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0. OMMO. A. FAOWM~mm J, 1M 45;2,tX~%3-'- 6W-675 IVA /")/ ()'6~ . ,ad MW Dua I ago 67 323s83) 101a %145boo C&u Xwmans - Algte=j, by IL JaWi, 6 m ngwo* vvsr- uma Tr-" likMAL f $a -+ MA-_!- - - 1 *MW 61 WOW w wa* N Im Us ambows al all No in 40 loft lmbft%~ -- =10-1w Mwu IV lb AN4 SOM06% ~~ =0 3409 AM' aw An mm&uatry- Sad --IU-- zocam~i~ On the BandlarOft W.&M, 47 pp. by 82 JUMOMP yum Cbln&.OU MM.OUUP so 7# ig6ep CHDOX 1-12, CIL) 01; Raw oat Cuba - Now a Favolutlen Taxned Cacmumistp by Clauft JuU=p 5 Pp. PTI=- nu. P"nae amermteurs, Vol xin,, No 6og., 4 jkm9 ; 0 22-3.3i LA - 0" 1 m AP46.1 119-4 ftb 62 01-!0545 Julien. Maurice. [VEERING AND HOLDING To Tim ROAD]. 11. 1. Tires-Pressure ROLLING WNTAC71' OF TliL-: TIRE. 111. HLEMEN- - 2. Tires- -Deformation TAItY CONTACTI' 'MEORY. IV. CONSEQUENCES 1. Julien, M. WITII REGARD TO RQAD 14OLDING C14ARACTER- 11. Title: Rolling... N'TICS ([-'I:nvi rage c-t la Tenue de la Route. 1. Le Ill. Title: Elementary--- Contact dans Ic Roulement du Pneurnatique. III- IV. Title: Consequences. Tbeoric Flementaire du Contact. IV. Consequences Toucbant la Tenue de Route). [ 19611 [251p. (foreign text included). Order from SLA ini$2.70, ph$4.80 61-1L645 Partial trans. (p. 253-258) of Socibil- des IngEnieurs de I'Automobile. journal (France) 1937. v. 11, no. 10, p. 252-259. Of%- WTch.I.A S-1- (Unannounced) )MI, por, MuzvpGlMjatrijap Vol VI) i958Y 1-0-66. LW UMM Tr-797 of PUP', and Polythea- Und-,-:-~ F-assure, by It. Juilaard, J. Crespy. TIMUH, per, Industrie doo Plewtiqin-s llb(ls-rms, 43. CSIRO ,j'w. 62 2,urvey of Nuclear D~:'%mlojpmta in a"tzorjand (Sunor 1959), by Jacquellne &IlLard-Feyler, 9 pp. jfR'9=p per, Industries Atmiques) Vol I-11, No 5/6, .1-959, Omnava) pp 69-74- V/ Jft-L-1878-D Smuzo Sai - Ma Pbya Se.P 59 77, 717 MeverimenUl Heaswing Method and Definition of the Abowbing Power of tho Pneumatic Tire,, by No -Ao Jullen,, Joan-Felix Paulsen# 35 pt lour "=a . per, Bociato Ingazdeure do V Auto, 1953, Vol xgvx.. PP 33-40- SIA 59-17755 Sol M 60 lot 2v No 9 /a 7, o P;z y skyPort: of Gmimetric WWU In Contra, Amrica ad P&AGW', Moog*$ w4pra Julio$, et als SPANISOJO perg MAI" del Instituto do G90131cap V61 VU 10 Aac TC-1039 I '-4C a Sci-Eor SrA Jun " 303v"6 41.1 M. ~z 3--l-; LhIll CVM, IMD Varp higniCIM I Vol ?Y: 7;0 5., Ir-51P - E= RtIL Advorption of ri-Butane of Silica 091 Investirpted by Direct Meavurement of the Adsorption Isotherms By J. Hodek, N, Julia,,-.Pp. 8 RUS&W, per, Is Ak Nauk WSR, Otdol Kbim Nauk, no 8. .1962. pp. 133&1345. CB 6 a 4- Jun 63 11, C;- Toolualma MotlWary mactmAosil Serbc~.Cnwtlen to SWAlab, by P- JOAUS, D. ftVl9AW- 2maw6camTm,p bk., 1964- issr.4u%.W~I-M P=233868-v P. Y,, L;,4.5 366,493 -:,nr ir fL-t3j.;CLatjO--L of lt~ItAs Blo~.,a Pictui-e, by , ~Xj 'Tulinal !4 pp. per" neumpsmiatrijas Val vi, 1958, Pi? 58-65- ABC UMM Tr-797 I~lt - Md ,.Lv 62 j Quantitative Determination of Ij,2-Epoxides,, by H. Mousseromp J. 1!~ A. Ityron.7 pp. rRhI.I.CUp pers Parf= Cos-t gavons, Val MI, Ito I., 1958s, PP 3-b- Am 6Tx28R Sci - Chem Jul 59 OTS I 1 11 FreliuL=-y Report on Variations of -tbe E.H.Q1. of tam Cat at Various Air Presoures., by 0, LTALLU,p perp R:LvUts de Neurologicap Vol XXIII, 2953P pp 357-363, CTA 9040648 Acan Tr vo 1o64 Sai - UmUcIne, Electronics a statr of 007awl" OMUSAIM VIACUIC.Acift in the J, j4u&og6-- Go ftbut ft Ato 7 I. ....... --- '111mist pwo ftest Ta M=s 3b ho 2,901, 292-M, mm 1-n ftl * lbd F* 59 C-Unceroloa. StuU of the Factor of Maternal Resiatance to Leukemia, Spontaneow or Induced by a Leukemic Mctraztj by 0. Rudaii.. P, 4 pp- FEMCH.s pers Cmoptes Rundea Acad Sci, VC11 CCLIL19 1961P PP 32W-1231- Nm 3-17-62 Al f., 7-jrd Sci - Ned jun 62 Camerology. Poasible Role of Contagion In the Etiolo~W of Lymphoid Leukamls in Nice., by P. junlen, a. Ru&aip 3 PY, IMBM~s jAw., Comptes Rundes Acad Sci, Vol ==, 1961, pp 1281-12ft. NZ 3-43-62 5cl - Md 1919" 7 ;2-& Jun 62 Postaftsiap A Bw Swaft tw Nwason and VM&tU* af ft"Pow. C313d"l sadmues Vith Mosao-mtod mwu"mm %w G-volksom and sojolus. in/it AW 309" Detection of Heavy Water Leaks in a Reactor in the Light Water of Its Exchangers, by C. Julliot, A. Lansiart., D. Nordemann. FRENCH, per, Cop!ptes -- rendus--du-"Colloclue International sur LIElectronique Nucleaire" organise par la societe Franciii-6-6--deis Hadioelectriciens, Paris, 1958, Vol I, )"AEC Sci Apr 6o So= Maymmtric Disalfides# b, , P. Runge.. A. Zumr., P. Hold 0 OMWN,t per.. Jo=ml faer Fraktlscb* Cbamie, Stw 4r* Vol Vnlp No 1/2.. 19590 pp 44-54. RIB jpc-15 970 3---1 Vol It.. no 10 May 62 4FV-Jerrant --- lr-'re- -- quency Filtering. 2. Pestitution of an Image Whose Spectrum Includes a Negative Portion, by Jum-pei Taujiuchi. GOVM111MIT USE ONLY r1RENCt], L)er, Opt Acta, Vol 7, 1960, pp 385-398, NASA TT F-12,035 sci-Phys Mar 6 9 377,060 TLbtbAJOGI LAUWAPG and T*Wmtcsl Vw& " a PMblam IU DDMZMMt&*-I= =A Tranalatim,, by a. W. GIWAXs pars I V03L ills so it ims, TIL T 49" Scd - "is* 3w1J 12 Ubersetzungstechnik 1113- -8 jpFpelt, R.W. ii Science translated z " Ubersetzte Wissensobaft. . 39 19579 4w S. 207-208 t 6 m C C 0 i 7,t. Babel, Bonn E 1 0 0 (DC-I636)-- Bcnr to Prvpu-e PxWerly Nutritious 1.*ala Most Eccnomftally,p by fti Jun a 39 PP UNCLAW&IO CHIMEJ A&, Teem-Y&M ftn4ac K=g-Wing MWZ- ab Sbanihils,6cf, ims" ar pp US JMS/DC-L-816 IM - Cb1m Eca - Nutrition Soo FLIVI Culls Using UrgZamic 1~ejox ef-ul-'rounds. by Jtm Vi2ligueld, Shuic1li SUZULi. JAPANIL-St, por, Rogyo kajl2w zassiti. val t;s. 5.o iij. 1962, Tr L"Go 56, Oct 1969 A111JAMILL/69-0425 LA Li L4 S;Ci/Chem Jan 70 400.107 Law, use: of an Wectrum Currier Zpystuw (if j%Al~4Cl- CM90 as a Biochenical Reaction Cell, by JK.111 Aim'uguchi, Shuichi SuzuLi. JAPANESE, pert EDgYO kaj,'UkAl Zassid, Vol 67, 'X'o 11, 1964, pl, 1637-1889. ,rr No 59, Oct 1969 Alit/AFCAIL/69-0450 q ~j IkA Qj Li c ii $CA/Chem Jim 70 400,106 Claw COUDIALPSi bY F4!immd Jun Macke, 3 ydp. AUS"I", Patent So 6T.-013. F Dept of Commme atent Office 3C1 Lib /(~~ e. $5- 2 Bel ?", fta 61 .3i.- ~atJcxl~- i'Or I-s4oil of a~,31ectors, by Juua,. 12 pij. CZ2M., per., Czechoslov"', Journal of Pbycics., Vol ~11-.Tj 19' 9093731 T!.--73-',-- ( L) SU 61 SaL. M, (Irc-3618). Scqp2 ond Baoic Principle,- of the Jnvexitory of Capital Assets, by Andrzej junak, Aleksander Pas?.yaskij, 20 pp. PaLIM, Viadomosci Statystyczne, Vol IV, no 4, Warsaw, JU-Aug 1959, pp 1-8. im 2646 - Poland Ecorn - StatistIcs may 6o Vommom NOW CNIMF Am -I -- --- - so I The - --mt4on of Hmml Onvilar In GooftWI, 1w Antarft iodlo% 6 pp. Macao pw, -- Azaltmata- Vol i6s tic " &;& 0 do Arm M13.5 swswswl Jon 613 NOM fares in Douestic Air Transport, by VladiDdT junck. Ul"ClIg per, Lotocky Cbzor, No 6,, 19620 pp 1620 163o FDD St= 3791 El:ur, - Czechoslovakia Econ 17 Oct 62 212s,978 S-589/60 (DC-4289) The Motion of a Thin Blunted Cone With a Small Angle of Attack at a Itigh Supersonic Speed, by V. V. Junev 1. N. btarzinav, 0. N. Ostapovich, 9 FMSVUq, perp Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Mekh i Mash, No 3, 1960, pp 121-125. JPRS 3985 Bel - Engr Sep 60 1,2 7 -2 ezz) (DC-4107) The low Stago in Sciantiflo Toobnology in Forestryp by Jtmg Obloa,, pp* ClIMISSRO tip., Jen-vda JUL-peop 10 Apr 1960s P 222. im 6755 ra - chim BOOM fbir 61' -2-"-,, A Dezcription of Miazimicutione and TranuportatUm of Huaan Province (co=uaicat:Lcas Bata)j by-gm& Cheng-shib, 5 pp. CMME, per, Jen-ndn Chiao-tlung, go U., 15 Jwl 1955, pp 25r 26- AOSI 1-2561 MD M3a65 ps - Cnim 934.,9V Econ Jun 63 SliJe 17aae ~'cr Laboralanr v-o Cneffir!iert of Penne0til- n f M 0 11 I.Y r . I %. 5 RP- CIIDFIISB~. per, Shui-ven 111-chih Kung-