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Change in Nucloo Protein Content in Plants Upon Vegetative RybrIdizattom, by 0. 1. Semenclakop UNCIAMIMM WWI"$, pwq Bloulmlymp Val xvn * No 6, Mm/Dec 1952j, Vp 6554n.--- um Scientific -~~ Doe 1954 CMS '1011,77 Khesin, R. V. RATE OF EXCHANGE OF PHOSPHORUS OF THE RIBONUCLEIC ACV) OF 1HE SrRUCrLTRAL ELE- MEWS OF CrMFLASM WRING DIFFERENr PHYSIOLOGICAL SrATES [Skorost'Obmena Foafora Ribonukleicovot Kisloty St:rukturuykh Elementov Taltoplazmy pri RazUchnykh Fixiologicbesldkh SoatoyamysM] tr. by Zelda D. Knowles. I July 53. 33p. (I fig. omitted) 31 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $3.60 61-28102 Trans. of Blokhlm1yjjUSSR) 1952, v. 17, no. 6, p. 664-6757-- Anodwr trans. Is available from SLA an RT-127. DESCRWMRS: *Phosphorus. *Nucleic acids, *Chromosomes, *Cells (Biology), Exchnp reactions, Secretion, Protelus, Embryos, Nuclei (Biology). (Biological Sciences-Blochemistry. TT. Y. 7. no. 1) (over) 61-28102 1. Khesin, R. V. 11. National Institutea of Health, Bethesda, Md. Office of Tochalcof Sm-i-s ,1~ ths. gature of the Chan&n of ribrinoomn into lbriz., by V. A. IL-3.itser,, E~ L. nodcrova. -~83- ..USSIAN., per# Bickhlmlyao Vol XV3:lp 1952, pp 676 Nova Scotia Ito 217 i;cjentif ic - 149diciwj, bioebemsiatwy Aug 53 CM e-1 7 914 VItUdu Actvity of Catechim FrM Tea TAM08j, by A. L. Owwwwtp at al. wta wwrm, PW, AA&dftvl" Vol xms ib 6,p 19528 calw sel - chm ts;l Jm 62 The State ct Glycogen in the Liver, by A. M. Gennu.9 8 pp. RUSSIMp bimo perp-BIqkWm Val )=., No 1,. 1953; pp 7-21. Sci Trans Center BT-2740 Scientific - Biology am 73/Dec 55 OV/ 4?s 29 1-1 : %I- I UCRL-Trans-10545 UncL QUANTITATIVE EMISSION--ANALYSIS OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN NERVE-CELL NUCLEI. Voinar, A. 0. Translated by M. R. Blau for Univ. of California, Lawrence Radiation Lab., Livermore, from Blokhimiya; 18: No. 1. 29-33(1953). 11p. blomed. translations NO-48 P RC Unlimited SWy _gf the Q=Iitatlv* Bwullarities odr Moll* 024moSene to Rabbits Oxrforlog From Jkli~"u ~Ubetesj, by B. L. Posenfellas B. 6. P*Bbm".v 10 pp. RUMUN, per.. Blolftlalla, Vol )Mn. Xo 1,, pp 5 1 -5 5 6---- z 0#1 Tv Oenter W-X"O Scleatitic - Mology Jkr 55 CTS ly 4-2 y4 0(01 The meluence oz the Excitatim of the Central Nermw 13yeten Upon Certain Primesses in the UstaboUss ar,14rous.110 In the Vascular vans aW In the Suprareml Glandop by k. M. Utevulwo, Vol ]1FMv 1953s ,pp Sol - Mal viol ftp 59 Partialpation Or cwnttlzw in certain Biochemical Processes and Content Thereof In Mw Mkwc]Aa of Various Anl=IA# 'by Pe No Garkawl.. MM EMIU,, par# 31 Vol XVLLIp No 3# 1953p vp 302- - CM-5722 Sol - SLOI Sep Concerning the Reversible He&t Denaturation of Berm Albumin, by K. 1. Stmeldatkiy, K. P. Fvfurova, A. Ye. Ourvidi, 13 PP. RMBW, W., I XVM, _*d3kbJ-Jya# Vo. 1953, tr I - MA 60-iftIL8 Bel Jgw, 0,42- Feb 62 VbI 4, so 9 (FDD 20IGg) Comeralons of Pho*hocreatlno in I.-he Dmin Ticaue of Ratsj, by L. A. Toeitlin., 8 pp. RWSIMP bimp qrj Mokhtm., Vol MIIP 170 3,, Ilwcov/ Leniuarad, dZy- Mum 3.953, PP 3U-314 CIA/F=/U-5789 sci - Had Apr 54 CM f V --~ .1 C jLk Licncndinz U itamln the Rati-c-a c"f' POI~c A. "i Tru b1 POr., Dickh'my Vol :0-M-* 140 351-353. 110 LS Syntheuis of Cellalose in Cotton Fiber, by A. L. Knrsanovo E.. 14. VIskrOventsevaj, 2.1 p-p. RMSIAE,, perp BloXhimp Vol XVIIIj, VO 4p 19153, PP 448451- NIH Sci=tific - Chemistry Dec 53 CW/M if--I.:~-7 v I The Theor7 of the Processes of Amino-Acid Excbang* Catalyzed by Pyridoxal. Enzymes., by A. H. Braunshteiu* M.- Me Shenjukin, 54 pp. bimo "WSUNI/pari, BlokhImo Vol XVZ[lp No 41 1953p pp 393-41r----~ NIM Scientif ic - Chemistry CTS/D!&X / 71 i~90 Formation of AW3zse by.Cytoplaiim1c Isolated From the Celle of tba Pancreao., br R-.B- Khemins, 31 PP. RUSSUR, per, Bib4h4MjZ~,. Vol XVIII., Ho h.. J;A/Auw 19539 Pp-74-62-474 CIA 197102 BcS. Diolou Aug 1956 -7,r of Protein vith nwleosidophosphoi7laae ~.nd Transpentosidase Activities# b.,r G. A. Kritskiy,, S. S. blelik-Barkisian, 13 PP. M per Biolchim,, Vol XVM, No 4j, 1953., C-cleatific Chemistry Dec 53 CTB/= f Z16 A Xi'tlx~d f 'rxthe Dete ;0t'bqt%llCes in Plants,, by A. R. Guseva,, kiw~j 3 RUWIATI per, B1.6khimiya., Vol XV111; No 4s 195V, pp It 60:4 63 - 't, *V--? OK Rx Co:W Tr Bch go 108 Ll 12s. Oa. 0d.) /~- /-~ ~ 7 0 -5 scier-tifit - Biolory May 55 Mn Phosphftlsto Carbftdrate CooManda In th& Wbite .(pre"t) mg B" (r&g) Muca" of the ihn, and TheIr lbtabolUms by N* Vo Alokoakhinal 23 PP- RMIMs, Pwo Vol-XVIIIs 1933s PR 513- 5210 1 . Bet Um Lib 56/1148 ftl & W*2oap eb4mlstx7 .5 f, J/ YX/ "'he 0 Laining b .nnd Certcin Propertles of TV rtar,phor-rutu ii-,e of ADP frum Manclesp by A. d llo~ellnikova, 23 Pv. .x lZUESDIElp I-x--rv 2loXhimlTu,,, fol. WVIIIj go 51 1953s pp 522-530 - - ------- Hill ~-jen4,jf JC C'mrbohydrate-Phosphorm Exchange of Muselea ir the Process of Chick Outogeneoic and the Signit U, f icance of Caraosine and Anscrine for Processc of' Yhomphorylation, by R. 1. Skvortco%,P-,, -222 RIBSZW., bimo per., Blokhin, Vol XVu .9 Ito 5, 1953j, pp 594-602. NO Sclembific - Biology Nov 54 ms / ~, 51 (.- 0-1 T~q T al-al Cortz,,,in Dat'a W.stribation,# by It. h.- Andru-'MM-1; 71 13 PD. MTOUMUMD RUSSIAH, per, BiokhivLlvm, Vol XV111, Ro 5p 1953 p PP 571-575- Scientific - Chamf trY Synthesis o2 Gl~rcoaldic Bords Uader P~mswv(u j by 3 , Ye , Brealer, S. Yti. Frmkol RM-37M. per, Blokhimiyaj 1953, Vol Mill No 61 pp SUA 59-20356 Oct mo 6o ;z a';z Vol 2, No 102 Conversions of Beta-Alanine In lm:dm~e Tissue ar Rat Kldneyaj by K. r. Sary cbev, 14 pp. RUSSIAN.. per, Mokhtmiya.. Vol XVIII.. No 6, 1953j, pp 696-7wo- NIH Scientific Biology Dec 1954 CM 21P015 Biochemical Changes in Muscle- After Its Denervation and Tenectomy and at the Inter- growth In It of Nerve Fibere,, by No As 4adayevs No I. Smiruov# P. 0. Pazina, 1q. No Dobbdrt, 18 pp. RMIANO WS BiokbiziVRO Vol XVIII, No 6# 1953) pp'732-73~r"~~ NM scientific - Biology$ ChOMUMFY 21,,o16 Dec 1954 MIS The Ads*rptiou Pbotoostric Ylethod for Determining Thisidne (Vitamin Bl)p by Ao S. Vacher., 0. B. FOBOW, jor,, 246uh4loya voi xvin, No 6,9 1953., PP 743-71&T. CIL D i~Mws NM SclentIfIc Chudstry -I /Ao ors 66/iftr 1955 OKI Use of the Chrountograpby Method on IFIlter Paper for Study of Phosphorus Compounds# bar IA. Opealsks- allau4j, 11 pp. RVSSIN# pars 3 a Val ]M=j, NO 6,P 19530 -- . -- AWID")313541,1218W" w4m scientific - OwdAtr;F 4--)l OAX/ fol aes 656/Yar 3.955 ol, storage cr Enzymuc Preparations of Amino-Acid Im-carboxyUwes,* by Ro N. ftingof . B. M. Rlina,, 6 pp. KOOSUN, per,, Blokbinlya, Vol XIX,, No lp 1954,, pp 1., 2. Sal Trans center BT-3369 Sclentifte - MwW try Apr 56 Separation of Alpha- and Beta-Cx7stallineq Proteins of the Crysta.32ine Leasy by V. N. Orekhovichp K. F. Firfarovaj, M. P. Chernikovp 12 pp. RUSSTAN,, bimo per,, Bidkh Vol xIxv no 1j, 1954, pp 45-49. Sci - Chemistry CTS 70/Jul 55 W the Retvare of Qo:dc* AGaptive Activity Cbawz of the '"IFSTY Percgldan System In the Uver of AnIVILISS, by B. 1. WIMMULM, 30 va =4, No 1,, 19%., CrA'D M115 RM Compmti" ChemIcal ImstiptIon of AntiEpaic Cmple=s ot Varlotw T"m of Brutwl2mLp by 1. T.. DabrovskWap tMMASS3733M RUSSIMp bi mo Pero XakbImLys# Vol No 29 1954a pp 137-143 Scientific - Biology The Content of Xualela Acids &rd Their Xltrqpueam Damem In the Tissues of Rate Affeated by Devalopft ?nuwp2mm&W Tumms,, by S. Ta. DaVidam. =CL XMVJ, Pbr,,.Rlakhlmlya, Vol ]=,, No 2p 1954t vp 177-183. CM-IW32 SOL - Mal 3101 a" 59 On the So-Called Reserve Albumin of Seeds, by V. L. KretovicN A. A. Bundell, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biokhimiya, Vol XIX, No 2, 1954, pp 208-215. OTS 63-11044 PL-480 Sci - Biol & Med Sci -T,5 7- -- 7 / ~ Mar 64 250,892 63 - 1104.5 Gaisinskaya, 0. M., L'Vova, V. V., and Llspenskay.i, V. D. ELECTROPHORE-FIC ANALYSIS OF DOG SERMI 1. Gaisin4-aya, 0. M. PROTEMS (Elektroforeticheskoe lzuchenic BeIkov IL L'vova, V. V. Syvorotki Krovi Sobaki). 1963, 15p. 13 refs. III. ('.,pen.,kava, V. 0. PL-490 Agr. IV. PI- ISO Agr (63-1 104S) Order front OTS $0.50 &3-11045 V. National Science Foundation, Trans. of Bjokhimiva (USSR) 1954 v. 19, no. 3, Wishing jon, 1). C, p. 319-331. DI-SCRIP"I'ORS: *Electrophoresis, Analysis, *Blo(YJ proteins, *Serurn alburnin, *Globulins, Diet, Proteins. The ciectroplioretic mobifities. of 8 protein component, of dog scrunn, of albumin, a, -- CL it 2 ',1-14 and Y -globulins were Actermin 1e ".0'ro- pWoretic lieterogencity of X - 0: - and .8 -globulins M01,1,J ' Cs wa, estAblishe-J and the , of 6 ne~ protein (Biological Sciences-Riochernistry, TT, v. 10, no. office Cd Tezhmtxl Smites (over) Manskaya. S. M . and Barftskitya, M. S. AROMATIC COMPOUNDS OF THE CELL WALL OF SPHAGNUMS (Aromatichealde Soedlnenlya Kletochnol Obolochid Sfagnovogo Mkha) tr. by V. N. Pavloff. 196 8p. 20refs. NRCC Technical Trans. 992. Order from NRCC $0.50 NRCC C-3843 Trans. of ~iokhimiya (USSR) 1954, v. 19, no. 3, P. 332-33K-"'----'-'-"" DESCRIPTORS: *Peai, Cells (Biology), *organic com- pounds. 61.4gnin. Determination, Fluorescence. Oxidation, Aldehydes, Ultraviolet spect:roscopy, Blochemismy, *Mosses. 62-12446 1. Title: Sphapuma I .Manskaya, S. M. 11. Sardinakays, M. S. lit. NRCC TT-992 W. NRCC C-3843 11. National Research Council of Canada (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, 77, v. 8, no. 1) Offic. of T.C61C.1 S.Mc.$ ,3tud), of the Chemical Nature and Some Properties of an Adrenworticotropic Hormone Prepwation of Ox Pituitaries., by L. X. Btoudep T. S. Sakbstskayao X. G. Serebrennikova.. 3-3 pp. RUSSIM# per$ Dickbig Vol XIX# IR%p pp 4a-W. Sci Mus Lib Tr 55/0375 Sai - Chemistry CM 6819%y 55 InvestIgation of the Coaditiona of lucorporation of tdno ftlds Into "luftvidma" ftotol= and Protalu Cmplexcisp by A. 5 . K=Uovaj M. Q - Mritamm2 0, P. Samariasp 27 pp. R=IM) per, -Makhlnivvk. Vol Xn.,.q No 4, 1954: pp wim. ftA r,)0-',3038 mm 10-2! Sci - M&d 5?~~ S71 oat 59 TI - -- , Of Glutcminc =d ir, Tic3ru---Zl of' L,I-c Anil nl Orpnicn, by 111. 11. Lcstro-r a., 113 pp. -Iar, ~J.ClchimiNsj, Vol XIX, Ho 4, 1951~, Jc,n 3.95?-( CIPS/ac-.: MARDASHEV, S. and PLEKHAN. M. Interaction of glyox with proteins. Biokhimiya 19(5):574-7 (1954) (CSIRO/No. 101C Incorporatiou of labeled Amino AciLB Into Proteins of the Developing Chick Embryo., by V. N. Orekhovich, H. 1. Ijavantp T. P. Levchuk-&uvkh-tius,. 10 pp. HUSSIAXp perp Mokbimiiau, Vol XIX, No 5, 1954, pp 610-615- Sol. - Chamd try WAY 58 Study of Ap-Linked Chmaterletics of Pratedn Regenem tivu Im the Plus= wA Tisnwm of Vhite Rate by the Vae .4f Mbeled NotbionIna., by R. 1. Ral"w1k, 10 pp. awalm, per, BLakhta-Vol XIX2 vo 6., xov/Doc ig5k, pp 6ki-&k. CUD 9W5303- NIB ."/ 7, Sci - slolow J S'L NRY 57 The Hydrolysis of Slaotin by Dilute Mali and Basic Copper Sulphate, by K. G. Yoffeep V. M. Sorokin. RUSS:EAN,, per,, SiokhIm, Vol XIXj. No 6.. 1954p pp 652 6. Sci Um Lib Tr 3,6/hil,4 Sci - Cbem Jul 57 =ect of Denervation Upon the Giucolytic Pmeeauea in the Muscles., by 153. E. Epellbaum, L, F. Kantor. RWSSIXI, per, Biokbimiya, Vol XIX, 1954.. pp pp 66o-665. ~ GB/252 Sci-Diol Oct 63 The lanuence of Temperature of 132e External Medium rnd Diverse quantities of Albumin In food on the Weight of Bo&y nndt a rev CbaracteriaticAs of the Vetabdlism of Liver in Connection vitb the Problem of Optimum Content of Altmmin In Ration, by A. S. Polezhq--vp- Shiftsn . MSSIAN, per, SiokhimiyD, Vol XX, 1955, pp 57-65. IN3DOC-T2002 Sci JU 59 Effect of the T=or F-xtraats on the Catalase and Coenz,yma-EFA of the Ilver of Normal I-lice, by A. N. Ir jazin, K.S. Shp-rukhova (Sharwahciv), I. A. Mrivadinova (Tchudinov), 7 PiP. RTZSIM, per, Biokhim, Vol U,, 1955, pp 126-128. AD-C Tr 31E6 MaY 5 8 The Biochemical Cauposition of teep-Water Marlnz: Eud Deposita (ocean Bottmo), by N. T. Shabarava. RUSSUNp bim perp Bickbim Vol XK, No 2. 1955j, pp Assoc Tech BerviRi-366 scientific - 4hanistrir- 'I * 0 D) L\. itm 56/dex Tntsnbi-t,,y, of-FrotWlyaiv and RqL~ of jualuai-on- of Radioact.' Itt VAthiordne in Protein of masacs AttAr DMft-fttI= and Teno"rs t7 0. S. Sham,, 14 pp. RMIAM pw okidadyap Vol X11, No 21 1955j, pp - -7- WE Tr n-25 Sol - Modicd= Dea 56 M' Com(trIbutiou to the Question of the Role of the SweIling of Actomyosinp Dehydrated ATPj, as Possible Source at the Mecbanical Work of Muscle., by E. Do Grishchenkop 17 pp. RUBBLO. nor, BI Vol X12 M 28 1955v pp 173-i7K C D 197070. HIE SC i - Ned Icine May 1956 ftMwIbutIm to the QUention of the Role Of the Swelling of Actmqoslns Dehydrated ATP& as possible source at the NeebanizaLl Work of Mhmclep by E. D. Griabeheakop 17 pp RMSIM,p per j,M Vol XX9 N& 20 1955j, vp 173-178. WAD U19"70*7*00 13AI 61~- may 1956 Role cit Trace glemonto In NotAtim of Plants anG ADIMUV by TA. T. Poi". INCL ~ va xxt XMIA, pers" ~"" ".-. 19550 Ipp 265-ni. car-4U3 SOL - ma Sep 59 ~~ c/o 4e~f QmntItOtIvO P&W CbroMtogrelfty of the Catechols of the To& IAftfp by DZboms"Ofte, Ke and Shallneva Gas 5 P. MMSIU* POr# BLOkhImIYm.- Vol Wo, Ro 3s 1955, PP 336-338. SU Tr 1902 Sci Jun 58 4.sjd s~";Pr 'M: ........ .. MI III I ItIl I E. Effect of BvAviteninosis an Sulfur Mctaboli= of 1- and d- Isomere of Wihionine In the Animal OrgetaiMs by B- la- Volovviks 13 PP- RUSSIM pc;r, . &gMs"lav-, Vol XXP So 3, 1955, pp 4;~:(904. CIA D 17M71. NIB (04 Bc i - Biola" M" 1956 A C t I und"r pcr, Bickh-imi:ya,, Vc- I-nI. "955, pr, '.,'.4t5:73 U. CIA/IMD U-6i:, Chemistr." biochemical -7 CTS/DE/ Reducing Substances of the Liver, Viuaclea, and Blood In the Normal State and in Alloxan Diabetes, by R. M. Bekinap A. P. Petrova, 15 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Biokh Vol XX, No 4, 1955, PP 444-449. CIA 3MM15 N= T SCI - Mad MaY 58 / -/1 1- ., t c a and ir, rnthasts. of 11U.Cloic Acids 'Isol Cbllf;,, bY Avd Buclei of Tumorous L-jid "or E. Beilousova, 27 pp- RUSSIAN,, per, Bi6khintya, Vol Up 1955s. PP 496-506. AFIC Tr 2661 Sai - Biology; ChemistrY Jan 57 ("S' certan spedes of Yem of the .1laccbaramyces Fanstly, by Oparin, A. 1. et al. RUSSIAN, per, Bickbf , Vol. 20,, No 5. pp. 571k575,, 1955. 1 HENV4-15-65 U S4%L Sci/a/M Mar 65 275,777 The Cl-eavag-re of Serum Albumen by Different Amounta eL Chymotrypsin and the Autolysis of Chymotrypain,v by M. P. Chernikov. MJSSIAN, Pvr, Bionlzi7s, Vol Xx.. 1955, pp 657-664. sci - Chem Apr 6o Digastion. by Pepsin of Sarwm -Prcte~-in, '-rradiate-,-l Gamma Rays, by Ya. A. .-Dshtein, 9. A. Zabozlayav4, 10 pp. :~USSIJLIT, per, Blokhimiya, Vol U, .1955) pp '101-704. AEC !T-Tr-599 h-nzy-mic Trawfor of the Phosphate Group lillith Ribomwleic &aid an Fruatonle Monophomphate, by S. S. Broaaars Sh. M. Rablvap 22 pp. T&-M,l - 1. ~ 4 is .9 Biakhimiyas Val XX, 1955. pp 740- 748. J, per -- ARC Tr 2666 Sol - 9161W; Cb*W4try 11.111;6 Zan 57 CTS Biochemistry of Antibodies, by R. S. Nezlin, RUSSIAN, bk, Biokhimiya Antitel, *CB Jan 67 The luteraction of Ta=ins., Ami;ao Acids and- b'ugara at nevated Teuperaturea,, by N. 1. Mobeleva and V. R. PbpcFv., RMSZAN# per,, Mpk .&ISIn Chalmop Proiz vodstva Akad Nauk M28titut Blokkimly. Vol IXj, 1962j pp 185-186- IUL RW 2491 (On L*= or Purchawe) Salochom Mar 67 323.,,443 The Prepaxative Eftraction of Cwthechin a by Means of Chromatograpby on Paperj, by 0. AL Buxume RUBSIANO perp Wzkhlniya aWLImplap Prolwadstva AN SM Mistitub 3Mokbl--I:L In* Bekbaf, 1962, Vb& 90 pp 189-191. MI RM 2492 (On T--n or Purclume) Aug 65 288,814 An Increase in the Vitardn P Value of Black Tea in Connection With the Introduction of a New Manufacturing Process in the Tea Industry of the Azerbaijan SSR, by K. I. Makhmudov. 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biokhimiya Chainogo Proizvodstva, Vol 9, 1962, pp 192-195. SLA TT-64-19117 Sci/B&M Jul 66 303,830 SO PMUstool4a Aat#lty or Teu IkU=U 0 bV V. V. Alpatov* and S. A. B"ro lop* RUSSIA4 pex6 af We malmm wl- Va 9# 39EPip * 196-20D,. ow-9&6~-Mp- Sod 333j, $068 JU 67 The YAoroblooldal Aativ:Lty of Tva Extrsats., by V. V. A3.patov and S. A. Beer* RUSSUN., per., Diakhlul-va Chs4 sw Pr*izvodgtva Aked NM* SM 33joirbl- X~- Vol 9 2 196--2W. - NZ RTS 249t '70n ioan 0- 1 Auvhwe) Aug 65 2862M BiochwAstry of the Plague Bacillus (pasteurella pastis), by Ye. MU Gubarev, N. N. Innovskiy. RUSSIMO bk, Biokbisda M=02 Wk"ba (Pasteuvells. Pestis).. MedgIz, Moscow, 19S8,, pp 1- 145 U,S. AriqF Blol Leb Tr No 703 sci-Biol Mod sci Mar 63 .f p Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Immunity., by Boris Anisimovich Rubin., Elena Vlpl irovaa Artsikhovskaya., 358 pp. RUSSIAN, mono, Biokb-imiya i Flziologiya Tymniniteta 1960, Rastenii, Moscaw2 350 Pp. MhCM $14.00 jul 66 3()5,4o4 Effect of Trace Elements on the Development of Lupine and Biosynthesis, in it, of Alka- loids and Proteins, by A. V. Mironenko. RUSSIAN, bk, Biokhimiya i Fiziologiya Rastenii, Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot, Minsk, 1958, 136-151. 'SLA TT-66-10283 Sci-B&M 303.520 June 66 Biochemical Control of Ten Production, by K. 14. Dzheraukhadze. RUSSIAN, per, Biokhim Chain Broizv an SSSR Inst Biokhia, No 9, 1962, pp ;r-144 NLT,/izrS 2489 - Price 10s Od se-i - Jul 67 334,486 0 n(~ 71 o n 4, ath !!-_ G_ j of the Brain Dur~i of the CrLanism, by M. S. RUSSIAN, bic, Bioldaimiya Mozga pri Ymiranii J, Qzhivleni~ O:Ll-a..n..i:..m.a, ljosco-w, Med~;i,.:, 19,j3, 20~j PP- "-CB Sci Nov --,3 62-14748 Viadimirova, E. A. AMMONIA OF THE BRAIN AS A M-CIFIC BIO- 1. Vladimirova, E. A. CHEMICAL INDICATOR OF THE FUNCTIONAL l1. Title: Biochz~mistry... STATE OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. [19621 [251p. 20 refs. Order from OrS or SLA $2.60 62-14748 Trans. of mono. Bioldiimiya Nervnoi Sistemy (Bio- chemistry of the Nervous System) Kiev, 1954, n. 47-62. DESCRIPrORS: *Ammonia, *Brain, Nervous system, Quantative analysis, Conditioned reflex, Medical equipment, Physiology. (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, TT, v. 8, no. 5) Offim.f Tdkl 5-A- ll~- 1. T-ble of Contents "Biochemistry of the Nervous System, by A. V. Palladin RUSSILE, bk, Biokhimiya Nervnoy Sistemy, Kiev, 1954 p 270, 271 -1,2 C /,0' 0 P Awwroble Faimawbatlon of Wool Waoh Idquors,, by M IL arishim. , RUSSIAN,o Vw., 332okbi OshlothL SWabmykh Vocl rredgrivat:U Mdn Pnmt 15)62,, pp 223-231* IU IMS 2W (On IA&A or PM&WO) e,r-sr,r 7r 611-19Y3~ pAw 65 286.,973. Bow Dlotimtlvw Pentume of the Action of Dalkydrag*m8as In Apple Tivisuens by B. A. Rubino H. 0. Salskoft. UNCL RUSSUNI. ver blokbinLys Plodcw I ovoshabey; silbomik 4. iv DSIR LLU RTS 133A SOL - Bull r9 imw 6o The Prevention of Functional Disturbances in Apples During Storage, by L~. V-* Metlitskiy, V. M. Tsekhomskaya, 13 ppo RLISSUN, per, Biokhindya Plodov i Ovoshchet, Ak Nauk SSSR, No 4,1958, pp 42-50. OTS 63-11086 PL-480 Sci - Biol & Med Sci Jun 64 260,815 jzi~ y (11' -2 5p4ratavy 'otics of IlDpl(~ f"-. Y_71-T- a6lli 'U~l lo!. The Use of Ionizing Radiation to Control the Dormancy of Potato Tubers During Storage, by B. A. Rubin, L. V. Met1xitskiy 79 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biok Plodov i Ovoshchei Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol V, 1959, pp 5-101. OTS 63-UOU PL-480 Sci - Agri Mar 64 250,904 Rubin, B. A., and Ivanova, T. M. THE ROLE OF ANUNO ACID OXIDASES IN THE IMMUNITY OF CABBAGE TO BOTRYTIS CINERF [196211361p. 31 refs. Order from OTS or SLA 3 60 63-13574 Trans. of Blol~i.iy;'Plodov I Ovoahchel ISSR) 1959. v. 5, p. H-3-132. DESCRIPTORS- *Amirioacids, *OxIdases. *Plants (Botany), Diseases, *Immunity. *Fungus Infections. Respiration, Tissues (Biology), Vegetables, Biochemistry. The dat a obtained confirm that amino acid oxidases play an important role in the defensive reactions of cabbage 'tissue to the fungus B_ cinerea and products of its vital -activittes. (Author) 63-13574 1. Title: Botrytis cinerea 2- Title- Cabbage 1. Rubin, B. A. 11. Ivanova, T. M. Ill. Translations, New York (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation. TT, v. 9, no. 12) Oaks d Techm" Setvkn Dynamics of Mass Growth and Changes in the Chemical Composition of the Parts of Walnut Fruits During Ontogenesis, by N. D. Unchiev, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Blokhimiya Plodov i (Yvoshchei Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol VP 1959, pp 259-276. OTS 63-11025 PL-480 Sci - Agri Mar 64 2501*893 (uf-6650) The Use of IMIZ1329 Radiatlaw for Control of Don==W IA PoW065 AuItM; StMWs by B. A. lbxblu,, L. V. Moultakly., Yeo 0. Sallkaws, 93 Vp. FMIANj. ver. Riabh1wiva Pladow I no 6. iii, 61 lorm -W am 12191 eel - one /4'v, 16 Nw 62 MkB PA)IS Of Pb=&UC COMPOlMdA iU VIO F4SiStaUCO Or cabbap to BwUVtio Morea, by B. it. Rablnp T. H. lv=ovao 17 pp a HuSMMt psro,.*dkbimiya Pladav I Orashebelp No 6.9 1961p Rp 77-95. gAhoor-, PL-480 oTs 63-noft Sol - Blol & lba Fel fte 63 'Va::Ir-b:LUV of Biochemical cZ ?ntV- ,,a and Barriesp by S. V. Bayozbu "Ir vap S. 1.9 Fatalicimp 7 pp. RUSSIEW, per Blo 4-4- 7.mxftv i. ovoshchei,, no 196's, pp PL-480 oTs 63-lio84 fk*A - Slal & M& Soi Doe 63 S=e Blocbemical Features of amd Exotio Varlaties of Kartll Applevin the G*ovLrim 8 S.R.s, by 0. A. Wtsobvnip 10 pp. IMSM.B. P20dov 1. Owshebai., No 61p M 63-11064 Sft - Biel & VAd GbA 0-% V= U.1i Biochmm,Aleia Composition of Wa3zarkt, Kexmols,lu the Ulcraiw,, by L. K. Pollshchukp 10 pp. 4-4- BusWilij, Per., wo *Xplodov L OVIDShChelo No 6.t 1~61,r 921407 PL-48D MS 63-11084 MA - Siol & bbd Sol Dma 63 -7. 4 2- 7? VaSOU PISUlts Cultiivat~-d :?C-'.r Cfti b b ATS I X, pmr:, BlOkhiml FlQdOV !L Ovoslachs! 2W-M. 92A981-- 21,V i/ E-VI -- Bia & Vmd Sai Dea 6.3 -6.7 Famn, Vc A. AlLsonova. TP--o 25'2.:-'S~ , 0.3 mjft OTS 63-UOM '20ii //, ~ Doe Studies un t7 e Biochenusti-Y of 'I~e o' Potatoes to Canker, by D. V. Lipsits. RTBS _UIT.T ,per, Biokhimiya Flodov i Ovoshchei, -110 7, 1962, pp CO-87. !,-,RC C-11U-7 UTC 72-6o8lb-on Jan '(3 (1615-H) .Pts ftm Lochemistry or Mo0a omaulations E=er b.y U. V. Sa*v 41 pp- =810,, bks Kiev# 103-222. us 'im L-5af-l Feb 59 4174010 -ro 9,01 f V - Egorov, 1. A. and Borisova, N. B. AROMATIC ALDEHYDES OF COGNAC SPIRITS. 1962, 16p. Order from K-H $20. 00 K-li 9874-a Trans. of BiokW=jXaayVinodeliy'a (USSR) 1959. v. 5, p. 27-37. DESCRI171*0RS: *Aldehydes, *Alcohols, *Beverages 62-12737 1. Title: Cognac 1. Egorov, 1. A. 11. Rarisova, N. B. 111. K-H-9874-a IV. Kresge-Hooker Science LibrarY Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Food, TT, v. 7, no. 12) Offi.. f T-hmicel swvi"s Okhremenko, N. S. WAYS OF REDUCING SUGAR LOSSES DURING TliE WILTING OF GRAPES (Puti Snizheniya Poter' Sakhara pri Uvyabvanii Vinograda) tr. by R. 1. Zatorski. [1962) [25]p. (foreign text included) 2 refs. [CSIRO] Trans. no. 5675. Order fr oni OTS or SLA $2. 60 62-32238 Trans. of Bio1rhImivil Vinodeliva (USSR) 1960, V. 6. p. 223-2A. DESCRIFYORS: *Wines, Fruit, *Dehydration, Respira- tion, *Sugar, Preservation. 62-3223S 1. Title: Grape; 1. Okhremunko, N. S. 11. CSIRO Trans -5675 111. CommonwealthSLientific and industrial Research Organization (Australia) .(AgriCtIltUre- -Plant Cultivation, Tr, v. 9, no. 6) Offin al 7 Serdims On Possible Connections of I-Fat- 1',etalbolisa mith the LiCht-ru'ciiiiination Problem, by IT. '-Pie'u7,. RUSSIAN, per, Diochem. Z, Vol. -2'-,, !~,5-3, Pr, 517-52->-,. T-'ZDSI[t/P,C--. 570 1~ -L Sci - July 1967 334, 000