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CoMiate.rIUtilization Surveyed, by Ivan Malec 12 , .p:p GOTLIRNWRINT USE ONLY CZECH, per, Planovane Hospodarstvi, Prague, No 7, hil 7;~, pp 56-65. JPRS/L 4268 Sep 72 E. conomic Research 11rojecta Plannod Throuph 197,1~, by Jaromir Kolar,. 17 PP. GOVERNMENT U3E ONLY c,711'014, por, Planovene Ho !ps odaostvi, Prague, N 0 9 , .3 ep 7 241 -22 b 757 J? RS / L 4.3 18 11ov 72 liaticinal incomes of cn,% Countries Compared, by Arladtmir Bouse, 11 IDP. GOMMIM."T USE ONLY oer, Planovans )JospDdarstvi, Trague, N70 11., Dlov 7-31 JPlV:'./L 4395 ja n 7 3 nie Indivisible Ftmd Is the basic For Expanding fbPro&tation ba Fam Worlairs' Cooperativeop by A, Petkov vzd V. Smirnom,, Ilt pp 324hMN, per, Planovo stopeoptyp i statiotilm, so 1j, jan 65, PP 24-32- JPIG 2Y371 IS-Dulpris IW65 279,357 Som PIvblcmo In the Profeesional Qualification Stractum. Of Manpower In AGri(mltiwe, by Tbdor Avxvmv, 9 py BULCJUUM, Pei-, Planavo pto~mtyo_ i statistlka~, no, 1, ion 65, W 33-41 JPBB RS671 SE-DAIgaria r1cm Mw 65 ZT9,358 Iftvammmt of the Population WIVAn the Country and the RMct of this Movement on f4sr4puer in Bulgaria,, by MInIw Hinkov, 16 pp R=AFaM, per, Planovo - stopenstyp i statistiks., No 1, Jan 65, Vp 42-52. JPAS 29382 ZR-Dilgarla soon Dby 65 279,374 Z=omic Iffectiveness of CrTitiLl Imestments In State Panne and WWv fbr Mu.-romolng It,, by Lilymm Dmudma.p 15 pp SULGMW,, per, Planwo stopanwWo i No 2,, P*b 65.. ii Z-33 JFM 2WM W-Bulsocia x0co Apr 65 279j,096 Ilbe US* Of (jes .d petoleira in Bulgarlat by D"tur Muchmi, 1.2 -,VPs ~ J. StAVAG- aw,ro etc )anstvo Bum"Ofis Perm P2 M~ 14 No 3. Nor UPT30693 ss-lkagowis I-on jul 65 232210T methodologleal Prob3=0 in the Diatributicni of Machine BuUding, by Xosta Itoutov.. 14 pp. DACARMI, par, Plaaovo stapanstvo i statistilm So 3, 14mr 1965, r-)p - 19-30. JFFO 30731 BE-Baleaa-ia neon jui. 65 232,353 Now Conditions for the Foriadation of the Plan for 1966, by VladJr-ir Vskanow, 22 ppo BLUZARM per P nat-vo I Statis- ~., ., 4, Ap-r-r, 1q186n5Oj.,,jOv2.!q420-.52. JPHB 3CY33:) ER-Bulaurin Rom jul 65 2f32,7,91 I?robl=o in Planning Pbrolpt Z=bange Macaw *md XxvemUtums ta Tromilportat:L(m, by Mil= fttm7jp 22 P.Pe RaCARMS paxp plaxwo R!s tvo i stati VtA XX,, 30 4, J4)r 3W5, PP- 53- 63e JM 309-u W-hLigaria soon Jul 65 2B2,999 rawndAution of Buildings oal Housing Befbro the Forth-ComLng Census, by Stamen Wrinav and Nino Yotov, U ppo BUMAMAN, per, Plano%ro stoigmstyp I statl8gle, Ito 41 Apr 1965, pp o 64-71 JPRS 31020 ]w.jk?l68rj& ROM Aug 65 283,913 VaQpuw:Lan of Speclausatim and Cw"rution In DAwrtrys by Totyu Demv, 21 PP* WWMM.. porp LlanOvO a =22. e Statis- tok NO 5j, MV W5,- pp. 1~11 NW A345 mwhLuwia scm Aug 65 2Avl76 TatammmcstUn Is the t%in WmW ftr the DOVUUW=t of Agricult=V, by StQYM UlkWlOvt 3.1 pp 9 tmw I a- Buwaxw[j, perp PlAm"D - +Aks. No 5j, ow TWO, pp- wl;;5-6. SWV392 Bit-IM34pria now Avg 65 2B4,13B5 Import* and Certain Zcon=Lc Problems of Unterial ftservee in Bulgwls, by Tbdor 7bdorev., 10 pp. WUUkRM, per, Piano" st,220notwo i statis- ties, No 9, Oct 1965, YP, 3-11- WE 33966 M-Buagaria gcon Feb 66 295x700 The Djmandco and Territorial Distribution of the Mechanical Inervase of' the Population In BulgAris for 196:L-1.964.. by- mitko rbsintw, 13 pp- BULCAK=j, per, Plano" lit tvo i statie- !Ile, No 9, Oct 19b52 PP- 24-34. JPRS 33923 SE-Bulgaris soc ireb 66 295,690 The A:&le or Agr mto in U is New System of Flaming and Managing the Nattional Econowl, by Nedelcho Yankow, 10 pp. MiahRIMP POPJ, Planovo S!elmnxtvo i statle- Mhao 30 9, ovt~ 19&j, pp. 60-67- JFMO 339-U BE-Bulgaria so= Pob 66 295,703 The Chmucterlstles of the Mew Xwthod of lplmammg 1w arl" 19 pp. w1aAamp lwrj. Pionwo 2MOV i eta I- st,lka No 100 :Lg&3,# pp., 3-16- WW'Fyj237 An-Bulgaria zom wAr 66 295,972 Pro"ative De"lopment of Chemical-Lidu try Mchim, BuIlding in Bulgaria, Ik pp. BLUAARIM, per, Planowo stmens i stati- stiks No lo, iw-ci-qu, -PP. '19-29- JPRS 34223 39-Daigaria 3con mar 66 295..9" protit&UUtV of TobMWO Pvoduction, by stawm mudwq2xw,, 9 pp- RUAMW,, per,, Planovo at I m"ti- so :Lo, Dm 1965, pp- 51--57- -MS 342b5 IN-Bligaria zem nar 66 296,577 The Use of the Nov Oyst4m oP Planning and Mandsm ard in the "VILto"' State Tvft trIal Intiorprim,, bV Pavel Toyetwiski and W-4b, Svileow, 3.4 pp. GKRW, per, PlarKwo at4m)anstvo I xtaUstikas mo io, Dec 1965, ]Me W78- JPRS 34237 IM-Balgaria, scan mmr 66 295#973 Hole of Prices in Structural Changes of P:roduc- tion and Conswuption, by VImAislav Knobloch, 13 PP,, GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CZWK, per, Plemovane HooMb3retyi. Vol. 3M, No. i,, jan 1967., PP4. ;77- JPRS GUO 2320 BE-Czech Neon Apr 67 321P055 The National M==ic PlAm for the Dvvelop- mient of Bulgaria in IW, by-Distritsa Peneva and Georgi Tbdowor, 13 pp. MUMEMP pars Rio= ptolmolm i statis- UMP NO 1p Jan 1966., 3--13- jm Wsog MC-Dulgaris fton mr 66 296.,933 ftwoome Concerning a System of ZwoondLa Indloators of the Ykazagavent and Plautdog of the Work of Inds, trial IbiterprIsee, by Georgi Krumov, 14 pp. WWAYdM, per, Planov vt4 Mtro I Otatis- tika No 1, Jan UK pp. X'$-.26. W 3W49 MC-Bulwia Econ Mar 66 296,p934 --sDam-a-ed-c Accounting Under the New System of Planning =4 Munagenent In the National Xco=iOr.. by Stoycho Vulcb=vw.. .11 pp- WWARM, per, Planovo 6:~%Mnxtvo I statig- tika No 1, Jan 1966, rp- 27'-36. N MRS " 3 " M-Bu3sexIft Scon mar 66 296j.935 Traflt As a CrIterUm for Armaust1pg the Work of an DAustrlal NutenwLee.. by Toretan fttrov, 11 Vve BKORM, per, Plautwo d%anstwo I statis- tlU So I., Son 19wp VP- 31=.T- W3WM 111-Pulgarla Jk= jkr 66 296,936 Some Problem 1n Turnover Twws, by Distra DImma.. 13 pp. MI&4K"* per., Pis= aw- stwo 1 statis- tt 0, pp - 5 L . No 9j, ftb 1966p pp. 3,1 ' NW35236 EX-Bu4pria 3con *w 66 300.,004 Saviet Bloc Symposium on Plwmlng for Engi- neering and Natural Sciences Personnel, by Todor Avrwnov, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Planovo st2Dfuultvo i statis- tj,~.a No 2, Feb 1966, PP- 77-76- JPRS 35375 EE-Bulgarla Ecou .Tun 66 301o 903 A Factor in the More Even Macresse and Dis- tribution of Population I:ncwmj, by Stoy= Byul*mzov, 17 yp- peri, Lianowo su tvO i 129HU-1 statistika, No 3s. Mar 1966, PP- 3-17- WE 3 5 5 -0 =-Bulgaria, Neon mw 66 300,229 The New System of PlLualag and kknagament and th& Procurement of Agriculttwal Productap by Va$Jl Misherp 13 ppe wtaka"t Per# Planwo a vuwlvo I statl- MUM. so pp. e-52. NW-35353 n-al4pria Ikon xv 66 300..165 Som Prdb3 in the DistrLbution of Induo- trial Enterprises In Bulg&rls., by Petur Tat Petzx)v, 9 pp, MICIARM, per, Planovo st(MM!tvu i statis- tilm, no 4., i9K -pp,3-lo,. JPRS 36226 M-Bu3Zaria, Econ jul 66 306j,763 United Industrial Ehterprijws -- The Road to Increasing Concentratimi of Industry, by Zdrmvko Zlatanov, 11; ppf, MAUMW per,, ZlSg&o a )Panstvo i statis- No . 1966, 14,p. 3.1-212. 36226 RE-Bulgaria Scon Jul 66 306P764 The New System of Management - An Important Stage in the Development of the Bulgarian rkoncW, by Docent Engr, Apostol Pashev, 9 pp. LM&UIAN, per, Planovo stoTyuwtvo i etatis-ti-ka, No 5s -%Y 1966, PPi 3-9, JPRS 36918 EM-Bulgaria Econ Sept 66 309,962 Six;w Pn)blemn In Price Formation unUer the New System of Management of the National EcononV, by Stefan Kalinov and Ivan Yordanov, 13 w - BULGAIUM, per, Planovo stopEEstvo I statistika, Na 5, may 1966, pp. lo-19. JPBS 36918 EE-Bulgaria Econ Sept 66 309,963 The Effectiveness of Laporting Elevotrio Powor in CbmP&A"On With Other Souimes for Meeting the ~13'ootrio Pbwer Balance of Bdigaria by, Xb- Oveharov, A. Tsenova and 1). XUnkov, 14 pp. BUWtA)UAN, per, Planovo stopamistva i statistika, tio 6, jun 1966, pp. T?--M JPRS 37490 Vk;oBulgaria Eoon S&pt 66 311,720 Certain Itemate in the Area *I! Coordinating. Salentifto and Toohnical Ilesew-ch Within MIA. by N. Bogoroditaki. 6 pp. BMARW, per, PLuwvo stopanstyp i statistika No 6s, Jim 19(4# pp, 35- JPR3 37531 EF-&Ogaria Econ Sept 66 311.697 IVroving the Planning of Rattail Trade in HalgaAmn Trade EnterpAsea, by Krum St. Aleksandrov. 8 pp. EMWARIAN. per. U62= 2knan i Amstum, r%b 6. jun 1966.pp. 4&.53. JPRS 37;7 EF-Dagaria Eoon sopt 66 311.649 Prod,action Speclalizatiun and Priceu in Trade betwon the Vocialint Countries, by I-Ilikhail Savov ana Nikala Velichkov, 15 PP- IXTWAIIIAN., per, Planovo stopanstvo i statistika, Wj- 7, July lgikN, pp. 12-22. ~IIPRS 36:463 E.0-hilgaria Econ Nov 66 314,015 Econonic Unions and the Law of Value under Socialism., by Lalyu k'hdulov, 14 pp. EMARIAN, per, Planovo stopanstvo i statis- tika, No- 71 July 1966p pp.. 23-33. JPRS 33W5 ZE-Bu.lgarla Econ Dec 66 314,078 Statistical Characterization of the Social and )Biologio&l Rgpmduotive 3&3.=ce of the r*'U*r:L&n POPUIRUOn. by RMT Dr A. Yu. Totev. 16 PPO BUWARIAN, porg Plamovo StOPAnstvo i statistika, 110 7, Jul 1966, ;~. b5-75. JPRS 39603 EE-milgaria Soo 11ov 66 313040 TondancrLas in the bovelopment of Retail Trade in Cities and ViUages, by Vitko Thmov, 10 PPO DUWARM. per Pl=ovo stowmstvo i statistika. No 7, Jul 1966: PP. 7b-80. JPRS 33201 ]~~Dalgaria Emn Nov 66 313.747 EXpansion of &Xialist Production in Bulgaria between 1966 and 19T0., by BiBtritsa Peneva.. 2 pp. BUMARIAN, per, Plmmovo sj-g~tvo i statistjIM, No. 8j, Sept 196 ~,PP- ~3-13- JPRS 39996 ER-Bulgaria Econ Dec 66 315,941 The Living Standards of the Population As Pro- videa for in the Draft Directives, by 10iriato Krinchev, 9 pp. MIAMIM, per, Planavo stovanstvo. No. 8, Sept 1966, pp. 14-20o JPRS 38904 EE-Bulgaria Soc Dee 66 315.,70C) The Prospective Development of Heavy Machine- building, by Khr- Kirov, P. Konchev and N. Kolev, 13 PP- B=AR=f, per, Planovo etopanstvo i statis- tika, No. d., Sept 1966, pp. 21-31. UFRUS 33924 ER-Bulgaria Econ Dec 66 315,M The L*Oinive Condition for Fulfilling the Basio Tasks In Agriculture ruring the Fifth Five-Year Plan., by Georgi Kostadinov, 11 pp, MUZARIAN TIw*m sto anstyn i. statistika. NO 8, Sept T;a. pp JPRS 38816 "Bulgaria Econ Doc 66 315.001 Sonia Problems Relating to the Growth of Not Inecu.-4 In Inauatr7, by Tsvetan Petrov, 3.2 pp. BUWARIAN, per, Planovo sto tyq I statistika, No. 8, Sept 19W, pp. 53--60- JPRS 33996 SE-LkLIgaria Econ Dee 66 315,940 Price Formtlon and Technical Reconntruction, Modernization and ftpsnslo~n of Froduction En- terprisea,, by Yordan Shekerov, 13 pp. IUWARIAN, per. Planovo stopanstwo, I statisti-ka, No. 8, Sept 19~6-, pp. 61-b9. JPRS 33996 EE-Ikilgaria Econ Dec 66 315,942 PlannIms the Activity of Joint Enterprises among the Socialist Countries and the State Monopoly over Foreign Trada, by Georgi Danov, 8 pp. BUICARIANy per, Planovo stopanstvo i statiatika,, No. 3, Sept 1966,-pp. 70-74. jPHS 38303 BE-Bulgaria Focon Dec 66 314,417 Indicators for Planning Prochiction Costs in Inftstrial Enterprises, by D., Kosev and 11. Banchowa, 10 pp. BULGAFGVI, per, Planovo stopanstvo I -stati2ttkj. No I, Jan 1967, -PP-741-LO, JPRS 40980 --M~buig&Aa Emn Jun 67 328.368 Tho Role of Okrug and City Planning Comissions In Torritorial Planning, by Stoyne Arsov, 7 PP- DEWARIM), per, Plamw stopanstvo I alltiatikat 110 2, 1967# PPO 1~~50- JPRS 40584 "I-F-Bulgaria E., a o n nay 67 325.363 'rho Effectiveness of Thermal Kilectrio Pover Plants in Northeastern Wgaria. by Nilwlay MAtrov, 12 pp. SMARUN. r PlawvO stopanstvp i statistika, No 2. Feb 1&6*7*9 PPO lq~zj* JPRS 4D57.5 E&--Bulgaria Ec*n Apr 67 319.724 11-roblans Rolating to Plarxrdrg and Material Incentivos in tho Bulgarian Morchant Marine, by Viktor T.,?onlaDv. 8 pp. WWARXAN, per, Plamip aboDanstvo i st4ti-Ittika. No 3. Mar 1967, pp. -25-Y4 iPHs 4116 ! EV.-Bulgaria Soon jun 67 328,425 The Problem of Rarmeration JLn the Cooperative Labor Parms. by RwWol TrancbtMov. I I pp. BUIDAMAII, per. Planovo stopanstyp i stgtAstikuL, 'Jo 3, Mar 1967. pp. MC4Z. JPRS 411.58 FS-Rdgaria Soon Jun 67 328.549 BasIc Featuras of the Now butructions, Forms and Indicatore fbr the P=milatlon and Approval of the State NatlonO Econcmdc Plan., by Ivan Donkov,, 12 pp. WWARIAN., per, Planovo, atcowwtvo I statistika,, No. 4 Apr 3,967P PP9 3-14* jPM 41411 EB-Bulgarla zcOu Juiq 67 329,vTTO Problem in the Use of Manpnwr in Agriculturep by Todor AvTumv and KbxlstA) Khristow, 9 ppe WWARIM,. perp Pianavo stcAMnstvo I statiatikaj, No. 4 196TS PP- 46-55- JPRS 41Z MC-Bulgaria Econ Ju3,y 67 329j.784 The Activity of the Scientifte-Resee=h Planning Pooonxdcn ImUtute Or t-l-A StAtO PlaUnIng Ccn- M:Lttoo,p by Vakil Vanov, 3.1 ppo :WWARrM# W.. F-IMM2 at i statlatika 5D. 4 1,967j- PP- 77--53- .P., 1=r BE-Bulgwla so= July 67 329#771 'Abe Vurthw Amelopcomt and. StraztbMim or ule C*VsMtAVO Syntm In &a-a2 Armwo bor Slavi Boobw,p 12 Yp. vmhfmm 022malm 1 ate PUMM Zbe 54 (%vl'X-96,7# IV. P9. im IW4 n-alloula mmin Avg 67 333AW i[ba I-LarmtKI Davolopmont and Coordination of Plans Among tho CEMA-11-levibor Oountries, by Stafall Sharmkov. 12 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Plawvo aftl2anstvo i statiatika. No 30 MAY 1967. '90 1.5-4-N mIS 41993 "., Dulgaria Econ Aug 67 377,752 The Problm of Sconomic Organs in the Aftdri's- trotlon of the t2 (coopowative Farna)., 22 ppo BUTAMAN, per,, Planwo storenstro i statistikao ISO. 5 aw 2967# ppe 3=9 ipis tIW4 Er"Bagarla x0cm Aw 67' 333j,411 vt Ald ftr th* GoolaUst n1justion and 1"pw"vo BtnwUwal. awMw In the M"UMOX 2DOW30W CC Dalgarlags by Ap=tol PaabWo U "go masmas part nwom 2REEM I ArdMimp The 6 * up. ". no Old" imeftl2gomA sort 67 339#00 The Rolation Betimen Increase In Labor Proftctivity and Remuneration on Cooperative Labor Farmn, by Kirll Dwiymov, 12 pp. BLUAIUM. per, Plsmvb stoponstvo i, statistika, tio 6, Jun 1967, PP- 35-197 jpRs 42166 Sept 67 377,826 Results of the Last Housir*: Census. by Stamen marinov. a pp. MWARIAN, per, Planovo steipanafto :1 statistika i4o 6, jun 1967. PP- 75:79- JPRS 42173 FS-Bulgmla Soo Sept 67 377,842 Soviet Aid for tho Sociallist Trawfornation " Suocassea of BulprlAn AgrioUtura, by Atanua Teaney, U pp+ BULQ&Rlkl, per, FUammo AA ' dLuft Illm-s 140 7, Jul 1967s PP -1--3-1s JPM 42627 FZ-1kagaria Agri Boon Oct 67 340o?09 F=44gn Trade Studies an tlvp Ilecessity for Cr"Ung Joint Enterprises Under SoclAlim, by Goorgi Danov, 10 pp, BUICIMU-AN, per, 92-A= NO 7. Jul 1967. PP 39-47- im 42627 XF.-BtCLgaria fton oat 6v 34o,no MMormatimml Prioes aiffA Xatermal Price tlcn# by ftqrcho Vblmb~w# IS pp. mnSARL% per, PUmm mtoDwwtvo I statig- ton, lb at aw UW,, JPM-436W mew4u.1a fteft Alml 65 AT2222 An -Ammlawle of CowU ua&rr the ConUtLow of tho am fto or mmalplout or aw jktloml %awwwo bv ftafts r-It-ir and lv= MmM~wrs U:Ppo JIMMAFSO per, P)mwm tllc lb A# W 43644 sit-ftl sort a son Jan 68 A7#223 Problems in the Machine-Building Industry Discussed, by Zliezer Gershonov, 24 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Planovo S 3panatvo i SSjtjstA1cgj No. 9, Sofia,, Nov 67, pp. 3-12. JPRS ", 195 ER(Bulgaria) Economic Jan 68 349,933 Basic ftoduction Funds and Labor Productivity in Agriculture, by Delcho Sapundzhiev, 13 pp. BULGARIAN$ per, Planove 51;2Ranqtvo I Stat- ISUICA, No. 9. Sofia, 196T, pp. 13-24. JPRS 44,169 Waulaaria) Econceic Jan 68 349,872 Frofitabillty aW;Production runds in Animal Uusbmndry, by Docent L'vg. Grueva and Val. Smirnova-Goranova, 15 pp. BMGjiRl.,',N, per, Planovo Stopanstvo i Stat- istilra, No. 9, Sofia, 1967, pp. 25-36. JPRS 44, 169 LE(BulgariO Economic Jan 68 349,873 Problem of science Planning in inilgaria, by Petur Vellcov, 12 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Planovo Stopanstvo � Statlstlkao Sofia, 1,'To. 10 (Dec), 7-9M, pp. 3-11. JPRS 44,723 6ci-Hiscellaneous I-Earch 68 352,824 Raw materials and Fuel Resources for the Production of Ferrous Metals and the Course of Development of Ferrous Metallurgy In Bulgaria* by Petko Pavlov, 13 pp. BULGARTAN, per, Planovo, Stopap tvo i Statistikar $of i-aINCI-770, Dec 67, pp. 25-33. JPRS 44,856 Sci-Materials blarch 68 355,171 The lirplementation of! Industrial Methods of Production in the Field of Animal Husbandry* by Gatyo Iv. Gatev, 9 pp. BULGARIM, per, Pi )VO stopenityO i Statistika, Sofia, No. 10, Dec 67 pp. 44-50. JPRS 44,737 Ez; (Bulgaria) Economic March 68 352,848 Automobile Frodbaction In EbAlvirls Macussedt IW Vladlnir Totav, Ivan Panlccnr, 12 pp. BUIPMAMs pewe Fl,"avo isWc No 6, June Iwo m 3D-400 JPRs 49'.325 mladgwru HOW Sept 68 365o035 rlwir Aspects of National Econorde Plazird.ng for 15,69 aml 1WO !!XpaAdned. by Ivan Donkov, T&-vetan Petrov. 10 pp. BUGAUM, per, Flanox-o StRM.advo. Solia, I"o 7. lc,68, ~T 3-U - ji,ia; 4&,dw Loon Dec 68 354.033 -J RAld-u,'!) and 1A.Aribiltion ol,- Incorr-, "iscustleel, by i.vtiv, Tevctanrld, 12 pp. I-It IkIk'4AR, plur, Planovo 5to mstvo, Sofia, No :LX,C-, = 22-32, ~:con I Doc ~..U Production and k'il itell-ning Froapects in AACaria AmlyzrAl, by ~wdl 4'axinov. 8 pp. DUWAialldi, pur. Planov ~~opknj3tvo, bojia, I,o ?. 196S. pp 75-20. !40vo 1 4-:5 46940 4-,'. aalgaria ,..ccm fec 6~", 354,033 Nw Consumer Goods Supply Rulas Interpreted# tgr Khristo Ulkolovo 7 PP* BU1AARIANq pero St*MV1pq# Sofia# No 8P Oct 1968, pp 13-19. JFRS 471,104 n/Bagaria Boan Jan 69 372#293 Turnover Tax Under Now Soonaidc System Msouswodp W Kostadin Ivanov, 13 pp. BULGARM4# pw# Emam S19MAty0p Sofia, No 8* Oct 1968s pp 44-56- JPRS 4?s104 BE/axigaria Soon N20292 Jan 69 - soci&Uxt i~ccnonlc Flwirdng Ileeds Improvemmto by Nikola Vulev, 10 pp. BULGAfaAN. per, Planovo stopenstvo. 50fiat DO 9, 1968. pp 3-12. JPM 47391 ES-lAa libon an, 69 374.738 Now Procedures Set for Plant Funds by Tavetan 1-*trov. Stefan Nalinov, BUL(WIIAN, per, lUnovo nekV.S. 1968v pp 13~,249 im 47,391 L6-Bal Loon I-br 69 and TwmUon. 13 ppo Sofia, No 9, 374.757 The Industrial Development of the Republic of Cuba. 13 pp. SULGARIM, per, Planovo Stroytelstvo, Oct 1968, pp 63-72. VIA LN 775-69 Latin America Econ June 69 393,504 GrwAh of CI!2,lk In World EamcmW Reviewed. by Akhmil savov, 12 ppe BUICTAFaANg per, Planovo Jtopsnqt%~O, Sofia, 110 2, 1969o pp 3-13. JM 48191 a AFFAIRS Ebon J* 69 383,831 Problane of T3mde Among CtAUL Comtries AraLlyzed, by VoLco T. I-ArUov. 12 pp. BUWAPJA149 pars -PlAnovo q~M&ztvpq SofU, No 2, 1969, pp 14-24. JPRS 48191 " ArFAIRS Leon july 69 383.830 ChAA Wuntries study Privato rice ..ystam, by Tasho ,utiev. 13 pp. BU"?IAN. per. ~~ovo St n-stvot Jofia, No 4, Apr 1969, pp 47-58. j tRs W56.5 U, AFFAIRS Econ Auq 69 390.436 Reprocluction of BuO41arian Po;nxl&t:im Anslyw3d. bV Dano Balevski. 13 ppo BlIWAMM , per, klAnovo -�teRenstvo, Sofia, Apr 1969. pp 59-M. J1,RS 48591 ESI-all Soo Aug 69 3909370 Light Industry Expanalon, Roorganization Urged, by ~anil Dankov, Hadomir Boykov. 9 pp. BULCdUaMs, per, klancwo j&2MDg&X_o, Sofia, No 3, .1969..pp 33-41. J.PHS 48703 E-F,-Bulgaria Fcon Sept 69 390,742 Clutnges in Standard of Uving Discussed. by Tmyu Psnevq 18 pp* BULCJJaAN, per, Ilanovo 6&pMjqjjpO Sofia, Ju3,v 1969o pp 23-33. JI-W 49-A9 Lcon Doe 69 39?9349 ALobing-BudIding Industry Progress Noted, by FwWu Elzateov. 12. pp. BULGARMI, per, Pkn o Sto stvo# Sofia. July 1969. pp 5"1. ql__ML_ J.FRS 49319 scd-mech Dee 69 397.550 (,handc*l, kletoLUurgical InduAry Developmmto Ivr Dlmdtur Undtrove Dimitur Stoyanov, 16 pp. iAWARLAN, per, Aano'Ko -Stopanstvoo Sofla. July 1969, pp 62-73. i A &; 4933-9 ES-Bagarla Econ Doe 69 397.531 AmlYZ~dp tW son&, ttawto"s of" Idth sonuLift to pp. X"Wr*l=lmIv*pa Taosumm. SOWAILUMS wo Dom so 10 im 19700 ;p iammmsmb Sena, JftS %33D ~Mwkuwwla tam aw 70 4&,P*3w Irmisixitilw .-I .. 'Aqv4 BMhtwo 12 PP* I I AIMP sorlue flo 3v SV=-,p Pwo nor-OSARM ;~,; AWWO pp 3"30 apa WVA, U-04 am jow 70 ~ of MMU D"4qMft Aftlymdj tW A*m 3%*dMkbo 11 pp, BMAUMN PW. 12ARRMAMMIt .~ 4 . #1 M, son& .it Apr 1970o pli 13-7E, 0 am 30M M-balgarli am 44L ?o i~~Io I fterm wwp -22 rp. 13MA&MOD "Perm, ammIclawallat wl", 1970, rp 23-53o im 3&093 so 5m, gal am Avg 70 DaVelopiment of AgrIcu:LturD in SixtIl pive- Yow Plan, by St. Sbaren-kov, 12 pp. MW&RIATT, perv Planovo Stopanstvo, Sof ia, - Uo 2, 197" X:1143 AtI 71 IVrovamnts In Livint3 Standards Outlined, bt,r Svttm 11.1avotanski, 12 pp. . WXUATY, per,, Planolvo Stopanstvo, Sofia, No 2, 1971, PP J111FIS -Tul 73. Unportanoev of DisciplIne to SocjajjLqt DetleloPmarat Viewod, by Illya Vasilev, 13 PP - BUIGARIATI, per, Sofia, Wa 4, 197T-,-p-p=- TPRS 53687 Planovo Stonanstvo, S." A'.18 71 RokIlrand Pmfitabillty Armllyzed, by Lyt~dmil Hutufahlev, pp.. MILOARIAIT., per,, Planovo St Sofia, ~10 4., 1971, pp ~Mwmu-tmvo 'Irlis Aus 71 a ~Owor f*volopment Pato umiyzod. i4iy tillouy waltrov, 'L1 pp, TIUMA""T.All & t ., par, Plu-nolro -9toDRn3';,-",O, Sof 1"- No 11,11,71, np I)PIr"14:11, 5,11.630 7-wwt 7 1 liftlucturo or capitai Inveistmonts In Tourlan, Mismim4oodl, by Stoyan Obrosbkov, 11 pmo nrnov."xyl fit, per, Planolwo ltopmalztvo, '-)of ia, 7, 19,11.0 71