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Bons, W. ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE. CRYSTALS OF TIN (Zum Elastischen Verhalten von Zinn- Ein- und -VielkristaRen). 119621 1101p. (foreign text included) 8 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-20281 Trans. of Helvedca Physica Acta (SwitzerlancQ 193.1, V. 7. p. 87"- DESCRIPTORS: *Crystals, *Single crystals, Ohletal crystals. *Tin, *Elasticity, Crystal structure. Statistical analysis. The orientation dependence o( the elasticity- and torsion. modulus c9 the tin crystal is indicated. By taking the mean over the entire orientation range the moduli of the qua*i-isotropLc polycrystal are calculated and compared with experience. (Author) (See also 62-2D2M (Phyales-Solid State. TT, v. 10. no. 1) 62-20281 1. Boas, W. Office of Teclinical Senices -VT T!7 w vwj r lul:'o C,r -10 2 3 55 R. Baer Conditions of Coherence in Diffraction Spectra Produced in Liquids on Ultransonic Standing Waves. Helv. Phys. Acta. v. 8, no. 7, 1935 p 591-600. WAKSA TT F 13925 Feb 73 Zj of Tbrjj the Single CrYl~tsl constanta~ uy Bona, 't MI - U-MR, pe--) valve-bica Phyrdea Actft., vo3. vm, 1935, 674-681- SIA 59-10434 1, 9 59 Concerning Researches on the Theory of Haman and Nagendra, Nath on Diffraction of Light by Ultrawnic Waves., by R. Bar. GERMAN perp Helv Fhys Acta, Vol IX, pp 265- 2%. 1=00 TM8 Scl Ang 7 Ali, L. IME NATURE CF THE DOPPLER FREQUENCY St IN LIGHI` DIFFRACTED BY ULTRASOUND IN LIQUIDS. 119631 1351p. 11 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 63-18928 Trans. of Helvedca Physica Acm (SwitzerlanM 1936, V. 9, P6 W-&U DESCRIPTORS: *Doppler effect, *Light, ODiffractim, *Ultrasonic radiation, Liquids, Mercury lamps, Tests, Measurement, *Freqwwy shift. 63-18928 1. All, L. (Physics, IT, v. 10, no. 11) office of Techakid kni"S Extermann, R. (C. I and Wannier. G. THEORY OF DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT BY SUPER- SONIC WAVES, PT. I. [ 1962) 12p. 3 refs. .Order from bLA $1.60 63-10092 Trans. of Helverica Physics Acts (Switzerland) 1936, V. 9. p. !;Z--532. DESCRIPTORS: *Diffraction, *Light, Sound, Super- sonic characteristics. Theory, Numerical methods and procedures. Special functions, Electromagnetic waves. 63-10092 1. Title: Supersonic waver 1. Extermann, R. C. 11. Wanniqr, G. (Pbysics--Theoretical. TT, v. 9, no. 11) Offles al 7nWeal Serwkes Extermann. Richard C. THEORY OF DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT BY SUPER- SONIC WAVES, FT. Il. 11962] 29p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-10091 Trans. of Helvetica Physics Ac!!,LSwitzerland) 1937. - M V. 10, P. -AL 1. DESCRIPTORS: 813iffraction. *Light. Sound, Super- sonic characteristics, Theory, Equations, Propagation, Spheres. Numerical methods and procedures. Elec- tromagnetic waves. 63- 1 OD91 1. Title: Supersonic waves 1. Extermann, R. C. (Physics- -Theoretical, Trv. 9. no. it) Offin of Techac2l &er&ez Nm Roobelle Salt Electrical Substanees., by G. Buschs 53 IV* GEM=., Wi UCIV PbYu Actax VO-1 Us 1938.- PP 269- 298. BIA 57-2394 ita 58 '. 9 s- Y to 9 AVOIcati.on of t;be Hollow Conductor tD t1l* VAP-f-iLW6 mat of Dielectric Conatunts in the Range Of Centimmter Wavelengths.* by G,, Fajer, P. Bobarror. 6 pp. CaWMO, per, HeIv Vol XIV, No 3a tit-f-uy"" i4is p 141-1436 SIA 57-2115 May 58 On Sound-Sensitive Flames, by 11. Zick- endraht. GERMAN, per, Helvetica Physica Acta. Vol 14, No 3, 1941, pp 195-214. NLL Ref: 9022.9 (1143) Sci-Phys Mar 69 377,039 The Absorption of Light by Oxygen at the Wavelength Lambda + 2144 A as a runction of Pressure, by Walter Heilpern. GEPM JAN, per, He1v Phys Acta, Vol 14, 1941, pp 329-354. NASA TT F-12,107 Sci-Chem June 69 383,220 The Lon--I'jave Emission and Fluorescence Spectrun J,115700-3000 X) of Nta~~ral iig Cl and Syntheti- call), Enriched fig Cl 0 GE-P.1,W4, per, lielv. Phys. Acta Vol 14, 1941, 420-464. API-4/16IC/Tr-880-68 GOV1310BIENT USE ONLY Sci/Phy 375,310 Feb 69 A Three-'Ibase liotatinfS Field Mransmitter for Ultra Short Waves., by W. Dieterle,, 103 Pp. GERMAII,, per, Hely PhysicaActs Vol XVI no 2, pp 127-161, ffo'T,"~ SIA Tr 57-820 Sci - Electronics J-3., d 9 ~7 Sep 57 A CyclotrCM ICM BOUrCO,, bY H- 13M~tWr, P- C- 8 I;i%ejct$ P. Schemers C. R. RKtermamt P. Preisverk;, 3 W- - GMM. pers HeIv fbv Acta, Vol XV, 19h2, PP 333-334. '-- AEG UML-Va=-~2XQ Sol - aw phya 9 i= 61 met 46 The Dbchmulm of Voltage Dependent Resibancep by A. Braun , G. Buseb $ 38 pp. GMM* per, ;~~v Phys Acta, VOI XV, 1942, pp 571- 61P. - WMW*"ww SIA Tr 22T3 Sci - Blectricity - ,:~ !9 do 4 25 J Aug 57 On the Pleesurement of DWActric Coafitants by Means cif a Hollow Coud%wtLng Pipap by 0. Tojer, P. Scherrer,, 67 lip, GMM,, perp Helv Pbys Acteim Vol XVp No 7, 19420 pp SIA 57-2060 may 58 4-V1" J--4-/ Artificially Grown KH2PO4 Crystals mr, Frequency StabiLizers, by Wo Bantle, 2 pp. GEMtM,, per, Relv Phys Actap Vol XVIjj 1943, pp 207-209 a SLA 57-2192 sai may 58 "I!~4 ,0,4 '2 j XLectro-Optic Bebavior cC KI^ and ID 2p% Cryst&Up by Benno ZvIcker, Paul Scherrew, 3 PY. WNW P" Aw'Vetics Pbp:Lca Acts,,, Vol XVII 1943, ' R~-a6.-jR-UW-- pp Momauel CoU Res lang Ctr Bel - M/M 'I am ftv 63 mw of the lbamatilar weistLt or Freely vapwizAg ftrue,"* by Po metwrq lmrms, pw,,p sAvetice, nM!a ASUL 2943j, VP 323-Q0 t Vol 16,p ATS-8BSQ90 6Xr 3av 500 Sci ~- Chm -T.41 4-7 The Electro-Opft properties of Seignette-Flectric KH,2pO4 and XXD2pO4, by Benno Zwlckers paul': Scherrer, 42 pp. IvedclL phyBLca Actayol xV14 1944. GEPJAM, per, He pp 346-373. 96V6415V-6e-dca -Phys Amer Metewrol SOC T-G-63-21 Sci -'Phyff mar 65 2750053 Electrical Conductivity of Silicon Carbide, by A. Braun, G. BuGchjp 2 pp. GMWN, plor., Bel* RM Phys AcUL, Vo&nI, 1945.9 pp 251- 2. SIA Tr 2331 Sci - Electricity too -1/0 Aug 57 Coacerning the CrystaUization of Thin Antimay Films,, by W. LotrAarj 29 pp. GERMU - ,. perp Rely Pbya Acta, Vol XV111p 1945.. PP 369-388. "-- " -o ~, -, ~~ AW UMM-Trans-505(L) Spi - Phys 14 oot 60 /,V, Electrical Measuremento of Small Variatims in AtmoBPheric Presswes, by Leonbitrd Samer, 24 pp. MM,, perp Mlvetlca Pbysies Acta. Vol VIIIv No 7m, pp 527-550. 3AI, 6 W O.L.A. No 271/1956 Scientific - Geopbysics of Counter Tubcs llit;a Load sarac L 13 aud A-'u:,-,- ~odes for Ga=-a-Rays in the Micrgy*Rauge 0.1 Ln M--V.$ by H. Draft., P. C. GuGa&uj 0. n0barp H. E.20;1--'-'Cus.~ Preimaihp ard' P. Sch-arrer._ 7MM-FMOM., :per,, Halvetica phys ~_Acta.% Vol XU, AW Tr 3.4.1 -;icatirlc Physica. -11he Absorption WtbocL of the Detemination of Beta -ind' Ck-mm Rwraiesy by E. Bleulerj, W. Zunti. GM-MR, Ter Helvetica Physica Acta., Vol XIX.* 1946. AEc Tz. 44 Scicmtif ic Physics 07 The Electric Conductivity of Silicon Carbide, by G. Busch, 52 pp. GERMAN, per., Ally Phys Actao Vol XIXr No 3j 31 XSY 1946, PP SLA Tr 2532 Sci - Electricity, PhIs Ic-s j-a~ 3767-,,1/ Sep 57 Auo-yvis or an iou saarce with 6o xv Acuslemuon Vcltmps by P. Baborp Y. MOUW3 4 pp. GMMs pw, FAIv Pbp Actur Vbl an XIX.s. 1946, pp AM VMM-TrdQ18-5ft(L) Sol - 19 im 61 IlaU FATect, In Sillwne Carbitie., by G. BuBch, R. Labbart,, I p. MMM.p perp Iblv PbYs MUL. Vol XIX... 1946.. pp 230.- M. S.L.A. Tr 5-f-263 Sci - piwaics It vf 74-0 On the Spectrum of Transitory Phonetic Elem3nts, by J. Dreyfus-Graf, 7 Rp. GERM, per., Helv Phys Actap Vol XIX., Dec 1946, P 404. "; SLA T)r 57-972 Sci - Pbvoics 1$ -.21 5r J// Sep 57 On the Mechanism of the Electtic Conductivity of Silicon Carbide., by G. Busch, H. Labbart, 73 PP. GEMN, per., Helv Phys Acta, Vol XIX., No 6/7, 1946, pp 463-492. .-- '-Wmffikam~ SIA Tr 57-966 Set - IlIntricity, Pb'15 IC.'5 -5 Sep 57 Experlmntal Wasuremnta of the Thermionic Emission c..,&" Grayhbe 11 51licon and Silicon Carbide., by A. Brauns G. D=ch,, 62 Pp. GMM,, per, 391v ft Acts$ Vol XXO No l.. 15 Fab 1947a 4p MA 57-2373 58 B-Decay of H16 . (B-Zerfal.11. v*n N16 .),, by E, Bluelerq r. Scherrer,, M. Walter# W. Zuntlp 32 pp. GERRO, per,, Helv PWo Acta., Val XX, 1947, pp 96-104. STA 57-1952 PAY 52 58 ~ -4, 97~~ C.va the Theory of Plasma Hlee,;ron Osaillatiow., by F. Borgjdm., 26 pp. ORR". Per, W-1v PbWo Actas Vol Xx.- No 2,p 194TY Pp 2DT-221- - , S.L.A. Tr 57-308 Sol , Electricity Lf g, '? -?e OW 57 Single Crystals of Barium-VILtan-lum Compounds, by H. Blattner, B. Matthias., W. Marz,, 7 PP. allM,, por, =9 Rely Physica ActA. Vol XX., No 2) 30 Apr 1947., PP 223-~. SIA Tr 57-981 Sci - Chemistry -4-W z Oct 57 Cn Iformtion Tim, Reaction Mschmnipm and Stability in Lov Prossure Dicobargeo Witb Small. Currents, by H. L. Gugalberg,, 49 pp5, phy"'ta I OMOM, pero Rely -r ,.'V0 XX,, ?lo 2, 1947, Pp 307-3VOK SLA. 57-226-9 F.%y 58 63W7 of, the Tiespiratory Effect of -dro --wFluo;-autbeut;~ thyl -Ta-trahi jy -,ar.,, Bucherj Q Pp. per, -lial-v Fhysiol Acta, Val V., i-0,47, pp 346-360- IfP 4-20-452 7-ci .- Med 'r J Un U2 Spectral Er-ergy Distribution of the Radiption of the Sky and Sun, by F. W. P. IRM Gotz, E. Schomm=. 18 pD. GERYAN;, par, Helvetim L Actg~ Vol xxi, no 2, 194.8, PPW-4 su 60-.18184 Sci n-ay 62 irol 4 vo 10 A L%v Mectron Sourc* and Its 1"ml= as an Ion Somme# by R. Kellerp 4 pp. OMM, per, Hav Phys AcU.9 Vb1 Ma, 1948t p 170. AW UM-Trans-W9(L) Sol - rows 19 Jan 61 'NatUral thicertainity of (I~arzp V~casux---- writ with Pulse ALplificv, as a I-miction of Pulso Fxequency, by D. L',Iwdcr. GENW, pert Helwtica Physica Acta, Vol 21, No 3-4, 1948, pp 174-176. *AH4, 22a3 Sci/Electrmics ti Nov 65 Condensation of Radioactive Cadm-**Lum and Silver on I-Setal Surfaces, by H. Fraueffelder, 0. Huber, et al. CEMIM, per, Helvetica Physica Act Vol )ffi; 1948, LTa PP AM, C c1 2- Sci - Nucl Sci i,ug 63 The Relative Effective Cross-Sections. for the N, In) Process With Lithium-Ga= Radiation Iquantum Eaeray Irv= 17.5 Mev), by H. Waffler, 0. Hirsel, 5 pp. FMCH., per, Hely Phys Acta, Vol YXI., Xg3 194:;.. -PP A.H.B.S. Nw-trell -U/3/5/386 SclentIfIc - Phyalcu Or,~16 L-r-S jbj~X Elactrical Conductivity aacl Ind x of Refraction of Barium Tit=atej, G. Dweh, H. Flw*y., W. Merz, 3 PP- GMW., per., Helv Phples Acta., Val XXI.. No 2, 1948., pp 212-215. --- -- - --- -..: ~- MA 57-1197 Sci - Chealstry Oct, 57 /,-/ 6 a A Now Electron Source vind Its Inversion as an I= Sourcep by P. Lorrala., 4 pp. GEFMN parp -Re-kv-pbp -AArtax Vb1 xas 1948a Pp 19T: W- AW UCRL-Trms -SWL) SCJL ~ ptWO 19 Jau 61 ,/ t~9 7 S -44d On 'the Problem of the Unsteady Shock Polarp by F. Cay. ammaj, perj ReIv Phys Actao Ta XXTO No 6, 1948', pp * 505-21C7 - TpA3jtM% F 2203T T T 3856 Scientific - pb"Ice 90,331 lziol r,_-soltition APParatus fOr Colucideacco " 4 pp- by Fl. Brandt.. P. S.'har-rar, u GMIM.-Ii -to FFMC11., Pei, -!--,--lv Pbxs Ac ta, Vo-';- Xlrl:~ 1949, pp 251-253- CEA T.- A-I~ Sap 591 Nimsuring getup for Recording Infrared Spectrao by H. Madem, E~ Daldinger, E. Clans. GEBM. perj, Kelv Phys Act&. Ypl XXII., No 4, 1949, pp 411413- -~ DSJIR/311515/CT sci - pbYsics 'r-9 76 .-1, Fab 58 Le tube de separation. VII. Concentration des isotopes lourds du xenon. Renvirques sur 1e se- paration des melanges a plusieurs constituants, by K. HINNEW Clusius., 10 pp. GMMN to FIENCH, per, Helv Ynys Acta, Vol XXIT, 1949, PP 473-478. 1 - Reverse Translation A CZA-A-1388 Sci Feb 64 '1%e Isamr of Technetium 99., by H. Medicucy D. Maeder,, R. Schneider# 4 pp. GERMAN. nspr- BeIv Phys Acta, Vol Xnlo 1949,, pp 603:955-7 Aso, Tr 1842 Scientific - Physics MaY 54 MS/= /40( 11-7d, ,e Spluej, Magaetic Moments and Nuclear Structure, by G. J. Denep P. M. Denls,, and R. C. RAerzian., 4 pp, UNCLASSIPIM FMCH,xer, Heiv Phys Actat Vol 2=1, 1949, PP 606-609.- 11 AIM Tr 1#6 Sclenittle - Nuclear Pbystes April 54 CTS/DEX Photoelectric Cellz With Secon&3.ry Electron Multipliers., by N. Scbaetti., 13 PP. GEMMN,, per, Helvatica Phypica Acte. Val XXIIIs 1950'. PP 103-120.- Air Rea and Dev Cozmmnd r - R- z eo ~~ 1) Scieutif ic - * Plk~sics M'B/DIKK / 31 15-13CP- Contribution to the Study of Physiological Dead Space, by J.J. Pitteloud, 30 pp. FRENCII, per. Helvetia Physiologica Acta, Vol 16, 1958, pp 223-240. NAV/STIC/Tran-3256-71 Nov 71 19643 23 June 1969 The Russians Have Left the Country DUTCH, np, Het Parool, 30 Jan 1958 ~ i - ~. 19643 23 June 1969 Netherlands Expel Three Russians. DUTCH, np, Het Vrije Volk, 24 Jan 1958. of 71 o GL ner aid- 110 Ida Pp yo! sci - l5iol 'Nov 61 17 Tne Climatic ~tr.0t.::ibjlj-GY D'y .1 Szjgyarto, 21 pp- Zolta.- y Wf,,;d~JAN, par, Hi&'0109W KOzIODY, 1. 1961, P-o 2R ~2-- no 11 jM 11460 Sci - Geophys jan 62 /If 5-J7 ~Activities in Foreign Countries of Members of Om- Society, by I. V., 1 p. q / HUI,,,(.IxARIAJq, per, ~~dpqlogial -- ~ -- JLO-?.2prjy, Budapest, Vol XLI, No 4,~p ~iU.- (call No GB651-H63) ri, Tr) !7 6~ 1 AMS Sci Bov 61 xP-CO-0- I Impruving -~-i c"t-c-l.'L Cal LkMW Ol L a j o l7i L:,~ 1 To 1. 4) TM - p--r 1.0 .14 1 - -op 3 ,ipr-is u.346 Sci Eugr 74 1,PY 7 i ka r- 6 1 7ha Role of, Stationary Weatlie.r Fro-ats In Cauoingr Abundant Precipitation During the Autumm and Barly V-1inter lx3riod of 1960, by Lcs--Io Aujeszky, 1.4 pp. RUTGPYJM, per, ff1drologtai Kozlony, No 4, 1c,:6!, pp 330-333. im 1144o ~76 Sai - Geophys / ~,R Dec 61 Dravrn F'rom a ijtu& Recearch or i~~y-d2-nulic Constructiona, by Dr lvic,~Ac;s, 8 1T. MIGA-RUM. Hidruloglal Kozlopy, -Vol NLI, - (Call Nio-'~6651.H63, 1,:o 4j 1961, PP 35"-355. Sai - Engr el uov 61 Re-oort on the General Meeting of the Hurigarian Hydrological Society for Re-Election of Officials on 211 Feb 10, 61, 2 pp. FIMMARIAD, per, Hidrologiai KozloDy, Budapest, Vol XLI, No 4, Apr-icT6i-,-- Pp- _- 56) - 36o (Call No GB651.H63) AMS EEur - Hungary Soc 11ov 6! (NY-10) The Gawral Asaemb3,v of the Smsarian Hydro- lagLeal Society (Nasm EELdr6LosLai Tuvasag) in 1961, 12 pp. MWARM, per, Iddrologai Noz1ovor, Vol mml, So 4,, a9Gl-,jv--j36~;360-. jml l1w Sol - Msc /,?// / 7 1 Jan 62 RY&GlqaO CRIOMIMAms Wlth the Help of Topo- gravhu s by 2bignim 2D pp. Vol nu R 43 Amqr Mv SwvUv Now . Bwaory ftm mm 63 .2 /it fJ7 Repatitides Due to Homologouo Serum, by P. ftigp 9 P.P. SWUM.. bkp Los bijMgoabolitos y las "enf er- 2JM2.on$ 1 mdades do in C-M Barcelona., 1954.. VP 247- CIA D 15=3 N331 scientific - "icing on 66/Mar 55 07,02 01 of ,rote Or-47 A~ R--port m Climatic CavAtiais of t-Edvadmica A-bmtain, by Wzidar Kirigin. 74 pp. SERBO-CFU~, bk Hidraretecroloski Zavod Soci- jalisticke PubaArvats" Papprave I Prikazi No 9j, 1963j, pp 5-72. (X-SSTI TT 676-68038 sci/at3-mspheric sci Illay 69 380 t174 On the Calmae of the Soudmn Kabdk Reglo, by uranbc) M&kslcp YUGOaAVIANg rM Hidrometeorologgy zavod. Ragrave I PrIkazo las Bpj a P-1 139 pp. WCFM TT 4)7-bbu37 Sa-Atmos Sa Dec 66 -Few.$ an the East Adriatio Cosirto bV VlAkdo StipmIale. HS MkM xVomid Zavad SERW-CMTUNq per# 4 &jmmjm UMS.&M. am -1 mllasi No ?p 1961p pp 5-U. CFSTI TT 67-~3-8040 Sai/Atma &d may 68 356t?13 R-1410 Irrigation in Bulgaria. RUMIANLAN, per, Hidroteknica, Jsn/Feb; YlarlApr 1057. 2~/5/57 The Problem of the Waters of the Rurr-nian People's Republic, by 1. Berrutaki, 12 pp. UNCLASSIFIM RUMOIM, per., HidroteAnLgaz Vol II, No 3, Bucharest, Mar/NE 1-957, pp 101-104. US JM/DC-185 gour - Rumania ECOU - Geographic 6 w,", J-,4 'r General Considerations on the Water &onomy of the Rumanian Peoplets Republic, by Cr. Mateescu, 1. Vladimireacu, J. Soisnard, 34 PP. CA UNCLASSIPM MRWIL4% bimo per$ Eldro ."Wes, Vol nj no 4, Bucharest, JJIL3/Aug 1951, PP 15g-.L64. US JM/DC,?al (DO-1781) EL'ur - RUMMIS Scon Geog Jul 5B The Great Inland of Braila and Wayi3 of Using It, by Engr Gh. Mirica, 18 pp. UNCIASSMIED RUMAHMN,, mo per, Hidrotehnica, Vol III, No 1, BuchareBt, Jan 1958, =ppZ9--. US JPRS/DC-L-324 EE - Rumania G" Jun 58 4-36,17S Tha Bupply of Drinking Water in the Dobruja, by Dr Engr I. Baegan, 14 pp. UNCW.-MIFIRD RUMIAN, ma pek, HOgotchnica Vol III, No 1 Bucharest, Jan 1958, pp 21:460 US JM/D'o-L-323 BE - Rumania Soc - public utilities Tun 58 UIIS U"., o 3. the -~ea on the- c~ Prottcction, by V. Coto-,-u; f. P! -r pear I.-I dr ot ec'aD ". C a"Ol I I 49' 5 T 1163, LE116 Trann) TTO T..;! 0 A---mv i),,-c 62 eo L,I, Laid -,Iydra-L-cs T,)U-aju~;e~ 14. La- --- -,- ; ~- 1: - c e ",I, 114e~-Ot(, 71 Tj N o 2, Nl#Y Sean ~C-- DDu- SP watrom- Vieqpply Zar -the City of lrsi,, 'tYv 1~ PiGImrasu" 10 pq & Rm4fifimip porr HI Lir~otyw~ca 10 74-0 5,P 19580 IV irm. Mu Iso M-n6J. AMS Lib LVW . *XIM134M v=JA Y4 06,60 AM 59 P1,111ming Alwatri, of WAUF Supply Cotwtructiom ir. e-Z CM, by EmSr 1. I , -PR ~- --7 1, %~,TECJJAIIL:~j Avarlog, part Val Ing Rb 6, .19581 VP 238-242- OAU VA TMA63- AM Lib Naur - Ewn Mar SCALE-IAODEL STUDY ON THE GATEWAY OF A RIVER PORT: BY D. CIOCI A. SPATARUI 12 PP. RUMANIAN., PER KIDROTEHNICA, VOL III, NO 11/12, 1958, PP 415-4T9-. (CALL NO. TCl .1-163, ENG TRANS) AMS EEUR-RUMANIA ECON. OCT 62 212.,102 ON THE REFRACTION OF WAVES, BY A. SPATARU, 11 PP. RUMANIAN, PER: HIDROTEHNICA, VOLI IV, NO 11, 19591 PP 334-~-3-8----TC-A-L-L7M-. TCl .1163, ENG TRANS) AMS SGI-GEOPHYS OCT-62 212ji0o Ten Years Since the initiation of the LElectrificL:tion Plan Y RUYANIAN, per, Hiarotehnica, Vol V) No 12, 1060, p bor. *J!;Rs EEur - Rurnania Econ 23 r1 Thaa 7gilratcabnical Labnratox7 Of th8 t'learaiml Taotitute., Faculty in. by Po%A21U N:LOWJ%Up 22 pp- HUMMIM, perp wxotetmimi 1961.t WA-7- (Call No WZA3.- VbWV3Vft! l)-, AM xLectrou If3f, W-F 19 Feb 62 oil fca- Ar, 1 pp~ Econ (8F--1857) Facwties as the Vow Rim"S., D. Puml., Fl. 16 rp- RUKAIUMP INWO Riarotdmqcmp Val Vii. No 50 1961.. vp M-363. Fob 62 01, the Tas- turrt~ :Vn-I U. Studics are,- Resear-c-h :i-~ pli, par LT ldzrotol-n i c a ~CsAl Nc~ TC7-1-3.. Vol Sci Geophyn 2 Z) D e 1. Spec:L?ic Research, ]Leallug With the ProcesEi of Controlled Colmatage on the E-Vex"Imat- Station Uzlinat by Steliana Buze-teamp 16 pp. HM40M.. perp awr" cc , RIMMIR 3399-ft4a Buc!b~st-' 163., lp 1961.p pp Un No M, Vol VT., go 12. AMS Eccm 30 Apr 62 Alluvia of RiArerz Formirg %b-,, Dc.-;,che~1- rl, thc- sea? b--~~ A. pp- Vzr, Hidrote;Q-ndca, Vol Viiip iio 2,, 19-6 -M--Ttsw -- -, 0. 2 r Army Hstp Service VE"'.u. Rtmrr---iz~ GeV!! ;Q-c!:L - Rmrn 9 Zci Ast 077 Kay 63 22n. Daterminatim of -the Dil:ut~m- lnda~: .L arLaentsall Qtl of Iftote Water After D-lscharge Intc the Drain Fassegr- (River, by Al. Brabs, 1). MI. Vmsatim~, 1~7 F IUAA- MINt per, to 2, 1963, r-P -58-62- (CaU No. TCI U63 v.8 110.2 Eng T-r) Amy xxp &-rvlce My 63 Symposium on Hydraulic Engineering Problems of the Rumanian Black Sea Ldnoral, Constanta, 30 Weptember - 5 October 1963, 7 pp. RUMANMN, per, 4'ote~hnica, Vol VIn, No 11, 1963, pp 428-429. JPP-11 23585 Sci - Ear Set - Astron M-g-r 64 251,472 NCH-201 760 Field OR Gasper. E.; Onoesou, M. THE SENSITIVITY AND THE PRECISION OF RADIOMETRIC METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE FLOW RATE OF GROUND WATERS. 1965. 10p. ATS-9DS84RU. order from ATS: $14.50 as ATS-9OSB4RU 1. Gaspar, E. U. Oncescu. M. M. ATS-90S94RU rV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. Trans. of 1M ~hntca fftumanfa) v9 all p585-90 1964. T -)-, --~ ~:: ~-- -'. ) i . I -'~ -- Dctcnainging the of. 3u]-b-Turlb:Uic5 by tdie Statistical hcthodl, by " ,ario Pavel. Milld','Vd~', per, idd-rotelmica., Gospodarirea i~.pclorj NctcoroloSlia' Vol D"' 1-10 1, 19064, pp 16-21. Sci oct 64 Porcyress in Rumania in the Field of 'vlater Nanage- ment, by Alexandru Nissim, Mircea Stanculescu, 11 pp. RUIvLVRIAN, per, Hidroteluiica, Gospodarirea or, ,'-IoteorS~Lc~aLa, Vol IX, No 8, 1964, pp 377-3812. JPRS 27763 Hur-11w-nania Econ Jan 65 272,342 Activities of the Institute of Hydrotechnical StuXdies and Research of the State 'Vlater Com- mittee, by Sorin Dumitrescu, Eng, 10 pp. RUMNIAN, per, Hidrotehilica - Gospodarirea Apelor, gia, Vol IX, 140 8, l9ZT.-`pj-)q32--439-. -L!,Q~_e oZo 1 og JPRS 27595 EEur-Rumania Econ Jan 65 272,057 Research Activities of the Institute of 14eteorology in Rui-aania, by Dumitru Tistea, Duiaitru Bacinschi, 9 1-) RUM41ANT, per, Ifich-atchnica Gos.12odari-rea Apelor, lkletoorol.ogia, Vol IX, No 8, 1904, pp 439-445. JPRS 27K666 Sci-Earth Sciences and Astronomy Jan 65 272,113 60-21642 WORKS OF THE HYDROTECHNICAL INSTITUTE "ENa JAROSLAY CERNI": SELECTED ARTICLES, Lr. by Rudclf Blum 1961, 39p. 8 refs. PL-480 Int. Order from OTS $0. 50 60-21642 Trans. of ULdmLTh_nick1 Institut "Inzepj _jgw - -Tr-. Cerni". Saopstenja7 no. 1 10'.--35-42j"' i056, no. 3 fi~'5-40 and no. 5 [p. 19-26]. DESCRIPTORS: *Electric power plants, *WatertariL,?, *Sedimentation, SoUs, 'Mrbines, gDesign, Fluidi'low, Hydrodynan-Acs, Cleaning, *Earth Darm~ Water supplies, Terrain. *Civil engineering. Mountain3, Intake valves, *Hydroelectric power systems. Contents: Sedimentatim umk at the conduit of jelovaka (Engineering- Civil, TT, v. 7. no. 8) 1. PL-480 Int (60-21642) H. Nattontt Science Four Washingron, D. C. M. 60-21649, canceled IV. 60-21652, canceled Offi-I T-61-1 S-1- 6D-21647 Polhavoki. V. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR MEASURM 1. Polhovski, V. VARIABLE HYDRAULIC PRESSURES (Elektricni n. PL-480 Int (6G-21647) Uredaj za Merenje Promenljtvih Hidraulickth M. National Science Foundation. PrItisaks) tr. by jelena Markovic. 1961 [23]p. Washington. D. Q 13 refs. PL- 480 Mr. Order from OTS $0.50 60-21647 Trans. of [Ridrotehnic !r ki Inatitut Inenle -kro4lav _jq .g~ern' . Sio-pB-t-en-j-a.--[Tr-a-n-Mrclfo-n-alTO-55. n&-2. p. 3-14. DESCRIP`rORS: *Electrical equipment, OMeasure- menE. Hydraulic research. *Pressure gauges. 2014 76 OHydroelectric power systems, Hydrodynamics, Bridges, Temperature, Mechanical engineering. Stresses, Resistance. The equipment described here In designed for the (Mechanics- -Hydraulics, Tr, Y. 7. m 9) (over) Offi...( T"Weel SoMcas Segmental Squares. Lining of Pressure Tunnels in Anisotropic Mountain Massives, by D. Lazarevich. CROATIAN, monographs, Segmenti Kvadrati. Obloge Hidrotehnickih Tunela pod Pritiskom u Anizotropnim. Brdskiin Yusivima. Hidrotehnicki Institut, Vol II, 1955. *oTs 6o-21657 Sci 5 Apr 62 Model Tests of an Automatic Regulating Water Meter, 6 PPI SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Hidrotehn-icki Institut, Vol 11, 1955, pp 53-58. *PL 480 oTs 6o-P1645 i-an 62 60- 2[bS7 Lazarevic, Dj. SEGMENTAL SQUARES: LI~NLNGS OF PRESSURE TUNNELS IN ANISGI-ROPIC MOUN'TAIN MASSIVES (Segmenti Kyadrati: Obloge Hidrotebnickib Tunela pDd Pritiskorn u Anizotropskim Brdskim Masivirna) tr. by Konstantin Stan-kovic. 1963, 107p. 9 refs. PL 4R0 InE. Order from OTS $ 1. 00 60-21657 Trans. of HidrDEehnicki InFlilut "Inzenjer jarOS12V Cerni". 'ugt,.,Iavia) 195,-) 7-75F.- DESCRIPTORS: *Civil engineering, Hydraulic research. *Underground structures. Pressure. Water tunnels. Construction, Geophysics. Mountains, Anisotropy. Mechanical properties, Concrete. Load distribution. 1. Lazarevic, D. 11. PL-480 Int (60-21657) Ill. National Science Foundation. Washington, D. C. IV. Title: Linings... Contents: Mutual and complementary relation between experiment (Engineering- -Civil, TT,v. 10, no. 5) (over) off'= of Teckn" Servims Geza Bata The Regulation of the Slankamen Sector on the River Da Preliminary Hydrologic Investigations and Model Tests SEMO-CROATIAN, per, Regulacija slankamensk(:)g sektora Dunava; prethodna hidroloska i modelska isnitivanja. Hidrotehnicki Institut "Ing. Jaros-lav Cerni" Saop3tenja. 9- 5 5..,- -FL 48o (,,Ts 6o-2i641 Jan 62 Branislav 1,CUjundzic and Bratislav Colic The Determination of the Elasticity Modulus of Rocks and of Disaggregated. Zone in Hydraulic Pressure Tunnels by the Seismic Refraction 14jethod SERBO-CROATDN, per, Odredjivanje rr:odula elasticnosti stene i dubine rastresene zone u hidrotelmick-Lm tunelima pamocu refrakcione seizmicke metode. Hidrotehnicki Institut "Ing. Jaroslav Cerni" Saopstenja Vol VYff--:Q0,'5 pp. 1-21. *?L 48o Jan62 T OTS ~0-21644 The Spillway of the Kokin Brod Earth Dam, by V. Zunjic, S-. Bruk, 32 pp. SERBO-CROATUN, per, l7lidrotehnicid Imt1tut "Ing Jaroslav Cernil' (Beograd), SaopstenJ6, No 6,1957, pp 1-18. 9218588 OUIS 60-21651 PL-480 Sci - Ex Mhu Feb 64 249,502