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w AGREEMENT WITH MANIPOL MUST BE AGREEMENT WITH NASAKOMI BY D. N. AIDIT, 4 pp. INDONESIAN, NP, HARIAN RAKJAT, 17 AUG XAP 1962; P 1. JPRS 15389 FE - INDONESIA POL OCT 62 212,193 Speech of the Minister-Deputy Chairman of Pariliament, D. N. Aidit -- Welcoming the Delegation of the People of South Vietnam on 19 Sept 1962, by D. N. Aidit, 3 pp. INDONESIAN, pa np, Harian Rakjat, 21 sep 1962, p 3. JPRS 16024 FE - Vietnam Pol Nov 62 The Function of the Party in Completingm the Indonesian Revolution, Retooling Within the Party Apparatus is an Example for Other Bodies, by D. N. Aidit, 3 pp. INDONESIAN, np, 11arian Rakjat, 22 Sep 1962, p 2. JPRS 16024 FE - Vietnam Pol Nov 62 (DC-3801) Ald ExpXlaina A,#r--y comunlet DIvergencos, ~ly D, N. Aidit, 11 pp. INMNLnIAN, np, M rian Rakjat, :-5 Dec io6i, P 3- JM 12015 Ksie - Indonesto 1*7qf /I/ pol t5";, A-lditlo jogjakartA Svwchj by D, H. PAdit. (Yjo pm-ne sumey, 30). d nlit H=i= Be4lat., Djakurta., p 1 ol: OcA. 1957, np L 2,, of 23 Ctat 1957 Ionic, CIA/2PDD Sam, ler~95 (DC-01) x D. n. dit Appears at an Macaw Telavisimp 4 ppo n(mm-siop np.. Horim mirjet, 23 oct 1961, p I. im 320r Asia - MAmosla Pol Feb 62 //&'., f a a ((DC-3801) pd(lit uIc soCicai scicnec Pc,,Jc by D, N. Aidit; 12 PP- R:Lkj st,, ~j' ~,,ug 1961, 4~-ioDrrl' iij up, 3 ~; mG 11678 T indmasia l~~ o c jan 62 (DC-3801) A Pretext to Gabotz&c the politica' Monifesto., by D. N. Aiditj, 9 pp. TIOM.131A.Tf., np,, Hari= MkJat., 17 Aug 1%lp P 1- JPW IX78 Asia - Madonesia POI /Yig, yqd Feb 62 (DO-3801) D. N. Aidit: ClaGS CCWCiOUSDOOD In Dxlcneuia Is R*idly RisUal by D. N. AUUtp IHWMSLW,p npp Harian Ha4at V03. XI.. No 2963j. 2984, 26-4 Cbt 19611, p 1 la each, im 1wr Pol Feb 62 (DC-3Wl) Ox Progr= of the CPW B a Pmgxm for a Just arid Fmoparow Smlety,, by D. w. Aidit, 4 yp. IMIMIAN, z*,, Harian Bmkjat., 0 20 Oct 19GI, p 1. JM 12DV Aaia - Indonesia Apa, f ?f POI reb 62 (DC-3801) D. X, Aldltla Speecb to the CPSU OoaGmsD$ by D. N. Mit 4 pp- n=Mslmr, np,. I lkwitm IvAMat, 25 Oat 1961,, p 1. im Me Asia - Indowein pal Mo. 9 - o / rob 62 (M-3COI) D. fi. XM Aldlt's GlwlrAg Specob at the 2nd PEI lk-tional Conference of Peasonto on 16 Jul 1961~ bry D. 11. Aidit, U pp. nmnBsm., nPj -ITr-r:L= BmkJat, 18 Jul 1961a P 3. JPRS 12076 Asir, - Indonesia "-:f - Fol Fab 62 Weat Irlan -- A Vlctory Which Must be Consolidatedx by D. N. Ai= j 4 pp - rNWNW,)Wj npp Ifarian Rakjat, 18 oct 1~-)62,, p 3. im 16287 FE - Indonesia Pol Nov 62 THE STIUGGLE AGAINST IMPERALISM AND THE NATIONAL FRONT) BY D. 14. -A I D I I..1 24 pp. INDONESIAN., NP) HARIAN RAKJAT) 24 - 25 OCT 1962. JPR3 16578 FE - INDONESIA POL, DEC 62 213,081 (DC-3801 ) LONG LIVE THE BTI., LEADERS Of THE INDONESIAN FARMERS)RX, BY D. No AIDIT) 4 PP. INDWESIANp NP, HARIAN RAMAT., 26 JUL 1962, P 3. JPRS 15087 FE - INDONESIA POL. SEP 62 210,246 "IM.1,51."l,g) The Selected WorkA of D. N. JU41t, Val,=. a Up by D - ff. _~~i~t .41:1 vp - rNMTESIAN, bk, D. N. Ald:Lt Pilthen" 1~ajaen., 1960, YP T-591. JPRS Asts - Indonesia Pol, Soo N' POSTPONEMETN OFGENERAL ELECTIONS TO STRENGTHEN DEMOCRACY, UNITY, AND MOBILIZATION, BY D. N. AIDIT, 4 pp. I INDONESIAN, NP, HARIAN RAKJAT, 24 my 1962, P 3. jpRs 14594 FE - JVIETNAM POL, JUL 62 205;584 (DC-3801 ) STRUGGLE FOR "TRIKORA", BY D. N. AIDIT, 4 PP. INDONESIAN, NPt HARIAN RAKJATs 26 JUL 1962, P 3. JPRS 15087 FE - INDONESIA POL SEP 62 210,,245 Lessons From the History of the Indonesian. Commmist Party; Aidit's Speech on the Fortieth AnniversarY of the Party, by D. R. Aidit, 26 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY nmonsm, ups Harien Rakhat,, Djakarta, 24, 25 MaY 1.96o. CIA/FM Tr 741 FE - Indonesia Pol ju 6o ~771 - On the Problem of Aerial Fbotography of Under- water Objectu, by_A. J~t,._Aigina, 15 pp. MMUN, perj Vent Leningad U, No 6p Ser Oeolog I Gcogmf;, No 1, 1959, Len;LWad, pp 3.47-155. JM-1910-N Sci - Georks - Ocewogmphy Oct 59 ~~, Additiou of a 1181"" stbors to Madi 5p by A. N. powltPA: It Ilikstiftes, a,K. Ale=v tw-or- 4kV-WANW4bW%4t-- I IMIAN# perp'ZUW 08hCh 013, TOI Xllp 50 to IF*b 1949j, pp 24re-115 T emd F Cable Warkaj. by A. AUXM-U- FRMM., per., Revue Generale do Flectridto, 1954, py 7-3-7. ABM OB 10/700 Sal - mectricity '19a Apr 62 , 1,4-y 06) by A. AigPers Ilorw,ae TWaVy in H~Wplac'-" 1 9 pp. zeutTI4j!1 .Vol LVP comajo Per; no 2, i941f pp - , NZ , i.- - 5 I"A " 1~ -84a - -- - .. sci - %--aicine cTr, 7o/jul 55 6~~x 41- Is the Coastruction of an Zlectric Television Instr=cnt Possible at the Preneirt Stage of Development of the Technical and Scientific Xna0lodgo? 119581, 30 p. by A F.. Aigner, ORM, per, Hochrrequenztechnik, 1925, Vol XXV, No 2, PP 56-61. SLA 59-10002 Sci Jan 6o Vol 2., No 8 The Problem of the Nwt EcoDadcal MatApie Tranupositionp by F. Aigwr, 48 pp. GERWp per# Jahrb drahtl Telegnphis u TOI*Pb Op Vol Jan-Feb 19e9, PP 9-15p PP 47-52. MA Tr 57-2434 Sai Aug 58 A Rev Higb FMuency Llgbt R*IV for the Photoepmybic Reporduction of Phonof ilm Acoustics, by Y. A!M~ 36 pp. per, Jahrb Drahtl Telegr v Te~!Pl Vol Xxl~ PcL 1923 P pp i0-1---120. SIA Tr Sci - !~Iectrdaics Aug 57 Wthads of Reducing Transformer Noise,, by V. Aigner . MMW# per,, Var deut bg Thabbert Vol XVnit go 2j, 1954a PP 38-43- AS=-OM sai Apr 59 Yj/, ~ 7 / /(0 -P. )q,~y e j4 ; f') Smdoonductorsq IW F, A4;min EIGLISH, rpts Ngth Atl=tio IMU Asiazat4on, a uIll Farlat W 1961 NIC 71-15315-2DL mar 72 61-22962 Aigrain, P. SEMICONDUCTORS. (19611 8p. L Aigrain, P. Order f rom M DF $4. 50 MDF A- 159 IL MDF A-159 III. Friedman. Morris U, Trans. of NATO Materials Symposium [held at] Paris, I=_ West Newton, Mass. May 61. [Proceedings]. DESCRIPTORS: *Semiconductors, 'Solid state physics. Materials, Electrical properties, Alloys. Iritroduction Review of several elements of solid state physics; applicatim to semiconductors The classic semiconductor materials and control of their properties Discovery of compound semiconductors Solid solution or "serniconductor alloy" Conclusion. (Plivsics- -Solid State, T-17, v, 6, no. 5) Frasurements of Utetime of Nbority Curiers in SemdcovAuctwep by P. Algrain, 25 pp. FEE=, 1"r,, Atm Radloelec,, Vol IX,, pp 219-226,1 July 1�54. S. L. A. Tr 947/56 1 8ci - Electricity 'T?' Ille = c.#6 cm Ajzorptiom vil! Gil Senticonductoras C. T"t;,6acp 1-1, pp. C120MAII, T~c- Zeitochr4ft fur 'I-ektTw.-hcml Vol LVIs i. - 9 2.~ j-.) :~v 41 lvi": 1)v CIA/=/X-13M Curmt, rimus Im Opposite Dinatimi, GAd capacity in Garamium Mod"s bY Plerzo AtPvAuv Tim- per$ CoiVtn PAtftso Vol 1010[1, 195o$ pp, 62,, 630 19"4.196. ftt of ree Patant Offift Sol Mb (9m) Emu xuwu=ico Jon 59 .i"Wtumvus pf Caw Ike Noe 2 Mata 1,~' Pluato Dy ~Ahar~a 0t 411. ietsu to Ilai~me. Val Su, ~%,v 6.t, 242 a C'~ 61-16087 Athara, Twon and Sato, Kazuo. ON WE COLORIMETRIG DETERM[NA71ON OF 1. Alhara, T. FOUCACID IN MULTIVITAMIN PRF-PARAT70M H. Sato, K. 11,960 8p. I rL4. Order from SLA $L 10 6 1 - 16087 71'rans. in Manuscript of Bitamin (Japan) 1955, v. 9, P. 58-60. DESCRIPTORS: *Folic acid, *Vitamins, OColorimccric analysis. A modified colortmetric determination of folic acid was achieved by the elimination of Inhibiting substances based an the difference of adsorbability of acid clay de- pending on F14 value. (Biological Sciences- Pharmacology, 'rr, v. 6, no. 9) DdWdl*qCUMLUM of 2-W noDkuw am la Presence of an. Abizodn%.Cbrcgdm W&,% Cataimt mind of PlatInized Cbuvoag by N. I. SWlkluo, Ymg Ai-Jaij 5 pp. MMMO per It Ak NK* 8Mj, aer Milmp No T. 19630, pp Bel Jul 64 & ft"m ft -&A Ad it S*Idd I A ill lhow ap lodds "WMA% - im 64 oL on lo6 a U# UAFQOV Amu am" co A coft p 345 met ow 67 T4*9w lubw Vdmdw6 h"D ANW4 N*waftp 9w &,"=A Soso* 33 5 Ad 630 di -rauf 4ou so* 48009e# 13 Do 6(4 4 AMU Mod UM Co* U Code P 347 mw 67 32*04' owed of gwm- 0 m 3 -lnw4 v ION64 *0" MAN* JW XOAWMU# it ft - SP MPO V 0 A~kp foloop Alelic / I I .V%7% ftl am 67 A ftv=u fm A~ I* itmowqw*** %r M06 17 As ooWdL* u AV IV Aadd MWI *W Cc coft P ftl - ftt xew 6 y Dotonniii-ition of Pishj by Hiroaa- Aikaua, M. rhto, 24 m. jl,nua 3E) per, Bulletin of the Japanese Saciety of Scientific Fisheries, Vol VII) Ho 1, bhy 1938, PP ~:2-88. S Lp A,. 0 C, Scientific - BioloMr Doe 54 M /DE!K Not'er. cm the Shoal. of DmIt-O takipjack" T,a,4L-,,-b-mjcnus w1=41c; I Along the Pac:Lftc Coast a Japan, ~y Hirmki Aikml 19 PP. ,T,LFfi2a-Oj-T,', I~er, DaUctin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, Vol VI, No 1, MaY 1937, PP 13-21. 8 L. A., ca ci~' ~-"'cvova. -7- C Iz A N,.xut' 'c,;SR, n"." THE SHORTEST ROAD TO SOCIALISM) BY ARMAS AIKIA) 5 PP. FINNISH) P.W~ KANSAN UUTIESET) 23 AUG 1963) p 4 JPRS.21229 WE-F I NLAND POL I ocT 63 344,t6 m Synthesis of 5-ArYIW=8pto- SW ~-AI718UITMW1- thiazole Derivatives. II., by M, Isumls H. Kiwtos M. Yokoo; 19 pp. JAPAN=, per, Yakugaku Zaashi, Vol LXXII) 1952) pp 21-26. ----------------- CIA/FDD XX-3W NOT REMBAKE TO PCOM WMONUS Set - Chem Jan IAC INIMUIAL USE OMI Synthesis of 5-Arylmercapto-and 5-ArylsulfOD4- rWLvVi6,xVW bv M. Izumip R. Kimc- 000 JAPAN=or,, Yakugaku ZaBship Vol UM, .1,051a pp 546-5 . CLAAW XX-381 NOT RELMUMA TO FMMN MT110MU8 801 - Cham Jan 58 ~- 7, IAC IRTERNAL USE ONLY FormUca of Umg Chaiu Patty Acyl Rydrommtes by a Baboalbilar Fraction of Tatestf via, Mueosa.. by G. 'Allboidp Le Serdsjp 10 ppe MM., pers Biachimlea at Blopb7sica Acta, Vol Ulp W2) pp Z1.272. N3X 12-1-62 Sai - Had Feb 63 J/ 7 7 , I. inuvamenu in W*Ogemrating sou With B*Molar CleneratOrs.p Is PaXt I-P by 0. D'Alban, 0. Ailinegi et 38 Pyle ~~A M-M., Lmt PO.Uteh Xeid., vol n.. 1956, pp 253-M. AM RP Tr-8T6 aa 62 .2,0 7, Z,-13- Liel, 70 Amic 77 4.t eI -r law-yam w on" ULSMM Estimates of Energy Reqdrownts., by P. Ailleret. FMMI pWr Pop Proowdiup of jonal Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atode Hold at Omeva 8-20 Aug 1955., Val 1. Intolmau Cwr -- tv Sai - Dacleax Pbjzies //W/, 4 fff Apr 37 =A 1-669.9.162 Integration of Nuclear Energy Among the Uesns of Suergy Production., by Pe ALUeret, P. Toraulpro %k44 ) paper P/327, ftvwedinp of bitemational Courerence on. Peacefftl Umw of Atomic Baergy Beld t Geneva 0-210 Aug 1"5., Vol I. ~~p Intermati Coof -- UN Set - Iftelear PbpIes 6",4 fr,/ Apr 57 CIA 1-669.9.162 of the Thaving Nbthod on the separation of Liquid hom From Cod ZUUets by F. Alms XOMPM!M,, Mr, KJOIWWte., No 131p 1957., pp N16. CSIRO 4893 ~; if 3 / -17/1/3 jui 62 it),. . , . c.iuil of -4L4 hul u iv of ',xv..,on VeF. Ace ~.Lolts intc Ty-,-ir of tbe Cb-nmica3. ftructum of -sericin ya bma M. B. by V. N. Krestit'210 Aimukhaw-t3ova, 7 PP- ZIjur rrik I-iiml Vol xxv, 13a 29 per, -iYf- web 1-54,2y 1,39 197-2 - conoultauts 25=au YIhich in sol"tiola Of Wq-, V. 11. Krest by c W-1 - -11'. ,jer-L -rio 12) nall Vol b,7) r Dc"; Removing Sericin From Bw Bilk b7 Hum of Elolutions Containing the Products of Serialn Rydrdlyals, by V. N. KreatinalaWs., M. B. AlxWdl --- s, -0 6 IMO RUSSIM., mo per) Zhur Prik Ella Vol XXIV, No 6. USSR, Jun 1951., YP.OM-OW# CbnSUlt4wats 3hu-e= 8 Tbe\Calculation of the Noise In Radio Recelveras by ~. M. Ainbinder, 17 PP. RUSSLOO pars Radiotekh, Vol XV, No ll 1960s vp 48-59. Pp Scl oct 60 /02 '? Sa', f xw3mw qpft absonwaft* 1w V. IL - ddobldnp 3. 1. AIMI.od-wp 34 PP* mmul pm~p ~ - -- Pis Sank* Va Lmo lb 3AP 1963j, pp CD 601 Apr 64 254AZ Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectrum of Hexachloroethane, by N':.S-v...Ajaindex, A. D. Gordeev, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Strukt Khim, Vol II, No 6, 1961 pp 700-702 CB Sci 213382 Aug 62 - Mae wfthbo sa *a vwlw soma" sf"U= if Oman vm oil a scaux ftptiLU a by T. IL It k 5 pp. 0 RVBBW;iPro i hre "a off"o 9"m Ta vas so 6j MWO AV mr " - a" stwn vu rap we 6 ftl am 6g Frooleims of Ultrasonic Welding, by RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch F'roiz, No 12, 1959) Britiah Welding Res Assoc: Sci Sep 60 Concerning G. Po Sakhatokly's Article 'The Basic Pri=iples of the CoM Welding of Mrbalu',, bor S. B. iuaindero 6 pp. MsSIO) p=., Avt(=+_ &"k&# Vol M=J, No 4j, 1960.1 47-53. BMA Sci - z(/- Apr ZZ 61 T W Rmdamentals of Pressure Welding Theory., by S. B. gaAnder., R. K. alude: 6 ppe RUMIAN, perj Avtowt Sverka., No 5., 1964; pp 21-27. BWRA Sci oat 64 268,1390 maphowom a-UB6ndive in the cold waidim of' NoWnt IT S. B. AfnWnd o E. P. 110kna U IAVILVP pot 14vijam FSR ZJwAw Akadasiju VastAs, go 10M In pp-W1428. r9l~~ Tr 3755 Sol - Mn/fbtaU Sep 56 OTS On the Formtion of Cobasim of HetaU During joint r3astic Deformtim, by 9 a. B. F. Xlokara, -12 pp. RUSSIANO mo per# Zhur Tekh PIZ.. Vol XXVp No 13., 1955., pp 2356-2j646 ~-: //-) q () o 6 c Morris D. Friedmma $6.00 Scientific - Pbysias Min/met&LB Jun 56 CTB/dex CH-200 527 Field I 3H, 20K Ainbind-r. 1z. P.: Grinobtei,% A. C. M. )\ THE LOQ CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE 1. Thornton Research Centre, .11, 1A VE R. Tr. by L. Mote. 6p, 6refs, SheH Research, Ltd.. I Chester JEDg1w) I IllactrozUe Qi=tizing L*vIces,, by M. A. Aingorn, '14 ~T - RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh, Vol. )(Vj No 51 1960) PP -, -4-6. ~ ~'q PP -t'4 p') 6 - Malting Point Diagram of the Pembloric Anbydride-Carbon Tetrachloride -trstAw. by A* A* d V. U. Rwolovskiya 5 pp. ---,,-,.7ev an RU SO, UK Zhur Neorgen Mims Vol It No 11o. 19569 pp 259!a: ABC-TrAM PL-480 Sol ;un 63 ?g1 ft at RIM of we no^ Of 90 A* MdOw softa a AOL- ~ - - - - a a XMI& as - k.m A" %k v as 16 IMNILluft s0& RUMV4 t w M MALAW I ~' '9 41'ujj~o-' am ANS 66 MIS A'd r. "La: or, rfultiple, l!'101, Ymduction in 7.2-DeV GolApions ,inov bkovskly pp. 5 ~ S. So Zon By S, Aiimtq RASSRJ~, par, Zhur Ekaper i Teoret Fizp Vol XLT-Vv flo 2~ 196-3o PP. 413 - 4`20 Amer Inst of Phyb Cav Phys - JOU Vol XV11p No 2 sai Aug 63 Scho ]*-ter aased an Gas Analysis, by G. S. RUSSMIJ, p,,tro weft Kboat vol WIII) No 6p 19~,S, !)i) V-35- rrech mnrl Com Treateiwkrk Jan 1956./eTs No 77 3o.,s-13 ?13~, 6ij)-vue 6t-6 Phllndelphla 3, Pa. o""'luMaotfir wit4h liawtrot) 'fur "brisur- ~,VAII .4akjkatic ~ialauv i)Y pi, W97551 Fl 1**17-~4-1 Oda' ----------- lm6atlem;lcmd an the vveftnawA by 2 o AlroyertoWrt8p. ~LhL!,-t C"f( pp Per;== ?not 0v 58 Vileult,T Cal Cal AW-00A of Rtu* ILyffWa ; n by a. Ps AimpoWn =i N. 2. IWOuftmaj 6 pp. Ital-V ~ - 014 so iqsm%mfto~m WL Jl*M Jb 3, M(pl p =0 od . chadoul //A as ff = "'440 In"StIptious or Pomle AM "alwI.1w V. Ve Ulcwenkoo RMSM, per# Mwr Obsftb Map Vol =p No lp ion 1949P PP 14"- US-7- comItants Dwmeu On the Question of Diagaosia of Tularemla In LlvJme Sheep During an lxyerlmwt# by V. 0 - Airapatlan., _ A. B. lambatrian. RWSrm,, per, Vctlrluwlya,, Vol amma I No 110 'Wov 1956,; Mscow., - CIA D 9)o8l2q wu Scl - Biology 02 rf Har 57 CTB/dex Vacciz I6tion Agaimt Pastewelloob of Large abl Gmt;:-:k Cattle, W V. 3. Alrap&tpus 5 pp. IMSM., per, V4wbarUa,, voi =n, j= 195o, py 34 -36. AW-R,Tft $01 Aug 59 ~7-3 'Y~F "1 46 z A ComparatIve 5tiidy of the Antigenic Propertipa of Clartairs 1"ouge TLmore Inoculated into Pure-Dred Mice, by Or. P. Alrapetyan, 7 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Lyul Sksper Dio'. I Med, Vol XLIV, No 11, 1957, PP 85-9'2. Consultants Bureau bel - medicine Jul 58 Thermal Electromotive Fbrce and Additlw4 Thermal Conductivity of Statistical Mixtures, by V. 5 PP. RUSSIMj mo per, Zhur Tekh PIPAt Vol XXVII, HO 3) Mar 1957) pp -78-~ Aser Inst of Phys BOV Fhp, Tech Phys Vol IIP No 3 Sci - Physics Feb 58 The Ybchnnism by Which Bass Illumination With Visibla Light Influences the Pulse Siza From Cadmium Sulfide Alpha C(ranters, by A. V. Airwp~eants., S. M. Ryvkin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Tekh Fiz.. Vol XXVII, No 1, Jan 1957, pp 106-112. Amr Xnat of Pbys Sov Phya, Tech Phys sci - phyff Vol 11, so 1 Jan 58 Characterietice and Operative *chaulam of Gexr=nlur. n-p Alpha Counters, by A. V. Alrapet nts' S. M. Ryvhli 5 PP. RMSM, mo per, Zhur Tekh M, Vol XXVII, NO 1, jan 1957, pp 95-105. Amer Inat of Phys Bov fts, Tech Phys Vol 11, No I Sci - Phys a,2/ Jan 58 .Motor Ref lexe.9 J.-. Pups Following Zxtinction of Distant Receptors, Ly E. S. hrapetyante, N. A. Moiseyeva, 7 Pp. -'SIM zk~:Cer lff6l 1 Med; Vol nIV, 2 ro Lo~ 1957, ut Conaultants Burenu Sci MeAlr~lrlp a i Beho-LaestLmml, DLfftrentL&tLan RadLated Pkd"tLaw La DelphW, Yantel Ae Go GCIW*UW* RUMAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk &M. 1969, pp 11974199, Gs mA DescrLption ot by ft. Sh. ALrapst- Vol 1989 So So May 70 '*,~."- Ck~j~~(L~s 1: .0 Pi-iilc-,Ll)lc Of the Cortical Projection of intonial 'o- T' 311. ;d~:ap wits ctly, V,, 10 I'm. I)ur) &hur Vy,;ohoy I;crr Dcyatcl Imeni 1. 1'. FvvlovL.) %,701 J'6o-')U'bv Dymmice of Sugar Level in Blood DixeiUs Various Fmational States of Higher Areas of central Nervous Systems 11. Dynamics of Supr Iavel in Blood and Glycemia Cury" During Disordars to the Equilibratic of Nervous Proees"a in the Cerebral Cortex in Dog, by 14. 0. AirapetpuU. 1-8 pp. RMSIAN,q PW, Trvft Int Vyssbey No-voy Deptell Bar Tiziol,, vol n,, 2956. M 60-93059 n Sci - Med Feb 6:L Dynamics of Blood Sugar Levels in Various Functional States of Higher Parts of the Central Nervous System. Report 3, by M. G. Airapetyants, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Instituta Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatellnos~i Ser Fiziol, Vol IV, 1958. OTS 61-31019 PL-480 Sci - Nov 62 OIPST S40 2150324 The Effect of Small X-Ray Doses on Alimentary Conditioned Reflexes in Dogs, by M. G. Airapetyants, & 8 pp. - RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Instituta Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatellnosti Ser Fiziol, Vol IV, 1958. OTS 61-31019 aPL-480 .qri -t The Dynamics of the Blood-Sugw 14vol In Mfforeut Functional 86&%s of the Higher Centers of the Centwl Norms Syvbm Cowunlostim No 1,, by M. G. Aizvoetyants, 20 pp. 01 oy MMIM.. porp- TrU4 ZMt V~nw~ N&=W'Doyatal Ser riziolo Vol 1,0 195% pp 126439. On 60-905T PL-480 Sa - Red rob 61 m xo. 69 On the Llflue= of the ftgoltuft Of VA U=wditicmd AU=vtary PAiaoroment on the Umits of Fu=tiozLel Capeciti, by X 0.--Alre&a*autoj, 14 pp- RUSSIAN, per, Truk bAt Ser Fiziol, Vol lp 1955P sci - Had ipeb 61 Pa No. 69 Vyssbey NWMW DWM vp 37-45. = 6o -21857