Heterocyclic Nwomda. XZTI- The Syntbesis of Heterocyclic CaMpoundwContaining a Conden- sed h-Piparidow NwIansj b7 I. N. lklarows 1. Movao V. A. Raftakoj, 7 IP. M b1= parp U Ak NSA* am* Ot"i ghta' so s& 3,o mylJun 1953.. =M# pp 490-505. Consultants BvwftU Scientific - Chemistry CTS/M / A, 3,G Opthento ~ and Obeno --rJam of N-Qd&n of the Discahwarw3in03 law SnUal by A. A. Akhrem,, L. rdJSBM,, perj, Is Ak Smile SMj, Otftl Mxtm Nveak., No 5j, 1963j. pp 8"3. CB Sa Mv 64 259..Mk Neoabletic Acid - A Primary Acid of the Oleoresin of the Com= Pine) by 1. 1. Bu*ehav) V. V. Kokh"kayap Le MWTAV.. perp DA Ak Nouk SMp Vol CMp No 40 1957) pp 653., 654. Burom Jul 58 A-AA- 0 no Solift - 004MOMe 3 SPS .'It RAA L. -1*-UWAV06. :Mmw rs, aw amba ZhAmf Vol MVMMS. 100 96 W, 0 03-VAO .. . wAraft 801 - Cb= v, 4w v ;04 ? SI, 11tterocyclic Analogs of Corticostertaids, rounwitat 1, Synthoses Assed on Octehydro-1.2-Amethyl-4(lit). quinolone, by A, A, Akhrot, L, 1, Ukhova* 5 pp, RUSSIM. parp Iz Ak Nauk eZSR9 Otdal Mix Wauk, He 20, 19621, lip 304-30D. emisulmts Bu2vau .Sci Dec 62 219*185 Acetylene Derivatives, C=madcatiou 151. Heterocyclic Coq?ounds. K :3. Synthesis Cf Myc7clic y.Amiw AlaobaU an& Their Estero.* by I. N. Nmrovp L. 1. VAbmj V, A. RuUnkop 13 pp. RUSSUN# Ulm Ver.9 Ix,,Ak IM JE, Otdol shta Ikuk NO hs UMj IMj, VP 730-W- ftieutific - ChauLwtry fta 11 7 a Abittic &-Ad - A Prirwrwy Razin Acid of Ithe Oloorevin Of "ibe CoMmw Pine (Pinuu Dilveatrio)p by 1. 1. ahev" L 1. larar . ~qa 2 pp. MeSMI., t~il:a-m -per, DOk ;k Y'alt MR, Vol CIX., Wo 11 Jul-Aus 1956" pp 89, 90. Consultants Direau aci - Chni D:~ c 57 Resairebes on UwatmmW CyWU P4&ocarbmw arA TheIr Halogen Dorivatives, X, A* Damlrit L, 1* W&c-,a.- The Jbumal cc Gemmi OWds" ct. the WMs Vol Ea. No 3j, gar 1953., pp 577 - 58D 522).o Ocumatatits Burwt Ibw Tcrk C-!, USER Tonic RefIms in Man. ditioned Proprioceptive by A. A, Ukhtomskil, by 311. Comumicati Tba Uncon. Tbaic Reflex Firat Dosiribed, E. Pa Necareva., 4 pp~ RUSSUR, per, Byul ftoper Biol I Med, Vol ALV,, No 2, 1958o pp 17-209 Consultants Bureau Sci - Had NOY 58 r1 Ivau Hikhailpvip~ Peebecovo by A. AL. UW316.owy 2 pp. RMSIM.. per., Fiz. Zbur-WSH 1m 1. H - SacbOMM, Vol Ws go 1, 1959,, w-117-118. Pergawn Inst Sci Jul 59 1b 2-3# Dot of btalw YJAh wd WUdUft 80"doo commmial rksbulles Sel4bah lhw 67 326*M Syntbesis of fttera of Son Pbo*Ob4a mA Phonhoric Acids, by S. A. Avbuzovg 1.- 1%, ukhvatova,, 4 pp. RMSIM, 9a; Zhmr Qbsbcb Khlm# Val XXUp No 2,, 19599 pp 503-506. Consultants Bumau 301 Apr 60 4 MP2. -F (FDD 208377) Ow Doceaaod Teacher and Nev Scunce, byj;&~& Ukichirro,p 21 pp. JAPAME, mo per, Buagai Shunjuj, Vol XXXIV., No 1,' ToIsWo, Jan 1956j pp 110-121, ciA/rDD u-8665 FE - Japan Au,,7, 56 c-rs/nx ?,-~rmfrost Surveying (Manchuria 1943),, by .t'kichiro Nakaya, 19 pp. UNCWS A-PARSE, per, TeIon:Em!!!q1, Vol 110 1949, -pp 11 9-12a. or QW Tr 482 ,c.-cientific - Geophysics CTS/DEX //, ;,49 Effect of Polymerization Conditions of Vinyl Acetate on the Branching of Polyvinyl Alcohol, by J. Ukida, R. Saito, T. Kominami, 10 pp. JAPAMSE) J Soc Chem Ind Japan, VbI LVIII,, go 2, 1955, pp 120- siA Tr 24 76 Sci - Chemistry sep 57 Brwching Structure of Polyvinyl Acetate; F01YmrizstiOU Of VIUY1 Trimetbyl Acetate In the Pma=" Of PaYrIngseeUte, by Subuo yrowto) JWI -Mita, TzugIo Kmtnami.. 14 pp. JAPAMR, pw$ Kdbmshi Kagsku,, ftl XTVj, No 142, 195T., pp IM -106. STA 60-18197 sci 19-4- '776 Vol 4) 50 10 RWJO* T*=eNhip UMM, Tomis TSUHIUV Aw KOSMj Shogo Sareening Test of the Mmical Compamuft %Mdh inhibit the Tashift Asait" Sarcova in the rmt. 3-Pag" japaneft., Ga=,, n. nos. 2.3,,4. 194+9v 140-W TramUted at the atiowl Innu. of Hmlth Betwedat Md. Tsunesh4p Rokujo Safto xPebi Tetsuzo Nishihara Akirs founita Tadanoshin 8creening Test of the Chlemical Compounds Whicb Ubibit Yoshida Sarcomap JAPAMM, Gann,, Val 410 So 2-34j, Doc 1950, 91-92. X-5w National Institutesof Bealth Detbesda . Maryland Ux-6440 lNecution of Twestment Plan for Comml ZkommW in 1961, by H, We a,, , pp, 'p--i POLMR, per, rdesto,, Vol =$, No 4, iQ62, pp 33-35- im 14186 EEW - Poland Scon la 3,,,3 c 2 .T-,w "-"2 Attempts at the ThemW of Neoplaws With H-39) by A. HadeJazyk., A. Ukleja-Bort1do-wicz., J. Morzil, A. 7,c2Uv.1:g:rjjft, 11 ;i~ . - FMM ) per.# zowtwm7o Vol llf so 20 M9) Pi? 157-1wo ]CM Tr 9-35-60 Sai - Pbys NOT 60 3,5~~- To Resume the Tnining of Breeders and Seecl by A* A, ISVS, per,, Be' ek iSmfnp Vol 2=0 Jb 1j. Jan/Feb ~959.v Pp 51., 52. CrA 904OU6 USA Sai - atolqw Jul 59 univerma Prop.Tne Craas for Assembling a GUy's M&U Structurep by D. P. Mwlov. MMUN &AaffUWGDIYas Vol XXV17-j, Ho T2 1961j, p var 6q Electrodes for the Weldivia of Chrome-Kolybdemm Steel$ by 0. A. Ukolov. ----------- RMIANO pers Gvuvcbwe ProlswaftWo, No 7, 1955., pp 2546. a ~ 0(0/ BM+Iduw Tr No 36ft $1.85 Scientific - Uft/Owtals aw 56 CM/M BUctrodes for1be Welding of Acid-ReaiA~ cr-wi-MD-Ti Steels.. by G. A. Ukolov. RUSSIAN, pero Avtcmtichespp avarka Vol VIP No It 1953~ pp 46-49. Brutclaer Tr 3188 Scientific - Miuaralo/&-tAls Price $1.80 Nov 53 CTS tilgtor;.4444.1" CL-0 Pftft v Apparatus for Measuring the Blood Prothrombin Timej, by m. A. ukolova 3 pp - RUSSIAN, per., Fiziol Zhur SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova) Vol XLVII) No 4, 1961. Elsevier Pub Co Sci oct 62 214)050 -An &p*rimenta-I Feumais du-- to L,-xk c44' 5io 1) by A. A. Ukolova, 4 perp B.,aa Rksper Bio Hedi, 1959j, CB Set Jan 60 Oiangee in the Wfer Capacity of the Tisoues azi-n- Endocrine Disorders vad Grauth of T=ors,~ 'u'l, H. A. !~-'~Olova~ I- Xh- Oarlmvi, 3 PP- T;aTSnN; per,, Bral Mcqnr Biol i bbdp Val XIa,,L NO 1", 1950; PP 57-59, CB Sai Dec 6o Thrombokinase Activity of Tissues in Various Earlocrine Disorders and In T=or Grovthu, by A. Molova,, G. A. Loontlyeva., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Byul Sksper Biol L Med~ Vol XLIXO No 3x 1960) PP 26-29. OB /I -, '~-- 4 ~ SCI 06/ iiov 6o on tha Coordizated ChaWs of the Brain and 2-~vtremity Process of FaUing Asleepp 1. Bordywhkovo .4 pp, A in the Blood Cuppl.-Y, Which Occur Duriv,,,, th~. by M. A., Ukolove, Yu. RMIM, per; Byul Rksper Mol i IM; Vol XLT-VI- NO 9, 1957., PP 24-26- Cowultants Bureau JU 58 - - , '.isal-Oz by 14-, 5~ M-I'PIP T.- par, zhtw Meorcs mism: Vol I!, no 244-~2706 0 jjr 9z,,ry binfrAm. futl ~aw Of 8"I%dards Leaders in Nonferrous Meta.Uurgy, by I. Zabelyehinskly.. H. ~~uokjz4 6 pp. RUSSIANj, up~ Eton Gazetal 7 Apr 1961. JM 10287 USER / 72, JrJ-J Econ wov U Field Germination and Seedling Survival of Perennial Forage Grasses in the Steppe Zone, by V. T. Ukrainsk 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Agronomiya, Vol X1, No 3, 1953) pp 48-54. 9067311 oTs 6o-51047 PL-480 Sci - Biol oct 62 214,837 FST 325 61-22106 UkrainskiY, Yu. M., Navoselova, A. V., and Simanov, Yu. P. I. Tellurium -vanadium alloys-- INVESTIGATION OF THE VANADIUM TELLURIUM Passe studies SYSTEK [1961] 7p. 9 refs. 1. L*rainskly. Yu. kL Order frorn MDF $4.50 MDF U-103 H. NUVoselova, A. 'J. III. SnAINN, YU. P. Trans. of N[auchnyye] 1)[oktady] Vfysshey] Sh[koly]. W. LW Ll- 103 Klumfiyal i Khim(tcheskaya] Te kh[nologiya] (USSR) V. Priedra&% Morris D., Inc., 1959, no. 1, p. 62-66. West Newton, mass. 001" WFbWod (Metallurgy, 17, v. S. no. 11) I A Study of the Tantalum-Tellurium System., by Ukrainijkiy, A. V. Rovoselovas Yu. P. Simanov. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khimp Vol IV, No 1~ 1959) pp 148-152. The Cleaver-Hime Preau LW Sci - Chem Jan 60 V, ar, &iFl-Lectle O:r tic! ICY NO 1. ins 6,-,QG 51 ",-2 llov ot" T , scl 10 RIAWAO"M 1 FIGP l. ~.I- Xt I I .:;:Ir Nky 63 I m. C~;~ -Y -"- f, 6 ,~ I - -, --., -11. 1... . . .." 11:Ctraction of Mierowiountc of Carlwa Frolu ""itroc Acid Solutions With Di- and MonoisoaTVI Esterc o f il5otli:~I-)b-aslahonic Acid) by B. V. t1raintoev, -ashe, K heev, 9 pp. 208.1,23-Til:11, rcr, RadiohhLaiya, Vol n~, 1110 19"2j 3 F,p 272-278- CL QCi s-469/6o (N-4386) Remodynamic Changes In Women With Cardiac Lesions During Pregwncy,, Labor, and Puerporium, by Ye. F. Ukraintsevap 11 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Sa7et Ned., Vol XXIV, fio 4j 19600 pp 70-76. JM 56eq sci - Ned oat 6o FUtew Yea= ()f DyvmlOPDSnt Of gwldm-Buil&tM in Slovokla., by Miloolmr Ukrqgs. pw Wp=IAL USE au C=Hj, perp Poduilom OrUmiz Vol XIVP No 9, 18 So 1960., YP 387-389- JM MC-5939 BE - Czechoslovakia Z= Apr 61 COPYRMT 63-17114 Ukrow H Vr~RdA~-M~U -NCY TELEPHONY ALONG LINES IN 1. UkI., H. UNDERGROUN.D MINING. (19631 8p. 11. ATS-46Q67C Order from A'IS $11-50 ATS-96Q67G III. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Trans. of forzj Llektrotechfnischej Z[eitschrift. Orange, N. Aus~,abojA. lZentralblait fUr Eloktroicchnikj (West Germany) 1954, v. 75, no. 5, p. t94-197. DESCRn ORS: High frequency, Wining engineering, 0'relephone communication systems, Electromagnetic waves. (Research Methods- -CommunicaL.on Yheory. TT, Dffkg U1 Tockdal strVICCS v. 10, no. t) I '@at of the Nature of the Pasetr*17U on tha 4m witmee of the Double Inpr In VAltm War. 413 Sata ; E. A. Ukabs., N. 0. Bnbj"s 5 ppo UN., per., Iz Ak NaA SM otdel xUm lguk,, No 1', p pp 31-35. CB ~) le~~ 0 63 Behavior of Iron Bloctrodes In JbIten Chlorldesi by V. I. DMstkUjr I. A. mwbep 5 pp. mwm.. per mw pra mump vol =tv, so 6. 1962, PP I.W332- m sci J= 63 232..64 The Faraday Impedance of Lead in Molten Chlorides, by.E. A. Ukshe, N. G. Bukun, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, No 12, 1961, pp 2689-2694. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Oct 62 214,461 The Solution of Me~allic YAgnesium in Fused Chlorides, by W. G. Bukun, E. A. Mahe 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXVIn,, no 6, 1959, pp 31217-1219. Consultafts Bureau Sci Sep 60 Dynamics of Chlorine and YAgnesim in Electrolysis of I-Imed Chloridesy by B. A. Ushel-G. V. Erlyakova, 0. A. Medvetakajap 10 yp. RUSSM, per,, 2hur PrIk 031m.. Vol =MO No 10, 1960, pp 22T9-2284. CB Sc i Sep 61 Ly of the - Electrima Dcrable liapr In i-IA-ben -av,43 'by 1".. A. Ukshe~ N. G. Bulmn, D. 1. LeO.A-.1 ~~,:eftC-TLI - Neuk- SS=. 'Vol Dok AL 1960., pp 1-183--U86. CB A 7-J, 61 Electrode FrooeqBes in Molten Saits. An Oacillu graph!- Studdy of the Electrodeposition of Hagriesitru In the Presence of Sulphatijes, by FIA. Uksha~ 63.17. Stapallov, 3) pp. RUMSTAN, p9r, Zhur Fiz Khim, No 3, 1960, pp 559--564- CUavar-H=e Press Jan 61 MgC'2 - IACI Systeni# by E. A. Uk*At,.N. 0. Buim- 17) ? 5 pp. RUMMO put ztaw dim Vol ixt IWAS pp 1766-1767. 922mm AEC-ANL-Tr-117 1 10 /-, 1~ , u e~o t~~ Scl-Chem Aug 65 286,375 The 1131thavior of &altlwte Ion In the Rlectrolytic Preparation of Magwsi=j bV S. A. Pusbkamva ma E, A. Ukobps-4 NO W3SZMp parj Dok Ak Nauk SMs Vol C=) No 2;, 19591 PP 370-372- Conmat%tive Ba4w sci rob 60 The Dissolution of Metals in Fused Halides, by E. A. Ukshe, 11. G. Bukun, 17 PP- RIUSSIMI, per, Uspekh Khim, No 2, 19061, pp 243-273- Cleaver-HLme Press Sci may 6 2 'I c 54,722 The Reaction of Metallic MaGnesitun Wit-h Fused CILlorides, by N. G. Bukpn, E. A. T-Pkshe, 4 pp. RLOSSIAN, pey, '71hux ITeorGan Khim, Vol VI; No 4, PP 913-9110- k~~ - Cleaver-11-urne Press Sci jun 6p 2oo,413 UhAviar of Uf Sulphate Ift La the Electrolytic Pra4valm of ftposivat by 9, A, Fusbanvas 6. A. Okske, 9pp WUSSIMO, per* At mask ss", val!&, VVL Iz4f au; 19si, va"I'O pp 570*3ya SIA IT-65-10126 Sci V- Mae Joao 67 3"j,403 Zen-m=p (iscelectric volwt) rotmtiais of Coner and Mrmlunt by 3. A. IBM A 1. LO-Amo .0, pp. v.~~ RUSS=,, thrice-m per, Dok Ak Naut SMO cv, No ii wo vp ng-im. CM/IM X-2212 SOL Fbigice 244 ~Pf7 7~q Nov 1956 =/a" Thicory of th!~ Eledu"eOd0PCsitU'iCn Of Frul-1, Comqj.e;c Sulutions.., by B. It. Uksha, 4 pp. RUSSIAR, per., Zhur Fiz Khim~ Vol YXXIV, No 21 ig6o, PP 259-266. Cleaver-Ruva Frems Sci Doc 60 ~711 Peculiarities of the Process at the Cathode in a Copper Pyrophoqbate Bath) by E. A. Ulmhe., A. I. Levin., 6 pp. RUSSIMIp mo, per Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol Mm, No 4., APr 1955.o pp 3M-393- ON-C-3NM Conoultanta Bureau scientific - Chemistry CTS 73/Oct 1.955 261989 M (NY-52.13) On the Problem of Applying Now Type& of Cablee for Long-Distance Lines, by K. Ya. Bergeychuk7j- K. A. Lyubimov, E. Fe 14 pp. -AOUT RUSSIANP M 0 Vestnik Svyazi., No 7., 1953., pp 3-5. JFM 7103 CIAAFM Tr 543 Sci /F7"38,?, jul 61 Shlelde for CC=TUniCEtt!f,.n (AF 1061~P'). mr) M.) 12.,.. Dam, CrA 638392 ATIC F-Y-M-9163/y Calculation of OpAmn Construct,&qn or Symmtrical Cables for Trunk-Lim DowsunicatfADusi, by 1. 1. Grodnev,p 2. F. _qMU4,p 14 pp WMASSIFIED (AF 1010890 v RUSSIAN# mD per, glektros"p Vol X~ go 5, 1956, PP 56-65. ATIC F-W-10014/V S-'! - Meoctronica rob 58 7he Clorinatioa of Tit4mium-Containing Slags~ by I. M. Toelikp N. S. Ukuhe. RUSSIAN, per, Tavetmyye Metally, No 9, 1959) pp 49-53. DSIR R-221.5 Soviet Metal Tech Vol 11, No 4, 1959 Sci - Min/Met oct 6o