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Coordination of Financial and Credit Relations in the Present Stage Of L,conomic Development, by Al. Babe, 16 pp. RUM,aqIAN, per, Probleme Econoraice, Bucharest, No. 11, n:)v 67, pp. 93- 105. JPRS 44,581 BE (Rurklania) Economic March 68 352,463 Creation and Utilization of tho Social kroduct and National Lie , by 1. Ravar, 25 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Probleme-1;conomice, Vol XX, No. 12, Bucharest, Dec 157, pp. 89-105.P JPRS 44,462 &Wtunkania) Economic Feb 68 351,704 Industry as the Decisivo Branch of the National Economy, by G. lonescu, 15 pp. RURPMAN, per, Probime Lconomice, Vol xx, ria. 12, Bucharest, Dec 67, pp. 106-118. JPRS 44,482 EE(Rwania) Economic Felt 65 351,705 Socialist Industrialization as the Base for Efficient Utilization oil Manpower, Bit X. Lnacha, 22 pp. RMANIVI, per, Probleme Remomice Vol XX* N*. 12, Bucharest, Dec 67, pp. 119-134. JPRS 44,482 EE(Rumania) a-0nomic Feb 68 351,708 Tho Duclaive Role of Agri' 'culture Lor 6con- omic Progress, by 11. i1elli, 23 pj). RLT,Ki,dNI,'N, per, i?robleme k1coomice, Vol ~jxf NO. 10, Ducharest, Dec 67, pp. 135-150. JIIIL~~ -44,358 -rLckumania) Economic I'Ob 63 350,284 The Vlace of RumanAa in the Intarnational D*Yision of Labor, by V. Axenciuc, 14 pp. RXIMANIA14, per, Probleme Econotgice, Vol XX, No. 12, Bucharest, Dee 67, pp. 156-164. JPRS 44,385 EF.(Rumania) Economic Fab 68 350,337 toreign Lconomic Relations of Rumania in the 1~crfod of Construction of Socialism, by Mi. Surpat and H. lonal, 19 pp. RUMAWL'04, per, Problc=c i;conomicc-j Vol XX, Ila. 12, Bucharent, Dec 67, pp. 163-178. JPRS 44,385 ~;--'-'(Rumatiia) zconomic F-cb 63 350,33S Tito Growth of the Role and 1,'unctions of Profit in the Economy, by 1. Bituleanu, 14 pp. BULGARIM, per, ProlAeme Economice, 69-80. Bucharest, Jan 68, JPRS 44,757 EE(Rumania) Economic March 68 352,877 Perfecting the Organization and Planning of the Tectnical-Haterial Supply System, by D. Fundatura, 14 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Problem Economice, B Budbarest, !Ian C8-,p-p.7W1--92. JPRS 44,757 RE(Rumanift) Economic March 68 352,876 ITI,I)roVe OUtPUt DiStj:ilbUtion on Cooperative Farms, by I. Stanescu, and D. Burlacu, 16 pp. RMUMVIN, Iner, Bnobleme Economice, Ducbarest, No. 1, J in 68, 1-)p.=-- M. JPRS 44,823 ER (Rumania) Economic I-larch 63 355,i12 Agricultural Planning, by 14. Dondera, 18 pp* RUXWr-4N. per, Probl Eoonomtce, Bucharest, No. 1, Jan 68, pp. 118- JPRS 44,823 Sci/Agri. March 68 355,113 PrevantIng Waste of Materials in Light Industry, by 1. Harin, 19 pp. RUrEANIAN, per, Probleme Economice. Bucharest, reb 68, pp. 51-63. JPRS 45,177 EL(Rumania) Economic April 68 355,882 Aspects of the Exonomic .1elations of Rumania With Socialist Countries, by Dr. G. Surpat, 17 p I' - RITMANIAN, per, Probleme Economice, Bucharest. Vol. XXI, No. 2, Feb 68, pp. 77-99. JPRJ 45,125 -):",~(Rwaania) Economic AprI 1 04" 355,727 Development of Economic " Technical and Scientific Cooperation Batvean Rumania and the Developing Countries, by Dr. Belli, 16 pp. RUMINIAN, par, Probleme I;conM&ce, Vol. XXI, No. 2, Bucharest, Feb 68, pp. 93-102. HRS 45.125 EE(Rumania) Economic April 68 355,728 The Futura Organizational Structuro of Induntry, by V. Rotaru, 19 PI). UMMIAN, per, Probleme Economice, Bucharest, Feb 68, pp. 125-133. MIS 45,198 ER(Rumania) Econoa ic April 68 355,931 rlanned Lconomic Developmant of Scientific Research, by T. Malseopol, 14 pp. RUMMIAN, per, Probleme Economice, Bucharest, March 68, pp. 14-25. JPRS 45,494 EL(Rumanla) "'Collom 'ic Hay 68 358,578 Rumania's Conamrcial Relations With Develop- ing Countries, by Ioan Ruau, 15 pp. RUNANIAN, per, Probleme FA:onomice, No. 3, Bucharest, I.Virch 68, pp. 37-47. JFRS 45,312 IX(Rumania) Econmlic May 68 357,695 Pravent Raquirements for 'Improving Investment Activities, by Tiberiu Hcn-vath. 19 pp. RMIANIAN, per, Probleme Econowice, Bucbarest, No. 3, 'March 68, pp. 48-61. JPRS 45,450 El-'.(Rumania) Economic May 68 358,015 Improvement of the Structure of Machine Tool Atocks as an Important Means for Increasing Labor Productivity, by Dr. P. C2 Vagis, 17 pp. UIVANIAN, per, ITableiae EcOncruice, Bucharest, '-iarch 68, No. 3, pp. 76-88. JP&S 45,421 EE(Rumania) Economic May 66 357,913 Conimon ~Iarltet Trade With Socialist Countries, by A.D. Albut 9 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Problemig Economice, Bucharest, No. 3, Ilarch 68, pp. 108-120. JPRS 45,418 KE(RLzmania) Economic ~Iay 68 357,899 Tourimn in RumnU and the GxwAh of Its Loan- onlc &ffiolency. br h. Boadog. 3,5 pp. REW-MIAN, per, Problem Eemce-491. Vol 21, No 4, Alw 1968. pp ~3 ~5- JPRS 45735 El~--Rumnia E am Jul 68 360.033 benefits of SocdLallst Damocre.cy OutlIned. by Gh. M. idouloscu. 13 pp. RUMMLO. per. 1:robleme Eooncalpg May 1968, pp 15- , I 27. jvl;t; 11601i0 1,6-1,0MAllia ~.Con Aug 68 364.0.53 rommOAn Agriculture Faoe2 iNvo Major ProMem, bv No NAIU, 14 ppe ltWffiLNUUe per, bC2~ ~em E4uncv-d-c-st HW 1968, pp 40-Ae. JM 46.076 SolAvi Avg W 362,?91 Foredgn Trade ftwoues new FWucles in 1968, tv A. lamouresnue 21 PP. JUDWIAll. per. &oblem FAmmcgL(Mv .11-117 -1968- pp 52-( )0. am 46oko E&-MUMMIA boon Avg 68 364.054 Need for Trade irith CapitjLUxt 1,Atlons Stressed, by Al. 111du, U. Ciulee, 14 pp. JUMAWAN , por$ Me t4MM(nL049 my 1968, pp &L-72. jii6 46o4o hh'-&Umnia Eton Aug 68 364.053 Dynindee of Intermtional Trvtdo Amalyzed, by E. Hutra, C. kribiam, 14 pp. RUMANI", per, _k)t2tlem EponcgLe v ime 1968P - A pp 3-12. i1w 46Z03 kl~-Ybmanla Loon sop 68 365,454 Aspects of Plamdmg SaimtUlc Ro~ohp by Teador fkates, 18 pp. RMWMNI per* &RUM Rg gm-ige- No 6, jw-m 1968, pp 13-24. JM 46,122 Sol/Him Avg 68 362v846 fiew Fbiuo For Realizing Invairtmmts OutUned, by A. MolAoYmnu. 13 pp. fOW41AN. per. il"hiem E*Cmvdce, No 6, ime I.W, pp 25-36. jiw 'f6205 R~-Pxxmnia ftan sop 68 363.453 Short Time for Condasicning lmestmmts Urged, b7 C. va caosrius 13 ppo RVMNIAN, per* 2Vblamo hommdco. No 6, June 3-968 # _ pp 36-43. JPM 4W5 LTO.Rmani& Ebm Sep 68 363o,452 libexr,-y Reamireac In -himania Considered., by Ilr?rtln Darcovici, Al, Szm~ac., 12 pp. MOMAIJAIT, par., Problome 'Economige, Buch-arest, ",o 7, TUIY 1966, PP T-i3- JPRS 14-6439 3ci/Enorgy Conver (non-prop) 364,397 Oct '68 E-ooncrmic Efficiency Growth Seen in Coal-Industry, by 11. Enacho, 34 pp. -WPV-,A`%LVN, por., 'llroblem-a fcor-omico,, Buehcirost, -0 77TU-17. -003; P.0 37 31112, 46h.39 IDIV."ZIL"aanin 3%, 398 Noon Oct 68 ft*aeareh Onablen Agricultural Progreso, by AU Cavor , 12 pp w HIRMIAN. per. L%2UMM ~AMgg "c. Rwharest. no 7. July 1968, pp JFW 46606 Sci-&-ri clot ;9 367.859 Iminrovo.vient ofI'.---port -Aructuro 1:~Utliiia(!, by D. '-stu'roi, 10 por, -1',roblome ~-"Conomlce, Duclial'ast, Jul- 19L 10 U- 3 9-', Oct ~-~.C') Agricilltural Growth Do:oands on State lianngemo-nt, by Gh. L. Outescu, 11 pp. RMIUIA,14 per, ProbZ-emo Econcmico, Oupbsireat, Tu3,y--172Ku, I .T?R0- lp6L~39 iLIVR~M-aanla 364,396 Econ Oct 68 Hatiorma SconoW Needs Better Econando Rawarch, by MIbLa Le"nte, 14 pp. RUM&NIAM, per, bmuem Econwaloo., 1kcharest. No 9# Sept 196810 pp 4-14. JFAS 46,,?98 ZE/ftmuda Now Doe 68 3549483 light Industry Improve* Use -of Production Capiw4tlea, by Ae Stofanesaa, 13 pp. JUDLWAIJ, np, kMbl=9 4M21!OL.Sj, Sept 1968, pp 35-43 - - L JPW 46835 ZX-RamnlA Ecan Dw 68 353.769 Evonando Relations Batmwn Sooi&Uxt Natims Dtomosedo btr Me Radulesma, 19 ppe RIUKHM. perg Fmblam goontuica, awhA"ot, NO 90 Sept 1966,.-Pp 70-M. JPRS 46,8?6 Es/&=Wda Eam D" 68 3-54080 IMONVASIA9 gff*CtIVWWBS Of l'CrSl4gn Trade Discusoodo tv C, Gavril, I. (Mto&Mo 13 PP* RUMNIAN, per# ftgg= Boonamim. Hicharesto no 90, Sept 1968s, pp 88-W. JM 46,876 BE/Rmwda Nam ])SO 68 354t.581 Struotureo Utilization of Aocuzmxlat:Lon Fund Discussed, bV As Roman, 13 pp. RELHANUN, per, Pr2blem RappopLapp Woharest, Oct 1968, PP 5-15- JPRS 47,156 EE-RUMWIIA Eam Jan 69 372,431 mising of Production Efficismey Discussed, bly C, HanolemCU, Or* Pfrfiwmv 12 ppo ,low Reanomto. Bachare HUMOUN, perp ftpb ate Oct 1968, pp 16-2.5. JPRS 4?,156 ES-Rumania Now Jan 69 3720432 Planning of Production moderi-Amation Discussed, by, I* I-Arinesou, k'. Pop&, 12 pp. RUMAN=4. rpt, &2klem kAonmilce, Bucharest, Uot 19W. pp 3.5- iplis 47LIO lav-Rumania loon Jan 69 371.953 Devolopwnt and Coordinatlon or Motor Trans- pert Rarviewedv W C. Comanescul, 14 ppo RUNUIANO per, Problem Sconcad- a Bacharestv Oct 1968p pp 48-59. JM 47. 1.56 EE-RumRnla Econ Db-ecUons in the Development of Coopamtlon in P~grloultvre 11scuseed. by I-Aria 5tanescu, 12 pp. RUMIAN, rpt, Probleme B*onc=&ceq BuchareA, Oct 1968, pp 60Z'ff.- JPHS 47177 IX-Rumazda Sam Jan 69 M*770 LfflciaA Use of Fixed Assetti in Industry out- lined, by V*Aile H* Popeacu. 12 ppe RUItANIM, per, &2~b~,Iemq k4fficcdcae JJLIIM)arestg No 3.10 Nov 19689 pp 45-~~- JPW 47210 RZ-Fanawda kbon Jan 69 372.758 Proper cvgudsat:icn In Agrimature streased, by NjooUo Glosan. 1:) pp. Probl - A. BuchareA. RMIAMIM 9 perg eme POMOTAc No 11. Nov 1968,, pp 83-93, JFHS 4?210 Sai-A,gri jan 69 3n.759 Soolalist Owwrohip Dism=sed, by Ghl ?I Apostol. 14 pp, RUMIAN, per, hyaom Econaxios, Doe 1968s pp 45-57. JM 4?v544 BE-SMOSLU Be= ftr 69 1 ,760052 Rafillment of Planrwd Indicators Stressed# by Nicolas Pantiliev 10 pp, RUMMANO per# Probleam F&onota_i_O_eg Bacha"sto Do* 1968# pp ~6=R'.-- -- JPRS 47,597 ES-Rwmnia Econ mar 69 378, JL57 IMUcations of Automtion in Chemdcal Industry Notodl, W lWgwdu Nimaescu-Mizil, 8 ppi. RMANI&N, per# ECRUwm 1;c-gnomi_*--9.v Elucharests Do* 1968, pp 87-90t 93-W. JFRS 47,5W Sci-Mech, Indo C:iv & Mar EW Mar 69 3780158 Rmeanim Social Lutaayn 11miso Living ~Undard. tW Ion Tulpan, 13 pp. I=ANIM* pare L~MU_fflg Up-movAce, Bucharest, Jan 1969w Do 3-13* JPHS 4~;97 ES.-Rumuda Boon Apr 69 ?. 379.000 TwmtY Xearo of CUM Activities Roviowed, b7 Radia Constantinesou, 14 pp. MiMIAll, rpto b-oblc!p!.o ~gffi Ace, Bucharest, Jan :L969* pp 70-82. 'k.tPHS 47766 EE-Rumards. Eom Alxr 69 379.226 Fore4p Trade Imado to InduMmial CopperatIm, by Hlh932 Levente, N. N. CoamUntinescu, 10 pp.- RUWaM, rptq hnbl5n~_Pqc av#,q Jan 1%9 pp 83-90. gk _I* Bucharest, jill;S 47 U-Rumuda BOOM Apr 69 379o235 ---- al -G-Retau Prjoe improvenents Dismoods by Star= Arawwo 17 pp- RMWUNO per# Bmahamsto Feb L9690 pp 6 JPRS 48197 MI-MumniA Sam Jul 69 3849,865 Nw Finanolal Rules for Agrimilturca Coopem- tiveat ttr I= Raminarat 16 ppo WWWo per, ft9b Fab 1969t pp 46~~9. 2ew ScmigLast Bucharesto JFRS 413197 Sci-Agr!i Jul 69 384,866 Mehine-BuilcUng In(lustry SuITAion EconomV, by Ion awur, 3.2 pp. RU4ANU-;, per, tVb3. bconomice, Bucharest, D*r 1969. PP 3-13. JFRS 4875.5 hiu-IbOW8nJA Ebon Sept 69 3919?65 Work Norma CaU for Conatant Improvomant, W Corn-ol Iddon. 1.3 ppe RL-MMIM, per, iroblem Agenomice. Bucharest. Mar 1969. pp i5:367. JiRS 43735 i-A.'-YwMwd& Eeon Sept 69 391,764 Investments CorreUted with J~rWuctAvity, bar I* Zablu, Do Mares, 13 ppe RMANIM, per, lte!Llemmamomdk~c Bacharest, mar 1969. pp 37-46. jilBS 48?55 IQ~'-N*Muda kban Sopt 69 391,?63 Intwmatloma Soci-14st Coopuration Devolopo, by N. Id. Conot4otinescuo 12 pp* Ruw 49 wo -we Hoonomko LCgkl -10 Bucb&reot 0 Mar 19690 pp 58-W. JPW 48755 kS_DDM"" sqpt 69 391.?62 VaLlue RelationsUps In rore4pm Trade* by I-A-indtru N. Lasaroius 11 ploo Ru%uwlAN, per, AvlLlMM- ggMgAcs, Bucherest, mar 1969. pp 69-77.7 jabs 4875.5 ki~-Pbmxnla N*m supt 69 391.?61 Econonic i-voblww Of HmOrglnu Nationa UBcussed. 15 pp. 4R(AM=4* POrt LtR~I-em BROnOWc-Oo Buebarest, Mar 19,69. pp 123-131. Jkli;s 4873.5 U-RomanU Loan Sept 69 391.760 Better ~Aitput Ilaming rroposou In Lirlit lnuuvtr,~ & by St. Stofmioncu, 12 pp. ItCL%UWIMJ,, per@ flrolLleme kbonomica, Bucharest. Apr 1969. pp U-21. J ~ RS 10792 U,!'-ROM&nia hcon Sept 69 391.868 Aspects of Agriclaitin-al I-Ak-tumization Ana4zed, by No brasoveanue 15 ppo RUUNIA14. perv Probleme Econcalcog Bucharest, Apr .1969. pp 22-33. ji-H5 IM792 Soi-Avvi -Sept 99-- 391.869 Twent,),-Thixd Session of CI-4-A Lvaluated, by Radu Conatantinesou, 7 pp4 RUFAINIAN, per, I`roblem-Lconami2l, Wcharest, No 5p Aly 1969,, pp 3-9. JP83 4,8718 FJ~ Aff Econ Sept 69 389*253 Salentine Research Planning Procedures Do~odv by T, IA%Uoopol, 12 ppo JuIMIM, per, anagme k&Movjq.&, Bacharest, Iky 1969, pp 10-20, JPRS 48738 Sol-50i wid soi at-gan sept 69 391v7()3 arowth or Labor Productivity Documntodl, by VaLelle Haussorg 14 ppe ROWUN, par$ Proble howuEg~q Bacharest~ Vo 50 May 19696 pp 21-33. JFRS 48718 EE-RunsmU Leon Sept 69 389$257 LOWGring Costs in Conatructicm Projeats Advwatedq bar Dtudtru maress cornel Olarlu, 13 PP- RUMM"it per$ kNiblems Eooncizice# ftwhumsto No 3, MY 1969, -PP 34-438 JM 48?18 a-Rumania Econ Sept 69 Importance of Reducing Transport Co&-U Stressed* by A* Schachter, 12 ppo RUMULMO per@ ProbItm NooncLdoeo Bucharest# so 50 IIUY 1969j, pp 46-37. JPRs 48718 EL-ftumnia. Eam sort 69 Role of Credit in SconwW Discussed, by plolse ftmtAmmt 13 pp~ RMWIAN, per* REplam Boon(mdoe. Bacharestl. ho 5, fty 1969, pp 3E~-69. jpRs 4870 0~-aumania ~,- " " I,,- Electric i-ower PoUey r*sults. Airms Dascribed, by Oot&vUn Grora. 17 pp. RomaiN, porg PLvblei~Ej,.Ro3jT4,.c Jwe 1-969, pp 23-33. So Ducharost, JFRS 48787 Llll~-flomwda B*on sejA 69 39198.34 kroomt, luture Aning Indiu;try Sketched, by bujor Almoan. 20 pp. RU49MM, porg, lXqLa~m~gpAcj. Bucharest. June 1969, pp 34-46. J-IRS 48?8? ES.-Rormania, Ebon sept 69 391,836 Trends in Housing ConstracUmn AnsUzedo by ArAirol tacuraru, 13 pp. ROMANIM, per& ktgwdem hgm2m,.C~ BuoNLrest, ime 1969. PP 47-35- JiIRS 4.13?87 LI!,-Romoda Eam sapt 69 39it83? IlandScraft, Coops' FUnction in HomorW Doncribedo bv Me Aleme. 17 ppe ROMANIM, per. EjMU .qMj go (xdco, Bucharest, ime, 1()690 pp 6X..-;X. qp JITS 48787 EL-Pbumnia Hem sept 69 391o835 Research lielps 1.4odernize kmiuctions b7 Stefan Birlea. 3-1 pp. wmlm. per. j_~roblemq hemordel, Bucharest, juv 1969. pp 4:31.--- J PTO 49182 I!-',-Ro?mnia ECCn Nov 69 393.868 i rospects of Chendeal Industry Outlined. bv Alwmndru &mba, 13 pp. RLAUNIAN, per, _Ftoblem Lamoadcas Buebareat, Jn3,v 1969. pp ji"RS 49182 UP. Romar" Sam Nov 69 393,870 Ught Industry 11rogreaSeS Uoriatantlv. by loan Lmalm, 12 pp. RuWaMs per, jVble, kapn c qE2k_qq Bucharest, July 1969. pp 25~-,34. Jt*,-115 49182 EL-Romanis Lem tiov 69 393.869 CbmLnges in vconomic, Social Structure Analymodf by Constantin Ionescu. 20 ppe. RUWiLW, per, 1.4p~ww Boompicl. Bacharefft, Aug 1969. pp 46=6-T. JvW 49391 U-Pomenia Leon Do* 69 3979749 L)wvelojxwnt of Foreign Trade Amlyzed, by cornal Burtica, 10 pp* RUMANIAN: per* k"bleme FAoncqdcev Bucharestip Aug 1969 PP 77Z9-- ji-fis 49391 11--Romania k4on we 69 397,750 National Income, Living LUnclard Correlated, by I* Havar. 10 pp. RUUNIM, per, kMb~erjq~ qonqp!&qe, Bucharest, Aug 1969, pp 112-121. _L __ J,,I~S 49391 Eb-Romarda Eaw Doe 69 39711(51 ,rogrome of' Indust rialization Described, by \Asilo fausmor, 19 ppe RUWWAN. per, P"bleme booncoice ijuckutrest. Aug 19699 pp 222-139. jl~Rs 10.391 &~-Romania Loan i,)w 69 397,752 Agricultural Rodernization, Growth Describedo bor 1), Uumitruo 10 pp* RJ4ANIANq par* ?Loo)Aqat~ cWLI 1969, pp 140-153- _21. Buebaresto Aug Ji.RS 49391 SOL-Agri Doe 69 397,733 iiaohim &Lildizig Industry beets hodern Domwids, by loan Avroms 13 ppe RM"We Fort ftR~Lomm Eacoomdoss Bucharest, sept. ig6go pp 3-t4. JFRS 49648 NE-Rumuds Loon Jan 70 3M v 467 Growth Potential of Cooperativa Agricultuxe Dssoribed, by Vasile Vilau, 14 pp. RUbWdAN, pore Frob3Ams EcovgMLopq Lbeharest, Sept 19690 pp 15-26. JMS4%W -Sci-Agri Jan 70 .3W9468 Trarxis in Use on Manpower Analyzed, by Uonstantin I~mohc# 15 pp. MIADIAR, per, Fmblerm Economice, Wcharost, $opt 1969, pp 27-39. JFRS 49648 M-Rumniq Econ Jar, 70 359,466 Socialist Econondc Coop"ation Discussodp by I-A.ha:a Lavente, 7 ppe RMANIAii, per, PrpAgma Booncmico# Bacharests, Sept 1969~ pp 40-45- JIXHS LOW IZ-Rumania I~con Jan 70 399,465 Foreign 'hrsdo Qrgaydr^tion hirfected, by Stefan lWastAream, 12 pp, HU~ANIA.N~ perg Problem Sconcwdco, Ducbarost, sopt 19690 pp 50:m. JI;Rs 49648 a-gRumanla Boon Jan 70 399,464 DOVOIOPmont of Investment Po2leies Cut2ined, by Costinal lAzar. Ghoorglis Gorincuv .14 pp* RWMIAW, per, irobleme ~-Omomjc , jjach&rest, ~Llw--- --- llq cot 1969, pp I j "Fui 4ww fi.6-Romwda Econ Feb 70 400,890 Improvements in Data ProcossinIf ROCOMMOnOcKle by bUgodu Niculoscu-vasils 6 ppo IMWIAN: per. "bleme Economice. Bucharest, uot 1969 pp ji-Rs 49788 hl-Romonia Eoon Feb 70 400,891 Agricultural Mochardmation I-Initer-prises AnalyWe by I* DUnuo 14 pp. ROMANIAN perip IM:lbi3.ome I mice, Bucharest, .:cono-- Oct 10 w69: pp 51-62. j.; Rs 490M Lb-Romania Leon Fab 70 400.892- Hints on Lgamenting Now Fivio-Year Plan Giveng bry Uhsarghe Siolovan# 16 pp. RUM41AN, per* ftoblew SconaAc-ell &xcha"st, NOV 19690 pp 9-19- JPRS 5DO07 ES-Rumania Boon Mar 70 401,2014 Plans for Cheridoea Industry Revealed# by, Anton Moldoveanup I? ppe RUNOWO per. Proble EconamIce, Bucharest, Now 1969s pp iO--3T-. im 50007 ES.-Itumania soon mar ?0 402015 Modhanization and Automt1on Called Inadequate, by Vasile Popown. 14 pp., RU14ANIANs per. Problem Economige. Daoharest. Nov 1969, pp 32 jM e OM HE-FQMwda Soon Mar 70 4029~316 CaU for Strict llan and Pinancial Msclp3lne, by, Radu Clur3lamue 16 pp. ROMANIAN, per, !rUmm FAmoidee, , Bacharest. Doc ig6g. pp 5-1 . - J"Rs 49"A4 hd~'-IbomwAa Lom Mar 70 03,670 Working Class Role in Modern Romnia 6ketchad, by Goorgho Lmrpat, 17 pp, RLIAMUM, per, ig9ble" tL# Buoharest, Doo 1969, Pp 27-39. _ _Pc!cnq!o~~ JAlizt; k?942 L5-Rozowlia Pol Mar ?0 403.665 lt3WLmatJLon of Credit Systom Giviong bUr Co. Danciu, 14 pp, RCLIMNLW. per, I~mhkerM cn q, Buoharest, _Ng. qlftS. pp 131-139. jiRs 49182 EL-Rom"da Secin Nov 69 393,867 z""W" Aft Aft 70 - . . 2 6;~" --I 2-RO,-XLWUIF-. ultumm" ftm AIN 70 I A"Wo" of aftatw uftvtrxpa L*bw hvftouvlvv tly "kaus 'Popsomi. 14 ypr SWAXMa, par* imbim EF.Mr-ums ambs2es% Pob IWO pp 74-86, im ~96 lw4buwmu soon AM 70 . - womb in as ftvolApmmt, et coc;omtiv, Is tw D6 Dodtrlui J3 inpi it Wo Per ,.%b 1 k2slagi Bucharesu I M&O Ipp OMML-kom ;ld-Avd ift 70 I at, Md VxpLdjMdt tiy Awma ppo IW"MIMIO par, bmwms a-ungdeo. Duchawevt* NO,-so I*jr 2970,0 pp MO-950 jilUs 30MB P~tpkwwda x6ft Jms 70 B*Nom ftmw&o &W r4mp9nWb&c Ormth ft"mimd, br - COMOLMUn lmewruv 22 ppp me cmaftv IKAWUI, perp &-o'ble 446$ -- . .t Dmha"jYt o rjo 30 Illar 19700 pp 10 in's 30M HS-p4modA FAM Jmm 70 Pno"s In i4ptaftu" stmtovm. 10 pps -------- DWrIbecif u(44MIAWO per, I&A-a-mo- Tft!~* BUCbArOgt, NO 3, Afar 1970, pp 3,50-257. 4MIS 50728 But-Agri J=* ?o