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' ~ 1 ~d 61-21"S ~ 1 r Y,' . 1 Pek, I iA. T14ER U IONME P P 0 CONDL UnVrrY OF, A. COMPLETELY I. Pekar, Yu. A. L bv''B KuvShinoff. 11 SMA t1r W /JHU TG-230-T174 API II t . 24 Feb~ 6 . . . . - 4'~ '. AOL/JHU TG 230-T174. Ill. Applied Physics Lab., C)i der, OTS '~o 61-21995 Johns Hopldns U., Silver Spring, Md. ~ ~ -rra its estly l yashikli Uchebnykh Zavedenly. IV. Contract NOrd-7386 F17J6 (LASS ' ' ' ') 1966 1 io. 2.~p. Qg-'Io? A n at he ir a n alaua In available from OTS or SLA . 6i $ i0las I 15939 ~CRL~ 20; MDF P-158, Jan 61 Also ava a~ e frc~ I, OF $ 3 00 as MDF P- 158 . . D*ckl -~ Hydroge~ &1 Rs- -01 aIna physics, *Heat transfer, 1-u'terix I, ni 11 n ' l . 1, Th'~~J e'r .p it f * i rature distribmions in a land 1 11 1- d l d r d h ll ll u on z e a asm n e wa e eat pa ip ducts,1 a );, ~ I'~en u'0 1erthe conditi6n thai density is vti conkant% , r the'~ section of flow In two sin-dlar om-1 cas"',of lit i- -1pk winisoth Irmicity. (Author) e pgall" (physics-l-T - 1 1 Lrm narnics, 1 q, ~ ~ (NY-5103) Dis Hquipamt for IuNwmtional a folephme C=Rmicatiom, by I. NowAmiris Ye. A. Z&yoncbkvmkly,, 2 Itasulk svy"j-P so 90 1960. 6i and Mitd~lug IVStem TMA semi-*ftt=attc I'Mematiowl &S. ces JOwf; --rak,, WrosUv Novotny.. ---------- mobvrawy ObZor;p Vol XMp No 52 ACSI :E-1378 33) a4,)8529 ctron An" "LOW F r e qu4 y ~ave-Like Effectu in Glow- rge, kes by L. Pekar&~., 3 PP - ~RW N., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, V0,3- "XIII, 0 81 1959, PP 1050, Col-=,bia Tech sc J o -5, Iowa Psomams in qp OMMIMop by L. We am Fu AN q Diet: by 927 101. by t4c Nbllshero of V61 I., FraSue., 1957- Devb of lut U6 Aur of llealamztion Tech Lib renvers, Colo. ley L LI i~ay ~wiiiliit Pootry by Vavluv i~aharah; ct Wor:k Of4irl Taufer~, k [I P, mAtura 58, N6 ~80 pragae, 58! /7(/, ~,9z~ (DC-5855) ;08~ (it AiutelPolsoning With Orgmic rhos. ina &d*idel AtteuTt., i UlrlObjp~ Jand.IA 810thM- 9 pp. CWFICM rs )w Lekarl, Val Mi, No 4.. 06k5 11T CzeaUM24vak Is Al airomppe for Lizeat a of imeart"Polion-Ing and At 'bY A~ I ~W%M 4 D69~it lit osity of Aqw)Ous (MI4)2803; MOX03) 908ilution4 by, 11. A. Cbn-tkov,, lf~ a;. am Prik M",, =ClVs So 1., 1961, 31i 02 PI) sciii Jul! 6.) of Amonim Su.Lfit e-BisulXite Solutions, M~I. r'tk(,,ilv, D. L. Palkina, T. 1. Pekareva, p &ur Prik KiAm, Vol M11, No 61 19591 CB denUfIc'Research Work on Absolute ~Lti6n ar Ro4a " mineraix am the ~'~ak~a~3 PP - i --! ]:z Akii Houk SSSR., Ser Geolo No 12, AGI 'AbaolUU) Ap of Gcolq- ol ~bm I _.Icml QWUVO 1040=18jo by um ZAP Iva ~r Fri Is 1.053: 9; 60-63. Dais UZ (10".) U- 967 Go, 7j orative~Characteristics of the Ingul cid Main:. in~ the BIwk Sea Lowland., ............ ~ perj' Pbcihva~edeniye., No % 1963., .0 I'Ll S ON Salt AcciumAl-ation in Soils of the L Flood PI schr,! lim ain, by L. G. Pekatoroa, 7 vp. ROD 3) ~3, Pocbvovedenlye.. iio 81 196o; P~D 29-36. cr (NY-3000) 4: de 'Z "tion or metalmtting Equ:Lpmatj, M Axilsli~om, 0. D. Pokelis, hL pp. ~j trojLt4 Jan 6QJI .13.11 JFRS 1342h, Goa ~.Tpxlx- Pla t Ree to the Problem of the Developzeutl:vf~ IrAustry of Scoaomlc Reglow., by kov IM. B. Fekelip, 15 pp. IRj UN, no, pe-rj Alek Stant, NO 3. Mmeaw, 1190, PV 12-6. im im/NY4,-329 ~F~q ~A~ VhIIIESALE BA6E TO A STORE! BY L. PEK A ppl RUSS N, [I EK0110MICHESKAYA GUETA, NO 20, W 12 P~23- JPRS 1561o U~Sh 0 T O,ROBL iS 01 CYBERNETICS TODAY,, 13Y V. PEKELIS, F i pp Ri IA R~ TEKHNIKA MOLODSZHI, No 8, 19621h "P 6.129. JPR5 17042 scl~ Iis JAN~ 2ig,oi4 tion coerricients or di"iumi~M"tem, by V. Of 3 pp A JU Ak Win Otdol NO liar jo~ IMA-952. CON if- uc3 D cillill~~ T, tius,ltl 'is by Sliv, Poker P~I!., Dot At Hauk SWRO Vol XCIIt 0 e. I Wr Tr 188 C e3ti ~bysilcs EX A p ~l -JLMU by r V4, *rIstles or Nuolei WIth um"hi-sortwoo Prcqpertice bot surp 3 Vve zx:Ak..Nm* owl,, Der Flat VP 2 Colmbls Toob Lip Pa c. I I-at iona of Deformed Nucle."L, by B. L. K.'Pekar, 1'. A. Sliv, 5 B: r& 803 pp AIP Sov Phys JETP 89 lea O/LV/ the D~~AyAchwww.*f Certain odd-odd or#' Xx AX Nm* NUIp Ur Flwp Vol 1U.1s, 210-227. CobaMts Teeb Shape of Odd-A Ltuclal in the JL 21.3 by J,.. K, Poker, 2 pp Iz Ak N auk S88RO Ser Fiz, Vol NU 12.p 1959.0 Pp 1495-1497. Columbia Tsoh 3 of ~Mftoactive luotopesp by V, S. DM61 V, X.Taker, 177 pp. RUSS r Academy of Scleaceis, Moscow, 1957. Scl bbe Lib Tr 57/3142 Sci The! Ole ~f Deformation in the Vorzation oi~ mp Stat4s of Vuclei,. by L. K. Peker., 9 zpo p~rj Iz A fieuk 356R, Ser Fiz, Vol 'Tf-, 19 .61 956-961. Columbia Tech P~b~ ~7 W,j 1 Agprl the an at the Nucle" A~ EUvp Ak S13M 3w U~ Ra fts', 29"p isp Onlimblit Twh Ir of Nualear, Exci d~~Levela,, by L. K. k a pp#~q iAwipxw j0d 11 Z AI i a' uJ k", SSar Piz., Vol XVIIA 9 pp AW Tr 1958 b~ IT kc or Lei ls by 'Monns of a Sht! I ite~~ ~kuclc' re -v,, A, V* Zololavlu 11.1, Aekar L* A, IIIA icp,-mo per, Dok A Wauk SSSR, Vol UOCXV'TTI,' 84 Pp 7181--~T IC USP Tr 75 ffu~ lear P,hy~sl cr. CT's ~ri"~ies or Defrirtrwd Odd -Odd ftciel j ker", 5 ~Pp USS~ It Alt Nauk SSSR,, Ser Fiz, Vol )alp 71~ 1957 PPI1029-J.033 no C,:)Iwnbia Tech Ct C, race 3 Ole Is Oj the Jumps!ln th- MuiDbri!im P04 - 1, 6y L. K. ppior'Lpp U Ak Hauk SM. Sgir, Fis, Vol XN-11.1 lop 3.(P-8. Columbia Tech Ii es,It pAe IL Mics L69 -ind jjo16O ad laval Sabmu~n by E',. P'. Grigok~pv,, 3. S. Dzhojej~--. 10tavin" 0. ff. 1CM-rt, 11. Yxatmik Pi I% Ak ftuk MW,, Ber Fla, Vol XXII, 2 101-195 Coltabim Tech De emes of Radioactive. Iguolel,, by Boris 6e ye h D~~le L. K. 786 Pp. pov J. TO' bk 958 Perw~~n lust /Soo D9 H5 P, 30 I Levels In Deformed Odd-.Odd MwIel, by e~. pp perk Is jAk Nauk SMI., Ser Pis Vol XXIV, 0, pp 365-3168 Sr7 of, De" Ica LV zi'', In W., Hat sssft~ &ar FILZ, -Vol ~-46~,:) on Y72-376 Pet U). don"': of Nuclear Levnis -with th-s d Parity, by L. Ko Felmr, 2 pp,, or, Iz Ak N uk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol 12' 19590 PP 1493-1494. Columbia Teoh Ile Selection Rul6c far B- and y-Transitions dd~~J clei, by M 0" E. v i-.~anskiy, L. K. Ipp. 1.1,er, Iz K -Pauk .,;3q Vol to 2~, 1~9�61-, PP 297-;OLFs--12-r17~Z CTT Sol 200,3350 ~62 DI, pincti -rel Fe'a~tur'6s of Deformad Od.a-Odd Ic-0, bY D-~ A. Varsbalovicla, Pef-.' r! , 10 pp. R Nauk SSSR, Ser nz., ~bcv E90 vol :pp CTT sl 200,349 Pr by IC- PCIP V. Chubina-KiYi 1;"'P',p vol pEi 3-U3-IQIb - T,,,!ch c "71 i,~~ n, L ~.I~ ALL lia V D LUC, by A. R. Mouidaill - PI Li N. Pbtcmhinap rmw 'Sauk art Ak, SM., Ser Fiz, Vol ap pol PP '721-730- ColudbU. Tech 4; 9/,, on a Sulph ide - ilao'e, Dy 0 i N. Kavlailtin, F. 14. N. Pat6zhina, 4 pp pei,, Optap. i Spemk'u-rop Vol Up fio ~67,6--%I Optical Sccicty of America 103 9,20 Ne 01i 6t U~ Ab ng the ' j$drption Spectra of Brumberd-,, Ve' H. Phosp by.-So It. I PPv Ru 8, rz'Ak Nsuk 898R.. Ber F.izj, Vol X no AM Tr 96~ Pi 42/49r�3 Its F. 7 Expe'r tal ~estiffionp of the Migration of Energy UG (I Solut S)~b Vavilov, M. D. G&lanin, in l ,ce~ y S. I.; UNCIASSIPIE'D RUSS ~bim&per,jz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fla. Vol XIII, no NarY Tr 248/NRL 312 PA 36/ 1101 Nov cts 1 za(o 6jow %* i: ., 11 i 1 I ; i _--i .III ~- - i~ I . I AntAbiotics for I'Vervention of 4 41: h i AnIlIbiotiki., Vol Mr.. No 6s 1959.. (0. 57- CD jull ec 0: C Von"ye With ftmtyphoid B9 ib A. In L., A. Wakorlevap S. U. Felpermu. aLa I lba. Vol XU,, P2 56 Lw liza U~ -D11jW-Gkw9tkr1 1w2d d,# -Dichloroetbyl 7-DJ]w=wbbV3. and d,;JS-D4 Cbj=oetjWj :st a Pbosphitesp br v. s. Abramov., 14 FPO 'Tars Zhw Obahch lb-im., Vol xm3, No 1., pp~ 163-1 CIA 9DOO" 0, R&E Po 21 Conmatanto Bure= 0c C~iffLry S'ej 6 01 OSMijj Ii c c*r!o 0 by A. ygkhwry 4 pp. 1, lioll gy, RUS61AII nsky Rabotnik L962 ,,Inp!] IMeditsi 7 Aug I The Daily Review Vol VIII, No 193 (3138) Wednesday, &4~~t 15, 1962 scil-1,ioll 12111 T I I V, Se 6.i I (NY-6503/2) Cens in Cosmic Spitee., by A.-EaL-LQy p r,~!Wdit fwbotmiks Vol nj. No 39., 2. im va)t Sci Mod k 61 4elbpmaixt Cif Pacterin La n qIV BmCitarlapbagy V. -11ectron ~t4, of ibe CbQvVx Taking- Place In r the Wlumace.of FWge, by P~i~ ''I EhLir Nlkmblol Rpidemiol' i turu-noblol, pp 3- 7-13, 19% sit Mad Fergawn Dint 07.1 th ead povelopmat of Bacteria in conwxion th9 wit 6nw~twq of bacterigpbagy - IV - Btudy of k~u C' vi by Phan*-Contrast Y~*Oeopyp by A. H. 0 Zhur Mikrobiolft Spidemiol i Un=obiolp V41 1, Ix 19560 Op 97-'wl.- Pergamm Iasi, I L Gei le-bi a ions Ll Bactaria, Cull WILd Ilybridization Betwoen Zscherichia coli fle:meld by 1). ~Poldiovv A. A. Abi dov. 3 i I I ly i'o c1c). P cil .26u,f:c -h i:id Deyelopment of Bacteria in Connexion Wit I ,,11Phehomenon-VIII. Ultrafine Structure in the Period of Intracellular Development, IPekhbv, 5 pp. ,]j?'er, Voprosy VirusoloG, Vol V. No 61 196o. or quourtes, by A. P- Pokh"s TOM r0 .20 iAk Wd Nauk Owl, "I xvo No 5$ YA 86 dot m0 lit of T~Aowvia in ccowc- t,'Ic Nucloar S~ a rob of meftris by Ibum of '&a Blectrm id ~2crocbsxicaj Avolyals.. by A. P. 5 Fil. W, Vol XIM11j. Js' 6-86- camoultante P*"au sed A YOU o' I ing Ba4terl& Uttich Have Nan Exposed For StU&y In the Electr4m gicroac", by, A. 3 PY, -17 am 1VO jmy V4MCaOg4r# VaL 111j, go 2j. 1958j, Feb 5 cmbinations In BactAsria, by A. P. Fekhov, stna Ak Medit,Nauk SM, ve 12., i963. JM 24398 Q. 11 7jtnft* P * N. N. . -verexhlillov"- I 11,92M.ImMam chapter yjv, 257,467 300 SEI -55 (NY-2780). Pf"*"-fty vieve ft by N* No Zbj**v-Vere&bnjkovv A* Po ty 20' PPO m6 Vwmy MAN a~lp 1b 6p 1958P Jr., r J? (-p 17 (NY-6503) la~r~olow, ty N. 11. amium- nikov, i I. A. *pfttyj, A. P. I ot all, 14 pp. j IN't zwj~ mLkrc6lol Vol xxx 0i4 Igul PP JM U308 sial., ev smarch 1176, Agitupmu r. Con I tig i.A PI) i~:Ij bci ton P., 0 iuA 84 on fJ came of BacUriapbegy - X1. f 'Y of BacteriqpbqW in the Ligbt of Nov ital Findiapp by N. N. Moftv-Vereahnikov., I 't 8 ~ bOT PP* per, Sm" Mikrob:Le.L Spidesiol i Mmundbiol .701No 30, i9ne VP 76-ft Pervam Ust 7~ saturejand Imports .mce of Bacterlo- -W e racteriatice of tbe Symbiotic 4H ~ IlCha e ~n" c' J,tion cif S~rcin~ae Shown by a Hicro-fto F;Llm ue op by N. N. Mukov-Voirezhnikov and '1P.1 khor 3 ~ppo rj, Mkroblol.. Spidemiol i Yol XXVIIP No 5ji 1957P VP 14-16- Perl;smon Institute rl;", 7i,- "'i'1 -Mad all i-irc Aboutt arploitation and ~,rlln TUC *~d, Crll~ F, Fo 7., 3 5 S, ID 22254'A,.9 1*~)E CO, 11~ARAISON ET DU CHOIX DES 'rite!ria for Compa ring and Seb---c - tinj IN ',rr nag I 1)p.1 Srcfs.~ CNRS-X 532. oil Order' or C' MIS 50. 80 ~TT-62-28109 TTans. t Elektrichestvo (USSR) 1959, no. 9, D E,' ts--I:-,I, aronlau, et, .,m s, Construction, Pro- duc ~Ibrv, N, fit lenla,6cs. (Phy,,;Ics- TIC11811 TV, il. 11, no. 6) TT-62-28109 1. Pekker, I.I. II.CNIIS-X532 111. CCDEre National de ]a Rec-her- che Scientifique, Paris. E-P.,, T-em-s Cw,. atil In Pickup ~of TemperaUtre on Surfaces in Motion, I .1 F~kker, Ye.l. Femftytm et al.. 6 pp. RUBSTAN per.1 Iz Vyai3hJkh Ucheb ZELved, P~"il~or~;':~og~niyw, Vol V:r,, No 4, 1963. JPM 2"17 by A,, J. t i 1. t s of A] 01'abe)iko; P, t) np, perp 2-hur Vol 22-7226~ n Iry NAUS Ma the ill %TO VWkImwdk. Dwo MAWWO-mantipro Vol aws No 2Ds, CBM Tr h1w 0 qf tba PrOaarvatlon Vcdi= mrd tbo 1,01W ttiraV Of MICZA CZ Th* UWVigii o f 0) if Z4 the Leozth ol'T!--, ThT- P4- 73, jlt,~, - !~Oa ~,U.qctidxm of tho Itaciplant, iTz'--r~ TV 4" ova J, 32 PP .,.ftr Garato- moucow,, 1956, yp 1"- 77 Z, Sic ,,of, the, Nitro-Mefims. 11. Reaction ut In't Ift I 'h WbdWsts I%vl% Actl-ft .13i IV 4 ~ !APB, 0 iV. Perelalin, A. S. Poly- erv! ztnw Qmfth mdaj, Vol XmIls 1933 -1"O - Oomfultants Thei Sfifect'', of i B~Cterjophagla onithe Growth and nA 6i iict~rla, communication C 'ti' ODI WA a dranuies Obs cteria In i r6 ~I Ph6 cytpsio A, 4 pp. b7 P. ROs Byul' Sksper Biol X Ybdo Val ALjgC1I1 No 71,P1 57 pp 74 -*(6. 6s C, I ultants B=eftu Sci jun, Till 11~tu Re' pi' ~q' ra pe i;R ):~Wjj ir"M~i 4'bi I andiSignifi: ance of Bacteriophage. c Proj:Perti6s of Bacterial Cul-ture& Fr~= Filte~able Forms, by ~v x, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i ,g, Vol XXX, Do 2y 1:959Y pp 29-34. pp rzb6m4m'' .1. lit, 119 Valopuld-lit of Bacteria in cornv-~ction Bn~ r.- -cteriophagy~, Cc muifc 'St osdope udy & Phage Filtrates o-.' Ch o XntestincO GrOul), 12, -Imper D40, 4. Mr--a. Vol n5ial T PP B57 86- ~of Pleuropneumonia and of the = 1 TXpe,, by A. P. Pekbovl_ 13 pp. moi, per) Zhur Wladbiolp Epidemiol I 1;.Vol XXVIII., No 3p 1957. Pergamn Pm- an ine t :!~- g, g g r i i i Oc'i vm,3.0~mamt of 5-a~-tarla In C"Otincet-ion M av a Factor,juducing t by A; P. Pekhov.,3 W kaper Siol i ~bdr Vol )Mve conoultanta gureau ~rd 71, C~(Artd and Development of Bacteria in Connection Vitt of Bactar:;ophage, Rpt VII. th~ I~Gn6menon nVestigation. of the Miclear StrLictures of the Ba 4ria a~d of the Influence of FhaGe Mereon, by .15 Pp. R er, %ml. Eksper Biol i Y,9&, Vol XLVIII 59, Pp 75-78. CB T, r~o Salts in orgmic ven; res with Water., by I I so~ 4ht ~whevsS- A. Vexuasenskly,, 10 vp. ISTA I.P pmo Im, VYosbM Udhob Zwed Mdm i MAm No 23, :L"gp W-833. AEC-Tr-557k i6m Dcvi~es md Theii Une lltder Owr 30 ~pp VIXWSIYM~ acmi VArens, llvo 2 p1951, pp 29-52. Navy 'rr 518/crx 1088 ai!~ b,)f- .11 -,he ~x cqcGjk-~~ iof Foorint i"OSTIFIM-ittners., by. G.F. Pe'iKhur jr 3 --r;q!npe. rVoyvr-nti IMe!,;. Zh~tr - tR) 12, .1957; bUtning Dried Staiulard Antigens for the th ds . 1 0 lp~, 11 ~I ; I ; a npf~Esc~eri, ati " chia Cold Diagnostic Antisera, by 11. yv 1IGO Mi Vo 1YAD PMMS=Ap YU. Is GUSEVA., 4 pp I 1RUSS Zhur*ikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, 1960 PP 1V-130- 0 pp 'Sol:1 ion of Ultrp~smnd Ixt an Aninctropic sorT 9 uperi-C llcw)~ Rip per,, Zhur Bkoper J. Teoret Fiz, Vol XT,, NO 3,i~ Air Sow- Pbys - -T-.7p ;Tol AMI, No 3 t bf the ECOUCMW of Ow Federal Poop] a Is allYUP by V. 'ZolotarevpY., ev,p PP, r., VcSw**Y EimucoWL, Va 1, No 3, TAtsrfttl Afti ava Sol Press va 0 7Y