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(MD-N) at xjv~Uujw s35 zo ow hvtebw 0t vw *08 mood I FAPM- tlW In VIUOp IV 116 Th, . a vo. SUMANO pwj, -mdAL. A M- nmnaj va =010 as a, w 0240&- im yo~ Sol - Ned mw 59 r P ,,/ OS j9j (2290-N) Conforuce on QtwaUms ot tAa QuWaa Maio of Ge=ties,, by H. 1. klakmm., 3 Dr. ukm f 7 !~Okh#4chnw ghurnal. 'MMMWP per., - I~m Vol ms no 2,p 1955, pp 317 .3186 JM L-661-N 3ci - lied ftr 59 7S7 0-1 -Zoliz: oi~ Starvation on Brain Proteins, by A. V. Pr-I.I.rdin, 11. M. PoLyskova, E. p. 13 P. RUSSIAN, Pf-lr_,, U.I=Yia,Biokb iur, 1958, V 1 "X)',: . im 2. 0 k Vo ?, nmn 72",-331. sLA 59-17431, Sci jan 6o Vol 2, No 9 Data as tha V"Pwauvo Blochmistry of awmww and Sint& o by V. B. hn%lavdo 15 pp. e RUMURp parp Vkralvaki Val Xm i ~777 So 3# Kiev log; 392 us/SM/n-L-411 Sai - Dlolmv P- I#Y 1; 61-23633 Alimova, E. K., Solgovs, 0. D. and others. SOME PROPERTIES OF BRUCELLA LIPIDS. (19611 1. Allmova, E. K. [71p. I ref. II. Bolgov*, G. D. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-23653 Ill. Translations, New York Trans of Ukrayino'kyi Blokhlrnlchnyi Zburnal (USSR) 1958, DRSCRUvrORS: *Brucells, 01.1pids. *h6croblology. *Spectrographic analysis, Biochemistry. *OrpnIc solvents, *Evaporation, Ethanols, Ethers, Benzenes, Cliloratom, Eaters. ChDlesteral, Phoqtorus, Arablaose, Rlbose, RibuJose, Xylose. CelIs of 3-day and 30-day cultures ot Br. suls, Br. abortue, and Br. Melltensis were used. 7U free lipids were extracted by ethyl alcohol, ether, acetone, anhydrous ethyl alcohol, benzene, and chicrolorm. The remaining residue of the bacteria) man* was (Biological Sciences- -Mcrobiology, TT, v. 7, no. 7) Me. of Twchoical Smlc.s (over) Ef fi,?ct of Body TemperatUre on the Ek--cCmpo- sition or Uie Energetic ReEcurcas of tbte Branin o*-W#W!b, by M. S. GayevDlayja, !a pp. p&r, u 4n .J,r~ Zbur, Vol XXX, 4" 1.958, pp-71Y-5~0. ~)Jw, U -1_ Sai Vol IV. No 11 :-lay 62 On +.I,-.c Mc:t,-bcAl-,% ci Tt,:-nh-:,-uz rd 7x au~ G in the Brain of Healthy and Tuberz, VdriOU13 'Typological. Featurcuil, 9 ioll Per, ukrain B pp SLA 60-18417 VO). TV, ~7c 11 i~~; 6~ ~ty 62 caraitim) atd It's 3ole in MaUjUmm (vitealu rl of Orotrq B), by A. 1, Mm BDAtom. ITMI- a ~10%41R-Wvj Vol XITpI- liq 4j, Iff "9916439. DS IR lJXM 107 ~ (goo. ca. ) dal - W 167071 DOC 59 intensity of.' -Frot-,in Renewal 4L:7: t',,c 11111ooJ, Rrain and Cerebellum of Rabbi"ug on Jlxti- fictal Cooling and Arntrv:sir- W-fcssic., by V P. I.I.It"'r-ev., Ukxuin 0 '31. M~ 140 5~ 1958t pp 64~.-65!7- - sLA 0-1.8424 Sel Vo" V, No 11 (NY-2376) Changes in the Physico-Chemical ezd Biological 'Properties of Proteins Successively Irradiftted Witb Various nndo of Radiation., by U. A. XOIGZJL'y~henko, 12 pp. %V UWAnW yer~ Ukmiw 'kiy BioWm_ 2hWp Vol NO 69 IC~56, pp guy--m JM L-767-it Sci - biedp Radiology 01,7 Mai 59 on, t,,Ip ',.~ k' c pi,, I-eatine- Phosphat and ~A,c'~-Jc JoriterltB in the Braill and Auscl-e* of Rabbits in Hypothermal 'Stateii; 'uj Dp. per, Vol r;,Z; No 1956; pp 852-85,~. sL.A 6o-i842i Sci /t7 -7 Vol IV, No 11 may 62 oi': Sodium Bromide oLi 141.Grogen "n", by A. !. Safarov, h. B. pp. -6-.ij8STA!l' jr-.r; OKrain 1310-MIM sLA 6o-i842o /!~7 Til TV, No 11 iAuta,mic Docarioxybwe of Dysentery 13acteria,, by Tu. V. Galayev. TJKRAINMjp Wr, 113 Bi "'g 2pim mur, Vol xxx$ iio 6.. 1958; PP 5 W-- U77 - Cl- 30 7- CDF~0716ff-'-" UWA Scei - Mdicine sep 6o 1Z S-5m (DC-28W) ScUtorlal, 3 pp. UKRAINW,9 P", UkMi='k;r~ BiokhWCbnn Zhur, Vol xxxi, no 1, ' -' - JM-L-1765-D Sci - Miecenaneous Jul 59 in Tnte-ne-it,%,,r of Mnthioxiine s35X,, incorporation Into the Nuclear ond CytoplaGmic Proteins ---t Brain Tissue) by Y. V. Belik, I L. !"A'achko: 11 pp. per, I okhim Zhur Vol No 3) 19591 pp 322-~~?. Sci Vol 1"V, NO 11 may -A)c"liaritiei of the ExchaDgre of P~oqphorus ~-'D-cuz's in the Rabbit Creanism During - -i7- U ktv.j, nasi ne Action With ~.'~ling) bY Z. M, S' 10 pp. per, 2Falp.. Vz)'A X77.1. lNo 3, 1959P pp 405-413. SIA 60-18~22 vl~)l IV "'U Accordiocr:,, 'L-,o Simugutoiry Data in :x1-1-itation of the. ("entral ILrvous Svstera Acti-vi`-,v. by V~ R. Soroka, 10- pp. '-RT.rSSUJ-1P per, Zlfkrain Biolflilm Zhur, Vol ",X,U1,, Wo 3j- 1959, pp 435-7-3-7 SLA W,- -1651.0 Sci Vol Iv, Ra 11 may 6,--,~ (DO-5411) =ect ct Galmearbim wA 2hismine on the Recovery of Injured Maselesp ty T. V. Fatiwmp E. F, shawayl 8 PP, UMMMM* M.F Ultr~Olw Vol mm., No 40 8 Soi - Ned P.Pr 61 sm loostim of -----WWOU amalbeaw ads$ In Mmlmr by a. M6 ftunr* 5 pp. xmzov vwt IINI 411 fit Zb=s Vol 32o lb 5f XMP pp alpm. ZZ To 6d XM-Ml NM-203 M 324,95rr am Gno ~,r.~!i-otcnirn on th-, .1 Trace lia~k-'O CFS Proteins oM intm.- cz,nn-iii! Tntroduction of M--thiolUria E-35 ana by T, 1.. K.,awc--yrzl", 6 pp. j 5" S I't Q, pccr, U:krain Biokhim Zhur I lai, i4a sLA 0-04- "ic, IV, 'N'o 11 B-ff2ct, of a-Pinene of Gxyc3ea Absorlition wid Glull-'athione Activity in the Rat; Brain in in Vivo, by Id. M. Ep3litcyr., up. RUSSIAN, per, Ukrainak-Y-iUQkhJm Zhur. Vol. XXXI, N -L959, PT 751-75"), SILA 60-16531 7 S~-j jun 62 1,10-2 !"~ Pic) 32- S-.104/60 (NY-3661). The Effect of iodination of the Stability of the Mac-ostructure of Egg Albumin, by V. Lobachevs'ka, 9 PP. UKRAINIAN, per, UhkxEa%iLn Bi him Zhur, Vol XXXI, No 6, 'Kiev, 19.)9, PP 70-806. JPRS 5W3 Sci - Chem Jul 60 62-14689 Mloon-Crighel, Nells. Constantinoscu. Ellsabeta. and Crtghel, E. 1. Mison-Crighel. N. THE EFFECT OF THE PREOONVULSIVE FUNC- 11, Constantinescu, E. TIONAL STATE UPON THE DEVELOPKfENT OF A III. Crighal, E. CONVULSIVE ATTACK AND UPON THE BIOCHEMI- CAL CHANGES CAUSED BY CONVULSIONS. 11962) (I 21p. (2 figs. omitted) 17 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-14689 Trans. of Ukr[ayins'kyiJ Biokh(imichuyi] Zhurn(all (USSR) 1959, Y. 31, no. 6. P. 834-948. DESCRIPTORS: 08rain, *Metabolism, Glycogen, Lactic acid, *Convulsions, Biochemistry, Inhibition, Adenosine phosphates, Electroencephalography. A at te of stimulation in rate caused by injection of aZ of sodium benzatc caffeine per an four 100 g of body weight producceAn irregular curve on the EEG with rapid waves of a frequency of 25-30 y/c, predominat- 0f%.. .4 T.6-i-I 5-1- (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 8, no. 6Xovq tnem-poration of Radiowt1donito wd Radiotyrosine into the Rmin Timm in R Single and RecmTImg Rgerimwitally Induced Egleptio SeLswes., by K. t. Pbgodaym, 1. F. Twm p 11 ]pp. RWSrM.. per, Mamin MoMIs MM Uwo Vol =1 110 BLA 60-183% Sci Pbb 62 Vol 40 no q 62-14763 Skvirskaya, E. B. and Babli. T. P. COMPARATIVE DATA ON THE NUCLEIC ACID 1. Skvirskaya, E. B. COMPOSITION IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF COWS 11. Babil. T. P. f1962)[9]p. 19 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 62-14763 Trans. of Ukr(ayins'kyll Biokh[1mIchnyIJ Zhurnfal) (USSR) 1959. [v. 31] no. 6, p. 8.59-867. DESCRIPTORS: *Nucleic acids, *Nervous system, Cattle, *Brain, Nerves, Paper chromatography. Ultraviolet spectroscopy. The method of quantitative paper chromatography In conjunction with ultraviolet spectrophorometry was applied to a study of the nucleic acid composition in nervous system tissues. RNA, derived from the brain and peripheral nerve tissues of cows is typified by different composition (different molar ratios of the various nitrogenous components and a different coef - Offic. el Ttc6lcal S~Ice. ficient of specificity). 'Me tissue and nuclear RNA's (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, TT,v. 8, no. 9 (.Vlr) s-io4/6o (N-Y-3~)61)- The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Lipid Composition of the Blood and Liver of the Rat, o. V. V. N-Lkol's.,,,Iy, N. A. nakolayeva, L. M. Chumakova, *( pp. UKRAINIAN, pei-, Ukrain Biokhim Zhur, Voi XXXI, No 10, Kiev, 1959, p.,) 8'17- 2- JFRS 5004 Sel - Chem Effect of Vitamia W~ Amtnagonis" ( Tcmo- Pyri'Wvdine and Isonicotinyl hyd-razine') on the of ~v-q3t G".Itam'c end y-Amllnobutyric Acid-s In -,tQ liat Brain, by Yu. V. Bukia, 6 ppb MiSSIO) per . M! Ukra, im k DiGhbim Zhur, Vol Xul, No 6, 59 p pp 9 sLA 6o-18365 Sel may 6p vol 4, No lo s-lo4/6o (NY-3661). Conversions of Phosphoric Acid Esters of Choline, Ethanolamine, and Scrine in the Brain, ~3y P. A. Kometiani, L. K. Tkesholashvilio 30 PP. WAINIM, per: T~Kpa4#j~Jokhira-Zhu'r..) Vol XXXI, No 6, Kiev, 1959, PP 913-936. JPRS 5005 Sci - Chem jai 6o 62-25113 Bukin, Yu. V. ON THE CONVULSIVE AND LETHAL ACTION OF U. &Wn' Yu. V. VITAWN B6 AWAGONIM (TOXOPYRIMIDINE AND R. Translations, Now York ISOMCOTINYL HYDRAMS). [19621 1101p. 18 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-25113 Trans of Ukrayins'kyl Biokhimic~~. ~(USSR) 1960, ~. 3_2Tn-0.711 p.-67-76. DESCRUYrORS: 4Convu Is ions, OPoIsming. Inhibition, *Vitamin, 8 complex. *Pyrimidines. ToxIcktY. *Isont - azid, Drugs, Glutannic acid, Argialne. When rate are Intoxicated with toxopyridirnine, the administration of pyridoxal. even In the latest atages of Intoxication, suppresses convulsions auv'provents the lethal outcome of the Intoxication. In contrast to toxo- pyridimine Intoxication. acute intoxication of rats by Isonicotinyl hydrazide cannot be suppressed or ellml- Dok* of (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology, 17, v. 9, no. 6) Tsiperavich, 0. S. and I-A,seva, A. L. 62-33270 ROLE OF AN11NO GROUPS IN TUE MACROSTRUC- 1. T51perovich, 0. S. TuRE oF PRorm. [19621 [131p, 28 refs. 11. I-oseva, A. L. Order from 0-1-- or SLA $1.60 62-332-,0 Ill. Translations, Neu York Trans. 4 Ljrqyns'kp DjokJ0u)xhnyj Zhurnal 1960 (v 311 n~. 4. j;." 506. OESCRUrFORS: *Amines. *!",ulccolar structure, Pro- teins, *Plasma proteins, &)chcujisty, Trypsm, Tr~Vsirtogtm, Egg white. V. 9, no. 01fkt Df Tecrmical Sarvicei 62-14762 Meatechkina, A. Ya. SOME CHEMICAL CHANCES IN THE BRAIN 1. Meatechkina, A. Yo. UNDER THE EFFECT OF TUMORS, IL"2)118)p. 15 refs. Order frorn M or SLA $1.60 62-14762 Trans. of Ukr[ayinB'kyi) Biokh[imichnyij Zhurnfall (USSR) 1960. v. 3Z no. 3, p. 381-391. DESCRWrORS: "Brain, Chemical analysis, *Tumors, Water, Nitrogen, Phosphorus. OCerebrospinal fluid. In the white matter of the human brain located close to a mor ft water content increases as observed In macroscopic experiments with oederna and swell- Ing. At the same time the content of total nitrogen and phosphorus, the precipitate nitrogen and theacid- sol. phosphorus content of total nitrogen " phos- phorus, the precipitate nitrogen and the acid-sol. phosphorus content, computed on the dry matter, In- creases. With the method of centrifuglon we were OMc. f T..W"l SoM c.. (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, TT, v. 8. no 9) (over) 'M Coordination Conference on the Problem'Biochemistry of the Nervous System', by Ya. V. Belik ~ ~' fia UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrainskj._y Bioldiimichnyy Zhur, Vol XXXII, No 3, 19 0, pp 483- t. - -d,*JPRS /14/Z Sci-Chem 19 Aug 6o (MY-5431) First Conference on ube Study of Nucleic Acifia and Nucloo-Protolus.9 by 0. Po Cbepinagaj, E. B. Skvyro Ikaj, 9 pp. RUSSIMO perp Wmin BiokWA Zhmro Val X=p No UP 196o, jp- "iZW. --' JPPJ 7469 Sci - 2101 Feb 61 / ~; ~/ 10 Jof 63-10173 Polyalcova. N. K, Mik. Y. V., and Tftnluk. L- A. PROTEWASE IN FUNCMNALLY DIFFERENrY 1. Polyakwa. N. K DMSIONS OF -ME CEMMAL NERVOUS SYLTEM U. Belik. Y. V. AND IN VARIOUS MUCIURAL EL-1',\LDM Of? ME M. THOM&. L A. BRAIN CElJS. [1962) [8b, Order from OTS or SLA R. 10 63-10173 Partiai amts, (table only) of Ukrayinal-A , -M0Mdn1w1Myi 2hurnal. (U�SRTT95U,-v-. -JZ,-no. 5, P. MF~~~ DESCRUIMRS: *PcV1de hydrolattes. *Nervous systern, OB--aln. 'SpbW cord, "Us (Mology), Cerebral cortex, Cerebellum. hUcrosomes. Blochetrdscry. (Biological Sciencee-BiochemlstrY, Tr, v. 9, no. 12) mks w TKb" (Nr-5689/1) Effect of Radimt Inera7 on ChwWs in the Aldalaae ActivIty vmd Uw M groups of )Vogem A, by M. A. MD1amIYWwnkoj L P. ftawnlkaj 9 pp. UGWNW., ver.- 1 Pwp Vol 31 NO 5) vi; W%%l r.- - JM 7983 Sai - Ned /,~( rl '.9, .3 7 Al:r 61 1/ ,~er 2AI 6006 OW 'Eq ady PM - TOS trol f6 OR 'MM TOA (Xad odd 51 tbVp=q!p=j -at IRVAUD "Vasrm ftTmv mnxas pooTa jo unw4oid j0 anumdom Twpmqo-ooTaAH Uraq-Too tio (3169%-7X) (Iff-5689/3) AZe Changes In the MxWaltr of md-lonownnine inem7matim in the axftlw cr the emstmUlne Lens., iv yo. v. Mweryobm., 1. 1. Uomlo, 6 pp. UMMMM, pwo Ubmwizzlkvy ]Mtdp%4m Zhmlr. Vol No *"-, ~pp JIRS 7984 Sci - Mod Apr 61 WW170 Epervin, K K aW KWW, 0. & THE umar oF a -nNENE oN cARwN Dwmi: 1. 7w= PHOSPliORUS-METABOLLSNL [1962][7]p, L5 rft. I. 4MMin. 16L M. Order frm 07S or sLA $1. 10 63-10170 n. zhuip, o. r- Pgr" . (tablez~ dgs. refs. cowb oom Of, a 'kyi] Bkoldjb*h%4j 1960, V. DE%TWMM*. TwdcltY. nlqftm, *Gubm dbwdde, Phouph"Us. ObSetaboUm GlycW[6 Livar. Mwclm. Brabu 0oxygen conounkodm ordoophorymm Adwoultie owsphaves. Blochmnistry. ProlmigW mUninistradon of 0[-*m (70 9D 80 days) leads to an increase In the amom of glycqm in liver tissue of animala (an avwW increm cl 21%) and In the sWeua muscleo d rato ( an amap Increase of 131%). No narked differenca In qmmXy (Diologir-W Sclences-Blochentury, 7T. v. 9, am Mm d TIOMW a 62-33067 Veremeenko, K. N. DEPRESSION OF TRYPSIN ACTIVITY BY BLOOD 1. Veremeenko, K. N PLASMA. 11962) 11 I]p. 24 refs. 11. Translations, New York Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-33087 Trans. of Ukravins'kyl Biakhimichnvi Zhurnal (USSR) 1960, V. -79T.-W-.- DESCRIPTORS: *Trypsin, *Drugs, Pharmacology, inhibition, *Blood plasma, *Enzymes, Decomposition, Proteins, Fever, ThL-.rapy. The present article supports the conception that the binding of trypsin by the inhibitors in the plasma Is reversible and that this complex tends to dissociate. The anEifebrile action of trypsin is based an the decom- position of certain proteins or peptides, which have a strong affinity for the enzyme. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, W, v. 9, no. 7) Ofte of T#dWt3l Str0ces Pogxlacv, K. 1. am' I others. 62-20315 PROITAN MFTABOLISM IN BRAIN TISSUES DURING I . Ilogr, hcv. K. 1. RECURRING 1-:1111,HMU: FITS. [1962][231p. 47 rcf~. Or'der fronn 0'1'*.-, SLA $2. 60 62-20315 Trans. Bik,khtim.,chilvil Zhurn(all (USSH) (), P. h(p) 6)'.U. DESCRIFFO[6: 'Mcuillulism, 'Braill, *Tj,swv~z (Bmlf~,y), Convul.,ions, *Epilepsy 'flit. in(ellsity of Proteill Ilwulty.11ism ill the braill of alli- mals dept-t1d, oil the 11LAMINA' Zltld frequency of rt~PCWCLI convulsive attack,, i1ldUCL-d by CleCtt'jCily: if at[ZkCk, MV fl-C(ILIVIltly 1-Ulh-ML-11 Witholli IC~lkljllj', to (JL'Cp CX1U-ltlh- LjOll (11C 1110,11)01W JIFOLTS~;CS lt]'C Cill-1-itd 0111 InoW ill- tensiv,--1v than under normal circumstances and under conditiolls Uf ~1 fL'W rCpCtiti011S 0111V, taking inlo account at the same time the condition following convulsive ittacks, which is characterized bN1 an esseurially (RiOj(~giC~lj SCie[)CCS- -PMl1O1(TY, V. 9, 110. 11) (CA'Cr) 63-10174 Udintsm, N. A. !AFFECT OF GLUTA-MIC ACID 04N ME AC'ITVrN 1. Lklintsev, N. A. (11" CERTAN IISSUE E~IIZYINWS UNDER ME CON- DI'llf-71N (-,F IIYPO;',EA AND PHYSICAL EFFORT. [1962][111p. N refs. Order froi-a C:TS or SLA $1.60 63-10174 11-alls. of Lrkra)~ns'kj 3101d lwyl Aurnal (USSR) t06-0, v. T2-,no. 6. -Fp-.-M-74~ DESCRIM'0115: *Glutamic acid, *Elmuca (Blology). Enzymen, *llyp~-,la, *Exerrise, Hydrolases, ()XW0[-CClLlCtaSeS, Cytochromoo-Wase, BlWicnilstry. lbe injection of :;Iuramic acid umler conditions of liy-pmla lnwms[fWs the activity (if suille enzynivs assuclated widi tic:-,uc: i namely cylo- Inc dcixV. iyd rtyeiia3e. ln physir-al effort L)" awn (13iological &-ieucL-s- 'fT, v. 9. nu. 1-2) Offled o1 lechok.1 Servku (wer) 63-130M Kotkova, K. I., OrlovBkaia, N. N., and Enevich, T. F. 1. KotkDva, K. L FHOTOSENSITIZED OXIDATION OF EGG ALBUMIN H. Orlovsimya, N. N. AMINO ACIDS AND CHANGES IN THE MACRO- Ill. EWv1ch' T. F. STRUCTURE OF ITS MOLECULE. [1962][91p. TV. Trzaalations, New York 18 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-13033 Trans. of Vkrayins'kyi Blokhimichnyi Zhurnal (USSR) 1961 Iv. 33J-nb-.-I-,-P-.-T-*13-.-- DESCRIPTORS: Photosensitivity, Oxidation, *Albumins *Eggs, "Aminoacids, Photochemistry, Molecular structure, Proteins. It was found that in photosensitized oxidation of ca albumin by methylene blue under conditions of weakly alkaline reaction (pH B. 1-8. 3) cysteine and histidine are oxidized more rapidly, tyrosine and tryptophan (Biological Sr ience6- - Biochemistry, TT, v. 10, no. 4) son d Tech" (over) 63-13034 Gubenko, T. L. OBTAINING GAMMA-GLOBUI-IN FROM PLACENTAL 1. Title: Rivanol- SERUM BY THE RIVANOL-ALCOHOL ME-MOD alcohol method UNDER PRODUCTION CONDrnONS. f19621 [Sip. 1. Gubenko, T. L. 17 refs. 11. Translations. New York Order from OTS or SLA $t. 10 63-13034 Trans. o(Ultrayinse'ityi Biokh t!M!ShnA Zhqnal-WSSR) . '_- ~A L96L, v. 33,-ho._ l, p. 14-2t. Another trans . is available frorn ATS $8. 50 as AIS-29P60U 1196216p. DESCRIFI'ORS: *Blood proteins. Preparation. *Fetal membranes, *Serum. Comm& globulin, Alcohols. A combined Rivanol-alcohol method is recommended for obtaining giuma-globulin from placental serum. Employing the Rivapol-alcohol method make "bl s1t f ths (1) to cut the fractionation time to less than hal t required with the alcohol method; (2) to increase 111110 d lock" unkes --Biochemistry, IT, v. 9. am (Biological Sciences (over) 62-17274 Cubeako, T. L. THE PREPARATION OF CAMMA-CLOBULIN FROM 1. Cubenko. T. L. PLACENTAL SERUM BY THE RIVANOL-ALCOHOL 11. ATS-29P6CU METHOD UNDER INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS. 119621 111. Associated Technical 6p. Services, Inc. , East Order from ATS $8.50 ATS-29P60U Orange, N. J. Trans. of Ukrayin[s'kyll Blokbimlichnyll Zhurinall A T": U 7- YP. 14 (USSR) 1961, v. 33. no. 1. p. 14-20. DESCRIFrORS: *Blood proteins, Preparation, *Fecal membranes, 'Serum. (Biological Sciences - -Biochemistry, TT, v. 8, no. 4) Offi.. of T.chnfcal S"..& (NY-6426) Effect of Radioactive Phosphorus on the Content of Proteins, Residual Nitrogen,, arid Urea in the Blood Under Conditions of Wdically Induced Sleep, by 1. V, Savytalkiy, 12 pp. 1)'~`3AINW., per, Ukrain Biokhim Zhur., Vol XXXXIO No 1,, iq6l~j pp 22-29. :. - ..1-::1 ~ 1. ~ -1-1----.-. Sci - Ned JM 9412 15-4~ 4 3 5- jul 61 Nucleotide Composition of Various Animal Breeds and Species, by 1. P. Kok, 9 Desmcyribonucleie Acid irt Strains of the Sam pp. UKRAINIM, per., Mptla-4- * 14~Tp Vol XVJI~ No 1~ 1961s pp 37-43-'---' JM 9413 Sci - Wd ,Tul 61 /!5-,r 4 3 1/ ;o/ (NY-6426) Effect of Vitamins k and PP on the Metabolism of Citric and Fumaria Acids in Radiation Sickneses by Ye. F. Sopin, V. X. Gayday, 13 PP. UKRkINIAN., per,, 9krain, Bickbin Zhur, Vol XMMJI so 1., ig6i,, pp JM 9456 Sci - Yjed -~,r,-7/ o 7-3 Jul 61 (W-WO Effect of Irradiation on the Pbyzico-Cbemical Properties of the ProUlas to the Bloca Sertm, b A. P. VAydauav,, Is Ke Pellftp L P& Makarenkol 8 pp. UKRkIM,, per,,. Zh=. Vol MOM:2 No lo 1961.- pp -930 JPR6 9457 Sai - mea aa 61 7.1 /V -VQ-~~-79 ( "Ghamber for Worh with Radioactive Carbon," by G. KH. Mapuka Ukrainian, Per., Ukrainskiy-piokhimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol-'1271-BrA Sarles 1, Kiev, JwO61) PP 113.-L!3. /Xyy,lk 11/0 *JPRS Sci/YA--d May 61 Carothene-containing Alge Ama3 4 e3 1 a S&3 ins Tood. In Saline Basins of fte Crimean Region,, by N. P. Muffyuk. per.. is-,aln-lkii BlokIdu4chn" 191 , TON 18 ~L. . No 4,1 yy 100-30. ML M 2M (00 low or Plymbase) Aug 65 288.,863 (BY-6625) 7he CKwes of Titer Reduction DArIM Storage of "Diaferm-3" Antitoxic Sem., by M. A. Torben., 7 PP. w K IMIN-M N RIOSM pw,, Mr. ]Ackbim zhur Val unlit t No 2, 1961,# VP 17-5479,P im sei - Maw (NY-6538/1) Influence of Lov-Intmity Ultrasonic Waves on Tissue ftspiration and 02,wolysla in the Brains of Albino fttsp by N, F* Bvadkovskeya, U pp. RUffiIANp pup auvuquy B]"C"Lam Vol XK= pp im M3 Sci - Ned /CO/ 3 Y-~ jul 61 (NY-6538/2) CcutAmt of Free fttty Acids in the Blood In Padiation Sickness,, by W. A. Nakanaeva, 7 pp. j Vol moan, MAINIM.. go 2., 1961; pp 195-199. JM 9734 aci - Mad 0,A) Aug 61 Influcace of lonIzIng Radiation on Metabolism of Brada Phospholipids, by 0. A. %!.MoVa) 8 pp. ROSUN., per., -90"nakly BIckbIm-ZbWr, Vol XK)rMl, No 2, ig6i., pp 2o8-213. PRO M3 Sai - Mad 16 0, jui U (i.iy-6538/4) ate IrIfluence of vhole-Body x-irradiation on Protein and water I*taboilsm in the Brain., by 0. H. Da=lnu., 6 pp - IJXW-U.IAN, per., Ukrainskiy MOW= Zhur Vol xxxlii~ pp 12, 5-219. JPRS ..Aci - I*d Aug 61 A Nothm fw a9: batond=OA40 49 VIU"n D In Smuts= of M"aftom ftmdwxLu T-DdWdnd*2$stonl =d In ZMdlaftd You*, by V. N' BWAP X- I- GU*Imm~v V- Paatmldyt 16 ppe Rmmj MiMbe 2hW - vwp Vol INbo pp Y30 2#31064 2S~- 22-6"IW 30**4 CI^4 - Twu (NY-6538/5) Carbohydmte Mo%a~bojjgM in t&e NerMW Byst=, by B. 1. Kh&ykln, 32 pp. MMW., Per, OUSirAkiy Makht" Vol ==Ip i6-Z,-r96l-,pp 272-99T. im gm Sol - Ned M/Isyl~ Jul 61 (NY-6630) Effect of Ionizing Radiation an -the Blood Lipid Composition in Dop and the Pole of Higay UA. saturated Acids Dn-ing the Course of ftastion Sicknesaj by N. A. Nakawalava, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, tkm4MX4 Bi*b4m4Obes4y.Zbw1 101 xxxur, ft 3, 1961, ipm 10" Sai - Med :rjwj wov 61 (NY-6630) Changes in l4poprotelus of Tmors U2der the Effect of Gama Pays, by A. K. Dlyakova, 14 pp. , a-a-S.-OMY RUSSUN., per, VgMavkly 14 Zhurl Vol M=11., Ito 3, 1961, Yp 3 JPBS low Sci - Med Na761 Biochemicol ChangreS in Rat Muscles During Work of Various Dun'~tionr- Under Conditions of Supplementary Introduction into the I-ition of IYLIt Extract, Maltose and Glucose, by -1. F. Kmsnow., 17. R. ChLgovets. EMSIAN) per, Ukrc~ipp 'Kii BioRhimichnii Z4umd Vol 33, Ho 3, 1961, pp 402- mm/m ip-s 6d. Sci - !.u~,, 67 334,947 (1 -'Y -66- 3C)) oti~czmiia on P=onia n-n~i aut'-wnc. T-1 c- 1zri i i~,' and. subscourn't, Gc-"yevIAIL'.Ya' Ye. A. llozov"~: 15 -f'j)l MEW LrIWXO.IMJ, per, U] ainnhij Bioldling; Z24 3, V9-fI--- --4j't -4.LL V01 'LU', Lail NO PP 5F (NY-M30) separation of Breda Protelm via Paw -on Electrophorsels,, by P. F. IfinaM., A. 6 PP- RLwim, per., pygnakly- A. dkblsdqh*sUy-lwj. Vol =Mr: NO 31 fju I im WAS Sci - Mod aov 61 (iqY-6680) Distribution,, in the Blood and Orpm, and Z=retion From the OrSudem of Polyglucine rntroduced Into the Blood Stream, by G. V. Derviz,, A. G. Stepene&o, 10 pp. HMSIM, per, Ukr w4yy BioMImechnjyj#4r, Vol 2MI11, NO M.', '467~47k 1 2 i ~P- 0 im lo441 Sci - Med _j- Seregbis. L- AL 63-10172 ON ALTERATKWS IN 7HE CARBOHYDRATE Sers0m. L AL WTABOUSM IN RATS DUE 70 MFFMUWr DOSES OF BMUN. [19621 6 09der frcm 07S or P& $I. lo 63-W172 Trmu6 of Ukrayins'kyi BloUdmkhqi Zbmmd OISSR) M. V. DESCRUYPORS. 4Carbohydram, *MouhoUsm. Rom. Doeage. Mhmdta. Hormams. Drv4M nbmt Vgdi~ Brah4 Mood. Mooddamistry I acid. Gaywgm Oqpnicacido. OtologkmlSciences--Biochemistry, Tr, v. 9. om M ~Mm d Tech" Shirskaya, :. B. and babli, T. P. COMPOSITION AND METABOLISM OF NUCLEIC 1. Skvirskava, E. 0. ACIDS IN FUNCTIONALLY DIFFERENT PARTS OF if. Rabli, -1. P. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND IN THE BRAIN OF ANI?AALS OF D(FFERE.Vr AGES. [19621 (191P. (Lng. ~-~fs. owicted) 3 rL'fz,, Orde~r from CTS or SLA $1. W 62-20320 ensedl 'C~..dq~j~rana.-b,f Ukr[ayins'kyll BloklAmichnyi thurne(USSR) 1196 Irv-. DESCRIPTORS: Nucleic acids, $Brain. *Ribonticleic acids, *De&oxyribonucleic acids, Animals, *Age. Nucleoddes, Metabolism. Phosphorus, Tracer studies. *Nucleic acids. It wa!~esiabll~.hcd dia( iibjjim1L:ic acid (RNA) hi th~ Cerltl-,'11 ilel'VOUS, systew (CNS) and t1'e peiipberal sy~ir,fn, of cats is Imerogencous in its nuc)-vides. The COTIIPC)- sidon of RNA and dcl).xvribonucleic (DNA) and the pro- (Biological Sciences- -Blochemistry, TT, v. 9, no. 10) Ofts cd TttWcsJ Serwkes 62-20305 Turova. N. F. RIBONUCLEIC ACID IN THE BRAIN OF ANIMALS 1. Turava, N. F. DURING ELECTRiCALLY INDUCED CONVULSIONS. [19621151p. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 62-20305 Trans. of Ukrayins'kyi Bioklijimichnvi Zhurnga (USSR) 1961, v.'33, no. 6, p. DESCIMIfORS: *Ribonucleic acids, *Brain, Animals, *Elect ro.,;hock, *Convulsions, Biochemistry, Micro- photography, Cytochomistry, Nuclelcacids, (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, Tr' V. 9, 110. 11) Korotkcrucho, V. P. and Fedorova. G. P. PHYSICOCHEbUCAL PROPERTrES OF SERUM MOTEM IN RABBITSWITH BROWN-PEARCE CARCINOMA. [19631 [16p] 21rda FASEB Manuscript no.: S M-2. Order from OTS, SLA. or ETC $1.60 TT-63-24522 Trans. of Ukra I B 7h--1 MSSR) 1962. v. , no. 1. p. 23-31. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: Physical chemistry, OBlood proteins. Rabbits. *Cancer, Blood chemistry, Diagnostic agents, Diagnosis, TT-63-24522 1. Title: Brown-Pearce carcinoma 1. Karotkorucho, V. P. a. pedoroys, 0. P. 111. FASEB-S-393-2 IV. Federation of American Societies for Experi- menu] Biology, Washington, D. C. V Scripts Technics, Inc., Washington. D. C. A substantial decrease in the quantity of reactive SH- groups in natural blood serum of carcinomatous rabbits as compared with that o( healthy rabbits was shown, both per 100 ml of -,erum ind 1-cr I g of protein. In Prmeftl rrecipftated 1)), nltrlc acid from the serum of (Biological Sciences --Pathology, 77, v. 11, no. 6Xover) oflic. t T-h.4"I S-1- (WWI*) IVITY or ago ow MMIN14 AM wwook SIGN" as to "Wonky1f, Am"Mismilom w "w% " ~ I W*# by vt A. WAAWO $t A. musartwo 8mo RANHAN m VOL XXKIVO IQ 19u* ON 13W KI 14AT 61 RUADR. A. 0. EFFECT OF 2,4-IXNrrROPHENOL ON TRA?%GNE UFrAKE AND M1717ABOLISM IN RABBIT UVER. [19631 (10p] t5refs FASEB Manuscript oo. S 396-2. Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 TT-63-2389t Trans. of Ukrayins'kyl Blokhtmichnyt 7.burnal (USSR) 1962, v. 34;- w.-- Faya~e) DESCRIFrORS: *MtrophanolB. OThian-Line, *Absorption (Biological). *Metabolism, LAver, VItandna. Tracer studies. TT-63-23e9l 1. Ribins, A. 0. It. FAS9B S-396-2 Ill. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Washington, D. C. IV. Scripta Technics, Inc. , Washington, D. C. Four-hour action of DNP In vivo experiments produces a decrease In the coctent of thiamine phosphate fractions In the rabbit liver witiput marked disturbance of radlothlandne uptake. The decreased content of phos- phorylated thiamine to primarily associated with a dect-ease In TTP radioictivitv. Changes in the radio- (Biological Sde nces --Bloc he n-datry, TT. Y. It. no. 6) 016- 0 'r-h.1-1 5-j- (over) New Species of Mue-Green Alpe-Vatoa INAMM OUM op. U, j, by N, V. X06~ -- ~-- - -. RMWU., pars U=inslkil I Zh,urMlj 1962, Vol 3.9," No 1. PP 55-65- ZZ RM 2ZL2 (On Loan or PuraWme) Aug 65 2882 Aork Isolation and Airification of Brain Proteimm, by N. IL Poliakmo V. IL Liabko.. 6 pp. MAMM., per, Mamin Mokkim Zhur, Vol XMY, So 2j 19&p pp 20-MIlSe NM 12-17-62 Sei - Mad A I;t )- Fab 63 .14 ?9 Effea of (ATP) an am Motd*Umm Of p In the Uver at R*Madon IrMictim by R. P. Virapa&va, 9 pp. UKRAR4ANvpw Slak Zhur Vol 19630 pp 77*-279. YWO753 FT TT 3 Sci - Blol & Med Sci May 65 280,463 R"-e--t cif ~bole-Body X.MrreAlatfo-a on 12'-v4 'btab)lim U Anim3 . by A. B. Utesbwp 7 rp. RMIM.0 per, mauln BU Vol == 9069036 0 NO 4 3j, 1962.. pp 371-378. AM Tr-5354 Sol - w Dee 62 Dietttry Am-no Acid Dsficl=7 ia Rolatim tO Blood Eugar, by P. V. SimW=. HIMIM -ro Uk:min MU Ibur vol x)mv, so 3,t 13,612, pop tooo-4u%- MI RTS 2245 ( Av,~) &CI - Z101 & MCL Bel P,4.b 64 ~ Vs 102 :/ The Ammonia-GLutamic Acid-GLutamine System in the Rat Brain During Various Pbases of Upothermia., by Ia. I. Veksler., Z. S. Gershenovich. 14 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Ulavainlskyi Biokhimichnvi 22rurml, Vol MW,, No 3o 1902., pp -418. 8" TT-64-16755. sept 66 309.,774 Effecy oC X*MW MdlaUm and PnVlWlaaUa ftwbznil, ~dth pxolvl G&UAte cm MmIeU Acid Omitent la Rat orsmss by M* ire URIMP Ve As Dwebwo 7 PRO MM., per Mmla BSchWa Mw Vol M=V No 2s iqZij, vp i67:TW.-'X36W -- pow. TT-Q-%b ve 14 -1 Scd - Nad a"& I~l Nov 62 Denaturation and Frapentation of Mh in Cells of the Animal Organism., by B. I. Gol'dshtein) V. V. Gerasimova. RUSSIAN, perk, Ukrayinlkyi Biokhimichnyi zhurnal, vol 35, No 1., 1963.. ]PP 3ff- FAM Sci-BW Jul 66 3o6,458 Ivanyum, 0. M. CARBOHYDRATE-PHOSPHORLIS METABOLISM IN THE SKELETAL MUSCLES OF EPINEPHREC- TOMI7r%D ANIMALS TREATED WITH CORTISONE AND VITAMIM C AND P (Vuglevodoo-Foefomyi ObmW Skelmykh M"ya7ly EplaefrektomovamVkh Tvaryn prl Terapiyl KoftyzDnom I Vltaminamy C I P). [19631 (8pl 4refs FASES Me no. S411-3. Order from MS. RA, or ETC $1. 10 IT-64-13904 Trans. ofUkrayins'kyi BioWmichnyi 7hurnal (USSR) 1963, v, 35, no. 1, p. 30-34. DESCRIJ`TORS: Carbohydrates, Phosphorus. "Metabolism. *Muocks, Excision. AdrevAl Stands, OCorticosterold agents, 6A*corblc acid, *Vitamin P. Tr-64-139D4 1. Ivanyuta. 0. M. It. PASEB-S-411-3 III. Feftraidon of American Societies for Experl- mental 91.01agy, W"hington, 0. C. W. Scrlpta Technics, Inc., Washington, D. C. (Blological Sciences --Biochemistry, TT. v. 11, no. 10) offi- F T-h.1-1 S-1- Fibrinogen Fractions, by T. V. Varetskaya. 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ukrayinslkyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal, Vol 35, No 1, 1963, pp 104-112. SLA TT-64-19228 Sci/B&M Jul 66 303,832 I ne Free Ambio.Add 0d&iitdf lbe, Uric Ac-id Cbntent in the Tissues and Its Forffation 17tom 'RU~ and Rxleotides, by Yu. L. flermanyk. KiSSIAN, per, Uwayins'kyi Biokl~chnyi Zhurnal, Vol XXKV, 1963, pp 377-384, No 3. C=I 'n 65-60202 Sci Jun 67 327,337 Bone-Tissue Trace Element Content During Limbilization, by V. PL Gordienko, A. M. Bi-lous,, WSSMi, per, Ukrayins'k-yi Bibkhimichnyi Zhurrial, Vol xxxv, I'b 1953, pp 428=435. - CF92I 'IT 65-60158 sci Jun 67 327,336 Bio Lab T-459-1 R-7443-D 6 sept, 19% mcrION&TION OF BMNE GAM.GWBULIN ON ODWW OF CMUMOMIlo- AND MWOVAMENErRYL-MAMOSE A-utbDr.- AsSm Tsyperovi& & I.P, ftlich Source: Rminian Biadhemlml JOUM19 35s 69 1963 pp 931-941 Language: %.wsian Rat for Uft I Type one camem ready copy. Doomwat may be cut* T-459-1 r . . . . .,I I I .. .... . I . 11 1 -, J~ - ~ -1 R~ ; i . . .~ -, .... . .. .~ ~ -- - ~- lg~_: . .:,. , 4 .7L " im Effect of Ischada on the Indices of E~erqy and Protein Ae-tabolim of the My)cardium, by T. V. Fetisova, L. F. Khorritska, RUSSIAN, per, U-zrayinslkyi Biokhij~chnyi Zhurn, Vol XXXVI, 1\b 11 1964, pl) 80-87. v CFSrI IT 65-60235 sci Jun 67 327,33S