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Zone Melting Experiments With Iron Alloys and Comworcial Steels, by W, A. Pischer, R. Uberoi. _ UNMAN, per, Archiv Eiseahuttenwesken,xkatx1X Vol XXXIII, No 10, 196Z, pp 661-678. HB S763 sci-H/M :2 D- ~ 5 V/ / Apr 63 Uberreiter, K. and Orthnuum, tL VISCOSITY AND FLOW MECHANISM OF FUSED 1. Ubarreltw, V- HOMOLOGOUS POLYL-IMENES. PT. 11 of StWy it. Orftnu,6 IL-j on Polyethylenes. [1963] 26p 26refs M. TUIC audy... Order from SLA $2. 60 63-18981 Trans. of Kollodi-Zeitschrift [und Zeftschrift fUr Polynwre] OVest Germany) 1952, v. 126. no. 2/3, p. 140-149. DESCRIvrolts: *Polycdiylme plastics. visconity, Fused materials, Moliccular properties, Theory. The temperature dependcnce of the viscosity of son3e fused polyethylenes of increasing chain length was determined. The results make It possible to draw conclusions concerning the migration mccWdorn In the fused phaBe. In this connection. It was found dLa the heretofore accepted concept of the flow procesB c( (Niaterials-Plastics, TT, v. 1D, no. 12) (ove4 00ke el TKW" Jvvj= Tr-63-205M Uberreiter, K. and Neng, S. SNUMIiEAT, SPECIFIC VOLUME, TEMPERA- 1. Title: Distyrene TURE AND HEAT CONDUCTIVITY OF HIGHPOLY- 1. Uberreiter, K. MERS. 1. D15MENH AND MGHPOLYMER 11. Neng, S. SMENE. 11963) lip (fign tables rds omitted ) 111. Title: Distyrene... Order from SLA $1.60 TT-63 -20536 Trans. of Kollold-Zeitacbrift fund Zeitschrift flkr Polftnerej (West Germery) 1951, v. 123, p. 92-1"). (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: *Styrenes, Styrene plastics, *Therev ochemistry, Specific heat, Thermal con- ductivity. Density. Polymers, The specific heat, the temperature conductivIty and the specific volume of distyrene and a polystyrene with the polymerization- degree of 33 have been measured in the freezing ranp and the heatconductivity was calculated. Ile curve of the specific heat shows the known jump in Offim 0 T-W-1 S-k.. (Chernistry- -Physics 1, TT, Y. 11. no. 4) (over) TT-63-18987 Ob=eiter, K. and Orthmann, H. DEGREE OF COORDINATION OF SOUD POLY- 1. Oberreiter, K. EnJYLENES. Pt. III of (Studyl on Polyethylenes. [ 196311; 11. Orthmann, H. -J~ 35p (figs omitted) 32refe ~ 111. Title: Study... order from SLA $3.60 TY-63-18987 Trans. of Kollaid-Zeitachrift (und Zeitschrift fUr Polymerel (Went Germany) 1952, v. 128, no. 3. p. 125-136. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: 'Polyethylene plastics. 'Complex corn - pounds, Molecular structure, Crystal structure, Pyrolysis, Topics inclued: degree a( coordination of umbranched paraffins; degree of coordirkation ot branched poly- ethylenes, thermal degradation of side groups; degree of coordination o( thermally debrancbed polyethylenes; melting-point dependence o( degree of coordination: and side-group dependence o( melting point. (See also Otkt 0 Tr~~,o !~wr.4i TT-63-18981) (Materials- -Plastics. TT, Y. 11, no. 1) 62 -139-16 and Sorge, G. T%-'O ME-MODS. P1. I of Quondt4ldVe 1. Title; Determin,ition rf nrg:mic Peroxides, [19621 [Op. 9 refs. 1. tJbcrro~'iter, K. Order from ST, A $ 1. 10 62-18946 11 . Sorge. G. Ill. Title-. Quintitative Trans. of Angew[atuitel Chemliel (Vvest Germany) 1956, v. 68, p. 352-354. DESCRIPTORS: Organic compounds, *Peroiddes, Or~.jriic :,nlvvit Acetic acids, Benzenes. Chemical Indicators, 'Nieth- ylene blue, Amines. Two new colorimetri.: methods for the quantitative determination of organic peroxides are described. Both of them operate In organic solvents and in the homo, geneous phase. For determinations in glacial acetic acid, the indamine method, and for determinations In benzene, Lhe mcthylene- blue method Is rec(xnmended. (Chemistry-AnalyLical, TT, Y. l0t no. 1) (over) C1 Uthakil The VAssurment of the Melting Point or of the Flow Tmyersture of Polywre vith a Relting Point Autograph, by KI. Merreiterp a. Z. aftbawn, 16 p. .. ........ GMM,, per$ 10metoffet Vol XLVM# No ll$ pp 525-530, SLA 59-20289 Fab 60 x Vol 2 j No 12 62-22816 SrATIST161- DATA ON TC6ACCOISM W FRANCE, 1. Title; Tobaccolam [1%21 Sp. 1. thmrschlag Onier from K-H $6.25 K-H 5525 e It. K-H-5525-e Ill. Kre ge-Hooker Science TranB. of Annales Medico-Psychotogiques (France) Mary Associates. 1956, v. 114, May. p. 830-834. Detroit. Mich. DESCRIMRS:, Cigare"es. Smobes, *Tobacco. ' Polowing, France. (Biological Sciences-PUbology. TT, Y. 9. on. 1) GWW d lab" Ilm Control of the F"t a reoder *sode, by '7 ,J,, uberacillar's 14 mapelots at &I. I lcs'd FW04 per, Undo Els"rbw,, No 44$.449,s 1964 Pp 1-14, Orl"527267 ,wc EURRO-102F r b /a~ SciPluclear Sci ;4ar 67 Temperature Measftsmomts on Carbon Micrephenos. by g. Kretsduw= A. UberwAms. CXMM, per, Elettrischo Suarlebten Technik Vol X11% 1931" PP l9r.1m, SLA 7T 61-10097 1 ~2 , ion 67 3z?, dX6 ElectrwagneticCircuit Preakm for Flameproof Mining Switchgear, by A..K. Ubiiko. RUSSIAN, per, Faektrot&khaika, 1) 19041 NO pp 51-53 'NLL/8313. 4 1964 sci - Aug 67 336-152 ContinuouB and,8emi4ontinuow Transport at the Cockerill-Ougree Works,, by Ubin. UNCIA687M FFXKM.. rpt, papers presented at the International Transport Conference,, Londons Sep 1957. Co-op Tr Scbeme Tr 835 (L6.0.0) WSw - Belgium Econ APr 58 rhyami ftmdatlow for the ftwmuou of Plants wd Anim%Uj by W. Van Vijks D. Scholte ILb!M. SWM=j, Vws Vekblud Vow BimbWn~ Yd IWXZp Ib 123 19% pp 193-201. CBIRO 4174 Sci - mol Jun 62 /,?g, 1.~6- (nD 11994-),. Soviet Bloc.International Ral2road Aggreeafttes by Rabortleissacip Josepb Ubl" 7 pp. ==a zo-pers, Der VarkAbra Vol Xns Berlin., GMs, Dee 1951. crAAw/u-&65 UISSR REur - OR, Economic - Transportation 7, W-5037). Y~t le Absurd to Close We's Eyes to the Gbina of Mao 1Xse-7mg, by RaffaeUo, Uboldij, 10 pp. INTALIM., perp Aventi, 10 W 1960t pp 1, 2. JMS 7402 wHar - Italy POI / ? 25 jam 61 ) 6 9-./ j / (BY-5037) - The Frictiou Betwoon Tooludaima amd Wor)mrs Is to the Advantap crf the ft rmroaacratic Politiciaus~ by RaffaaUo Ulboldl-, 10 pp. nu.IAN .4 per., Av=tl., 6 sep 1960, P 3- im 74% I&ur - Itay Proonj Pol 25 Jan 61 of Ovemar-.3 Chinese Are Attmeted to the h-, Oountxy) by Rr ffa&Uo UbO Aij, fiqW 11 PI NO, per) Avanti, 2 Sep 1960., p 3. JPRS 74M jan 6i. d117 (NY-5037) - t r ,r ~r ,qLi Young I~an Twice StcNed Us Prom Tating. .7 C. PJ3 by RaItt-Alo ~~ao T per., 27 Aug 1960., 9 3- JMS 7402 y (NY-5037). Too Costly a Future?, by Raff"llo IKUboldij 9 pp. ITALIM,, per., Avanti, 24 Jul 1960, P 3- JM 7402 Our - Italy fton - 25 jan 61 '), -'~ 9 , , d"2 '~ C BY -5031 ) - Vice Prosident Ymo Mo-Jols Doubts on the Relaxation Of Tensionj by pamallo TLOid-t~ U pp. ITALIAN., per.. Avant', 31 Jul 1960t P 3. J"S 74M WB= - Italy r POI / 9 r, "j 7 25 An 61 (NY-5037). The Dimator of the Pwm Conmaw is a "General" in the Feople's Militia, by Raffaello Uboldl, 8 py, ITALIAN$ per) Avautip Ij Aug 1960, p i. JPRS 7402 WE= - Its-ILY I pa ti 25 ion 61 1 ~ q ~, 61 --~, s (BY-5037). Yr. Tung Controls the Lives of 500 Million Chiaose Peas anta j by Raffae-110 Ubola 8 pp. ITALIAR, per., Avanti, 11 Aag 1960, P 3- MS 74M WEUT - Italy Pol 25 j= 61 0 1 .11,37-5037)- A First-Class Funaral for Rea-Commuaist -Partiec) by RrffaeUo Uboldlp 11 pp. rMIM) par.. Avmtij 5 Aug 19W. p 3. ms 74M Rur - Italy poi 25 Jan 61 / 69 iv (NY-5037). Five 01)etaeles on the Journalist's Road in the LUM of Mao, by Raffae2lo U~Lo~l, 9 pp. IMAILLOp perp Avmti, 4 AuS 1960., p 3. JIW 740-2 wzur - IV&ly I%I e5 jan 61 /s9/ -d 12 -11), (DC-5315) Eighty Years of the Plant Protection Research Institute,, by Gabor Ubrizsyp 8 pp. HUNGARIAN., per, Magyar Tudomny., Vol V; No 12, 1960) pp 737-742. ipps 68W Sci - Biol ~hr 61 Character of distribution .61wais in the pagmatitio microolines of the. - .,t;l "saran Mountains. By A. A. Shimaneldl an.d lut X. Uchakin. pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Geokh1m, No 9. 1962. Geochem Sao Soi Aug 63 Contents of rare alkalis In feldspars from pegmatites of the Sayan Mountains. By Tu. H, Uchakins A' A. Shl-makly. pp. 10 --------------- , 6 RUSSIAN, per, Gookhis, No 8. 1962, "ohem Soo 'Y S3 6 Sci Aug 63 wets wmi;a on tLe Relative Inumialties or ltbo -il-Liaes f in Eqgillbriun With Its Decay Froduatts, y B. S. D7.holopov, N. N..zhultm-W70 1. P uOhenatIdn' S. A. shoat-ppalmu., 6 pp. RUS331AII, per, Iz A Nark SSSRj Ser FIr., Vol MIt No 7,- 1954B, Vm- "1-847. Coltmhia Tech cc-t 59 TT-65-26448 Field 7C Uchenko. 1. K, ONDEBZOEK OP HET GEBIED DER CHEMIE VAN DE 1. Centre Beige de Traductlons CYANINEKLEURSTOFFEN. X. 3,3'-DICYCLOHEXYLTIIlA- Brussels (Belgium) CYANINEN (Issledovanlya v OblasU Khtmit Tsyaninovykh KriLsitelet. X~ 3,3'-Ditetklc)geksiltyatsinniny). Tr. by A. Nelon. 12p. CBT-111-65. Order from CBT as CBT-Ul-65 Trans. In Dutch of Ukratnskit Khtmicheakii Zhurnal (USSR) v21 n6 p738-43 1955, European Translatiort.4 Centre 110 im ,)v -5586) Prospacto for the Utilization of Natural Resourca3 in Ladkay Province and the Responsibility for Scientific Researchp by N. A. Uchenkov., 19 pp. UMMAMM, per, Tin Tue goat Dong Khoa Boo., Ho 11, 1960p PP 9-17. JPR8 7441 Sul - Geopbys F c b 61 V - C.L. L-L C- )I e- Aj e 0 V Adnnew In Fbmt Mensuzatloal, by V. A. Owawsmrs$ 0 v o 'J. Ueboam, I-A ]WO MWIMp bk, Novool LewDl Tak=Wy. ib W. 1964. M7B TT 71-50094 Apr 72 Conversion electron spectrum of neutron-deficient lutetliun Isotopes iu the M to 3500 Kev Region, by B. s. Dzhe3.epov, 1. P. Ucbevatkin, S. A. sliestopoam, 5 w. RUSSIM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SMjs Ser Fiz,, Vol XXEVj No 7, 196o.. pp 8m43%. Sci MV 9.2 r- Sep 61 Gasm&-Hey Spectrum of ObI24, by B. S. Nbelepov, N* 1. 2blukovehy, V, 0. Nedovesov., L Fe Uchevatki , V. G. Chmdu,, 7 PP - "--n RUNIM, mopers Tz Ak Nauk SSSRp Ser Fiz.. Vol XKj, No 8., 19561, Vp 925-932- Columbia Tech Sci - Pbys 5 - so~ - 2- 7,? sap 57 9-ke -Anrrount and TI-lenai-%y of .M u Coznmcctiwo Clo.-Lzao ., by Yu . A., Tr -dJm~ 'T. Uch vatkil.,m, 1960~ lk-24, h, 1,176., h ~-nc 6~1 Gas Chromaograpby of ftesolp by A, Lichidst S. 94sada. JAPANESBO pert J. CMv6 Sot.* Japan* Vol "s No 4, 1962, pp BISI 4641 1 lie a. o0, sci-M&M Jul 66 3"V*AS TT-62-28171 Uchida, 11. ti UME SUR LE FIER CARBONYLE, ET LE NICKEL 1. Uchida, I[. CARBONYLE. IV. D11COMPOSITION TIIE*RMIQUE DU If. CNRS-VIII big 330 NICKFL CARROKYLF (Iran and Nickel Carbonyls. IV. Ill, CentTe Nmiorol de In Recher- Thermal Decovilwiigiflon of Nickel Carbonyl). I Rp. efic Scieniffique, Nris (foreign texi included) CNRS-VIII big 330. Order frorn 01'S, ETC or CNRS $1. (10 1r-62-28171I Tr~ins. iLCi. ujjLjL curokyo Kogyo Sbi konsho I lokoku onpm) 1950, v.45, no.l. p.20-25. DI-SCRIrTORS: Nickel comrmnds, *Carbonyl radical- Iron compounds, 'Nickel, Iron, Decomp-mition, floit, Cherifical properties, (Cheri list ry- -lilt orga piic. V. 11, f)0. 9) ...... Studies on the Catalysts for AmonlLs Synthesis. Pitt 12. Effect of Quenah4W an& Annealing in the Kimracture of Catalysts on Catalytia Mirity 9nd Im Po*aah Distribution, by ff. gLlj~L&y N. 71odo. JAPARME, per, Repts Gov Xnd Ressarch last Tokyo,, Vol LI, No 11) 1956, pp 4o6-ki4. m 11-1698 Sci - Chem Jul 59 Sutdies on the Catalysts for Amorda Synthesis. Part 11. Activated Adsorption of Nitrogen, Hydrogen And O-rbon Mmwxide on Cntelys:ts with Adided A12C3, with Added A1005 end 0 and with Mded A1.203., SIO~ and 1~20.,-b$ H. Ak M. mw,*B. JAIPAYM, per, Repts Gov Ind lResenrob lust Tokyo, Vol LI, RD 11., 1956P VP 39T-405- An ii-167T Scl - Cbem Jul 50, Awl 1.1% eii r; '40iop Rate of Armonin Syntheriis. Dependence Upon Reaction Pressure nnd Hydrogen-Nitrogen Ratiot by H. Ucblda, M. Kureishl. JAPANESE., per, Repts o Vol LI, ND 6; 1955.. Gov Ind Research Inst Tokyo, qp 185-195. ATS W-1699 Scl - Chem Jul 59 Investigation or catalysts for Synthesis of Amnonia, VI. Repts (;ovt# by X. Ogawa., 9,. Uchida,, 14 pp. JAPAMZ,, perp Mm Ind Research Inst,, Tokyo, vol xLv-T,, 1951,, pp u4-124. (loain copy only) SLA 57-2675 AT-~ -T]-- ')i') Sci 7~ ;7 5~-O Aug 58 e'; / Catalyst for the Conversion of Carbon MDwxideX# by H. Uchida, pp. jAPAME', per; J. Chem Soc Japens Ind Chm seats Vol LVP 1951, pp 750-759. SIA 571-21rq i A, T-S E 2 T Aut; 58 7 7d.,J,~-f Catalyst for the Conversion of Carbou Mnoxide. nl,, by H. Uchidat 5 PP, j", - " JAPAME pwj J Chem Sao Japan) Ind Chm Sectj '052, PP 521 522. Vol LV, 1 SLA 1-2L83 Sci Aug 58 aw of Catalpts for Syntbass of Amm=4as by To Sato md R. caws 14 pp. JAPAMP prp V Mpts ftft QWm Smemb lut TI*Pp VOI 2951.4 PP 103413. MA 57-2662 Sol Pa 58 UK) the Ralstim Dstvm um in$ or MAtertau avA the t"M of Abufm s& Bodfli Oxide In the SodIm-Oxide-Use M&Vxd and Relatld Problao,, by .Ke JAPAN=,, pw$ J. 8m Mm UA hpoi, Vbl XMIl 1943.9 PP U63-1*- AM-M0,T S(A AW 3,6 -7 -Qt~:dif-o aa the Egga, Larvae, 8,nd Juveviile cf ji~.paucsc Fishes j Series lp by Keitam Uab-'C-a- Dept of Interior azu B82 so 36o Uchida, M. and Nagao, Ii. INFLUENCE OF SUPPRESSOR ON 'ME EMULSION POLYMERIZATION OF ACRYLONITRILE. Pt. 21 of Studies on the Polymerization of Acrylonitrile. (1%01 22p. (13 figs. omitted) 10 refs. Order from SLA mi$2. 70, ph$4. 91) 60-L89W Trans. of KoM Kagaku Zasshl (Japan) 1957. v. 60 (no. 61 p. 768-773. The influence of phenolic and nitro cotnpounds in aup- pressing the oxidation-reduction emulsion polymeri- zation of scrylonitrile was studied. Potassium persul- fate and sodium bisulfite were used as oxidadon- reduction reagents, and sodium lauryl sulfate was used &B emulsifier. The rate and degree of polymeri- zation were lowered by adding phenols. Their sup- pressing action Increased In the order- resorcinol, phenol, hydroquinones, pyrogallol. Pyrogallol pre- vented polymerization even In the presence of catalyst 71m apparent chain transfer constants for polymeriza- (Chemistry- -Organle, 7T,, v. 5, no. 6) (over) 60-1M 1. Vinyl cy&nWe-- Polymerization 2. Polymerization --inhibition 3. Phenol@- -Chemical effects 4. Nitro compounds (Organic) - - Chemical effects 5. Title: Emulsion polymerization 1. UchWa. M. 11 .Nagw H. 111. Title. Studies... Offic. -1 TcimltJ S~Ic.t Iffeets of Added FAumts an the Awnato Polyaft-l- matlon of Am7lwltrUs. Sti* Wlth An Blectrcm Microseop,, by R. ftWo M. Mids. JAPAUU,o pwv ~ J Chm Bm Ind am 8"t0 Val Uas No 40 1VA.- vp ;6iliio An soo Web Owy JJ-14& M - Chas Aor 59 Repoei, wo16. Etiologic Ageew of Wm=Rte Disease., by M. Uchldao T. Ionue, K. Hirekawai, 4 pp. JAPAN&SE., rpa%-#, 20 Aug 1959: pp 9-11. imlH 3.1-42 Bel - Madicim Dee 59 Urccanicase., by Makio UchMa,# Shigandbu Itaolkip rj-7~~Ito-,m Warhj,8 Y.LI1 translation. j4FAF-76E, per., Koso EMpIm Shi vo Vol VII; - v-- alum 1952, pp 86 -W. I-t. - japen Scientific - XMicine, biodemistry JIM 5 3 CTS Adsorption of HDa r Lu the Polywrization of Acrylonitrile,, by RLdeo Napo, Nbriya Uehidas Teruo yamavighio 12 PP. JAPPJM, per,, Kboo Kambi Zaaahl., Vol LIX~ So 6. 1956p Pp 695-W. MA 59-15275 Sci - Cb=lstx7 Nov 59 Thermal Downnition of Pblyacx7laatrile (Proftedon or 4dracyaude Mid),, by Mdoo Mpos y"iyu MW i1qu yawamm 8 n. . JAPAN=., pw Kogyo Am ZwwbI Vol Emp v0 t, 19%, pp 69&7000 siA 6o-iWo sai 9" Vol IV go u am 62' Ad-3o--oi~U!-,n o~~' =, Monon-,,r .'a Lhu k:ryloruitrflca, by Rideo Xamao Mori uc-Ilida, Teruo Yw.-ialiehi, 12 pp. 4\ J JAPMES13, per) Kogyo Xagaku Zasaht, Vol LIX, No i)ho, pp 695-693. 5(N W=l STAV-5275 Sci - Mum Dec 59 Vol 2, No Studles on saline water convexeica Xr the freezing method. 2. Annlysis of contim=s eotmter-ctaTwt washing of ice crystals bV simulator., IW R. Uchi&,, et. al. JAWOM., per, 22M2 XbjSjR shihensho bolwku., Vol 59, No li, PP 31-37 (11970) Sci - Ana3,AiwI Chem AW 67 Uchida, CRYSTAL-OPTIC PROPERTIES OF AMMONIUM IMIDDSULFONATE AND AMMONIUM AMIDOSIJL- FONAM Pt. 1. an Properties of the Products of Anhydrous Reactions Between Ammonia and Sulfur Trioxide and their Derivatives. [1961] 10p. Order from ATS $13.40 ATS-07N558J Trans. of [Nihon Kagaku Zasshij (Japan) 1942, v. 63, no. 5, p. 504-SD9. 62-12566 L Uchida. S. N. Title: Properties. IN- ATS-07NSBJ W. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Fast Orange. N. J. DESCRETORS: $Crystal structure, 'A;7-m 207S71 compounds. *Sulfonates, Imides, Amid ~~Iluicl' Ammonia, Sulfur compounds, Oxides. 7-7 (Chemistr y- -Physical, 'rr, v. 7, no. 9) 6 145337 LkWda S and Ito Y. ,CV99bli FOR THE ANALYSIS OF REACTION 1. LkIdda, S. PRODUCTS FROM AMMONIA ANb SUFLUR TKI- 11. 1[o. Y. OXIDE. Pt. 2 of Study of the Anhydrous Reaction Be- Ill. Title: Study... twen Ammonia and Sulfur Trioxide. 1196117p. IV. ATS-41NS4j Order from ATS $10. 00 AIS-41NS41 V. Associated Technical Services, Inc. , East Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zonshi (Japan) 1951, v. 54. Ora6ge, N. J. no. 4, p. 256-258. DESCRIPTORS: *Sulfur oompou~ds, *Ammonia, Chemicsi reactions, *Oxides. % (Chemistry --Physical, TT, v. 7. no. 3) Mce #1 To"W Sowlees LkhIda, S. and Ito, Y. AVEWMEWOO OF SYNTI-JESIS OF SULPAMIC ACID. Ft. I of Study of the Anhydrous Reaction Be- tween Ammonia and Sulfur Trioxide. 1196116p. Order from AIS $9. 00 ATS-40N54j Trans. of Kogyo Kapku Zeseld (Japan) 1950, v. 53. no, 10, p. 423-425. DESCRIPTORS, *SuLfamic acids, Synthesis, *Ammo- nis, Sulfur compounds, Oxides. Exchange reactions, Chemical reactions. 61-25452 1. tkhIda. S. 11. Ito, Y. M. Title.- Study ... IV. ATS-40N341 V. Associated Technical Services. Inc., Ust Oranp, N. J. 8?b 2 7 (Chemistry- -Physical, Tr, Y. 7, no. 3) offtee 91 Tog6dej SWAess Uchida. S.. Ito, Y., and Kobayashi, E. PROPERTIES OF THE PRODUCTS OF ANHYDROUS REAMONS BETWEEN AMMONIA AND SULFUR TRIOXIDE AND T14EIR DERIVATIVES. 717S. 2-3. f L9611 9p. Ordcr from ATS $11.65 ATS-47N54J Trans. of (Nihon] Kagaku Zassht (Japan) 1954, v. 75. no. 7, p. 741-746. DESCRII'TORS: *Arnmonia, *Sulfur compounds. "Oxides. 61-254S4 1. Uchida, S. 11. 1t0, Y. Ill. Kobayashi. E. IV. ATS-47NS41 V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N, J. office of ToAolcol Sorvftto (Chen-d stry- -Physical, TT, v. 7, no, 2) Uchida, S., Ito, Y.. and Kobyaahi, E. SULFURIC ACID TREATMENT OF THE REACTION PRODUCT OF N113 W171i S03 FOR T116 PREPARA- TION OF SUIX AMIC ACID. Pt. 5 of Study of the Anhydrous Itenction lktwccn Ammonia and Sulfur TrIoxide. [196116p. OrdLr f rcxn ATS $9.50 ATS-42N54J Trans. of Kogyo Kapku Zamshl (Japan) 1954, Y. 57. no. 1, p. 18-20. DESCRIPTORS: *Sulfuricacid, *Ammonia, Sulfur compounds, OxJdca, *Sutfamlcacide. Preparation, ReacUon klwtlcm. 61-25625 1. Uchida. S. It. Ito, Y. U. Kobyaahl. E. V. Title: Study... V. ATS-42N54J it. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. J. (Chen-d stry- -Physical, 7r, v. 7, no. 2) Office e1 Tvc6slcal la-Aces 61-25705 Uchida, S.. Ito, Y.. and Masuda. E. VAPOR-PnASE REACTION BETWEEN AMMONIA 1. Uchida. S. AND CONVERTER GAS FROM CONTACT TYPE 11. Ito, Y. SULFURIC ACID MANUFACTURE. Pt. 4 of Anhydrous III. Masud&. E. Reaction Between Ammonia and Sulfur TrloxIde. 119611 IV. Title: AnItydrous... 8p. V .ATS-6614541 Order from ATS $13.60 ATS-66K541 VI. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Trans. of Tokyo Kogyo Shikenshd Hokoku (Japan) 1952. East Oranp. N. V. 47, p. 264-269. DESCRIPTORS: *Ammortia, $Sulfur compounds, Sulfuric acid, Acids. V0 (Cheml stry- -Physical, TT, v. 7. no. 2) Tubsitel UMess Lies-Phase Reaction Betwen Amonis and Sulfur Y. Ito. Trioxide., by S. V2hlda, JAPAM,, perp Tokyo Kogya ShiMnsho Nakokup Vol XLVII., 1952p Vp 258-263. ATS-671544 Wr 62 Vol vils 30 2 ThOr"I.DecoM"Ition of Acrylonitrilc-. VinYlidow Chloride Co-Polymers. by flideo lagao, Sakariya LkAida. Teruo Yamguchi., 24pp JAPANESE. per. KogyD Kagaku Zasshit Val S9, 19S60 pp 463-470 SLA TT-64-30813 .1 ilecL",z" sci - Chen Ju.,ta 67 328.946 Studies on sallm vater caversion tV the freezing metbod. 1. %sic considerations on the scp~mtion of ice crystals frm wther liquor rmd some ex1primatal results# by T. Uchidav K. Hm%&,v XMMM,.. per,, Tolwo &X~2 shikensho hokolmp Vol 58.- 1963,* NO 'Is PP 167-197 ELL 582,9-4 (11973.) ,/,'(C -,I'e,~; , f-, L-I 323,586 Sci - Gen & Rw Whem Aw 67 .-tWi~as ou -~,ajj;w ti.Aev Cmvorsiou -)y bw v~amjaziat (1) Buaic lumsiioratiw~s (X.' ai Ice Vrmi lbuer Li4uior 1jur-, Z~( cj,~d IS- A4 05, i; Ohm" th,,~ ftm-di by Z,. 'Lesl t-B~~ Tb 2246--17 -O.Q~ HIT all On the Shearing Stress and the Heat Transfer Coefficient Over the Artifical Pond, by Z. 'Uchijima .) le JAPANESE, per, pp 9-15- _,,/*319tb MI Bn 1-8309 ID 2227637 Sci - Phys 5 mar 63 ~,tuxUes on Saliu* tgator Cowunim by the Frcvziftj~ (2-1, malysia of Coutinuma Camter- cumn-It 4 shin% of log cryp2als by Avuld-ters ily Tukasicii UtIlWa. lAteshi Aasuda, at al. ;jOVv 1040 KGIAO ~hikcus'wo .~ickoku. Vol 59m 1g, 1944. pp SI-37. IMP 70.6 i ll-tr-L425 U, ~4, k W c Vv Studies on %lLnc Wam Coamsion by Freezt% MedxxL M. Some Observations on the FormaWn of Isobutane Hydrate and Us Thermodynamic properde4 by T. Uchikay L HaYaw- JAPANESE, per, IMMERM �gkggft U-01oku, Vol LIX, No B. 1961; pp 332-357. *AEC Sci-Cbem AU9 65 62-14215 Uchikava H. and Takagi, S ELECTRON NGCROSCOPE STUDIES OF COM- 1. Title: Clicker PLETELY HYDRATED CLINKER COMPONEM 1. Uchftwa, H. 1196217p. (19 figs. omitted) 8 rds. U. Takagi, S. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-14213 Trans. of Zoment-Kalk-Gips (West Germany) 1961, v. 14, no. 4. p. 153-ISS. DESCRIPTORS: Mectron microscopes, *Cements, Water, Ball mills, Hydrates, Gypsum. Synthesis. Thmsurface and Internal structure of completely hy- dratod and hardened cement clinker components, and C their mixtures with and without gypsum, ware in- ve-ilgated by electron - microscopic methods using ultra -microtorne sections. Tbe samples were by- drated to Ft bell mill at 260C with a wmer/coment ratio of 0. 8. As a result of these oxperimcma the process Of Urdening and strengib development can Office of T*cWcsl Services (Engineering- -Chemical, 7T, v. 8, no. 9) (over) Byatemp by Koyue=n funWdv I-- TIU~taro M UchUmmp et a0l,. 20 pps JAPAIMa., per., Jounml of %he Cherdeal Society of Japan, J:udu~sj OMdcgl Snti=j, Vol LWO 3,961o Py 129-43.37. 9P15561 A=-Tr-6oo7 Dae 6-3 Titemim-lodine b)rstem) by Kopeomn Fimakii Ta,kataro Uchimn-a) et al) 20 prp JAPARESE, per., Kogyo Kegaku Zasshlt) Vol LMp 129-287 No .1961. AM-+,2'-6WT Sol-)bt 811) Met itov 63 (X the lUstopat-bology and Elathogenesis of" Deuyelimt- ing RwephalcmWelitia With Particular RoLnue fzw the I DaLWelination Process Owing to Babies D=unization., by X. Uchimuss 9, Shirak-is, Ch.. Harubarap 20 pp. Cm-m4rl- per., PVchiatria at Ne-arologla Japoulca, Vol LVI.. No .103, 19551 PP 3T-41- 3 Scientific - Yedicine Jun 56 cTs The Remicellulose in Pulp for Preparing Cellulose Acetate., by S. ftcblda,, N-. Vehip-0-t-Ke Bats, 6 pe JUAME, per, Kami Paruyu G1 u Tjckai-fti,, 1958, Vol Ms No X I 11; PP arm. ATS-IIL35J 801 Apr 60 Vol III p go 2 CRITICIS~2 OF THE JAPAN COMUNIST PARTY'S VIEWS ON THE PEACE MOVEMENT) BY SOJI UCHINO) 20 PP. ..... JAPANESE) NP) ATARASHII ROSEN, 10 SEP 1962, P 20 20 SEP 1962, P 2. JPRS 16513 FE - JAPAN POL, DEC 62 218,109 (Ma3zol) FM YK XM4Mil Or THE UNITED FW4p 13Y TAMWIVO L!~4~ 9 PP. JAP44MEs KRP awl* AUG IAO PP IIIA6. MRS L500~ ft a JOPAN F(X1 SW 62 Abotec. the Macead roremini Prom Tochl-al 'Imfectimet by TakqymuLUdiia& JAPAIME.. Resum of Lectum Fnsewt-ed ab tho ~vwetills of Japan Oftlogical 80eiftys April 194. Dept or interior 2m900) taespr ft 423 scl-m/m rob 64 The Mechanism of the Adjuvant Effect of Nonspecific Stimulants of Antibody Fnrmation, by I. Ya. Uchite ', E. L. Khasman, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, per, VeBt Ak Medit Nauk SSSR, Vol XDC) No 3, 1964. jpRs 24814 Sci jun 64 26o, 36o Antibody Formation at Reduced Body Tempers- tures I by 1. Ya. jLeLItqj y A, S.,, Konikoft, 6 pp. RMSIM, perp Zhur Mikrobiol Epidwdql I Immonoblol, Vol XXIX) No 10,, 19-58) PP 77-83- Perown lost Scioged Jun 59 " -;2j-g p - Intensity of Protein Synthesis During the Inductive Phase of Typhoid Agglutinin Formation, by 1. Ya. 2~jc jUteL!.t E. L. Khasman, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Vol XXXII, No 1, 1961. pp sci way 62 194,8o8 A Comparison of the Processes of Formation Of Antibodies and Nonspecific Proteins in Animls, by 1. Ya. Uchitels As S. Roulkove, 5 pp, IMSSW . per, Byul Eksper Blol I Had, Vol 140 7, 1957, PP 85-88., Conzultants Bureau Sei - Ned Jun 58 DUferencee Due to Age Groups in the Diata-lbu-J tion Curves of Tuberculin Reaction Provoked by Furificd Tabermain., PPD-s, by M. Maeda., T. 12 pp. Vluroh"hi, H. ~a~hi XTIM, SE, per, raUmku,, Vol IOMII, No 1.0., 1958, PP 671-6713- NIH 3-19-6o Set - Med m a y 6a //7 .) 30J of 1*4wiww is *Mali ran 3 aftftfumWift of X=NtSIUC, 140WINK' La 'ittel but" A"It"fe by us SwdltG#- UrAu to woo" %I sot so no M4,9 pp 1470.0= SWAM Apr 66 Pt I uf oofor- OE ,44guactalue LICALsioas itl :Aewi vadrAN Al IvIt4t'. to U2 2 &6,6 d Part a d odametion al j6iii~~ kchAam In Stod,Dwft PA01r,& ty 1, ucbU*rm4 Pwo MW SO COW Vbl 306 M 3, May 65 278,492 Xdentil'ice-taba " RMMMMM, M.-PP. With the X-Ray Ydaroanalyzer, by Zku Mhi a MAMM, per, Tetsu Th Ragam, Vol )MV17, NO lo.. 1961., yp 1516-A18. EB 506 act - mn/?*t A;r 62 /5?el 71,;,. AEC-tr-4482(P-579-89) Uncl. STUDY OF TRE PREVENTION OF THE INTERNAL OONTAMINATION BY RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. M. Uchiyamal. C-23 P- NSA N-3 AEC-tr-4482(p.579-89) Uncl. STUDY OF THE PREVENTION OF THE INTERNAL OONTAMINATION BY RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. M. Uchiyama. C-23 P NSA A N -.3 AEC-tr-4482(p-579-89) Uncl. STUDY OF THE PREVENTION OF THE INTERNAL WNTAMINATION BY RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. M. Uchiyama. C-23 P NSA N-3 AEC-tr-4482(p.579-89) Uncl. STUDY OF TRE PREVENTION OF THE INTERNAL CONTAMINATION BY RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. M.~qc~iyama. C-23 P NSA N-3 AEG-tr-4482(P-579-89) Uncl. STUDY OF THE PREVENTION OF THE INTERNAL OONTAMINATION BY RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. M. Uchiyama. C-23 P NSA