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Adsorption of Unsatumted Gases by AcIU-ivated Charemls by N. Ya. Re[pk., H. 1. SMIrnov,; 4 ppe RUSSrM,v mo per# Zhlw Prik Dim, Vol M=Ij r1o 4p Apr 1955s PP 433-435- CrA c 38M Consultants B=eau ftientif ic - chemistry CM 73/0rt 1955 26,981 The Processes of Adsorption,, by H.-Ya. Re[;ak,, H. I. Smirnovs 6 'PPO RMIAII,v mo par, Zhur Prik RhIms Vol XXV111p No 3j, UM# Jkr 1955,p pp M---St- CIA D 270075 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 71AUS 1955 4: ~, 6 V40 7 1, . I . 1, .. ; lm i- -- - _-_ -. iiam 9 A ffilbuls~~ etrokinetic Effectz 4- ITA-T-dl Marm,--y,. by A. R I S. 1. PmtyarU., 6 pp. WSSIMO perp Atom Eucrgiyao Vol XlVp No 1,, 1963, pp 122-2m. en Sol jan 64 .0 0-2 q ?, .2 6 e lieuDi'Ovis:1- iv-ffte; !aj .-til'bans, 6 pp. RUSST-AN, per, Fiz Werdogo Tela, Vol 11, No Ili 960, fT. 2671-2676- AD Bov Phys - Solid State vol n.. No -t Sci .Tun 61 5-o 7 Electrical Conductivity of Liquid Seleniumin Strong Electric Fieldej, by A. A. Andreyev., A. P-Rege" 6 pp. ROWIM,, per, Fiz Twerdogo Tela, vol n., wo 11, 1960, pp 2770-2T75. AIP Sov Phye - Solid State Vol 11" No -U SCI j= 61 Solutiou Syz,~,,oia by ". D. v A. Na~', vt-.,, A. R. Ragell., I. V. L'~-!Orakiy, WSSLW2 so per., Zhur Tekh Fiz,, Vol XXVI, No l0p, Awr inat of Phyis soy Piva-710clb Php U- m7 .o,. The Dependence of the Creep Strength of the Single Crystals of T1Br+ TlI Upon the Defonaation Rate and the Temperature, by V. R. Regell, G. E. Tcmilovskiy, 13 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudyl Ak Nauk SSSR, Inst Kristall, Vol XII, 1956, PP 158-164. qo8q6o2 q ABC UCRL Tr-837 Sci - Chem Aug 62 2o8,443 An instrument for Meclanical Testing of Heat- Resisting Materials, by V. R. Hegel', V. G. Govorkov, A. F. Zakatov, 3 PP:-`~--'- RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lsb, Vol XXVI, No 2, 196o., pp 243-245 ISA Sci- Feb 61 ow Ilectrioa pxqpwUm gC Avorgow in= of 203aw1ulh and the Brreat ct MUM= an 7beir bW Tln Mb-tump A- R. INWO ROOMS, per, rlxllo Wao Vol lnp ND,22* is&# IV 36A-362D. AIP 8cw &Vs BoOdd State VX Vol =,p go 22 Sel AnK 62 208,161 61-13927 Regel', A. R. ELECTRODELESS METHOD OF MF_ASURING 1. Regel'. A. R. ELECTRO-CONDUCTIVtTY AND POSSIMI.TKIES OF U. UCRL T_ra=-S53(Q ITS USE IN pHySICO-CIIEMICAL ANALYSIS Ifl. Lawreso., Radiation Lab., fBezelcktrodnyy mciod lzmereniya Elektroprovocinosti i U. of CaUfcwrA&, Vozrnozhnosti Yego Primeneniya dlya Zadach Fiziko- Berkeley Khimicheskogo Anall7a). 119601 28p. (foreign text included) 20 refs. Order front OTS or SLA $2.60 UCRL Trans-553(L)i Trans. of 7hurnal Neorganicheskay Khlndi (USSR) 1956, v. 1. no. 6. p. 1271-1278. DESCRIPrORS: *Conductivity. Measurement, *Electrochemistry, Instrumentation. 00- Ala." S_A_ (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 6. no. 1) El--ont:L-ols~hu!7~-T-ic *R'-A pt~,nj~laetia -Pm,-r+,:Ien &- Des.peciated by "onmldehyft and amt., by R. H. 3 P-n - WMp port Salmolurlache Zeltacbrift fter All Um ratbolqoe Und 11 ktwrjologtov Vol 7.V# 19520 pp 456-461. SZA 60-10007 7Y am 6o Vol = r No "Ferritetl",, A ftv Technically Pure Iron Extracted From 2 Varriferow Mtwwmeo Svmdss by Aldo Rege, 571e~w, UNCLAWIFIM Ful.1 trans3ation, =Mj, a reprint frm WbMMM No 1-2-3j, 1946j, publ by Industria Fmtlcbe Itallume Stucchij, Musn. ID OSM 7-9876 14EU - Italy Scientific - Xinerals,, metalsp ferritel,, Iron, 11toranee samBe Jau 53 Cm W-w Iffe" of Inpiwities on the Blectro-Canductivity of A20bs by A. R. Heipi Ip M. a. easimkiyo 6 pp s RM Zbor TOM nat Vol =V;, No ka 19"m pp W-W. SCL *m mb tr 56/3787 act - ph"Ical Chm ',1171 :!f~ z jky 57 daAli certnin M--gmati-e Field Inte=:LiW Ty X~ta~ ot amU-ZW r,-.3A Datactom M;Aa of Ngft j V9W and 7be Ir W3 SobrUom, by 0. D. Elpatfev%J=4~6,, A. 7 pp. MMS-10j, m per# Zbs Tekb nzp Vol :cr,71., 11., M" 2956) pr 24.1-0-2438. Amr Mwt of Pk,-8 am "~M: itch 1--a" vca 1,, zo n .3-j / / 9 W7 57 the ""' f(~ct of the Defectivencss of r-:1 'LlIc' of the Ratio Zvi- LlccLruas tLad Hul=s, 'uy 1. '!in 11-hib-Dualn, A~ Regel'l + P-11- RUS-T-W. ner Fi,& TVerd0go Tela. Vol ITT. ifo 6. 1961, PP 1683-1687- AIP SOV Statc voi iii, No 6 i-lUr 62 investigation of Electrical Conductivity of a .. 3M. --& -- Semi-Conductors and lnter-Met&3~lic fto CmWounds in Solid and Liquid State, by A. 1. Blum, Rp*=dhambxM NI P. Mokrovskly A. R. Regel, 29 pp. (1, S-jUt4&Vn&'-* I+ jj.4- 0") RUMIM, per., Is Ak Nauk SM,, Ber Fit,, Vol XVI.. No 2j. 1952,, pp 139-153, Sci Mu Lib Tr 55/0839 Scientific - Electricity Jul 55 CTS DrIectrodeless Mathod of Measuring &ad Ilassibilltlea of Ito Use in Pbpico-Momical AnalWis, by A, R. Regal-p 28 pp. RUBsIAN., Perm Zhur Nwrgan xb1m., vol i, :L956, pp lm-lwa- AM UCM-JJ!r=a -553(L) sci lo sov 6D List 45 Some Features of the Electrical Properties of HgSe- HgTe Films, by 0. D. Elpat'evskaya, A. R. Regel, 8 PP. RUSSIO, mo per, Zbur Tekh Piz, vol xxvn, so 1, Jan 1957, pp 45-50. Amer lust of Phys Sov Phys, Tech Phys Vol IIP No I 5?/W/ Scl - Fbys Jan 58 The Electrical ConductIvIty of Copper,, ]Uckell Cobalt, Iran and Manganese In Solld and LION Stat"j, by 1. P. MWwovoklys A. R. PAWIN 9 PP. RWIAN, perp Zluw Tekn Fizo Val XXIII., So 12p M3P pp 2121-M5. Sel-WS Lib 55/3W 9 ~', IF ScI Mineralujibucu, Electricity (M 2509~) xWestiWtion of tlw,.V-ariW,ow in the Rqct~+ng.. propmu" at the Pa.ft"~C'cki4ta~bt,'Matal-Semicoriductors V=Uw the Imflusme of tb9'L-Martion,:vf tba Semi- cooduatw by low.or Alkai-c'mewas, Braigy, R. F. Kanwomp ki'IL ReVll .10 pp. RUSMNj, tbrice-co W. Dok M Ak Itauk SSSR Nal M-TX' No 1j, Moscow,, I NW19~4-JIVTW M-:~;-~ CIA/FM U~-81.220 um sai - PbVmIcil A3W 56 Electrical Properties of Solid Solutions of Mrcury Selemide and Selenium,, by A. 1. Blum# A. ]R. Regel. RMSIOM wo per'. Zhur Tajg~.Fiz. Vol XXI., so 3., 1951# Pp 316-327- D.S.1.4 M Scientific Physics The ZMct of Thickness on the Mactrical Properties of FlUm of Bismuth, by V. I. 9 pp.' =w lwib na, Vol Will$ Ito go M86 pp MG. Awr last at Fbys aw fte - ftch fts Vta Mll No 2 act - PIWO Dee 58 Electrical Conductivity of the Germnium BilicOu Alloys in Liquid State., by M. S. Ablova.) 0. D. Elpatlevskayas A. R. ReVl#, 3 Pp. RUSSIM, per Zhur Tekh Fix, Vol XXVI,, No 6, jun 1956, pp lW-1366. Awr Inst of Phys Soviet Phys, Tech Phys Vol is No 6 Sci - Phys Jul 57 off Una:.:ial Plastic x --rorj~a.---jojj o., u D-- Blecil-1-ic-al Prope:L-ties of R'. Ec-ell, F. A. Chnach)ovsIdy, c-'U- al, i?p - pe--.-., Fizilza 11~rerdoGo Vol 1112 ,70 1 !)P 3589-355-2. AIP Sov Phys - solic, S-tztc Vol Tj-, -.7 1,0 L 1.0 Sci Auo 62 208,158 M2e Tenpersture,Dependeme of %be Resistance of Zn, We and Sb Abvve %beir Doillug rr ratu"S P by Av RP te"1164 4 pp. RU3SXAN,, per.. Zhw T*M Fizv Vol XVIII.. ft 3j, 3.90m pp 521-524. Auer Inst of Pbys Sm ft" - web Pbre Vol TrIs No 3 D&c 59 137 Tha ILUective Dhoa of EUatromo for a of a Sluge Ccmd=tWity Zow.* by A. R. Romi, 6 pp. SIM.. per, Mmp= L Ta=et flz_P Vol XX3:2 DO 7., 1931j, PP 845-850- EMAMOX-M Clk#MDPA-A6 Scientific - E34atrouiqs,, rapica, canduativity VAr 53 CTS 13d qplication" 6y A. 9, Rogoll* io. A., A~[*U=ko, Ito I A-4 Vcw%t AL lwuk lss~a, ~.~o 5, a P"-ve op a6-3- for j,Laro7zech=icv_l amcrime=s ard A-p-p-licewton to -the Study 0i, +~"c iies of Polynem. by G. D. mhkavmp G. A. Dubov) fr~'j 1).0. Un. por. 2,-.vod Lab, Vol Mp Bo 1y pp 3.01-3.05. Instruc Soc of A-mer //_? Y7f 60 ~l Tim DaparAemze- of Strength UWOr ?vAit,.Lc al-M' Altermating Loadlmg By V. R. - Ragel 6 and A. M. Laksovskivt w. 5 pp F r It RUBMN, per., F" Tvardego Telap Vol Vp No 2j, 1962p pp 010~-M Awr lut of PhYs Sm Ph" - SbUd State Vol IVIO No 4 SC& jun 63 540' .2-1 too IM% w V. 4. call ,lox =~% Alt -Mao 1146M In ZW* VAMMITJ6 VOL MU26 4m lake on tj,.e D.Jacloaure of DiGlocald"lom I-In Zii Single Crystals by EtchinS, by V. r,. Rp&:q, Ar., lei. 8 Pp. RV,SLQ-J,, per, K.rimlmllografiya, Vol nt, rio 2, 1959, Pp 226-234. Awr inst of Phya sov Vol IV, va 2 Sci E-c- r., 6o Ila le 7 Contributions to the Histvry of the Ist International Polar Year in 1882/83, by Oskar Regele, 11 pp. GERMAN, per, Polarforschung, Vol III, No 1-2, 1952, pp188-192. Amer Meteorol Soc for Geophys Res Dir, ASTIA T-238 Scate Cheracteristica of Temperature Dependence of Electrical Conductivity of Single Phase Solutions of -Ag-Au, In-Fb and Bi-Sb Systems in the Solid and Liquid States, by F. Gaibullayv and A. R. Rege3! 5 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Zbur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVII, No 10, 1957, pp 2240-2245. i Amer Inst of Phys Sav Phys-Tecb Phys Vol II, No 10 Sci-Phys Jun 58 Characteri5ticti of the Tezoperature - Resistivity Relationship for Liquid Eutectic Systems, by F. Gaibullayev,, by A. R. Re 8 yj' .!Sg.e1 MISSIAN, per,, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXVII, No 9, 1957 pp 1996-2oo6. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phya-Tech Pbys Vol n' No 9 Sci-Pbya Jun 58 On the Temperature D-apendence of the Effect of a Strong Electric Field on Polyci-js-italline Selenium, by A. R. _Eq "e B. G. Tagiev, 6 pi.). RUSSLUT, per Fiz Tvardogo Tala, Vol V, No 10, 1963, PP 29U-2921 . Amer Inst of Phya Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, no 10 Sci may 64 259,006 Ble,ctrical CominctLvity and Tbormoelectric Powr Of bi-10% in the Solid and MWid Staten, by T. A. R. pqpxl, 6,pp. MSMM.. per, Fixlkn Tver&W Tel&, Vol V, No 9, 1963., P-0 242a-2W- Amer inst Of phys Eov p4p - Solid state Vol V, No 9 SOL Apr 64 254.,535 and he-P- - 110"Moeuxtric 1, v le. 1'.. rdkmlm. uszc=Ull , a"r i WUM- w rwt. to s. I%*. 4.86-9Z Ilu IIT-65-M INI, I-T Themai r--~TX C"Lose to the Fusion Point, 1--y Ablam, A. 12~ Regel 2 pp. RMSIAN, perP Zhur Takh Piz, Vol =Mj. No 9, 1957 pp 2170-2172 Amer Inst of Phys Sov PbyiiJrech Pbya Vol ZIP no 9 Sai-Phyr. Jun 58 bVerimmAs in Kiwtice of Rearystallitation of Sinsla CrYst&U of TIBr -- TYJ,, p bY V. Pq Regel 0 1 0. A. Dubovy RUMIM,, parp UlwbeLUagraphiya, Val IT,, No 61 19511j. pp '156-759. AmAr Imt or Pbys sci Pal) 60 / 6 F f. /,-s!' 7 z 'L Lrj than, 1*-C5~hC4 C4;- nCC;,% S=jer CC= ALO _ _ , 1 .YregVioil. and-11 Strcf;:;t::;j by G. A. Dubm P.. Regal;-- Veri Kristull-OgraPhires Vol ri... ro 6, 1957t PP 7116-755- Arear Inst of F!Ws F~db 60 Use of tte Etch 'Metbo~-: for Rg-nurealing in Rolled pletm-q of 6ilve--'r (rill r"r.-t.,9e, Stoyanoira, V. 1r. 13 ='Orak34, V. R. Rege12 6 pp. RUOSIAN, per, X-TiftalLograf iya, Vol V, Vo 1. 196o., pp io&iA. AIF f3ov-Phyn Oryet-al sci J Nov 60 Pl~- tl-.U-~ 11' diti,~'ns P:i-c7c--t D2,~al Sli-e DZ--!-:::"=t!.-n c3x%rco., G. Govrrjov, p by V. R-EF RUSSIAN, p-ar, Kristallogr~jys, Vol IV, No 6, Nov.-Dee 1939, pp 8!f8-386. Amer Inat of Phys srj-i Phya - -Iryot-al Vol I'll 11c 6 Sci - Ini. RN Photo*lect,ric BftvfrlvWnae Mterp by V. H. R J!, 0. A. Ddbovs 3 PP- RMSIWs perp Pribory I Tekh Uaperp No 6p 1958, Pp IM-104 - Tmetru Sm of Amr sti Apr 60 Pir The Relatinn of Orientation to Kinking Limit for Wnocrystals, by V. R. jjgW , a. v. Berezhkovap 6 pp. RUSSIANA perp Kristallografiya, Vol IV., No 5s 1959Y pp 761-767. Amer lust of Phys Sov Phys-Crystal //f 311PR sci-Phys jun 6o Revelling the Emergence of Dislocations on -Ghe Surface of a Crystal by the Etch Method, by V. R. ZaRwed!" A. A. Un th-u-sovskaya, V. N. Kolomiychuk, 21 pp. RMSIA11, per, 1~ristallografiya, Vol IV, flo ,Tov-Dec 1959, PP 937- Amer ln2t of -Phys Sov Phys - Crystal Vol -LVj :,-40 0" Sai Jul 60 Ilem instrmamt for Hiercmechaiaical Find ItZ P.YPIIC0.%i0Z fOT IrIVOStleatille thO NCOhMnita-I Properdez Of ?161$M-ATB, !?Y N! - J1 ~,, jlggoll 0. V. Berembimya,, 0. A. D&crr, 10 p RUSSIM, pe!r, gmvcd*kE't'ym Lsbomtoriyaft., 1959, Vol W, TO lp 1* 101-105. MA 59-17602 o tci reb 6o Vol, 2) No 9 17 of uhravwjec r"Adw-Tinfri I w y3nmEtta 4CK- Cracp WA &AQav9mWa at capalo-me FtbL-ka6 by V. 11. Regel. V. C-10. Crwrnyy. I a ~-mlvva- Vol V. vp V25-VZL 'AW7-~*j FID-TT-64-IM V. set-Phypt Jul &S Experimental Analysis of B(:Win Holder Oscillation in a Glass Spinning System, by Xh. Z. Regel'man, 8 pp. k- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Saved, Tekh Tekstil Prom, No 2, 1961. Tex Inst Sci jan 63 220,252 OW fi~m-,l V--n 19. 12 yo~- LY.V.V 2011811MIT, 7C.0 Sol - ja=tronlca Feb 59 Developwnt of Baboola Wgmtrw In the Tick sooj*Uug mer%lusip tv P. RefTudams-, .. - GEWAIA# loro - ftw baktftdologlej, P&M*lteMk=" Und w p Vol. JLLp No at 39 42sim. 1936 00091ORGOO Sol oll/~~ ASW 60 .1 0 110 5- ~ ~~ ftilAoepbalus * Sangtdneus as Vector of Piro- plasma Canis in Brazil, by ?..~ndanz, J. Muniz. MRM., por, Hem Instituto Osvaldo Crus, Vol XXXT, No 1, 1936, VP 81-84- CSnO 4767 act - Biol 0 7, ~0-5K~ jul 62 1,?- The Development of Babesia Ca~is in Dermatlentor Reticulatusp by P. Regendanz and E. Reichenaw. GMIPM,, p--rp. Arch Proticrtenkundep Vol IX=,, No 1s, .1933P WA 50-71- CSIMO-3183 scl Aug 58 '71, agy, Experimento on the Condensation and Sublimtion of Water Vapaur at Low Ter4araturesy. Toy H. Regmegr GERM, pers ZWB DAL Vol XXXV p 1941$ pp 17-24. Natti nee counan w cansda Tz 68 SolentUic - Geoftelce Jul CTS/mm Price 0.25 J/ &// '.5/- A ral-)UUrt-, i-and-R-egi a the Pathe of Corpteculer ftys, by-S. Regener Full, translation. I GMMN,, per,'Technische Sochecule Stutt rt Festacchrift Rocbsaa-c Suz, volina MIR- 8 ersten Jahrbw3derts, ItR9 - 1929j, pp AIC Tr 1602 /SclentIfIc - MysIcs '"T u Jun 33 */= 3 , Yel The I'ledium Section Rolling klill of Rochling Iron and Steel Works GmbH Volkligen (SAAR). By H. Regenhardt. GERMAN, Schloemann Report No. 112/511 DISI 7504 Sci/mech Dec 69 398,768 Model tests to IweatIgate the Room Air Distribution in Venhilated, Rooma, by B. Regamcbalt. a=m, per, Staub V,01 24, no is 1964m pi) allVT 2372 s ch)7,L 7- Sci - Jul 67 333,685 Venturi Tube With Varyirlg 14mat) plow,* by B. Ragensche-it per Deutcche Foracht-gign - Mari S.L.A. Tr Pool CTS/m lWovm=t on Lift In Ompt-Back Vim by Boundwy layer Control, by S. ftpusebalts W. Sdwler I----------- GMMO ZWD Mfg (3047),p U PP-p SeP X03- 2PAY/TIB Tr No T hW7 scieutifle - Arlatim q r -7J Drag Beduction by Suction of the Boundary Layer Separated Behind Shock I-lave Formation at High Mach Rumbers, jr by B, Regenscheit. GEMIM, per, ZWB Fb# MAL 3jul 1941. RAaA 1168 Scientific - Suction,, Wave formtion,, mach numbers 4 ER a Ay *VA -4 Index Aeronauticus A Sok With Wnudc Zang by'ag. Bruno fiemmaheit U pp. QVWWWJ. ama =it -SMM!:~!cbem AuMrieb Auftmg is Awr Imp imal no I to A=# ATT6e63JL-%- AV "9*3 wau - ommow 601MUSIG Awanautlesp jft-lnduced cimblion CIA 7WRO Mthod Used to Establish a New High-Order 252MM Triangulation Network in Hungary by R. ~~~_q ppo MWIM., perj, Geodez I Kartogp No 4j, 1959., pp 62-74- AM Sal //., 7, 2 4~?' ita 61 A Study of leraell Water Res=-we and water- Developmmt Projectep by Ariel ~mv' 16 pp. EUM., per, Ejar,, Vol 1, No 1,, 1960, p 25. JIM 3" RC/A - &--on oct, 6o Carroston of StAbeU at XLevated Temperatwres,, by L. Locaus and Go 1V 0 ITW,W.o .Pori, Notl ChIm Ind., My and Jtm 19261 pp Za-ZJ4 end 346-352- Sol SIA V 57 -1927 Jul 58 6f j 94 I L%f PI-zign- and conatru'-tion cf a Consb~natioa Pauseugar-Cargo Vdasal With a lbacleav Reactor oi the Fveuaurized Witer Ilype; ty -Part .2. Guglielmo Reg4jo muvf: Io Nazionala degli ImSegmurl VV~ " CoUng ITEL,w.ll a Vzcc%r4ci, Vol XIV, ig6o/6i. US Dept of Comm- Maritim Admin Div oa: Office Services sai - Enar me,y 61 4/69 fx~- rMlito few by J. Pao& & 'f/ Y"~ a* I.WxIdwolvap 3 ipv. amsuRopme Im slosam - b . ARNO& #,a - CS --- 0 IPP 0 %*",?*T . 4~- SCIA & m v Fab 61B TT-64-1"13 Reedor. Penn and Los&&. Encim EFFECTS OF TOBACCO POWDER ON THE FEMALE 1. Wdor. P. GEIGTAL SYMNL IP9631 9p 3rdo IL Lo"dI6 E. Order fmn SLA $1. TT-64-14613 Trum of medicim y Sesuriftd dal TrabsJo (SpoW 19M Y. k no, 3;L p. 36-42. u 5 (Bldqocsl SdwwGs--TajdcQjM. IT. V. 11. rx~. 11) 1orn" a T-mi-i 61-12538 fte Inibe4g,_P-and Boise. L.-A. de _ -jp LOW--M.bIPERAIURE U[ETHOD OF PREPARING 1. Vinyl comN.-inds - - CRYSTAWNE VINYL POLYMERS. [19611 10p. Polymerization Order from Ills W.00 RIS C- 131 2. Poly mers - - Crystal st"cturc Trans. of French patent 1.2t5.655, cl. c og f., 3. Polymers-Temperature patent application 775.263, by Karelia Kasei Co., Ltd. actors Japan, appl. 25 Sep 59, 2.57 p. tr... Paris, gr. I .Repnib-a i. P. 23 Nov 59. pub. 2C Apr 60 (appl. filed In Japan, 11 . Boise, L.-A. de 26 Sep 57 in the name of t1he applicant). III .Patent (F rance) 1 215 655 IV . RIS C- 131 V . Research Infor,nation Service, Now York OW-17 1 '.4 %-1- (Chemistry- -Organic. TT. v. 5, no. 6) raaWtion and *mufacture of %eel Centres of Righ Qm3dty locomotives, by P. Regimto, 1~ Tisaornlta- IV4&Nj, Rep Intern. C Wheel Sets, Barg,-:po., PP 7-22., 1963- ~MM a 209/Aust CWT. 2a5 ID P, C e- 1'aA 2-0 Sci - ADZ 67 335,W8 OPMAMOMM of solultme HoDarch at Zl~~ Twhoiaa UavemAt-vo ir OIMU* NO~ DOGID4 3300 14JIUMMANO vw* �Mmift Val 23s fib L% Veo"w 2966 vp 727-:P.A# LIPIts 2M7 p /i~'/ salf4doo !l4r 65 276#W Me Dis~poslrj o? Viral PneumnapatUes. Lmboratory Ar-pect., by Ivbmique Sesiustero Fimnmj per' Voi x-Ta., vo 43P PP XR-1530-1535- M7. 2-14-6tz sci - Bia/med Set HUY 63 A Miniature Portable Piezoelectric frofilograph, by E.- 1. Regirer, pp- RLGSD-R, per, Iz=ritel Tekh, 110 3, 1959, pp 11-13. Instru Soc of Amer Sci jun 6o J/ 7j & & ? WtboU for the Plotting fMd MoUrpetiftlM of "WrAxwebmical Curvemp b7 X, l.'Rsgirerp M. a. M3 --- cowwvc*p 12 ppe - mmim.. bim vw, mDuwA zhuro va rm.. so 6, Wv/Dec.Xq55j* pp 439-451. C.TA %276o cp xwl 3- burew sci - 9* moldstry $7, 0 A Aug 1956 Comerning the 2bmml Bfftft in the now of an ZleaUlcal37 ConductIft P:Ltdd Betvaen phzenel W&Usp br S. A. IRSSI"rp 5 py. RUSSWI pwp PrIk Nkt*mt L Makhl, Vol.MMIp so 50 19% pp go-M. pw4pmm PMSN Sol oc* 4v 6o Oil. CA R=Ort Solauco at 09 ftattow cc awlcr~ "I"Vos c 1b - I m j jw a. A. nosimrs 6 vp - NMIAXI- "WO rAk ambomt I mbs Val MCEVS - 303-300 P? Sol /> 'P., IV ion 63. Diffusion of a Vortex Layer emd Heat Exchangej, by S. A. Reglrer#. 5 PP, RUSSIM# tbrice-mo perp Dok Ak Wauk SM,, Vol CM,, No 4s, 1957o YP 737-740- 0 IW-R~14 SCI Aug 58 71 ,!17.2- Oa the Behavior of Some Corrosion-Proof Electrodes, by I. Lifachitz, M. Reggiani, 7 pp. 1TALIAN, per, Gazzetta Chimica Itallana, Vol M, 1931, pp 915-921- * Nm 1-43-62 ad, , -VA-3- Sci - Ned mar 62 The Imflueme of Electrolytes on the Formation of aDd the Stability of Mbt*Ulc Coll Ids Obtained by Ultrasonic Ip by X. M. Ragglan1j, 2 ppe FW=# Pro CMP%U P42dwo VOL Ogg 19NO vp 123-M D. L. A. Tr 657/56 Sci - 32"Wrauffh1w 02 P? Aug % CM/dex Proews for the Utraction of Alumina F= :LU -.&-% 'I'd (CO2vnd=)-p 5 pp. -TL-. Re-, # I A no Jour"I ted, - ffe MA 2342 4 S" - MineraleAktau Oct 57 %3~ 4 f ,S/ I 0-336 (DC-2178). Notarized Charter of Incorporation of Kirten and Purviss SqA.Cw%'*(Msxlco)j, bylarge Sotelo Regil ILW for Manuel Sancbes Vbwoz SPAN=p monagmpbp #7890# HexAcop D&F.,q 16 Oct .1957v PP 1-30- US JM/DC-L-792 IA- Maxleo Scon. - Comerce# Imp documutary 7,3~ 0 /,/ 0-336 Notarized Charter of Incorporation of K-irten & Purvis S.A.C.V., by Jorge Sotelo Regil. 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