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rl, ~ , t:: .t- jr T L. L4.j C- AL Collection of Artic3Aw on Pmpimtory Rasiologys by X. Pflugw. acwArp pero Arch an Piwatol.1, so is i86B., pp 6i-io6. lbeff TT 71: Sept 73. GZ':~ar-fa:, per, Luftfahrtforscburg, Vol. -f*~rjTj, po 1;, 2a Anr 1941,1, pp 14-2-140. AFC Tr 10,- A Is o A v a i 1 T.' A2 n a- i 2 L,6 by (t'n .0j., r21, dcr inn-l-ten, 1,912, w, 230- sm 6o Quantm Spectrochemical DetecUm of Major Elements in Flue Dust and Irm Ores In dw Direct Current Cmrbm Arc, by H. MckeI..,b,.RQ,w_zw4= GMWAN. per. i b" ambek Vol CLX)LX, NO 60 IVOI, Ipp 401-415. CEGO 2995 SCA - hf/m Apr 64 255,144 62-14028 .4flugmac tier, A- and W, tunen. It. - - - ' 9 TM MR MA noN OF SiL ICON- NITROG EN 1. Pflugmacher, A. CUMPOUNDS IN THE GLOW DISCHARGE: TRIS- It. Dahmen. H. TRICHLOPLOSILYLWINE (SiCt3)3N- (196216p. Ill. Title: Tris-Trichlorosityla- (4 figs. cxnateflt 7 refs. mine... Order IrLm SLA $t- 10 62-14028 Trans. of 7xitvchrLft f(Ir Anarganische Chmic (East Germany) 1957. %,- 290, p. 184-190. DESCRI11MILS: *Glow disc"e-~-, 'Silicon corr.- poundi, 4NUrogencurnpoumds. Procluction By the reaction of S~C]4 and N2 in the glow discWrge (SiCI3)3N m formed as a crj~statlme substmice in Ox, rb 9 r preserwe of a serieo of oil) and restrious products. , ow #0 4 4, It occur& it% two polvinorpl"c snoditicatims c9 which lite mable luts a f. p, of 9V and the unstable ol 440C. '171rough coodensallon by chmindflon of SlCI.4 from (SiC13)3N t-o series of c"npounds rcmult. - one ot offi- .8 T-A".j S-i- wWch possesses; a cyclic structure and crys;taltiae (Chemistry-Inorganic. TT. v. 8, ix). 7) (over) 61-14048 Pflurnin. W. 9- A ODERN 'A'AiHING PROCESS IN THE ?,IA\IIFAC- 1. Tcxule~--Clvanina I-LIRE OF CLOTTI. 119471 fp. 1. Pflumm. W. Order from SLA rni$I- W pfi$l- 80 61 - 14048 Trans. of hielliand Textillwrichic (C,-,rmanN,) 1931, v. 12. Dec. v. 769-771. (Unannomic-ed) CowornAmil the PraUen of Ludding in the AulawtrWla heataxodar Platap bw At Pausq~s IVAN, P*rv T4 ivj~. LWA&Mimiluo Vol v De~~ of 6avy HIC tr 2571 Jums 68 Activities of CMA MUtilateral Clearing Co=iosion "d Related Trade bSeetlago, by B. Burgemeister. GEIWMV Irn"usesubmAelo So 22,. 17 Nov 1960., Vp 92-24. FM Sun 2939 RMV - derm"y Rem - It ftowwic cooperatice nb 6-.L Pfohl, Wferner). TRINEOPENTYL ALUMINUM. Pt. 37 of Metallo- organic Compounds. (196114p. 5 refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 61-2D461 Trans. of Dustus Liebigs) Annalen der Cbemie (West Germany) 1960. Y. 629. Do. 1/3. p. 207:109. DESCRIFTORS: Metslorpnlc compounds. *Aluminum compounds. *Mwhyl radicals, *Pentyl radicals. *Alkyl radicals. *Butenes. Chemical reactions. Synthesis. See also, 61-2D460 61-2D461 1. HOW, W. ntle: metalloorganic IS426-1 (Chernistry--Orpaic. TT, v. 7, no. 1) 1411~~ Ger;i= Civil r--fenze Before and Daring II. bv Karl A. Pforr, & --pp. rpt, Der Deutsche Luftachutz vor und dea 2. 'I= I-IcItkrieges, 1957. ACSI 1-3047 ID 2-m683 ED=- - Gemawy ,ymn 63 -., - ~ 1 111- . 1. 1l., The Ifeutrou Cosponent of Comic Radiation., by G. 34 pp. GMUIW,v pe:c# Ustumissenschaftenj Vol XQ=p 1952p pp 149-158, Am ir 766 Sci 0 Rue Phys Feb 59 02~ 62- 16192 Ptr, Tqllr-_O. aud HIMx, L mrlrT C11110MATOGRAPIRC tDENrIFICATION OF S%VElA.tNG AGENTS ESPECIALLY IN DETERGE?M. 11WI (6)p. (6 figs. amilted). Order from SLA $ 1. 10 62-16192 Trarim. of Fette- Selfen Anstrichridnel (Wen Gormany) 1961, w. 63. p. 630-632. DEXMPMRS: *13atexgonts, Identificadow, Vaper ctirwrowgraphy, Ads"lon. too eutano, Detemlon. I C227520 (Maimlals, Tr, Y. 9, no. 3) 1 ofto of ytcw:jd S-1ce, UnAn pea Pressuro Wave of Large by H. -ft-iem C'MANF -,wx- Forsc-hung., Vol XII, Ila 1, JanAeb 191a.. TPAVUB T.223P- Scient'ific Engineering t pia ...)tec on the lt'mtual Sumrpo3itiaa of' ljliadnm-.,-~~,d2 C- nsimal Prescure Waves or large Amvlitu-~L,, yer, Akustirl5te Zeltschrift, Vol Vll-, ITo 2, 1542,, pp (36755. TPA3~MB T.2221- 67 76 ,ftr Inva o4 Reflection of Tva Dimensional Presourc of larre Amplitude, by H. Pfriem G-11-21M, per, Forachung, Vol XII,, DO 5, SOP/Oct 1~'111; pp R44-256. Tpa3/'trIB T.222-00 la - Rngineering Und"OPCd Frc:sralra I.-ave of Large Amplitude, -61 1-orachung. Vol &jj, pp T:-aL,-,,l Nlo 146, Sep 1941. A TPASIAV AIM T . 1'a --~l Engineering Pfrur4er, V. R. and Schwander. H. QUANTtrATIVII SPECTROSCOPIC DETERMINATION OF TIM PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS OF MINERALS IN THt CEMENT INMSTRY. [19611 10p. 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-18714 Tram of Zement-Kalk-Gips (West Germany) 1957. Y. 10, m 10. p. 39+-398. DESCRI110MRS: OCements. Construction, Niaterials, *Mlaerals, Cbernical analysis. Silicates, Calcium compounds, Iron compounds, Oxides, Determination, Spectrcgraphlc cameras. SpectrogrN*11c analysis. Aluttilnum congwoda. A method was developed which permits the principal components cd the cement raw nuueri&IB and of the c&- ment clin're to be determined quantitatively by rela- tively simple means involving the use of spectrum and (Phyulce--Spectropoopy. TT. v. 6. m 9) (over) 61-18714 1. Pfrunder. V. R. U. Schwander, Ii. T%otkg on the Preparation of Silicon Ylonobrmida, by A. Pfugmacher, 1. Rohrmann4 UMAX, per, Z Anorg Chem, Vol C'C'XCj 1957, PP 101, 102. DSTLR/30905/CT Sci - Cheaietry Mar 58 The Liver. Regeneration of Liver,, by W. PrW-4~ 33 pp. 09"WO per# MGM" d sum obby awtomle des j- VOI 5j, Pt 3 P... 1W., pp 343-35b. S.L.A. Tr i39T/1956 fti - Mol 1~40 Feb 5T CTO/dm / .4-ler 40 L ,:? 7 ftablmlW fOr '4SCOW ~-OWrlbod* / by B6 1e. ~~bao a It pp. Russulif "or Luotma. bo 8, 1961?, jp#,pcK)'-4v4p llbscow. J! a; 48, 4 pop /S. ( 0~~/ btd-4wh I,ct 6y 3?2e04,,u 62-220189 PROGREM IN PAP13R AND BOARD DRMIG T M-i- 1. Pfuir, P. NICKE. (19621 t6p. (figs. oniftwd) I I refs. OrdeT from SLA $1.60 02-20189 -rrans. et As--wiation TwJuilque de I'Lidustrie Papccl6m. Gull[adn] (France) 1961. no. 6, p. 480-496. DLSCRlPrORS: OPoper, *Fiberboard. Dilers (Apparn-). 'Me ALzbor c-q)lnins ithe relationship bct-ween factors atfoctbig the output at drying sections and the quality of the prt:Klucte, nixi then reviews the procesa of dehy- dration from thp forming table and snn*)dIing up to owAltioninfl. 11te InfILv-)cc of the strijcmro of 01C shect on al4mniac drying defects Is compared vvith dre effe-CM a,~tuallY dw to drYing on the final Tr, Istler-4 lutper ax,4 board. Niany methmis (it 10) hwiddlAmtion. and obimIninj: ingonn rnoisnum content Qffks of Ttdak3d Sertn are ccnsidered and Illuo-rrsted. (Author) Application of X-Ray Fluorescene Analysis to Ligbt NoUls, H. Pfundt. FM19 POrs, ftVW UAbOrSelle des Mines, Vol CIVS No 40 2961v pp 203-207. CRL/T ills Sci- Hol Mar 63 -~ -~S' S 54 A CliniCa MWftltb*eo vith Ribalayin Owspboft la Cardim M me v by A. PMsenmlter. GEMMv perp the Uln22. rp "ligi MA W-0 1 6?. Z~~ SCIL-sw a.-1 66 2 30705M CrwV MATLOW ag Stress Belaxxtim of Cold Wadmed Steel Wives WIth DIrferimt, Pv*.Tmtwmnt,, by A. GMMp Wo StmbX und Blomp Val UMX.. 2,9 Sep 1960j, VP 13a-1336. BIBI 1965 ftl - MA/Dkt /o/ A g FAF 61 (OF-810) TM PRO=10N W QUO LAWMTORY AMUTM IN POLANDS, U( BoLgpjM OW pFUrjM 4 pp* M===R--] ftlstlo"* CHMIKA, VOL Xvp No 4,p IAp PP 13 36. JPM 14%3 c" " FOAND ECON 4. JUL 62 WAo631 r1kalitizaal-da 4 Dot-Mair-ntion of Niczotlne in Tobacco -Smollze M St,andardization of ArtUlcial SmOkini~ OZ Tcbgg;CO Productos by B. Pfyl, 2h 11P. =&1N, PC-r. &-ItgeLrift fur Untqrrucburk,..dSL lepbSnamittol. Vol LXVIS no 5S Nov 1533# pp 501-511. via Scicatific - Chemistry C, 0 inn 54 So:~tth On the IftblUtyor otjp~ ftlemgAm vIth limpeft to M*Otrcm ftootp by M. _!b!q, 25 pp. P!!Omo PIT, Z- r4tW*nob# Va Mr, jLg%, 3pp 198-96. SEA 58-5W Sol Avg 59 0~~ /t.-*v r ~ p /~ ow's"m m0mv-0mon unoy VA" be Md4, by-thwAo Tom%, S,W6 V!V "AMISM6 O~ WN ftl NOU Dlk 13 NOT 19K p 3. a IPWVINXM m I Fab 45. Z064 arty Gromits PubUr In ;-, sItK-tim of , aWic'Ates by ITtma 4isto 5 ppo up, lianciv 15 Juy 1969s p 2% j, i'o 1076 CL OL- 01 Ccadttft Hal" 94-GMAI QURMUPS tw Pbom ftlo 7 ppe GOWMISUM I" OM muAlssfil part UD son X" pm HMO Rama. am AW. yp 29-320 jpfis G110 2980 Fx-m Vift 69 6bd MUMIS In TM4 4uh Frminw, by Plain CmW and ftVm Lboo Visas ILO pp. FRENCH9 We IMMUg figmMU& sep 196,7* A) 13-49w jilks, 4:1M fhcIm Ci?0#16- F1641 VIA 3ft "W 6? A5vl?5 StnWgumn cant"]. Of provincima I,,=- t*17 Mftb*o tw mm Die% .5 PP. VUTAhpsm,p lip@ Qm ME 25 IRW 190j, p 3* jigs *nl;B FE-H Viet Sm" Fob 'M 3999593 rl_. N=nmn lw Wh uk~ 16 WL a - stmocamulwak raloxyNam Mmo au" MAN KAM" b "0 23M Sox! 64 34%M (KY-3520) MISTMICE OF SOIL IN NORTH VIETNAM* WC LONQJ' 9 PP. VIMWCKo PERv KHM HDC KY THUAT tUr. tkGIEPj, ND 1%9,w PP 22-25. JPRS 15017 fE t4=14 VIETTIAN EM AgRiaXTURE 20)j,%55 (DO-5600) Stwear.theming Patty l4aaerahip is the Key to ftacessful Revolution, by Duoug Fbam., 3 PP- .MaMME1, np, Thol Su Pho Thong,, No 18,, 1960v PP 51-3U 54, im 8247 F.u - Vietnam a :3 a pol v jim 61 OW-1919) oftusau or the V"Umue ftqge fbr the pos"ral umnammon 4t fte Ownti7p by pt" ammo. MOUNt bk DWDk=UdMkoVs MospdQUM X9C*, 9LS-231. ja 6L 53 (DO-4092) Daurniustlan lu tkw strusgm to awpws the Plan fm the Astvmn ftmot wA to CaWlete the 1960 APUtItUMI Plan. SucoessfuUYS, by Pbw mugs T Pp. at# lb" Dun# lb 2213# 9 AW 19601 JM 6067 soon Oct 60 Ll- u alno PrOvIncial Ccn,~=cS:-, On thc pp inp, liban Dan, No 2054, llunoi, 31. 0:!'; !S:1~9, 3. JFR3 32U - A 4-atch Dolivared at the Discusgioa Nectirg on I-rTI&Ltiou in Hung-yw,, by ~ Pbm_Ewiij 12 pp. VIM'WDMW,p ago Iftu Dan* NO 1889) IS MMY 19505, P 3- JMS-934-D Fa - 1wrth Tictnm Ecom - Agrlualt=e I'V~, 44A~ Ckz:t 59 (DC-3507/1). A Spameb Dalivered at the Tentb-Nouth Rice Crop Dlacunislon UntIng In April 1959 )Cout'd by rhfu~-Hqngs 6 pp. VIR"Wa., n] . No le 26 Apr 1959 j. p 2. JM-934-D Nowth V:iqtaam scon -- Aavica#~Lture IL oat 59 ( /V/ - --s --s -j -- Development in 'agricultural Production, b-: Pham ltiwig., VIETK.,!1.!&3Ej np, Thoi Moi, No 2393, 8 Sep la6o. *JPRS FE - North Vietnam Econ - AExiculture 19 Dee 6o LKr a 0492"It so sommm To FITOLY 3MLE TAC Pm:ommmo. w v VlVnWXM6 MA; RX TAP# ND 10s 194. am L13-L Uri Keep a Frim Grasp on to;z M~ain Tack oi~ Foot). Production aud Puah the Develorment of en Ovv-.ra3.2. Agricultme, by_g~am Hu2s; 15 PP. per, Hoc Tap, jan 19061.1 py 44-53. Y-E Vietnam E C May 61 1, -, on- -L-~ P I ~Wlr Fumh Agrlr.-ultural Production as a Basis for Socialist IndumteJAlization, by Pham Hung, 43 PP- VIMMAIZZ-G., UP, Mulrj Dan., NO 2367, 11 aeP 1960, pp It -5. JPRS 71-37 Ve, - victim Fol Fell 6i , , -- --, It - 1, ~ , - r , I 11, : (NY-64oo/3) fte Problem of Iumtment in Socialigt Economy, by 12 pp. IMMMEs UP, *an Dan, 13 Hur 1961, P 3. JM 9573 P's - Vietnam Econ /'~O/ 620 jui 61 (W-350'1/2.). A Spem-ah LUalvered at the Tenth-44outh Rice Grop Dlect4olon Pleatlag in Aprill 1959, by Fbth Hung, 10 pp. V.TMW.PlS99,f ap, M~m Daa, Lro 1867, 25 Apr 1.959, p 2. im-934-D IPS - florth Vietnam Ecoa - Agr1oulture Oct 59 &- -A " lplim -- - Nkat MWWWMAW NW& 12 w not Tw v= - smsua FRI...6bWAB xfto M944 aut 426 (NY-5513) The Agricultural Developmut in North Vietmamp by Pham Btmgj, 27 pp. VISMUM, np, Nban Dan, No 2367, U SeP 1960, pp 4, 5. JMS 7293 FS - MOFWfi Vietnam /-3 ~~ -2- Boon Pet, U Prorluctian Rccapitulatfor Cor:mxless on 16 February 1960,, by Hung, 11, up., 14han Dan,, No 2162, 1960.9 Ppp ITIJ~-R:"~ 11;01.~, Econ Aug 6o Solving Ticclinical PxWolor,-G -In thc U-se of Prc- S'*reo:,utl "oncretc b- Flam Huu Phuc, 5 I)P, RE pmr, Ky Ginio Thong, j,',ri3r 1961, mu 7-10; Jun 1961., p 45- JPRS li.019 Ania - Vietnam Eu,~.Nn 7~(. c 61 :*"* b copm C*Vancum by pmft-mnw~ 10isomp. = Vi*"uxvAM6 sm. ftmo-cm mb*,T.~ w 8. Sft 2. "". tMbeloomisia ipmanu pa-voltow M! ~ av. i" Irt RO Ohm Van I.Oft speech at I -,-Rrccp Gtwn by Soviet ~mba4smdor Shcbcrbakows by nest Vlmm Dong, 9 pp. NOUTHAMIUM-., 2er, Iloc Too Ugmol, Nr). I!, kly 671 pp. 1A J" 6a REORGANIZE UNITS A AND B AT CONSTRUCTIO14 %XK SITES, BY PHAN KHUE, 5 PP. VIETI"ESE., NPO 401, DAN) 26 SEP 1962, P 3. JPRS 16o49 FE - VIETNAM ECON Nov 62 2161652 (NY-3520) SERVING PRODUCTION OR ENTERING UNIVERSITIES?., BY PHAm LAM, 4 pp. VIETNAMESE, NPI THU DO HA NOI, 26 MAY 19621 P 3. JPRS A88o FE " NORTH VIETNAM Soc'. AUG 62 2o8,429 (DC-56x'j A "I"ovi%.ohip Party Committoe Meeting, by Phim Lee- Van:, 5: pp. vl~UNAM--62.0 app fiban Danp 8 Feb 1961, p 6. JPRS 8423 F-V - 'Fletivi'mr c , 1.,.4 pol 10 !j 'Tun 5:1. (DC-47-;;B) I~hintuin the CoLl*otive IAmdership of the Party Rxecutive Committees, by Fba- bUuhj, 4 pp. va M.MM, pev, Roo Tag., No 8/9, 3-960, pp 140-142 im 6351 n - vtotnam PDI / q ~7 j/~ ~ jau 61 (M-5905) How Have We Struggled to RgLise the Living Stamdsr~U of Cooperative Members to That of High Middle Pessauts?,# by-Ftm IFSoc Ang, 6 Sp. VMMAMM, per, Hoc 'hw, No 8, 1961. im 10455 ASU - Tictaft 7.z, jz POI o.- t 6J. me rhm "PC Thu* 01% Is 20 "K p x M%U4 -11.1-0 1 1 1: 1 1 1, 1 ~ (IqY-6400/1) 196:L Hewth nan, b~_~ftoc, Thach., 5 Pp- virmmma., np.. in= Denq 5 mar ig6l., p 4. im 9410 FE - Vietum Soc Jul 61 /4 /1 5/,A s-- *0 Amwkd armicb, IF =D, 49A ((DC-5332/5;' Tvwpka of the Public Health Service tj)2der the Firat Fivm-Year Plan, bZ Phm Npo rjha6&, 4 1*. VIEVIAMSE, xwj Mm DIM.- 3 JhU 1961., P 4- JM 8556 AUC. 61 of Child-Care pp JPPS 10250, 45 I k MEDICAL RESEARCH IN Ic-62, L9Y_f!iA jg~~4 6 PP. a t.130C VIETNAMESE) NP, NHAN DAN, 10 MAY 1062, P 3. JPRS 143,92 FE - VIETNAM E SOC JUL 62 202,31 c., ( DO - 3 -; 3 -L, 1'. ' J u Tasks Of P,Lblic Health Service Under Llhe First Five Year Plan, ky Pham Ngoc Thach, VIETRAI-ESE, nP, Nhan Dan, No 24-31, 3 Jan 1906-1, p *JPRS Vie'nam Soc 14 Feb 61 VW-5,9054 hlldiaiMl Yxwdomp tY Pbnm Quwr-, Hicul 2.1 pp. m"Tommy Pe3rm RM Roo Ta PP 55-558. p.. Dn 1961,p JM 22M Amla - Vtotn= 3m Wr 62 /^ xrevitlamt of Chr-mic alvachitic idse- in Acute 3"Irinfectica Outbreaks by Wans of 40 M-tibi0tiC COMbinationo by Q. T. Phagg P, Sadmip 13 rp, FMC91s, per, Samaine des U%itaux lbers- Imutl3ml. vat Ir. no 3. 1964& pp 335-338, SLA 7T a-13102 Jum 67 327g,071 lptr-j . ~ 1: . I I I ft m Cow of typbm in nod. *m a ownliuvil ~ ~ T un illmk ft WN mrirnm andm 297" m *f-- a64366 That i4r. k;i*-,o litic 1964, 13-14. 6 -2 8 2 4 7 I ar 7 5 ; 11 11:4 1 " !~ Wl I ,1110.11 :H V I,,, If I, Peclagogical Courses by Mail., by rham qlh;tnh, 4 iv. viumAmssE., up, 22 sept 1962o P 3- JPRS 16171 FE - Vietnm SGC Nov 62 a o"It"M A ow ==IOU W~ I-., a pp. ~l V$C*Mg*o W. NOM 80# AUM P 19i& V 30 . I mn so" "O"3" XK' OCIA63 ft4lg Cnigrilhensive Collegeo by PbEkw TMnh Ngu*et), PP. VIVINAUMp ap, Khoa Ron ThucM Thuc., No 21, 30 -Tel 1960j. p 5. im 4304 FE - Vietnam Sor A;?,7 gj-l jar, 61 li Y- ou South Vietnam Uhder the Yoke ol' "Afr~~i-icen Aid", by E~i ~m Iniamh Vinh, 9 px). TiMTIAMETE, rip, laimn D=, 16 Tul !961, p 3, 1.7 Jul .1.961, 3 JIPRS I W2~k Aoia - Vietnum 7 Fol liov 61 Xuan tlinh, '1~7 py ilghier. 1"ec (.-I MW MM, AVI 4,4& P 4. fj~"." cow, 4 53 (DC -3b5u'-- Pharr. Thuc Discusses 1960 Basic Construction Plan, by Phan Thuc, 3 Pp. VIETNAMESE, np, Nhan Dan, No 2149, 5 Feb 1,,)60, p 2. jpRs 6073 FE - Vietnam Econ o -- t 6 c) Advantages of Bouipping Agricultural Cooperatives With Motors and Sm-01 Machines., by Phan Nam, 5PP VIKNAMESE, np, Nhan Dan, Hanoi, 24 Sep 1964, p, 2 JPRS 27493 Asia-Vietnam Econ Jan 65 271,911 4w Two amw aowmftmgy by Ps 244 SM 10Y-5364) ,Si,r,&*btrn. and Bafeguard SociAlist Legislation, bY Pbam_lran Back, 7 PP. vTxnhw.-3z,, up, Nb= Dar,,. Im no 239os 4 ok3t 196ot 3- JM M2 FE - vist"Mm Flu Jar, 61 JV,& Man VS16 Al so loft lp aurm Ono, LIMM (NY-64w) Phsc. Van Dong's Speach on t7ne Fanjlation Ibment, by Pham Van Dt~, 14 PP- VIRIPAdoMp npo Man Dw, 7 May 1962j, p 2s 3* JPao 142M .W.- vie-mm %1 2 6_?,, 3..2 7 Am 62 (rif-6400 nnam irem Dong's "'pooch aa t1le BamLstion meut, by Eham Ve-4 Dor4;., 3-4 pp. VMj.qLMv;EM, up, Than Dans 7 HaY 1962, p 2, 3. im 14201 M- Ifietamm .2 6 2, 3 Jim. 62 Of MOOT&' .c- ic Govsrn=wat~ ty VutL Donar -%-jcZITAI.vWS.- lap, M&,n Dam; 4o 2303, 'P'p jm 7137 61 LET US RAISE THE EFFECT OF ART AIND LITEIRI.ATLIFIIE W THE WDE-PEHDE!,'rE AND SOC-110-13il) PP. VIETr!,(-A.~E5-_-;,-~j VAi,' ll,'(~HE; 2AU'~-; l- Ri"'S 21 C),- Mt:kl* MOOK 199 VFW or My go umnyiju in Tw VIO06WO 00o WA =w* 0 Om 2963, afm mm 00 IMA)m %.4 qpwwp"awm ftm "a DO& 7 p. V4441~6 -ft Tba=~~ AW4 00A. ima6m MVNW= 00:64 zoom l-'cssc.r!c to Mirushchev, by Phar. Vala DolIL-,. FLIssip"N, n-.:1, Pravaa, 28 Apr 1962- FBIS ~,iirc u 1-1 1 -j R Pol 22 :~.'r.~y 62 T, wt aff W40 we"Go w "M Vilm Woo a pp* . ~ I wou- vi no 6% as im V4. I im loop ft.* ~VIVOWN $vw Pm 63 ahow I JAO~ Mm VIO. I M 0mum be STMX PAMWIIQI~ w Vwx UN toq$ to PPO To, OW)MM6. W* wox sm.$ !) m SAU vp 3p 4. .0019118 F4. * wit"m am WAVA3 "0P063 sm2on ra-v"Ma xft Fob" 240610 =m sup W. mmma "s " mauji, jw 11. .i.. . I ftQti=l%M'"v Vw "wo MW Mft rm" a CM. ftow OU230M -.- - rd r4wp%m~ V*M; 2MVI 111'j"M I P Statement to Correspondent of "Novcstii", by ThE,~Van Dong. RUSSIAN, np, Izvestiya, 5 Jul 1961. FBIS Wire I rs -". R Pol jul 61