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with lo*a Tien., by I*&% 40fttso*v ;E-limnm~', rL RUN, '!rlqht*) il, C%ilman t-'rmrxiSt: Lc)ol-~r, at Guerrilla -.~a-rt by Jose Rodrivez zlizondov 114 P.R. perj Aurora, SonttagQ c1c Chile, No. 14, 1963, pp. 5-L3.1 UN(Chi Le) T~DlitiCal X.ELY 63 355,996 (-'Ihilean Correspondent -Describes Trip to North Viotrtavi, by Jose V.4riquez Elizondo, 5 pp. per, 'El Siglo, Santimp, 24 Dee 67, j'-,;hR.3 44,84.9 Iva (14. Viet.) klarc-~h 68 RefUmt&mu an the P&1*4 wA Litwrgy Ta&W, tv Illu wurio fbbtmws seuvav 5 ppo Bogoftp 23 I%F SIPAWW4 rip# h'L SW 19690 im 47M see bby Of Vie Do3lAr., by Daniel Fadriguez pr 664-m-mmuss any SPAN=, np, ZIPSIS, 23 Mmr 65-, P 5. JPBS am 705 /~ 0d, - ~,, 'YA-Uraguay sow. Apr ~5' 279.,307 4uewUms mboo Dws Latin Amrica Fit in7s, tIF Bo ItOdrigWit-IASI, 16 pp. t4on, Chm pp JPRS 46093b E . Pv o J ie 13 UtW-Amr Affairs Pal Doe 68 3M0516 v,c4=iu ~Lieck to IrVlement Soolma ChaMo, by v1sum Mo~,, 9 ppe ja,jLwn)~# Bnotas 3 mw 1969o pp 2.9 6. iiirw Liao Jully 69 383*M , ll~~tNtlrT~, - ~ 4, ~i - - :- - . - , ; - - - ~- z~!~, '. . -' - I . , , - !~~: :! -:, 1 i! s ~r- :. ~ : , , : .1 . . I . - , j ': 1. : ~, .: !I, -* - . - . - - . I . -- ,1- ::.! 4;. ~ ~ ~ -, ~~ - ~ , .. ~.- , ., - , ..- 1, - . - ., - - ... - - I - . .. 1-7~ .-1 -1 --1-.- -:-- - . - --- -- - I - ---- - - , -- - --- - - - - - - - - li 1 : :: 1 11 - ; -,- -- ; i - -- - - I .. I - '.. . . --, , - I I - ilmochuol-0 Aw, ariety iinvironmmt -071- q by AKIdU* -A. RodAgtioz hadaU, 14 pp, -5;Aliluillf Poore Jv"xtj%xj.2TqCF4 196,'~tjj pp 22-30. isvems NO Fab 20 403,38? .5a-.a ratii its oi Uruniun, Plutuaim: and Fission products by Synthetic Inorganic Ion Exchamros, by X. Vadriquez Purra, A, Uriarte ducd3, 15 pp. SP,V41511, rpt, llsrocc"ln~s of Firat Freach-54anish Coll4lquim on Irrsdiated Fuel Reprocessing, Nov ; =ov Ml 4, 1997 7lip 151 220 AFC/XiL-Tr-77G-;9 Gorvormgmt i'ftwlution Establishes Norcm for -26 Qmttlze and loodlM during 1967 SWAr Hwvoot.. by ftallia, Roftigues PxxtrSgaes., i3 pp,!, SPAMM, per, cacets Oriscua, 30 Doe 1%6j, IYP-t ~01-104-7 J?,BS ui-CL" soon Apr 6T 32lipigo Ita2avion at Cam Tw&"Ing Pam=lal, w -:- L;7 - - - WaU40 "do" lbulzasv -U VD. a, IBMINS, varp gmg!?~~ W DW 19~4,j 1w- 805469 -- IRM3=7 U-cubs am s a co gal" Changes in the Internal Air Distribution of Certain Slow-Rumdng Electrical Machines Resulting fvm Thermal and Ventilation Tests* by Le So Rodstein at *I., RUSSI.Vi. perp Elektrichasoo, No 6,p 1965j, pp 81-84. NLL Ref: 3774.S L965 (1337) 303,931 PIP: 7 P skm iz5o-L pAnciplas of Redmticn of ]%gowAam and Vacum Separation ftep, bv V. V. Rodyakint G l etV eytpro ppi svodstvo mtx~-toloAoh"Ime- Prol M*avm* by V.V. Rodyaldnir T"to Mole 09 iAmIumir -. by VV* Rocbmking ;"Wt!f Tba ar 6 'tLLU :lAjblU-, 4vlat Ow "Wbim With ftsumats"W lzx-~-" I 1b lop 423-W- r A. Roeder MAW PrOOkLooX APPMONtlow or 11 0 by a. aaw am X.- Romod4l nmmx OW. ftly on-# Imi, w M-659,w SMIX-EW 6"~O* 4, 'Tet5~qcll Aug ~" MD&OU Water Rocamw lu by 14 P. Roeftr and 0. GMWA# gar. 2mr. leetb.j, Z=w*mws*Wm, Vol 60, 40 A]P'TO !A i ~~WIMrg Mt 11311111MIUM I kill,-qlu 9 11 '1 U41 It' P "N'll 1. T' N.odern i-,atcr Coolivi, Techniques in Blast Furnace Practice, by K. P. Roeder and G. .11;cluiegelsberg. MOON, perg, Rev. Tachn. Luxembourg., Vol 60j, # -June, 19680 lip 102-196. Apr *61SI 7037 P". P ci e Sci.44uterluls Feb 69 of Using pre-Ileau"d Products in the NOIlti-Slin SIMPO by P. COS*OUUO C , R004016T F&MOI.V par,, Papal pr4mud to an lAmmatiqual Capgross am Ailm, 29-31st May, U%b? if, S1151 PascLbilklttem of Uslag Pn-gadtwad Products in StooltuALsbg Fwasus. by tl,, Cesselisw C. PAW Pmswaod at latemational C=ZTOOI as the PIM&WtIcs and Us* of Rejueed ooms* 9v 294-31,11 1061* PF 1022# 2 Am$ &I Comuission on Mygen Steelworks Review of Different Studies Undertaken by thc Technol- Ogy Sub-Comnission with Disc,By C.Roederer FRENCH, per, C.D.S. Circ.1968, Vol 11 pp. 2485-2495 BISI 7290 Sci/Mat 396,069 NOVO HE S=a Reut-10"Xims,fttween the Average EOMW ar the (bstnt^ in a vismz stimaus the Color RespMmp IW R. Hoebler. Visim RROM=hs Vol 52 17- 4 IMI Q6 436 also SLA /4 D r- 77- and Woct ftL-Bm jwoa 66 maw increased Efficiency of Foreign Trade, by Erbard Roehling, .13 pp. GFRKO, per, Die Wirtschaft, East Derlin 3 Jon 69# pp. 24-25. JP145 44790 BB (Intr4bloo) NC-GnOriliC LI-arch 68 352,940 I [Al i V d Olly-11FIVIM Ala Tor.W.iig of bu-,6ener-ation Stands ljy O'leaus ci Cbv-4czl,b, by E, rimilrig. (~L-W44 u~r Schimiz Z. Forstwes., No 6, 190, RPO z! -q-44D.&: NZ014 C, sci-Imt ~'. (C"e- A I,-( au& Q~ (~ 3908168 Properties, Prot9ssing and Applications ,- 91 of Elastomeric Yarn. Part 11, W. Roehrig.0" GEFRAN, per Melliand Textilberichte, Vol, 49, No ~' 1968, pp. 383-90. NTC 69-10670-116 w - X SCL-Hat July 69 386,799 Mw Sate.Mta rNttituim Sbailator of the E6-%IR in anexpfaf fimhoibn, by A. ricalkero 35 --,p. IMP.oms. ~xw wautsche Luft- ind Rawfdarto qt. --to. ft ro01. 109, 14) Vm WWA TT F 22t(56 A' k6ell(e-z 344mlars i myty 70 HiCtignant E=phthalmos Treatod WLth 149thyl- Pr*ftlaolome Acotate, by Es Roolmn. DAUSH, per, Ujtoskrl;(t fQr Lmew, Vol -130, No Is 1968v rp 13-13. hTC-71-10803-00E ITOIr 71 + C, -)a,: Lu r. Joxk V(.;,JL 23p at '7p sc4/ a,.xicultuna ium; 69 3880659 41. Develapawnt of instruments in the Insti- tute for Deep-Sea Fishing, by W. Roepart 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Fischerej Forachung, vol 6 no 1, 1968, l"P_P_-U__33. ' *USUI/sCr TT 70-58103/2 SCL/meth a equip Key 70 Donmote Itr 80 ipp, IMBap bko Mali 1967* pp 1-4; 35-57; 59-71i. DTA LIP W-68 B ~ (Z o e- Y,-?- S*VMaatr 358s140 Effect OJ- ~'Jall "'Ackness oil the Provitar-Y Struc- ture amet the Lechanical Propertie-o of Plain Carbon and Alloy Cast Steel, by LI.L. Poes and, W. GERKNq, per. Giesserei, Vol 54, Apr 27, 1967, pp 225-235. BISI 9727 Nov 71 i_ kaxwm of SWISM bl" ft RvAlow stimtoo am qwftAu*l h"Ou" or am* ftd Alow Btt*l CMUPP* %w so J-* P4" Aw we Witt** GWMm-l* pwo SNOW, Vol As 4w 27s 196?* ro 4*2vt *=I, 4*7 - 8614alot Ift op 4p HIS A -ur ..~ , -I , ~--' --, -- -.. -- - - - --- ~ InUmance tof Temparift ConditLoms and Teat 16-~ Temperatum an tits Mecbenical Bab vLor of Karagi-mg St*elp by Ls Ro"ch, G. Henry. ERM""Ills per$ Rev met.~, Val 66s Ilov 1969, pp 72$-739, BISI S251 sci-4sat ~- ~ ~ Sep ?0 pr~,jo-ic.-al Applications of u ijy cs. Henrl and L. Roesch, rktaNckl, pwr. RQIV. not., mc., 1969. j1p 541-859 BrIsl 8430 \~-- . mar 71 -SOW! AQX-rijU~ -ar -- T--- , -- cles am. the Plasticity QC Irou, !oy L. Roeacb. FRMCH.t perj, Rev. Xot.Mm. Vol 66, 1969 No 1, Ipp ~5-' 7,356 sali materials n" 40 397,3L0 Zirc*mium Ss 1"aterial for the ne=tor Core, i;y Ulvich Momlar. Ifarmt nubei. GEPMAN& pawr Simmens-Zeit. Vol 42, 1968,0 pp 44-50. AEC-WAPD~~ans-119 .Sci.44at Aug W 3900024 I T'arister J.xeltation of Largr -*)Iyacliranous - -- - ~itachlmes, by if. Hocitstottor, P. Hossnar. yj~ GERIIAN, per. E.T.I. , Vol 34 A. NO 6, 19611. pp KILL Sq*f~. 3IMS (1789) P. R sci-Elec May 69 380,7S7 ExPailtioultrY ftehift In lbrth AtInutle MUM ammax, tW Was Poesver. POUM, vor.0 ft Vol 6, So 3, 1966, VP 121-193. Omer " 67-5024/14* &K.-ftft Set a 67 mx rwessler N=Wrlcal ~ concerns--s the Calculation of Perturbattm In CoLnUal ModbanIce With the yArkw of SpInm pArAlwim"Ca. GMNW# pwj, ZedtodbrIrt fww -Apaywagote MathemmUk Mel mmm.-A Vol 26, P*ac 3, 19b5i, pp Kum 2T r 14,445i Oak w Norw JAwthod of lutwwoUng the Pmults of an= Loggtmg of Bm*holmp by R. Remm2ar. MISS=, Wp Mrsomm I_norgLya,, -ml. 262 no* 4s 196.9p Pp- 33T--3400 WfC 71-12078-1M Augkmt 71 Ip' -- on the-Effectiveness of - copix),! re 31 Experimen z Wis t I Vaz,-- Ub'~ Cred;68 i1i Local by H. Roessner, 0 GEM 9-41 ~3r ipex~ Zai~~Scttrift fur Kilitariaedizin, Junk! 1'91i, 611J-79T.L-322. ACSI 1 TC June, 7, Adamistra-tion and s4ply SOVACS iu tuo lnfmtwy RatsUmn by Torkel Roostads, -.rr. NORWHUAN,, per, Xo=k Milltmxt I& I CISIM 10 1966, skri ft a vo mo 0v T pp 615-620w DIA Uf 116-67 ~Ulw 67 322,225 c4movaimiza, Cho uriom of "0 Was, IEI*Vztad* simaumal fts lAyeire by 1. Z. VnUlm PASOIAN,ol "r# ~im IRLMwk*y Itsuchmo-l"A" 11100AS3167 Jot 67 Ms,713 Socie Awalytical Questions mid the Inverse Sturm- Lic-tiville ProWva for an n,,luation with Ilighly singular Pmentialt by F, S. llofc-Beketov. PUSSIAN, Ivr, DoL AL liaik SSSRA Vol 185, -.,-,o 4, 1969, pp 7684717 - The Am Math SOC Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 r- , S - 2 C, -~ e- - 6 L:- Ie V Oct 69 39S.457 SMOW Clem" Iku 04"M4 ago** 1"t I. latANOWN" at, owumm mo-MAN ~ 0 - 0. 1 V mbb*v iaiii~aliq- inew *f. 0 m1l;w 1*2 ~ 'o Juan Sancho Rof selfadjoint Extenslovis of Differential Operptors in a spsice of vecter Fmctlwms. by F.S. Reffle-Beketev. u RMSIAN., Dck U ibuk SSSR. Vol 1849 No 5, rp 10344037, The Am Math Sac Vol 101, No 10, 1969 Jun,a G9 383-116 Cutal"e Activity During litusculur Activity ih 31rds,, by G, 1. 140gadlev, 7 Pp. RUSSINN. per, Trudy Bashkirskii Selskoki, Institute,, Vol 120 N~ 3, 1966. 85-57. AECIANEm-1 r-768-61.) jail 2 V afriaoncy of oUde,typo -ir 10 1r- ll-~ RgWj4W4mvw* of EhrMIS ~l Wbod PlasUct in Mld4) Beavlng% by V. I. FOXachOy- 5 pp- jbtmde&y g 0- somms pws ll - )jjtakbnlch4 v I.Aitat lrc~-591-, - 1969 S-1 TP 100-101, .... -2 C04-71 0 Feb 72 fuAdiatimt Proevssial; of Foud Products Au Effective Newis of Increasing lKan's Food kesources, by V. 1. RO&-actlev, S lip. RUSSIX40 Por* Atvmy~ q_Utergiya Val 26, u 2, y ARM/rSTC/dr-23-020-70 v Dec 69 397v212 \[ . :z . R'D A. C, ~ ai ey Evaluating Efficiency or Sliding Bearings Nhde of Wood-Plwbic Cooposition on the Buis of Temperature., by V. I. Rog*dhevp 8 rp. MSSIUrp per., Ch&jFkbMe4X PolitekbnicbeMZ Institv TrudY II!o 59j, 19699 PP 92-99- Jan 72 A Notbod or Callcul4tim tbe Starl3lzation Camutlomm fow Canned Goods fbr Feeding to CbUdrmp In OmwetUm vlth tan Mn=vl Pmdstgme Ot Tbftrv4ftL2lc bwterft, by VIP tv pApebov EIVOSIAJ4 per, kolokk ftagL% 129m~t lkt 10.# 1,907P it) 31-35. AM J-3666 19) 220W*9367 %vt 66 -162,405 amotleal MvUlab of Px*Mmlltim of Pbod- dtagftp IV V, to 23gacbftv 113 IV# XMZM,t per,* Zb-mot T .. - Xh-WW gwpokmm gmm!tl-$gt2l g~- . Vat los ft 3t IW>s pp- aq-294~, of 39723 um v C. m(ft Ilov 65 291j.195 i,~ecbznisw of Avalwithe Crystallization of Lpsomite. by Ye. B. Roaacbevas MISSIM per, Wk A Nquk SSSR, Vol IS7. No 1, July 1969, ply 88:0. 111C !U4 I nst of Phys Vol 14, No 7, Jan 1970 v e . -b ~ Q0 j q 0- k e v ~) Fe'b 70 401g,377 j;ujj,mtjai% Prucassing, of Food Producto, ";v Radiatstimnoya cbral .4c,v ~ao DaWgw Arm3utlan sod the Wmimm Clmas bv, Rt DMLAda w3d Li. FO- :4 11 ~ '14 wat 13- m,, WWWm Vwj, .9296091t lbi 20a JkLV 19b7# 0 601481 9 00 h2314 I.-Ilo C-A MR POI sept 339,#335 .2) F*01*t. VVOWAM of Saab MmIs Rallrwd DisonsoDill, tW A. fLqpdbwaUyo 5 IV, RUSSYAIO,r part ~.ddmdwmSmWM* IbBwJ* I ~ I lio 30o JWL I p Re. jiss 4M3 a . ercJ~ I USSR : Soon .i ,e,-4. 0,.,-l a] pramilloolumMipw Wwt4rul 'I'mopUtSUM., by A- Ho6mV*MvQklXj, 5 up- WHMU,, rp, IsvestlYs, 25 DOC 19455.. Pe 3* JPM6 3%W9 14~ 1'?-o&-,4cM~;vsK' /Y umm scan Feb 66 295t287 Swe UvckguUml 4m4 Functiolml Ch4ftes In Skin Eq!owA to Coumon ludustri*2 Solvents b)r, V, I* Ragailinp per. ciXtema 7~wda 1 proftwicnal- zabolvV"Was Vol xv No 30 mx*, pp. CPSTI IT 66-62974 sci-M Jua 67 327,997-- 0. -906~~ A Case of Nitrogen Oxide Poisoning, by It. Rogala. POLISH, per Polski Ugodnik Lekarski, vol. 23, no, 1, 1968: -pp-.-T8-19. - - NTC 71.-1102S-06T August 71 4 Qo~ n L Pi Aem 121~ General Investment Executor system for shortwdng inviastmont Cycle., b7 Henryk Rogala" 34 pp. POLISPS perv Tnwoaivje i, Budowniatvps WarSawp W* 2,*7FO-S 72, pp b-.LU. JPHS 5,57,50 M7 72 to =d Vev rob cl "I Astrilmtsorw S tems of anions end A'*istationsj by !!,, V. Plog&U,- LOVM'647. V- N-7. Stopawv and A. A. TsAs. 116 94P0 mpsalmo, bk, SUAWS I 7. JPBS 39M -C Jol,67 315,110 Eloets"Ical zilsing"Tity of Silver& Few Altmiulma, Usgs mm4*.%qWlaw Mmumm 4 and 290K ITALIJAO~ qVitjo ftual Val 200 soot 1966* set ftys Sept !67 Tbe Peecipitation of" Or C12 Frm Supersaturated KM,, by W. IbUallA. GMW3, Vorp DqridW~e dfar Mq!!xgLqsellAchs&t Vol 72., 19689 pp. 615-M79-. *V=/= TT 71-55291 Av*J lable only ec L A JulY 73. Reaction In CryffWllm Solids, by W. Rogalla. CMOs, por, Der Dwoopff" -By* Mim"t Vol 72, 1568. pp 22-11). 4wm/m Tr ra,.55a:.)6 Available =0 OnIT W . E !~_j A L L P, JMA 71 Of ? ~0 ml -Pro michZennoof Z RU 51AP. 11. ;TNO 7 11 1 A IR? 7~2 niq 1"' 3.,; 2 19* *amm" olmom vomw the MTOOU cc Avatowl, aaadUmiMA WAD sauft in D%dUatvua wolftroo NOWUP 104 mom Rom- $, Mem"WESIMM 3w p VWL 9* 3b Io JOU 65., IV 27-3D* tTie chmmum the mater"I UMCS*=w at steam Vu2tUmmo. by U. ftomm. ONWO rwi, IN& Vol. ]LOS, Jan 29691 W 44. dkwc.IL ftum 5171 ~v a Awu ;ao -Prapalt oz~s off, 41 P,,) 5 oil 0 asslotle and structuni Study or $0114 solutian2 by A.~ 9*Vro R. F&mRWM. GMURs, rwit Hatowlau Somarch DILI*tlnb Vol Jowl, Mb JrO 4M"985 I I -itam"lon of Rolling Hills, by Tho Ni: C, floapr, Pill.."'ImRs per,, Rov. Indy Vdnomlat Vol 47v 1965-0p 619~ DISI 6603 (Parb 13 37 sci/mmteria,ls 353S.& Xian '7 LA_- -me Aut-amation of .-Rolliris Mills, by G, Roser Fiqr,:aclujj pox-:g nov. 1n4. Mnorslol Vol 47$ -Sopte0ber 1965-s -p-p -6-P.3-631 DISI 6603 (Part ii) sai/materinla 353ol-38 Jan fig R-gQFT J, and JOBERT, J. Chromosomes and radiati J.M6d.Bordeaux (1) (1967) (AAEC LIB/TRANS 274) Italian Interview With USSR Chief of staff, by Suzo lzo,-grl, , 5 P.O. ITILLIAN, tier, L'Unitat Rom, 23 Feb 68, p. 3. xvlu'- 45.1D2 0 /4~ o-0 d/ ~7 ~~ UsIll Military April 6u 355,913 I .- I III ILQPIER., J.'and~LEBLANG, B. Characteristics of soot:- form-aii,on, in industrial diffusion -flames* Re'vueg'en.Therm.96-.1143-51 (1969) ~GB412/T758/MR contri&,dtjmt to tjja bu), v atal"go Oj' "'E'7!'-rejY-uvic-n r,, pogiar. Cen 29ee* Vo Z 7.r )60 ip 2410- 4W, 5324 fob Alltc9dkt&l= Qlid CQutmU=t:Lcn of tho StO& MmAgownt of Rqml Air Force Lb paUj ~y L. Roger. a pp. D=Ifo, per*, Do MM&dn MWIM-crts NO 71 July 1900 pp 339-yeo man nar 66