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A i-.-, Amociation., I 'T. Darlzoz~hal-evl. R17S';L'd4, Pravda, D32 Ph"Yalologleal arid Bli-,zhamical Hybrid Tobacco By T,B., DarrkkanbDaBV, 7b L, lu"ncrv, Zh Kalekenov,, p p 4") , RUSSIAF,, rer. Fiziologtyn Rastenil, Vol IX, Vo 1~ 1967., pp 60-68 AIDS Lq 0 et 6" W the Theorems of Eolmogorov-Smirnov, b~~ D. A. DnEl~iu PP. RJSSIAN, per, Teori~A Veroyatnostey i ye,; -e Primeneniya, Vol V, Eo 4, ig6o. 6 1w, a i jun 62 2 ~3 0 y 2-'),)- ~'l Ali SO - East- .-Tro. 6*L Increase in the Productivity of Open-Saarth Furnactus Through Aero&ynamic Investigatiow, by H. J. Varmann A Each, H. Haller. GMMN,, per, Stahl urA Risen., Vol LXXXI, P. 3 Alls 1961, PP 1057-1062. Bisr 2636 sap 62 U.St 1.148 v pE. rjoir 60 j The Principal Differences Between the t*thods of Pure Science Laboratories and Those That Can Be &Vloyed in Industry, by Z. R!!rmMdj,, 6 pp. FRUNCH,, ptr, Bull Soc Franc Elec , Vol V, No 75, flov lW7, pp 1354-1357. SIA Tr 57-926 Sci - Electricity 6C. &" NeP 57 Diffaxion of Ib*ngen, by 0. Darmots, IMMJI per3, 22Mt Bond., Vol 2h2, i956v pp 365-368. "nis/me TT 71-55215 AvaUtible MO *%ly CS, - r) q Q ry, o ., s Ally 71 ftbow U. *2 am of a clava I by 0. Wwmi& I ~ ; 1 1 ". ftd No 3d & 100 44 u- =1=401i MY 20AW q Matter, nectricity and F=r(w by Genevieve Darmis. ... . .........- NJ, 132 pp. WaUsr & Co. sci fty 66 300,842 On tho mululedge 010 Ufs COMIXmition OA-' Wool Fatp I #&rj J. Lifsebuts., 4 P. by L.,,D& % OMWO por, M.4m ter.. 1W,, Vol M=, " su Cc-=546 Set M& 60 /A~, 7 7a Vol. 3, Ito 4 DIRI>DtAs nom Overweight# by C- Darnaudp Y. Dazardjq G * WOMILIRp 9 LV 9 FjjIWCH$ I*ro Rev lab d'RepatuloGiap Vol III# Ho 4,9 1953.. P.P 525-536- 10A 59-15528 Bel. Doe, 59 VW, 2p Wo 5 _:~r 7.1 Ze RLPIricance of sealing an TeAing Therwr for the Ddhwdor of AnodiesIly ProdUced 021gde CmtlW on Aluml= and Us Alloye., by G. Dazumlt- Gams.. per.. Vol XLI 1964., pp 290-294- 110 5- ATS-I,OMTTO scl Apr 67 323j,001 il- I TIO 71*439-coneromm" awbe" Md us 8 ox"000% W T" M FRUMM pwv No 412, "wW*4& '10% p APR" NNNM An " 364974 4AU,%lJb Jo I'vi -~3" a 0-ilvit., 41, pp. um alLy ip'X-Mrflklmp Vow.. Cie -1 3W..- '9-373 36 ,roil; r3l,t 7a foll-Drule.q.1, W5.053 5,ba Rytimulle Re"stwxo of GOA aDd Yeabmtdid TIP" p by * - V. T. an In=.. 2. F. varovddkb.. cmd othwsp n pp. RMOV., pwt lUm Prm (==) No 3.. 1956, pp 156- 161. Assm Twh eel - Chm my 59 M.. v li, lb 6 Finding a Frequency Characteristic By 11.1cans of Com- puting Elements of an Electronic Analog Computer, by L.N. Darovskikh, 4 pp. .- -.1111-11-11 . ..... --" - --." RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No 2, 1962, pp 244-247. ISA Sci 213,282 Aug 62 mlrAt~oli 0~ -',u' oyer'C-7i T.-arisfer Panction-- ty C arc.1 'E'lecLrotAc Audela, by L. N. Slip. IrUilflIAN, per, Avt.'Xnat i Tclomekh, Val )D,; 1=tru 3~'c of Jim -ssion at Very ifigh ll:,'xcitatiou Znergfea; by V. Y. Darovskildi, V. A. Parfllov, 5 pi). sssi~, vol xxxvi (9), ~ia 3, .1-959, 652--u57 - Alk Sov Phyn ji?,Wl Oc 1; 5 9 Ifethod of GbIt"aining a ubllodiu'-l u Krvicrwa Region of a Speciurm for Electron 'vo~-C-D* ip) Examinat-ion, uy V 1, 0 ~ L~' T. I)lrovsky. P-12Mkll~',', per, Avtonsit 9varka, No 4, I., CSTRO Svi 1"le-tron _2_ Corroslom frdblmms In Gas-Cooled Reactors,, by R....Parms, 20 pp. Ymmm, pars Bull laftru Rai et Tech (ftriv), Mo 21,, 19585, pp 13-4, AW ZDIS-8(DD/W) Bel - Cben an) 59 lutarragatizU lb4FAtic Storagu Wi"', out DiLta, by A. Darre, 16 pp, . .... ... - ".. GlMllp per,, F'requens, No 1, 1957, p 2T. SIA 34 27 PC! J~j 1 5,5 .V , '. 6 1 / "~4 .. IR-900 (I)C-2054) Irew "Lamkx Faetzg See Trampert (Poland), by Stitnislav Darski., 3 PP. FOLISH, so V=, Teebulks I gospodarka usovska, Vol VITI, Xo 1, Wisreav, Jam 1958, p 1. W JMS/DC-L-554 EDur - Folandt Econ - Obipping ~7 6 . / Clinical Symptometoloa of MMerlwntal Hewrrbagic Nephroso-Nepbritts, by A. A. Snoradinteev,, 1. S. Alftsbulerp U. 1. Dma*"klyp N. V. Kiellevp A. V. fturilarp V. Darokbevich, 9 yp. Full Translation ragichawkSil form So I j, pab by Uedgisp In 19" 7- /v?, 77 SOD Tr ScleatIfIc - medicine Feb 52 CrS Prophylexle of Now be i lepbrm-Nophritis, by rr, All A 1. taboleri H. 1. Dumsevskire M. V. fi;:LI*Vp A. V. Cbuftlovp V. Darksbavleb,, I p. Full Tmoslatiou MMIAX,t pamoblets ftiolWya i Kliniks Omor- ragicbeskog Ikfr=*-IkftIt*q jabl by MWgiss 19"s OW Tr Scientific - Medicine r*b 52 CM a-Irr6o lprlwkl.y Speaking (letter to ths Uttar) . by IvSmf Daumni, ftva Dumokus, 4 pp. MWW# np.. Kcm8cmiskeys pmvftp Nowwo 9 April 1959s. JM 732-D 1186a Hoe - Ridletco; Atkolon &1u 59 MH('Plll,o porm Inductries et Tmvmiz d'Cutxv=r, ]ODTIp J05% VP 735-T40- (C&U W W 279-142), AUS =/A,.. colmift Mocil ;ky 6D a Eclho-'-Yl for `.ola2 d.~ llr.itco, 6 pp; (b) Our Cavalr,, ir.I by Vierra Da Focha, h PI), (I.':, 5-'J516S)- "'CLASS D, il;D I-OM;GUESE, per, Dafensa Eocioml, Fortu~:al, 1949, pp ?6-3U. ID CSUaA F-89i6 A, ii V-&U - Pol.tuE:Ctl i-Allit.-ary - Army, truinlng, Cavalry Aug r,2 CTS DEX of Tyybus,, by R. do Rocha-Wm, 13 pp. U. 3orl. k1. Vacbr-p Vol 53j, oexuany, 1916p ,:ARI ipp 577-09-.- ~ --- CTAIM X4M Scimutifto - Medicim 16 . / " -~-, ~;atttuwl ImUtates of Nomith., Botboaft, Ma. M!" '2151375) Avmrd ar, the No V. Lomanosov Prize for 1953P bY 8- DarGWW4 Lo DuPebubovir 3 PP* MIEISXAS, 8--timeo-yr ler, Vest fookor V; Ser Piz M i Yestoot Ilauk, Val VIr So 9.- Moncovo 1953,, P 171. clkftD U-8wo S,f USSR j &jI - acientif ic prizes. AvZ 56" M/DM of tkw Pst-bx o? WrcmZe,~i Tr,stmIccation Dwrift Oxifttion-Reduct1cm Rijectiow XII. Mw ReductUe of TrLph*qyIca%biw1.~ 6 pp. by -1. V. barium vzA 0. P. KWukhIn- ;w RUIMUM$ ywp Mxw Owboh Wat Vol XX3X,, No 2,v 1950~ pp. 625;63o. consultamts Bureau Sol. 3 xt/7 AVr 6a ut-11 ltc-cla~i, oll S:L !--rn'r Cmulbutkan To the Study of ft Escape of Fission Gases I:Irxmn kradiated Sintered Uranim Oxld*, by J. L. Berry, -k4. L~axxA% at 44 27 M IIIIINCH, IMr, Lj!Lnal of-Ngclear MaterUd Vol VM, 1963. pp 102-1 ~ 5, AEC-Tr-6242 SO - Q11m) Pub 64 250, A2 Tltr-atlon of Sodium Oxide in Sodium. qiic 14--~rcur~ llotliftld: Its Upe in Ate GaBe of Ver,~ Low Values, L. C%QzkpeL., A,. D=-m-s' J, Txrflo, 16 pp. reRBlK,TJ$ bk, Dozagz do 1'Oxyde 6,2 Pnna 1e Dt==. La ?A-,-thode au Yiercure- 'Son Ut.ill--ation Dens 1e Cw de Tres Faibles Teaeam , 1958. AEC MM--Tr~ms-788 Sel - Chem 10 Mov 60 Lint 45 3 J CompatIbillty of Structural Steel-s and Carbon Dioxide Under Pressure ana at Average T=pvrutureap by R. Darres, D. Leclercs, H. Loriers, 21 pp. --- ---, --- FRMIM, rpt. Centre dlftudea Nuclesires, Saclay, AZC-tr-5303 Scl Jan 63 list Titzruitim of Sodim Oujda AM MAW24 ThO rMJMrCWY KwUmitit Itio Ume Im the Cass of Var7 Lovi Valwzo, lay L. Cltnnvtxj~ R. Darras, :. D"lo. UMIABBIPM FMIJ30 A!,VLp CLA So 535,p I"wd by CeWuye VritWoo Mul4aUvai 4o Md SatbW, Service 4a Docummftatiom, BaLte PCHYtal4l, So 21, Gif-ow-Tvatu" rza"*. Navy 2501/BRL T88 Key 60 Piss-Ion Gases in Buclmw Fus", by R. D!F;Tav - J. L. Be=y. MI=, per, ladustro Atomiqma,, Vol V, so 3/4o 196LP PP 83-93- AM Sci mar A Replies Received from a Maguatle Register Witbout Lose of laormtIon, bY A. %rre. OMMX, per., Impam, Vol XI, No 1, Feb IM, PP 19-27 no, PP ". AIILTB-U% Sol Jul 59 " ~~,6 Expariwatal Operation o-A" an L-lectronic Telephone Switctboard InStallatiou aith the Pulse r-ultiplex Tachnique, by Allan Varre, Edkiwid Ptacnik, olax Schlickta. (DC-afilT) QMAR, pur, Siamens Zoitschrift, Wo 2, 1963, pp 61-67. ; *JPR~, Sci - Elec IUr 63 Diter-ragating Hagnetic Storages Without 1~-zing NOm; by, A. Darre , 28 pp. FrMICH, per.. freque=j Vol lip JvO .is 1957, P~O 19-27. SIA 517-19713 Scl. M%Y 58 ~ 9 7 Key to Bird Pleas of Genus Ceratophyllus, by N~ F. Darsksya, 19 pp. RUSSTAXI per, Ectoparasitesp Vol II, 1950p SLA Tr R-5o4 Bel - Biol -~/ Y ~' -5~ J%LI 57 ftudles on the Tmtwmt of Asouriasis In Rms., by lAigmIusy- Zmmwd.. Jarxr Dwans 13 pp. Piz J. part YAOICYM No Ti, ITS pp 387-393. 9,*,91.9,9~ OM 6040M PL-480 W - *4 z //" / ft 96 62 ?Witima Tramapoetation and Fishing in the Miimj by attmislvd Daraki., U py. FOUM, per, Tochnika i Go6podarha JAorB-'-, Vol X!, i4o 3, 1961, pp 6cf-67. JPM 9933 REDia, - PoL=d L Eam 1huri 61 So Pow 0 w moly'lo somw on 19fils w i6wom amt., 6 op. MUN6 Pft W'IL $ =90mm WRIM* "L Milip No pp swal ovi'lav .00 001 POLO* tow. Aft 43 nfio$73 R-2010 (DC-1954) Maritime Econmy In Semi Discussions, by Stanislaw Derski, 9 pp. PM,:WH, so per, ~ecbnjka I C;ospoftrkiL Morska, VIII, no 2, adynis, Feb 1958, PP 33-35. US JPRS/DC-L-429 IMur - Poland Econ - Maritime Transportation 1). IL Aidit on Foreign Capitzl, b~y Dnraclaro. M> Imlonesinn Press f3urvay, 44).. DMOnSIAN $ --J' Siumat, Vol M, No 577, 578, 9 all 19597 CTA/FDD Sun 22056 Ec*n pol J" 59 ~7 7z.nt4q-jj;jty, and. Thair --T pp. Comptoo; Pendue 3ov ito Biol. Val XLV, 1893, Ipp 122-124. 7 D, 5. Aidit on Foreign Capitr4, by Darsono, 11'i ~ 1, 1. - I I , , ',-, 11.1) INDMOMM, per, Meat, Vol XII,. XOa 5%7' DjaM.-ta, 2 and 9 Jul 195-6. *CIA FE - Indonesia Pol xCoul (rortunato) f'7vv*rt4tcs or Brovu OD&IO tmd Brawa GoautituwAa - 3. PatuvismiUou of the RytUvxarl Qroups vith AcetylAtim Oatalpad tq A."W" kly C. Uow, a. Darsow. - , 091.10M, per, UP.A -Lob-4, Vol 171 IID IXAJI prp iffi,-l 67 333,735 Pboop)mms-Containing Polyester and Polyamide Renins, I ~~y K. A, petzov, V. A. Parobinas G. L. Daruze 4 pp. njr,sjAIq, per; Zhur Obsbch Kbim~ Vol M, NO 9, 1960, pi? 3000-3003. CB Sci oct 61 "Diary of a Sumcr Vacation" I by Tomsef Darvau, 29 pp. IWWAIAN, per, Kortareg Vol 1, Tio It, Budapest, De-- 1957, US JM/DC-L-1024 IM - Efungury Vol - COMMIM Nov 518 1-/ (ii-Y-641g) Fcweiga TIZ-ado and the Dev a-crpmout of the Hunetzian Cktuacal lmdustry, by L%s&lo P=vQa,, 30 pi; - RIMOM, SM43JARIAITj pers MQgpr Kenikusok Leapjm, Vol XV1, M.) 3, 19051, PP 97-103- JPRS 10203 1SWr - thulgwy / 7-5, & 7--7 Ecom AMat&,U~ 113.U.8,.Loag a= tae LOgLQ or C=-n ce--mf,, n- 18tvul Dwvssi, 3 pp. mmQWANs a mo per., ELet on Lrodam.. Vol UP No 16,, Budayomt, Apr 58P p 3 US JPRS/DC-lT3 coo W-50/10 Egur - Nlmgary Pol Jun 58 of Plor, Of -rl lvote:UlGe. Vc6hamm'! -1 RLMST"'I.No -pul-6 MokUnLYG~, Vol 7dlilj, "wo pp 1 -10 - Coiwultmnts Bt-,oau act .. Mr-lo FoAr r,-o Dietribution of Silver I-Turities in Crystalli~;atlon Ilethodei of Thallium ftrification By V. N. Vigdorovichj T. I. Damid pp. 5 RI*~!;SIAII, per,, Zhur Prik Khh-i, Vol XXXIV, No 10~ 1962 P?. 216.5 - 2170 CB Sed -;,(j 14" 6 7 ) I,ug 63 0 do Arab Matbrok do OvIl" 044 Tawft NW%b 3 pjp6 A 20 tot= ISNOW 25 Aq p spo = AFRWA Aw" NW414 (DC-3355) Darwinism and Problems of Cytology 1n Honor of' the 100th Anniversary of the Publication of "The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin., by Yu. I. Polyarlskiy, 11 pp. RUG%AN, per, Tsitologiya, Vol 1, Ao 5, 0 'Sep Oct 1959, pp 477-485. JPRS 3615 Sci - Bto Ja2J~ V - Der , -,AA$A "a 8 - S - DoOla; The Influs=9 oc lbbomewciesu 012 The amm"Uon or &oputs jLn; alou".. 7 pp - - mwvj.. pwi is Ak auk Mao Bar Geofist Ito 60 Guiues or 3pies, by Jurye.nk~)v RU3,33DN, i-~p, Izvestiyaj 18 Jan 1961 FBI3 wire A igew by 14- D&rY*Iwvi 3 Y-P- MJSSIM,, per, Netallarg, No 112. 1957, YP 46-- cmWeltente 11)~Oau [Sol - JOLM/mat Oct 5b 740 7" ITne Effect of the Cottozn Plant an the Growth of ..-.-j)tobsct4.,r in Soil, by Yu. 0. DmLrzni3mk, 4 pp. RUSSTAN per Mikroblologiya,, Vol XM, So 6, 196o, Pri 868-4714. ' AIM Sci 146 '7 sep 61 ,441 Llectmi 1,1ficrascop Study of the Fumation of Layers of f-ead Sulfide, by G. Io Distler, S 4 Ao Da ijqa, K 5 pp. RLL-iSIXII, jxr, Kristallograftay, Vol VII, No 1962, pp 107-115. AI P Sov Phys - Crystall Vol VIIO No 1 guOT42 i Tt-64-22510 Cus, A. UFnNG SURFACE THEORY FOR WNGS WITH )ET 1. D". A. FLAPS (Trogflacbemboade ffir Trs~l mk n - N"Rc-rr- i i z2 Strakiklappen) M. NRC-C-4M D. A. Sisclow, tir. 19M, 49p 3rt-efs NRC Technical 1%1. Nadonal Rcmmrrb Tratia. IIZ?. Coubdi of CADS&. Order fircon ?6C S 2. 50 NRC C-4897 Otuwa Tram. of VFfiewo"baffikhal GloseUocMh ffirl LJ uftf&bnl. )abrbucb (Wen Geraway) 19M p. 112-133 (D F L-Derlcft (Wow Germs") 1962, go. 156). (16fachanica-Acrodynamics. 12, am 7) -7 ATIm-Layor ChrminiograW.Lry in Lhu Hdd M-7 I-uu5 YXII: TrWyouldes and Thdr Critical Partners, by 11. 11. Koubnami, 0. PW GOVEMMENT USE ONLY GRIM.W4, per, FM ~Afen. Anstridmiluol, Vol LXIV, 1962, pp 214-217. 9W4652 DDC RSIG-200 Sel - Chew 04:t 64 268,319 H-12668 Dtisr,alescu, A. tilt USE OF TIJERMODYNAKC DIAGRAMS IN 1. Oxygen- -PF(XJIJClioj) THE MDY OF INDUSTRIAL GXYGEN PRODUC- 2. Title: Thermodynamic T10N. 119601 UV. diagrams Order from ATS $28.45 ATS-93M46RU I Dascalescu, A. 11 ATS-93M46111-1 Truns. of Revfista de) ClurTqicj (Rumania) 1956. 111 Associated Technical v. 7. no. 1, p. 12-30. Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. 001- 1 T-A.1.4 $-A... (Engineering- -Chemical, 717, v. 5, no. H) (DC-3~00) 1.5-Abod-e f or Pla=in,-, the Ayglene Sections in the 1. DasqqjLq, 4 pp Activitj of the Labor Sanepida., by RLDIANT-AN, np, Mmitorul. Sanitur., Vol XII, No 51 ((-D3), 23 Dee 1961, p 3. MIS 12364 IMar - Th~a SOC /Y-1, -~13 9 M&r 62 Rf f"t Or Vanufactuviug Frtu.-44w Upvu ~~ j-Ai;ujw 406 AMOUM Of IODUMSUlUO 1001USIC= In b-toolp by S. Dme-calu. 0=16 =gAI=R:p porp Acad Rcuiao Xot Studil ai Corcetart do IMSUI-ralso No Is Dwba"Otp 1958, VP 39-52. .,04-1 / 4 /17, J1 I'- , I/ Britigh Irou MIA Steel Ind 141 W 152.0d.) Ifty 59 J. Anmeles do RvrUGalQatri.c'!.`.'Q, IYO-J. V;. R0 X., ALIY 1950- AMI U-5524 'illy e G,tulcut F a 1.) It a I 'OY 21 YAT 19bl., P 9251 IMPONgmt Or am LOAM IN VanKTIGN "Mmi- 2ATICK AM OMMIYATIM4 W D--PMWMJtf6 6 PP. NWJWLISU P94 MVK MUMp 0041VU ANAMALS so 3~ '19W6 VP 3303L on NMI FWW"M CUP " 63 OA615 5 90 3 -rY-,nu--rzlns cepit-W. Tilvestannt, by B. DanhbmkLir,_.5 PY, MOMOLMN, up, Unan, 23 Her 1961, p 3. JPRS 8792 s~ 61. -af,-Icieacy awl Time Studies of Types of MevldB ~n swa-Auta=tic Mach' Tools.* by A.. I., Dashchenko, . 3 Pp - RUSSIAN,, perp Veat AMhlmStAWv Vol XL, TU-, 10.9 :L5;6j., PP 3-9 * PM / /- 57- / ,/, -C/ sl,-~ itug Q Meaper and Pastor Cmstructim of Pmler-Stmq ply Networks,, by 1. T. Dashchenko. 1AISSIAN# per, Elektrichextyo, No 8, 1962, pp I PF IS-200 NLL Rof. 9022.09 1963 (2,846) (LO=) Sui - filearm ' P- I/ --), 1 3 6 '.~' H(w 63 PubLic Mu" T"o Greater Part in ri~,,hting Crime, by 5 pp. IUIGWWI,, paro IdLyn Dessag. x-hiyn Amnaial., wan Bat-Orr NO. 4p Avg 1964v pp "* JETiS Z7632 Aff" Boon 272,231 "! xm-l~!w 1w o"now lawmasm" 00 MOMMIMON w OMOO v oo,ownevap 8 W. mvvm%hLILLb&~ ~- win mom s=" xmw&* to k I ipm at" MAS A A w ZUP170 00(o Maraouterlatto Mmpedswe of Multivirc Liner. with CIrmaar Comkators, by V. H. Dambentov, 8 1*. REWWo per, fWlotekh I Elektran, Vol VI, m* 4, :L,96i. I 1* 1 6v J 11,4j to -7, Feb 62 Ow'Y -'641) Irmeatigation df Resonant Phenomem. irs a System of Continuously Coupled Lines, by V. 14. !?~Qhankwwy V. A. Tolstikov, 23 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, WO SSSR, Ser Fhdioriz, Vol II, No 1, 1959. JPRES 5279 Sci - F?Wa oct 60 On the Analysis of Disitpersioa of Single-Stage, Stub Delay-Systems, by V_.__M.__Dwhenkov, 17 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Elcktron, Vol IV, No 4s 1959, PP 648-659. Sci Sep 60 / -2 ~7j 0 Hqu~tticn for N-Gta,'Sc flyrtcua, by V. M. Donhenkov, 18 rip, RV-33TA19 per, RaiUotA&h i Mektron', Vol No 7, 1958, PP 933--944. PP Mov 5S) 16V F 7 InArt.-atUr-tion of the Propertiec of -aT, bixturec cy Phymicachemical Analysisp by H. Xn. Gluzman, B. I. ~Lsq.bwNjv 0 .j- 4 pp 103510 W Zhur Prik Kbim, Vol =, No 7, Jul 3,956, pp'*W66-1069. CounItents Bureau Scl - Cbm4stry im 57 -10 INS I -vj +!~T P RLWYANO pax,, zirir. Prix mim. Vol V.V.,, "o Q'.. 1957, connu-Itants Bureall D*c ;7,~? v ~Aj D. I. Cyanine. Dyes From, Isomeric 2-Methyl-Hydroxybenzothiazoles, by A. I. Kiprianov, B. I. Dashevskaya, 8 pp. RUSSLU~*, ino per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XIX, 1,1o 6, jwi 1949 CIA/FDLI/X-439 Nov cts F~Lo:::. the Exhibition of Achievements of the Na::.ional Econa-ay, by G. U. Daahevskaya, 2" PP. Ruzix", per, Alletallov i Terin ObrWbobka Metallov, lTo 0" 19050. Acta lietallurGica Sci Jul u2 205,019