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Aftershocks of Central Baykal Earthquake of 29 August 1959, L. A Misharima w - RUSSIAN per Geol; ya I Geohzika, No 2, 1961, pp 106-IfO. ' -,I.,,.. ACIC Scl- Earth Scl & Astron April 64 254,890 Volarovich, hl. P. THE INVES1`IGAT1U!; OF PHYSIOMECHANICAL ROCK PROPERTIES LNDER HIGH PRESSURES. 119611 9p. 0rJL1_ f1-01:1 Trans. of Goologiya i Cw~ofizika (LJSSR) 1961. no. 4 P. 13-21. DESCRIPTORS: *Rock, Pressure, Physical properties, Mechanical properties. 2 - i 21' i ; 7 1. Volir"vicn. M. 11. A -, 11 N 51, R M. Ass,,Cla%j_~ S,-- Oran".e' (EartbSclences- -Geology. TT. v. 7. no. 3) (Dv--6~9311 lbe Eff ect aE the Tungms:E 11-btem.-Ite Explosion on the Geomagaetic PleM., by G. F. P3.clduxnov, A. F. Kovalevskly., V. IC. Zhuxuvlev,, et al,, 9 -j7p. MSSIAR, per.. Goolor, I Geof:Lz, No 6, 1961, P-0 94-96. inn 116V Sci - Geopbys jan 62 Results of Exxploration of Terrestrial Crust in Southern Part of Western Siberian Low-l-and by the Method of Seismic Soundings, by Z. Kh. Telakova. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya i Geof Izika, No 7, 1961. ACIC TC-458 Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Sept 64 265,205 Brief and Preliminary Informations. Utilization of Special Points in Anomalous Profiles Za for Interpretations of Vertical Magnetic Measurement, by V. A. Lariorov. RUSSIAN, per, Geolugiya i Geoff", No 7, 19618 p_p 96-98. ACIC Sci-Phys April 64 254,883 Bibliography on Geology of Sibcwla Submitted to NOPNTB, Siberian Section Academy of Science. RUSSUN, per, Geologiya i Geollzika, No 7,1961, pp 106-114. ACIC TC-458c Sci - Earth Sri & Astron Sept 64 265R206 Geologic-Geophysical Estimate of Prospects for Deep Horizon Iron Ore Fields Based on the Example of Tashtagollsk Depaisits, by V. 1. Andreyev~ V. 1. Kurpin. RUSSIAN, per, Geologlya i Geoft:dka, No 8, 1961, pp 82-94 ACIC TC-44la Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Sept 64 266,438 RARATAYEIV, G. 1. (Geophysics) "PROjECT TY?FM W-NTLE, OF THF EFIRTIP To JPRS 30 Nov 61 under DC/66 for translation Geologiya i Geofizika, No 9, 1961.y PP 130-131 Di G/BU/BS Sbxhkw, F. 11L MAJOR TRENDS IN SCIENTIFIC MVES711GA71ONS IN IM AURIFEROUS DMTRIM OF SIBERIA (Oanovny fftpravled)w Dkucbnykh Issladovanii v Zolars oanykh Ralouakh Sibrill Paper read at an Interagency Confer- anc* an the Meta.1logeny at Gold In Western Siberia and Krasnoyarsk Territory, 26 Nov 60. Fab 64, 10P 23refs 0115" AG[$& 0Q, In humnadonal Geology Review vuL 6. no. 2 (p. 202:Yl 1) Trw~ qfRpplgQMj Gead2;Ma_0MR) 1961, no. 10. P. 89-101. - (17, Sciences- -Geology. TT, v. lZ no. 4) TT-64-l2B02-2(p. 202-211) 1. ShaUov, F. 1,L H. 71tle-. Metallogeny ... M. American Geological Inst., Washington. EX Q O"ic. f S-i... 7T-63-20733 Serbulenlm6 ?.C G. ON IME PROBLEM OF CONSTRUCTION AN OPT[MAL 1. Serbulenlm~ M. G. LINEAR FILTER FOR THE DIVISION OF POTFI~M&L FIELDS (K Voprosu o Postroenli OptImaI'nogD Lineinogo Operators. dlys Razdelenlys Plotentstal'nylth Polei). 119631 137pi (foreign text Included) 10refs Order from OTS. SLA or ETC $3.60 TT-63-2D735 Trans. of GNjWyLLGeo=IkL (USSR) 1961, no. 12. p. 80-94. (Abstract available) DESCRIFTORS: 'Geophysics, Gravity anomalies. Terrestrial magnetism. Functional analysis. *Numeri- cal methods and procedures. Integral transforms. Statistical functions, Operators (Matbematice). Potential theory. Based on the application of the distributors of the gravitational and magnetic potential to the Le class L2 ( __ -I -) it to shown that in the arol=on of Ofto ol Techdcml lwvkn (Engineering- -Satellite Vehicles, Tr, v. 11, no. 2) (over) Averko, E. M. GRAPHIC-ANALYTICA,L METHOD OF ANALYSIS AND I SYNTHESIS OF SEISMIC OSCILLATIO?, 11 Order from ATS $15.75 111 Trains. of Geolfogtyal I Geofizfika) (USSR) 1962, no. 1, P. 88_99. DESCRIPTORS: *Seismic waves, Oscillations, Analysis. Synthesis. 63- 1 -11M Averko, F. M. ATS- 4BP63R Agsociated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange, N. J. (Earth Sciences- -C--odesy, Tr% v. 9, no. 2) Ofte d Tachrks~ Serdm TRANSIENT EFFECTS IN AN ELECTRODYNAMIC J~IAMlepbt,h%~ID%Ipp.SEISMIC AMPLIFIER INPUT, .0 RUSSSIANp PER, GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKAp NO 5p 1962., PP 9o-96.'------ JPRS 17597 SCI - GEOPHYS FEB 63 222.,256 ELECTRICAL SOUNDING BY THE METHOD OF EXTRACTIO14 OF FIELDS, BY B. 1. MBINOVICH, N. G. KEZHUTIN, 15 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, NO 5, 1962, Pp io7-119. jpRs 17611 SCI - GEOPHYS FEB 63 223,450 63-12496 Budnlkc,,,, V. 1. THE RATIO OF FYRITE IRON TO ORGANIC CAfMON 1. Budnikov. V. 1. IN ROCKS AS AN INDICATOR OF SEDIMENTATION 11. ATS-06P65R CONDITIObS. 1196236p. III. Associated Technical Order from ATS $ 11. 00 ATS-06P6511 Services, Inc., East Orange, N. Trans. of.QSoILqgLyajj ika _QS2fIzL__J_(USS.xt) 1962, no. 6, p. 96-100. I AT5/4,7- DESCRIPTORS: *Sedimentary roa, h-%ck(Geology). I *Carbon compounds, Organiccompouno., 01ron, Pyrites4 (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, Y. 9, no. 5) Offre of Tecbskid Urtku charecteristim of VoIcanim and 8am suarlimputrorw, by v. a. sobo:,Lev,, 6 pp. Ib T, 3.962j, pp AGI In Geology Review, 1:7 v. 6, w. n,, pp i.953~wiq% Bcd Aug 6T 336*aft Thickness of Tertiary Deposits of Sakhalin Island in the Light of Geophysical Data, by P.M. Sychev. 14 pp. RUSSIM, per, Geologiya i Geofizika, No 7, 1962, OTS TT-63-27421 Sci/Earth Sci I M ay 67 326,774 Bulmasov. A. P. CONCERNING RELATION BETWEEN REGIONAL MAGNETIC ANOMALIES OF THE SIBERIAN PLAT- FORM AND THE BASALTIC LAYER OF THE EARTH'S CRUST (0 Svyazi Regional'nykh Magnitnykh Anomalit Sibirskoi Plarformy a Bazal'tovym Sloem Zemnot Kory) George Synenko, rr. Jul 63 [36p] 21refs ACIC TC-629. Order from OTS, SLA. or ETC $3.60 TT-63-24343 Trans. from [q!2LojijR fizitp] (USSR) 196Z _Lq~~ no. 7. DESCRIPTORS: 01.1thosphere. *Terrestrial magnetisin. *Basalt, 'Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geology, Siberia, TT'-63- 24343 1. Bulmasov, A. P. 11. ACIC TC-629 111. Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, St. Louis, Mo. (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. 11, no. 5) (over) offin Cj Yedmksl smial Mud Volcanoes of Southern Sakhalin-Probability of Their Being Connected With Oil and Gas Accumulations, by 1. "A. Siryk. 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya i Geofizika, No 7, 1962, pp 66-75. OTS TT-63-27420 Sci/Earth Sci May 67 3263770 THE SEISMICITY OF ALTAY, BY S. I., IvIASARSKIYJ, F. D. MOISEYENKO, 8 pp. RUSSIAN: PER: GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, NO 8, 1962, PP-10-34--~10- JPRS 17612 SCI - GEOPHYS FEB 63 223,451 CONFERENCE OF THE SIBERIAN TOPOGRAPHERS, BY D. A. R FIALKOVI 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, NO 8, 1962, PP 133-134. JPRS 16729 USSR GEOG DEC 62 218,477 Struntam of Eartb's Crust 1n the VbrLbawtem Region of the UM., as Obtained rmu Us (kaphyal"I fttap by K. X. M*Vcmbalkov,. IWBMW,r pw, 000- M-913% I aeomIft., lb 9'r 1962j, pp 200-105. A= fti - 0e00" za I z ,~ 11-3 Iftb 63 Levshunov, P. A. DISIRIBU'l-ION OF MAVY HYMOCARBONS IN DENSE (ARGILLAGEOUS) ROCKS. [196.31 5p. 0 rde r from ATS $ 7. 00 A M-R2Q67LL 'Frans. of Geolfogi)a i1 Geofizfikaj (USSR) 196Z no. 9. p. 122-12+.-- DESCRIPTORS: Distribution, *Hydrocarbons, *Rock (Geology). Clays. fi ~-17141 1, I-evshunov, P. A. 11. ATS-,2Q67R Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Last Orange. N. J. (Earth Sciences- -C--ology, TF. v. 10, no. 1) Office ef Techakal Servi"s Tr-"-2z56 Vimilvig. A. IL GROL,=: kasroalI L A- L PROKAW IN MLIMM"71CAL 'T 75a ~L = or PROKJOWL 9r. Ordw A7S UL SS ATS-6617511 UL AS"CMWW TschRIC&I swvim. 'a- Tr~. cc -~W-~~Jusw 1962, no. M East onmge. p. 34. awa Sam== --C-dw. 77~ v. 12, am. 4) Sam DELta. Concerning the Pbyaic:al Propcxitie3 of lUmberlitess by D. A. Savraeov. MSSIAII., per., P2,212gla i Geof a,, Fjo 22., 1962, pp "(9- W-. ACIC Sci-Pbwds I Sm, 065 M1030 s-424/63 Measuring Instruments for Two-Frequency Inauctive Electric Survey., by D. G. Levchetko) V. M. NOsov. (DC-8597) RUSSIAN, per, GeologiYa i Geofiz-.Lk No 1, 1963, pp 134-136. - Ma I *jots Sci - Earth Sci Apr 63 Pikovskii. Yu. 1. SOME SPECIFIC FRATIMES OF THE COMPOSMON OF NAnMAL GASES FROM LOWER CAMMIAN BEDS OF THE IRKUTSK AWWlTHF.ATER. [19641 10p Order from ATS $15. 50 ATS-47Q73A Trans. of Geol[oglyaj I Geolizlikal (USSR) 1963, no. 5, P. 59-67. IT-64-12670 1. Pikovskil, Yu. 1. 11. A7S-47Q73R 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. 1. (Earth Sdencem-Geoloa. TT, v. 11, no. M I Office of Tochnl~l 5-1." Vasflctdw~ V. L and Vartamma, N. S. AGE DEFFEREN71AMON OF GRAPOTIC ROCKS BY IRE MERMOLUMMSCENCE MWMOD. 16p. Order from ATS $19.65 ATS-05R7,SR Trans. at qggLc~d3ml I Gonfizrikal-(IJSSR) 1963. no. 7. p. 17-31. Tr-64-22264 L VasLlanbD, V. L IL Varmnova, K S. III. ATS-MR75R IV. Associated Technical services. hw- I East Orange, N. (Earth Sclences--G"off, TT, v. 12, no. 4) COM- f T..h.k.f S.-J.- On the Genesis of Metacolloid 1,linerals, by D.F. Korolev. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya i Geofizika, No. 8, 1963, pp 82-88 NRC/C-5374 Sci - Aug 67 335-636 GODOVIKOV, A.A. and SAKHAROVA, M.S. Interpretatii the chemical analyses of sulphides and similar minerals. .Geologiya Geofiz.Novosibirsk (8):89-94 (1963) (CRL/D. ! THE CALCULATION OF PLUMB-LINE DEFLECTIONS ON THEBASIS OF GRAVITY ANOMALIES BY V. G KOU40GROV, 12 PP. RUSSIAN, PERO GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, NO 8, AUG 1963, Pp ioo-i-o-6-. jpRs 21648 SCI-EARTHI SCI AND ASTRON OCT-63 24o.561 A STUDY OF THE CONDUCTIVITY OF ROCKS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES., BY U. 1. MOISEYENKO, V YE ISTOMIN, 6 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, GEOL I GEOFIZ, NO 81 1963, PP 106-109- JPRS 21649 SCI-EAR SCI &- ASTRON NOv.63 24o,689 A 'lleory of Interpreting Islolated Seismic Observations, by N. N. Puzyrev, 21 pp. RUSSL4N, per, Geol i No 9, 196111, pp 66-82. (TaMe of Contents) JPFtS 23134 Scl-Ear Scl Feb 64 248,453 On the Possibility of Mapping Altay by a Seismic Method, by RUWIAN,, per, Geol I Geof No (Table of co;An~~~ Sci-Ear Sci Feb 64 Paleozojc Deposits In the Rudnyy 1. P. Mikheley , 13 pp. 9, 1963, pp 83-92. JP&S 23134 248,454 Experience in AplAication of g-Froquency Seismic Surveys Re- nected Wave Method for Investigations of Wedge-Our Zones in the SOUthern Part Of the West Siberiart Lowlands, by B'. A~ Kanareykin, 13 pp. RLWIAN, per, qMl i Geof, No 9, 1963, pp 93-101. (Table of Contents) JPRS 23134 Sci-Rar Sci Feb 64 248,455 Structure of the Earth's Crust In Siberia and the Far East According To Data of Regional Geophyideal Investigations, by E. R. Fotlady, G. 1. Karatayev, 26 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Geologlya i Geofizlka No 10, 1963, pp 5-19. JPRS 23133 Sci-Ear Scl Feb 64 248,452 -W-c-alation of the Effect of Refractive Boundary Curvature When Interpreting Seismic Sounding Data, by S. V. Krylov, N. N. Puzyrev, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geolog i Geofiz, No 11, 1963, pp 3-17. JPRS 23759 Sci-Har Sci Mar 64 252,154 Ti-eatilli, rent Grap. )y tile by G. ~' v. IVactiov. 12 lip. por, GeolLl~j ",a J. cloofizij,,, !:u 11 .......... .......... PP 114-121. 120466 FMI-IT-65-1902 Sci/Spacc Teciniology Sev 66 509,S92 Determining the Epicenters of Distant Earthquakes by Polar and Sliding Rectilinear Epicentrals, by A. A. Treskov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geolog I Geofiz., No 11, 1963, pp 128-131. JTPRS 23770 Sci-Ear Sci Mar 64 252,153 Registration of PS Waves in the: Baykal Region, by S. I. Golenetsidy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geol I Geof, No .11, 1963, pp 132-134. JTPRS 23771 - Sci - Ear Sci Mar 64 253,019 .t7 , I) 1/'~' TeHurle JLBays and Disturbanoes, 20 pp5,~ RUSSIAN, per, 9SO-Uppof, No 12, 19637) 1-10 IN -,112 1/1 JPRS 24049 Sci - Ear Sci Apr 64 254,438 Intrusive Complexes of the Kurayskaya Ore Zone Gornyy Altay, by V. A. Skurldin, 22 pp. RUSSLAN, per, ~~i~GeQfJZ~-No 2, 1964, pp 48-62. JTPRS 25406 Sci - ES & Astron Jul 63 263,255 Stageso of Hydrothermal Mineralization and Genesis of Molybdenum and Tungsten Deposits in the Dzhida Ore Zone, by G. 1. Tugovik, 19 pp. RUSSLAN, per.. Geolog i Geoftz. No 2, 1964, pp 93-luq. JPRS 25416 Sci - ES & Astron Jul 64 263,256 Use of Equidistance Curves of Remote Stations in the Graphic Determination of the Hypocenter of an Earthquake, by R. Z. Tarakanov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN per, G fiz No 2# pp 2125-129. R~ ~eo 1964, JPRS 25406 Sd. - ES & Astron Sul 64 263,237 On Volumetric Correlations of the Liquid and Solid Phases in the Formation of Salt Deposits, by V. I. Kopnin. MJSSIAN, per, Geologiya i Geofizika, No 5, 1964., PP 32-37- siA TT-66-lo33.8 Sci-E Sci Sept 66 310,391 TT-65-14215 Field SG Voronin, Yu. A.; Gol6imi. N. A. A SIMPLIFIED PLAN FOR MATHEMATICO-LOGICAL CLASRFICATION OF GEOLOGICAL ENTITIES. 7p, 6refs. Order from SLA: ~1.10 :16 TT-65-14219 Tr:ms. of Geologiya i Geofizika (USSli) n9 p95-9 1964 On the Estimation of Regional Corrections to the Median Hodograph, by 0. F. Berezhnova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya i geofizika, No 9, September 1964, pp 112-115. JPRS 28403 Sci-Ear Sci & Astron Feb 65 273,869 TT-65-14217 Field BG Voranin, Yu. A.; Goldina, N. A. EXAMPLES OF CONSTRUCTION OF DETERIMINISTIC BASES FOR GEOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS IN CAL- CULATIONS. 13p, 5refs. Order from SLA: SI.60 as TT-65-14217 Trans. of Geologiya I GeGfizika (USSR) n10 p104-12 1964. Alit 676 Correlation Scheme for Linear Preaiction of Crustal Structure and Composition From Gravitational and Magnetic Anomalies, by G. 1. Khrataev. "". RUSSLAII) per Geologiya i Geofizilm, No 10, 1964, PP 33-4�. siA TT-66-lo3o6 Sci-E Sci Sept 66 310,431 raeoW.Amm-etle r1old ln the Mwe Zme of a Hoi-l- twhal Low-PrequamW Mactrical Dipole for a Thr"-Loom Vfeftvll~p by V, I* AIXUVyevp 8 Vp BJB=f,, Vert 9000913ra 1 GeoflAdm. no 31,P NOV Ov RP Via-153 JFFZ 29676 us" Scl4llectrmics Apr b5 279s035 Vs-o-oT-tluo vietkod of ~Tanvents hiilo Interpreting /Jj Curves Over the Vertical Terrace, by Yu. A. Pavlov. RUZMAN, per, Geoogiya i Geofizah-a. No 120 pp 109-113. ACIC Sci/Eartjl Aci 1,lay- 65 NCH-202 971 Field 8G, 7A Bliznicheaka, S. I.. Krastion, L. Ya. SPORES AND POLLEN IN CRUDE OILS OF THE WEST SIBERIAN LOWLAND. 1965, 8p. ATS-55S87R. Order from ATS: $3-2.45 as ATS-55S87R Associated Technical Services, Inc., East OraW, N. J. Trans. of Geologiyu I Geoftzika (USSR) n12 p116-9 1964. 02e Ust' D= = the Ixtvab Rivwv, 25 pp. RUWIM,, BK; Ceolooya I Plotir~y, 1959., pp 151-165. ?6 '~e3 a elo Acsi i-326.s n) 224-4426 USSR aeog .2 d1,541 0.2 2- SOL - Math Sai & Ast Dee 63 iR/76-6i Geology and nlnw*2s of the Jasarlkov Scanoodc Regionp by 3. F. Baukhmmkiyj, I N. V. Logvinanko,, IRMSIMO bk# Geologlya I PolaimM Iskopay*vne Ow"kawskogo --kw ftyamp 1960S 164 pp. *jIms 17 ikuki The Geological Structure of th:~a Northern Diatricts of Siberia,, by V. A. Obruchev, 18 pp. bh, RUSSIANO pm,, Geologiya i Polemnye XBkel?a Severa WSRs Vol7rs-W-ol-;"13r,;--"-4;- q; 76 - 21. CIA/FDD/X-:�W USSR Geographic : Uophysics Scientif IC Jul 55 CTS Surface Structure and the Basic Geomorphological Peculiarities of the Northern Districts of the USSR,p by Ya, Be Edellshtein., 6 pp. RUSSMj, bk,, Geol i Polezny,e Iskopaemye Bev SSSR., Vol L., Geol,, CIA/FM/X-1734 ,3 USSR Geographic - Geophysics - Jul 55 CTS I ,, Geology of Qio Occurrence of Rare Elommcnts. L I RUSSIAN., bir-, Geologigra 1~ storo,,-hdcni-i 'RQ1,111-h - le lementov. *~B Sci - Jul 61 u Certain T,,%rpes of Benjllium Deposit~;, by A. I. Gi:-izber--,. A. A. Bem~,. A. si-~Idrl, P. zalbolotrwya, M. NOVI'mi-va, p 4;ci Min/Illetals Au6 Rew Data of Rare Element MineriLlogy, by A. Ginzburg, N. N. Malyshchev. RUSSIAN, bk, Gfteo1j2o&j3M-jkaj2K2i,.hden:Li Redkikh- Zalame,p-~ov, No 9, igbi. *CB Sci - Yftn/Met YaY 62 M)c 3rd Quarter 1962 per Memo Apr 62 A S-njDY OF GASES bi-650LVED IN FORIMATiON WATERS OF -ME FERGANA FIELDS. [196UI 6p. Order from ATS $9.45 ATS-SOM45R i~a: Ncm i Gn,-a (USSR) 114,0. N, 4 no. 4. P. 47- 01 i. !NULJral ias--'- um 2. Gases - -SoIA-iliv, 3. F~els--USSR I Narizluia,a. V. Ye. It ATS-SON14rR 111 Assrwiated Technical Services Inc.. East Orange. J. - -;;y P0 6 (Earth Scicn,:es--Geolog~, TT. v. 5. no. 7) Gabriely-an, A. G., Kotel'nlkDv, V. M., and Lavrenr'eva, V. S. THE CHARACTERISrCS OF CARBONIFEROUS CAR- BONATE RESERVOIRS IN TME STALINGRAD DIS- TRICT. 119611 8p. Order from ATS $13.30 ATS-72NSSR TranB. of #Geollogiyaj Neftl I Gaza (USSR) 1961, v. 5, no. 3, p. 29-34. DESCRIPMRS: *Carbonates, *Hydraulic reservoirs. Geology, USSR- 62-12116 1. Gabrielyan, A. G. 11. Kotel'nilwv, V. M. Ill. Lavreat'eva, V. S. IV. AIS-72NSSR V. ABsoclated Tecludcal Services. Inc., East Orange, N. J. (Earth Sciencea- -Geology, 7r, v. 7. no. 4) London, E. F_ , Zor'kin, L. M , and Vasil'ev, V. G. P?JMCIPLES OF EVALUATING GAS-BEARING 1. PROSPECTS FRM THE COMPOSMON AND U. PRESSURE OF GASES DISSOLVED IN SUBSURFACE IU. WATERS. 11961] 7p. IV. Order from ATS $1& 00 AIS-37NSSR V. Trans. or Ocaollogiyal Nefd L Gan (USSR) 1961, v. no. 3. p. 35-40. DESCRIPIMRS: *Geophysical prospecting, Gas". ONarural gas. Sources, Pressure, Hydrology. Water, Chemical amalyals. 62- 12D99 Landon. E. E. Zor'kin, L 14 Va&U'ev. V. G. ATS-37NS5R Associsied Technical Services. 1=. East Orw4e, X (Earth Sciences- - Geoloa, IT, v. 7, rxx 3) OM-1 T-_61..1 S.M... Velikovskii, A. S. VARIOUS TYPES OF CRUDE OILS AND POSSIBLE CAUSES OF THEIR FORMATION. [196317p. Order from ATS $12.50 ATS-90Q6611 Trans. of 4fGwIjogiya] Nefti i Gaza (USSR) 1961, v. S. no. 1, p. 29~34-.---_ DESCRIPTORS: sPetroleum. Geology. 63-12a35 1. Velikovskii. A. S. 11. ATS-90Q66R M. Asgociated Technical Services, Inc.. Fast Orange, N. J. -r:'~ '~! -- -'-, - (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. 9, no. 8) offim 01 Tedweal strlkft Anialmov, K. P. and Anisimovs, bL V. POROSITY OF CARBONATE RESERVOIRS . 119611 2p- Order f AfS $4. SS ATS-7lN55R 7nm. of #Gwl[ogtyal Neftl i Gaza (LISSR) 1961. v. 5. no. 4, p. 38-39. DESCRIPTORS: *Carbonates, *Hydraac resertmirs, Porosity. USSR- 62-1.2104 1. Aniatmov. K. P. U. Anisimova, M. V. III. ATS-7LN55R IV. AsmocLated Technical Servicea. 1w.. East Orange. N. J. 'Earth Sclewex--GoolM. TT, v. 7. no. 4) om-.f T-AW-1 S-vi- LevzhunDv, P. A. DETERMINATION OF THE RELATIVE OIL AND GAS SATURATION OF A FORMATION FROM MUD LA)GS. 119611 4p. Order from ATS $6.25 ATS-38N55R Trans. of 4Geolloglyal Nefti i Gaza (USSR) 1961. v. 5, no. 4. p. 46--43._ DESCRI1717ORS. *Geophysical prospecting. PeLmleurn, Natural pp. *Well logging. 62-12100 1. Levshunov, P. A. U. ATS-38N55R III. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange. N. (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT. v. 7, no. 3) Offic..f Toch.1c.J Gusakov, N. D. DETERMINATION OF THE PRODUCTIVIIY OF LOW- RESISTIVITY SANDY RESERVOIR ROCKS. 1196113p. Order from AM $5. 00 ATS-39N55R Trans., of 4 ljo&!yaj Neftl I Gaza (LISSR) '961, v. S. no. 4. p. 4.5-45. DESCRIPTORS- Hydraulic reservoirs, *Rock, Petro- leum, Production. Geology. 62-12101 1. Gusakov. N. D. 11. AIS-39N55R Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange. N. (Earth Sciences - - Geology, TT, v. 7, no. 4) Offic..f T-61-1 S-1... (SF-1946) On the Prospects of Super Deep rrilling, by Yu. M VaiAl 'yev-, bl.MCharygin, 5 PP RMSIAN, per, If ri Gea, flo 41 1961, pp 123-127. im lo626 Sai - Fuels nm,- 61 MinakU, N. A. and SWov. M. X M ORIGIN OF 11MMINOUS MATTER IN IN- TRUSIVE ROCKS. [1961] 6p. Order from ATS $10. 30 ATS-79M3R Trana. of fGaoliq0yal Ned I g!"JUSSR) 1961. Y. 5, no. 0, P. x)-b4L DESCRIPTORS: *Rock, *Bitumens, Sources. 62-12107 1. Minabl, X A. a. saidov, m. K M. ATS-79MSR IV. Assmixted Tochnical Services. Inc.' East Orange, X (Earth Sciences- -GeWogy, TT, v. 7. um 3) OM.. of Tock.1-1 Swk.. Anpilogov, A. P. and Orlov, L. 1. INTER.PRFTATION OF FIELD GEOPHYSICAL MATE- RIAL FROM THE DATA OF A STUDY OF PRE- SERVED CORES. 1196115p. Order from ATS $7. 80 ATS-02N56R Trans. of #Geologlya Nefti i Gaza (LISSR) 1961, v. .5. no. 6. p. 46-50. DESCRIPTORS: *Geophysical prospecting, LISSR. 62-12110 1. Anpilogov, A. P. 11. Orlov, L. 1. III. A1S-02N56R IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. (Earth Scienceig- -Geology. TT, v. 7. no. 4) Bartnitskaym6 V. hL PROGMM FOR SMDYM 7M RESERVOIR ]PROPERMS OF FRACIUUW ROCK FROM CORES [1962] 5p. Ckiler from AIS S& 25 AlS-IIF61-R Trms. (it Geoqogiyal Wfi i G= (USSR) 1961. v. 5. no. 14 p. 41-43. DESC:RUqMS- *'Well drMM *RoA, Samphng. 62-22129 1. Hartaitskaya. V. K U. AIS-11MIR IU - Assaciated TechWcal Services. bw-. East OranM N. J- A 7751Rr-~3 2 2 (B-th Scietices. IT. v- 8, - ') I ONk..# TwbWk.J &.4. Sb" ova, R T., Tmysk A. P., and Nektams. K IL A SrUDY OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN SLMSURFACE WATHRE, [1962] $p* Ordar froin AIS $4.25 A7S-28F&)R 7yaw. of #G-qogiy* NsW I Go- (UWR) 1961, V. 5, no. 11, P. 50-51. DESCRIFIMSt *Hydrology, Water. Chemical analysis. ~Orpntc wids, Adds. 62-17290 1. Shabs ova, K T. U. Tuayak. A. P. W . Nsictarova, K & IV. ATS-23F6OR V. Associated Technical SWTICSS. IDC. . East Orangs, N. 1; A'T 5 - C I - "~ ~' -z-1111. ~ (Chemlstry-AnalyticaL TT. v. 8, m 2) Offi- f Tchl"l S.Mc.. Pokrovskaya, G. N. and Kalabin, Yu. Ya. DYNAN41C POROSITY AND ITS POSSIBLE UTILIZA- TION IN CC%IPUTATIONS OF OIL RESERVES. [19621 10p. Order from ATS $12.75 ATS-02P63R Trans. of ttGeol[oglyaj Neftl I Gaza (USSR) 1962, v. 6, no. 4. p. 46 - 5 1. DESCRIPTORS:- *Geophysical prospecting, OPerroleurn, Oil$, Porosity. (Earth Sciences-Geology. TT, v. 9, no. 1) 1. Pokrovskaya 11. Kalabin. Yu: YI. Ill. ATS-(12P63R IV, Associated Technical %ervices, Inc,. East Orange, N. J. Pr-L.-atry ..Ii~,,Tatioll of (41, by J-%. .,. -~or, lr~eol. 'ofti i f*,-.,,za VtJ V1, - .- - .1 - - 12 - -- ---- --a . -,.u 11, IC)bJ, op 5-2-54, 3ci-!;ai- Sci Ap,r 67 .321,~61 B. P. Yasenev. .,~ew Data on Direct Geochemical 1.'Iethods for the ExDloratuion of Oil and Gas Deposits. RUSSIAN, per, GeoloGiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol L"" No 1p; !962, PP 54-5 - N7C 72-i4056-08D Nov 72 V. F. Nikonov Analysis of Heavy Hydrocarbon Distribution as a Tool in Predicting the Occurrence of Oil and Gas Deposits. RUSSIAII, per, Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol 7, No 7, 1963, pp 25-29. NTC 72-13639-OBD Nov 72 KosygLn. Yu. A. 1r-64-1.25U-4 (p. 349-370) THE POSMCIN OF GEOLOGY AMONG THE SCIENCES' 1. Koaygin. YtL A. AND 7ME PRWEPAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN U. Department of Scientific GEOLOGY. Apr 64, 22p 13refe and InduBurial Research, Order frott MiSO $0.77, $9.86/year tji NLL Loodan (England) Tranalations Bulletin. 1964. v. 6. no. 4 (p6 349-370) Tram. of 229LoAya i Geq0zWA PJSSR) 1963, no. 8, p. 3-12. " (Earth Scieno=--Geulogy. 7r. Y. 12, no. Gecaogua jwti I Gem, Vol To ND 11,, 1963- FulI tr by PGt3rO1O= Q8O1OWr Available at IF S*r1a2A /- ~;-- ~~ , '~/ -; J'~ -j 'I )~' :11 Z' - _,. fl- I - My 69 G803-OgUa *bfti i Gam, VOI T, JIO 22, 3.963. ftn tr by, Potmiem mxdow Available at, W serials ,(,' -1-, 1 -t 7 - --' -4 k / , I- Wq 69 Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, vol 8, No 2, 1964. Ful.1 tr by Petroleum Geology Available at Ly S fl~ rials Aug 69 Geologiya Defti i Gaza, vol 8, 14o 4, 1964. Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available at Ly Serials Dee 6a, Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol 3, No 5, 1964. RL11 t-" by Petroleum GeoloQ7 Available at Ly Serials jan 'IQ Probable Quantities of E~rdrocarbons Emitted in the Process of Carbon'~zation of Buried Organic Matter... by A. K. Neximov. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya Refti 1. Gaza, Vol 8., No 12, 1964, ~P ~1-2~3 - m TT-66-lo297 Sci-E Sci Sept 66 310090 I 16 ~ Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol 8, No 6, iisWq Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available at Ly Serials Jan 70 RJ-5743 EXPERIENCE IN PHOTOGRAPHING WELL WAIIS IN CARBONATE ROCKS, A. R. Kinzikeev, Geol. Nefti i Gaza 1964, No. 7, 38-41. Distribution 6-fjZr-6sft--YW-ff6ctures detd. from analysis of photos. Z650 W; I T; I F; 16 R $12.25 ($2.SO) Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol 8, No 8, 1964. Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available at Ly Serials July 70 Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol 8, 11o 9, 1964 pp 479-540 Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available from Ly Serials August 70 Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol 8, No 10, 1,064. Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available Ly Serials Oct 70 Geologiya Neftii Gaza, Vol 8, No 11, 1964. Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available Ly Serials Dee 70 Ye. A. RoCozina Problem of the Gaseous Phase of OrCaznic Matter in Rocks. - IMSSLM, per, Geologiya Ilefti L Gaza, Vol 6, 64, pp 51-55- -.-. - - - ITO 11) 196 NTC 72-14,057-08G Nov 72 Geologiya Nefti i Gaza., Vol 8, No 12, 1964. Full tr by Petroleum Geology Available Ly Serials O$L 4 77-4 4 - / oA -p5- 1~,o jr e~ -j 4 , Jan 71 Radioactive Metliods, by V.G. Vasillev, 25 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiva Neftii: spravochnik Vol, 3, pp. 406-431, 1964 *CFSTI TT 70-50066 Sci/nuclear sci Jan 70 401,256 Sedimentation in Central and Northemn Parts of the Indian Ocean, by P, L. Bezrukov. mwrms rpto 2!2129M Ens Okeampry I Morey,, moscows 1964, 13p 41-51. - *Dept of Navy BW Trans 512 Sai/Sar Sci Aug 710