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IDECREIt$AND' INSTRUCTIONS DEALING WITH THE I m f I ON OF WATER CONTMIINATION AND THE ~'*Gm IIZAT I ON O~ THE STATE WATER I NSPECTORATE, PER, COLECTIA DE HOTARIRI Sl DISPOZIT11 4~E ~ONSILIULUI*DE MINISTRI AL REPUBLICil POPULAF voL m. No 18 ROM N 1961. PP 259.. 279 JPRS 2o443 EE61ili4N I A !E60N 63~!. 237y692 i--------------- (11DD. i2D84) AlphaC4etical Index of Laws., Decrees., Decisionaj and Dispositions 1 MMY-30 June 1953,, (Rumnia)., 34 ppf~' RUMAWM., bim per., PP cIAArm/U-6553 7-/ EEur - Rumania Political - Laws Nov 54 CTS SEITEE Decree No 371 - Statute on Organization and Func'.ions of the Saving's Bank of Rumania; RUT.IANIAN, Ek, Colectie de Legi Decrete HotarirJ si -V us Dispozitii, N. '1958y 'p 69-79-~L p *JFRS EE - Rumania Econ - Finances (Banking) Aus 59 Z-5082 (DC-2961). gxeerVt Frcw Resolution JID86 on the Reorganization or ttw carpoti sationsi to=ist ixorice, 4 pp. RLWAKM, per, Colectlo as LA%L.. Dooretep Notar:Lri si Dlspco~ll.j So pp 164-16T. JM-L-163T-iD z1hr - Rumania 211m 9 sac Aug 59 2 Dec.wee No 3711-Statutc oa OrWmi"ticn end Fulm.!tliorz or tbe savinga Bank of Rummr4ap U pp- RUNRYTATIP per,, Colec.tla de Deerate, Hotari-ri AU.9 1959, pp 69-'T9. ims -196 4 -x 13con NOV 59 Da,cialan by tbfD Comcil of Wimictverz ApprovixG TaTIM TCT Vehimtlar Goodu Tranoportation, 24 TIMINWILUI, p--rj 6o Leg;i., Dolorato 11,0ta."'; -5 ),W,. pp 56-79, loll 7390 S-132/63 Recent Rumanian Statutes Governing Science, Engineering, and Higher Education. (N-Y-74~,o) W~J--V.NIM, pers, Colectia de Legi, Decrete, Hotatiri si 190 llf�6--2. *JPRS Sci - Engr Mur - Rumania SOC 5 Feb 053 Stl%tate on the OrgmizmUon and Opemtions Of ~Jie Aoadmw of the I:bzmi a Peawaals hqubl:Lcp 12 pp. iUWWrM, per,, ColectAe de Aggi, deer-et-12-11 liotArfrl si digglAtii: 1 M1.22 12~41 19%1, NO' in-13b- jpfs 31063 Jul 65 Agmay: USMIA913 B-11752-ID June IYjO fttlet Sdbre 100 oripaM y swtIdO del olfato de lea aves. kw,W3 Smumap J. juar" C0106109 VGt- de EMPOna 6-0 19611 7V;-70jcPv igm"Sh I InsUveUmes Translators copy aew*ted., plemm spate for paste-W. key is tneuglate =Muone tyo an 4 Pbotos. Oral Cavity Vernica (wart),, Dy Guillermo fWyes Duran, 7 pp, SM111,341, per, Col. Iled (Guatemalah, Vol MI. 1962, pl; 223-226. Dalit i'lavy Tr 4103/1141; Ne. 952 Sci - AA01 "~) r 6s 2780228 Excerpts rrom Dosage of Uranita by Mmm of the Bets-Oxim of Isatinp by V. Rovorim., V. Sykom.,6 pp. FROMP w;v Ocalq9tim. -an 2=Vam Chladques do WbS99-mvftl~A*j Val X* VP M4190. 5013~54 AW OOL-2-369 Sel - Chm -ale Oct 61 The Atmosphere nn a Colloid,, by P.- A, Wigandt Collect ion Vieveg , Vol XOI~ p -4. '37-~ Tr scl May 50 15, 70 Div CCJML-j'jjlr!g thS SOJI~bili'!Zf Cpf Pla;2t TLA:M-In '~%?Xtr~tCt= in Orgmlc Solvants =id of tho !attc.- VIL-th $16tar and the Tanning Action of Such Tmm'a7ag Extreet S61utions, by F. Stuathzctr, F.. lauirfamn, and T. Bau-Mau, 16 -pp. MOWN, Per, Collegium, 1936. Vc.-L -!-CCXC, VP 66. SIA 59-15273 Bel ilcnr 59 Vol 2, No 3 .4!r SCMtC Betueen )WtabowAum end Activo rftawport In the G:Lwt mul Axon of the STxil. The Method of lisotopic Traccm, Amliel to the Study of Active Ion Tr=Bpol.-t, 1~;,P. C. C'Udvell, 8 pp. FFEICHj b1c, lOr ColloV~.A~! Bio~p Sac~~ pp Sci m wf 6 o Nra 3-2"6o //731/ Complexom-tric Titration (Chlatometry), Part 7, by CZECH, per, Coll Czech Chein Comm., No 19, 1954, pp 1156-1161. NLL Ref: 9022.401 (746/182) sci/chem Mar 70 401,882 Conplexometric Titration (ChelatcLietry), Part 8, by R. Pribil., Z. Roubal. CZECII, per, Coll Czech Chern Comm, INo 19,, 1954, pp 1162-1176. NLL Ref: 9022.401 (746/183) isci/chen. Mar 70 401,884 MW TbWW of ftVMW WA06PS00- I- Pmda,- nwe"a zwswumwt 1w r_ Maks. macN,= ooai a -- 0 Vol 29P no --lv ymbs- , comm. .90 pip, P-Wwo am Tram 0v :123-P75() S(d - CbMMLWtry AIX ~ 67 Caperti, Antonio. PERFORMANCES OF Al:RCRAFT MOTORS. [19631 [25p1 (figs 0m' Itted) 66ts Orderfrom SLA $2.60 TT-63-20541 iTrans- (it mono. Colloque sur In Combustion (Cixnbustion Cbn(drVffEFTIrn-5. 7p -LTegIjj;-5 Dee 55. [Proceedings: selected oortibustion problems nj p. 5-28. DESCRIPTORS', *Airplaneagims, Thrust, Power. 7'urbines, Piston$, *Yet engtnes, *Rocket motors, Cbmbustion chambers, Gas flow. Tr-63-20541 1. Capetti. A- II. Title: (-A)-nI)uszioii "Chtnery- Ba gines TT, v. 11. no. 4) 11 T-hnI-I Dirrusion of Alualum bwlng the !Cramfwmtlm UA13-UA'4 Lu: the SdIM Sftte# b7 IK So Palarmp 6 py, .. rpt , lacm 1"Out SoLifto 3--5 jal 1958# IV ul-M. 90OW7 AM lfr-47W Sol - MilAwt 740, Z Z .31 Orit 61 Contribution to the Study of Brittleness in Weldable Steels Conteining Molybdenum Manganese by Neutron Irradiation, by E. Cibois, J. Lemaire. FREDICH, rpt, Colloquesur ler. Effects des Rayonnements dafi6l~q Solides et les Mp-tNerial)m ...... ------- -,Italy,-" 7--l-1 _Ma3r, lp_6~._ *'AAEC Sci - Min/met Oct 62 Reaction of Monomolecular SiUcEt in Solution With AJ(3+) and Mg(2+), by R. Wey, 25 Pp. FRENCH, per, Co3-lQq Intern Centre Natl Rech Sci, No 1o5, 196a, pp 11-23. NASA TT F 13684 Oct 71 (Z"50; ;kooc)o awl jlvt 10 Mots V~ 41o 04 4? Pinch Phenomenon of Power Tramsistors Operating As Switching Devices, by J. Tldre, FP7E ICH, per, Colloque International sur les ,Diaosittfs a Semiconductors, Paris, 1961, Vol 1, -mb 277-293. !IT-C--(1-11267-0qA NOV 71 S-690/63 International Colloquium. on Rad-Loactive Pollution of Gaseous Media, FRENCH, document, Colloque International sur la Pollution Radioactive des Milieux Gazeux, pp *~~/DC-8783 Special Sci - Nuclear Sci & Tech Aug 63 ' `0~ ~z a I'AR61094 Bond an tAft OMPAred ft Flwc, IT J. ~,Wnftpii. ,- 1,4 1 ~.; I T V -Ow '*I- i ioro 1"Jol! Ala Stress C--Irrosion Craeldng of Income! ir. -;iater a.. High Te:,aperall..1-tre, by M. Le Gall. FM- ZCH; Colloque de Mletallh;j-Lde '.-.'~'.,en're I - 71- - - -11 d'Etudes li'aclealres Saclay, France. J I'M Amoaat 71- lafluence 1= CbxomiA= Ions m the IntarGranular Co malon of Austealtic Stainb.%G3 ateels in Ultric Acid INK Medlinjo by R. Corio% L. GMI-lo et al- Flocu., l*-5?"-CopgqMp ~de ~--Iurgy IV, 196ifs' P--o 75-84- 5~0- 4 W. 5 ABC-Tt-c or~ ~7 , Ap w 6,3 ;Infl 06 Of coi& Work Inftced Deffem on the cz Im. on~ Gr6iiii Uk"tium, by a. Weinberg, r e 7 Ipp PFRE H,. Uo4ue. de Met 9223481 Tp4 Ca auurgie. AEb i~k-M61 isci~. lk Met Mat 2671,319 7-11 t !UA Afteir an Accidental AtmosPheric C on 131 by:lt'*;J- XIrchmann, Jot! ej njo~jl.6 ppi XF CH Cdloque du 'Pollution Radioactive des mine= 12-16 Nov 1963. 9221926 iAEO-HW4r4T sci,~6ys 64 MIO I 257,471 .1 L . . . . . . . =30 dwWAE 30 1 P2 4 ~AE Tr 682' -6 Wp~~*:the 14nd 11) MW Test lAxqm of '4da;IaSocNftFAwopeene leis ttetaim Liqukles, i ~ - qu,e Bur 196L 260s916 Mechanical PL~3s for Liquid Metals, by J. Baumier, ,/ 2 H. J. Gollion.1 FIRENCII, I-pt, colloque de la Societ emie s,-Z uxaja~~~ Atomique sur re-s--I~,Ietaux Liquides, 30 SCP-12' Oct 10,63- 4 )k~, C Sci - -.&,igr Feb 64 Eledromapede kiduc tion Pumps 35 ne qgi~de la So Ste E wig lesIbmuklAquides,ft C' .2 ba i 63. q-za~L3 -7 -6379 EC Tr 260,913 i I ;-~ .., I . 0# vft I.-Aduid Moalinomnations Pipe- '77~ . .; rators, by F~.. PouderOtl:4 1 260,500 60-18656 jungeri, 1. C. and Cousaernant, F. T14E INFUIENCE.017 ADSORPTION ON THE COUPSE 1. jungirs, J. C. OF CATALY-FIC REACTIONS (I'Influence de I *,Ikd-rcrp- 11. CousFc"ia7j:, F. tion sur I'Allure der Reactions Catalytiques). 1960 17p. 8 refs. Order fr4)TTI SLA S'. 00 6o- i Bw Trans. cd C,-ntrv. National de la RechLrche Sclentific-,w, Parts. Colloques Internationaux (France) 1951), no. 19(7~ p. ~1-18 DESCRIFMR~: *Catalysis, AdsoMlon, Cbv,mical i-eac!,,Ioni-,.Ilivd.rc,qi!in,qrlon. (C.7hernis:ry- -Fhvnlcal, T-T, v. 8, no. 11) sObservatium on the Evolution of Rydrosen at the Anode in the Bloctralysis of-S&Une Hydrides: Nov Nzwduatice,p by R. C. Patter., J. OIN Bftkris, U pp. _p~~Jousux du CanZrc FF=4 Wrj Natlami ae, la_ SpobprOw pc"Fitifi",, Val MIK,, My 1952.. pp 3-6. S.L.A. Tr No 507/15~55 Sci - Cbmaistry MW 1937 M%/dem The Isatwe or tin Proftats Obt&tned by the moctrol"is of HolUm 04%ewtod SaaUq by J. LO Amftlo=,, n pp. .n=v bkv OsUgm-&- a" do 2a M= -W mackvirsep h2*11P ~7 MW M:L952j, pp 09-010. S.L.A. Tr 107OA9Ar Sol - Chadetiry DA 56 OTS -Arc Iftscharge in No and 11 Under L:1i&.Trossuxo, by A. 114ichlils, et al. FITNO18,1mr, Coll Intern Gmtre Matl hool sci, No 77, 19SPO-pp 297-281. ,NASW:jTr_F-9749 Sci-Oiem I..'ar 66 2 ',.) 7 , 3 63 ,fj4~ , _ .- -.]: . .110 r t Wava, by J. r,-rger, T. riz-118r, T. Cazx~on; 23 A~ 19"62, 11.7-145. 9WIRM Set - PhYs im, 63 1~1Ae'ror.bys-,tological Amalyrjii~ 01' lfochaniltzi3 Of Ola- cjj~--rga- Controls. in the Tarpa-clo r.:sh-, by 131~ !dbc--17, P. BUD-ar, 9 PP. Col-loques intorn clu Cen-.re ' t dt~ la C., lf,=.n't 7- _J7. MH 7-24 Sep 5B D~' Empty Spaces in tsionvf InterstitaW Awnis and 1 11 C 3er aVDIffeirent Temperatures,8 pp. 0 a F C ...oulnues Internationaux du Centre Ni la. Recherche Sclcmdfique, No 113, 1962, pp 25~.1~8. Aglpi, -~ORNL-TX-92 SC4-Phys Sqp,164 265#852 POMACIOW of the IW K. Taavet* 7 YP* pm ax au coutme -.no Vol cmr :~9 -344, 63 Protretion against Homologous Disease r-runtlAg disease"] of Noomme Mce by Ivauno- logical Facilitation (mbsuement Pheammon), Im'ducod Passively and Actively. FRENW, rpt, In Calloques Internationaux du Gintro j:NstUm-ar&-1GOWr-Xjm Sclentl W lay"" FaRs" rMw pp 4 130s MW NIB No 3-2S-66 Sci - B/m May 66 301,331 SOnsitivity of Lymph Cells from Auiuals in a State of Inmme Paralysos wt the Cytotoidc ktioaVf the Antigens and Its Correlations with the Repression of the Delayed PA=tions 4Y B. joalpern. at &I* FRENCHO ]PPt* In C0112ves Internationaux du tre'Watloual do R04*6rchips Mentia-- MUROZ Moi 147~ ;P;M* lWa, Fp' 43 Ml. HEW N11i No 3-31-66 sci - B/M May 66 301,337 Apparstua for the Detection of Small Angular Displacensats, by Rene ClAret. MIC38 gamagmphr 0611opta of the Interwtioml Ccadasim for dptl~~I--dvmaii 1-ti-wti6i6f6gy, BIA 61-)BI62 il~xiable 10iting aelay, by R. :Wrael, J. lkMlL-.7ski. JIUR Ca:VIOML LSL ONLY MR DEIA-AAL USL aUt Ir DEX-1-21ZE ONLY rj-.U'jC2i,p 3:1'to C0112Uw International de Cat-rutation 11 qm,, Pof 55B,, yp 1-17.. P1002100-W-V MU-Irb-23-999-67 Oct 6 8 368,225 CA.mbration of -m Intense High Frequoncy Fleld by Tilie Injection of a High Eliergy Election Zuwa into a kcsonmt Structuxe, by "I* W Gardeur, 2 U Frzam, rlpt, Colloque Internatimal Sur Vinter- uction 4ws MmVs Ii, F, Associes a un UJUT .Ma,~letit~w Statigw rvOC un Plasna, Saclay 10-12 sel,--t 1964o Ar-CRL T-11-67 Aulf 66 309,048 Testing Teclinique Used for Tests with the "Concorde" Nodel in the ],:odare Wind Tunnels, by 7. ChriStODhe u - 17 FRCOCIII, rpt, Colloquium of APDlicd Aerodynamics, Paxis, Nov 12-13, 1964 ,.iT,C 71-15310-lLQ ma:" 72 On SpeatXuai Excitation in Sparic by S, L. 10 ~pp. Ip.'CL Rntorw.tlonale VI; 1956 pp 24-5-251, ATIC W'L -172./V Telecom 413.36' Id ;7 j~-,Iectr3~c Enera, by liumi I io Guthardto 9 pp. . SPAIM14, per, C21on-IdA Em Cifras p 1963, , pp 21,3-21,8, , DIA J~T 932-68 1 ~~ saili"'lect oct 6,G -Y-' 6. 17 9 2 Dictp--,,orshii)s, Imperialism, and Demioc--acy, a=icl Odifr.~,-,-, Lui:i Al-ccrto Mlonl~,7i SPANL-JI1, pc.-, Comjatc, Vol II, No I-Ia-.-, J P R S, S F 2: _3 / S -2: L'I, LA Pol P J-12r,-/C,o Ll 7 !.p., Pol! jr. jrapan, 71--r The Unicon, -tics --ei-, Vol I!, Pal Sc. (DC-4790) A10,21 by HRTUdD lf&da~ 5 i?P - Combstep Vol 11., Oct 1960.- t3p 6p--65~ W3 POI Dge 60 N04 UnWaire - Explonatory Note - ClojiO''Aniltank Combat,, 17 pp. 11 1 .1"21461, r~t& to Conibat Rapproach Anticher 17 Oct 1964 *ACISIj3-097.3 I v i E / 1 r r a n c I i P a oet (116 DC-11206 Political i4ote of the Executive Conmission of the Central Committee for the PCB. PORTUGUESE, per, Combater, Nov 64, 5, m) 3-b. ti P Rs WE/Por Pol Mar 65 Special MIPOMNN R%Wrtwnts on the Prepustion of StibutItUte MXturaa or Natuml UhitUX7 CMIS in the Soft Carbonization Industries., by Fe. F. Plntado. FE==, per, No 100 1950A, pp 304-i-334-. 211SWO-72070 Sci - Chem jun 59 Lhe De cr. rzon ii - Field 1 IF I TT-65-12005 S,oW. T.; Av-1. If- 1. Songa, T. SOME ASPECTS OF: CORROSION AND ANTI-CORROSIVE 11. Avatil, N. CONDITIONING OF WAT RS IN THERMAL PLANTS. 251'. Order fior~ SLA: $2.60 a.E TT-65-12005 I Trano. from mono. Combustione e Combustibilt, 1963-64. %IR 624 Better Ebads for Bette-1- Living, 2 pp. SPAKISHj per, El Comercio; quito, I I Jan :Call No EIF 333141 AM LA - Ecu-adar Econ Aug 59 op proauaw bma cmd NOXN*- watem FOVO*t MSIMP Permd= 20 vpq iibwo usa a= a6wmui~ TewdencUp DOI ae la low --5..lllo 0 T.A-Peli.i 286,052 6r,) Otly-b"450) ORCIAN I ZAT I ON OF TRADE MANAGEMENT, 4 pp. RUMANI I AN., PER, COMERTUL SOC IAL I LT3 VOL V I I i4c) i 6j 22 APIR 1-96ff -,PP 1, 3. JPRS i 4,ou EF-UP - RUMANI A Ecoll jUL 62 2 (NY--2700) QUALITY OF CONSUMER GOOD~ TO BE IWROVED, BY L. IOANAj V. SCHILERIA., PP. RUMANIAN, PERy COMERTUL SOCIALIST., VOL Vil, NO 27, 8 JUL 1964,TF-t)-le, . . JPRS 15244 EEUR RU14ANIA ECO SEP It2 210,028 ~Decay Schemes of the Fission Product JMcleides: 1,10102.t 1,10105, TC102 , and TJ05, by J. Flegeriheimer, W. See-biann-Eggebert. GEMANj per, Com- Nlaci -Energia Atomica Bucnor: -p-p Vol I) ITo 7, !' *AEC Sci - physics Jun 5 131 PrLxWction Medod fof I From Irradiated Uranion Oiddei6 by S. AbrjWAttN R. RacfteM. SPI~14%1, per, ggjmwm Naslimal do EnerpJa m Im, 1963 9229947 AEC.'QRNL-Tr457 sci-chem Oct 65 290,584 '4,c7 4 (ORNL-tr-2006) 5 PRODUCTION OF RADIOISOTOPES IN A SYNC HROC YCLOTRON. 6Palcos, M. C.; Radicella, R.; Rodriguez, J. 7(Cornision Nacional de Energia Aton-fica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)). 101-ran~-I-afie-ff-by J. J. Pinajian and Nftiiilia Gerrard (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn.), irom report INP-12231. 2014p. 14Dep. CFSTI. 26isotopes; particle accelerators; translations 271813, 20G 28MN-23 2,,P NSA A .New Colloid of /sup 99n/Te in Scintillation of th~ Livert by J. Seeber, Flactinftt MartineZp Pecorlni,, 0. Degrossi, Americo Olivari, Abraham Chwqj~,ik. par, Comision Nacional do Unergia Os Wei, Atcoica, !*n AEC'ORN~-tr.11M S ci Chem, Oct:67 342,340 A Co I -lt~ r.-Llo% Is I if ier -L Or a Or T~-C-r,~Ocouplc, S. Coluss~-. Co,~dtato J--~asilonale -c- Sci Svedloh Bill on the Civil Liabilit-y in the -,I' Nucleax Energy (October 1, 1959): 10 plu- 1TAILTAN, r:p-c,, Camitato Pazionale -p-zz- Nucleari, Maz .157j56.' -- - , AEC Tr-46i.6 Scl - IN= Phys r,eb 62 Decree on Protection Against Ioni-ziDE; Radiation,; UletherlEmdo, March 20, 1957)., 2~- pp. ITALIM., rpt, Co mtato Nazionali.; per le F~J chez-ohe -Ymzlm- liltzcler,l'i, 'Max, !T-C Tr-4617 Sci - Nue Ows r. (io 6 2 1"ez " -,,/ q 7 Calculatim of Buildup and Delease !"tes of Vaxiow NW11cies Fra'a a. LA I ftel G. Ganacdii, G, J. Seqxe. 23 .IUALLI-i-ij, perl, Caatato Nazicnzae per 111~-mrqizi iualeareo Rane, ~rl:tal~7, -t - i:L/LC IjLOq &CIrL CPSIXI scilhuclaar sci Gm 69 XJ-5 0,247 I;tik&~s Ln t-iu Clarificatim anui u, (-,L)IJoiL~al -.1..,+2 ~;cjutjaj, j.11 3 ' i-"n?,u, ice of urcjauc Masao- cif 100 i5YiLi-1, rdt, calitato .4azicual-1. j.x~r .~"-u (Maly). cct b 9 3)4,335 resealoh pXqpMM Qf the *I[kUaUO0034 GVQVp by B. Fel"tti., F. PlerantM:Lp 6 ppe : MLM.- part 2~r ilmaralf, AWMGrM4k-19w, ABC-ft-!VM4 ftl - PMX Sol Aus 63 g4l, 58V Tcchilcilo~:,,V- of Liquid 'lletals, by ITAIAIA~* TIA, CO."ViVAO 1~.aZiOnflle !)el- 'Cleark: !~L)I-ie 96 TI-t-11Y3 C 1 ~".N j,- 'r.-C-85 i'l, r 67 WET PREPARATION OF 1-10,) POWDERS. Quarterly rept. no. I on Contract (028-00- 10M1). 31 ?Aar 61, 7j 2p. 'Order from OTS or SLA $6. 60 EURAEC - 55 Trans. of m!pt. from Cornitato Nazionale 1).~r IT-nerpia ,Nuclearc (Itifly'). DESCRIPTORS: *Uranium compunds, *Dioxides, 1, Wtal p.)%vdurs, *PCIN&.'T metallurgy, Solutions, *Precipitation, Particles, *DAydration, Crystal structure, 4Sinterin%z. ~A methad of preparing UC)) by th-- precipitation of solutions of wri-avalent uri-Injuln iS q011glIt. (Nuclear Physic., and INUCIL'ill- Ch TT, v. h, :no. 5) 62-2459S 1. HURAEC-55 H. ELIRATONI (R---h gium) 62- 21 ~5, WEI P.-*.Eil,~R;MON 01 UO.PONVDER!~. oua:torl. i. :ept. no. t Ap: -.1tiric ~', i) on Cont rac ')1. 10 Fun f- 1~. Sl-,A $4. hu P: :-parauon. Moi COI!, cllt~C7, 63-15074 PREPARX-TION OF U02 FOWDERS UNDER WET 1. MJMEC-233 CCMITIONS. Quarterly rept. 3. 1 My-30 Sep 61, H. European Aton-xic Energy on Contraci 028-60-10 RDI. f 19621 29p. Community, Brussels Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 EURAF-C-233 01elgium) Trans. cif a rept- Eroni Comitato Nazionale per r -~[j~' -:2;-- - I'Hne ZLH Nucleare, Rome y) n. DESCY4PMRS. *Uranium compounds, Dicaddes, OPowder.metals, Pmparation, Hydrmddes, Chemical pradpLtatlon, Dehydration, OSintering, Particle sLze. For "ract see Nuclear Science Abrawto 16:4&'k, 1962. (See also EXYRABC- 112) Nuclear Physics --Nuclear Engineering, Tr, v. 10, et ledkal U-I no, 9) Intara%t ftleld"S CC NJ& ZKwwSy Ac(mleratorep by M. Laftp N- P*tUUP 52 PV- MUMJ, rp~,, C=jtSto "~44~..par I'Nwrgta ,v0 AM-V-5629 Sel - rAgr Jul 63 OV.P, PrtkkLCdGU Of EIAOCtrOD PairS for Primsy Blectron Energies Nuriberical Calculation by the by~Eo Perlenghi,, M. A. Spano, MILIAN] rptp Comitato Nazipmale ,aueleare. Laboratar"T RMEn"al 0 A-~.;PS Ac- ruatE,.ir7E2'47,2. Sci - NS Atilt 6S in Thick Unverters 30 - 200 Nov Monte Carlo Method, et alg 25 ppo per IlEnernia 2880718 pi, S~ iirco~(6 lp X '64 Ing Magftas, by G. Paismtl, N. Sacchetd, et al. Coniftm, Naidonale per ItEnergia Nuclear Ispra, AEC-Al-Tr-19 250, 562 Study of tic ul' L Ionization C'hwabers Exposed to Pulsed I;azri-.a kadiations b), LaJu. i-iii, Fellicciond, et al., 13 pp. ITALIAlip rdtp Comitato I-Iiazionale Energia imc1caieP 29-22954 61 til jiujjLi-up Factors of Concrete. Coaiiicicnts (if the Polynomial Represen'tatiOns by S, BuscaggUone., R* 1,~anzini, 11 1'rAlJlq4,, rpt,, Comitato lilaLLonalu per I'Lncrl-,ia lucle.,,we,, 1;olopia,, 3ui 19W. IMIC 110 r-349 ";Ci - phy luig "'IS 240,326 ,,%an,Levejs of Internal Rmliation in the Linear Acct,,I~erutor and the Storage 1dug. Note ".;o. 263, by M, Bernardini. ITALIAN VIA, Cmdtato, Nazionalle per Mneuia Nucleuv. JAb6r,~atorl PI-Ilazionali, Frwc-ati,, 27 4 . 1964. NEC 0%,lb-tr-1558 Sci/Nwleur Sci Jvai 6 7 z Ow Itrptus Projeatp by Bo FelTeUij, S- Barsbwc-bt., ot; alp 22P py. MAL=.. p&rojgQmjt M mzl Eatargla MmX lbtiziario., x voi. vin, no 7,9 19w; --- h? -341-- -- - --- sai - ifta ftl Jul 6'a .0 .13 F Iq S" Nimleglir Explosive3 and the Mining Industry, by Gianww1o Facca, Fabio Pantanotti. ITALIAN, per, Comit. Naz- Emwa Nucl, Nbtiz Vol 9, No =, Aug-Sep 1963, Pfff-60, 9232580 AEC SC-T-66-0717 Sci/,Nuclear Sci May 66 3000514 3ome .11ot-er, oi~ the Italian 02 1-~a--ldoact-ive. ol, cont-11~j1dac-tion .1 by 1~!. 01 T2U,L'd1 CoL,atat-o hiazion-1 75,,-,i-~! -p -1 C -.7 -- -- L~,.- 4- iro --, i Not-f ziarioj 19614,~ sci De c