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17444 Jul iloapv votu" w-urc2. 4tuva Itopolts. 25 pp. GuIUM, par, Stuva Nachricliten, No 13, 1965. R911084466 ALC tr-6602 Sci/Lngr ,; 0v 66 311,534 14exLCan N'tagaZine Has Exclusive Interview 4ith Fidel, by nario Menendez Rodriguez. 5' ppT SPANISH, vor, Sucasoo, No 1728, 10 Sept 1966. ppl. 11-58t, JPMS 38353 L&4ubsi PbI riov 66 11 13 - r.-'. 06 (I ) Ld'i tor i;l 1(2) Communism ;I:; .-.oQI) b). Arnold Toynbee, (-i,) 1~1'icf descriptive al),~;tracts Of Other articles. IWAXIS11, per, Sticesos, No 1, 1967, pp 3, OS-67. JITS CSO 10002 J-2357/07 L\-Chi 1e Pol Jul 67 .331,793 Controversy over Representation in 1966 Havana Tri-Continental Conforence Discussed by Kmican Nationaa Liberatton Movement "mder., 6 pp! GOMM= USE ONLY SPANISH, per, Bucesos, 18 Feb 196T, PP- 72-73 and 25 Feb 1�&T-,pp. 20-21. JPRS GUO 2341 TA-Wxico Pol 321,338 Mexico and the Tricontinental Conference., by Hebertc, CantiUo. 9 pp. GOVRMztu USE ONLY SPAIUM, per, Sucesos 18 mar 1967P PP- 56-57. JFM GUO 2362 LA-Sex:Lco Pol June 67 323,439 Intarviaw wlth Peruvim Coamusdat Con=* Carwro cbgma* "by RldMrdo mullerp 7 w. GOVOMMM Use ONLY OPAMH* mv sucem 21 MY 1967j, pp- 8 & 9. JPM MM 2W~-' IA-Peru Pol July 67 329*996 Clipah o1' I'Anort; 'Ath 1-bUVion Arny, by Artal Towlyo and savior PatisU, (y pp., 1-ZOV;llPt4T-",--'l'T USi" G~'LY "PKIISP, part I z 122006, 22 Jul 1-~67. pp. 56-% JM3 OV, 2515 LA."Iblivia POI m4g, 67 332,785 Brasil an Sow by FXM;Ltive Lz4nw Sorgow*Av by Ltds Carlos Don Prasww &W Joao Barbasa do Naveimmtoo 63. ppe GOVERNMM USE ONLY SPAnSH, pare �W2ggovs 29 Jul IL967, pp 50-57; 3 Aug 1967. Pp &1--66t 32 Ang 1967, pp 69-73; 19 Ang 1967, pp 40-4?; and 26 Avg 1967, pp 42- 67. JPRS GUO 2561 iA-Bzasi3. H12 NOT 67 34o.886 Ruiz Soto to Muster Pri Forces in Yucatan. SPANISH, np, Sucesos, 25 May 1968, p 7. "TPRS CSO: 20ST3- srecial Jul 68 The Italo-Soviet Chamber of Commerce. ITALIAN, per, Sucesso, Aug 1968, p 200. CSO:1838r) Comr Special rct 68 Uruchu-tu: Candidite for the Presidency? by Franci!;co Zuniga. SPANIS11, np. Sucesos, 28 Sept 1968, p 20-21. CSO:20805 Comp Special Nov 68 94/70 1s Jul 69 Spies in the House? SPANISH, np, Suceso, 22 Jun 1969. July 69 Oft, ou , Id ildtA Gmw Adm*Mke-fis 913!bW, HNPW ~w I =x varftlo 9 sip# SPARU4 pp 0PWO MMMa JkdM GRAF# 2 *y IMO, 04-47 jw" Some Lfi-mra"I pox MW ?ID Marihuana-Smugglir* Route Described, 6 pp. SPANISH, oer, Sueesos Para Todos, Mexico City, PT) 45-0. JPRS 56990 Se'D 72 The Church ana the Cuban Rovalution, by ~hrlo Manen(Lez Rodriguez, 6 pp. SPAIM411, per, Sucepos Inra Tcdos, 17 Sept 1966, pp. U-19. jpHs 388o6 LA-Cuba pol Dee 66 315,674 Mexican YAGRAIDD Rawto an I'loologuelan 0awrill"s by HmmA*s Bodzlguozo 30 Pv- Govulmmm un 0m SPANIM Per# SuAsom Ph= 5XIos JLO Dm 1966.o pp 3LO-44. JPRB GW 22T9 LAP-Vo=wuvja 8m 315#158 amn 61, Mexiu-n Magazine Publishes Second Installment on Nrenczuclan Guerrillas, 46 pp. GOITI-PNIMIENT LISE ONI,Y SPANISH,per, Sucesos par Todos, 17 December 1966, pp 1-4-1. MRS C-110 2288 LA-Mexii,o Pol Jan 67 318,0412 The kned Struggle in Venezueaa, by Mario Menendez Rodriguez. 47 pp. SPL4I%I;H, per, SpoesDa Par& Todos. 31 Doe 1966. pp. 1C.4.5. GUD 2292 LA,Venouzuela PO:L/sOc Fob 67 315.408 mexLcan Magazine Reports on Venezuelan Guer- riUas, by Mario Menendez Rodriguez, 20 pp. GOVEIRNMEW USE ONLY SPAAISH, per, Sucesos 22MI-24-0s,. 7 Jan 1967, pp. io-,n4. JPRS GUO 2306 IA-Veaezuela Pol 16115W 1 , ()1 317,455 Kw;cl"n Pr*f*ssw DISSIOrlbas 10'sOcutimt IU the 6VnjlVv*.ftG:KtOVyjMQMfGj'WtdOO# bY Umberto SIPILIM.. USE mar , wj, *9 M Thdaw I Apr 196r,, pp 58.-.5p. AM CW 2380 ZA-Idexlco 3R5966T so* Former Governor of Ywdoan Slate Speaks of National Problem by Elena Garro,, 5 ppe acUmedw USX OJILY SPANISH# per$, SIM" ge~r_aT*Nb 20 VAy 1967,, ,pp. 44-50. ,JPW GUO 2W Lh-14wdco Pol July 6T 329.p995 Haudean JournaUst Reporta on, Colombian (tummillaa, by Mario Monendez Rodriguez. 37 ppe, GOVEW,XNT UM ONLY. SPATaSH, per, Sucesoa Ps" Thts, 24 Jun 1967, pp, 12.68, JPRS G DO 21455 LA-MW.oo ffil Jul 67 328.7)6 Mo3stnu JournmUet Imumvion Colarbim Guer- rjU 04, tv ma to N BcdrIsmas 59 W. oomudw um am formiffij, MR.. MJMM* I JUU 2967a W. ]a!-Nt Iwo W. -In-"* and Wrp we 12. 0 JVFG M 2Mb 339A95 Oaxaca" *MkZYBU Or 0 CrUdma PJA94 by mw9to Ih n aaftteu~16 24 pp, Govenown un OW MAN=, Vw, -ME go-06 22 Ju3g 29670 IPPs 30-39a ipme WO 20W ZA4:obxfta Soo sapt 61, 33940048 A Crt-doism of Regis Debray0el Work., by Fodolfo PtAwrost 6 ppo oom~ UEM ONLY wmltut, per, suceson Pa-mTop-d-op., 3o sept 1967, pp 20e2. JPM 000 2610 LA/IntormtIonal POI Deco 67 346.,231 Latln Amerlom Anti-loperlallot Strua3le Dls- cumead, by Fdoardo Plm, 17 pp. "Mm4m Un ONLY SPAM=# POrs -992MM-0 PM lb-dO-2-A 30 SePt 1967, PP 33-41 - JM OW 2610 LAjIui*rB&tlGw" Pol Doc of, -346,232 POPUlar SOCialiCt VcpUtivS Di!;CUGB Party 2rogram, by R.Illsia, 16 pp. S~I:INISIIJ, per, Sucesor, I,ara Todos, Mexico City, 30 Dec 67, pp. 16-25. JPR,~; 44, 162 L. ., Olexico) sociol. Jan 6 3 348,142 Fdoo Galan Visited 22 Month After His Axrest. by Franciaco 2unign. 3 pp. li-ANISli sucesop 29 imo 1968, pp jpiLs 46,mle, LA-l'-wdco 1-101 ,5e-o6a 363.440 "I Actor Idco GaUn Claril- caticn, 5 pp. S,~'A'115li 4~w sucosos -pam Todos. 6 July 1~68, - , " r , - pp-12-1, , i 46,20+ J LA,-Mexic-D i 0l ~;Op 68 365.441 Cleore;,Bp floth Relates Bolivian Ex-perianCess by Get)rge Andrew Roth, 53. pp- Govp,H,,jDji~,*~7T uss WILY sp.kirl"Ill, per., SLlconos vara Todos, Mexico city, 17 Wgust 19bts, pp 25-W.- jEIJSIL~ GUO 2864 T-Lil/Int~sl%-AmariOan Aff airs 364,314.8 Pol Oct 68 CIAL Unktid. to Mwdoant French Student fdots, by Charlev Xznardono 8 pp, SPAKMg perp Suagoof Pam Todoss, flexico City, 9 Nov 1968g, pp 24-29a JM 469968 LA-Mwdoo POI We 68 Wo v 688 ibokgroundo Devolopmnt of OPUS LEI Armilyzedo tV E. &mhavarriap 13 pp. SPANMO pGrf SUOSgos Pq Tod(M, ~bxiao Cityo 15 Nov 1969. pp 21-231 22 Wav 1969P pp 34-35; 29 Nov 11969p pp 33-35a JFRS W"-59 Inter-Awr Aff pol Jan 70 399,259 TqP*OWMO* Rgkgv*md. UnUMVe MaDvased. bv CAL408 jam"* 29 ppe SFWM$Hj~ Igpe 299mm YAM Todomir Modco CitvO l8v 23 4W~v &nd I Avg 1970. JEW da5z9 LA*UrogwW ftl Oct 70 Dc 21 MW 04 OF Mlad Hum aud tbolr ftte) b)'Immisomed Art by BOOM X=dwft C)BUt the stmole for the Mimi a awrt or the Peoplo owtsm" In our uwp Mrs suebasuisto UO.lO#(206)o oct.1969sa)pp2O-29 b)pp77-Wj, 0).;#WM&07-U8,, ftecUl 2Mm'*B"sTr&u"* dmft igklus tub ToD. ]a %a .1 69 pwr-cb not mutuatem 1v614/70 IT Feb 70 Lon-in vitlout the ]per,# &AcwwnUts Nkmicho Doe 1969, -lip Opecial T~pe"B":Trmuzl. draft Plus T*D* 25 Feb 70 source/pp- do not aftlit., Sixth Congress of the ukrcirdan 11riters, Union, by Bohdan Kravtsiv, 1,3 pp. ITKRAINTATT, per, Suchasniatt , Munich, Jul- Aug 71, pp 54-61. _T_PR$ 54,626 Dec 71 , " Bit H #t!~- aw: "59L/U v 95 JEA 71 Ar an U., E6 - - - -~ 0 1w if- ukutnmdw. /4m mammop a& awtoom ~kmj,jr Ugx. spec"Ll *no B - db Mt pubush - tmuaauw.. PUM tva cow. X=Woasa pm*tftUOU Ot AralAw. tV mallso.awin, 21 wt nOCK. JW. ga. A34=wj, Sept ILM, pp 38-4,% jFW =14 RX"14ftWL P4 Jan 7m 1-ne SA 610 A "Ludiont S"stOntator, 12 lyp. (*'f)'r':'~t'I'N`l~T IISV WILY FRENLI1. rpt Sud - Aviation; M/S , Feb 1969. Sci/",L-cl, I.I.ar 70 404,800 Activities of the Ministrien of lCatangs Oriental Province, by Govemor Amongo Godej'roid, 9 pp. FMK,U., per, Sud-ELtanfm, Vol 7, No 160, 30 Aix 1966j. pp. 3-8- JPRS 35882 Africa poi Jun 65 301,086 i ~-- coal OU57171 v 3 Doc 70 aidan .. an Aftl 914., bg'OyVI" NMuUtvojt. CWO-- NW:!IE!k ME! 1970,, PP 9-92p & 5!;4- "PlAd U" S - do not pubUiWi - tnWaUtor's draft - pluo cut copy. MOW Recent Davelopnents in the F'Ield of Tool Steals fbr the Fabrication of Plastics, bor H. D. V1001cener, a. D13riam. GERMN, per. Sudwastbalen Techn Ebr. No 57, Jan 1967, p 16. BUZ 574L ikd/Mat aw 68 304,406 Soviet Agent Hanga Herself in Ifer Call, by Walter "Challics, G.I.P"A';, np. S tic dde tits e1w Zictung, 17 oct 07. 0,11111,S W*,f): 10758 Nov 67 West German Source Describes GDR Youth Criminatity, by Willi KinniSkeft, 5 pp. GER&AN, daily, Sueddeptsche Zeltung, Munich, 13/14 Jon 68, p. 7. JkRS 44,494 h ('!'.art Germwiy) EF A soc.101. Fob 68 351,743 Vloat Germn Viftm Psaxt Garr= tgrimatum, by '%"M K iludgIcOlts .5 pp. 6MU14, np. &_aoddoutsobe Zedtw.;&, 21 June 1968, p 100 JPRs 46 ~ M Scd/Agrj Aug 68 362&860 coolum C-C)" e Mc S rct(x-~ 1.4716/70 12 Fob 70 AW Bleft Rotber Waders Intend to Gramulm BoUdwlty Cowdtt4Kis agA Colleft Mwiey In Gummay by 01" 111140 aw,, agantache zejLtuckg#Nwdcaj,21 ion 70j, 1 p 8ppeW Type-B"Mrsml- dmft Plul One q p4Q) - 10 " W/'A V 0%,01,6 A)"twasommmax= a w by 2 14 au movammt dMosibe to xva., 24 ammobj, V 3- baftn""liftip 22 JaMAM7 Ign, qpmmol *M J, . b a p"i" - Um"atorla omn pbw am OW. mt Gultioa -- Tho Afrlean Bay of Pigs, by liames Burgor, 13 pp, GE'lowt Aps S ddoutac~~o-Ditmnp" Mmich, 6/7 Fab 197 , Fob W719 p 3# JPRS .521577 Afr/ftillea 1?01 Har 71 Mmilch Court Trion INAMOtlos and Weapons Dooler-s. by RVuin Tochtwnxm, .5 pp. GIDF4W, np, Sueddeutsche 'AlaltuM, Mmich,. 12 Aug 71, p 16; 15 M 7 JPRS 9042 Oot 71 ~-ftn the i;uild-iv Factors fox Cuncrete: cc>officionts of via polplolAal Lop-m- sell-Laticul, by 5. i;uScagliono, ct al. lT,V.1Xq, rpt, 6LLi Fattori di Accuutlazione dol Calcestruzzo:-MoMcieuRl LbIla Lm- Zm,.cjitazi!Rjlo flolinomiual2j Itaiian- report ~65) 2. lbj;c I-Ilos. *ALC OML-1112-1211 I,U* 56 Musy-Gygli Affair - A Coraniunique of the Fcdcral CoLmci 1. FRENCH) np, La Suisse, 217 Jan 19t)7. JPRS CSO: 17177 Frb 68 Col one I -M,igadier Pierre ~Jijsy Cotinterattacks. FRENCH, np, La Suisse, 1-1 Jan 08. .111IN'S CSO: 17224 Feb 68 C t-, ~ -'r, V ;,I-ench t, 1 :'.1,1/70 DC -1 C"?,- I ~ 2, 22 Doc 69 SF T('i(-ntit%- for loviot Acients, La 8 Oct 09 C"e-f-~~? ~r'. c , I' r I I ~') j) 0 r -e I , 224 / 7 0 DC , Dec 09 ,~ P Vic "Saurel" Af--f~jij- .-- Still, nllc-,stion--, r". ~Iaxilllo Chatcnav, I'Ll suisse, 26 NOV, 69 French The Buttex Affair: an Case, loy Michel Pache. La Suisise, 13 Fe.b 70 3Mar 70 1,746/70 Important Espionage Follow-ar to Tho iork on the Action and the i..'ehavior oif Ilrojectiles in "*Iodels Simulatin,,-, Livin~, "otter, by 24 pip. rpL, ':*,uite Des Travaux Sur L'Action Et Ul Cmq)ortci-.x!nt De Projectiles Dans Des '.iiguettes ~ivantc, 1968. j1CS1 J-85,14 I-STC-l iT-25-1202-70 S.;:i/B&I,i Sept 70 hl liscional, 35 pp. SPANISli, bk, La2cMja La Vordad, Dec, i967o Pl? L-30. DIA Ul 651-66 ;ahasc ,rune 68 358.427 Amami IRML I poo.00. IKMU-69-40-7550 A ow 1969 4A*4;Los Qtowlfto " GtMaU Autbw$A.IK Lswp F. olsoca"I sawcwt man* ago" rustcul VWbvj, AU*cosww*tm4o 401 ftws~ Lat~& 114ISM Opp spowta 2 - I I Soudaft 02AMM tWOMOUNO 6" " I CM OMY. rumm Uamal* Us "We vqpo CIn tho Usa of tho !~;cmta Carlo .'Icthod to L-oivo Problorz of Intor1ionation, by G. Cortellessa, G. Farcid. ITALIMI, rpt, Sull'uso Del L,k)todo di i.,ontecarlo I:cr J!Isolv63rc I IlHoglera =1 Interpolazione, M165710- *iux UMIL-7-r-Iluzy !,.'DC t'.!ar 10, 1966 ll;~:Jl taly/E Coll Fob CO SEC166a 5') 400 uo*a UTArmon) IJL-3a EWE sHap -:-0-f&7:jE8 "da 0696t unr-A%t 19-5 Oki 918TT i Asawma 1-tod 'Mxvml:XGHW *dd 1. 'OTIMA JPWLI-H 6-41 Aq lfu-~Gaxoa U-; ecalqoxa wwvoft .4glax OrLs On the Plaiie Tree and Raising its Seedlings, by Ivo Podhorski. SF.RBO-CROATIAN, per, Sumarski List, Vol 76, iio lo-ii., PP 376-390. NTIS T-1 70-56054 April 71 The 2().year Developmat of Forestry in Croatia" by Matej Butkovic.. 18 PP- CROATUN, per, &jmarkai List, No 11-12, mov-rec 196.5p pp. WT-5-Im-. JPR5 35353 BE-Yugoslavia Scon may 6.6 300s IT1 Arview of the Twenty-Year Woxk of the Insti- tute for Forestry Research, 1V J. Safarp 32 pp. CROAT=.. per.. Sumaraki List. No 32-12, Nov- ftc lg(*., pp. 552-5or JPAB 35353 myugoslavia Econ My 66 300,,172 Developnent of the Wood Institute in Zagreb, by Prenjo SUjduharj, 14 pp~ MCIA, per, Lumma-ust, No 11-12, Nov- Doe 1965, PPi 573-582~ JPM 35353 EFO-Ttaonlavia Econ may (6 300v173 The Introduction of Conifers into the Deciduous Forests of Bulgaria, by Dragutin 1h=l and Vladimir Vucetic, 21 pp. SEEDO-CROATIAN, per, SumarskY List, No 5-6, M%y-J.ine 1966, pp, 310-3229 JP13S '37615 EH-Bu).garia Scon oct 6(1 311,172 Some Obrervat.ions on Groving Plane Tree Seed-I.Ings, by Ilija Knezevic. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Sumarski List, Vol 80, No 1-2, pp 28-30. NTIS TT 70-56053 April 71 Utilization of Wood in the Production of the Mosiac Parquets, by Zarko Kijametovic, 11 pp. CROATIAN, per, Sumarstvo, Vol 19, No 11-12, 1966, j7p 11-20. BTIS TT 70-56051 MNMNOA soft rowd In ftvoooa of MaLat"MMMO 6 8~=* ", #Ps &BE& calamme I-M PAw 1970. vp 4-6. Jim Wig IA-*Nft""U kvi Jmo 70 ur4v*lmdkv ftexuUnt latmvlsw*l . Uram. 9 1w 1 Wo &am C&vamsp I..u Jm 19700 tlk,490, I ORS 3m1 IA-Wenommia POI Jul 70 T.-" MUM but"" ANOMW 0 kV MWUft fio"014 24.40' PWO am,& ins t 3top XA!-Vmmmg4U pox A*& 70 alumms l%jjuAmj Rau F*nwmdonlp 5 pp, ea%=Lwt il-15 ja Ime juxissm (or -D-SVIQ!l Are~wm, a Wmmnsejl matuma 4 jv~ o"Ust'jort awax C=Scul, 1.15 Jul 19700. IV 10-204 'Ass 54037 'A"We"Wa4a rwmm Ang ?o Dv*M of Soauvity and 64vwn. U pp. SPAtlUffo pors, gLm pp $9-6 to ap . iritu 53 m National Dofame Fill 26, Apr 1971. cgfteas 0 No I*T n Q*tW4&2 DOMMMUc ChArmnsULp CwxUdats ft"s Tamm Interviewed, by JU110 GCnzalWc Sil%ra. 8 pp* SMUSSH, per, AVM, CoMac", ft 29, ~%y 1971, pp &310 'JEW 33?68 Avg 71 Mgor Doutso Present Ties with Rc-moUtor earot Ammose IV I-WAO Bata, 5 ppo si,julls'lle ~~W, gma, Carsons, No 29, May 19719 -pp 24-o25,n apa,~ 5370,0 JOE n Contents of Captured Tqpamaro I)mmont Ravwledt by, Ourlas. Lopeft Mattoo, 6 pp. SPANISH, port �gM, Caracas. ND 35, Agg 19?1, pp 3MO, ipm 345% Doe n Captured DW&=" Dmmmts *w4rsW, by carlom lapot matteo, 8 pp. SZ41113H, P*r, �upa, Cameas, No 37. Sept 1971. pp 5"l. im $W2? 1 ~Dct *rL I-'oiqioyo Witnuer. RooaUs Khrushohevs Speech Against SUUno 3 ppo $PAIUSH, part Caracas. llo -'V3. Oct 1971, pp 16. I?o 18. a 11*6 94647 Dec In Former Woman Guerrilla i-ighter Tells E~cperiencos, by Alfr(do Silva Armas. 7 PP. SPANISH, n-D, Sunma , Caracas, I INAr 1972, pp 24, 25, 26. J116 5.569o Apr 72 'toneral Villnomil IASC112,908 ",010 Of Vlillt,'IrY, 1b Dp. SPA',IISTT, Der, Swnma, Caracas, 1-17 Mar 72, rp 51-56. ~7- I 3S 5 5 09) 1. 2 1,laY 72 Bo'iinc Tick-borne by J. TLIOnli. FINN'ISH, I)Cr, SLIOIII 1965, pp 1-13. INIH 7-71-05 (on Loan) sci/B6M Au.- 65 Fever in Finland, I'lainlaak L. No 71, 287,413 cso: mA5e/Tg w 12 Jan. 1972 SF FjmA& Indejondenee Is at Issuep by Twume JunnUs. Itser.a."gryy desta an lusymus. Chapter V:El- FOOlmtIon, pp lOb-M, SeMon - Ere2hnev D*trivo frm limush Point of vlavp py 142-148. Ad Roe SPOcla tY3PO 3 Do not pAbllsh L.,,-, orlolmiumm plus coo T*' ID. 04 Jwmuy 1972. :'. '~ ~ ni~] I , '11,10is 19(~'/ Oil 1 11'. r-la"10213111P of ralmon fis'. (Lohikialojen I I i's a III It. ei at a I zen Kalasrusl,~-hti pi!rJ_-d'.ca1 of ?4.-,Innd) (extracti, (1): 1-4. Tr. Pinn-13!,.. ,*ransl. b" 'ranal. Dur. F4n. EAt",-. Dwepr. of 3ec. of r5late of -l'Aiacin 1',,,Y- Sta~inn .91. Jo.'mls, N'f1d, 19-(0, AF mnal. S,irleti N-- 1474, J,vail. on L~,an - 'W.. Wasi~., D.C. Original Article Checkedfl'6' Slnloa:LO Diecusson Inovitability of Rovolu- tion Jji Pinland, by Arto Paasilinna, 8 pp~. MiTITISIF, per, Suomen RUvalahti, Ifelsinid, 110 10, 29 Oct 71, lip 2F--2"9-. M."PU4 54-714 Jun 72 Poilta Sluaminan T.)omoliaiiea sanianioes Timory of Revolution, by Arvo 1~,oika Tuominen, v pip - PrTFUISF, per, Suomen Kuvalahti, Helsinki, jNT0 43, 29 Oct 71, pp 3T--j'T-. XMI ~72 Soon We Will Go by Bus into Space, by Martti Tiuri, 9 Ppa FINNISH, per, Suomen Kuvalehti, 29 Sept 1972, pp 22-26. 1R 6 831 0286 72 18 Oct 1972 Nov 72 Finnish Nowspapermants Visit With Chou En-Lai, by Tim Kylmala, 5 PP. pINwisil, per, Suomen Kuvalehti, Helsinki, No 51- 52, 22 Dec 72, pp 29-3-1. ir"zia 58208 Feb 73 At,t~aa~,. LI-Pralric villcIll"t iics. s.;at. I.-iZI 1,-D P.U.Au. 4FOD 'JIU54 Z2 ~ei)t. -. Title: uf Vists=a ttcrApturr! in tl-m FcedinL._ behavlar Or tile P%:)X. (Vulpes ) AuU,urr Aeiwik usterholu L~~Ce. IiUOW-,Ua liuato I>t-~ LADL"ALLac: Flaalsh 4calal Inatructluns: Plemse tivnelate IL type one cogy Oul~,, pluasc lcavo "cc for paste-uj.). Damping of Vibrations of the Blading of an Opwating Turbine. by J. L. Vaschavps FRMOI, rpt, Sur Ilamortisseriant des Vlbraxicn3 dl%m XNba W"Mbomachin o n mictlomown No Z21, TB-Hs 1965 Tc- tv a pp *NASA TT F-10,248 U. S. GOVENRUENT USE ONLY Sci-pkys Aug 66 (In the !'xistance of a zonal structure of the lower Atmosphere especially in the Southern Hemisphere, bN, Cerat-d Lambert. F~FNCII, rpt, Sur Ilexistance d1une structure sonnle de la basse atmosphere rri cipalement dans Vie;isphe~e Sud, No 2810 8 NoV 1965, pp 1857-3860. *Dept of Navy NIC Sci/ Mi!:c Mar 68 Concerning the N-Categories, by V. V. Topentcharov, 5 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Sur Les N-Categories. ACSI J-9423 FSTC-HT-23-384-71 I M aY 71 B. P. Pertsev vhe question of phase deZay in observations of ground vides, by B. P. Pertsev. 6 pp. FRENCH, 2,,ct., Stw Za question da, n3-tard LL- pizaac dcvzs 2ac olmorvatio-no do marees tcrres~res frovi ,!-W,ees terrestres, BuZZ. d'infon,,i,, 1 Sep 1971, pp 3108-3111 1.,,etocFi,k,a iw.,zereniua zemnukh i medcZenwAh de'torluatsiu ZeXln&z POV0111,1111001:7, L.Y1U., Pp NASA TJ' F 14.1?0 m4rd 7-9 Podagogical Soionoe CormaittOo 3tatute, 8 pp. MONGrOLIAINT, per, Surgan humuujuulegch, Ulan 13ator, No 4, 1971, pp 17-21. :JFRS 58323 Apr 73 Statute for Combined Kindergarten and Nursery FaOility, 6 pp. MONGOLM, Der, Surgan humlxujuulegch, Ulan Bator, go 6, 1971, pp 9-12. J?Rs 58323 Apr 73 N `Ix:~k 29 Sep 70 sr SURWAM IMUSs We Spoke Wftht Dr P. Icloos, CuIturaO. AnthmpoloqLat, "The MaroaL Curibs of Surinam 11%e Iffaque, Surinaams Maws, Vol 20, No 18, 11970, pp 3-3-. SpscLal type "BO translatoms draft plus two