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late ttw pilligg OF a Toruisal 16Y 04 IRJIKtJOV 4"t Irmuzis, 614", 14. FW4011i. J. P. Girard. AL-C :V5 -4 2.5 Reseawcb on *&bo lmwmIzatAon of ffhaep Agiginut Sta'abyloawcal MesUtls.. by J. n1let, 0. Girard, H. Dutboily 5 pp. par., Amdes do l1lostitut -Pmstcn-,-.. Vol XCCTI, SID 3p 1959.- PP 365-1-20-- OW39 AM NP Tr-882 Scl. - I!td j W. 64! MIJectUas br 8 W. do Logo et 6-2 theramis XXNA 19(a# 3v Em 8-a-63 (Lam) MA Investigatiawl of ExperlumUl BwtuUm In the Smet by IC. IgWtayepj, L. lKwIs, 0. Girwd, Ro (ftkoidder, IL cheyiv=,, 8 pp. I =rg,, per,, UU head Vat Iftm, Val MMO lo B., 1953j, pp 391-3W. Asew Taub Swv GWW Jul 58 Cervlao4lra~dUa fturslgtm Asocciated With RVWO CC Oorvlea NoUt by P. F. Girara., Meard., Gewds.. Brette., 9 IW. pummRs Dwi, if= Macao Val f=Mp 194B.. DR 53-W. = 1243.& 1-1 Scl - Wd 1,4 Y, 6 4~3 ftb 61 11 -in do Ann I QrJt'cd E3qNwlm6n4 vow 660dw D. Y. 12 p. S~4~ alrm~. W- ENMC rV4 I ~5q .c. I iTr-1144 . -pb ~ ,ki S~p 64 Ys i ails'm SugmSmi pzobUm In I VoUg WalAr grwtVmp by olnxdo 23 pp. 26 law-12 zm sai - xi*a sad v -,a or the ftat Road-Vddzleo by !-- MO Prut. Dr. Ug. R. WmVmrd.9 Verlog W. Olrarde '9 pp. tki B41 - a w ray ik Un adwoUar It 1:~, Ipp Mw# 2j, 2W.. CYA/#M/X-MIS .93.$330 scust'MA - pk7"Co AW 56, M/M no Ago"M by NwAtran AcdV&ti= Of a c4dmbwd In cwsm*; SubsUm" ErMloyed w i*dmdw,, by Julat Pady, Franemw 12W__ . -Tr-27 i sci-ri ad 5a ~ mar I: 252,M Effects of,E39 on Proliferating Embryonic Tissues in Vitro,, by G. Lenti, E. Tortarolo, G. Musolino, F. Girardl 15 Pp- !MUH per Minerva Medic&, Vol I., No 1-2, 1957, pp 31.; na Tr 9-10 Sci - Medicine Oct 57 Neutron Actiwition AnaUsis or ft:leer Xbteriels., by F. 41mraij, J. Nuly. Vmw rpt, Paport Ptom Jbiug lbaclear Energy centre,, 1961.. 060/1614 6- Ie "9,e '0 ug 67 335,1832B g 6., A Case of Tarsoret-atfirsal 'Dislocation.. by~j Girardi, 19LE;-Ld Isola, TATIP.- 8 pp. ~ SPANISH. perk Prensa Fed, Argent., Vol XXIII. 1936. 1 pp 972-7?~, ' ST-A 57-1667 Sci- Yedioine Yar 58 6 0, j-j & Girardiar,i J. (UL RESULTS OBTAINED BY SY?&ATHEMC THERA- FEMICS IA THE TREKrM3NT OF FRomrms [19531 4p. I ref. AvailWo on loan fr6m SLA 61-16847 i fcond,inged trans. I of I& Presse Medicate (Franc*) 194 V. 49'[m 5/6] p. 44-47. DESCRUIrOR&- *FrostbUe, Therapy, *Amwmlc narrills systan, opiocaine 61-16847 1. Girardler, J. do. Offi-f (Biological Salences-Nalrology, TT, v. 6, no. 4) Proces's foi, the Prodwtiou., Storage and TranBporta- tion o t Fj-~~ Uqufied or Solidified by Cooling, by Lueme-GiTarAvdIep PwI-NicalAws. 12 pp. FFWM., POLteut No 736v736- Dept of Come rce Patent Off Lee Bui Ub (girt) SOL - usineering Fab 59 The Frepqxatiola of Products With High Olefine Content Basedil" on Petroleum, by Alain Guillecann'F Andre Giraudjl~ Jacques Dewsters, 15 pp. NoFam ... ...... .. ...... FMNU 0 TI, , axcAaWl. rrom Proceadinga A. World Petroleu~m Congreaev Section IV. ciA/Fm-.xx 696 Sci flov e;r/ On the RedUctloh of NWasia by Bilicon,, by 0. Giro. Im WzDtOx RWAMS,, Vol =IV., 7 Mar 19321, pp 884 90 Dept of Co~rce Patent Office Bel L%b (gM) sci - ~5 mg try ,low 58 Study Of the! Conditions for Production of "'Red Iron 0-:itde" by ThermELl DecompoaktiOn Of VFA:ri0uJD ton of the Xron-C ontathing 0 Cando and ftilunt Color Of tb,6 M47en a Formed. Communication V.., by L. if. Tjs~enolmya,. A. Kh. Glre*o, 4 pp. RUSSW,, rp per Zbur Prik KhIz,, Vol XXIX, Ho 12, 1.956., :?r, ibjlr~-IA79- Consult,ants Dareau Set - Ohm Mar 98 jfv )DOpendaric-C of the Color of "Red lrcn oz-,140" FtLnwzn,~~ oil Its Wgra(,- of Dinperolon:, by L. 1q, Uspemikoyp, A, Giremkop U. S. Ostrikov, 4 pp. RLWIM" m0 P31r, Zhtw Prik Kh1n, VCP1 XXIX, No 10, act iq56;t pp Arji-Ao4. Consulten,W Bureau SCI - Chin 5- 61, -1 DOC 51 Studyi of t1w Influence of Kineral Impurl.ties on the Color! of IRed Iron Oxide" Pilptint Obtained by Ther- mal Decomposition Werrous Sullate. Commutication III,, by L. H. Uspevskaya, A. M. Girinko, 6 pp. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Prik Kh1m,, Ifol XXIX, no 8) Aug i9lrik, ,p 1142-il46. Consultants Bureau Be t - chm 41 ~7 Jul 57 Awtitative Color DateminatIms in 2he Use of IV SftaUM of the Iffect of TalpersUM Omdit:Lms in ion the PzcftaUm of "Rod IS Iran PfCK 76MON 921fate., by L. N. Eh. OIXU*D No NJBUW War PrIk Mat Val X=., So 7.. ahl VP 1040-1(*3. O=wItuts Bum= Sol - Mmodstry JUU 57, a Light Reactor., by C. Oimud., Fab 1.463., 9215595 7121; IJ Stea.~e..-~,~entb*raph With optical Tracing Polet fcr Plot- ting TopogiMpbleal 15urfacea, by Bobext GJraud. FRM, ICA, Sa~_rce mr.1mown. 1935. USA CDrr-q ~~Z Fn&r,, Waterways Exper Sta Tr 40-22 Sci Ln,-d;aearing, bydraulice, naval Mcm Tra~nsportattoqj, river,, water -ruilbblo um Icen at Researeb C!cnte-)- Library ro4to #MAC lye&& tw X-Ilw HalsoUn in an Electron Xlcra Pa. bW JP. Uftu&41WWiud. ~co W"o I per. VOI t, No 5. 1965, pp 94- 587 CRWV~Z476 /V 4~ sel is by "--.IAsqivn ~1:*,Ctrolli '4c",vcq)a* by per. Ammal jo Icirss'WA Uri! 40, i., 4,~4! -,sB7-SgT," I Uae of -bb,- Dijvemntiml Syzten In n oe~-- Reduce the Ratio,. by Goorps Gixw-a:1tp 4 pp. AWCH., 14to"t No 933p298, Dept Of Commrao fttent Oman Bel TAb (SM) Bel - gqftmalms jau Optical and Electron-Microscopic lavestigatione of tbe.Fbly~tlctus Verslco.'Lor. 2.. The Fine Structure of Basic Pla=a and Hitcehondria, by M. Girbardt..- GZMK,, perp Arebiv fuer HilwobAologle, Vo, XXM, 1961~. PP 351-359- CSMO/5841 Feb 63 oboemtio= .In Vuvo of Folptlct= Vubsisolcw (L)p ~ M. fg?!!~ft by Ir ammup! Vwx nomv Va (=.TT.0 No, 4,v 1955,9 J~p 5W963. CBMD Bel - DWI jut 62 / 17 q, If -i1 17 q1ti al Attanuaive and Awjlrljllcatlvn Cf U Aijo4y 44ted "Yo by F, Mies mar; E 'Aplbio 0 "'C Intatferobeter Useable for Compression of Prequency.-Modulated Pulses of Light, by rreauc6is ~Gives, Pierre Tournois. Mucii, K~Or, Compt** Rendua de Vftadewie des SicienOMS de-parisf 259, 22 pp. CIA X-7174 9-c