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-~5-0 Tb& ii'~Zwt of CASU4 an the i1j",e C'awpositlen of Ctialwn autcales and AladmUo an durmirwg. by- t A., ~46 A4. Awlsodavol ad* -Qm 10,62. gnp 5-11. .QLL Rqf.- 51.,-A (1.3?4) -Z ) tj 'I C Auc )61,324 RECARBURISATION BY INJECTION OF POWDERS: A SUMARY OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED BY IRSID., BY J. RAGUIN. FRENCH P ER, REVUE DE METALLURGIE, VOL LIX, FEB l9k, PP 0 --ZX10q. 93 BISI ZC117 SC 1 00 PHYS NOV 62 21-,~,662 LIST Icl va Ry - -"~ i ind W&UtICM ota--C*Ul= OrthosUlCate in toi;ua'68 of Mats, tuu'06 10 pp. I I; p i I -Noab RUSSUNO v~q! par# Zhur ""w -Imug, Vol XnI. No 6. jqhop~pp 545-552. Sci Me Llb Tr So 53/2292 USSR Sclentlf CO. 'ry ftb ems afar I:r,7 i , i I I l~ sombumi 4e Q"Lfm ftift" Vilk Almimt". at lawo; by To A*1 4 . .1 *~~ no =,* 1 Mi'll! zbw "a =d% M 3M4 so up Uffs pp 16%.: 0 ftwe P. 0" m am 309 dr JIV 17& a d*/ nat4- or Racraft rl zatim or Onteel the Opcm Reazft ilKimme by PownSm ZnJe*Ucn (Indastrial Truls at:; Mdnt RUeme)v by J. RqpA% L. TIntrou. -PHUM's qwt CouWa do Dw tation Bldmurgique., ullreiltImilim. dl Teohniqmsr Vol 'go 32# ~Wv pp =I 3187 7 3 tict - Wx fti 63 FORWEN BwAuunm Di m nPa-mam i A ONCE-iiii&CM ___EM. [1%01 [91p. I ref. a E. Trans. im; MkSIIL Ox4orhot LlborM.AwOI.84 PhSLSO 61-15461 Trans. of TeplooDergsdics (UUR) 1937. Y. 4, no. 6. 21 -Z. 'An analysis is *ivm cd, do foactlaft of broadwr ~Wmdexa to =c6-thrm*t ~boilen Im re&mdm of pulo Itim between the pipe-tune, and of the varlatim In !hot aboorptloi. (Awl~r) kal. TT. v. S. oo6 5) I. st"m pipes--prosomrs 2. Goden--DoMp & Title Once-I W1 boder 1. Fivils. N. P. ff. CS Trons-1653 m .OUR LLU M. Isis IV coutral mom" ammwsdm gnaw on" a# TO&Okd smvk" The Differai'iica Detected in the X-ray Diffractioa Patterns ofKeratin in Feathers, by L. L..Ra gLumpva; B. K. tems.-MIchin, L. A. labedev, V. S. Penlkina--- RUSS3AII., per,, Dok Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CUVIIIj No -Ij- ':1959.1 pp i86.iag. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IVy No 5 Sci p-Anisidlue A# an Agent for Decyanewthylation, by -Jjoskus,' N, Ve R4900fAms 4 ppi Pi Ff RMIA~,ipsr Zhur Obshch Miss Vol XXXI,, No 11, PF CE 62 BLUM* -77-- TAM* to opt D*Oa6kftr,w Of the Tracsfamtion Tasperatwm of 16 AUNS 00 UA PPOTIOMI Uat TNM%MUt alld an Qw C~~Itlaw of taw swi-bont, by lp. Rauts" 150v VVIX0432- DSIR/3070/CT Set - CWMI P%" on, .: Us 'AttmaUm of the OAmm &tstmm B&Mted by MW fk~r AbftsAeajp+A L; ligr U. Fabm. mliblo JOS Z T "at& itmi Famoltologwa ND 63 iia the Attract-Lon of MoBqidtoes U. Raba. T.,*rp Rev saisee 4001.- P-C) 614'.. :L95,i,~ ig) Nu 3-12!-63 16=3 On t=cu of Odor &ad Swast in -Loa Attraction, the Man, ty U. TIL'.'ra. vca ~~G Aci,~z 7"wPica., XIV: 3: 57~ pp 2-35, -3 Sef, BRA/Med Sci ~iua 63 MW FUlk6tlCQ'W the Antmmes, ftlpl md Tlami of A*&* Aimpu Le in the Iftaktag of the HDDt2 by 3= U* alwan*~perp~,Fam Sdm do Zwlooep Vol LVo ND la:*s I,V TO-7m fts - Dial/04 Ekd ja 6.3 .1.3 PowerAnd &.at Ikqplrmmt9 of the FaImblic of XMt,, by M.A. Bo~ Mkoshal 1. H. AA01 B.Ab r7p . Jok ARABXCp pWr P/UO8# Pwomdlqp of lkitenwUmnal OOufermm:oa Poscaftl Umm of Atomic Zmersy H*ld at Geneva 8-20 Aug 3955j, Vol 1. Mmtom*u Coaf -- 13N j-,,;2,., 7Sat Sci - ftelear Pbysic:s crA 1-60.9.162 Prospects of FludIM radioactive Mineral Deposits in Pakistan$ by H. Raboaq. (Abstract 001y) U11w, pwr PA129, Proceedings or intermatioma Conferenwou POSCOftl Uses or Atomic RaftW Bald at Ckmam 8-2D Aug 1955., IRtezuwtI Couf -- UN Sai - :Nacieur Pb"LCO cyA i-669.9.1F J-C?" 7 ~1/ ~p InvestigatInns on Quench ftez AV,,Lug of Stzal-c contalfilng Nitrogen by Wasureweixt of Damping, CoerAVO iie'ld Strer4th ana Re-farmtJon, by No, Ifteken.4 J-8 Rahmana GETM3,. perj Archiv fuer Risenhuttenweven.. Vol. MUIlt tab 19620 VIP 131-140. B=- 1 2806 J Aug 62 list 145 06 thil'; Mawr cc valvaent Yuwtima,, by i & X. admou". X~WWs Pwj D* A ft* BONS Vol =yljo 2954* PP 9T3-9T6. Amp Noft Sw S*14hm i ion 64 .1 V("f 44(/ Innuencing the TlastabUlty of Miuwals !8brough Nw-lew Radlatims br A. awttet a. xw= DUMJ Pero Mcbmw Blatt,~ Vol vm 19583, Dept. of lmftrlor "T w go "T fti - auc rap 173,,oP'JP Nov 61 f~w Act* of OXIMUM z~dlic4el -!'t4001 ju Anneatirwg; in CnckW A"rda,, 14S-2S2* DUJ~ 4090 v~ A- Jun; 'Ij~, U00047 Ou them Gxldu,tlm OC IrOP-vaommUum AnWo Ln Alr!# Nl9b TMW=Uwcj bX A. Rabwl. GIRWo pcit Arch. ZisalbuttWea.-A Vol 34, No 4 1963"! pp W 2957.' ~ P] V~ c3mit 1T10 k A -e Jul 67 333., u078 / e) 6,- vaus"m at Im mwm A low - - - - & - - -110110 an Igoe A. Rahmel M" - ftumm" lbo 67 dot" om we 4darvusp b7 A* Babml Mulk to Anh RUmuh. jprp ._ttg=exo ib 60 19 arm Tx=saatL= Bel i atmation of but-awlstma at"Iss Nfreat of AlksU6s SulPate Depoodto at thip I pre"We Of Vx - at Solibm TrtazW In Ymmace -Oaaft.* 'by As BdMlw NMI A"h MIV Rol# 3000 IV 2019 ll;q7 7 Bel - 3tLn/wt i= 60 CMit.01.0iticri Of Teqwrstu"B,, bY A. RehF,:L, uRr,.L Arch vp~351-, Ou., zial D i 44cs of the IhAuction or )Tlokel Oxide With r -n, b r K. Muffe,, A. P D, DI 3er~v (T newt Z. plWmik. Chemi. Vol 1, Frox AM Tr 2087 Clwmdstry mar 55 am/= Assoclated Tech ze-st orwmp., Na. CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCALING BEHAVIOUR OF BOILER STEELSs BY A. RAHMEL. GERM4N., PER., VEREINIGUNG, DER GROSSKESSELBESITZER MITTEILUNdEk, OCT 1961, PP 319--332. BISI 2692 SCI ENGR AUG 62 tw Mk*4 Imo ap.,:~4rat- ok trastagat vapamm- GaMN Pith ldlz4xL=-03ddQ F*Mw KMTOOIOMJ. Vol V=,v 9k59 3q,1137 &T=w cli,s 1&n Cbstacle and an a Fathway. mthoU c)f AA~Vancins TrauspwU in Winter TorTainx by Lt CbI Tore Robavistp 10 pp. um ............ 0=60s, POrv JMMI of the RqM2. AcadeV of War Sol ~ a 10 190. MML~ ID "ILL9 No am !~~59 3,97 S11 7 Olm or ]Kcyc:Lobeptmws aw ft-am-LonatIm ftoftcts0riginating in Ollc PrOeMm, by 11. ftba. per A"1%4w=a MMt4m�&LOml de Vie-mude, Vol. 144, No-1/2 12b-143 Aug -980 Or 335 Detection of Chlorimted Bicyclobeptums Their Trmeormation Ptoducts Originating KeUbolic~ Frocesseso by R. Wbn. FmiCH, pier, Archives Intexwticnales do AmmLe et de 7herup lu - : p4v=ac e, Vol 1 ip 19-63-, pp~ 43-126 CSIW/ND W54 NY-6430/4) Me 19W Arlwal Report on the Production of River And Lolte Fiahery in But Geivany., by H. U. Menzel, J. Rahn 10 pp. gift" -- Per,, Doxtache Fisaberel Zaituag.. Vol 1711, No 4P 1964 PP 97-W1 - im 981.9 GeramW 2, 3 SEEM (NY-4i88). 1959 Report an the Production of Kast German liaand Fishing, by H. U. J. Rahn, 9 pp. CMIM, per, Deutsche Vischetrel-Zeituixg, Vol VII, No 4 ~ 1960., pp 97-102. ms %45 Mr -Germany Bcon -Agriculture, fishing -'~P Oct 60 k'h Lake and River Fine Fish Proauction i--~ 3. Geermian Democratic Republic With Special EMOasts on the Pond-Carp Ecwic)i;,y, 1,;y Joadbim Rahn, 7 PP. GMM, per, DeutscHhe Fiacbexel ~~-Aituug, Vol VITI,i No 7, *L961; PP 193-196, JERS 11868 EEur - GermanW Econ je-fa 62 EE; Effect of AA.,Aure and Low r1braperature on Mxffber ol na-terla Ili ScAly by P. H- 3 pi)- per, Mo 2., .1960; pp .V,tar !-at of Biol Sci (Awift"t to Amtbw Owbas to i votOom ftewma Tgoir moot 9 by 1, No Rdom" zhura ISO Noll 19S&v Vp 6i*o7gl* *Clf" It TT 6"1m Sri ,.,kWi 66 Lv6stioaticu of Alkaline Reserve In the Mzod After hinistiution of Amino Acidep by 1. Rabusa-Suszczmy- 10 iv. .. vol vnv so 44.o PM~W.o pmrp Fwwd $04gg Lek. Nov 3# 1952s, Yp 1405-14W. Scientific - Chemistry .00 /..F r/ Of* EM Tr 82 Oct 55 Mlb= v %wrown as lhvftlu Grawit %W-J6 Bond*$ 1. ue". /-I/-.?Caa~~ ftl-mi JL,i:663W 3D7,p5W The Measurement fof the Definiteness and Accuracy ~xediction in the Determination of Characteristics f C '' lex Objects of Automation by Statistical OM P Methods, by N. S. Raibman, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtnmat J 2AmPVh Vol XXIV i - 7 P No 9,1963, pp 1236-1249. Instrutnent Soc of Amer Sci Apr 64 255,014 16 To, 16 IL Wis, va =lp at A- St4tistlLcal Method for Determining 'Umaiown Y;u.L'-- ti-diirie.ns~.cnal operators foi, Automation Cbjectu in an Al.rost Unuar Approximation, by A - iD RaevskIv and E. 3. Raibnan, P. i ~~r, Avttomat 1 Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No PP 91.8-W,5. I';.A SO 9 mar OR RD ~ P"tavu mad"tus la a otson by Y6 Mm WAWW I III a - I i nsp "I -Zwo Amw 3M0 am Iftwo v" V3= Mal so 9 Bcoi C T lids mid Improvement of tile Econolu-C System. by J~Cpian Eiiicovic I 1 pp. SERB Ilk: ING 10, Oct 1964, pp 1313- 1324 , jP16. ~7,896, Mur,14ugosiaviu Foh 2720915 :TA* lx~iq -it' ~ 0000auft "- tICA bCr Jowls !mOWW*,O at not "MO-O-WO Ib 6, im 190, 0/k/laA, -IC 90%050 1,-g gld~ OVA bomts Ot Ion In an Ionic amul Due to tibratiMp %W A. 1, ftiebmalm - 5 pp. -tlmn!n~~ W#CUo $Or* FIX bufto Wam Va T, No 7t 1963o, pp AMer rlwt 'Fbys now Ph" - ft) 4 6 v" V* No -7 sai. Calculation of the Electrical Conductivi-c,, of Two-Component Pouder Metal Products, 'br, A. I Ra 10�1"~NR 1. U. ftdorcbenko, 7 PP. '. -I,- wwvliro vu )kta i Netallov, Vol r, so 6j, J, PP 815482. 'I Tp 'Sol Jun 63L 11 746a US-3 i RAICHENKO 0. 1. Changes in structure of nickel during creep and problem of det&.rminijig concentrational distribution for alloys from heterogeneous metal powders. Part IL On the problem of dete,rminitig the distribution by concentrations for alloys of heterogeneous metal powders Ukrain. Fiz. Zhur-, 3, 408-417 (19511) NP-tr-462 - English Euratom (halliative MwtkAA rar DetwulmAlon or the Gl"sy i; -Porn siad the Degm atr Itis SoMatim rrus cr,YB*UI34 MOW In AUmIswlI1mU Buftwtaries, i by X. It. 6 pp. RWOVO, pWp Zbwj PzU ShImp Vol ZXKE[I- ND U,, 296D.t vp Wei-" Sal ftp Q The Destruction of Forsterite Refractories on Heating in a Gaseous Medium of Variable Copposi- tion, by I. P. Baslysal T. F.-Ralchenko. RWSIAN, per, Oepeup=7, Vol YXIT# 1957, pp 222-- DsiR LLu ma163 (loan) Sel Chem oct 6o Illecbwlogy of CheWcal RL& Presswe Promisses, by L. IlaIS4e. "IRM43,r ]pr.. Memix-IrAmadeur-7babulk, Vol mmmt ]b 3., 2956,, VP 203-213. cam Set - Chem / 7 .0 7 Aw 62 (DC New 1%leastwes for the Orgsuizatioa of Llxq ploitatim of Axem Vbftr Irrigation., by ta. Ralcup, 3 PP, HURAPM., up ~. AWIculturs Noua,,j Vol VIII I No 706, 31 JOM 1961.- VP 1,# 3- JMS 8523 zDar - Runanu soon ju Q HIM 64 to rpm" a. IL UNdot A. P. RW Rut US* ii" w V) e - I Speak the' Truth - Confessions of an Iraqi Communisty by Couxade ~Raid .AJ~ABICP np, Baghdad, "S 5Y 4Y =j (1 1959- *JPRS./SPECIAL NE/A -, Iraq Pol c S ep 59 udos a El I Wodke to DC momrs a P"Wmd Armame Vfindb?46 dew by* R. R. ROM&PAI A. P. RU 1967v No KLtw2-,.-aP5 M4 434M ton Ion usm sd~rap July' 65 2Mq6t5 The =ectm of Cyammidep =. 4wurtitative Cy~~doj!DOU&mlmtLon La Ussuess by Hann Raids,p 101 Z Car, B* Md'o 'fal "J VP SLII 59-15423 act Dec 59 Vol 2'. V015 erent AII,Gv tOdi!*.",-,~),,:,- Nteenct bte-els, by H. Kmtz.mr, F..,R -d-1, Pl GE!"IflPt it-chiv No 1-91,S, pr. :253-~160- (Ioan 57-2809 Tor."mring of Gtoel Bar-.: 'i;~eazing on LIM :11C -~ U Dick V"v Stahl und Bisca Vol ftatebwir Trcnii 1ILZIC wwrau/mata" "i314=5 4T.40 -,W:Lce -i -Do ?.o 30'3 X/ ': ~, I/ ~",) LF - , anhiltterivesen vol: *L6,, No 7p 33 Riggs 1 9~ ~4&)Ovordsj 143 I~ince~~of Different AlUy Additions upon ~~Aiep ~of Chromiwa-contaiming Permanent Magnet r~+Idher,T~rans.t order No 1866, $7.20 lkld:Rng Phgiwtering in bir ObAugmtour Midt., i OF-1855) BuildiM Consi"-vction-~ 5 irp. GRWN, per, Tech~lm!he Geminschaft, Wa IX, No 4.. 1961P VP 135-140- JPRS 13432 Alpr 62 a The N6dulatIm of. the X*utrm.Y2=,.Iutjw *efle'oov of a Me by Abam-Sition and Scattering'. I~y V-ljl~lalmkly and J. Tvan. m.B~ perm C=ivtes Rendusp Vol CCXXXIg 19W, pp *-347- AOIM--4~ scl Aug 58 7oz, 4,9f Of a V V- -om, L'Oade- Mnk~rxique; 1 01 -X, zar-, T: I 9,~93616 AEC Tr-4F-yD3 Sal .-Iluc 11*3 Dec 6 of a Oonglex DlffttsJuou Length in a S*W or laquld to Determ1ne the Transport Nk*Xk FV69 Pith fbr Umml Se-by v*,P by J. FIMMO pup W, P/36011 W4L or acei an ft"Oral Umw of Atomic Dwrgy Held at GOWM 8.90 Aug IM.. Vol V. mitowma cour -- uiw ftl ftelear Pbyslcs If/W/, Ile# Apr 57 cu 1-669.9.162 and AMMOU at provattim,' by, x9ft" Val Wo NO get Zzi 7 CP 7 "Y ~~ Mdat 4a 1 fta A. A. ft"SWIum 0. 1. mask 0obw PRO mks% TA =6 .50 110. Imp pp 3.7214M. Fob 99 odd& -01920 b7 L L plovem"W. Mon Inare6sed Sensitivity in the Spectral Deter~inatlon of Rare Elownts in Solution.. by Ya. D. Raiibbaum, X. S. Kbstyukova,..~ pp. RUSSIAN, pekr,, Zavod Labs Vol 2XVII, No 3, 1961v pp 306 - 3060. 18A Plar 62, of tho iviethod a Additloas in tb,~: ysin of Ox~,es for Indium and Genaaniun., by Ya. D. hbaizm,IgE. S. Kostrakova, 3 PP. RUSSIL.4., pcz,~C., vol ~,Fo 3;1 ~p 961-9,63. 1-nstru Soc c& Amer A- J,,Ig 60 1)31 I . t 4 mommaltw In an Aft ce as ommt abom IL INO&,p T w iwj, its TyaddM V"b Zw46 fts, 9093M Old I" OL Quant,itative Introdluation jr Ta,D. ;etv b RUSSIAN, per,, O,p 14494453- so.i Jon 61 Spectral Analysis of Gres by the of Samples into the Arc with an Air ftikhbaum, M,A. Luabonova,, 5 pp. Tnstrje Soc of Amer Zavod Lab,, Vol XXV., No 120 19599 'lj'~- '3- qll I-yy -YFA. D.~ Raikhbaum, 3 PP- ~ ~ .. t.;U:t-,-t,t,;-,,.,-.-,, ml traxislation. rMS'.EA'N,v b2no per# Is Ak Nauk Ser Flz Vol XIX.. -1,0 Ili 1955.p P.P 70#71- CU C &?053 Colwobiu Tech Tc, 14W i,6 CIS/4ex 4 mak 1 OWS440"o bY Le As is last 'it 67 3"03a the so ra .5'm.'Or Ap - Pori Zhur pp 63-23044 110krher, I~ 1. . 416-skova, V. N. and others. FR_777N.~ITION fiF IMMUNI-1 SERA BY CLE(-rRO- 1. Raikher, 1. 1. PHOUNS CIN STARCH PLATES. (1963) 181p. 5 refs. 11. Mirskova, V. N. FASEB MantL'cript ~0.. S 214-2. 111. PASEBS-214-2 0 rde r I roin OTS o r 1: 1. A $ 1. 10 63-Z1044 TV. Federation of American Societies for Experi- 71'ratis. of La~4Dratoriioe Delo (WSR) 1962, v. 8, no. 7. mental Biology, p. 30-39. Washington, 1). C. V. Scripta Technica, Inc., DESCRIPTORS: Separation, *Proteins, *Immune Washington, D. C. serunis, 1-1lectropluiresis, Starches. A method for~detemjlnbig simultaneously sevcral pro- tein fractir,nsl present in immune sera is described. A potato starch Jsolutionl mixed with a buffer solution is distriWtedov,~r 1he bottom of a glass dish which is partitioned lengthwist:~-, by a glass rod. Tvro strips of filter paper are plac,.'~,~ on the Wge of t1w dish to make contact with tti,:- electrodes. A second layer of buffer (Biological 17, v. 10, no. 9) 1 ttrvk*s (over) starch',-solutiDn~is then poured into the dish. MET the platt~ has dried~ along both sides of the glass rod 2 trencho',s are c6t 6-7cm from the cathode. Exactly 0.5m1 of serum is introduced into each trench. After absorption of the serum, [lie trenches are filled with buffered starcli~solution. Six plates are placed in the L-lec:t-rol')Iioretic~,,i:haniber, permitting simultaneous anal)~sjn of 12 136mples. The starch plates are cur into pieces accordink to the size and position of each frac- tion. ~ E~ich pjec~ is centrifuged with 10m) of physio- logical saline s6lution. The supernatant fluids relirc- sented t~e jsolat6d protein fractions. Electrophore- grams of protein fractions obtained from normal and immune horse si:ra, using this technique show thav the. prowill fraction ~eparatlon was quite precise. i PB- 63-23G44 Concehtration of 7-GlobulinB in the Blood Serum o- Donors (E-lectrophoretic and Tuibidimetric Detcrm:ln- ations), by I. I. RaMer, 14. H. Protaerova, 'N'. Romanova, L. A. Masterskikh, 4 pp. RUSSLMi, per, Froblemy Gematol I Pereliv Vol V, No 2, 1960, pp 52-54. pp Sci oat 6o som ~ chariatmisties at post-inrectioma jnp~dV in Tyom FW*r an - Re Auftation of luinos~.ftgs In vimxvmt zoom of PAC"- tiom bV A* va Go NOBIMMP a 3 IP. MMEM., per, Zkor Hiktvbiol 101dooM I loftiobial,, VOL X=,9 No 10p 3.958,9 Vp 99- 101 Pe 6 -a Imt Set,- Ned Juu 5 9 D as now Bromide-,Brcz:,.-' i%tm~es tho* C ftdro&lwio Acid, To. The TomnAl at Geurml Cb=Wb et the UM Vol Iwo PP-2'- JL9555-~ rad I k ftswim-ma vubl" or vo m I Draw iff oviumime jr. odons =a 161. AutoOM- lb~ *~' 7- Ims wardaunlato Tel Im, I . % pro Ulk 14 - so 26P UPS 1& 4345 com ftt~ 62 AnlEistodhemical Investigation of Piaphorase andsSuccinic Dehydrogenase in Induced and 1. Transplanted Hepatomas: by N. T. Rai-khlin, 5 P~, - RUSSIAN., ;per, Voprosy Onkolog) Vol VII, 110 7, 1961. Elsevier Pub. Co. Sci May ( :,2 195,392 TPN-Dlaphov~se and Succim Dehyd1mgenase in Precamarotpp and Camomm Tiss*ww., by N. T. Raikhliai,q pp. RUSSW~ per,, Yoprosy Onkolog,, Vol VII., ND 31 ig6l. .R.o~riajr & Rqjpr sci -7 Mar 62 0,,, ef 7 7 mcide j Chapter Xjj, upW P*tsssl=.OxUkws by 1. A* Kimmrnmkiyj, I I S. L.Rolkbolmimp.."A PjPG WMIARp ~ pers Zbor Fls Kblap Ifol XXI., No 3, 194T, PP 245-255. 90WAh AW TrAT58 sci ftp 61 Apparnti3L.- for Dilisociaticij KazarnovsIl-Ay. pjz Vol -,Ixj. pp 257-p60. CSIRr' 35 .0 132 Unetics of the iVoataneous De=2position of i Potassl~w OzonNee ~~soelate Mwber of the I i ACa4mWi,of Scion USM 1, A. Mazarnovsky) S. I.- !~)a"-L. No %&ova 4 pp. XMIAN., tbrice-no per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., vol cnn.. No 4,, pp 641-644 Bur"m Soi - Chadstry 3'p Jan 57 CTS Pallability of Pasolve 99&mftmrf Circults With Fex=uimt3,V Com"ted he&mldmt Mmmants In the ce ok RedistributIm of lxxmU or Voltoosi, by A. La pp. WSWA; pao Arbmt I ftl&uM,o Val MV, nNo 4, 1963.* VIP 598~562. 16A SOL - 2 flov 63 The Problem of Structural Reliability in a SystemIor Sequential Information Collection, by A. L. 8~ akin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, AvInmat-i Telemekh. Vol XXIV, No 9, 1963, pp 1260-1266. Instrument Soc of Amer Sci Apr 64 255,016 31inth Scientific-Technical Conference of the Youmg ~Scientista of1the Institute of Automation and Remote Control Raikin !By A. L, wW M, V,, Rybashov,, pp. 5 RUSSIMI, Oer,,Avtcmt i Te3makhp Vol XXIV,, 'No 3, pp, 425 - h2'7 ISA Sci 11f 0 63 Determining ~~'the Optizal Reserve f or a Watem, While TakinglintolAccount the Damage of Blocks in the Rose M~a~ By A. L, Hal''Jdal, -V-V- RUSSIANs port Aftmt I Tolumft,, Vol 1, No us 19620 pp. 106 - IMI Sid Aug 63 2apers Davotc--d to k,- 2 i T I I - ~ I tv V- A. ZbOgblkWMI]l, A. U AMkInp .1 1 61041 1- i I ; I I !". W'v I IV ~Lv a to"% 'L W&UMbIll Ta ==, lb 3, 1-9wrl 397- IRA owl Oet 60 2L3*aB3 M103:[Ai&ui' "'I". amporuu~b Vmd Tzetic !"Cia hl- c-f t-11m., Drain w3d Ueart of KyWthe:tmd~.i .`Ji Tempa.vavy Cardiac Arroat and RestoraLioa of ~Le General. Ch-culation by a C=bination of Ther&7-;-u-zic Momswef.%, by Z~ A. Ra:Um et al., 9 pp, RUS 13 I SIAN Per,, Fiziol Zhur SSSR, imen-I 1, M- Sechenova, '7 Jun 60 I: I I I i .1; , 1, Voctior Speam, by,,D, A. IWXkov. i~ RWSIM* bko IS"* P. ~.~r~hoff Ltd. ", 1~ . :1 sci ii way 4*4h 301,=l 202