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Dospatching Control System of tho NHKG Stool Plant, by L. Iludanwk. cZEQI# prp 'flutu Listyp Vol 24, No 4$ 19690 pp 248-252. BISI 7417 Sci/Elect May 70 406,761 In TDUdem R=nCop by It. llmj;o at al.,, ca,clff per. llutn. Mot Vol 24. No VP P-33-240. - 4: .1969: BISI Tl,-a6 sci/mat .Apr 79 405; 812 The Laboratory Study of Non-unifom Deformation of Ingots, by Z. Zamyslovsky. CZECH, per, 11utn Listy, Vol 24, No 3, 1969, pp 172-177, BIS! 7643 Sci-Mat June 70 Gas Volm,,,e and Proastwe Corglitions In Tandma I-kirweri, 'by Vo Daliiia,, C. ZECU., pw. Hutn. Listy, Vol 1"To 31 1969., pp 167-171.' Broi j6h2 sci/mat Mztr 70 4,34,223 Steel for Oriantatod Transfc)rmcr Strip and the Quality t0quir&I, by 0. 130hus, CZECII., per. Hutn. Li3ty, Vol 24, No 3, 1969, pp 161-166. POIS17641 Sci/Mat Sep 70 Research on the Vacuum and Temperature Conditions in the Sinter Bed, by J. flancl. CZECII, per, flutn Listyt Vol 24, No 3, 1969, pp 153-160. BISI 7640 Sci-Mat June 70 Nucleation of Fibrous Fracture of 9-4-2 Type lligh-,Spead Steel, CZ13CII, per, Ilubb Listy, Vol 24, pp 112-120, BISI 7486 in Repeated Quenching by F, Jandos. No 2, 1969, sci-Mat Jul 70 Effect of Termparaturep 8"tructure Condition on by M. Kidek, et al. CZECH, perp Hutn Liptyp pp 98-104. BISI 7485 Gbamical Analpiep and Hot Yeld Streso Of Steels, Vol 249 No 29 1969, sci-Mat June 70 ImprnvLng Ferrachromium Technology# by P. Cizmarik. CZECII, per, Ilutn Listy, Vol 24, No 2, 1969, pp 92-97. BISI 7484 Sci-Mat June 70 Problems of Optimum Blast Purnace Output, by R. Ebert, K. Schaidig. CZEMO per, Hutn Lis~Zq Vol 24, No 2, 1969, pp 86-92. BISI 7483 Sci-viat June 70 Conttiuoua Homogenlzation of Sifter Mix, by J. lknel,, CZ=., per. Hutn. lAsty, Vol 24., Uo 2, 1969., VP 77-85. BIBI 7461 scl/mt suawt 70 MatallurUical Characteristics of ~'iaqnetito Concentnate Pellets, by J. Lcitrier. CZECII, jocr, Ifutnicke Listy, Vol 24, Nlo 1, 1969, pp 5-13. IIB 7743 Sci-I'Zt June 69 383,285 Tho G-li Proccao of Production of Irtill and SimLil- tmeotialy of lVdrogen, by Vo l4a).ye CUM,., per, lktbnicke Liatli Vol. 243 No I I 1969, PP 1 -it. IID 7742 sciAllat 14 0v 70 AoAs for uL ;.Qr, i~ubi. ILqty, Vol 23, -'.Io 12, 19G0, G,' 22,V; ~e 1044 - 1'10:3 6 9 388s702 Proceasing of Lateritic Iron Ore by Selectivki Reduction, by A. Blnzekv et al, per, Hutn ListZ, Vol 23, No 12, 1963, pp 635-842. BISI 7564 sci-l,iat Sep 70 Ja,o i,uto:.-~:jtjuj jjjstzj1l--ItiQv3 iy J". .,,t al. I. ) 1j, k '. ',~ X -', I ,j L !J.','1 Ub i. I I '~ ; ty-, V( .11 230 Jo 1.1 ,Lt.) t ' U`09-U14. 7237 :-;ci/ -utoriaLs oct 6 9 3941,294 Cub+- ,A~ 13.1 X--J 1) (r , I Vol 23, ..'o 1.1, 1968, -j 79 7- W 11 3ci/ 62c 69 -),7,442 EffCCt Of UIC D-OfOrIWAtiOn Wgl-('-O Cn UIC QLIIlit-.y Of lVitifricticti 13caring Stcy-A, by J. J,,di. CZEUI, jx:!r, llutii...Listy, \bl 23, No 11, 1968, pp 792-7--t-i. 7307 saL/niaterials j iAie 6 9 Properties of c,,.,,. 174f3j, 174i,*-! am! 174~;5 Ify (.'~.TCP, -cr, IA!av, Vol 2-,s "'x, 11, 781-791. 121--O:Itl~alt 0 774-7180. 1" 769, Liydc' ;teel dtli :"oliC ~qntnatic Oy V. ot ..J. Vol 23, 11, IJI68, lrov 69 3950422 Activities of Ferrous Motanurgy Institute Discussed, by Antonin Dwdhelka# 18 ppq, GOVLAIDENT USE ONLY CZECH, per, Hatnicke Ust Prague, Nov 19,68, pp 763-773- XL MIS GUO 2944 7~R C, Sci-Soientists S- Sci Organs Jan 69 3720500 History of Ferrous MataUurgy Institute Out- linedo by Oldrich Bobusp 9 pp. GOVERNWNT USE ONLY C71CHO per$ Rutnicke List - Ze Fraguel Nov 1968p pp 759-763. JFIL5 GUO 2944 Sci-Mat jan 69 372,499 The LMuence of the Degme of DefamtIon In the Production of Semi-Finished Mzpaa on the C~allty of RoUer-Bearing Steels,, by J. Jech) CZEMI,p per. Hutno Idsty, Vol 23.t 110- -U, 1968, BIBI 7307 SCIAtt Mar 70 4ao5i Analoj,,uc Camptiter "lution Passing T11TOUP 1 11 COntinUOUS J. Nuiles, ct al. CUCHP pers lian Listy, Vol pp 700-706. *11)'ISI 7241 of Relicating Steel Hearth Furnaces, by 23, No 10, 1908, Sci/~~!atcrials Jun 69 11oro Accumte Calculation ot the libIling Pres- sx= ror IfICJi-AUqy Stedlaj 'by D. SlUchova., CZZ:Cff perf lhibn. Listy, Vol 23., NO 10s 190tJ, Pp 69~-699- DISI -j240 liar 70 I )to4,213 (1,11ditims ibr iiot "bikhig 1.11imi 5toeL, by : I -t, e-t al. I . 10.wai. U.,;ty, Vol. 23p R-) 3.0, i"; -Lil 7, ) ~;(!./ ~jcL 69 395,2u"Z~ by J. Vx, (A ~d. u I iiubi. Li,,~t ,F 0-1:0, y. Vol 23, ~'Jo 9, IC "?t 69 390,957 Mocchimism of the Formation and (3rowth of Subcutaneous Blowholes in Rimming Stoel Ingots, by V. Parm. CZI',(;Il, ]icr, llutnicIe Listy, Vol 23, No 9, 1968, I)p 615-019. 1111 7615 sci-Nat April 69 Ute on tho Thcory of the Olt-istun Preliwation of tile sintEx lixe I)y J. Ilancl. UEUIC J.-ex" 2!~E~Llrlt I Ibl 23* Da 9, 19680 I)p 611-G14. DISI 7082 IS"Ci-11 ~at Tmg 69 389t542 Production of Creel) Resisting Stools in Macrz. N01011t. TY110 Opun-floarth Vurmaccu, by A. Abruz, (.'Zl.(:Il, por, Ilan. Listy, Vol 23, No 8, 196BI pp 548-555. *BISI 7148 Sci-Mat May 69 Deoxidatioll Procc-,SSOS Durinq t-'11(~ :7,01idi- fication of a Idlining Steel Ingot, by V. Pantia. CZE'Cil, Per, -'Hutniclke L~~, Vol 23, :~o G, 1968, T)7) -5-12-55,17. IIL, 761o sci-,~ilt JwIc 69 383,259 A Control Systc` Of OPcn-flcarth Plant OPeration, by J. jenik. ULCII, per, flUtIl. Listy. Vol 23, NO 8, 1968, 1)1) 5313-s4l. *BISI 7147 Sci-Mat Rpy 69 Effect of the degree of deformationj direction of the fibres and location of the lower quality section of the ingot on the durability of rings for rolling bearing. jech., F. CZECHOSLOVAKEAR, per Hutnicke Lipty, 701 23 1968, pp. 479-484 ETC-69-3602-2 MT-1000 403024 'U)uatarmnoir; 31a.-faal--s in id! red ",tool Incjot,3,, V. czl;(-,i4 jx.~r, iltibiid~o Vol 23, 7, 1968 7609 386,600 )I Con(litims hv flubi. UsLy, Vol 23, Ilo 7, B68, '173-473. ;l 7145 'o c ~~ 6)9 3 9 fl, 6 O'Q3 POI-Iti-On fiCtween Grain Crowth alitj (,;tcol For~mbtjjty lit the Sphurc of' Shapi)jg Temperature, by M. ziack. CZECH, per, ifutu. Listy. Vol 23, N'o 6, 1968, ,, /'.71,)3 - *IIISI 6980 /T sci-I'llit Apr 69 A"towation Of 'Sq)ecld Control of the Rolling Mill Drives, by B. Cerveny. CZLCII, per, Hutn- Tlisty, Vol '2.3, 17o 1968, pp 406-413. BISI 6979 Sci-""'Aterials June 69 382,854 ,,o -Ln Gho Product of tho Curijon aml, Oxyfpn Chanj, Contents durIn,,.,, vic Solidification of v. mvzwa StoCl Inc-ot, by V. Parma C2',UCH, per, Hutninke Lis~Z, Vol 23, 140 01 A, E, --- 1 90 'p 400705 11B '1501 sci-Katerials 140v G3 11'athematical Model of the Deoxidation Process in a Blast Furnace, by J. lialike. CZECH, per, Nubi. Listy, Vol 23, No 6,, 1968, PP 391-395.- *)IISI 6978 O'Ci-Nat Apr 61) ald D16.-~jduitkl OLUI ill IYXII ~kir, Illibl. Iiijty, Vol 23, Ac) bo 1961,1, 6977 69 390,9151 Scluctive Reductioll Of Troll, Nichol, Cobalt. fuld Chromium Oxidos ano its Application to the TreatLiv-jit of u Nickel Leached Pruduct, by u. Vcmdrasek. CZECH, per, flubi Listy. Vol 23, 110 5, 1968, pp 351-15,S. BISI 6753 Sci/Materials Jul) 69 383,056 -'ralticrLicil A-" lcu.UIL '(.;, 3taLic fCXLl, I~j ~'. (S~., tav"I'v. "n-, ilutil. l'i.!; V,)l 23, ijo ~,, 1968, j -~) -UL~l 7070 jciA j a 1 70 399,9c) 'i Force conalt (),Is ill j,()jlillt of 'St"dilless steel 111gots oil CIL 11-50 8100111i1)", f-lill, by Z. zajnYsjOvsjzYO et -,I. CZECII, per, flutn Usty, Vol 213, Ijo 5, 19U1,P pp 325-333. VISI 6752 Sci/f-Alaterials Jun 69 383,055 llchaviuur of Gases it., tile Oxy),L111 C011VOrter Steel Path, by J. SIC'lla, et .11. UZECII, per, flutv. Listy. Vol 23, !"o s, lxap pp 3ii-31!), lilsl 6801 Sci-I'Jat flay 69 382,440 Notes on Titamium Ste-als for 2namelling and Their Development, by 3, Taindl. CZCCII, per# Ilutn LiatZ, Vol 23, No 49 19613, pp 232-238. BISI 7518 Sci-Mat Jul 70 The Heat Losses of an Ingot by F. il,,ivlicck. 10 pp. CZ11110 per, llutnickc Listbl IT 87-92. AI R/ FTD/l rf-23-48S-69 Sci-Materials Mar 70 During Its Solidification Vol 2% No 2. 19081 403,304 CGO t O2705/T2 IW 19 ft 19T2 By Stu-4y or the ralativi-dimpmlon of the values of solidity in creep of alloys of the Ni(!rWfiZM type., by Karel Pmtiva- Hutnic4p lilt-7m, Vol. 23j, No. 1, 1968j, PP 37-40. Ad Hoc &mWbbw special type B DD nOt rubUdh Original plus four (4) Purmic(! V t 0v c 1 List PP. 21-1 23 (1) :':o"V (j 9 071 ot)(aaratka, o~ tite a5o tCAI ~Lj blo 'stoal ::ill of ble i'wx Ze j)c LIt Vol 23, Ao 1, Lo,-flr u 7,210 sc.~-/ i ab--riaLs 393,038 Tr -Ct of' all ft~cd L ~rc, 0 N '41 cOntord. '~Ip 0 .-I, j,nj-otz;, i~; ~,. 0 ID a Vol 22, Ilb .12, 1r 826-833. "A 7375 at 66 calculatinj" tile Pass shape and Roll Opening of Threc-Roll Stallds I'll TO)c Reducing, by D. Valenta. CZAC11, per, fluu._ Listy, Vol 22, No 11, 1907, lip 756-759. 61SU 6784 sci-mat Mar 69 377VSOO Pelletization of Iron Ores and Pellet Procossing in a Blast Furnace., by G. Moyer. C;Z.L,;Cfl, per, Hutnicke Listy, Vol 22, No 9, 1967, Pp 591-597. NTC 72-1020/,-11F Apr 72 Moot of DifforonL I'lAtion of Loneitudbial/ Transverso Wformation on the kbahanical Pmjmrtios of Thick Plates, by M. EndxQw. CZECII, per, Iliatng, Listyy Vol-22, Aug 1967, 13P 9&553. 13ISI 6W BALL RA*1 sai/lIat ~!ar 661 35t, 020 CZECH CSO: 0127/73 W 18 Jul 72 SF Mw dissociation of tin in lieat-resistant alloys of the NiCr2OTi3AlB typey by Karel Protiva. Hutnicke lis:V, Vol 22, No 8, 1967, PP 5311-9111. Ad Hoc Spec type B Do not publish Original plus foul; copies - including reproduc tions. Doe may be clipped. 01, Rol.,Anu. -ractice And 1.1cm-bn1fom 1~0- f0r.-I)atio" on tho ~~po of ljoavy b3,~ -'Or "All I-istY 110 7, 1(~67# pp 467-4,?l )1 60. "at ear tsu 349,346 E-ffecto of Sulomr on the Pmpeitlas of Depp. Dmuir4,,, A001 sheata,, by A. Salak, =jig .per. LN&D. ii pp 299-304. _ %a, Vol 22, No 5, 1967. *BMI 5882 sci-lAt 1-1cm 67 Occurrence and Cums of Cracking of Coatin- uously Cast Carbon Steel BM!U,, by J. Vrsek CZBMI per,, Hutnicke LUZ Vol 220 No 20 1967: PP a3-93- HB 7387 Sci-Materials Aug C6 362~106 Davolopmrit. of, and E,;Toriencea :in& the Use of an 04gon/032 bumr for AdditiorAl HeatiM of Llactric Aro 1,~ivnacosj by Ze Kcmusnik LOI J, Sobasta4 GEX'f# pero Itatnialca Ltev iio i 1 1967 vo Vol 220 pp J5-20. ito 7424 Sol/ t june 68 356o;'.33 Sfhd of the Quantity of Aliudrms Added for FirAl Dooxwation to Rollor Boarlm stwl In Aro Mamecoo Upon Its QWltyj IV A. Cap. CZECH# POT$ Vol lzto 110 12, 1966# pp 839-43436 UB 69Z4 sci/mat Feb 68 3499452 I-Wolopment of Cvcchoulovalt NsULIurglcal Praduablon and Ibrolm 'Anadc in 1965., 'by L-x, Flvntisch svubodns 7 iv- GOVENIUMT2 USE WLY C'Zj3(Z,, par, ffutiiclm U9 i:o lip 1;0V J~C~,O Econ 91 Do -. 6,63 Teaming Bottleneck Inpts And fteir Yield In 1buins Proceosp by Me Haxokj, ot als Ums per,, Hutne H&tZp Vol 21j, ND 10p 1966,p pp 690-we, 7 5979 Be!-Aaterials Dec 67 I"I"twn YOmro o0", tho IT(m Momint Gottxra,,l li.lUiLlurijoal in OntAwa-Kjacice, by Vaclav .12 pyj p~r, 1111,Anialm Urotv 1L)* 10, Oct. 3o6 Mechanical Properties of Wide Strip Made of Deep-DrawLng RLmmLng Steel, by A. Sulak. CZECH, per, Hutn LiatX, Vol 21, No 9, 1966, pp 631-637. *BISI 8627 sci-mat Sept 70 TAboratory Voteindnation of pUAj9h xiiollUtt, and Coilinv,; colwiUms Amdng tho flet-lWlUng of Strip in Continuous I.A.Us, by h. hhdrle. 1U .0 CUU, por, LklLstzo Ild 21o P 9o 1966, PiD 616-620. J3161 5539 S a i -!,, -A t I ' var 68 349,239 '~Aic !~fL2ct of 'iiF-,ta.Uurcjic,-d Factor; ai Ln, I (A Jid'el-Bax~ )dlupl, L-jy L~. PKULLVl. III Pl'- CZEU,l, iur,, llutiddw, Ustj', Vul 21, i4lo 9, 1966, -)p 6 10--G 16. 4 a ki~-2 3-2 3-1-6 8 sci/l;-atcrials ;qar G9 376,562 c 1 s Ly 0i o ici/i "IL-criaL., /,) ) , 4(S(!-T--722,1!)I) $F"FFEUTOF GANIMA RADIATION ONTHE REDUCTION OFIRON OXWES WITH HYDROGEN. g Ansary, Al. S.; Tobgy, A. H.; Ezz, S. Y. joTranslated for Sandia L(ibs., Albuquerque, N. Mex., from jallutn, Listy; 21: No. 1), 596-8 (o66). 2,)9p. 24Dup. NTIS., 24chomir,try (inorganic); radiation offects; translations 2Y0713 ,,NIN-1 ,P NSA L LqtAimcnt for ~;atrp)Jkng and Analyzing I-AAllurgical 0 11 Fumacu Atmospheres, by !,I, Layer,, t.4 Iiandl. FQLTliii, por, Llutr~~Cls~o - t Vol 21, lio 8, 1966, pp 532-538. he 7000 65 ,flic Ilocialbility of tho Application of tho U'edgo Toot for Evaluating the Hot Worlmbility of steels# by ~1. Sndrlet CZI,,CII, por# llubi Liffky, Vol 21, No 7. 1960', pp 477-48o. BISI 5519 Sci/i-~at 'Nov 68 3709099 SoMMatim of Ileavy Fdmood-Stool Ingotsp by A. SaUk, CZECII . Hutacke 4 p vol 2to No 70 i966p pp U13 6948 sci/,,.iat Feb 68 3Wv468 Tie Dotermination of the Reactivity P-17 coke in Air on flie Bwsis of Oxidation Curves, by M. Kes.,,Iwr, L. Dockalova. CZECH, lier, flutp. Listy. Vol 21, No 7, 1966, pp 449-453. BISI 5336 Sci/Mlaterials Jun 67 327,677 Dowddation of Steal by Vacwum Treatment outside tho I~umceg by Jo AalAq SERbo-CROATI(All mrg Witnicke Listy, Vol PA, Vo 6. 1966. pp Al-516. la! 6917 sci-I-At Deo 67 3450655 Extraction of Zii-Cu-111) Concentrates stetiming I.rott Roasted Cire fly Sulj~huric Acid, Under I'rv,;siire,by Z. Podobra. CZECH, per, PutnicLe Listyll, Vol 21t No 5, 1966, 339-343., Sci/clicm July 69 386-914 Defects in the Operation of Soaking Pit Furnaces, by J, Tomas Czech, per, fluta. Lis~Z, Vol 21, No S, 1966, I)p 329-333. 13151 5458 6ci/Matcrials Jun 67 327;p741 ROW of Lubricants in the Hot Extrusion Procoss, by U. Pacta. CZECH, per, iiian. Usty, Vol 21, No 5, 1966, pp 325-329. *IIB 6916 Sci-Material Sopt 66 Tlic Effect of Molybdentun on the Ileat-Reaistance of CrMaV Steele vith a Low Carbo,-,i Content., by T. Prnka., 10 pp. C7,DCII,, par,, Ilutnicko Lia~y,, Ho 4, 1966P p1) 265-,-j69. P1,00213063-V FTMIT-23-620-67 sci-Materials Sept 60 366,o,6 Not Woreabilitj and Corrosion PodoUnco o~ 10ri(LIMIZ-10MI. St"Us Iy V. WMIJ, U. m1h. Ca',Ml, per,, Ilutiu.1p j3j) k., Vol 21) 140 4,8 1,,)66, 13131 5.).14 314, 500 Sal " iiecamnicaa, blaustrici GIvI21 and 1,1arino EnglMOMM Effect of Mag Canpovition on the With Oxygen Cuntcait In the Productton ol~ Hirr-Ing Steel, by L. Kb&lcj CMCH' Pei-, Hutnicke Listy, Vol 21, 110 4, 1966 pp 238--2U-. 11B ~694 Sci.-Mech Indus Civ Mar Eagr oct 66 31.3,151 Causes a the F*ab8 or Uno hm OmlvmUod Steel MMtp by J. T0113411p 0. 111 0 CM,Mj, perp Hutne Y&j, Vol 21,p No 3s 190j. PP 179-181. BISI WO 319j,916 Sol - Materiale Mar 67 lnftUcnoa of Slag B&gieity Xad of alloon Oontent In Ferma4anest on the Teahrdoal Soormio Indip. cation of Blast Fumace Ibvkjj by 1, JarAk,, czEcHe Par# aa amz 1966t Pp i53-i5q. BT.91 5337 SOI.Mat Feb 68 349joa lJoIll.-Il 4 y I 'A; C "-Ioill-od by 07 'T. f-lineshovIrl, j. U61 0 0 2 2;,~') '~Okl c'i' 61f, Procesi; Or CIO ~' ~'L!JIL O'L UIC T-1-ilitiC Irull , uy ~ ~" iLiut:Ka' CZi;U,, ;)Or, XtIl. Lir-ty, Vol 21, ;Jlo 2, I" IT4 1%)A 11.6(i3 (:--Lv 'Tho Holation Botwoon the Grain Size and the Tondoncy of Austonitio Corrosion liosistnnt Stools to Intarcrystalline Corrosion, by Vladimir Cihnl, 10 pp, CZECH.. per, Ilutnicke List , Vol 12, No 1, 1966, -PD 73-U2. - Ajl?/rTD/IIT-67-166 Sci/I.Interinls 353,189 J.ri n 6 9 Control of the Dcoxidation of UmAng Steel Band on the Bath Composition Before the Tap, Uy L. Kodr1o, 1,1. Kalisch. ULCH, por, Hutnicka UaL. Vol 21, No 1, 1966 po 10-16. kiB 7023 SciPlaterials Mar 6 7 318,620 The Use of Protective Maga for CimtiIia or ICLUed Staclo by E. Bernart, V. ConW. CZEMI.. perj, Hutu. UqW, Vol !~Oj Wo V ut~ :,.,- I . 19, ~, PP BM Y)!;, Sci-Materials oct 66 313,177 The Lifluenoe W ReMTta)Jlaatbm and Mer. I'lina Armealing Salieclulas on the reep-rgstring l,'lx,aLvrtlca or Unn-Carbon M"t Steel., by Vo Dodok. cm, cl-I., pc--, Mrtn. Met,& Vol 2D., No U, 19-65, 111) 70~-T)5 DMI ~')53 314) 5~)3 Sci - 7.%'~dhnxdeal) Bulwtriall Civil, pn,,l 1,.nrJaic Mybieorbk,; im&I,liala of Vao 8,laMng I'M Raling 4cao, by P~s comw, CZECif, por, ji!An Ilat vp y, Vol 209, No 11, 1965, DISI 5935 6 01-., at Jul 63 339.916 E:~fect of the Oxypwi Content 0,;` tile 5teel :.,;,tli UPoa tho tbifavorable lichavior of 'Aocl Puring Vouring, by L. i~oclrl,~io 1:1.10 I'-1,11i5cli. CZE-.Ui, per, ilutilicke sty Vol '20, 110 11, 19611), vp 77T--777. 6790 Alv~ 66 303,805 Problems of the Rapid [Top] PouTinp of Rimriang Stools, by F. Zamecnik CZEU-1. por, flutnicko I~gtj (Pragpe), Vol 20, NO 10, 1905, IT 704-708. HU 6762 Sci/; iaterials Mar 67 3180621 ~oddiii(-. 111wits, in Bla5t-Vurnacos and 1)."ilrom.iont in jinter Quality in tho 1:101:~Uat Guttuald steclUor""s, by I,,, Scholz, CU"GI, )or,, Ilutme Listy, Vol 20, 11o 9, sci I'lutuace of the All-lia Phase, ua tjj(, Of 110t-kollin-,. of Stainjuss I tco Is ler, 1111tilick Vol xx, c LJL v A22.46 D(A ,s SOD