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(OF-1339) What Is the KGrm of Saptiomp %r P. Kaushamak4j, 7 pp. RUSUO per, Aettatcwp go J*# SM 19600 JM 431CL / Boo (De-5476) The Church is Forced to Manep Its %ctiesp by v. Novak., 6 pp. RUSSLIA, per, Agil"Rr, No 2j Jim 1961P -PP 30-N- JPM 8D38 / *'~' q 0'9 usm Sm .Kpr 61 Cw-5476) -%Mlit&at Atheists, by A. S"Skenko, 4 pp. FMSUX,, per., A.0 No 3, Peb 1961 PP 55-5T- MS OD38 Im IBM i f '1017 .1 1 3m Apr 61 (DC-2700/7- Corn Is Our Wealth, by V. Solovlyev, 6 pp. IMSSIA-9, T,--r, Agitator., No 5, Mar 10,61,, PP 2P--25*v MS 8318 USSR / / 3 Econ jun 61 (DC-5723) Catholicism Serves Reactianj, by S. Laurinaytis., 7 pp. HussIAN., per,, Agitatorp No 5., Mar 1961p PP 30-33, im 8366 USSR /, *)-S--~13 S(X, juin 61 (DC-5723) Eov -Do you CorAuct Atbeist.JLC rMining., by V. Cbebulankiutts S. TrUbitgin&s 6 pp. RMSUN., *pe--,, AgitAbOrp No 5" Wr 1963., pp 45-47- ipEs 83166 umt / 5'~,~ o'1,5-- 30-0 jun 61 Rad. of the "Ho3,y" Krlnlrbhlm., by R. Dondarl., 6 pp. FUSSIM, Ver, Agitator~ no 5s 19611 pp 54-56. 4m 48015- usati Soo Aug 6-1 a z ~,/ 2 (SF-12DO) Without Paper and Mstances, 4 -pp. RMIMv wo Agitator, No St 1961, pp 16-18. im 4-92-1 Um Noon Sep 61 /~W/ 4101'.1 ~? -_p ~? (N-Y-30w) The Upaurse QZ Soviet Metenw-Mr, by Ya. Abrawhex&o.- 7 iv. RUSSTM.p Wp _~!a~tatcw~ No le, im 1961., pp 25-27. im M35 tam ze". e ,OOVd .10 2*= MR (a (SP-1876/2) Among the Ya&,L'rA Atholsts, by It. Akshinskiy, 8 pp - MWIMI., per, Agitator, No 13, 1961, P-0 49-52. ---------------- JPRS 41%A UWH / 7'a, soc Oct 61 (S7,-187 CIS ) Islam aud~ thL- H9xm it lbeap by A, P-t'Lyk-(xrj, 8 pp. RUSSLOT, per, 'Agitat No 11), spep ig6l, pp 42-45. JPRS 1179'r USISM .goo 1-71 pip /V /1 770 j= 62 (NY-65o2) Cybernetics - A Science of Great Promise, by L. Dubin, 8 pp. RUBBIM, per, Agitator, 'no lg,, Oct 1961.. PP 39-42. iNm lj-,o24 Sci - Mae / 7 q Cybernetics .01.30 Jan 62 (ITY"3000) I'let"all"riTJ fin Important Link, by A. F~yasjjoy, Husswill, per, 'Agitator 7111o 24, Yj� Dac 1961, pp 10-13. *JPRS USSR Econ 26 jan 6p m oa the Attack Akimdmt 1~31igbm Vestips,, by 0- RUWIUj W# Agitator, No U.. 3962j. pD 53-55. am 15.W - u3m -70/ I>- --? 9~ p Ek)e Oct 62 (HE-30W) Rvtw7 L;Lxoap by TUD Tvxh=ms 4 IV, ROMM PW& AgEtatorip ft 5j, 2962# 39 h1j. 16. im rm two Iftm It?,7, qd.'3~1 acd - MW awl 62 (NY-3000) THE KURSK MAGNETIC ANOMALYv BY A. Popov., 3 PP. RUSSIANO PER, AGITATOR., No 8., APR 1962., PP 34-36. .- JPRS 14420 USSR ECON SCI - METALLURGY JUL a 202.,W The Cinema and Scientiffic-Athe is tic Propaganda, by I. Bak-uxinsluly, (SF-1876) RUSSD.IT ,, per, Agitator, No 8., Apr 1962, p 63- *JPRS USSR Soc - Anti-Religion 22 may 62 Pioneer Plnm t of th-~- Third m-tIt-a-La,urgi-ca~-i Bacc in Siberia, by A. Sv-rovatl--Jn, 14 pp, IMSSIM, per, �-g~tor~ No Aug 1962, Dp 35-37- JPBS 15301 U&M Econ _::z oct 62 CLERICALIS14 X IS AN ACCOMPLICE OF IMPERIALISM, BY M. MQiEDLOV., 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER., AGITATOR, NO 17, SEP 1562, PP 51-53. 1 JPRS 173510 USSR soc JAN -43 221,o42 USTI-KAMENOGORSK LEAD-ZI14C C%IBINE JUSTIFIES ITS TITLE OF ENTERFRISE OF MHUNIST LABOR., BY B. ODIASHVILI, 6 pp. RUSSIANy PER, 6alTATOR: ig Ocl- 1962, pp 44-47- JPRS 11105 USSR ECON JAm 63 219,582 PRODUCTION OF LAVSAN AT THE KURSK SYNTHETIC FIBER PLANT ON THE INCREASE., BY L. BYKOVA., 5 PP. RUSSIANj PER, AGITATOR2 NO 23, DEC 19621 PP 25-27- jpRs -,17864 USSR ECON MAR 63 224,302 ARSENAL OF POLYMER MATERIALS, BY P. NAZAPROV, F HUSTAFINY 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, AGITATOR, 140 4, FEL3 63, PP 41-411 JPRS 19863 us'sq, EGON' JUL 63 235,17-,l STRIDES OF THE LARGE-SCALE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY - FIGURES AND FACTS-, 5 PP~ I IRUSSIAN, PERj AGITATOR: NO 5: MAR 1963: PP 50, 51. jpRs 19114 USSR-ECON' mAy 63 229,945 10 COMBATING METAL CORROSIO14 IN THE USSR (TO PREVE14T THE PATH OF COMOSION), BY 1. LITINETSKIYj 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER., AGIT ATOR., NO 11., 1963,, pp 44-46, JPRS 20395 USSR E.C(* AUG 63 237,619 B-ALAKOVO CHEMICAL COMBINEY BY YA. FILIPCHENRO, .,XRRX 7 PP. 31 RUSSIAN PER, AGITATOR2 NO ZT 12, xg 1~63~ PP 52-;D-4. ~ JPR5 20770 USSIR ECON AuG 63 -,)42,~' D 1 03 PETROLEU.M-PROSPECT!NG ACTIVITIES IN SIBERIA,, BY N. ZAPIVALOV, K. SHPILIMAN,, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, AGiTAToR_q No 16.p 1963, pp 47-49. JPRS 2171i US~R ECON ribvl 63 241,261 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY ON A NATIONAL SCALE, BY V. FEDOROV? 6 pp. t RUSSIA141. PER, AGITATOR, 20 OCT 19631 pp 6.-io. JPRS ?2261 US 'SR ECOM Ditc 63 244,273 WIN Benefit of SpeclaUzation, by 9* Paddn, D. Vaysman, 5pp. jgtator, No 21'. Nov, 1963, pp 44-47. (Forevard) RUSSIAN, per, A XORS 23130 .French Communist Champions the Path of Peaceful. Coexistence and Socialism, by I Rene Plquet~ 7 pp. RUSSIAN per., Agitator,, 21 Nov 1964, pp 14-18. JPRS 2SU95 'WE-France Pol Feb 65 273,328 (PDD 24879) Co==Ijot Pmety Agitfttou Awng the Nosmal, bW To. 'r .16. pessIdna, 31 pp. RMTAN$ booklett, A p i Rabfta Part4i v Mssal&~t mosomj, J"Jp PP J.-.XL* M/PDD T.- 500 UUM Pal - C=amlrit party %watim R-900 (DC-1907) ASMIA13 rlef lu the peopless Repouc of China, (Agrarian Refomm In the ftopU*a DmaratLe AstatLe Cotmtriesp cw"W by Ye. 7, Nova]Av)v 7 vp. UMUSSIFIM ROSSMv bko, DojMkm-tkb*&UM 8&r4RM*--AASl,, Mbecow, Jbu 2.9570 vp 43-51. 98 JM/,DC"376 4;'12r abaua# pm%u MMMM4 north Llootrys c o; nlit" wMaella B-900 CDC---1907 SoclaftonamLe Cho is Lu CUm's Reforwed CouUtryst4op by A. 1. Stabuichw*O., 3 Pp. (Agmrian Reforms in the Asiatic People's Dezwratic Co=trIens cw*tled by Ye. F. Kova"r). UNNASS RS=S=, bkj, Agrarnf7e Pmabrazovaniyx v AjWL S~2 -9 US JM/DC-376 Ps Cuump North KQT*4,P so vietusaj, Outer YAUZOU& Race - ACM&M MOM Ma 56 a-goo Fascurcom and Reoerw*s for the Furtbor Developmot of A&VUUItUre In the Foople Ds AwpublLe of Clduaj, by A. 1. StabuUbmukov 10 pp. jApwUn Roforms In the Anistic 00 Pm*lels Dementic Countrien,, amoaled by Ye. P, lovaUT). UPMASSIF= VJUWjp k*j, As"WAS" P" v Narodno- Mono% Mw US AM/DC-376 FE CbLoap F. YWw"j, N. TUmum., Qatar mougolu Smou - Ag~iAkn Rofwm A 56 R-900 (r.C-1907) LiquMation of IaW Control by laaftavtop byp A. A.* Cubier., 7 pp. (Warian Ref arm In the Aslatle People *a Demo- cra#c Cauistriesv aa*I1M by To. F. Kov*Uv,). UNM"Bmrm MMURv bk,, Ag"rS2~2"Cbrazonaulp v Nwmduo- I. wzit~i*j Jim 19579 rp 227-L** va ;m/bc-n6 71, FS - Chimp R. Kvm# N* V:Letmmp Outer Wougalls Dom - AgnLrftn Rot 1p Dec 58 R-9DO (DO-IM) SWA H*SUltv Of IAW War=,, by A. 0. NSWOVt 8 pp. U=ASSIFM XMIU, bko Pi-mbrazonvonL T vAro_lmQ4*mok IobWkU& Stranakh AsL:L. us am/Do-376 chim'r X. Kom# No. VUAMS Qatw Noma" &OU - Asrarftu %vtivm V" a ;& 7 R-900 (DC-1907) Propkfttim &W twtaUation of LwA Ref In Mortb Kma,, by 31. 1S. nr4 15 Vp Lan Reform U the Aslatic Peoplals 1"'It"le Cc=trlou.* aftQUad by To. F. Kovalov)o U=lAS8nr=, RMWO bk, Agearnils fftabr"pav-=Us v Amoduo-Damakratlabookikh Stranakh UMOW, Jun 1957P vp xftu 151-169. to 7pW/]DC-376 YZ - Musp N, No Vietaomp Outer KoctgoUs Boom - Agrarlatt refam Do* 58 R-900 (DC-1907) AgrIculturs in North Korea After Agrarian Refom., bY V- 8- Uts 7 PP- WWL" Wom LU W AmUtIc Peop;m"o Demerstic Count&%#, coMiled by Ye. .7. Klowaev). UNCLUBMW mma" W4,4 Gbra v AradLa - P" zonvaulya IWO OMWO: vv 90 JPM/J)9-376 ZK,3w# X., Vlwt~s 64or ~Ils acoo - ApWUM wetoy.- Doc 58 i~~/ -7 R-9w Reconstruction of the Ageloulture of North X*Ma Ilk the POWW ftrica, bY W. So MUN 7 ff- (PZrarlan Reform In the Asiatic PmV3*$s Dftw- cratla Countries,, compll" by Ye, F, Xovalev)o vvff" MWWO bk,, Agrar"" Preab T-t q ti a, DonakratUbeekiw -itranam-hous ROOM*# am IMS, FZ - Chita* No Korea& 71, Econ - Ilb vietwat O&W NOW602" D" Se I IR-900 (DO-1907) Furtbw Develapmerts In AgrIaLture, by So TO Vargisp 26 pp. (Apwum pAtorm in the Agl&tic People6a DemaraUt Countries,, goMiUd by ye. p. x0vaw). UNMAWVM W=x"v bko pre FjkvkL3 T aralso- man IlIke ~ Usbei Mnlv&-r- Imp iw jPZ - ftiml, NODSOIJA zoom - Agnwhw,~=# . (DC-3912) To tbft Pillory With Aggresaws? (The Troth Abaft the Ineurstem of the Awriams Aircraft in the Air Space of the USORL, 170 Pp. MISTM$, bk,, Aet!Mw 2-19e. 1960, CA/M X-4304 um to be CH B-L801,9798 POI H. A. kraeillaikov, E. A. Ramitsina RUIS.'SLAN, per-,- No 5/6,, Se-p/Dec 19~6,, pp log-i2l. Ref 20 A83=7. usu Scientific - Biology t/~,- 5 0/ a crs/r,Ex I I-eaditig of Pyc With Dranchina Spilma., by 11. Y. L*1133SM. Dw, A--rdbiolo ila. Vol I.. Jan/Feb 1947, ;-*,? 73a?9. :2 *6A USDA Trans 314 1 -~;SR .1-conomic, - AGrlculture# *e I/ "cientific - Biology,, rye 17-roV lems or the Vnes. AL-v4. Bell-uh. mu% iu=t V. 1. Lcnlm in Connection With the Dacree a the Plan= of the Central Comittee of the Comunist -trty "Ou Measures for tbg; Advancement oZ AGricullum-, in the Fostmiw Perlodp by To Do Lyrenko. MSSVIV., per,, Agob No 2.. IhYAPr 3-9117, PP 3-18. 20 AS 22. WDA Vmns 269 USSR r"t-1 Econmic -AaTicultare# miscellum ouv 7 51-:ientifla - Biolsoyp miscaMucous Com"s Selectivity iu Fertilization.. by A. B. Salumv R=IIWV per, Apmblologli&3 (3):3247- May/June 1947. 'Ref. .20 AgWZw- UMT-04 361F, zoome"P, i, jLgricaltum J.3,49, solibutific --maim- ... I AdROBIOIDGIYA 8 PP "Effect of Benzol-Hexobhloride Insecticide on Sprouting Seeds" G. B. Medyedeva 3671.1d. 971 Proj 983 00-W 508 ~3VO AGROBIYOLOGIYA No 4 JUI/Aug 47 14 pp "Relatichship of the Reproduction of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus to the Stage of Development of the Plant-Host" K. S. Sukhov, A. M. Vovk 3671.1e oo-w 638 972 T.C. 25 jun 48 23T73 RaclInveal Crosainga in Corns, by A. B. Salmwv RUSSM, per, blulogila, 190(2) s M~-3138. lior/Apr 1948. WWJ$ . =a -Tr 361 acou"de - scientific - molaa / 3~'Y Fxvm Our Post-War Research in the field of Plant Physiology, by V. 1. RazuDov RUSSIAN, per., Agrobiologiya, Do 3, 1948, pp 19-28. Ref.-Z0-Kd-M9'.-- USDA Scientific - Biology CTS/DEX 455.5v5- Experiments in Chauging the Hature of Wheat Through Teptative 4bridizationp by N. P. Aleyev., 10 pp. RU38=,, bimo per., AEqLiblj, xo 4s, 1948,0 PP 48-56. Sci Trans Center BT- Scientific - Biology CTS "ec 55 6v, '? '? -~ , gr:rect or rpassei pemovai an tho increase of corn Productivity.. by A. D. Rodlonovp A. S. fts' Uko PIUSSMO per.. Agmblologlej, 1948 (4): 142-144 Jul/AUG 1948.--20-7Wlezj-,-m WDA.Tr 362 -.0 / -~ ~p -) Economic - Aviculture Scientifte - Dioloa IFA yo 9 v T T; ~tl v q bo HydxclDgical Ras of Sbatezbats on tho KwenwWa teppop by G. F. Basm.. 2D Pp. 9078505 MSTAW, par., AaroblolqAm, No 1., 3949., PP 131-147. OMS 60-21M1 PL-Mlo ~ei - Geopt" ~sp 61 vT No 261 Water RegLw ct the Bolls of the Kozennaya, Steppe in Dry Yea=$ by D. P. BumatskLy, M. 1. Suchalkina... 15 lyp. 9nam RussiAm,v per., A.m*iplogiya, No 1., lgbg., pp i48-i6D. 070 60-23ftt4 Sep 63L Pin NO 2& 14W1 AGROSIOL No 2. 8 pps 1949 r, I/- -, / - - ~ ) "Experimental Planting of Wheat During the Winter Season in Karaganda Oblast" A. A. Zay-tseva ST-136 Proj 6553 SR-26 Oct 195o 2/5OT3,2 Ai~, - rootZan i=s--o f Yield Caracity of Plautap by IT. A. Kimsil'nihov A RUF-51AN., per, Agroibiologiya, No 2. 1999, pp 49-58j. Mar/Apr 1949. 20 -A-g-8~2. USDA Scientific - Biology CTS/D= j/' ..7 0 q No 31 2 pps 1949 "Brown Rust on Branched Kakhetinsk Wheat" A. A. Rusakova, ST-136 1"., vAl SR-17 Aug 195o 2/50T8 No 3, 18 pp, 1949 "Experiemental Work With Winter Wheat in Om~-k Oblast" N. A. Belozerova, ST-136 /.- 1. TI! . '. ~, SR-3/3/51 2/5OTll 1 J,jlt7r 1 1 1 ! II-A W It [!,~j I I III I! I l'i ~ V! I P Ili I! jj~ 1'i 1111; 1 13,ffact of 2, 24-DichloropMno-vacetic lci6 on rPo:mato Plan'-fip by". L, lvanovol-mia. P05ST-Mi AGNblologia, 1949(5):113-3fG, Bc-p,, Oct, USDA rzr N. 76 Sciaetific Biologyp befolcidea F.Co:,4mc - Agricultures hcrbicides' Experiments ta Vegetative Rybridization of Graminese.. I,,- A. E. Osipavo "I pp, RUSSIMp bimo perj, Agrobiol No 6, 1949., pp, 141-146. Sci Traze Center IRT-27& Scientific - Biology CTS 75/Dec 55 , R ~q, '? ~-/ SoU Cbaditions Under Forest Strlps., by A. M. Byalyi.. 7 pp. 9078502 RUSSIAHj. perj ASudbialogiYaj, No 4, 1MP PP 133-137. OTS 60-M873 N14W Bel - Geupbyz gap 61 Pff No 263 11/11~ All, 91:~~ ~rDD 17418) '!Teo Poport of Inatitute of Gr4in Culturc,, South- *aGte-Tn UBSR, by-C. Andrayev.. 13 pp. IMSTM13, bino per AUILbiolY No 4i Yloscoirj Jul/,Aug 1950P pp CTA/FDD/U-521a USSR Sci - Lio Measures in the Effort for a Gonstant Increase of 1011 Fertility,, by T. S. Mal'tsev RUSSUN, biwo per, AgrabLologllsp No 1,, 195l.. pp 140-145.- CIA D 4~2'3-W- - ~ /C Usm Scientific - Biology 71 Nor 56 (FEDD 17~ 14 1 ImoD. Microflora and Fox tiors of "Mikoriza" (Funguo Itoot) in Oak, by I-s. N. Mishustia, 29 pp. rt3SSIANO bimo pLr,, Agrobig , ft 2s Moscow, l4exlApr 1951s PP 227-3~- CIA/'PDD/U-5239 USSR F d5F~ 4~~ ~7 Sc i - Bip! -7 %-' Jan c-4 The &q~rlmnt on Moaification of Biolocical Properties of Foul Flague Virus,, by N. V. Idkhachev, V. R. Ciurln;, 6 pp -nslation. ull trA RUSSIM, per., AurdbioloGf~m,, No 6p Moscow., 1951. USDA Tr Scientific - I&b4icim OTS/DEX 74F un G::,,,nu-*'atrjd Bacterial iNartilizern, by A. G. Cc?bC--,-,dt. pwr,, AmmbioloiZffa. Vol V.. SOP/Oct 1�51., 1~4-140. USDA trans 294 6 Z.conomic - AGTicultuTe. fertilizers Scientific - Biology, fert'll a. DsaW of Vqptatim Litter and the R&U of Fw3e In Soll Tvwmt$mo by Vo Tao ChasUfthinp 1% pp. MOUNi, pwa o, Wl ITs, 1952a pp 12-25- 9099M ?d 64 1 41ft AW Tr-5M fxAl - 3101 Oct 62 Z/.Z " 46 CPO A4 New1wepmUms for WWA Control (U Oraft Fields)p by StaramlIsIdl RUWAVj,,pW#. A6rcbi*U*tfAp 41170-172- Jul/Avg 19;2 20 ;.p4kw2,* Grafting Cereal Plants., by L. A. Golovtoov., 8 pp. RUSSIAN.. bimo per.. Agrdblol No 5,, 1952,1 pp 80-90. 11 Sci Trans Center RT-n65 Scientific - Bibloa CM 75/Der. 55 0 C~ if t 60-2ihb6 - Kelashalkov, A. F. THE EFFECT OF FIELD PROTECTIVE FORESY 1. Kola,-hnlko,, A. 17. STRTS ON SOIL MOISTURE AND WINTER WHEAT It. PL- 180 Agr (60-21 8b6) YIELDS (VIlyinle Polezaabchirnykh Lesnykh Pulos na 131. National Scrience Foun- Vlpzhnost' Pmhvy I Urozhal Ozimol Pahenitsy). [)an 621 daticu. Washington. D. C. 8p. PL-480 Agr. Order from OTS $0.50 60-218M Tr2na. of AgrobloWya (USSR) 195Z no. 6. p. 123-130-. 6q q'7 DESCRIPMRS: *Forestry, *Soils, *Mo!sture. Crowth. Production. Data are presented on the yield and soll moisture of fields protected by forest strips In the Sovkboz (State farm) "Gigant" and in the Stalin Kolkhorz (collective farm) of the Rostov district. The forest strips play an outstanding role in yield improvement by favorably (Agriculture, TT, v. 7. no. 6) (over) Offic* of Techaic.) 5-i-, On Counc-:3 for th~-- Dying Clff~ of Di,-otylcdc-n,;c3 Mate Ui:tde.-r the Inflwr-cc oT Scr--.e Rlel-bl~Udca, IW'V. A 7oitehhoya per, - AVabiolqgiia 5:126&k3ls* jpcp/Oct 19,52, 20'Ag8p.2, =ect of 2.4*b on S4~flcver-amd wbmt. USDA Tr 386 SkMar4c '- Aariculture- selotific - B1010sy On Atypizal Yarns of B. Antbracis,, by L. S. , Ne"Idy.. UMCLAWIFM RMIANp pBrp Agmblolgyup Ng 2p Her/Ayr 3,95,r pp 3.8-22. C~ 0 1 c; Y-& um altiontIfIc- - BLO19" 'DOC 36954 cm Variabilit,.- of Forms of Existence of Microbes and Viruses-of Insects, by X. It. Ermolsev, 16 pp. WJSBM, per,, Agrobiolr-gl", No 4, 1953.. PP 89- 99. --------------- Sol Trans Center as Scientific Blaloffy Dee 54 CTS/M Zff,-:~tiveness of Phosphoric Fertilizers on Gray Fa--z-jat-Steppe Solls of Gorki Region., by G. 1. Vollcova., Yu. F. Sirotin RUBBIABS per, Agrobiologiiav Vol Vs Sep/Oct 195'.a., PR 70-79. i5ffffr~ USSR Scientific - Biology Foeortrym a Eftect of lijob x14rrvevm== on the Ownd=tlcm at aftes MA ~ ut or , pubtat by L. R. sawstows 1. U. zabavah"ap alffitip Avrob 8 No 50 1953S pp 8o.85, - ------------ Go--, Iselvatiria X*IW Doe 5k Me clo,f Jew P Zen-,- vari-tL~ C) kZ. V. by.~J. A. S, b1mo r-j, Ag-robiolo--',-:~,, ve Md Agriculture crat :L9756 axs/dex b.' lmdoe Vat-11 Physical Lab of Iffi)1P. Hillside Ru,-d I Itev Delhi-102., India Use of Herbicidefp in Agriculture, by M. Ya. Berezov- RUS810, bino per, "lologiiam No 2, 1954, pp 37-W CIA D 432351 ff Scientifit - Biology USDA .3 2, Her 56 Effect of nlumination Conditions on the D--- velopmn't of Soybeans, by 1. D. Belikov. RWSM, mer, AgroblologLya, SD 2, 1954, pp 122-124. CSIRO 3974 Sci -Blol 7, Ang 62 chmiges in 7~4.ritsnce by Parenteral Adminiatsem'_ tAcm of Blood, by P. X. Svpikcre, RUSSUH,q Verp Agrcbio1ogIyap Vol Vip 1954; pp 3645,, CsrRO-3381 Sci 71, a'~ Aug 58 Tlie Aftermath of Annual Herbage, by M. VANdumpl- A. Tyutyunn:Lkov. 'RUMIAN, per, figrobiologiya, No h, 1954, pp 45-64. CSIRO 3562 Sai - Biol 1 01~40 may 62 / V "C- The DAP-r-Relationships Setmen Cellulooe- Pooomposing Bacteria wA Azotobacter, by Yu. Vozmpkovalm)pm. RMSUMS lam Awrobiolmq3SALpas No 4, 19 5 h.- " CSINO 36563 act - Cbm ALv 62 IA~l -Tas Experimental Spring Adaptation of Virgin Soila in Siberis, by A. I. Shevlyagin, P. A. Yakhtenfel'd; 1. 11. Zhukov RUSSIAkip bitw per, No 1, 1955, PP 17- 31 CTA D 43M0 5 6 USDA Scientific Biology 3AI; 2 7;7 4 bvv-~~ Y,%r 56 Waya of D6valeping Whoat Varieties Bamintant to Rumt; by H. ke FMIU27AU blab RMSIUIP/M part Agm *log", No 1, Jam/Fab 1955, PP 1OD-WS- CIA USDA Sol - Blelegy Scommio - AgrImItm-e Ort 36 cTs que-stioua in Coanection With tho Reclamation of Virgin and Fallcm IAmdu In the Kustamy Region# by 00 V* Urnosp as L Cb=hkop 15 pps (ID 2030158)- MSZW bUw perg Y _~~bLo~l Ay/Jun 1955$ ACS# 1, 0-7360 A Jan ST an Selection and Area A12=atlou of VarLetles of Winter Wbut for Different Rotation Forcrunneras by B. VaukhaLlp Pe P. Luklyanenkop U ppy (IM 903010). 9 RussrM,* biwo per, Agroblol,, YAy/jun 10,55,, YP 37- 44. 6 ACS.. Is 0-7* B -A15 um goonmia Jan 57 CTS Bow Rouats of the Pint Voor of Raocla=tloa of Virgin amd PSUOV Luds In the Altay$ by 0. G. vwimcbgvj, 7 yps, (ID 203MG) MMIU* b1m per,, Agrobiap ft/Jm 1955., pp io6-no. A9S# Is 0-7360 C