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on thu The::Y=l Decomposition of tha Ctrbonfttes of BL*riuu,-. by It. ITacimpM. G. Wolf,, 5 .Pp. v.qMMj, per, exm-:, Pand~, Vol CCIV, 14 -Ain 1937,. 1820-1822. SIA 58-135 Sci Aug 59 47 -7 S' 63 -16169 Hackspill, L. SOME PROPEL`= OF THE ALKALI NIETALS. [19631 1. flackspill, L. 26p. (figs. omitted). Order from SLA $2.60 63-16169 Partlal trans. (p. 1003-1022) of [Helvetica Chimica Acts] Switzerland) 1928, v. 11, p. 100-1026. DESCi,IPTOI,,S-. *Alkali metals. Physical properties, Cbernical proMyties, Alkali inctal alloys, Electrolysis Distribution 9 (McEallurgy-Nonferr,ous Merals, 7T, v. 10, no. 11) office 01 TeChwCM S.MW CueilUron COU014al Boron,, by L. tspj&ll s 3 PP. rfwwgjt WR per# Couptes Randus, Vol CCXVnlv 1944, pp 458-461. SrA Tr 23ft 2289 Sci - Chanistry j -3 0 d (D sep 57 T~m Elactroi)tic Baparation of Rlamnta at W:jrcury Cathadcap by R. Bock., K. G. Eackstein. UIUCL GMU40, per,, Z Anal Chmas 110 5j ia-pp 339-357. British Irm WA steel DA (no wm*cr given) UrA - - Cbm Sep 59 Hada, BwI. PREPMUK'11ON OF ACRY LONITR ILE - ALLYLALCOHOL COPOL"IERIC FIBER BY 6' -RAY INDUCED COPOLY MERIZATION, Oct 62, 14p. 8 refs. Order from SA U 8. 00 SA code-silo Trans. In manuscript of Sen-I Gakkaishi (Japan) 1960. v. 16. no. 10. p. 810-812. DEWREMRS: 'Symbetic fibers, Preparation, OAcryloairrfles, Allyl radicals, Alcohols, Copolymeri- zaricw6 Gamma ray*. 'Hadiation effects. Mechanical properties, Dyes. 62-34475 1. H&da, B. n. SA Cade-S110 Ill. Selzaburo Aoki (Japan) 36 319", ( -Textiles, TT, v. 8, no. 12) Me of TKhWcad Imtn Cavitation Characteristics Of lrydraCallz Derlwd prom the Pressure Distribution on Thust TIWIr Surfaces, by G. NAminotos S. 30rie, M. Radii. UNCL A&M, per, Boo Mnb Ingr, Vol XXIIjp So 117, 1956, VP .324-330- DSIR 34626/CT - Set - Pbys mmr 59 '7 S' S/, --~ v Remarks on the Use of Mathematical Statistical ],%thorls in Geobotany, by E. Hadac. UNMIOWN., per, Biologia, Vol XIV, 1959, pp 387-393. CSIRO 5668 Sci Dec. 62 by j- El aohj - .!: Rosario) PP pr, pp xv,. Z G-E-N- VOI Ned Slow Steady-State Notioa of a Viscous Liquid Spbere in a Viscous Liquidp by J. Hadamard., 6 pp. I I ' 110 perj, CbMt. Read, Vol CLII., 19UO pp 1735-1738. - S.L.A. Tr No 57-89 Sai - Mad stry ~v C-, ;,,s 6 Apr 57 L. Combined Visualization of Biliary and Urinary Tracts., by 0. Febrkornp L. Rsdamczik.. 3 PP. C-MM.. per, Deut Med Wochschrp Vol LXXXII,, pp 217-218, uo 6p 8 reb 1957. SLA 3393 Sci - Chem Aug 58 ;7t9,j 6 96 coaUlbutlow to StAr Gl: ik-rdcaLk; eud Owma Acuo-P lul-lmlawa vj3d AlumizAiIII., Jujoyal tv F. Vol 35, -90 1-1, MCIReft C-5126 g, 1-1,qDqp7ovSey Sal .. ila 611 334,W235 Hadarnek. V. -NEW TRENDS TN THE or-SIGN OF HOT BLAST STOVES. Dec 62. Order from KIT $11. 90 NIT Trane-272 Trans. of Ilutnik (Czechoslovakia) 1962, v. 12, no. 1, p. 3-5. DESCRIPTORS: 'Blast furnaces, D-esign, Steel industry. 1, Hadawek, V. It. MT Trans-272 Ill. Tollemache, M. de 0. (Gt. Brit.) tj, U 3 (Metallurgy, TT, v. 9, no. 6) Ofte of T L! Oil lluc. (Nr-&Ol) 33monangr Him-l- for Fand3las Wlth *oAy CAI&M.- by is. xsmm, 4 vp. mam, my. oww" 9L Jkw 1961, p 5. im 1" Alt/Arr - Ux"I IkHm wx 62 1API, 161?37 af ")=_7 C ;3c May 59 62-20279 Haddenhorst Hans-Glinter and Koch, Richard. OF TUF EFFECT OF PRESSURE 1. Haddenhorst, H. -G. AND TEMPERAWRE ON PRECIPITATION OF SOLIDS II. Koch, R. IN PE-TROLEUN& 11962117p. 3refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-20279 Trans. of [Erd8l und Kahle- Erdgas -Pet rochemie (West Germany) 1959. v. 12, p. 65-71. DESCRIPTORS: *Petrolcum, Solids, Precipitation, Temperature, Pressure, Phase studies, Hydrocarbo6s. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 9. no. 9) Mks d TKb" Swd= Meaw for Checking the Effect of Inertia in Fluid Col-A, byOwsm OwatanUxasev, Walter Ruadon. DUTCHS p&tcmt X*b 4#270. Dept or Comeme Patent Office Sal Lib sci - &W Aug 59 YV '5~eAgl .OF A Slqge MetWA for Evel=tUW Daugarom Am=ts of X-rqwv by A. Na&m~np R. Mcbms 8 pp. m Ilwi- pw# Aithiv" Gw Mkla&US Profewlamellea 60 YAdOGIM ft TMVKU St d6 BOW4ritO On SMISUP Val rim no 4# IMP pp 3814,mwo M Tr 4-37 ftl - Matebw V-7, Al W1 Y' MW 2VM =lam ptmpssu rcr the - I --I mo&-djs&tim of Bmd Mbrk- imp ava Maim hrmsmere"s 17 B. Riadkes vo sadws aswup ]Mr., 3RqAG =A Buut*cbtllxp so lo, 2wr vp'U3-U9- colm S(d - Iw. J~?l 62 a 'o -T, // Oleo-Resin Distillation, by H. Hadert. GZRMMj perp GeUtUwwL*1m4Uvbatoffcv Vol X=,p 1.944j, pp 25-33# 45-5b- Sci A% 59 91 e1 57".7 5 .0 Coatings for Rubber Goods# by H. Hadert - - MOM.p per, Farbe u-192-kis Vol INIs 1950s -PP 447-49- Nat'l Hes Council Canada TZ 318 L~"JT, - GM ..'Conamic 16, F7 7 Aug ME /D= (BY-4989) Nine Theses of Marbsenlem and Brief Explanations of Tb--m. by Asmarm Ha'AL.0 P-2 pp. 1hDOKRS1hN,, booklet,, Sedullan Teals 14%r1mealouia dan Pendjelasan Singkatnja, 1960'., pp L-35. JM 5724 FE - Indonesia i~103. / 3,1, 7 r,,uv 6o odium CoUtent "'n I*O%GII~c j0!u.minivu, by E. Fawp L. Zombory, ZY. UIU~ 9-- nLT.jGOjM,, per.. AIuMJ.Uiuzh'jf'Bp, -;Vol - 9A WO lot cmt 1.951T, pp TPA3ftIB 'D 4119 Scieetific - Cb~ ry d5f,bux eiat SF-1852 Health of the lbaral Populations, by Dm. Soei"ono 1!!dL, 7 PP - INMESUN_* per., Gadjah Haftj, No. 4, Oct 61, pp 262-268. JPRS 13040 Mr-Indonesia Sociological march 0 (r_,r-4.625 .1 A p-rjrrity Problem, by Zoebeir A. Hadid., d UP- ]3DOSESYM, part yjmbar Indonesia, voi xiv,. iio 26, 25 Juni 960, pp 5: 31. JFRS 5250 FE - Indonesia ECO12 57 Nor 6o (.dA -'It Indonesinn Political Mfe HaB Rot. Yet Been Put in Ordcr, by Zoebeir A, Hadidi 7 PP- ITMONESUAII, per, 14inbmr Indonsain, Voll W, it, 23., 21 may ig6o, pp 6, 7- JIFRS 5295 FS - Indonesia POI -7 1 Aug 64 ~ 1-~' -V -4 964 liatlonal Front and Oppi, by Zosbair A. Hudidj; 15 pp. T.MCP.IZSIAF,, per, Mimbar indonesia,. Vo) XXV; No 33, 113 Aug pp 3-5. MS 5721 FE .- -Inaonesia Pol vcn, 6o (SF-121,9) The Problem of Frcedom of the Press, by 2~oebeir A. Hadid -3 pp. L" 0. INDOTDI-SIAN, np, 1,1imbar Indoner;ia, 6 Oct 1960, PP 5, ' jpRs 4389 FE - Indonesia Pol reb 61 (DC-456-0 Forced Suspension of PU ActiVity.. by Zoebia, A. Hadidj, 6 pp. INDOMIANj, per,, Nimbar Iudonesia., Vol XIV.. No 37j. 10 Sep 1960j, pp 3-6. i2m 6458 POI sau 61 (DC-3682). The Rice Problem in Indonesia, by Soes1wi Hadiwinete, 21.pp. 11MONESIAN., per, Warta Xkoaomi, Vol XII, No 38-45, ;~c:1-7 Nov 1959.- YP 761-763, 771, 815-817, goo, 901. 3821 PH - Indonesia Hcou sep 6o THE ALGERIAN TEST CASE - A NONPARTISAN ANALYSIS., BY FERNAND HADJADJ.. 4o pp. GERMAN PER., OSTEUROPA, NO 10, OCT 1962j, PP xx t82-697. 1. JPRS 164oi AFRICA POL DEC 62 217,,220 ,.6ie National Libza"itlw- VlovoL~ent ratd the i'lagerian Ex-perience, 3:( pp, by S-dcl: Lvdjerc-G- FF,L;jz-Cjj ', np, rr.~I-jce lilauvellc~ 1.1o N L,50, 31 Jtull- 6 Feb 1962, pp 21-.2-). JPRO 1-0735 rims tO 911* P2 196% Ck% RAW Contribution tc, the Study of the Flury Rabies Virus. (SecL,td, Report), by P. Remlinger, J. Bailly, A. HadJii 36 pp. FREVCH, per, Arab Inst Pasteur d'Algqrie Vol XXXII, 19540 pp 71:4Z -- WIR Scientifio - Medicine am 70AU-1 55 a~sy.3 I Or ~!or tile spol-, tram I - ', i ~a-d 1 PT Lj,,l LOVII a ()1,)a,j!ators by tk I"auk 55t~i'r 19649 PP proc 65 "e4 Dvolution of Napbropxthy., Produced in Rate With AmUVZmxwy Swms by j. a. law Filho., Walter IN4Merj, 7 pp. PORTvaump qWj, Revista Asoafttlon Miefta bmwil# V*1 V33j. 101# pp 119-125. saw -ft AM tr h %05/MS 789 Sol - B101 & Ned jim 63 ~z 3 /19.3 ? W&IMEV6, Ct 01 ,v Vol I- - M2 Irm tlow Fine Structure of the Rotational I.incs of Ammonia from J"=14 to jl~-ig, ty Armand Hadni. FRENCH, per, ~~mp,~es Pendus, Vol 237, 1955, pp 397792929. Dept of Navy APL/JIIII T-2251 7 - 3 / ri We""C~I ?4ay 69 390,945 k Structure of the Pure Rotational Line of Ammonia J-15 - 16, by Armand iladni. FRENCH, per. ~~n ~~s Rendus, Vol 242, 1956, Pp 2927-2929. Dept of -Navy APL/JIIU T-2252 al-A,111~ SCA-cheft stay 69 380,946 C-'%VQCitlCO CX ~T. W. 11*10 or--~tai Yk;~Imzomewt- in V:Lw., ep -A V, A Ai Hm,monal ZbftIwM* of the Ring Gland (Cowpw Allstust Qpou Puperium Formation in rAes., bV 2. 9~~, et ai. MOM, Vwp Wilbein Roml Arehiv fuar labd Madwalk der QMudsmup Vol 19580 pp 20&--2A*. CB= mu- 6p- lethal Factorn 11beir Mpportame for the P&tholosy of Ymberitmwe wA Genetic Phyeiblow in Dovol"Mmtv A51 a&& - WOMp Odom Vfts" Stuttsw-ts 1935. Uav Of Nelbomme zwomp sm"'On ftmliw of soience T.Im Sol - Pod 61,9 oot 61 Itia Rcvctlou.8etvc*n Caeoln arA Pomaldebyde. 4. t9he EffQct of Formaldebyda Hardon1mg Upon tha SwcWng of CasaIns by R. Witachmm, R. Hadorn, GMMW, per,, Relv Chem AQU,# Vol XXVIt 1.543., pp 1064-1098. - OBIRO-0231 scl Aug 59 9~5,- 3 F 7 Dete=ination of Aram Form"Llity of pl3m SIA plAotic-Cciatad Folarp 'tV H. Hadomp K. Zuercher , swims Vers, Itittellunam am am Getiate der whom= und A-W-7ewp Vol 55jo No 3., 1964P VP 154-M- MA TT-6.5-17349 ju 66 307,589 Growid Forces In Combat Re--diness,, by__El~-dov. RUSSILT, np, Yxavn-lya Zvezda, 20 Sep 1961. FBIS ;.lire USSR Mil 27 Oct b1 MdMi'49, VAMMUW TO@& Od Rocr*ubxla by amuoul s" MOM 6 -- 27 WWI%% P9. JPRSSMU APXWA-WWUMft br., mw 64 231604 Bioloacal Effect of Cal and In vavws by p , VojskoW V01 XUV" roLM, No 8., 1960v VP W2*W3 ;942ii vowg"1-379 sci . Ned 2 mr 62 Re"arch into the Urimmoo or High fteq=nc7 ElactromMmUc Field an the Numn Bodyt by S. Hafteb., S. VarmnWd., Pe CsezWde Paum, per, Lek= voiskmwo val xxxv , No e, 1960, vp 49-145. NASA TT F-M43 scl 6 wr 62 'US OOV IT OMY Developmut Methods to Increase the Lifo of Jo, )L-tal Ceramic Vacuum Tubes# LD 11 and 22 by Use of L-Typs Catbodes Ir, by Dr 19F= 344=er. U3MMSMED GERM;, 1952. A rw.FA K H. F. 6/rZ.) ATic F-w-U96 ScLeatific - Electronics Jan 54 OTS ~Lq 15 Doubly Adjuatable Regulating Valve for Radiators &nd Sjmjj^r Heating Apparatug,, by Hadvig, Sven AW PmLlsen..A pp. 3 0 DAKMV PMtI1Mt So 77,P74- Dept of Cmmrce Patimt Office ffei Ub (gM) SCI - Aw May 57 ( 5,1-- - /-~ Y/,-") - A Tour of Indonesian Navy Installations in Surabajay by A - IA - Hady, 1:14DON-LSLUl-,-ltmfpe5=,.=-'I~6~oman minggu, 6 Nov 1060, pp 1, 2; 13 Nov 1960, p 2. *JPRS FE - Indonesia Econ 10 Jan 61 Hadzhi, Jovah Elew Views into the Phylogeny of Metazoa. K SMVC-CROIT.TLA14) bk, Zagreb, 142) 64 pp. *PL 48o oTs 61-il277 1961 HadJ Dusan The STructure of Tautomeric Quii.oiie Monoximes By Infrared Spectroscopy. SERVO-CROATIAN, per, scientifique, 1956, 111, 1, P. 5-6. *PL 48o oTs 61-11267 1961 OTIR iviroaosiovan istraziv- 'Ile 4,01 ]a -3,914 ell~o La loo-Xatfldc-Adrlatic Dea Relm-ts on the and SeConEl OC4 entifie r#tUdbr 1 7oyA-.e to the Adriatic Sea In 1923 Yuloslavin rxmtian WMASIGLO11W NM Tr 27 -,)p July cr; -5=3 7% l1rirododlovna Ista-'.VAV=ja I -on"e, -%ro:L WA, z= iFrFf.-3Tw 7MV 7' im appwUrm ."=drd -mvl 7~'i r!co.-x,,.,jYdo-Adr-'aUc :',on . rvttmtr'lZm'p In Adriatic loa An:V24 U% 17 - - 4.1 T.'", Yu~poOpavia Croatian sil'ied 7..-avy -Lr 3mot.c., 26 pp A New Genus and Species of Cushion-Scales of the Fbmily Lecaniidae From Georgia, by Z. K. Radzibejli, 7 PP. RUS81", per, Ent Obomr, Vol XDM,# 1955P pp 231-239. SU Tr R-510 SCI - BLOI 44 Jul 57 J .4*00MUM .; rma*w I . 0------ A~ loft pp M.". I I 29-VAOMWO Pa , Mai" Sao w (SP-1856/3) Hov to Com Letters of Credit for Ingports., by Stefan Hadzief, 4 VP. BMAARIAN,- per.. Vanabna TUrgDVIa., No 4.. 1961, yp 25-26. JM 4892 ZELW - Bulgaria 7 &on &w 61 I%silwo~ Operationt in 1958: QW'4q~ (Wk rw= -rtrb M M=, 257) MUTVAs por., Zalazaica., Belem&, Vay 1959, pp 4-9. CIAIFM SM 2257 IC&2 . YU&MIavia FXM Mi 59 ~/j '2'~ 9 law i AWOVMTIO$ $a 9cumc tim"t W vub! logismadu is P04. . CU&JAP w -.4, i0o W4aus% VOL Via a to- i ML Am IOU =w?jw low MR am Y, w a .231o96 JMUWA,t xaucmi movounut on& 8,001-11=9 bV Wo Rm4ld!VOmLUW& 6 pr saw-mm"I no pw oft Sumnowtv VaLl Xno XG 5* Balamms, ow $at vp W-m 95 JPMVW4? . 32 aw IC-OA2 mr - awmamia ftl &a 58 61, -1 19 WC-17) Responsibility of the Comaunist to HU Workit4s People, by mito %13%1-ftsIuv'v 68s101 ~Vl 14 Aus 1958t P 7- ------ US ZM/DC-L-W9 POI Oct 58 tj - ~;, - ol , . ~!- ~ , . , n_ UZI J 5t C, IT.1 01 by Hitb 6 pp. B~' -ado 6 UF JPRS/Dr,-L--'?l EE Yugoslavia Fol. Soc Sep 58 16 On the Role of the Labor Unions in the Struggle of the West German Working Class, by Herbert Haeber, 14 pp. GERMAN, per, Einheit, No 1, 1962. FBIS Wire F.-Eur - Germany Pol 23 Oct b2 Studies of Regeneration and Transplantatiwi. 17J. Eye -Trampluntations.,, by Julius Scbaxel, Margarete Eaedeke, 7 PP. C46W,, per,# Zoolograchcr Anzelper,, =.PP 78-79,t 164-169,1 1928 NM Scientific - Xedicine CTS/mm // 9 LI 6 that of Force cvUed "Newtcm!' in Engineering CEacaritionsj, by W. Hooder. GRIMM., per., 22,2hVrOulik und Pneumatik Vol 7j, No 31 2963,p pp U-94 HZDIA LO - H Ale D e p_ 8c i - 1~1 jul 67 4 334)518 !l,-.M'UfCHp Patent No .091.9522. Claim.- on'lly. U'S, 9 M2 'Vivalento Ho 2l582po62 and 2 429. Fld 7)20/49s Granted 6/~o/51,-, Pal io/18/51., Arip-, Yld W. 71130/48 in .17&mes of Miaerq HwaLxd Peters end Edmmd J. Haedike. Ausoc Tech Serv-Oe-29F S-ci 7~ Pus r.-8 La convention eamplementaire a la convention de Paris cur la iesponzabilite civile dans- le domine nucleed7ep b,,f H. Vqqd=IcIip 19 pp, CMWI to ITMCH,, per., IMMM Atcavirtach t, 110 71 Bs 9p 1963- IL-wrae Translation CEA-A-1631 Sci Dee 64 _5noWWCh ' ',-j- _,.- - - ~~ - ; . 17Z-.-~Ca"j ' p .J rmtll Red Ccanell Caa-,-Oa TTI 147 sciazybirle - Goaravaica 0 J- a, C,.,L 3 /b W, C Price Q.:25 z / I/ Improvement of Fine-Grained Sol-la, by W. SChaad and R. Haefeli, 13 pp, OMM, per, Straose u Verkehr,, No 11, :L5 Hav :L946.. PP 3n-3i6. SLA 3334 Sci Aug 58 T r Me T ieaial Appewems, by Robert Haafeli, =-:1 Ch. GKWJW, &hweizerische Vol 128, Augmat %U&211UM 3.946. A., ynxt x, voi 128, No 5, 3 Angaut 1946; B. Palt II, Vol 128 no 6 lo AuGuot 194.6, pp 65-67; C. Part III, Vol a, No i, 1T Impst 1946" PP 81-84. USA Corps of gn6-. g, Vatervuys Expor Eta Tr Bel 3ngincering., hydraulics', naxal Neon Tranuportation, river, ifeter Available on loan at Research Center Library Thc.. Uso of in Drainiv; z_-2 *5~i.-i~.xav-il-,-~ F-in,:~-Gralracd .2,1110, by F. Ochaaa, C----i 2-31---=t GMUIAU? .130- pri.pat from stranse tjrj Vol !~2.. Uo 23/2",%, 19-461- MSA Cozps of Ln,-L, Wc~tervayi Tkniar Sta Te 4-1-1 'lei ]!~nstlcvwirlg, livran-L ,A c-n losn ot R.,=-carch Ccix~-^r LI'D 7,a:7,v "Phenc-liella anc~ uac- lu SO-il K-- c hc -- i i ii c a by W. Scharil., and Reb, rt, Llo--~cli GEMRIV, Salwgizerische DIlLtp 1947- A. Fira' 'ity -, InsjUan:lcut, Vol 56, ffo 151 ig Aprn i91,,7, pp B- Socona ymstallm-ent, Vol 65, iio 16, 26 Arrij. pp L"23-226; C. 'Mird Irwte-Umce., vol 65, No 18p 3 NNY 1-947o P-9 ;P35-238- USIN Corps of Eagr, Wute-nmys E;~pcr Ste. Tt h17-11 Sai - Bardneering, hy1mulict, navO Decz - Tranupartcatior., rivar, -vater Lvwilrlble on ican --'t; R,7!vcarch Couter Library Report, of th.,-L Soila of "u-Ile -!!Y~' -aiLLicq 2--i.periment Station of Pederal Pol5tcchalc L-1- stitute, Zurlch, &Atzerlp-ml, by Robert Haefell, an'l U. Scheand. GEMAN., A. Part Ip Settlment as a Result or the Lararin,-g, r1luctiatioa and Flow of Ground Water; B. Fort II, Bettlement due to the Periodic Flue- tuation emi Plov o.? Grounii Water. USA Corpo of RaW., Watorump Expar Sta 'Tr 47-10 Sci - Miginecring, h~draulicd, naval Ecan - 15.1inmportation, river, %rater Avai3xible on loon at Research Center Library Stress and Plasticity Phenmena in a Snw manLzet - WM Spe-clal. rief erenc* to Sum Preamwe aiA Relatel SW2u-Research Problems., 14y_,Aqkqr Emerall. GMFIA-WO ScInTeizer. Archa &-r pgagimogfte HgR9L- Und Tecbnik, Vol 8, So 9, fttember 194R.. pp 263-274 MA CoTps of Rngr, Weezv~ fter Sta Tr 43-4 Sci - Engineering,, hydraulics,, naval Econ - Trausportation., rIver,, vater J Available on loan at Reseu-ch Center Librax7 elm-nical Prom-rties of Soils, by Robert Haefeli. GEMM, 1938, MA Corps oX EW, Waterways Exper Sta Tr 110-10 Sci Engineering, hydraulics, naval Econ Transportation, river, vuter 7,)- Available on loan at Reaearch Center Library mechmAim of Ignition of an Electric G".DLscjkaxv Maw the Effect of a Transver" uspatic Field In the Plesswm Unte of 10-lallrO Tarr, by R, fimfers GLOWS per& AL-ta Pja Amtris", Val VII? No 3r 105$9 pp 2351-3774, KA" TT F,.*100054 sci'vifts My* 3020040 Jun " U, S., Gavvewomm USE ONLY Title Uiknoiim., by R. Ikefer umuvw, pers A4t% "ISM allstriacib Vol VIlls UD 3m 1954s -pp a-,3-224- Ts! 1F-100082 - g N xq, u. S. WvaqnAw Um ONLY Sci-phys bkaDW Ignition Voltege of Gas Discharges Under the Influence of r, Transverae Magnetic Field in the Pressure Pange of 10 _- 10-8 mm Hg, by R._#agfgr, 28 pp. GERM, per.. Acta Physica Austriaca, fol I, No 7, 1953, pp 52-%,. 9070369 ACSIL 1072 Sci - PhYD /"? ~~ //-5/9 Aug 60 ",Way ex*04-1yartlift CA an mou=ULYZIC Geu -O=lvtlns or ra-V-O-ct~k~ sqst= Alcobol Solutim UAer GRIM-Padlationr by R. Haerftor. Maw; papmr P/794' plwee&iw or coal 00uftrm~* M Pgao*ftl Usee of Atoodc Zwrgy Belt, at OAwm S-9D ft 1955p Vol IV, Zntomtl omf -. tv Pbptco 4r 57 cm 1-669.9.i69 Mae T--mractim of Uranium and Flutkrai= With Tetvabutylmxi~a 2Ltxstej,-CqpferrOl3~-F-Ind - EwmTterm aa C=Vlexlng Pg(mtsj by F. H&efftaEj-,~t al. SMWK, yapbr P/7858 Pm*mUnp ()f =Stlowa Im mig - Im mig - an posoural E-Immig Usea of Atmdo ImarjW HaX at Oeum 8-2D Ana 1955,p Vol 31- late=ati Cmf UN Sai - Baclear Pbyalce APT 57 CIA 1-669.9.162 4z;;,, 'r d ff (W-10) I THI: INTOML DAWING MW OF FE-C-N AUJM Alo OF Al "a I? BY Fo X. Ems Ho. HAIDEP 9 PPO OMWO T* UMIAWgLLE TEGMI Ir ER PWSIKP I xs NO Ls 1961 a PP 37331D I JPRS 193i7 SO - CHM Fu 62 183#077 T Cmt-ribution to the Study of the Preparatlon of Tftlluriwa-L32 amd cc zoatm-wo by R. =eBnm-BOvj G. Hqpa;n~ ~-Gvja~djv 26 pp. RESIM., 3:ytp Omferanae ca PreAltical of Short-LIfe BmUoUotopes Produoe4L In Fesearcb Feactom,v va z,, 3,963., PP 141-157- Mw~~ 5793 Sol - owl Sol IV Aug 6--q 94/// -f-7:5- st".'Ia-y of Ulaz hdhauai-vuaess f- of -10n-t Pul- Sheet to the Press Felt, by G. E. Rc~e:GaT, U- X,191 Soderlund, 6 pp. par, Simnsk ftpers-T-Idning, V-01 xf.vm(.: no 18, igIL4., pp 439-100:- SLA 60-16282 sci 11-1~ar 62 If if" J~e Vol W, Ito 2 TT-U.142DS H:ogermaw. 0. ATMUCKWAND GERMAN PORTLAND CBM&M 1. Hseprmann. 0. ql~ V) 16p) Wmr hm SLA $1. 10 TT-64-143DI Tiam hvm Zornew (Owmuy) 1026 (w. 151 ma. 47. DAWA"OKS! Vammu. SmaduAL DnaW. W8401. cmpwmn pmpwdw Tomm Pipwum (blmmwftb6 TT. w. 11. sk 7) LmstlgatiOns in th~- Sycttm CaJD-P205-AI203 GaO- P2G5'-SI02-A3-2039 by H- Hartmannp H. Haephaa=9 18 pp. FxLU tranalation. QMMJ. per, Z-Qm=t-TAIk-4jRmq Vol, VI~ No 31 1953t pp 8148. S. L. A. Scientifio - Chomistry Jul 5 5 I Treatment or Effluents, =d Mcavery of Urc-rdwip by v?. naeg, 8 pp. INUM. por, Enarcie micicalre.. "'0 5, 196,30.1 'OP 26..")G. 9216DE39 PXI C-Tr-W19 sci - Mat & Met jan 64 -1/f A Cultural -Political Study of the Right to Indemnity For Game Dmmagep by H. Hnehn, 19 GERM.. per,, Uft far Jagbdssenscbaft,, 1956, Veil np pp 24-33- BLA 59-20163 Sot ftb 60 Vol 2, 190 ap, The latercryoUUtue ft4ttlemagi of Lead, by 0. Vaebnol,p 10 py. GEMNS pwp Z. s= 11kimass Vol =,p 2-ge?,t p 49e. MA 58-656 Bel Ang 59 9~ 2 ~z 16 .4 BrIttlonour. of ToloVaona Imad Cables, by 0. Irseb-nal, .17 P.? GMMO per, Mak Shchr Tech,, Vol MI No 6., itin 1926; pp 229-235. StA 58-34 Bel AM 59 07 An Iatzfrm-stiqg L&gd-Csb:ke - Corrmloo, by 0. G&WO.0 pew., Mek rvacbr Tech.. vb~.33P NO to, act 19e5p PP - 330-33h 6 I MA- ~8-134 Sol 41pdy ft 59 ' a 0~~ to the Probim or Ob ccrcmim or L"d aftes IV obsy 002vout bw 0. dImiuds PPO ammo PWO sla lbdw ft*s Vblmwo 19270 mg 59