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_;i f T'. B 16 1.. r.! Prospects of Using Radioactive Isotopes and Iiuclc--:. Radiation in Metallurgy and Other Technical Sciencesp by A. M. Se-n-rin, M. S. Fomichev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, z Ak Nauk SSSR. Cktdel Tekh Nauk, Netqg,_L-Tqp1UFO, no b, JLV~!o, pp JPRS 3607 Sci - Pbys, - Chem ,/"g / .3 Aug 6D T Ibe Structure and Pbase Omposition of Diffusion Coating of Mioblm by Sillcons by P.M. ArzbWW, at al.. RUSS=j, per Is Ak Nm*r Otdal Tekh Nwi*,k Metal OPIL7~~., NO--6- -- --i~ 19749 - C3rA 0960426- i T 0 1939j, '0. ATIC HM 676 Sci win/met mw 61 C)a the N&tu" Of 811P Idn6s OU Steelp by X. S. Alferomj. ot al. RUBSIMP Jmrp Is A Soak OSER, Otdei Takh Neuk, M~ 11 ftUvii-- 0 -, No 6j,'-20%'-'Zp M, 132. Es 5103 Sol - Jun/xet Apr 61 ~/ Z17, V. lz jik Nauk S" -ei~h .36R, Ctdc:i Me 6o Rurinakly. 0. M, and Sinayeldy. V. M. ON T1111 NATURE OF TUP RAUSCIIINGER EFFECT 22 Sep 60 19)p. (illun. amitted) 11 refs. NILS: S-30210-61; JFRS: R-1143-D. Order from LC or A.A Inj$1. R0, Tjj$l. RO 61-13844 Tran.. of AkadLCMOy~~-- Otdak-MlYe- TekJtn1ch,,akJkh..j4.Auk. Irvest etallurglys I T-0-FIF0. 1959, nm 6. P. 13ft It In Fih(rvn that the Utmchinger effect dependpt an the ernergcnce during t-wia0al plantic &(m ination of realdual oriented microotraina. The reduction of the ennventio,L11 yield polts during reloading rj( the re- ver4c print In correlated natisfactorily with the mag- nitu,k- of rcnidual (w lewed mlcr0~Kr*lnH &rlsing after preliminary deforn"tion. mont favorably In the region of 0. 5 to 1, S,t. and the ~gnjrjdc of residual arier4ed microwrainft Can be nummed up with macroscopic atraInR created by the external load. From the size of (hiciallurgy-Structural. 7T, w. S. no. 4) (over) 61 - 13844 1. Single crystals (Metallurgy)- - Deformation 2. Title. Bouschingrr effect 1 . Rovinakly, B. M. it. Sinayakly V. M. Iii .Nas-S-30ilO-61 IV. jFjjS-R- 1141- 1) Y. JoInt Publications Res-arch Service. Washington, D. C. I~L?j 010" 0 rZVESTrYA AN SSSR, OTH, ?0rALUT11GrYA I TOPLIVO - bimonthly . i (Russian Metallurgy and Fuels. se- lected articles; arLicles not t1ans- Inted in full are abstracted) Translation of' 1960 and 1962 issues only. 1961 issues not published but abstracts and translation available In manuscript form for over 130 articles. Order from: Scientific Information Consultants, Ltd., 661 Finchley Road, London H.W.2 40.00/year U.K. 100.00.'year elsewhere 10.00 single issues U.K. 25-00 single issues elsewhere 6.00 single article reprints U.K. 15-00 single article reprints elsewhere From 1963 see: "IZVESTI'YA AN SSSR, mwnumam i aonim DEW Vigdorovich, V. N.. lyleva. V. S.. and Krol', L. Y ON THE PURtFACT11ON OF ANTIMONY 9Y TIIE METTIOD OF ZONE REFINING. (1%0) Sp. 13 refs. Order from MDF $4.50 MDP V-150 Trans. of Alkaderniya) Njouk) SSSR. 0(tdelewye j Tjekhrdcb;'iklkhj NjifiAcl.* Iiiixtfya-_uE__ - _nj -1 - __ -1w9f, 'flopuroll9m rio. 1'. p OCI/ 61-12072 1. Antimorry--Pudfication 2. Title: Zone refining 1. Vigdorovich. V. N. 11. Mere, V. S. In. Krol'. L. Ya. IV. MDF V-150 V. Friedman. Morris D., Inc.. West Newton, Mae~. (E ng! neering- -Chem] cal. rr. v. S. no. 1) Use of Spiral-Flow Cond--itions to Increase Convective Beat Transfer, D,,,- V. K. Ei.-molin, RUSSIAN, per, Iz AK Nauk SSSR,,/,z--nl, No 1, PP 55-61. *AEC Sci - E--igr oct 6o List 43 Baron, V. V. , Efiniov, Yu. V. , a,,d Savlzc;kii, E. hi. STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF ALLOYS IN THE VANAIXUM-TUNGSTEN SYSTEM. Jan 6213)p. 2 refs. Available in ARS journal, v. 32, no. 1, $3. 00 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Otdclieniel Tekh- Inicheskikh] Nauk. Izvestiya: Metallurgiya i Toptivo, 1960, no. 1, P. 70-74. DESCRIPTORS: *Vanadium alloys, *Tungsten alloys, Alloys, Plasticity, Microstructure, Hardness, Mechanical properties, Oxidation, Temperature. 62-12691 1. Baron, V. V. 11. Efimov, Yu. V Ill. Savitskii, E. N1. IV. Primary Sources, New York V. American Rocket Society, New York- (Metallurgy, TT, v. 7, no. 10) Offi-f T-h~i..l 3-1- De Dyk Man and Nesinevianov. An. N. INVESTIGATION ON -1119 THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLID SOLLMONS OP COBALT AfrrM NICKEL. [ 19(0) 12p. 21 refs. Order fa Lmn MDF $6. 50 PADF D-143 Trans. of A[kademiya) N SR. qk SSSR.-01,11glenw-1 1. TjekwctbiiHHMCukTLge_:Kiya . me4allurglya) I iYa . Me4j Tc-PpIVrol f I - 12174 1. Cobalt-nickel alloys-. Thermodynamic proMrties 1. De Dyk Man n. Nc.,~yjn~. An. N. Ill. MM D-t43 IV. Friedman, Morris D., bc-. West Newtm Mass. (Metallurgy-NoderraA Metuls, TT. v. 5. am 3) Melting DIagram for the TItanium-Vanadium- Mo13!bd-mnum Ternary System, by 1. 1. Kornikov, R. S. Polielum, 4 pp. RMIM,, per., UvesUWAXjApU. I%uk SSSR. _We' QF~. . - -- - . . )RIM J6 1, pp-, 85 ARS Journal Vol M=.. No 5 YAW 101 Ivanova, V. S. STRUCTURAL-ENERGE'ric INTERPRETATION OF FATIGUE 11HENOMENA IN METALS (Strukturno- Energeticlieskava Interprctatsiya Yavleniya Ustalosti hietalluv). r1962] [281p. (foreign text included) 17 refs. Order from OTS or SL.A $2. 60 62-14554 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SS.S,EL.--Q[1deIeniej .11 [elchnicheskiklij N[auk]. lz~estiya:-;Nletallurgiva i Toplivo, 1960, no. 1, p. 0--T00-- DESCRIPTORS: Energy, Microstructure, tMetals, *Fat 1gue (Niechanics), Lattices, Fracturc(Mechamc.~ Crystal structure, Elasticity. 02- 14554 1. Ivanova, V. S. The energy of elastic deforinafion of the crystal la t- rice up to the critkal point, per unit volunZ 'It all maximum point of deformation of the cry,,.,al 'W','ice, as well as the energy per unit volurne re irL I, I (Metallurgy-Structural, 17, v. 8, no. 11) (over) Fauure of Ket&M Due -to Mermal Fatigue, by Ya. V. Kostmbkin, I. A. Win& 3 -DP- HOSIAN, per, 9ULA94OXUANK Toplivol No It' 1*0, pp loff-mr. ARS Journal Vol =' NO I NOV ig6o gtud-y of the Mcahantinm of the HY(h'09EDtl o-P Titaa-~un; and Its AUDYB, bY ],- 5, Yu. D. Kbesin, 22 pp. RUSSM14, per, iz Ak Nauk, Otdel Telch Nauk W.tml. i "P11- 1. 0 -9DT9372 Tim AEc ucm-Trans--661(L) Sal Aug 61 V 61 - 282,Q Priselkov, Yu. A., Sapozhnikov, Yu. A.. and Tseplyaeva. A. V. 1. Prist~lkov, Yu. A. MEASURING 111E PRESSURE OF SATURATED BO- 11. Sapozhnikov, Yu. A. RON VAPOR. 119611 [5)p. 9 refs. 111. Tseplyaeva, A. V. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-28232 IV. Translacions, Ne% York is Nauk SSSR. O[Edeleniej Trans. of Akademi Tfekhnicheaidkh] N auk]. Izvesttya: MetallurgJya I r Toplivo, 1960, no. 1, p. 134-137. DESCRIPTURS: *Vapor pressure, Measurement, *Boron, Heat of sublimation, Thermochemistry, Thermodynamics. pres- The study deals with the determination of vapor o sure within the temperature range of 1651-1764 K by Knudsen's effusion rnethod. The boron valloi pt v-111-L' Tncrniodxnan~:,-~, depends largelv (in the S/K ratio. Saturation is TF, ieachei :n tilt-, Chamber onl) when S/Kc) ratio, iz~ Offi.. F T-h.i.-I S-1c.. larger thall 15. o(K)- 20, o0o. I Secondary Breakiag of !--on Crtre5 ty 11"i Frequency Current., by M. I. Agoshkin, A. s, Voronyuk. RUSSIANy perx_~z Ak Xwk SS&Rj_-Otdel Tekh Nauk.. Topi -W Metal i ivo., o l.. 1960., pp 1~~ RB 4857 Sci lUectron jun 61 Jb2teracticat of Eock Body end Cmtir-,j,, UY, Yu~ A. Pe2lyak., 9 pp. RMSXM# Vwj, Is Ak Xm* SM SW T-( Uk m j* Xjk I., i 6oo pp pp AMATA3R -V ~ -j y 11-5-- g - RZ I , Vol IV No 1-1 9, am 620 mitamt%t~-d Datc.-mirm-tion of Mech=lcea of Caket by G. N. Dmitryev, G. 1. Enik. RLOSIKA', per., lz Ak Nauk SSSR.. 1 Topli,,rc, No 1., 1, -n Arp HB 48-13 IS:CL - rucla Aug 6c) In.'luen,ze c~ O.';:yclen on the Sur-Lace Tan~;ion of and -*I-h-a Bcundary InCle of -ettiiar- of Ali.,,:liniun OxiClta by Nickel, 'j:)- V. -11. Yeremenko, Y.u. V. halyclic:h, ~, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Met.Ll i Toplivo, No 2, 15,oc), P~) 53-55. MV E-111 51092703 Sci oct 61 %1.vchan, B. A. CONCENTRATION LAYERS ON INTERPHASIAL SURFACES DURING CRYSTALLIZATION OF ALLDYS. 119601 9p. 9 refs. Order from MDF 35. 50 MDF M-140 Trans. of Afkademlyal NNW SSSR. Oltdcleniyel no. 2, P. 4~2 3 (Metallurgy- -Structural. TT. V. 5. no. 4) 61-12259 I. Alloys- -CryntallIzation 2. Alloys--MaBe studies 3. Alloys- -Surfaces 1. Xfavchan. B. A. H. MDF M-140 Ill. Friedman. Morris D.. Inc.. West Newton, Mass. Gel'd, P. V.. and Kusenko. F. G. THE HEAT COMENT AND 14EAT CAPAUTY CIF NIOBMI OXIDES AND CARBIDES AT HIGH Tl~~IPFR- ATURES. (1062](121p. 24 refr. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 1 TranB. of AkadjerWyaj N uk SSSR cni,:L- a S SR I" Tekbnftc:hes zvest Tq-R-U-vo--196U--F VIEW= . mi.-2 -~-- -7946. DESCREPTORS: vMermocheadstry. *Nlobium oompounds. 00iddes, *C"des, Temperature, Heat, ealtropy. 63- 1 T7 19 1. Gel'd, P. V. U. Kusenko, r. G. 111. Trinslatirms, N-UW YorY (FhyAcs--7%&rmodynamlcm. TT. ir. 9, no. 12) office of Tethmk&l semicts Efreat of Low Temperatures Uixm Fracture ead Tmieftne3o or [Keditm Alloy] Steel, by M. P. Bre=. R=IM,, per., _ Iz :_NQL3WRt Metal I lip EM set vab 61 Alloya of Transition-Metal Borides Witb Otber metai_s) by TI. S. Kovallebeako. RUSSIAN., per.. Iz Ak Nauk SSSR.. Otdel Tekb Nauk., met Topuvo, N6 P-, ig6o, PP 115-119. IIB 485 3 Sci - Min/Met 4 -, /C /I ~_ ~- 6, -) / oct 6o 1-2 P~ I d ~4 14070 GF-I * UK-23 ZArrSEVA S. P., et al. Use of radioactive isotopes and nuclear radiations in investi- gating flotation processes Die Anwendung von radioaktiven Isotopen und von Kernstrahlungen bei der Untersuchung des Flotationsprozesses Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Tekhn. Nauk, MetaUurg. i Topl., No. 2, 130-132 tiquo) GF-1: German UK-23. EnglJsh E u r a t o m Portnoi, K. 1. , LLvinskii, Yu, V., and Facleuva, V. INTERACTION OF CERTAIN REFRACTORY CAR- BIDES AND THEIR SOLID SOLunONS WITH CARB( 119621 6p. 8 refs. Orde r from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 63-10845 Trans. df_~ ade iva .111auk SSSR. OtA-l-W-Mak ~ni- C a i k 2, p V 4% ' - . ~ 14 19b1, no. T Another trans. is available from OTS or SLA SI. 10 as AEC-tr-4871 (19611 Sp. DESCRIPTORS: *Carbides, Titanium compounds, Zirconium compounds, Tantalum compounds, Hafnium compounds, Eutectics, *Refractory materials, Chemical reactions. For abstract see Technical Translations 8: 661, 1962 (110aterials- -Refractories, TT, v. 9, -no. 12) 63- 10L,45 1. Portnoi, K. 1. 11. LLwinskii, YU. V. Fad-_-eva, V. 1. offixt .1 Uthi..! s-i-, 61-12308 Kovaley. ,i. G. V - ):; . :F 11fl-, xCpt-qG=- Petraletun-SetAration )MI1 Hh."IKICA1, ~,C MENT PR CLIS-S CUR I1L4'A1-A2jLE LJEAIIM- 11960 1. Kovalev. A. G- It. AIS-BOM43K JI (yrd,r from AT', 510.60 A-IS-FUA14JH Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Trans. -46AksdjLm-dy9jNM&& SSSR- Ott"e"yel East Orange.. N. Izw iYaLMAW-3078 I kh(Rid* tg4g --d 2. W-TZiso. 04am 0 T (Engirmering. TT. V. 5. no. 5) 44 18 (NY -4426) Scientific Conference on the Metallurgy, Chemistry~, ana Electrochemistry of Titanium, by S. V. Ogurtsov, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk - Metal i Topliva.,-'No 2 1960, pp 167, i68. JPRS 5035 Sci -iMetal Aug 6o Tension Superficielle du Beryllium '~Jiq:aide, (Surface Tension of Liquid Beryllium), by V. IN. E-remen~:o, V. 1. llizhenko) Shou-wei Vai, 4 pp. RUSSILN to IM.ENCH, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSS~, Otdel T~akh Nauk, Met i To L U. _pl4vo, No 3, 1960, p 11' Reverze Tran CEA Tr-R-1156 Sci Jun b 1 arLd S'ome FMPert~ v I.To W-mra U). LA I . S stem UIQ Y 6&i3il, OtdDJL pp Gla7,'j-j', V. W and Llu, Clen-yuan. INVE.-Fl-IG-MON OF SETARATE AN-) 10'.N-r MUT::!LXT-Y OF ALUVINUM AND ANI'LMONY 1.14 2. [1~5115p. 10 refs. 31 Dre--r frc-n MDF $5.00 MUF G-191 .1. I .CI:!.,Ov, V. M. Tr-ans. of A[Videmly-al l4aukj.'~R. Oltd-lenlycl 11. Liu. Chc.--yuan Izvemlya: hictlallurLi3ali Ill. M01' G-194 Tor'llynJIM, no. 4, p. 150-155. IV. Frlc,..!,mln, !.'crrN D., 1-c.. lVo"t Nlc,,toil, Mass. (Mynlca--SolldSmte. Tr. Y. 5. no. 10) On the Broadening of the Possibilities cf UzinG PenetratinG Radiation to Enrich Coal, by Z. rUrOVSI~jy' V. D. G~orosh'm, 0. M. Todes, A. 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz AI: VaWc USSR -(ffAgl Tekh J~auk,, Met i Toplov, No 9 0, PP 185-186. MDF G-189 9092771 sci Oct C-1 INVESTIGATION OF THE RECRYSTALLIZATIONON NICKEL-BASE, CAST, HEAT RESISTANT ALLOY, BY Z. S. BYCHKOVA, YU. V. VINOGRADOV, ET AL, 19 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, IZAK NAUK__SSRj OTDEL TEKH NAUK, METAL I TOPLIVO, NO 5,.1960,1PP 7o-78. 9678198 FTD-TT-62-518 SCI - MINERALS/METALS 11 OCT 62 212,358 INVESTIGATION OF PLASTIC DEFORMATION OF HIGH41ELTING METALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURE, BY L. 1. IVANOV,, M. P. MATVEYEVA, ET AL, A pp. RUSSIAN., PER, IZ AK NAUK SSR; OTDEI- TEKH NAUK, METAL I TOPLIVO, NO 5,, L96o, PP 79-85. 9678198 FTD-TT-62-518 SCI MINERALS/METALS 11 OCT 62 212,359 61-10627 Koryfflov, 1. 1. , Ozhinil:-a, 0. %1. . and Nrakhina' 1.. 1. 1. Kornflov, L. 1. C61ME'l ATION RETWEEIN C()\jj'OSI'I*j(N, It. 07hlmko~a. 0. V. A'11jiti", AND iii-WI, RESI.~;FANCE' OF NICKE) 111, 111 v, n. 1- 1. TITANIUM- Mj WINt FNI At.- IV. Alb-61-25 LOYS. 6 Mai 61. 2p. All) rf-pi. 111-2.5; AD-254 304. V. Air Information Div. Ordvr from OJ'Sor M A $1. 10 61-10627 Washington, R C. Abstract tran~. ~fL!IkademivaN auk SSSR. C)IdeleiiiN- VI. AD-254 3Q4 TeMin' , ". " ' %letailurgiva I 'rop- ivo. 1Q60. no. S. 1). . -c ------- :.~ DESCIIIPYORS~ "Nick-el alloys, *Oironihim allovs. Tungsten alloys, "I'Itanhan alloys, *Ahnninnin alloys. Ileat resistant alloy, 6 S Ij 'I'lic alloy studied was of constant Cr, W. and Ti c-n- tent (not specified) III'd varying aluminum and On- verseiv) nickel content (0 to 16%). ne sowlitlitv of aluminum in nickel-hase solid solmlon was found to d( crease with decreasing temperature. At 12001C rolu- bility was S. I;%- at I l(Kf'C, 4. 2%: at IMOIC. lq~ and IMetallurgy. 'Yr. v. 6. no. 4) (over) 81mul tion by SmIe Models of the Deormmt:Um Processes in the Reat Treatm4mt of Matalsp by V.A. LamaUn. luk "g, mat i '1w, OL RUSSUN" per,, TZ 140 5.t 1~60., In C:IA/YW XX-1018 USIB MY Sol - min/maet i= 61 .NOT RMEAUMN TO POPSION SMOMLLS 19 51 lot (,2-24580 Glazov. V. M. VISCORTC ET CONDUCTIBILITE ELECTRIQUE DES 1. chl'~ov' V. M. ALLIAGrS A)-Sb, 03-Sh El'In-Sb A I-'ETAT LIQUIDE 11. CEA-ti-1,1464 (Vyazkof3i I Nektroprovodfost' Splavov Alyuminil - III Commissariat ` I Energit! Sur'ma, FaIIJI -Sur'ma I Indit-Sur'ma v Zhlldk.o(- Atomique (France) Sostoyanil) tr. I)N Raftalovik-y. 26 Dec 61 [14 Rusrian lp r, text included) 18 n~fv. CEA Trans. no. R 1464 (text in French). Order from Cq'--- or SLA $ 1. 60 62-24580 Trans. In French of Akadjemiyal Nauk SSSR. lOtdclente TekhnichesUkh Nau):I, Izvjestlya: Metallurglya i Toplivol 1960, no, 5, p. 190-194. DESCRIPTORS: vt6coBlzy. *Electrical conductance, Alkali metal alloys, Aluminum alloys, Antimonyalloys Gallium alloys, Indlum alloys, Liquid metals. (Memilurgy, TT, v. B. no. 3) Churaev, P. V. OBTENTION DES MICROPHOTOGRAPHIES r-[,[---c- TRONIQUES D'LJNi-- PARCELLE DONN12E DE LA SECTION POLIE D'LJN f-CHANTILLON EXAMINV (Poluchenie Elek-trontivkh N4ikrofotografii s Zadannogo Uchastka ShInfa Issleduemogo Obraztsa) (Obtaining Electron Photomicrographs of a Given Area on Polished Specimens Being Studied] tr. by B. Detrezvinsk%. 9 Nov 61 1121p. (foreign text included) 7 refs. CEA Trans. no. R 1392. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-13803 e T17ans. ip French of Akad em,�,a Nquk S.~SSR. zve t N Otdclicnic] Tekh[njcficsIdkhTNu Nau~k! zvesELIP no. 5, p. 721--223. DESCRIPTORS: *Electron microscopy, Phoromicrograpliv. 62- 13S03 1. ChUraev, P. 11. 11. CEA-tr-R-1302 111. Commissariat d I'f-ncrgic Atomique (France) (Phvsic,,--0p,ics, -17, %-. 10. no. S) Office of Techucal Services J I&I-aLLo-Ceramic )btbod of Obtalmid Alloyed bbldings on the Basis of Ablybdmum, by A. V. Savins-7 PP- RUSSIU# perp LN A% Book SM U29 MDUU~ 1-199LSmb no 19,SLJI-- -tip 47-50. 96709to Sol - wwot gal "p 61 110drinjug Matea3.ft L:LtAlImp by To Po F*dOX'Ovs P. 1. 93003parp 3-0 pp- MSMU,3pr.p No sci - win/maul 3. sept 61 Is Ak MR&M, -I 5-,P-1960.q pp 9b~- Pm =-953A - t/ 4 1~ g Iq 6 --7~~ ' ": -~" TAVI E,:.--l Bdnbcb=kQ D. Y- PROPRIETES CINUrWES DES ALLIAGES DE METAUX LQMISS (frinetichesIde Svoistva ZhIdkilch UWMMcbcaizlkb Splavow) 1XInedc Properties of Li%" Mew AUoyal Mme Bouderaft, tr. 24 MAr 62 119p) (Rusetau bw iwluded) 14rob CELA True. m R IS57 * Ox&-- from On, SLA, or ETC $1. (,0 IT-63-24271 Traui6 in Freach ad Aka4endyaj.Nauk SSSR. 10o5deg-e-t- Nauki.1"Iiiistlija: k~--iirgya I TOOP"I 1966. rim,. 6j--w 89-9& DESCRIPTORS- *AU"x, OLIquid metab. Dynamics, vtscoelty' Elactrical CandoevuMA4 Restats (Mocwcoz, blapede propartlec TT-63-24771 1. Belashchenko, D. K. H. CF-A-tr-RIS57 M. Commissariat 11 110arga AtOmIqUe. Parts (Frawd) Metallurv, Tr. V. 11, W. 5) Offloo of T~hnlcal S-1- 62-10206 Shmuk, E. 1. THERMODYNAMICS OF COAL PYRITF OXIDATION. I Shmuk. E. I. f19611 10p. (2 f1gs. omitted) 17 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-10205 Trans. of [Akedemlyn Nauk SSSR. Otdclenle Tekhni- cheakikh Nauk. Izvestlya ~ Metallurgiya I Toplivo. 1960. no. 6. p. 177-182. DESCRIPTORS* 'Coal. *Pyrites. Oxidation, 'Mermodynamics, 'Mermochemist". On the basis al thermodynamic calculations. equilibrium constants and free energies were obtained for the pyrite oxidation reaction in relation to changes in temperature. 'Me heat effects of pyrite oxidation were calculated. It was established that an Increase in pressure favors pyr1te oxidation by oxygen of the air. (Author) offic. .4 7.0'.k.1 S-i (Chemistry- -Physical. TT. v. 7. no. 9) METI-10DW UND BESONDERE VERHALTNESSE BEW ANLEGEN M-ASMMER SCHIAUGUNCEN ANI MUMLLEGEURNGEN (Methodology and SpwJaI Con- dicions on Applying Elastic Vibrations to Metal Alloys). LID. Order from 717M $2. 00 Trans. r,.. 1, p. Z4 DESCRIMES: ~Vibratlon mechanisms, Elasticity, *Metals, *Alloys 62-27298 1. Teumin. L L H . TecbnIsche Udarmations- bUAicdu*, 1ftUrAWCr (West Germany) 7 (Metallurgy, Yr, v. 9, no. 11) Mg cd Yechwca S~ COALESCENCE2 SPHEROIDIZATION, AND HEALING OF MICROPORES AND MICROCRACKS IN IRON ALLOYS, BY E. N. POGREBNOY., 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER., IZ AK NAUK SSSR, OTDEL TEKH NAUK METAL I TOPLIVO, NO 1, 19 1.9 FTD-7.62-519 SCI - MINERALS/METALS 11 OCT 62 212,361 INFLUENCE OF ALLOYING ELEMENTS ON THE PROPERTIES OF STEEL, BY M. P. BRAUM, 19 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, _L~_A!~JAVK_SSSR, OTDEL TEKH NAUK METAL., I, TOPLI VO: NO Lj, 196 PP 6 -73. 9 199 FTD-TT-62-519 SCI -MINERALS/METALS 212,362 11 oa 62 LOCAL PLASTIC DEFORMATION DURING BRITTLE DESTRUCTION OF COWERCIAL IRON, BY B. S. KASATKINj, 19 PP. RUSSIAN, PER,.I.Z.,AK.NAUK SSSRj QTDEL TEKH NAUK., METAL I TOPLIVO, NO 1, 196t., PP LOB-U6. 9678igg FTD-TT-62-519 SCI MINERALS/METAL 11 OCT 6-a 212,363 Bu. of laines, cp-443-67 R-794o-D 2 Feb 67 Propexties and pbaze composition of alloys of boron with carbon By: Zhuravlev, N. N. Fram: Izvestiia, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, metanx=gi-ya, :L topnvo, 1961 xo 1, 133-141 9 pp Russian - eat for vda: Please translate and type I xx====mft copy. Document can be cut. OrUdnai The Va-por Pressure and -Rate of of Cer-tain ReJfractw~-,- Compounds in Vv-c-,-,liz alu Hir-'ll Tem-p-eraturee. -by A. S. Bolgar., T. S. 7er,l!2-,o,-l-ado~rn G. Samsonov, 10 pp. RMSL417, per, Iz Ak Naul~ SSSR, Otdel Te:~h ',Ta:,,jj: Die' --1l i Toplivo, 1,1o 1, 1961, pr 142-111,r~. '-L--0955563 AJEC Tr-486~; Mar 162 AN Some Pecullaritlei; of the Reduction olf ilardened Pellets From Southern (Ioncentrates by Gaaes, by G. V Oubin, et al. RUSSIAN, pe uk SBSR Otdel Tekh Nauk Ipp BE 518-1 $2.85 / 0"- Aug 61 Me U-se of Badioactive Radiation for Controllirg the Aah CouUnt of Cma., by V. D. Goroahko, B. P. Ilikanorma. RMUNI, pewj, lz Ak Nauk SSM Obd TekU Hauk vistal I T63AIV.. so is 19&s, w 1523A57 UL m 8350 Sai - Fb" Nor lilkolay btLkhaylovlch KaraxW-w, 5 PP. WSBIAN, per, lz_& Nauk WMI, Otdel Tekh riauk Metal v0, no 1, i 1- im; 4T23 ita 61 Natural Gas in the. Reduction Reactiono of Iron (h-ea in a Fluidized Bed., by K. P. Iavrovskiy., A. L. Rozentall,, A. Kh, Eglit. RUSSM., per,, Im Ak Nauk WaMj, OtAel Tekh Nauk, .-Metml__~O M 5179, Sci - Augg 61 16S166 Radw.t.ion of Lead losses in Slago by 1,2eatro- Chemical Methodsj by A. N. K"utlawckdy, et al. BMIMIj, par# Ix At jbxtk SOM Ot&9l Takh Ilauk vioua ;LTvp-uvDo voi n, 19U-. -pp 43-W.'a NZ ms 2" Sol - Wm.. meatrm Ifft r30 - 1,23 aw 63 X&DOUCS or gadmUca ty ca*m Ibmadde of Ifte lomad oxift and Lmd Omdde Ocddued in 8LUeWbftp 1:w L. a. Berexk1mal et &I. MMUSp vwp is Ak No* am. abdal Ta* NU* _Ada t*quva, va n. 29U# pp = om W9 ftj .0 P"j oms 23bf4j(~ aw 63 Rest Cont;eub of Mam in tAw Boun ILOM-Wde Zlm-Wde 91'14a&- by 2. F. 4017=1takon. FABUMj paj, U AL Xx* BBW6 Otdal TQft Nwilt I VbUa I TM21voo vmrx~ ~#Rvp vy 55-59. M& zo 9130 a" - WAYS YAV 63 A 3 6,, (v ie -j7 BdUal Stages In the Mastic Daformtlou of Iron by V. R. Kcdnmj, 1. 1. Zlochavok". RUSSIMp porl, Im Ak Naull BSORP Otdol Tekh Nmik -T*-11voo vo-T-Iri, J. ,!!!!L4 OZ- ftl - Wx aw ras Im"OtIptUm of the Not ftl'l of Al=dnlua ln Vbmm =d In Air# by I. U. Pw2mrp at al. RMZWp VW* Ak RM& jD-9 Ak OIL&" Haut 1 Ta 0 ip a 'VOS ~s 33V IIML m SEL52 ad - jf/m Xc -'.?6 mw w , gy 7 Me Weat of amll Dagresa of PUmble On Strain on P=pertles of VL6 AlmodMum A23AV With Viffer=b aml-A Sizess by N. 1. adIm%, 0. a. Nlktawm. j RUBUM,w pwo Ix lJo* OAVAIR A. ml Takh BOA metal I ftpuvow ftl Ils, 2.Q&; pp SM;W-. Z& M 203 MW 63 Q3 01(041~ Materucucn Of lovalues Damng the Be- erysW.jjLr,atjm of Autla=Vjp bV V. 1. Vlv2o~ch- =SIAN.. pws Iz Ak Nok .oUla TVI& XWA Is 14" 1 wq?xzvoo--m UP JLVMiL,- W le--f 1, Wm EM OL54 ftl - U/M C-0,4 b '191 av 63 Basic StWil and XWbaUmViaal ftAures of the Are Welding Promep by A. A. lbvkblu. =Nwo ywo !r2 ku~uw& man.. - IML-T- MAZ i *Alvu~ is va U, ZZ; PP 77---W'.7 NZ mm g255 ad - UM 'eft )w 03 .2.30, ~Iwl~ 's in aptow wl*h 1"0,..U65 at UWSA "20 bF A.. A- VwrtMns souaw io&vuutyv A. IL sawrin- Owl IS& SMIO.. pwa, U Vbl US 1 V9 a As"I I Twulmos WJ6 No g256 Sal - 0 ~^ 6 1-/ 'e~. YA W 0.~# On the Kinatic Cha-ra-cwriuti-c Waro-Tnhomogeneitiec in the Cryatallization of Solid Solutions, by V. M. Mazov., Liu Chen-yuanj, 13 pp, RUSSM, per, Iz Alt Ibuk WSR, a~del Tva~ Naul-, mat i Tcwlavj''wa 2.v XVOILP IT W-.LUT-.- ~w 0-206 9092759 7 /, -0 -J cx--t 61 High Speed Ilitriaing by Induction Feating, 2 pp. RUSSD27, per, Iz Ak- Nauk SSSR, 0TV Met alllurfdva, iii- - No 2, i961, pp 132-1 . CIA/FDD XX-10W IiOT RELEOABLE TO FOREIGIN NATIONALS Sci - Chem sep 61 USIB ETTFJUTAL USE ONLY vi all In V -.2a b~ a -nI 17, A-k lie Q ~O~V) imp G-1911 9092757 '71j t,2- 2-'SSO Gla V. M. vlSCtwt!rE ET CONDUCTIBILITE ELECTRIQUE DHS 1. Cla:'-ov, V. %I. ALLIAGES AI-Sb, Ga-Sb ET In-Sb A UETAT LIQUIDE 11. CEA-tr-R146.4 (Vyazkost I Elelaroprovodiost'Splavov Alyuminit- 111. Commirbariat Energic Sur'ma, Fallil -Sur'ma I Indif-Sur'ma v Zhidkom Atomique (France) Sostoyanii) tr. by Safraloviky. 26 Dec 61 [141p. (Russian text included) IS refs. CEA Trans. no. R 1464 (text I,i French). Order from OTS or SLA S 1. 60 62-24S80 Trans. In French of Akadlemiyal Nauk SSSR. [Otdelertle Tekhatcheskikh Nauhl. izvlestiya: Metallurgiya I Toplivol 1960, no. 5, p. 190-04. DESCRIPTORS: *Viscosity, OElectrical conducEance. OALkall metal alloys, Aluminum alloys, Antimony allc ys Gallium alloys, Itidium alloys. Liquid metals. (Met-.1lurgy, TT, v. 8, no. 3) offi'. 0 T-W.., S.-i... Churaev, P. V. 011TENTION DES MICROPHOTOGRAIIIII-ES CLE-C- TRONIQUES, D'L-,1F PARCELLE DONNEE DE LA SECTION POLIE D'LN t-CHAN-17ILLON EXAMINE (Polucheme EleltronnyLli Mikrofotografti s Zadannogu Uchastka ShInfa IssledUernogo Obraztsa) (Obtaining Electron Photomicrographs of a Given Area on Polished Specimens Being Studied] tr. bv B. Detrezvinskv. 9 Nov 61 1121p. (foreign text included) 7 refs. e-'EA Trans. no. R 1392. Order from OTS or SLA 51.60 62-13803 Trans. in French of Akad[emival Nauk SSSR. Otdelfenic) Tekb[nic~~~sldkh Metal - 1960, no. 3, P. DESCRIPTORS: *Electron microscopy, Photonlicrograph.%. 62-13803 I. Churaev, P. V. It. CEA-tr-R-13Q-9 -11. Cornmis~ariat d I'Pnergic Atornique (France) (111wsics-Optics, 7-17, %1. 10, zin, 8) Office of Tr~M?tf Services I Wballo-Ceramic Nbthod of Obtalmd Alloyed Ibldimp cc the ftsis of Iblybdemum, by A. V. Savin.- 7 pp. MWIAN, per.. A Ak n-le SM OTN "~t 1~~ so 0, pp ~- ~- m Imem/i Sol - asimt /0 jr, j a/ Sim (a PAdULIM VataUp LitbUm; by To F. Fewrovs P. 1. shmupwo 20 IV* MSMU,pr.p a IfIgIlLm. 1 0 21-4~ 6--Igw- qb~- 967OT44 ra Yicx.-953A / 6 - t5 9',6 3. SePt 6L '4- TAI 'I E-'- V t) IT-63-24271 Belasbchaukai D. K. PROPRIETHS ClNffrlqJES DES ALLLAGES DS 1. Be'--hcbenko, D. K. METAUX LIQWDES (Mucticbeside STCUM Wd-lich 17. CRA-tr-RI557 histaMcbeakith Splay" [Kinetic Properties oC M. Comndssarlat I Liqtdd MaW AUoywj Mme Bwderaff, M 24 Mar 62 I'gneroe Atomique. 119p] (RuadAva wu iwIw3eQ 14raft Parts (France) CRA Tram to. R 159 ' Order from OTS, SLA, or erc si. 6o Tr-63-2427i Tram. In F reach of Aka4emiyaLtiank SSSR. jotddes&Ti~~ Nadc]. I lili~Alya: ~~Muqoya I Toplival IM no.'6, -F- 39-93. DESCRIrMRS. *AUoys, *Uquid metals. Dynamics, Viscosity, Electrical condoctance, Resistance (BlectrICIA. biassed properties. 0400dumv, W. V. 11, nm 5) 0 T-W-1 S.-I-. 62-10208 Shmuk, E. 1. THERMODYNAMICS OF COAL FYRM OXIDATION. 1. Shmuk. E. 1. (19611 10p. (2 Ogs. omitted) 17 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-10208 Trans. of [Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Otdelente Tekhni- ch"Ifth Nauk. lzvestlya~ Metallurgiya I Toplivo, 1960. no. 6, p. 177-182. DESCRIFTORS: 'Coal, *Pyrites, Oxidation, Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. On the basis cd thermodynamic calculations, equilibrium constants and tree energies were obtained for the pyrite oxidation reaction in relation to changes In temperature. The heat effects of pyrite oxidation were calculated. It was established that an increase in pressure favors pyrite oxidation by oxygen of the a1r. (Author) offk. of T.Ch.4.1 5~i (Chemistry- -Physical. TT. v, 7, no. 9) Teurnin, 1. 1. hffiniODIK UND BESONDERE VERHALTNISSE BEIN1 ANLEGFN' ELASTISCHER SCUNINGUNCEN AN I%,=- I-ALLEGIEURNCLIQ (hiethadology and Spedal Con - didons an Applying Mastic Vibratlons toNletal Alloys). LIP. Order fmin 17113 $ 2. 00 Trans. in GcTmn OL-Akadeudya Nauk S, e-nia SaR-QtdA no. 1, P. DESCRIPTORS- *Vibration mechsniams6 Elagdcfty~ 01,jazals. *Alloys 62-27298 1. TeunAn. L L 11. Technische bdormariotm- bibliothe~ Hannover (West Cernuny) (hietallurgy, Tr. v. 9, no. 11) mks of lectakm Smi. COALESCENCE, SPHEROIDIZATION, AND HEALING OF MICROPORES AND MICROCRACKS IN IRON ALLOYS, BY E. N. POGREBNOY, 11 pp, RUSSIAN, PER., JZ AK NAUK SSSR, OTDEL TEKH NAUK, METAL I TOPLIVO: NO 11 196-1- 1~~. FTD-TT..62-519 SCI - MINERALS/METALS ii OCT 62 zlz)361 INFLUENCE OF ALLOYING ELEMENTS ON THE PROPERTIES OF STEEL, BY M. P. BRAUM, 19 PP. RUSSIAN., PER2 j.Z...AK-NlAUK..SSSR,.OTDEL TEKH NAUK., METAL I TOPLIVO, NO Lo 196 , P 6)~- 6678i~q p P 73. 1 FTD-TT-62-519 I % 1~ SCI -MINERALS/METALS 212,362 11 ocT 6z LOCAL PLASTIC DEFORMATION DURING BRITTLE DESTRUCTION OF C-OWERCIAL IRON, BY B. S. KASATKIN, 19 PP. RUSSIAN, PER,.I.Z,.AK.NAUK SSSRJ OTDEL TEKH NAUKj METAL 1,,TOP,LIVOj NO 1, 196t, PP LoS-116. 9678199 FTD-TT-6z-5iq % N. 1~ SCI - MINERALS/METAL 11 OCT 62 212.-363 Bu. of 14iner. cp-443-67 R--(94o-D 2 Feb 67 Properties and phase composition ol! alloys of boron with carbon By: 7,buravley, N - N Frcm: Izvestila, OtdelenJLye tekhn:L(!begkikb nauk, MetaalurgLya i toplivo, 1961 No 1, 133-141 9 PP Russian - est for wds: Please translate and type 1 saamm copy. Document can be cut. ori&tnal Sviw FecullaritLeo of the Reductiozi GA' iLard.-ncd Pellets From Southern Goncentrates by Gases, by G. V Gubins et al. RUSSIM, per, Tz Ak-Nauk SWR Otdel Tekh Nauk lp 1 ly 1pp t;,, IM 5181 $2-85 / 6, Aug 61 Me Ilse of VadlLoactive Radiation for Controlung TAID AdU Content of Coal, by V. D Gocroshko, B. P. mlkeu=Ov . EMMVp pow.. Ms ~ Ak Ivauk SM Obd Tekh Nauk M-va i TOPUV., No 1., 1961, PP 152-15T I" w 8850 mar Nikolay Wkhaylovich Xaxa-,,,ay:!v, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, pWL_;A_Ag_NWA SWR# Ctdel Tekh Nauk -`,~ -1 - Z -Iovo, so pp MI-18'.- ~ JPHS 4T23 USSR BIOS j%a 61 Vatural Gas in the. Reduction Reactions of Iron Ores in a Fluidized Bed,, by K. P. Lavrovakiy, A. L. Rowentall, A. Kho Eglit. RUSSUNy per, Iz Ak Nauk SSM, Otdei Tekh Nauk, M 5179 Sci - 63. 16 146 6 Haduatloa of Lead Looses in SlW 'by Llleotro- Mom-leal listho&s by A. N. ftmW=Wkly: et al. HMIUP per.. Zz AX SO= Otdal Tekh Nauk --9u- metal i Topuvo vol n. 1 3, rp 43-w.aL WL RM 2:08 BaL - m/m, Ineetrm 6,323 my 63 0( noetles or smanuan by Cutm am6adde Of F"O Lowd OxIft Omd to&& 03dde OastdxwaL in 811140*Ass IV L. G- DUVzki=s et a" RMUMs, VWF ire M ]I" am. O%del Taub Nauk. mfta I "Duvom Vdl 111 19"', 1%, k.- am ms ZIA9 &d . PWOp Mm :2.30, 6*~ YAW 463 AcUt MZbOut of M84P itt the 6944M UM-04de ZIM-03dde MUGal bv Z. F. 001"31takoya. RMW,p pw# Iz Ak Xauk SOMe OWL TOM Nm2k New I Topu"s an X-va-mrs-V 5-59. U& no 9150 a" - NJ" a 3 6 law 63 " 6, 1( ~- =timl Stages In the Plastic Dafb=atiou of Iran by V. E. Noduwvp 2. 1. ZloohmAmya. IWWIMj, perp Im Ak HIS& p Mal Tekh Saaa yAt9a i To x-19U.. 144II)o Vol Er pl) 6OZ3. NZ Pas In5ft got - WN 1197 6 Imst4pUan of the Wt RaIll of AlUntrdUR In Vaauin vmd 1n Air,, btr 1. IL Paxlavj, at al. WNZWS vw,-Zlg AL ~ Ob&&4-2cbh Rank a - not" I . To LT = $~Imw a W& no 9252 sa - WK low (S3 0361 4y 7 The Wreat ox Smal Degre" of Plestic an strain on Prope4ftw of VL6 M=dnlum A3.UW Idth Mffm-=t MmIll sizesp %V S. 1. mduwap 0. 0. xlkbam. mm=), pwp Iz ]bV* -RIAlftl TO& NWAk met" I TOjp6UTOp Val Up 19&J, VV75%;W-. M EL53 Sad - WX VAV 63 va MaternatIm ot Zopattles US ZAMO lb- ar"toMmttm of Antiumqo tV It. B. Tig&rcwich. RMSIANp pwp Is Ak Nmk SBORY/01491 W& No* Natma I i I A P ) -1 Td-.- M& R20 IM54 aft - WN Z.3 6, 6 3--' 9 A&W 63 Basic Steps ona Uwboal=%leal Platures of iAe Are Welding Froce"j, by A. A. Rmkbla. welmo Pwo U-M~~ I., ~3" RIM-4 Wffba I TODUVOO" va no lbap 0 77-82- Am WS IM55 Sa - X& -4) Aw 63 .2joj 6Xa P&WWU08 or XdVMW AUM in MUldted eystaft with A. AL smaria. SaUbI31tFs br A. A. VWrtftup BMUB.. p"', Xx -AkjbdLm mftal!t - -Mkl No* CVOs Vol 3Xj, AM AM 2X56 add - Wil mw 63 L.ZPO ,., 6 ~rl On the Mnatic Characteristics of lAquation, lacro-Inhomogemitiea in the Crystallization of Solid Solutionap by V. M. Gla,zav, Liu Men-yuanj, 13 PP. RUSSTM, per.. 3:z Ak IftwE mm, Ctdcl Tckh Mat i TOPIOVI no as 3-wis pp W-lur.- MP G-206 9092759 Sci oat 61 High Speed Nitriding by Induction Heating, 2 pp. RUSSIAIT, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, MIT. Meta ya No 2, 1961, pp 132-1 0. CIA/FDD X-X-1040 EUT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN IUMONALS Sci - Chem Sep 61 USIB INITEMNAL USE ONLY 14, 0L#oJI.) VtAlt:-L pp fd, ILI mup, Hypothesis on Universal Ejection Properties of Turbulent lets of Gas, and Its Application, by 0. V. Yakovlevskiy, 32 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk Metal I Toplivo, No 3, 1961, pp 40-54. 96911.44 DDC RSIC-108 Scl - Fuels & Prop Feb 64 250,737 JHE EFFECT OF,SMAL~ AD N THE SINTER NG 0 1 N ANDRYEVSKIY, 1. M. FEDORCHENKO. .-A. RUSSIAN, PER3 IZ AK NAUK SSSRp OTDEL TEKH NAUK., METALLURG I TOPLIVy NO 3p ig6is PP 50-54. NLL M- 3770 SCI MIN/METALS OCT 62 214,742 Cer-l-ain of Thervrall St-lrability ti Is7 Al~ R. !a-tA rr- N-0 , lllawL, Metal i TopiIV6 3, 1-961, pp 73- 76 DC-C TT-W23"2 Voloaldn. V. A.. VysotWmM A. L. Camsto. V. E., andUrazmakii. & & L VOkM"26 V. A. THE THERMODYNAhOCS OF CGICM lZur Tbormo- n. Vymtmksyk A. L Arom des Vex' mol. 119631 Itipi Stabi W. Gammica. V. IL C. E. Tram IV. Uzammakii, L L Ordar tram OTS. SLA. or RrC $1. 60 TT-63-23"2 V. CRTrams-2"7 Vi. coffird --- Tram. of AbWoW ya):Nmuk SSOL tOtdWWde Td&d-! oft""bg dwskikh Navkl. lW i,i*~ijCU*ddbmoyaj I Taytim 1"ll nl~ S; P, W1 4W Asother-y- -*nJlsM*Aa-Qmmft=TUS2.3& DEXR7MRS: wrbft-oftm-lm ocak% cmd. limt at fimumiak Boulff, colollwAgm. ""i& This suady detamdand dw buft of tomWm of do mud pmasu to me dwrod dwompo"m of a Ps cad amd its viusin. EktnW dauvAnsdom weA Mah bftddg--Fodm. TTI fr= measuremaMs of &a bgat Capefty ~4 JOW . It. W^ 4 . r&t=Vs. (AUdm) I !M t T-W-1 S-1-