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MethodCalculating a Two-Phase Ejector, by . m. Ye.::Deych, 14 pp. AN SSSR. IZVESTTYA. ENERGETIKA I TRAIMPORT, No 2, 1973-o PP 123-129. AIR/FTD/MT-24-i495--72 I. Af. Poetnikov Gonaratized squivatenoo aircuit J'or converters with traveling magnotio field. 13 pp. RUSSIAV, per, Xxv. AN SSSR. Eneraptika i TranaRor No 3, --29?3, pp ?7-84 AZRIFTD-W-24-1746-71 Sept 72 m 1. A. Rozgo I The thamoeZactric power generator ac an, alsictric cmd heat installation. 20 lip. RUSSIAN, rzv AN SS,'SR. D2erqetika i transE2rt, No 3, 1971 pp 97-106 AIRIFTD-Aff'-.24-1748-71 sept 72 V. A. Grodko The Ithemnody-mmics of systiams for,. direat trm3formation of themaZ anargy into eleotrical. Part 11. 20 pp. MWitN, par, Xxv. All SSSR. Enarg-etika i A"'rwiaE2xbt No 3 pp 107-lTd- Bept 72 G. A. Baryclonikov Optinaw. switching of Zoo-voltage -7 or ganerating elemeni io4h a nonlinear volt-cenpere chiari":Ocwtariatio. 22 pp. RUSSXAJV, per., Lmvqvt~~a AN SSSR. En etika i Transport go 3, 2M., pp 250-254 AIRIPTI-IMT-24-1747- 72 sept 72 V.4N. Popov Equation of the otate of a heZiwn and nitrogem! mixtwe. PPO RVSSIAII,_ la-vestiya AN SSSR. E? itika i Tramport. No 3,,- 1971, PP 102-165 ArRlr,'.TD-H,T-.?,3-956-72 3 jan 73 A. 1. r7ertinov Xmiwtivo zovaotanceo of a suparooisducting synchronous mehine. 11 pp. RUSSIAN, T"esti-ya .4kad Nauk SSSR,. Enm~~,qetik:i i Trane2ort-, No 4, 2972, pp 46-50 Al*R1b'TD-AJT-.~4-203S-71 nov 72 7 V. A. Lukutin CalmZating the electricat fioU! of the rotor of a oapai~itmloa gewrator. 10 pp. RUSSXAN, por, Xxv. Akad Nauk SSS.'?. EWXLetika i Tr No 4., July-Aug, 2972, pp 243-146 AIRIM-AT-24-2034-72 B. I. Rabinovich On the Stability of Longitud-tnal Vibrations of Space Vehicle Booster Casings. RUSSIAN, per, Akade-mi-va Nnuk SSSR Tzvpsj'jXa, &Inergotika i TLa_n2porto No 5, ISY71, pp 104-107 IM 72,-13179-22B sept 72 On the Stability of Transverse Vibrations of Space Vehicle Booster Casings, by S. V. Cheremnykh, .7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izv AN SSSR,-Ener& i Traisporta, . No 5, 1971, pp 108-113. CIA-X-7SS1 NTC. Mar 72 Yu. S. Bortnikov The problems of mathematical modeling of independent power engineering systems. 17 pp. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR. ENERGETIK4 I TRANSPORT, Na 1, 2972, pp 88-95 AIRIPTD-M.P-24-1782-72 mar 73 O"ritiadvition -of the -secondary--l"wet! onn of Jdater- Coolod Nuclear Porwar Amits, bir L. ~~. iopyrin, v. lialuwv, I .3 pp ,at:Lka Transport. hoscov, RUSSM, per, Enerp NO 2o 1572, JlliS 5635o I m July 72 Neyman, L. P. 1-'IVESTIYA AN SSSR. ENERGFTIKA r TRANSPORT, No 4, 1972, pp 3-5 *FTD-Mr-24-63-73 Mikhnevich, G. V. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR. RNERGETIKA I TRANSPORT No 4, 1972 pp 6:13 *FTD-MT-24-64-73 Bogachkov, Af. L. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR ENERGETIKA I TRANSPORT, No -1, 1972, pp 14-20 '*,FTD-AIT-24-65-73 JIVII Problemi of Building high-Pmm,- Turbogonerntor With Suporconduoting rolold WintWigs, by G. G. Borzov, 1. A. Glebov, 9 ].:)p. RUSSUN, per, Izvest:Lya AkadenrLi Hauk SSSSR. amerigetilm i Transport, 1-ioscow, No 4, 1972, pp 21- 2d., JFRS .57638 D60 72 . .. ......... Selection of BaBic Dimensions of Synchronous Gunorator lath Suporconducting Inductor, by A. 1. Bertinov, 0. M. Id-ronov, 13 PP. RUSSIM, per, Izvestiya Akade&.Li Nauk SSSR, 1--heiretilca i Tamsport, 1-losecrii,, 1,'.'o 4, 1972, PP .29-36. JI"Fis 576.,*ia Doe 72 I~oma Problem of Building SILDarconducting Magnet Sysibe-ms, by V. V. Sychev, 1) pp. RUSSIM, par, ;Lzvestiya AkadeptLi Nal4t. SSQ, A Dia-lemort. 1,Iosccn,*;, No 4, 1972, p.p 39-4-Ro JVRS 57638 Dec ?2 Novitakiy, V. G. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR, MVERGETIKA I ZRANSPORT, No 4, 1972, pp 50-55 *FTD-MT-24-66-73 Bortinov, A. 1. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR, ENERGETIKA I TRANSPOR No 4. 19?2 pp 56-60 *FTD-MT-24-67-73 Bertinov, A. I. IZVESTIYA AN SS.5RA ENERGETIKA I TRANSPORT No 4, 19721 pp 61-65 *FTO-MT-24-68-73 Kazovskiy, Ye. Ya. IZVESTTYA AN SSSR ENERGETIKA I TR4NSPORT Aro 4, lf?72* - pp 66-76 *FTD-MT-24-69-73 IZVESTIYA AN SSSR E7VERCFTIKA I TRANSPORT No 4, 1972, pp 77-80 i=~ -4FTD-MT-24-70-?'3 IZVESTIYA AN S~~S ORT pp 81-V .R ENERGETIKA I ERANSP__... No 4, 1972, *FTD-MT-24-?l-,'73 SYCHE V, V. V. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR. FNFRGETIKA I ZRANSPORT. No 4, 1972, No 4, 19?2, pps 88-96 *FTD-MT-24-72-.73 IZVESTIYA AN SSSR FNFRGATIKA I TRANSPORT, No 4, 197-9, pp 97-100 *FTD-MT-24-73-.73 BZinkov, Ye. L. IZVESPIYA AN SSSR. ENERGATIKA I TRANSPORT, No 4., 19721 pp 101-107 ,*FTD-MT-24-74-73 Pirnchenko, V. F. IZWS2'IYA AN ENERGETIKA I TTANSMI?T, No 4, 1972, pp 108-116 *FTD-MT-24-75-;;'3 Lidorenko, N. S. IZVESTIYA AN Sc,SR ENERGETIKA I TRUSPORT No 4, 1972, pp 117-122 *FTD-W-24-76-;'3 Koziov, V. R. IZVESTIYA AN SSSR ENERGETIKA I TPaINSPORT. No 4, 19720 pp 123-130 *FTD-MT-24-77-73 lilauence vf the blethod of TAqael~dng the'Vapor rll~ss oxl* tho F-I cw Charactox-istlem of the Accieleratoi,6 CutImt of a Liquid-Metal XHD- Cq4verl' wor, by V .. B. Komlov, V. A. Dzhwna:rdsbashx-11:1, 10:PP. RUSSI-J'al, par. Rsuk SSSR, jIn ~..3=2~tjlcs i TransDort, Mloscow, 1) 5, 1 72, ]~P;90-95. 57915 Jan 73 - ------ - -- REQ TR 'CUB69 14-03-73 T358 ON THE ChLCULATION OF GAS REFRIGERATION MACHINES AND HEAT ENGINES ARKHAROV, BONDARENKO, KU:ZNETSOV UR: AN SSSR. IZVESTIYA. ENERGETIKA I TRANSPORT3 1972s No. 5o PP. 129-1311 HT-7Z -0 3 -73 REQ TR CHECK 7-03-73 T332 SELECTION OF THE OPERATING TEMPERATURE REGIIME OF A THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR ON ORGANIC FUEL BELEVTSEV2A T:;GORSHKOV~ B N; KOVAI,ISKIY,R V UR: AN SSSR. IZVESTIYA AXX0ZXX%. ENERGETIKA I TRANSPORTO NO. 6, 1972, pp* 101-106 PAIL,--,,,z,-l-.)--l H e PF 7. 33 IAlLdIICSC.FJHW , ~3th&LIS ill tho Study of tho '.~'tntc- turu of Ucoolp;vrs, by A, L. Erusalimkdy, RUSSIAN, liar, Izv Acad Nauk SSSR. Fiz, Val XAIX, NO 's, 1~76. pp 1431-1M87. - I !I-.---'-NIJ 11-.12-1S-66 sci-be"'i Jgui 67 318,180 IZVESTTYA AN SSSH, FTZIYA ATMOSFEF(Y- I OKFAHA (Bulletin of the Acade-U, of Science of the MER, Atmos-heric and Oceanic Physics Series - monthly) (Sequel to: Izvestlya AN SSSR, Serlya Geofizicheskaya) Translation begins with 1965, Vol. I IAg time: 5 months Ord~r fromi American Oeopl'-yslcal Union Suite 435 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 1970/71: t 75.00/ ear USA and elvewhere 1971/72: t 90-007year USA and elsewhere single Issues: ;:51 - 1965-1968 00 - 1969-19-r0 10-00 - 1971/72 (Prepayment required - no miling charge) .a Alcademi) Nauk SSSR, Atmosfere Izvestiy y Okeanologicheskiy, 1.965 - 3-972. Full tr by The American Geophysical Union Available at Ly Serials Mar 73 Turbulent Cmiditions in tho Near-Surfaiza Layox of tha Atmosphorc, by S. S. Zilitinkevich, D.. L.. Laikhtiam. RUSSIAN. per, Izves Za Akswamii Nauk SSSP.. Atmosfere L Okesnolichaskiye =~pp 150-156. .0 Vol 1. No 2, American Geophysical Union sci-H Sci May 66 300,377 Lagrangian Properties of Turbulence in a Diabatic Surface Layer and in Convectivo Jets, by A. M. Yaglom. RUSSIAN, per, Izvea aii Nauk SSSR, Atmos&re i 00ano smia Ak ado =, N ;"-2-, 19 6 S , pp 157-166. American Geophysical Union Sci-H Sci May 66 300,376 Detopraination of the TrVI)ing Coefficient of Cloud Particles of Compamible Size by a Modal Experiment. by V. G.. Harguani. RUSSIM'O per, IXv*stiXA kkedemij UM L ME Atapftre a Okelualicheak;W Vol 11,140 2,- 1965, pp, 208-213.. Anwrican Geophysical Uniaii Sci-E Sci MW 66 30D,374 Scrae Possibilities of 1)atexmdning Wind Velocity Over the Ocem Surface bY Satellite ObsGI-vatialS3 by Yu. A. muuamaa, G. V. Rozenberg. RUSSIAN, per, Almdemi-va Nauk SWR. ILZVeSt3*.T`a. 37 Flzika Atmosfery i Okeanal Vol 1, No 3., 1967 pp 282--290,1 NTC 71-14231-04A Fab 7 2 Mmalpation of 'Nrbcawit Sneno- In the ftrfaos LoWer of the Sea, by S, A, KiikkTorodskly, Yaw Ze Ifiropoltddys, 20 pp. WSSIAN,, per, lave Akadmil Nank SSSJIO sox Ok*Ana. Vaswav, Vol 4, 116 6, .s AltmosrW7 i Jms 19fi8v pp 647-659. J'PRS 469S3 SMA-sar "%ci Oct 68 367.6n Investigation of tho Two-DimmaUmal Enerlry Spectrwi and LaMth of Und Mtvasr bV lao M. Ilrylov, So Sq Strukaloir# 16 ppe RU&UAN, per. kmod&u AN M-1t, Mika Airlonferr i Ok :, ?bawv, Val 4, No 6, June rip E-6". vm-. JPRS 46563 Oot 68 367.612 DC 22876 21 Mar 69 Sr Diffraction of unsteady surfisces an4L InUrnal Waves by S.S.Vort,B.I.Sebekinp 9,4P Passian, per, Fimike Atmoafery I Okeana, Moz=m, Vol..5,No.2, pp 180-187,. 1q4 USSR/Sci- Xerox pp- do not mutilate,- Lazer Study of Certain Optical Characteristics of Meteorological Objects, by A. Ye. Tyabotov. et al 7 pp RUSSIAN, p~r, Izvestiya AN SSSR. Fizika Atmos- fery i Okeana, Vol 5, No 2, 1969, pp 192-195. FTD 5-370-69 370-69 july 69 3137,343 Z?875 DC 21 lisr- 69 SF a)j)&termivAug parameters of Internsal waves (in the basis of Information abtalued from the ring of thermlators unmd(by a veosel)pby K.DeSabinin, b) Ocean !EVrbulence by A.S.Honin Awsian, per, Fizika A*WWAtmoafery i Okeana, Moscow, Vol-5,ND.2, a)pp208-211p USSR/Sol - -f ct 19 61 -b) pp 218-225 X*r0x pp- do not mtilate V4~ IV 7 t 10# =497~ of pliw~044 yNtr, Ati vot it, i76-Po2970, pp ;215-227. 4 71-35 ECK- ------ fi~. ~-CH 3-7 -)66 INFURED RADIATION ABSORPTION-BY WATER VAPOR IN TRANSMITTANCE WINDOWS KOZYREV B,.P-,t RAZIMOV.. VA UR: 'AN _'~IZVESTIYA -PIZM A!rMOSFERY- 0KEANA-*--1q7Q; vol 6, pp 644--646 mo N. Markov CorroZation,of Via altitudo at u4ioh tho atmiosphore radiates in, the 13-40 ))Yn spectyun range with humidity near the ground. 8 pp. RUSSM. Izvestima AN SSSR. Fi.7ika Atmosfe2.,,u.i Oka Vol 7, i;o-t;, 1971, pp 670-673 AIRIFTD-AIII-24-2143-71 nov 72 k on o.C Total Ozone Content of AMOS- r i lore According to SatelUte Muervatiomi, byN. hl. . Borozin. N. F. Yelancskiy, 9 ppo RIISSIAL~, port ]Aveutiya~ jftderdi hauk SSSIt, "~"'-k .- "Blferv i 01"mana. Moscow, Vol 8, 140 IAt AfqT2-,%p 529:T3Z---, JI'aS 57976 F7 8pvtjAj .~Temporal struoture of Light Thpa~es in Wsbar,'$y A. P. Ivanorv, I. T. Kalining 12 ppo RMISUND port Uvestiya Akadeidi Nauk WSR, Fizftlca Atxosfery 11 Ckeanat floscou, Vol IfUl, No b, kag 197z, p~7t JM 57,332 Flcw of a Viscous Fluid in a Tube With Poxous Walls, by G. A. U6~adzhanian, 6 pp. RUSSIANO per, Iz Ak Nauk Mh"R, Fiziko- Matem Nauki, Vol -XVI11,-RO 4, 1965, ~'-Pm 7ri. EIAjPVD X-6002 Sci - Phys Doc 66 LISIR Internal Use Ocly 314s.1751 Axiuyimmutric Wonstationary Strain IlrocasEles, of SimAIS Of RaVolUtioll. N. Veksler RUSSI 'PLN, per, Izv. AN USSR, Fizikzt- Matematika, Vo . -17, NO.- 1, IY66-15-, pp. 34-40. Dec 69 398,815 Variational Principles and General Formulas for thh Mixed Problems of the Wave Equation By L. Ainola. RUSSIAN, per, Izv. AN SSSR, rizika- Matematilca, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1969, pp. 48-56 CIA X-717T- Dec 69 398,835 On Variational Principles of Dynamic Jliull Theory. Jjy I.. Ainola RUSSIM, per, IzV. AIN ESSR, Fizika-- Mateinatika, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1569, ' 5-. --rb,-.J=ygg. CIA X-7150 Dec 69 398,11.1� Mixing Procosseq is-i mi Jmi!iynuaetr:Lc Jet in a Transverse Flow. By V. Gandirikson RUSSIAN, per, Izv. An SSSR, Pizika, Mate- matika, Vol. 17, Uo. 4, 1968, pp. 449-457 CIA X~7168 Dec 69 398,833 T7vent-lyn AR Ninfl, "SnR, Rt-11ca Zemli, Ic)6c; -- 1.07P. Full tr by Tbe American Geophysical Union Available Ly Serials Mar 73 Meca7 of tkvtatulng Gmrity from An Aj.xplanc Uolxkg Oxvee Stxlng TxOnsducers with 03thog-mal Axam of Sensitivity, by Yu. A. Tarok=w, 1619. FMIVWj, par, Mika zemli, no 5p 196,li., pp- 3341- JP191 UM UBMI Gal-=/A Aug 65 2BI-6973 Vaj~~cj-~y P-vo-.-Ile of t%-e !,%On, by S-a. Darl'i"will,, V. No 7-harlocrv, and 1"- Ymuw*kAya, 19 IV* BM;rM, pe-,,, Izvea&&M JU!,Aonil ilaUL- msp, rimlim no I Jul 9-ZL. UFR- USSR Sci..,W/A Oct C5 239P736 shock CoWression of Periclisse =d Quartz &Ad tho coR)osition of the Abyssal Mantle Of the earth, by L. V, AlOtsbular. RUSSIAN, per, Fix Zemli No 10, 1965, pp 1-6. NASA TT P-10.101 Sci-Phys Jun 66 302s,18.1 .ffieory of Measurement of Gravity From Airplaries with Mirea OrthoRonal Slide- Wire Trwisniitters, by Yu. A. Turakanov. RUSSIM, per, Fizika Zemli, No 10, 1965, rip 72-6e.- ACIC TC-1190 Sci-Phys Jun 67 327,312 IntorptiDtUtiOn of Gravity and Magnetic Anianalies Pertaining to Vertical Contacts of BlocIts of Rock, by 1. C. Klushin. RUSSIM, per, Fisika Zemli No Is 1966, pp 32-41. ACI C TC-- 12 38 Sci-Bar Sci Aug 67 135.554 Ajxj)m-n(o Survwor'u~r of talo Glatal F)ragwwlt (jmtmmbmtion or TerritwlW in thO Ctam"Aqm"IV Speotnnap by Lo 1. Boltnovas A.. V. DmitivAinDvp 11 pp. V.SSUP.9 per,, M. zilm zemlio No 2,p 1967.p pp 2-14-120. nwt of mmy mc tr 2634 agAr Sol 363o204 1T Ix-c- 11NI Statlolkleal Mdal of Selaw1cdty am& Evabmt1an of lWor Irseltmda ]IlTetta., tnj L. V. M=-bD=trJ1db et al. PASCCFW;, at I AlvaftmU lunk EOM FJI-dka 7AWU Va. 5it 'imp lip WE=-0- Aftm VubUshp ambe r%vaftatlwa aud ftinumt =Ur be clUgedp aW1 ImovIde Me Ad Hoa vith Iwo copies. Isostatic Gravity Anomalies in the Black Sea Basin, bY M. Te. Artemyev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No 1, 1971, rip 45-50. ACIC-TC-1752 Oct 71 (,';C-T-713032) SCOMPRESSION OF POROUS QUARTZ IIY STRONG SHOCK WAVES. 6Trtuiln, 11. F.; Simakov, G. V.; Podtwetz, M. A. loTranslated by Marcel 1. Weinreich (Swidia Labs, Albiquerque, N. Mex.), from 151zv Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fix. ?,qpAj; No. 2, 33-9(1971). 201(iP- 24Df)])- 2sphysics; translationS 2120 2,MN-34 :1,P NSA RUSSV.N cso: o2426/72 W 21 April 3.972 SF Some results of magnetotelluric profiling in the Arctic Ocean, by I. L. Trofimov and G. IL. Fon ev. MOSCOW, lzvesti.Y2 Akademi Nauk SSSR FizlJca Zemli, No. 2, 1972, pp 61--U2. Please publish and make reproductions. V. A. KALI14IN On.the Universal Equation of State of' Solid Bodies. A-KADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. IZVESTIYA. FIZIRA ZEMLI, To-T, pp 16-23, 1972. NTC 72-15339-20L Mar 73 :VjM :. A Studar of tlio Rotation of tho Magnetle Field lilth Dapth In the So3Ar Atmoa~phsre, by A. B. llevex"Ye RUSSIAN* pory ~amlmi AstrofiviLohwha &R=, vol 33, 1965,, Rp 3-33. KLL RTS 365-0 scimFivaics Nav 67 343.341 111141trwLto Ftoldn ntid tho Fino Structizvo in an Activo, liegion, by 11'. Tsap. RUSSIAN, per Krym. Astrofiz. Obs. Vol. 33, 1965, pp 92- GSIRO/No. 1'978 Sci - Aug 67 339-487 p f,-~ - (C8IlI0-Trnnf4-l02H9) 11110TOSPHEIRIC MAGNETIC FIF.I.DS AND IMIGH'i.Nl!:SS. Tsap, T. T. j,'I'rztti*i- littkId by G.. LOBOIICI from jSlzv, Kry - Artruffy.- 01):sery-; :14: 296- 304(1965). 209p. 4Dep. NTIS (U. S. Sales Only). ,gatitrophysics; translations 2103B ,,MN-34 '29NP NSA 0 An Investigation of the General Magnetic Field of the Sun, by A.D. Severn3ry, 65pp RUSSIM, per, IzvestiXat Krymskoy AstrDfiz ObserT VOJL Jt,, 1966, pp. 97-138. CIA X-7245 Jun 70 Calibration of the Records of a Solar Magnetograph, by A. B. severnyy. 41 pp. RUSSI-4N, per, AH SSSR, =uskaya Astrofizichaskaya Observatori,va. Izvestiva (Acadw7 of Sciences of the UIESR. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. News), Vol 36', 1967, pp 22-50. AIRII-I'D/MT-24-239-70 171 -110t, ~;j)ZlCejl by -Ity i-auru-s .aixotuji LItUXj)IA A. ~~;. LNoxyix;IdAl. 11 pi). IMSLU, per, Izvu-.;tiyaA,,l f-s-SR. i~~iskaLa AstroAzicivaskaya (bservatoxxya, Vol 36,, 1967, pp 126-133. SCi/ilStXMCKLY feb 69 X5,653 Magnetic Anymmetry and Fluctuations of the General Magnetic Field of the Sun,, by A.B. Severnyy, 85 pp. RUSSXAN, per, Izvestiya KF)gnskoy Astrofiz Observ. vol 38, 1967, pp. 3-51,. CIA Z--7246 Jun 70 /~l '. 4(USIRO-Trim.4-10586) jAIAGNETIC FIELDS OFSOLAR FACULAE. 6Steshonko,N.V. joTriuislateclbyG.Losonclhom lglzv.Kry_in.Astrofiz.Observ.,38: 52-8(1967)- 201OP- 2jDep. NTIS ,vrl- -- I)"- A-:1c, " ~, ~/.3 2G1tfJtl'OlJhY"luf3; trtulSIlltlOll8 2TO313 ,,MN-34 21NP NSA 0 Forraulaz, Lirapns wid TaL)les AfOr a ',-Cuantitive Analysis of the Iiydro&ca Itadiation of tiaission Ubjects, by A. Boyuri;~iuk. RUS!;IAIJ. pur, Izv. KryLa. Astrofiz. Ubs., Vol 38, 1967, pp. 208-218. CSIRO/No. 9722 sci-astrou aug 69 387,464 The Use of Television in the Search for &,1purnovac by A. N. Abrtmenkc), V- V. Prokof'yv-va 3.4 pp RUWIAVj FWj 1:2.veatiya K~-ymakoy Astrofizicheskoy Observatorli Vol 3d, 1967, pp 252-256 A-IR/ I-M-42-3-W-70 5011ma i~erla-u apr 70 1AN5,555 A. B. Seventyy Magnetic aeynmetry and variations of the general magnetic field of the oun. 69 pp. RVSSIAN, per, Iavestiya AN SSSR. Krymskoy astrofiziohaskoy obeervatorig~!, Vol 38, 1968, pp 3-51 WT-24-1445-71 aept 72 On the Daphts of tha Forriation of Somo Absorption Lilics in the Solar Atmosphere, by V. G. Buslnvsky. RMSSIAN, per, Izvostiya Akadcniy Nauk SSSR, Krziaskaxa Ouservatoriya, No 311, 19b9, pp 317-324. ~AFCRL Sci/Atinos Feb 70 J:) - 5) 5STRUCTURE OF SOLAR RJLDIO ,I . 4(NRC-TT-148 13IJ11STSONAWAVI-'.I,I-'NGTI]OF10cm. gYurovskii,Yu.F. Ily 11. it. ilayoti for Nittiotial Itotiottrob Cowicil of U111111dil. (-)ItLtWii, fl-0111 latzv. Krym. ABtrufjz. Obsorv., -10: .147-60 (1969). 2025p- 24DOP- 'IT'S (U. S. siads Only). 2gatitrophysics; translationS 2TO3B 21MN-34 :19NP NSA 0 Fontulne and Graphs for a Quantitative Analysis of the Forbidden Lines Radiation of Emission Objcct, by A. A. Boyarcliuk. RUSSIAN!, per, Izvestiya Akademiy Nauk SSSH, Krymskaya Astrotizielieskaya Observatoriya.., No 69, 1969, pr, 147-162. *AFCRL Sci/Phy-s Feb 70 Study of Spectroheliogrwo in Metal Linos and the C2wmosph(nv Structurej, by Ye. Ye. Dubov, '19 pp., RUSSTJNj, per, Izv Ak Neuk SURs Kryosk u Astroftzichead-zM ObserystorLiMp So 69, T9690 pp 179-194. Tr No 78s April 1970 AIR/AFMtL/70-0272 SCI/Atmos SePt 70 So Stxuatum sind Davelopawt of a 3ung 4; Grow oa juU- 4.82 IS)fm6,, by N.V. St&sbeDko- I r, ,p 4 Im. MBZUI,, Pori, laveatt bakya Astrofisticbeakeya ya Now No 09, lgbg.- pp. 245-252- ~'ru 1.9T0 AMI/AlFCM410-0213 fti/Asimm Jul TO Ilia Detarmination of the MagllotiC Field Strength From Difforont Absorption Linas, by I.I. J. CUscyiiov. RUSSIANI, Perp Izvesti a Akademiy Nauk SSSIL, K!2 k ?a Astrofi icheska-- se-mv-atoriya, No 69, _2s -a3 z va DU - '19690 pp 253-204. *AFCRL Sci/Phys Feb 70 pbotompbola ana -- - -- LO H&SMUO 14424o 4m the Iftatta"m or MA Flacallj, by T. fo TnWg 19 pp. MMIANS part ALADgL -Mmmgmmm jr4mb-Irs" Gbsww4-w no - 71WO DOW,, mmvto-023A la"'I ,Iwo ib T5 /) /,~- C. /,~! 3 / /,,' L) i /,' - / oS j SWAstam a" TO The blst.:uctic Field of the Solar Prominence, by V. A. li*.otov. JO-,, - RUSSIAN, per, QzVestiyu Akadendy Nauk SSIS&, Krymska.ya Astrot:Lzici~esi(aya-ubservatoriya., flo 09, 1 VW),pp tAFCP, 1, 10-0173 sci/phys Feb 70 Formulas and Graphs for a Cbiantitative imalysis of the Forbidden Radiation Lines in Dmission Objects, by A. A. BW&rchuk, R. Ye. Gershberg, 22 pp. RUSSIAN, perp Zzy Ak Nauk SSSR, AstroCizicheskwra Observatorl". No 69* 1969, pp 2719-294. Tr No 77j, April 1970 AIR/Al.PWOD- 0271 sci/rEve Tho 'Xurbulence in Quiescent Prominences and Shook Waves in the Upper At-mcapherej, by E., Ye. Dubov, 11pp. RUSSIAN, par, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. lka ~Za AstroflzliNeskayry-a 66-Ser- Vatoxi No* 69, 1969, pp. 295-298. 411- m March 1970 ATR/APCRL/70-0194 Sci/atmos June 70 Formation Depths of Absorption IAnes in tho Solar Atmosphero, by V.G. B%U31aVSky 17pp. RUSISIAN, per, Izv. Akad. Nauk SS-SR. Krynwkayiya Astrof baer- ~~a 0 vat(wriyal No; 39, 1969', pp. 317-324. W-1ro-7U, March 3.970 AIW'APCRL/70-0188 sci/atmos Jun 70 ~:Xbtlan of Find-Structure Elements in the Suri.-Spot by N. T. Steahenko. :1.RtESTAN, per, Akademiya NaWc SSSR. Krymskaye, 'Astrofizicheskaya CYbservatoriya Izvestiya, Noi 41-42., 1:1970, pp S-14. !*PYCRL ,Jan 72 Velocity Field at, Various Levels in the Active Regions of the Sm., by S. I. Gopasiuk. RXMSXM,, per,, Izvestiya Ak r Hauk SSSR, Krymskaya PP 15-24. *AFCRL ~Jan 72 1: Cortain Types of Motion In Chrimnospheric Flares, by I M. B. Ogir. RUSSIAN, per, Izves iya Akademly Nauk SSSR, Krymkaya Astrofizicheakaya Observatoriyt -42, 10 0, 1 j7j 25-44. 1, Vol 41 97 *AFCRL DOVOloprent of a Flare of the ]Amb of the Solar Disk on July 11, .1966, by A. N. Bab J.n. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Aka y Nauk SSSR,L AstrofizichesIdZa Observator Vol 41-42,, 1970, j;~ 45-52,. AAFM Jan 72 Conparison Between the Radio Eniusion at the 10 cm and 1.5 Wavelen~ths and the Features of the Chroma- spheric Flare of, July 11 1966, by Yu. F. Yurovskiy. RUSSIM, per, IzK .tiya Aka~emLy Nauk SSSR,_ llr_y~rtq qq PP >J-We *APCRL -(2 Time-Variation of Photospheric Velocity Field in the Active Region, by S. I. GopasiWc. RUSSIM, per, ;Czvestiya Ak r Nauk SSSR, Krymkay Astrofizicheskaya Observatoriva.. Vol 41-42. 1W0. pp W-M). *AFCRL Jan 72 IMagnetic Field and Electric Currents of a 'Urkipolar Sunspot, by V. A. Kotov. IIMSIM, per, Izvestiya Y- Nauk SSSR. Krymsk .Astrofizicheskaya Observatoriya, Vol 41-42, 1970, ]pp 67-88. *AFCRL Jau 72 Vertical Distribution of the Ma~;netic Field Strength in 'the Umbra of a Sunspot, by M. D2h. Guseinov. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Nauk SSSR, Xrymskaya 1, PP 139-9b. ;! *Al?=L Jan 72 kagnetio Fields tmd Proton Flares - 7 July imd 2 Sopteamber 1966:, by A. M. Zvezeva, A. B. Slevernyi, 76'pp. RUSSIM., I)er, Izvestiys AkademJz Nauk SSSR,- Kry=hffa ABtro:fizJ,chet3kmya Observatorl'Loa-Vol 41-42, 1970, pp 97-151 Tr Ho 9,1,~, 13 Dee 1971 AIR/AFMV71-0605 MW i 72 iMagnetic Fields at various Levels in Active Solar .Regional 'by To To Tsap. - RMSIM, :per, lzyest~yma V Nauk SSSR. Kry=~ Ara) Vol 41-42, 1970, - Astrofizicheskaye. Observatori ~ IPP -L!?O-J-Pf. I *AFCRL Zan 72