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Dobroklonakii,,S.V, N.V. Kontoboitteva, 1972
E.V. Dalashola
Experimental study of the structure of the Velocity field in
a -aonoehromatia wave (Eksperimentallnoe Lzsledovanie struktury
skorostnogo polia v monakhromatiobeakd Voine)
Okeanolosila 771-779. Tn RUDLIN11-
Tr&nbl. by ST for AJU. 19731. PP. 645-652 in "Oceanology"
(tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, prIae per cy. V25.00,
mriy subse. (6 issue*) $90.00,
PVAIl. on Lcon - WIFS, Waah., D.C.
Original Article Checked.4-
Dubravin, V,F., and S.R. Mvrotskela 1971
On water messes of the eaetern South Atlantio ooean
(0 vodrtylth maseakb i%&o-voBto0IrM-oY chasti Atlantloh93kogo
Okeamoglia, 12(5); 780-786. in Rusalan.
Trarial. by ST for M111, 1973, PP- 653-659 in "Geeanologi'
(tranal. of entire issue). Avall. AGU, priou per ay. $25-00.
yearly subso. (6 Isum) $90.00.
Avail. On LOGIrt - VITY75, Wash. , D.C.
Originol Article Ch9c6dA
T,tontim, v.v. 1972
origin of the w&YT% Intemetil-ate layer of the ranifio
subarctic zone (0 prpi5khozhdnniI toplogo promczhutochmogo
Cola subarktiaheskof zony Tikhogo okeana)
CLkeiT Slo Li-al 1-26), 787-791. Tn Rusalan.
Tram 1. by ST for AGIJ, 1973, pp. 659-663 in "coeanoo
(transi. of entiro Issue). Avail. IOU, price per o3r. 12"5.00,
yearly subac. (6 iaz"3) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash. . D.C.
Criqlnol Article Chec"clIT/f-1-
Tsurikov, V.L., and A.P. Taurikova 19T2
,lip brine content of sea ice (statement of the problen)
(0 sodarzhanil rassola v morskom I'du (soateiania voprosa)
Okeenclogila, -12(5), 792402. In Rusainn.
Transi. by ST for AGU, 1973. pp. 663-672 in "Oceanology"
(tranal. of entire issue). Avail, ACIU, price per ay. U5.00,
yearly suboo. (6 iosues) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan - IMPS, Wash., D.C.
Originot Art1de Checked.
akopintsev, B.A. 1972
Saturation of deep 131ack See watars with oalcium phosphate
(0 rasyshchennoeti glubinnykh ahernamarskikh vod foSfatom
kalitaiia) ... II
okeanologtia 12(5). 80,1-800. Tn Russian.
Tranal. by ST for AUU, 19'(3, pp. 672-677 in "006anology"
(tranal. of entire Lague). Avail. AN, prioe per oy. $25-00,
yearly quhao, (6 leauem) $9(1.00.
Ava i' . on Loan - III M1, Wash. D.C.
Original Article Checked,6
hizatullin, T.A., and K.M. YYallov 1972
Kinati-ce of tramformation of proteins and polysaaaharides
dissolved in s9awater during interaotIon wIth detritus
(Ydnetika transroruiataii balkov I polisaLlaridov, rastvorenny),.h
v moralco~ vade, pri vzaimodeletvIl a detritom)
okeanologita, Abh &9 In Russian.
r2 F 6V
Tranal. by ST for AdU, 1973, PP. 677-Aft In ,Ooea"logyr,
(traml. of entire Issue). Avail. AQU, price per ey. Ue'.00,
yearly ssAbse. (6 issues) $90.00.
Avail. on 14&n - NIVS, Wash. , D.C.
Original Article Checked.NN
Agapova, G.V. 1972
The geocmoroo~pgy of the Peru-Chile Trench (Oeomorfaloglia
Par%wsko-Chilifskogo &elobal
Ckeanologlia, 19(5), 823-M. In RuasUn.
9SI4 7/V
Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1973, pp. 689-49 in "Oceanology"
(trans.1. of entire isaue). Avail. A01), price per oy. $25-00,
yearly subso. (6 Imsuee) $90.00.
Avail. On 1,08n - VIM, VIkSh., D.C.
Orlglna~ Arlide Checked.p).*~
Speranakii, V.S. 1972
Some kinematio festures of the surf swash (Nekotoryc
aherty kinemattki PribOrno 0 potaka)
Okeenologlia, 1?(5): 8~,,5 in Russian.
Trai-ml. by 3T for AM), PP. 714-,,0* in "Oceanology"
(tranal. of entiro Isaue). Avail. AOU. prioe per oy, $25-00,
yearly subBa. (6 iaauea) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan - Waah. , D.C.
Original Article Checked&
Mika, V.E. . and N.A. 0strovokois 17(2
Pattern of diurnal variatj.ona In miarozooplw*ton
abundance in the eurMce layer of the Modlterranean Sea
(Sutochny? 1,h,3d ohnoleralosti m1krotooplarActom v poverkhnoetnom
al6t Sredize=~ogo moria)
Okeenologila, !Z(5): 368v. -in Russian.
TrAml. by 5111 for AOU, 1973, 13P. 725-9 in "Oceanology"
(tranal. of entive issue). Avail. AGU. price pbr cy. $25-00,
yearly subso. isouev) $90.00,
Avail. on Loan ImPS, Onsh. , D.C.
Original Article Chocked.*
Dunimov, N.Y. 19,72
Some aspeats of the une of divers to inveatipto botton
com,unities (Nekotorye vopriDay metaditti vodolam~yldh
Okcanologilft, g(5) i CS4 -99. in Rusmian.
Trarml. by r,' for AqU, 19'~illlpp- 73&-i~ In "00earw1o
(trual. of entire Lusuo). ,Avail. AGU, prioe per oy.IZ"5.00,
yoarly subse. (6 izzues) $~0.00.
Avail. on boan - NIPS, Wash., 'D.c.
OrIginal Artirle Checkadt
MArlkova. N.D., and 0.%I. lablokova 1972
Method of dbterminlng free,euprd ~oarbohydratss) in
seawater, suspension, and 3adimtntm (K mgtodike opredolanila
ovobodnykh aakhamv (uglevodov) v morskof vede, vzvesi L
okeanalogiia, IZ(5)t d98-L~ Tn Russian.
to I
Trans 1. b" ST for AJU, 197*5 - III). 750-kb? in "Oooanoloa"
(tranal. ;f entire isette), Avail. AOU, prioe per ay. ~25-00,
yearly subact. (6 issues) $90.00.
Avail. on I,oan - raw, Wash., 1).C.
Original Article Chec~ecl,Nr.-
Pykhov, N.V., and V.V. Lonainov 1972
on the methods of computing the parameters of turbidity
currents (0 metodakb rasoheta perametrov suspenziontifth
Okeanologiia, 12(5)t 911-923. In Russisn.
Tranal. by 3T for AGU, 1973, PP. 761-771 in "Ooeanology"
(trarLel. of entire issue). Avail. A,IU, pricie por ey, $25.00,
yearly subso. (6 issues) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan - 111-TS, W811h., D.C.
L_origlnul Article CheckeAR
Rudisk*v, T%X.A, 1972
Rfito of paselve cialng of the POIAgle 00ttdood Cypridina
sinuotA (al.w. N-11er) in ralstlon to d1urnal lurtloal
odgrations (.1kvroot' puisimogo pogruighuntle, OlagiaheskoY
4 A 1 4 -A I
ostmko(W Qa (I.W. M4116r) v Viazi s
'iWV`ert1ks1,nYlEh 1grat
lavlonlem 8
IZ(5)1 926-928. Tn ft3slan.
Trekn4l. by 'IT for AM, 1973, PP, 773-775 In odemnology"
(transi. of entire ionue). Avail. AGIJ, priou per ay. $25-00,
YQ%PlY Gubse. (6 iesuee) +.9c.oo.
Avail. on Loan - NL'13,79, Wash. , D.C.
Original Article Checked.Ar-
p"Zorovia, N. P. 1972
Calculation of the ooetficient of sound soattering by
sahools of bathypelagio fish with swimming bladders,
based on oatab data (0 roschete koeffitsienta resseianils
svuka skoplenliamf batipelagiahookikh ryb a plavatellnymf
p6yriami pio dwinyta oblovov)
Oktanologila~ L2(5)., 932-935. j~n Rossinn.
Tranal. by ST for AUU, 1973, pp. 779-782 in "Ooeanol
0 rv
(trans 1. of entire issue) , Aval AM, prLoa por ay. 92540,
yearilir subea. issues) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan NM?3, Wash.. D.0.
Original Arilde Checked.;V.
Dobrobolvtikiy, A.D. 1972
Soviet oaeanolo[C~,, and the fiftieth Maiivereary of the
~ t (Okennologlis 3cvetzkogo soiuzo k piatilouistiletiN
TzenzI. by ST Ior AOU, 1973, PP. 739-790 J." 'Goeanalogy'
tranel. of' entIre I,ww). Avail. AGU, priae W Qy,
~i25. 0, yeerl~ imbse. (6 iseues) tqo,oo.
Avall. on Loan - 11"F3. Wash.. D.C.
Origina! Article Chocked
Agafomva, F.I. , L. T. cialerkin, and 1972
11!onin, A-1.
Origin of the themohaline air~ylation In the ocean
jo prolskhozMenii tervtokhalimof tairkullAt6ii okeena)
Okefinologlie, L21(6)t 950-955. T'D Ruaoisn-
Trenal. by rl for MU, 1973, PP. 7~0-'f94 -In "()ceanology"
(tr-Ansl. of entire i3sue). Avail. ACM. prioe Der ay.
$25-00, YearlY ouboa. 16 18"u-'O 4;90-60-
Avail. on Loan - b;T3, Wagh. , 1.).C.
Original Article Checked,k'111
redor-ov, K.N. 1972
TemPerature inversions In the Red and ;--*.edIterraneen 3eas
(Temperatmve inveraii 1(rasnogo I Sredlzemnogo moi*rl
OkeanologilR., 12(6)1 95t'-965. in Russian.
Trans.l. by TP foi- AITI, 1073, Pp. '1954,3 in "OoeanoloU"
tranal. of ontire issue). krail. MU, price pnr ay.
25.00, yearl'y aubac. (6 Inauo5) $qo.oo.
Avail. on Loan - :771M, Wash., D.C.
01cle Ckocked
Tsypl?O,hin, V.P., and 11.V. 11arkov 1972
Determinntion of tho wind-indued wave fields In a b4Y
(0pradelanie polo~lvetroAkh voln v bukhte)
OkoQnologiin, 966-974. In mianIAm.
Trunal. by ST for All', 1973, Pp. Bu4-811 in "Occanolopgy"
(transl. of antire issue). Avail. Allu, price rer cy,
$25-00, yoGrij subac. (6 insues) tgo.Do.
AvQ1.1. on ~mwi - Waah. , D.C.
Original Arillcie Checked.v~
Ii' lw,12, Ye. 9. , mid':.'I, 13url kov 1972
calculu~lon of ocean curfaoe temperature (0 resahete
temperaur-,Ir poveridinosti okedrA)
Tranal. by 3T for A,M, 1973, pp. 811-4318 in "Ocesnology"
tmnal. of enlire issue). Avail. AU, tyrieo pop cy.
25.00, yearly'subse. (6 issues) $90.0o.
Avail., On T,0611
nal Article Chocked
Andreyeva, ~ . !,. 1972
Nature of ocatterers and frequonay oharsebeiristios of
aound-scatterIng layem in the ocean (P-.Iroc* resselvatelee
i ohastoti~yc ovorstva zwkomeseivaiush,,hiVJI 9,00V olwanfi)
0krViologila, 12(6), gLo-936. Tn RUSaian.
Tmnal. by 3T for Jkm~, 1973, PP. 3,18-022 in ~'Oaesnolou"
(tmnBl. of entire Issue). Avail. AM, prloe per cy.
$25.00, yearly wbsc. (6 is"es) $r.00,
Avail. Oki Tmti - iI!sl, wasil., D.C.
OrIg[nal Article Checked.e
Abmmov, R.V. 1972
Cloud systems over the troploal Atlantio, acoording to
satellite data (ObiechMe sistemy rAd tropiCI)eBIWr
Atlantilcol'po sputniico,,~m wirkm
Okeanologiia? a(6)i 98'i-996. In Runalan.
TrianzI. by ST for A,,!V, 1973, pp. 822-o330 in "Oceanolov"
(trurwl. of entire Issue). Avail. AW, Priae pur ey.
q6)?5.00, yearly subse. (6 Imsues) $90.00.
Avail. oil Loan - w5ah., D.C.
Original Art1clo Chocked
tl VF~ z
n fc. r~
b:' Ti for A pp.
V;'~ -- . . A
i5a'jes 1,6 . 04).
hnXeizove, !I.,. P.
~A icrulat tons of n1trogirn and rftaDhorus rerwigation
retes in I naisin Oceen imtera (Peadhety ok~oCpftej
regereratall. azota L foafor% v vodakh 7ndifalco?o olcearz)
Olceanoloeilt, Wfli 1003 -1009. rn PuzAlfiri.
Txsrwl. by 91' for AQU, 1973. pp. 835-840 In "O(,earwlov~'
(trunal. of' antire lBsue). Aveil. AG'J, pr~cu poi, cy.
$25.00, yeerly skAbso. (6 lbsuos) $90.00.
Avail. an :.Cen - flt,*~,S, Wash'. L.C.
Orlglnol ArtIcIfi Cherked
Tjakhin, *u. 1. 19-j2
Saturation of AtUntic (~cetm waters with calaim earbonate
Nas.vahahennoatt vod Atl&nticheskOE;O okesna karbonato-m kP-11tilift)
01coanologiia., 12(6): 1010-1019. 'n ",unian.
Tmnsl. by ST for AO', IYj3, pp. 84(,,-31W in "Ooeanolo~~;"
(tremal. of entire issue). Avail. AOU, price per oy.
$2~.00, yearly subac. (6 issues) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan - 14,11S, Waah., D.C.
OrIgIna! Arfic;e 01hocked I....
!%turin. 0. 11. 1972
Mtesphama In InterStItIal Vsterg of cediments of the
(south"Ilatern A antio (Pasfor v llorylh MAIJi osadkov-
Meanologila, !g(6), 1020-1027. !n pussUn.
"mral, h) TP for AM!, 19';7, i)p. 849-855 in "0e nology"
ea .
(tratal. of entire iBOUCU). AVQ-'l. A111.1, PPIOO J)eV OY.
$25.0, yearly aubse. (o Isaues) $90.00.
Avail. on Loan - Wash., D.r,.
al Articie Chocked i
T.1,- 1i,-
or; oil t.11v 1),,~!,ro ;..~plk, of
tlv: J-j r?. V)! ka uf the s.)er
p, ~ t N) 1-,-. 11 1$x 1)rf,
A ou 1; i i a lo - 6 ". 0 -, f~ ')f- 0 1, 1 v, o Air, Ar
- %,Q I lo . 2 ( ' : :, 2 ~'~ - ' 11
T.". ns I for V, , p~j. in
i,%;.z Or C,..tioo lei t., I.V.,Il A -L.
bubz,~. -'sc;Ues~
Wash. , D.P
"W'in, V. . .t Oll. 19? . 2
~45F,t('( to 01' C(31~tj iLZOU,~3 1; 0 1, Cf. t I pr'G P 1 ir4~; ill Uw., ra It _i c
~;-,j ru J ' ta t.;
- . ~~k~L
fo;- A;
m~w of isauO. A",;:, ~ Ill.,
". 00,
T! L'r, E,
Oh 2
"fy N',
&-mkin, 'u. T. , ancl A, 11. Tsvet-kovA 1972
Vertic4l structure and produotivity or a phyt-plankton
comunitj In the Weatern raoific (Vert1kallrale st?vkt ra
i produkt1most' ambobahastra f1top1mtk,,,om v 2apa6norchgsti
IIAXhogo okenna)
Okeinologiia, !2(6): 1047-1056- ~rj Russlun.
'I'mat. by "T for A,,j, 11)'r3, pp, 87640 in "Oceanolori"
(tranal. of entire issue). AVrtij, AGI, priae
U per a1r.
*25.00. yearly subso. (C lasues) $90.00.
Avall. on I'm
Original Arlid(i Ciiockod 'A'..
, ,f' ., '(,~j 972
" -"; :iu.:Q " I. ,
0 1
f 1, 197-, "T. 940
Of ClAillu 14a
ue A 4
Ndyakov, 1972
Pfite of passive vertical movement of planktonic organlama
(Skorostv peLo5imogo vertiVal(nogo peremoshollonlID
PlankotmVirb organimov)
0k9a"01010iR, IVO' !n russion.
Tmnzi. by 3" for Vi~, 1973, pp. W-390 in "Oceanology~'
~transl. of entire issue). Avail. A;U. price per ay.
$25-00, YearlY Gubac- V, Issues) $90-00.
Anil. oil !'Oen Wash., Da.
Origlnc~ Arfido chc(.63.yf'~
Bidul,ya, G.G. , and -?a. 11. rabiohev I ~)-j 2
(:ttmntjt9*1,.,a distribution of zoopl4rdtton on the noAhorli
eheir of ttie -,)nv of 11-meal (!~olichaatvanrco rmpredelenle
z,.)op1ax%4toYm r~i 5evermii sholgfe Bengallsicogo zaliva)
Ctken-10911G, 1072 - lf,771 -In Pusaian-
'Mnol. bY ST for A.3% 19'0, Pp. fYe94 In "Oomnolozy"
mnal. of eirtire Issue). Amil. AG11. Price por cy.
yearly subse. (6 tesue-0
Avail. an 'Act) - N.""71. Vrk4k.. 1).(,.
Originot Arlicie Chocked
Parin, 1-7., 1'.11. 'erbunova, and IW2
V. M. Chuvasov
Quantitative distribution of near-surfCoe ichthyoplankLon
in the westerii Pacific Ocean (boacti on MIAIS with a t-wqd
neustou otter trawl) (~~lleheatvejince rpspm~elcnle
pripoverkbnoatnogo 11:btloplanlitom v za dnol ahnati TjUwgO
oke&md (po !atuvn lovov buksiru%*,i ratom-'-01 In10170)
1073-1(33- !A 11116piall.
Trana I V'," for A 11), 1973, IT, 8911 -8P9 ill "o0ean,010a"
(trunal. of entire lzsuel, AVIA1. Alu, price "r cv.
U5.00. yearly subac. (6 Issues) $9(5.00.
Avail. on T,oan L),(!.
C)rlalna! 'A
Pubnova, V.P. 1972
Nutrition of the detritue-feeding mollusks MA00M,
and PortlPMIA -qMt~~ ( 'my) and their infl%ence on
bottom Sil~H661ti-MtAhU detritoia*~VIM WIlikMkOV ;%%oo?M
_baltica (L. ) i ftnumdu v.2~ti i jit viiianf-9 m
dowe ovatTi)
Okemiologiia, 12(6): 1084 - UT:- --~n Russitti,
li'mr,al. by 3't' fQr AIV, 19731. PD. 899-90~ Ln "Oceanology"
(trenal. of entire teguo). Avail. AV, price pot, cy.
,qzxo, yearl", subec. J6 iw%1W $9(.,,.O(,.
Airall. on Men ifteh, D.t.
Orlg~no~ Arliclo Chockod
I' p, .,I. P 'i
s (I
urt.,-- per
KravtSOV, 1972
An ejeotr"Snetio method for conduativIV measurements
in tho sea s"rface layer (Ob i=aerenii provodr4sti clek-
tromagnitn:tm metodom v povariduiostnw, sloe marla)
Okoanologiia. 12(6)s 1095-1998. Tri lueBian.
Tranol. by ST for AGU, 1973, py). 909-911 in "Ocaanolof,~Y"
itmnni. of entire. iesue). A-Mil. A;IJ, price per oy.
,~A5.00, yearly pubco. (6 issues) ~90.00.
Avail, on Loan - I,MW,, Wnsh., I).(,.
Starikovs, !'. D. , And L. T. rorshik-ova 197?
Det1m.,im.tion of bound amino *aids and bound susars in
seawater and bottor. acahments (opredelenie sv1aissrxqkh
aminokislot I uvisYAmkY1,h aa4Arcv v mor3klkh vodBkh I
dam)kh oi3adkakh)
Oke*noloq1is, jg(6)t 11('7-1112- In Russian.
Transl. by ST for A(FU, 1973. pp. gzo-924 in r,ooeanolow"
tranol. of entIre Issue). Avail. A,1U, priae per oy.
21J.00, YeArly Subse. (6 issuen) ~qe.00.
Avail. on J,oan - VMF3, Wash. , D.C.
Originol Article Clieckedjle
Kcitt, 19-12
r>htrboard radio wave-rcoardep of the RA,' '~Sorgey Vavtlov~'
(Sudevof mdiovc1noj~mf Nr3 "r3crgd Vavilov")
(4;asnolcglia. 9-(()): 1117-1119. 'n Russian.
Tranal. by S" for ALU, 19711, rpp. 923-929 in "r~octyiolo&y`
Avail. hi", price per cy.
rcinal. of entive lasim) . I
0"bac. issuels)
AN a i I. oil LoRn Ila sh. , T5.
Original Artkla ChackaAf~
"P03 TiL-i! tS l'-) t' Ll,,~ jAttJ-LMt1'P il) JAI, 3 1CR I
~r~ Pe 1 -z; ot. . t Ii zw!a: 1,1 i~h
:~ - ", 1) ~,, S., o0 1, (- ~,. 1, ~ i
r, "Va z] ill".
'm Cor C
Ilt! i S 61 . f. V11I
-Ibs t . I eauea
Rort, V. '- 1972
The twelfth voyage of I~N "Akaaemik maramtov" (prinoipal
solo,mtifla results) (12-~ rer3 NTS "Almdemik NuIsahstov"
(Oanovn,ve rauohrqu rewWtoty)
Okoanologlia, 11(6)s W3-1123- "I RUBDicn-
11ponsi. bi 'ff for A07i. 1973, PP- 932-937 in llooeanolop$"
~tranal. of onUve issuo). Avall. A,)U, price per cy.
64,25.00, yearly aLwbi%c. (6 issues) $90.00.
Vail. W) looWi - !!"rZ. 4f%ah., D.O.
06gInal Article Chocksd-O.."
Mileykovskiy, $.A,
Extraordinary session of the Comitteo of '1141tic ','Arlne
Biologlets " Leaderg of its vorktr~q groups in Rostock
(FARt TGLn- 21-22. 1972 (Vneocheredroe
soveshahamie Komiteta baltiNkikh morskikh lviologov)
Okeanologlia. M(Ot 1123-1130. in !~uzslan.
Tranal. b,' ~ ST for ATO, 1973, PP. 938-941) in ~'OaeftnoloV"
Itmml. of entim 15511e). Avail. AGU, pTice Per Oy.
yearly subsc. 0; issuW ~So.00.
Avull. on 1,mr Wash., D.C.
OrIginal Article Checked..,r\
q cllj
JPR 91 ol Z4
Voloso,!, V.11. 1971;
ASYI,IptOtie~ Z11-P-1 DiS of' one t."pe of nonl~pear gravitational-
ros~,qj,i - internal wave (Astmptotfa~zeskir analizz odrio,-o t1pa
nelineln ic', vnutrennikil voln)
Okeunolo jia, -14(4): 51L',,~-,~5114. an Russian.
Tram,31. 1) 3' :'or A !!I, IL)7-'., p, 4i-9-4'14 in
(tmnsl. o:' entire Issue), Avall. A U, pri !e per t-3)
.1 earl zloiiuc. fssueffl
Awail. on Toan Mwj, WjiviL., D.C.
OvIginal Arfi(le Chocked
Zmi,!), N. ., and Tu.Z. HdropolOskii 1974
Scme proper-ties o:' tfie therm~ 'Ine, structure 01, tbe Crean
(0 ne~.otorvkh srolstvzakr~ tonJcof temi-,I.eskoT 13trwktur..' Gkeana)
Okeanolo,jia, 14(4)-. T
1). ST for A:';, IW:"j. in "Oceznolool
(tj,~.rzj. of ent're lasuv). f,-ail. AjzU, Prlct, Per c,;- ""31 .00,
yearly; BubL.". (o issues) $12,-.00.
Avail. an 1.0an - Wash, D.C.
Originol Article Chi~ckqd#~
zotb(ov, T.A., W.A. Ivanov, and 19'74
V.11, Ktaratlh
Antarctic continental ice di3oharge, and the formation oC
;iritDretic bottor, waters, (Stol, jtj~jterij(ovogo J"dti Antarktldf i
f'orr~irovant~,~ donnvkh antaricticheakikh v0d)
Ok,-,-~nolojia, 14(4): - In Russian.
Tranal. 1),,, ",T for V)U, 4',35-4f"O in "03eRnolozj,;"
(tra;ml. of autire Issue). Arail. A1,1J. price per,
u~;bs L
yearl, . f6 i3sves) $12C).00.
Avail. oi j,c,,Vjj Witsii., D.~:,
Original Arlide Chet~ecl..*Q
McskGler~ko, L.V. 19,14
Stead,,-state wingi-driven currents in the eastern half of
tlia Mediterranean Sen (Ustanovivalliesta vetro,.r,e techeniia
v vostooiuicY polovine areclizennoio morta)
Okeanologiia, 14(2#): 614-618. In Russian.
Trarwl. by ST for AIOU, 19'J5, p. 491-494 in "Oceanology"
(tranzi. of entire i3sue). Avail. Ak",U, price per cy. $30.00,
yearly (6) ir~sues) $120.00.
Avail. oii LoRn - Wash. , D.C.
Original Article Chocked.1-f,
Karabashev, G.S., A.N. Soloviev, and 19-14
V.V. lakuboviah
Influence of hydrologia conditione on the optical charac-
teristics of the native ~pyvr of Vie ocean (0 vIiianli
gidrologlohooklIch uslovil' im optioheskie kharaktaristiki
daiatel,11080 Bloia Okeam)
Olceanologlla, J.~(4): 623-630. In Russia".
Traml. by ST for A015, 1915, p. 498-503 in "Oceanology"
(tranal. of entire Issue). Avail. A1,11j, pr1c?! per oy. $30.00,
yearli aul,.ic. (6 imwwa) t120.00.
Avail. or. Loan - IJIMFS, Wash., D.C.
OrIgInal Arlide CHecked ... Sk.
Leonttev, 1.0. 19'14
Compensation of wave-surge in the nbar-uho * Tzone of the sea
(Q kompenzgtaii volnovogo nagona v beregovarzone moria)
01ceanoloi,,11a, 14(4). 630-635. In Russian.
Tmrsl. by ';T for AIM, 1975. P. 504-508 in "Otleanology"
(tranal. of entire insue). Avnil. AGU, price per ay. $30.00,
yearly !subsa. (6 tenueF,) $120.00.
Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C.
Volkovinskii, V.V. 1974
Stualea of conditions In whiah equatorial Atlantic waterz
are supersaturated with dissolved oxygen (Imahenle uslovii
peres~jsheheniia rastvorennvir, lcialorodnom Y*d'ekvator1nl'nof
chasti Atlantichaskogo okeara)
Okearbologlia, 14(4), 636-6111. In Ruoslan.
Transi. by ST for AOU, 1975, P. 509-514 in PjOceanolo,~,Y"
(tmml. of entire issue). Aviiij, price per o,,,. $30.00,
jtarly aubse. (6 issues) Wo.,,~o.
Av,,ifl. on Loazw - 1111F3, Wnah. , D.C.
Original AMCIO ChEKk1Jd.1T.
Vetshteln, V.Z. , G.A. Kaliuk, and 1974
V. P. Rasanov
Ox-,gen-18 distribution in '.he central Arctic Ylaisin
(Raspredelenia kisloroda-18 v vode teentralInd chanti
Arktiche3k.ogc baseeiria)
okearolo~iia, (,112-0,1. In RL--siin.
b,- for AI'J, 1975, P. 514-519 in
(transl. o:' entire i5uae). A%,,~il. A!!',f, prioe per c,,-.
ye,rLrl: sul;sc. (6 issues) $120.00.
~,n Lifin - NITS, Vrish. , D.C.
L- Original Article Chockod..f."'.
Fustelinikov, O.S., and T.M. Urbanovioll 19711
Di5tribution of carhohvdrutec and lipids In the particulate
matter of' the Porth Aclantia ocean (Raspredelenle uj,,le,,,odo,,,
I lipidov vo vzvesi v sevomoYchnstl Atlantiaheskogo okcana)
Okennolo,~iia, !~(fl: 649-651j. In Rimian.
Tranal. by ST for VJ, 1975, p. 52e -524 in "Oueanoloey"
(tranul. of' entire 18sue). AviiiI. A iU. Prioe per cy.
yearly subar. 13sueS)
Avail. on Loan M,11M, Wasi), D.C.
Otigirml Article Ckeckodl~.
1"reunlakova, O.E. , T.';. 5obrosinialova, and 1974
M,D. Koriakovu
Ntiltivalent; metql in the nl,~,ae of the Sea of Japan
(Metall 'j peremennYvalentnosti v Yodoroaliakh Japomko;~o
moria )
Okeanolo :iia, 14(11): 61),,-659. In Russian.
'I'mrLul. 1!, 8'." for Vif; 1975, p. 525-528 jr,
I Oceariologb~
(trarml. of entire isnue). Avail. VU, price per
yearly (6 iss,ies) tl2o.("G.
Avail. on Loan - M-IRS', Wash. , D.C.
Romankevich, B.A. , and 11.1i. Baturin 1974
The blogeochemical aomposition of' the sediments on the
Weat African s1helC (5-230 S. Lat.) Oio.~eokhimichesldi soat--,r
osadkakh shell fa 7.ipadwf Afriki (5-230 Tu. 3h.
Okeanologlia, L, (4)t 66il-664, In Russian,
Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1975, p. 529-1,3" in "Oecanolog,"
(trarwl. of antire Issue). Avail. k;U, price per cy. $30-60,
Yearly subse. (6 issues) $120.00.
Avail. ort Loan - Nl-'IFS, Waah., D.C.
Originol Article Checked.f i41
Oqtidova, Xh,M, 1974
Ort large-canie raoies confillemovit of deep- a benthic
foraminifem (0 Icrurrwr;azsshtabnof fetaiallnorprJurochennostj.
VIuIjokovodnykh domvkh roramIrLifer)
Meancloglia, 14(4)1 C, 6 in nu.5rlaxl.
Trarwl, by ST for A,,U, 534-540 in "Oceanaio~/'
(trami. of entire is3ne). Avail. AGII, prlue per cy. $00.00,
yearl; &asc, insues) t,120.00.
Avail. an Lonn I-,'!IFS, Wauh., D.C.
Original Article
Matvosnkov, V.V., B.V. Slavlakli 1974
The physical properties of' the volcanic rocks ot the mid-
Pacific submarine Beamounta (FIzichoskle svoistva rullcanicheakikh
pomd tBentrallno-tilchoolisan,,Iclldi podmirCikh gor)
Okeanologiia, 14(1~)- 6-13 -6-?6. In 11%maitin.
Tmnzl. by ST for VU, 1975, P- 540-1j47, in "Ocesnolog:."
(traml. of entire issue). Avail. A:]U, price per ay. :i;~"O.OGI
yearly Bubac. (6 issues) *120.00.
Avail. on 14sn - UMPS, Va:ih., D.C.
OrIginal Article Chucked#.
narin, G.S., ad 1u.A. Do,7danov 2974
ftsaltB of the deep-sea Romanolie Trench (Bazallty glubolco,.o
v~,adiny Romansh)
Okaanologiia, 11;(4): -63 1. In RLisslan,
Tranal, bj 21 for AGU, 1975, P. 543-547 In "Ooeanolo&'
(tranal. of entire i8sue). Avail, AGU, price per ay. $3(1.00,
-!earl.; riuLac. (6 isGues) $120.00,
AvTiil. on Loan - 1IMPS, Wash. , D.C.
Original Arliclo Chac6j!I..
Oovbart, L.I. 19'~4
Holocene molluscs of tfie White Sea (0olotsenov.;e molliuski
Belogo moria)
01-eanologlia, L40). 5117-551- in Ruanian.
Tranal. by ST for A,,U, 19'7~), 1). 02-687 in ,
(tranal. of entire inoue). Avail. AGU, price per c,,:. $30.o.,%,
.,earl, subse. (6 iss,'JeB) $12o.oo.
Avail. on Loon - 'NP3, Waoh- D.C.
rh 1(jInol A r b, 10, f 11.1 Lwl~
Sorokin, 1U.I., and M. Vyahkvartsev 1974
Consumption of mineral phosphnte by a planIct-onic community
In tropical waters (Issledomnle potrebleniia minerallnogo
foarata planktonn.-m soobahchestvom tropicheskikh vod)
Okeanolo~iia, 14(4): 688-692. In Russian.
Tranal, by ST ror AIU. 1975, P. 552-556 in "Oceanalo~,-,,-"
(tranal. of' entire issuej. Avail. A:,U, price per c.1. $3
,jearl,~ Bubsc. (6 i5aues) ~12n.00.
Avail. on Loan - 1IMPS, Wash., D.C.
Original Arliclo
R"Gashko, I.F. 1974
Primarj production and biotic balance of plankton in the
northeasterp, part of Amur 11a,; (Pervi,~hnaia Prodi aiia i
bioticheski'r balans planktom v sevoro-vost clulati
Amurskogo zaliva)
Okennolojin, ~4(4): 693-698. in RuBsian.
TransI. by S',~ Vor k,"Ll, IT113, 1). in r'Uc4E?vnOIOg-.,"
(tranni. of entire imie). Avzil' VIM, pril.,e per 0,
~'earij Bubso. (6 issueB) $1?o.w .
Avnil. on Loan - M-IFS, Wasti., D.C.
Orlginal Article Chocked .... if
Fanolova, II.V., L.A. Rojitaklen](0 1974
Species conposition and population dynamics of planktonic
iw`aBoriuns (Tin rmina) in Ar~ur Bay (VidovoT fjostfiv Plank-
tonn.jkh infusorl~ (Tintinnina) in Amur Ba-y)
Okeanolojia, J~(4): 699-7 3. In Russian.
Tranal. b.~ 3T for A".U, 1975, !P. 561-1)66 in `Oceano1o6,,,"
(tranal. of entire issue 1. Anal. A U, price per c,,-. ~,3;
Butso. (6 issues) $12U.-0.
Avail. on Loan - li'vITS, Wasti., D.C.
OrJglnol Artide Checkedp--
Fatikove, T.N., and Duong Hga-nn 1974
11mirrent Aroups of phytoplankton opecies In the near-ahore
cyclonic )sjre of the tropical Atlantic (Povtoriaiushohiesia
gruppy v1dov f1toplanktr v pribrezrinom tslkjOnlahesk~
krugovorote tmpiciieslco At lantil(i)
Oiceanologila, -1400' 704-7('B. In Rusainn.
Traml. by ST for kill, 1975, P. 567-571 in "Ocvsnolo~~/'
(tranal. of entire Inoue), Avull, A,111, price per c-,;.
yearly subso. (6 isBues) $120.00.
Avail. on Loan - NXFS, Wash., D.C.
Odgirial Arlido ChockodA,:.,
Ya3ymov, A.(,. 1974
Spe:-fez compobition and quantitative distribution
.-.oobentiios in Turkmen 11kaj in the Caspian Sea (Vidov.Vaostav
1 koliallest V=e raspredelenie zoobentosa Turkmenako6o
Kaup, 17o morfa)
01(eanologiia, 24(fl: (c.9-fle. in RusBian.
Tran3l. b~ ST for AIIJ, 19-(5, P- 572-575 jr, r,Oceanology"
(trcml. of' entiro issue). Avail. AUU, price per cy. $30.00,
yearly oubsc, (6 issues) $120.00.
Avail, on Loan - WRBh., D.C.
OrIgInul Arlido 0ioc6d.4,
Oorelova, T.A. 1974
Zooplankton from the stomajill Of Juvenile lantern fish
of the family myetophidae (Zooj)lnnJctowv,-e orgRniuLy LL
zheludlcov molodl sV*tjG5jj31'.i1dLSia an',40-130V GeM. MYGtOphidRe)
Okeanclogila, :L'L(4)~ '113 -'118, In Ruestan.
Tranal. by 'IT for AGU, 1975, P. 575-580 in n0ceanoloan
(traml. of entire isGue). Avail. AQU, rrl(ta per cj. $30.00,
ycarly vubac, (6 iosues) $!20.oo.
Avail. on Loan - IMF., Warh., D.C.
Origino~ Arlido Chocked.
Partaly, II.N. 1974
Effect of planktonic crustaceans on a population of the
hydroid ftrigoLilma BleKan in a fouling comiaunity ('rliianie
chir,lennoBti rakoobrgznykb v planktone na populiatsilu
gidroida Parijjon4m4a magas v bioteetwe obrastanlia)
Okeanologila, 111(4)-. '119-',722. rn Rwinian.
Tranol. by 3T for AGU. lg-;(.-), p. 580-583 in 00ce&nolopw"
(trensl. of entiro isnue). Avail. A.IU, price per cy. $30.00,
yearly auba,i. (6 issues) $1,10,00.
Avail. on Loan - VIOS, WfIsh., D.0,
Original ArIldo Cho(kod
Shekhvatov. B.V, W &V. 3uvilov 1974
TOD-type geothemal-gradient meters (lzmeriteli j~ooter-
micheskogo graiiienta tipa TOD)
01~iefimlogiib, &4): 724-729. In Russian.
Transl. by ST for AGU, 1975, p. 584-588 in "Oeeanology"
(tram 1, of entire Vicue). Avail. A ~U, price per ey. $30,00,
yearly subso. (6 ingues),$120.00.
Avail. on Loan - NMY3, Wash., D.C.
Originai Article Checked.141."
Kogan, L. 1. , L. P. Merklin, and
0aearLographic modification of
tealmique (Oksanografiche3kala
metoda otrinhermy1ch voln)
Okeanologiia, _W11): 730-734.
", 13. Udintnev 1974
the seismic wave-reflection
modifilcatsiia se)rsmicheskogo
In Russian.
Traml. b.,,, ST for AOU, 1975, 1'. 583-592 in "Oveariology"
(tranal. of entire Issue). Avall. AM, price per cy. $~0.00,
yearly subsc. (0 issues) $120.00.
Amil. on Loun - IV-11?3. W~Gh_ D.P.
0iiginal Arlid(i CheJoj!."
Eltidkov, E.N. 1974
rm dJutortiono of bottom reller forno In contlnuotj~ nolsmi,,
profllln,~ (Ob Iska'zlienilRkh form relre 'a poverknnosti drn morla
pri neprerivnon se smicheskom prorilirmnii)
Okeanologiia, L4(4,): 736-742. Tn Russian.
rmnsl, b.,,.- ST Vor A,,U, 1975, P. 593-59) In
(tranal. of entire iasue). Avail. Af.U, price per 2y. $30.01',
jearly sijbor,,. (6 isslues) $12 oo,
Avall. on !~nan - WVS, Wash., D.C.
OrIginal Arfido (-hockod !...,
Malovit3kii, Ta, P. , et al 1971;
Thc 19th cm-iBe pf the R/V ATADEMTK S. VAVILOV In the
Mediterranean (19-Y' srediLeumomorskiYrern NT3 AY-kDEMIK S.
0kcanologila, 14(4); 746-749. fn Russian.
Traml. bj ST for A ;U, 1975, 602-6,).~) III "Oneniaolop
(tr-ansl, o ontire Isaue). Avail. A%',U, price per cy. $3(:-00,
yearly aubsa. (6 Issues) $120.00.
Avail. on Loan - MPS, Wash, D.C.
Original Arlide ChockodJi-S
Geodelcian, A.A. lq,('~
?reliminary suivmtiric- reBuits or tiie 16th ~,rui3e or the
R/T AKADDITK KURCHATOV in tile BaltIC SeV Predvarl',elln,.e
nauciuve reaul ,tatv ekzipediteli 16-i;o re?sa NIS AKADEj,',IV
11URCHATOY Y !,Atltl~S~om Moro)
Okeanologlia, 14(4): '(Jig-'4154, In Russian.
Tranal. by 3T for A,)U, 1915, p. 606-611 in "Oecanolog:!"
(tronal. of entire iseue). Avall. A,)U, prija per ej. ~30-00,
yearly subac. (6 Iseues) $120.00,
Avail. on Loan - 11VIFS', Wash. , D.0.
. ", i
Original Article Checked-11C
0strovskil, L.A., nj)a E.u. Pollnovskii 1974
Von-linear waves In tho co-tLl zone of the ouean
(Nelinefnye volny v baragoyo?zorle olceum)
Okeanologilla, 14(4), 755-Y57, rn Russian.
Tmml. by ST for A^,U, 1~7 5, j%. fill-613 in "Oceanology"
(tranal. of entire issue). Avail. AGU, price per cy. $30.00,
yearly subse. (6 Lssuea) $120.00,
Avail. an Lmi - 141-TS. Wazh. , D.C.
Original Adido Chtjckod.
Blagosklonov, K.N.
Local industrial pollution of atmospheric
-OKHRANA PRIRODY, 1967, pp 88-89. -1~)
NT C 7 3 - 12 0 3 5 - 0 6 F (jIvO4 tlbl e on loft) (?. 1-1
I-Taksimovien, G. A.
Chemtcal. Crimposition of Atmospheric PreetplA.!),tion of
the City or Perml and control of Atmospheric'
OMMA PRIROTYi' NA URAU.,, r. P 10':'
., 1-61, pp. 47,50.
Available on loan TUC 73-1-2ROO-041B
Probleris of I~Ierli,,.cinrr, Koise in Indu Ury, 7 PT,
T. L , i I'
-~ '--2 ' 3-
M o s c I , "To P- , de b 7T, T) 1) ~ - .
,77?.s t')1968
Ji i~ 1 74
Po C"I
i-khalkevich, V.
r'l-nsion liif~ed fOr Di5abled, -i-lalujji(Is
winne.r. lJo -3read-
6 pp
IJO 197 3 -37.
iPai 62699
UK[ UENKI JIHG VOL 39 NL 3 PP 139-141
F~ TC-HT-23-02-A- 75
Lazarev, N. V,
Afanqanese oxides. Their comparative toxicity, hygienic
importance and the clinic of the chronic action of
INASA TT F 15,000
socioloRist, Party official Coments on
current politics, CiAture, 18 DT).
0K0, '~acrreb, 3 Oct; 73, T)p 4-5.
MS 60518
170V 73
Skrjabin, K.I.
uxyurata of Animals and Man Part 2 460 pp
Part 2, 1961
Skrjabin, K. I.
Oxyurata of animaLs and man
OaIVRATY ZIIIVOTN~~Xll I 671ELOVEKAI 19?4, pp. 526
Leontlyev, L. A.
Two- and Three-Level Administration Ekplained.
21 pp
OKTYA13R', Moscow, Oct 1973, PP 147-158-
jas 615~6
P BRED I ~ 1 6
11OLA,T) 'O'ZAPP 'hl'!
--/--/l,071,vo02o' ,I'moo)
XlalyLical ror
Comparison of Water and Oil Drives in Open-Die
Forging Presses, by R. J. Pahnke.
OLMRAULIK UND' IK, 1970, Oct~ No 10, pp 454.
u1bi 914U
April 73
Altonlo Sanz, Mariantla 1971
P StudY of lipids of Fj2Lrm OhilGIM18 (StUdto dei lipidi di
_Tura Obil-g(Oij)
bTFTM*oi Derivati , 1(4): 30-34. 111 Italian,
Transl. by Tmn3l. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., I)qpt. of Igo. or
State of Canada, for Dept. of Rnviron.. WO ftliftx Lab.,
Hslittx, 11-g-, 1973, as Tranel. Saris& Uo. 2518. 17p.,
Avall. on Loan - HMM, Waith., D.C.
Orlainnt Arlifin Charkede~
Vermeer, Wim
~,!orldls Energy Supply Situation Discussed,
12 pp.
OLIE, The Hague, 12 Dee 73, PP 355-357-
JPRS 61163
mar 74
Royal Dutch Shell '."op Off icial Interviewed on
'rner7y Crisis, 9 pp.
01,TTII,, nt'he Tiaf;ue, 1,11ar 74, pp 67-69.
7TT'Is 61862
,u1 71L
10 tj cr.1,31,-,
sIly I , .
Of' Sudanese
~] ~~aciio,
Moves Against Dissent at Faculty of Philosophy
5 pp
O=INSKE NOVINE, Belgrade, 10 Nov 1973, pp 4-5.
JPRS 60740
Ljubl,jana Mleatinfr, of Philosophy Students Cen-
sured, 6 PD.
OMEADINSITs NOVINM, Belgrade, 2 Feb 74, p 2.
JPRS 611[T8-
A-Pr 74
n. 401
Coeurs, P.
Preparation and Stu&j for Cd3Pe5_x Al.,, 01, G=ets for
Magneto-Optic Mamory Application
ONDE ELECTRL(LU~E V. 50', 1970, pp. 330-337
NTC ?3-12565-20L
synchronous oscillators of a
interferometer for 35 GHz.
by G. Losoncl from Onde Elec.;
16p. Dep. NTIS Sti-le-9
Study and design of the
TREZEGUET, J.P. Translated
50: No. 6, 517-523(1970).
Onlv) $3.00.
03B astrophysics; 18D Instrumentation; translations
Pmfit, A.
n4ture prospecta for data trwwra~ssion netwoyiks
ONDC ELECTR12LIE, v. 5Z,, n.'I., 197t, pp. 1-6
MTC 72-13006-Z713
NLL 90P,",'. V (29DO)
Marquet,, M.
&.bossed (LentiauZar) filuj, their properties and
possibilities for Mallr applioation.
ONDI SLECTEMS. Vol 51,1 No 9.0 1971,p pp 782-786
WO =$-IJV83-20F
Bibliographic Data on Flexible Plastic Solar
Reflectors, by A. Paillous, 30 pp.
ONERA CENTRE d'Etudes et do Rechorciles de Toulouse,
NT-03-8, 1972.
April 73
V---- ~N----,
Analysis of multilayered and sandwich-as shells
by the finite element method, pp 27
pp 109-118, AIR.I'TD-HT-23-1510-74
MAR-APRt 1973
Agencyo CPSC xxnsxuw
P.O*No* 75047400 9944/2263
2 Ott, 1974
Titles EffeRt Ingalyatsionngo Sposoba Vvededya N
RaspyI*sbcbiRhaya Fantserigennykh VesbchestV.
Authors M*A.'IabezhInskty
Sgunes Onkolagtya, 1969 pp7Z-74
Languages Russian
Instrwtionss Type single space. 140 PkiTC-UPp leave spaell.
Translate all Captime
--..I AS EK O"J. IK H// 1 "'
--/--/lc)69,11 ----- pp 0001-0291
On the Onto7eny and Evolution of Dipterous
*UTI$-TT-74-58070 #i~