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in at a* ablooldlow at *Aim am, 64 ,~m - - ft*~Ip tw 16 ps E- --- -~-& --A- fidA. X~s pws I - - - 011111LINGEW Ig DEM IV a I.V-i /~ ~ 1, /r /4,t ,- ~,/ , '? -,, /,~ Sol-am amt 69 IA02W trixturv zm! Uvmti- firsical I rt. crt ics tf , urnvvc Crust 'Vvrtwil m Ifuhistrial #Alwd%w,. I'vetaction cxll,~,, A. Vt)l tt-.t -erg ItV A ~'.&ul !*:"". "at t rorn I~clog NT*- *_I-,-77 ci.~ ut Illy 1") 1." 4 ~ 3 'isadbook oi Sk"IT "Mauc byats" Anctuft so(i froportLoss, by Ao It, Vaig $70 ppe RMIAMS bko Strom" I 5"istva amisy" knollicbe CFSTI TY Sci - wateriaLs Jm 67 Mb,020 am kvojoru" at Lbe Bystou sllmwall-~ YU- TO. VOL, IS. A. qUd*.of, ;p. P", is AiL fira mat, Lar ma" 1431 xi, 19633, pp C'mom U-3655 110 POW-IN t)ZBMR lici I J46" ul~ TITS Llunn-Aj Use (uLl N.;t u.-e of the Sel9etive ActAon of a Silver Catalyfqt in sort Cb[IdIltion R"ctjcn3, by yu, To. Vo! '--Idahakov, 6 pp. per, Is Ak Nauk SSSR- Otdol Min Mauk. N'o 1967. I-p 58&590. CB set Fnb 63 by Shw* B. A. Laub zmmn="Il 10 PP. F,V-ISIU, per,, Maur licuat i Prik roto(;Mf I vol V, so L, "960, pp 26-33. JLA 61-10OW V o I V , ro) "-, ju:L 61 IW,161 (tc-4700) FluMing (it 14bocr PlWuetlv:it;y lu tba Textille laduati7s bV 0. Vol$ 16 yps Rmal". per, XwW hbo3t Usbekq so it I$tws pp ". ,J-FW 13695 um 99 9 gem mw fe V--~etz blztc~,elwlo" iD tbi ~ALVUM cir Omtlnutxx 1,y V. A. V.:.1, Si pp. r-~-r, radlatakh, Vni XVi ou 4, 1960, p" Pp aci - 5~O Apr 61 IV-6 - 11 z AW11flar for Strat "1; 9 pp. 1100, 4 PM=N,, ger3 PAdlotakim4k& Vbl 10 ND IOS Oft4tor M5,, PP 66-71- d1i 6315J6 AM sei - lisetramin ow 58 7j* f q-i, Oa tboa Tboary of Strabomeople OscilUtlce Ma"w*- untg by V. A. Vol. in* vw, R"Ictommiks, Tax Kma, so as 2958g p 63. am "67)~-Ift act - Ilectroulce, rwks Avg " ^ P- Y.1.0 4-C,?j pnowum ha so womb= &Sw-., kW Tm6 06 T64 S. A. a Iwo pro Jwuumbo MOON&* Im spin "Cow nawring of ChrysaaUwas under Cowtant Illu- almation, by N. I- VolaftrsktY, 3 PP. XMIU, per.. Dok Ak Nauk SWR.. Vol CIM.. go 3s 1957p PP 5(A-YA- a V sci - Blol Aug 58 Meet of a Mra~arlbsd laslas of tbs ftreation in the be" StAm es th* RI&t*r Wei-* AsUrIty of Wp, by A. KnigUar, Yu. 0410r~ D- valauckiri 9 vw- RMIAXV pa, ftsiol awr SUR LU4&i 1. W. Ev, TU XW, No 3, 1959,p pq 261-270. Sol - I NOT 59 Dri"tigatiAms of uw "icdl Prommift ot Aocu at RI& IP. 4m* wd Tsmpaxiamroal tty M. P. Tolarartob,, 13 pp. RXIMM, per,, , Allit IAAS IPPp J-Lj- JPAB 32620 luyv 2)1 p 235 lot Jan r';i Velocities of Llastic Waves in Pock- Sanples ~_;Mltancausly SW- jected to liydrxmtatic I'm-srure md Uniazdal ~cr-,cessicn, by M. P. D. ~Iashovt et all 3 pp. per, D,&, Ak Nauk SSISR, Earth !;cienm- Vol CXLIX, No 1-6, k!ar, Apr, 1963. "col Fx cu cn Proce-4nes Ir.-mkvex~ on, C,c la Peaty sm, , tw x. 1'. volarzvio-I.i, r oruvoy, 16 pp. zcVUGl3Qf.cpcz 1A bollwrl=t nuu,."*.ICU stujjA.o, ,5 1 15, hr-tmyo v rea-2 wr 62,, 920CO66 4K The Piezoelectric E"ect in Pegmatite and Quartz Veins, by F. P. YRI~~q=hp G. A. Soboley, 5 PP. RUSSLO., per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ber Geofiz, No 2, Ii62, pp 145-152. Amer Geophys Union Sci oct 62 P-iblicntioii~; cj.1 04 p dul Q cm'~ Vol 0 0-, loll roliel., 70 LI: d n~01.; vc. v ----------- 104 J to ~21 L.r. voll .:o I Ii NVI-S OF MYSIIL~MLCPA %ICA L P.1ok*& fkot'[,Rflc~ UNOLA 1110f PRI-SSA'ALS (I%^ I I kit-, r n- C 6. 1~4 Trans. o( Q~WoAiya i GLvficikA JUSSR) 1%1. no. 4. 9, 13-21. UGSCK1Fn)&S- *Pjwi. Pressurg. Phyekal VrCWnlt*, mecharical TT. m. P. VOIAROVICII Pip7oelactric Effect in Rocks. AYW)MIYA NAIT SSSR. IZW.STIYA. STRrYA nFOVIZICIIF~KAYA, Ifl, 215-22, 1955. N -102"17-01",C, 6'T(: 7 1 ', 71 The Piezo-Blectric Iffect of Rocks,, by M. P. YoUumvich at &I. RMW, thrice-w pari Dok Ak I*uk OUR, Vol XCIX, No 2, 19541 pp 239-242. CO-OP Tr"s Sa Tr 337 Scl - Physics Jul 57 InvectILAtIon of Dyneadc Modull of Elasticity for Rocks In Relation to Tomperature, by X. p. VoluraneL A. S. Gurvich,, 9 pp. RUBSIAX, per, Is Ak luk 880# Ser Oeofft, So 40 1957,, pp 417-44. perSAMOD T"t act - 000phys /of,//Y Doc 58 1 61-16956 Volarovich. k1 P, EFFECT OF PREssuRE up To IOUO KILOGRAMS I Volarovich. M P MA SQUARL CENTtMETER ON THE VISCOSM OF HIGHLY VISCOUS UQUIDS SUC,11 AS It!BKI(:ATI%(, OILS. [196117p. 14 refs. Order from (ITS or SLA St. 10 61-16956 Trans. of Aksdemlya Nsuk SSSR. OtdoloWe TekhW- cheakikh Nauk. lavestlys. 1940. no. 3. p. r,-34. (X5CRtPTORS. 01mbricatlon, *fnl, Liquids. Prvafarc. Tempersture. Toot oWpnwm. A special apparatus for exAnUniatton at the viscosity of liquids or mollen "Ids at clevated pressures and tem- peratures to described. With the *14 of We apparanw. Automobile Otte. Cyttaclar Ott. aviation oil. machine oil. a resl*ml W. rooln and two sugar sohnom to glycerin were testodL The viscosity o(the kiWicaling oils was found to grtally increase with rise ot the (Mstcr1sl&--FuwI*. 77. v. 6. no 9) (over) Inve _ntivitian of aliLatIc Wwre valocitiez in Samples u&ter a Pressur* of up -to 5000 - ke/cm-t M. P. 'JularovIche D. B. sawbovo 14 1AU33UN, per, Xx Ak Muk BM,, Ser Oeatiz, No 1957, ;P 319-330. P*rca ii Inst Sic I - Goophys Dec 58 X-Ray Structure Investigations of Peat Bitumene, and Waxes, by M. P. Volarovich, K. F. Ousev, 6 pp. UWIAMA bina per, Kolloid Zhur, vol ma, ft 6, pp 643-646. Cousultants bumau oct - Chem Jon ~Z 61-195" Volavpvikh, m r arki Rsyuk. V I EPO'Eql' (41 UNIPORM PKESIAIKI-."~ VP I(I 4(1-tl I volattIVIA:k M, P kg~,'Ml (OS IIIE' U,I,A'M(7 FROrFIRTIES (if' K(Kk 11 RAyuk. v I. SAMM F% (I yf I I 5p t trIs Or,-N,r In-m (FIS,,r 'A A $1 10 I t4n. ,I Ak4dit-Filiv.41 N4uk ~&.Sp v k V%11- 111, ('~ f.-4 ()K% * K kX1% flim-lit. Owl ul.Wr ultv, I .f latib-Tol. lirt ~m- th. :Lshil, 1,411amOvi , of 1~k k~ lll~ lVJm*, c-th,w.9 .,t hi,h tang- irr,-g.Urly VAIW- 14 -"1 t4il) OW -0, Of- I ~4110.61 t-r f 4 , 4, I'l Oak- j Investigation of the Attemation of 11416tio waves in Bmk Specimens# by M. P. Tolaravi"s A. 1. I&rykln, T. F. SUM# 5 pp. RMD3. per,, Is Ak Mauk 8M; Sor Oeonz, so 8. 1960s pp Uq&IM. AGU Sol Apr 61 An twmotigation of Vat~r ft1tration 570* Peat bUosetive Imtopes., by No Ps Tasrovichp N. V. aw"w, B. Ya. Minkov pp WSSWj per, Dok Ak Sauk SM# Vbl aN# No 5p 195Ts py 964-. conmatants BUWM Sci - "ics Jul 58 41 ItirJU at Vi4h Tc-rre-r-n6v-,rp,s pp. Vol 11, 19,)r;, MA TI-3362 %vevtie,ttlen of Bre&kdawas During the Toro-.oo of 'I"hin Bpedwns of Rocks UWar UaLlsterall ?rr-r-!re, by W P, Vo)&rvyleh *.,,,A 9- T Vp~ A. r Ciao!' .6ic; 7neir, "i: Ak "'auk ZS~ A do 21 195 jl~ Apr Investigation of the Rheolcoical Properties of Dia- perwe Systans, by M. rj_YO1%r !5 py. .Wch. RUSSIO, bizo per,, Kolloid Zhur,, Vol XVI, No 3, USSR,, F-t-O~!J1in _1(11511j, p 2M. CU D 1671304 Cmaultants Bureau U55R Scientific - Chemistry m 6,5/ire,., 195,5 Ou the Question of the Tb*ory of ?low of a v1scoplastic *41=1 by me P, volarOT1,chl A. X, Outkins UMIASSIM ---l-I.I. ,='W bu* par# zonoid zburs voi xv, No 6; i9,53, pp 4T3. Consultants Dareau / ~/ 0 S S,- -rmttfic - Chsaistry Variation of the Rbeological and Aaesivo Properties of Solutions of Rubber With Degree of knaticationp by M. P. Volarovich, L. Ya. Ginsburg, a pp. Full translation. RMIAII, per, rolloid Zbur,, Vol XITv So 10 Jan Feb 1952, pp 20--LI7. Consultants Bureau 152 West 42 Streirt Bev York 18, 3. Y. 8cientif Ic - ChmIstry AUS 53 me/mm 9V*0:5' of Flm uf a Viscaplutic Madium., by It. P. Lnnavich., A. X. Outkin; 7 YPL- bimo perp Kolloid Zhur,, Vol XTp Ilo 2, '53j, M p 155. CcneUtanto Bmwu c - C lm~'," t ry cm/b= / 71 xv~'? kdro4junUes by V, jaxj"v, '.Uaslat per, Uqwkbi Pis Neukt Vol Ut No It A. '953s pp 155-158. A.Z.R.S. . Barnn IOU Tr so *0 477 OT/Imox 1U9 Qwmho*yo Pbplco Jkr 55 CTS vcw, 071mal 1% P. Friction ar4 W .aar in Uachinos 37qmsium 22 124 lip. (9 :Inssla-i, Acaido- of 3cioncon,, Instultute of 'Mchine Studiev, 1914. Sop cb 701,2-1 Piezoelectric Effect in Rocks,, by M. P. TolaMIch, E. I. Parkhomen , 12 pp. RUSSUH,, biw per,, 1% Ak Wau-k SM. Ser Geofir, No 3j. 1955j, pp 215-222. Morris D. Friedmn *6.00 - 36- . A14 0, Scientific - Geophysics jun 56 cTs/dex godelling the Connection Between Seismic Fbowwca and Disturtam*s i *be Bleatrialal neld or Rocks Due to the QXeleftria lfrwt, t7 M. P. VOlArOTt4h. L 1. ftrig- MMMO per, Is Ak Na" 8=0 No 10 19590 pp Amw Geo"ies Oblon Sai Apr 6o To the *wry of YOM Will WavUh MMMOVs (Otl tto Finieth Amivarmy or sis Dfttbl by x. P. yourovuh,, a. x. lavi, 6 ppe RMSIAN, bino per, XW'o'A Zhur, Val XVM, No 2, M"/ Apr 19%# Vp 1291-134- CIA 90MU3 Cs B"I No 55 ftl - cum"try loco" 9 7d amwe in the ftnwumo gas" at ud It4d WIm at ft&U #a go p"86140 IW IL P. ""Al L F. swvs a. X. - ~~ I V-'r-F *Tkovs T. P. we ~M- u"- SAIDU Awo *a kM lb &a, IWs r 64-.,r 4E7 p a" - Chm an " 7,?,e 40-4-S juvogtiotUn ot *be AV"W propertlas of f4st bW Now of LAI*odlv4l 's IW IL f. 14AW-M-ftp W. T. ammy"t & A,=.# a we -11 1- RMU04 jWS K*UaJA Ums V4 M 1b to Ms pp I*-IW- a" 0 cbm ^a " 7J?.,,411(o I calftle"Oft at aw umitft mmw Due" ft" Wm) at ft"One ft 6 " la so he IA i Vith tm CON ---bmlws, IV 1. No Apsm% N.~ P. vouravubs 6 pro RMUM, VW, JW'181A ZkWs %I M, 93 l# M,p pp low w IkI - Cbm lfj 0,4 :m " 'LIP Lu by 0' A3- Bml"hOvj V- it- PuvloFrnd,,iky, I z IjauL Se r ,*ait; Uo 1. 1. wn-Dim%nn loan I PrO.,11ev f-,,r thp Mntie)i )j* a viscopladt!c Disperac systam BetwoJen Twu Flanr,~3 g v" A rig I o j b,- A ~ r M. F. Volarovich, 10 pp. RUSSW, pe!", Xollotd thtir, Vol XXII, Ro 2, 19(,0, pp !Z6-1~94. Cb sci It may /s-- 5 o 1L o4. -ot of Pretisures UP Lo 50011- A-e/-m- on ttw oc Ztuy und Aboorption V Ultrasonic laves In N~trcV,en, by M. P. Volarovich, D. B. BulaahoT, ? pp. W'3'0AW, per, Dok Ak %uk SM, Vol 01M. No 5, Alp Jov 1vG - Dok Vol V. No -n 61 i,LAUj V.6 AUUU6 U KWUikLi 441 AW4 ~:AMUCD Pvciieurcs nf V A CL4 ~ j tile .P to M'-d v by IclaroviQh, Z. 1. ii., A )95" .19 -Z ~zl-. i - Ge 011hyn 7?IT O-Z t 59 Field Ivvestl4ptim = the PlazoeloctrLe FATect Lt ;u&M-BearLM Rocb) bj H. P. llolmvicb, X, 1. Parkbomanko; 0. A. Sobolov., 3 pp. RUSSIAN,. per.. Dok Ak Nouk OW, Vol CMMU, NO 3.. 1999j, Pp 525-528. AGI sci 15-v, 9 V~ Jun 61 v -rr~~ 0l vv FrlcUoo and *or In Maddaw - Swpmlw Up b7 A. 1. OyachlLuv, A. IL Ort"s IL P. TOUWGU-41-6- KM TOLS W%14~1 No as Mck"I L, V--sguwt -lp* 1* &-oft jjkV, To To Vesillymj, Pe jto-410.~~, Sk pp. WWW, AcmdaW of ScLomms Imitlato of NKMae S4Ale*, 446. AUC FAS-6yaO "P 50 cis lResearch on the Notion of Water in Peat Under LuICK,ruturY and field Ccuditious by Hawa of Pludio- active Isotopes,. by M. P. ToUftvitch,, M. V. Chumysy,j B. A. HLAWYs A AC FMSIAX~, I=. Trudy Vast 1buch Tekh Kmif Prumnen Radioaktly i Stabil Isotopov i Iziuctionii Y Marod Xhoz I IkWwj, 1957* Vol IV# PP 76-81. AXC Tr-4206 .A i~eb 61 Of d"rcion Amlyeis of Peat# by M. P. volarovich, Ii. V. chi-mayev, ) P. '--u1 I tr i,,LWUN, bima perp tolloid Zhw# Vol MIT, No 1, pp p 125. CIA 9000405 Car.matants ai - Chm"try So- 56 M LnvvtlPtUA of the Dw" of Diem too of hat Supwalau with ths Aid or the sedi- mentometer mW the Ileatran Morosappe, IW N.J. V91movial N. V. Chaiqw, pp. run 4 RMSIANO bim pwo Ulloid Zhwo Vol Ms so 4, 1954P pp 241-20. OIL D 2532" Salentific - Phrdas Apr 55 CIS sox"g EUWc du 870%0= W6 - W% Yj by Bo VoInvock pp , ___ It 12 1 ffaknki to MWH,, parp ftxik Crost chem Actap Yol )13=p 1961p pp 181-186. rmm*m fts"Utim CM-A-1511 sci jun 64 Method of Organizing the F&VIsion of TopogrspLiL 4#, by L. P. Vc)l'ber& R. 1. Vol*pe,, Ye. K. MAlut 3 PP- RUB.--.IAM per,, oeodes J K&rtos, So 40 1959,, VP 31-;(. AGU Bel W,, 7 , -7- jui 6jL Ids,) A rption of Erythrocytes by the Celle of mumn itous cultume Wocted with Lifluenza Virus, by G-- Nyda*A4 G, I. VolchwwtskAya, at all ISSIAN, per, Vqw Virusol, Vol V, No 5, 1960, rr 564-567~ pp ~Ci 7 ".v 6-1 tt - i 4W- Vt it ATNAll N F MICAOTAC1141A L% t p- 7. IN 1 YFK IFN I ~Nl HALKI 4Y Ilit. ME 01CO 4* 7h, rPLArfVrO, LS '~$AKFD '~VtCrRA. Ilfttl", Oldef Ituffik 7; : It A V 10 hi - 1196' Ita.l#. --i vy.-6iwk'l'kulyArnyye N'Yedift-nSys (W~R) 19W [v''fil 1?' 8. p 115' 1mv L*!.CIAtV;0KS Oft,%wmec ONAyawre. &Whaalcal prt-Wrics tntrared spcc Dkhtolsm (",h4 v. r, itin. -Itur TtAh Fl?~: Vol :CV111, NO T ~ch ll;i.5 no 59 Study of PolymWes in Polarized Infrared Light,, by B. Z. Volchek, V. N. Nikitins, 3 PP- MWZWj pero Zbor TOM fix,, Vol XXV11,, go 8, vP 1836-A39. Amer I= t of ph" SOY no -7*cb " YQ1 Ili 19 0 Sc I - Phys Jun 58 4*5 761 nn u! t., .~ic t iiit iou if thzi,-c-= per, Dok Ak #*'W=k ~;Wlfllj va Vol, 417-440, rot RESERVES OF ENTERPRISES AND OF A SOVNARKHOZ, BY F. VOLCHEM0, 10 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, PLAWVOYE KHOZ) W 7p I~i62p PP 21--27. JPRS 15373 uwi ECON OCT 62 212,1-0 ib*oft tw mm"Wift -wo owdeftwo at n 7*1780" to tol.. - - To T. Ch- on J, so T" Tell *I M14 Inump Mwo vasm DUO ]b 3p 19620 pp 336-310- as sd Jas 63 220m276 The Electrical Conductivity of Solid OxId6 Systcrz, 11. The System IrU2'CaO. Electrical Conductivity and Transport Numbers, by Z. -~S, iolchbnkuva. S. F-XkIM Pal6guy", 16 PP-. MIAN. poz~, Trudy. Pl&ktr*khIxiyA R"I~ Sclcyyk.h I 'ryor,:Iykh Slaktrolitay, TrWy !wIttito Plt--ktrokhlait, A Houk SSSR, No, 1, li"50, pp 11~-126 %67894 KINAMIlys - V, ~/ / 4 PrD-Tr-62-1275 9.7 sct-Dem Her 63 Potadlals of 03dd*4)utm Electrodes of in r- a aaarlaws by IL T. amirwv, ah"ka"', a pp. wasm pwo am awg nim4 vol n., xo 2, im# AM-tPAM Sol AM 61 m no T9 (i iy-644o) PPRUILEPS OF THE CHESS OALANCE OF PRICE c"M~~ES, BY M KOLA VOLCH V 22 PP. LWL~ARIA;i) PER, PLAtCVG 5TOPAlt5TVU I ~TATISTIKA, NQ 7) i,ui, PP 43-5~- JPR5 12416 ELUI-~ - LUL~-A~flA eyabosis or Vjaromrbmw. XEITM- rayntbaZ13 a AlJwtws a0 Alka With T" qmt4rmry Out= Atom; by Be f9o I&Tlmp x. P. &b=borlm vcacbuwk",? Ite Yu. Lw7ev h ppe IMAXI&AM per, Zbiw Obakh thIms Vol XXM, So 3m coan"tacts DOM / J~ o2 .2 Ot lentif 41C - CbsulStrY c%'! 1:0-"* Acro I Ginvi-metru, Vol X111, L rp VXCRffrMN OP 17-KSTO"UOMG LM UNUM AS A MM PON MOMINAL ASSMAW OF THR AMOiAL CORTUX 96 IIYMXTV.4M VASMAR EXMASE. 119621125)p 21 rob. PAW mumalp so. SM-2 Ordwr ts Gm tM fS SIA 12. 60 63-IIFOIS Tt"S 44 ,KIII&WORkAylk MSMSW (MR) 1962. W. 40. a*, 5, p 77-As. DLU3WtUN& rwroscs. *Swab&. "tive. ftystake. OUrmalcmin. 4typitrifteMs. CArdW vw%Ur eywom. if rag . TMO Is " anevept to obwbduo Ow rob of the m*eW conga to the ge"Ols cg ItypMew4m, Tabsbuaw to asceliaLs f*&%dOwbmp* h - awfakm Cie up 17- ljm~mw" to the wim ad (1) or d pawo. (2) on -hithei'tw. TT. v i0. M& 6) (upw) 63-1=3 L TK* 17. Kinowerc6ds I - vok6b*. 2, p B. PASES S-W-2 M , rehmicks cd Anert"s SOCS411" kW aspitrummal 910ka. W&MidmdL=. (). C. IV. sat Ocid.. W.. washkOCE6 V C. k afts a *,bad rne Use of Roserpino in Patients vith ityper ".13176 by AX. VolchkoT Li. lli Voyenno Mad Zhur2 No 5~ &-snod, per, Y.,,y 195f:. PP 35 3S ils JPUINI .11) Sme Optiml Relatiorwhips ir Idwa AC-Controlle4 'tiagnetie Aspurie", by X. S. Volchkovp 9 o. pts" I r, Avtomt I To I me', , Val XXX I No 1, 19408, vp Instru Soe of Amer Se.-i Apr k // 7 Ll 4- ,n 7.../ y ALr IUml)A WCBPOgk$ 3- 900OU O=tml vjvt~ of Woolle rll4&t) by T. N. volahkmp 12 yp. MMU, m pert v"t voit Plot* 1b St.. 1957- ciA 6o3m AMM ea - AeraDMUM ~- ~ '?/7j~ ow ma Oct 57 if Meamnl(A'l refomatlona m the J~.t-.nttril of Copper, trY L-M. ahdbl'k :A, 1960Y N, tic, J, Clfsave:- -HLUb ilress W", :Nr) 61 cowernim vw meabNam Of 00 InsmastAillne Cas- ion of otslm3a" staou ilk litrie AGIA 1o A6 It, MM*UdWUkff# lot Ot Y*24bkmo I- X- DMISM, T. V. pussaff, 4 p1, XMIMO pWp D* Ak ft* ~o VOL Wo 10 6# M,, 19 ig%-Iwyo - lot swu- ad //~ f:7y Apr 6o lij,!e-holc, A. V. 04' Ule Loue Pur If "cat 101, "a. r,'J:: TlovrAo,:o Tela, '101 111, '10 7, A2 SOV ph~-l No 7 Jx. .,2 Accocnt tLo Yluibwl h,=j*vtr Siwt V. L. A. ~-,bl b; Acmfti.4 o' Vclanm:c., ~~04zvmr Lib Ts 5 Cb an Attoupt to Porfoat the Nothods and Measuring Appamtus for Research on laternal Cmbwtton Angloes, by L. Yu. Volobak. V= mmuj, rvts Praceed1w af the Coutereme 00 PIS%00 lVgIVAdj At 2&* fi=t MOCCUP 19%. Dan Ulu (IMU) JL V9 set - fta Jul 59 FOO ,/