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Document Release Date: 
March 19, 2002
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1975
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SECOND COMMITTEE: LOS Conference Committee Res onsibilities (Subjects and issues allocated to each Committee) 1 Territ i l S . or a ea ' a 2. Contiguous Zone 3. Straits used for international navigation FIRST COMMITTEE: 1. Deep Seabed (beyond national jurisdiction) a. International regime b. International machinery (structure, functions, powers) c. Economic implications of deep seabed mining d. Revenue sharing e. Definitions and limits of the international area f. Following items in so far as they are relevant to the above: -- Regional Arrangements -- Marine Pollution -- Settlement of Disputes -- Peaceful Uses of Ocean Space 2. Archaeological and Historical Treasures on the seabed beyond limits of national jurisdiction 4. Continental Shelf 5. Economic Zone 6. Fisheries 7. Landlocked countries 8. Rights and interests , ` l 697R000300090001-7 -- Shelf-locked states -- Narrow-shelf states -- States with short coastlines -- Broad-shelf states 9. Archipelagos 10. Enclosed and Semienclosed Seas Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090001-7 Approved For Release 11. Artificial islands and installations 12. Regime of islands 13. Following items in so far as they are relevant to the above: -- Regional Arrangements -- Marine Pollution -- Settlement of Disputes -- Peaceful Uses of Ocean Space -- Scientific Research THIRD COMMITTEE: 1. Marine Pollution 2. Scientific Research 3. Transfer of Technology Approved For Releas LOSC REPORTING -- 19.75 GENEVA Approved For Re s 200 04/04 ? CIA-RDP82$00697R000300090001-7 naexe y Committee) COMMITTEE I I COMMITTEE II .29? a7 /2I 3c'' ,. 9 /2-3 3 33=~ .3. (o y a3 7y- 79 !3l Approved For Re V2002/04/04: CIA- COMMITTEE III ~7 70 73 7y 79 i Approved LQrSF eIpt$eb fplQM4/04 : JIM-. 1"~97R000300090001-7 (Indexed by Country and Negotiating Group) AFGHANISTAN As ALBANIA 7-0) /-0-7 ALGERIA 70) /O ARGENTINA f/z, ?d) 2 8 / 1/0 AUSTRALIA 331 V"0)8~I AUSTRIA 17, BAHAMAS , 3, 89f f" / 0-0~ BAHRAIN '7/)/v BANGLADESH 1/5 BARBADOS 4% /0-/ BOLIVIA 3e'- BOTSWANA BRAZIL , //, 18, 7D1 o/d , /?9 BULGARIA 7l 7Z,/ a 7 BURMA BURUNDI CAMEROON / z ?) l )I CANADA A.8 .z 91 79,,21,/25 /30 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE b a, 7?j 7Z , CHINA 38, y/, I People's Rep. of COLOMBIA 17 yo'z- CONGO CYPRUS CZECHOSLOVAKIA DENMARK A 9) It It -5j 11 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR 7) 7o) 7/,,/OF/ Approved vved F; Release - EGYPT q/ -361 /j 5 ; 7(,, o7 50 ~ R EQUATORIAL GUINEA ETHIOPIA Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090001-7 FIJI y, 3 S~ s31 7/, y j 98 / z-7 FRANCE di/ 7&1 g9a 9a.y /vU~ I /Lo -GABON AN GERMANY Democratic Rep. of GERMANY / Federal Re . of r. GREECE o ),9a) 1 / a, 7j-/ GUATEMALA GUINEA / v GUINEA-BISSAU / HOLY SEE HONDURAS 3v HUNGARY ICELAND q 3 INDIA 7'~~i INDONESIA .27,3?~ Iz7 133 IRAN IRAQ /D ` j /5j1-p 89 ISRAEL /o7 ITALY I ?i IUORY COAST IAMAICA APAN I7 y/, 70 87 S9 98~i~,7 X07 ORDAN L ~, ENYA HMER REPUBLTCTC JREA Republic of People's R JWAIT g7 ;OS =BANON 2 1j ] -0,,~ 89)1L~1/3/ 9', /=y /o. p oved For Re7~ - Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090001-7 LIBERIA V LIBYAN ARAB REP. ?j `. r LAYS IA / MAURITANIA MAURITIUS 3', 9$e MEXICO /) 9 10, g ?/ / MONGOLIA Iv7 "SIROCCO .3j .2g13p4;38, /, NEPAL 35" NETHERLANDS 17 , 8~ 8 e ~a NEW ZEALAND &y1 4rU, o 2 NICARAGUA NI ER NIGERIA 9'> 3, ,~ /, /O1. NORWAY OMAN / ?, 3 3 PAKISTAN //, 3 , / o z PANAMA PARAGUAY 35~ / a q. PERU /-7) 1 101'78, E'S, edge e PHILIPPiNES a9 y/~e q~ 9g, / , z IPOLAND PORTUGAL QATAR ROMANIA RWANDA AN MARIN :AUDI ARABIA 4,1/ ppro~e or a ea 04-4 : -1 51- _ Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82SO0697ROO0300090001-7 SOi lrALIA SOUTH AFRICA SRI LANKA j ~ 30~ 3 SUDAN ' AZIC.At S',,1 'E DE N SYRIAN ARAB REP.-- TA NZANIA8i_ 7 7r~5 Tf1AILAND 's- TOGO TONGA rO,_NID, f) T TOBAGO. /0 /0 TUNISIA lt; 0 ,6 UGANDA /off U JITED. ARAB EMIRATES ~~ 7/~ UNITED KINFGQOiI / / l .z 30, S// sr s'8, 7~'j j 8~ 19 uPJITtD STFlTES " /.3 1~ /g a/ ~ 5' 3a 3' 33 URUGUAY /of UYELORUSSIANSSR I UKRAINIAN SSR /,07 VENEZUELA a 9,74 ' /_ /IET1NAM Re _ubl i c of IETNAM Democratic Rep. of --IESTERN SAMOA - _ SEMEN Aden)~2 "EMEN Sana~ f f 3 1 >~ Sz.. /a _AIRE; t1BIIA -T i7`5 7roue of Troup of 17 / a ~.9 coup of 77 S P Vm %F4P62AI ,a i2JI 2 ,/04' YI1 /0 J/U3?/t')~'/ vensen Group a2 7, z y/ 6 /~ 0 99 /'z-