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jj Kru, of Jk lgv~~~' Ai l L or l be, INo O tis got 4 1 old * M lij, 1 ~2 Lon ImAdl Heat Exchange With &jcmtl,'on o7 Air Hasop by No 9;; 1960o pp 1.6-20. IN . i~ k (61`-1379) ji : tProcessing ~J' ~I;e$ by R. 0. i~ 1 1 901 PP 35-38. ~i 14 e I'd, ~~j 0 ;e i Lb, : 61-28644 WIX , , 1b ' - AN B V A P I Ognev, B. 1. 0 RA'hbA 7 - ON t 9~ A A B 01 '~ ,BVA POAA.nON 11. Uzun, A. T. vii nI r x~vnya! ZM& 4tIv sparitel!nol, 111. CSIRO Trane-5280 611(9 ip, id N ii~. Ii ed 11 byi': Slade. IV. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research rans. i 21 ~ ! c 1 6 6 Organization (AuBtralia) I r fro 'rana. 11 it or I rolos i 11 rologli s'', (tM 1-28 44 ft) 19K, 9 p. 41 4. I Pq r--p IFrr v8 ,ra i - 1o LS: 1 0 !Wa iIn4 a6k% 11 6 ocit ~*Dep 1 H C lindic 1 I"09i ators, sture Moi I rfA64 ti m pii . tvreJ Ce'811 1 Y w , . . Dal a x rime p data Indic& ea tha t ae'the ater h I e to" a rn*k~ i rat !~f ~v6 poration wi vek aty tfi e r 6 Siesite I c v 7. ((Wer) Olfie* of Technical Services 7 71- 7"17 j io rl co ~~ f e tl-~Ilc e611 the lonoo-phere, U.Y PO 0v US I LNI M-,~,.L i G-"d;)!' "No 9, 1960, -D 0.~ *IGC Off -5471) 7 Iwo Holam morswi, 7 pp. pp 9-13. i.:!6 I (NY-5471) Is lie liof .'t Coloulation of nuter no it, Arr 10 glcv~[ by R. V. Bs rg t GtAj~ W610j 19,~k~p VP 42-45- 7479 l The W al a C - nit l anai i 4~~llcnce b~f Stratif am t i I b, L 10 pp~,~ 1 RUSSI A 31 1.1 ist it i Gi d 1 No 11., 1960., pp 14-19, 96,1*1 PTI) ObL.140011 ! 28 9 O V r7 I C R T -- (A F ----- T' ------ TU ----------------- 13U ENCE OF~~JET STREAKS) BY D~. L L Al I I MAN I' V !SNA I MAN. RUSS ~l F M 'T ( GO, NO 12;~ ig6o., PP 11-13. NLL M. $'C ' EO ) l 's ~ NOV 217.,67" tht su~faqi Atmoopl~eric Layer on 0 a ly~li Ya.. XLinov.. 22 pp. ~iiiet 11 010. 16 19W, pp 37-42- JMs i0132 V, Coo ILI 9~3 I;I : i. i :;I ; ;I i,1 i:!11 i i, T I ~I :~y IrI .i ~ k, ~ I ~im i i I Iml I I li lol DUO KtJk FS ~T~ ~U TA 1, TE M TORY R, 'AN6UAGET,'RU COUNTRY-UR 12, PP "CU ful I W Lmte of the rev, 9 pp. L.. pp 3-9. .1, 2- St (uY-5940rl to Altering the T 1e t mi ,o ratu (a Or jOk 6d in Pioducling Cloudo, ~b P- iop 1,9.p 1961, pp 26-31. did No 1i. et in$ ~006 :L 371 tilt in e y of ti f Cs o Vo f oti idrologiZa L I L96 F P, 1906 I F 154) scl: 1781 i. lit Off -5945) v ca ecallfi Diri g Daily. 1hunderstorra., by YO 0 71 r 10 S Qfjo a , r,o - No ig6i., pp 47.. 48. I 7 7-- 954~ 05 ). 3raphy ir-6o3i~ k~ p Z L~y i l6t li S~vaitl~ by X. M. ~t iq6l~ vp 49-52, NO 92- 1 'RY-6031) ut of Hydr~6eterclogical i, l~ ~d ~ . '. orm nation an Automatic tat ou:ikioork.. by~~'V. 1. YOrzu!a., V. V. 'nZatip r pp. i ~.pld ,no 2" ~1961.. PP 13-1-9. ims 92i4~~: I!, J~ dlii il In OtImbion of Heat, Balawse Ek 13 Not~2)1~1961., PP 36-40. yo A no f + Us 0 t 64 1, 4#,M 40 to a !1.964 92 14 PP 42P 43. T.5 ;7 to 15- -6031) NY ( ing of Spring ion Indices, by (NY-6031) C ta S t ~, ' b )~ojlosk Observs,tl~~s Aboard Shiple., by . o t~.v ~I e~ L : pmm No 196L pp 47s 48. O~m 9214 S-i7 on. t e I I lof,Tat Russ Sci 22~ il~cr s litY 6 f Climatic C ' I )Y N q vj Du dtbl Ileti G- .d)' No,2 19 *JPRS nge in the Vicinity ev pp 49,-52. !iv,-6031) !I .( Va Lum )4 S -,teo iolpa, lbrdrology, and Oceanography t ~Gid. No 2 1961~ pp 55-59. '"s 9214 ea incl speed Levell by 3,p sur !i Z T, LJTJ 14. 2 ~m t of t F loif Depl6tion Curves., py~ M. s ~RUS 3 E il, 4et I Gid No' 3 1961, PP HRc/q 1106 Sc i b~ c 6. ilk P I I i , ! 17,111F I =0 ape="= D o (DC-6097) t~m Nothl6ftes of the Autum kvf~,il or Zaba*Wye, ~-TO TW, 5 psi * t A Gid, Nii 4, 1961.. PP 35-36. JPPS ~8714 Of 4*CUIJM I AN I' 41,1961,, ipp 43-47.! 6S, 292,738 711 s 7 - - - - - - - l Radi pl A s er Seti for Autonom6us Buoy Stations, by 1~ - Lov, 1:1Z. i RUM P pe, mme i di& iio 4)~~ i~~6.1, pp 47, 48. as 14 ~il , )ph, 961 [ a 0 0 th fk entj~rt, (DC-609T) i-amsearch institutions ~ .1 6i e0ii,0 Sai rvlao of the MR In ,4 W., t1 d1_116 4; 1961) pp 5.1-54. a 27L p I LL 128 dr a I -ii _PJ7 I .4~-113 40 O'ne I find Nnticyclone ,q j pa :PP 1 9 6 1) pp F,' - 26, JPRVE 0~5%"o d 7 ~ ltwpo, an Part of the Olp~U'q` blf bj,, G. I. I Borleoglebakly 4960,j, bj~ 29-33, 7h R-13 0-3 Dc 6 28) 1 Vil i 8el 11 Ckhoo -i.vays- ~yannaya Aeteoroio- C Lil r ;4p o.m 'p~ 10,1~ itwei I)y tl~l IthozGiz,, by L. G. C) I' ~,~ ~ LL 0 f j.561) pp 40-5-1. ints 39 ~8 80. 60 i6im I L `7 7 1 ~F ~1, G~OV4 1 964)) Moscow, I the Histon- of ra, hdnil T.d ~gy of the Acadc go i 5 ~ 171 aq 77777 o,14 ua Li of a i HY I ~;Pln , a se Vice URSIR in. n ot e - 'Gi4 No 5 pp ei Tec 2 y! 4. T7T -7 7! 416 3~M C oil, I c . -or )f; w,,ork,~ o~ the liyo' seiv. C, il., 4i'..')o,. R U~s No 5, i~ - r4lis 3 ci (I c, o 61 Illy eteorological PP 5 t 53 - 6 15 rijine. I es ii 0.' th~.~ Scienktific council or the Main G I "OP)i icai Ob~~i4a.t6ri iiiieni A. I. Voye-kov Met ilGid, NO 5~!~J061, pp JPRS~ qci rb L 15 DC-01 ! the! KAI be t ~W* 25 YPO ~A.; 29634 yp 3-224 Dt, No tea, 92) Alai~ r of Var not Sam., s= t sidt~~ so 6,t 1961.s pp OL-2T. Zz 1 3 (DC-649P-) .:I ~j li : i i 1 14 :11 f ~ ; Af~ ; I: ~ Fm :; ! : I : 1 j d'H I ............. ~ s c ion 03~ he j Scientific Council of the C. e t ( 1, eal J~ bbd ervato.r by G. L. Belyayev DC A R U 9 1 , 1 t il. ~ Gid Do 6)A961 p 66. . J?m 9 0 :1 6 ~A i. Eto'71E' 0 1 V, I lot ~i trll~ r der or An, 7j 2 Lj s a t 0"I the td t4hi fo~ ' at 51445r I 'Orin pei~ it t ou~ 1 4 I h ii 0! 1 -me 62-15793 TIH 1. Gogoleva, E. L I It. Weather Bureau, Washington, D gilt SlotiMOL1=2ii I D. C. D'Di4ho6ll ~Jan'62 62-157.93 0 100 Ww) I it ti p le rad'107 - `*U1~U=1Kw,1mq6r o[ air 6wti in i~ h A16 the 'n f am the i t6lihi'ob~~' 'ate 4 the '7 7.7i, 10) (ova) 0141.. .4 T-h.i,liltl S-vi..% HT MAIM [I I h 'i ItH wi~ ~tlll I : ~ 1 A j 'D 1 ~j ! L~ I P ~ I i : by , t~ ~ !I 1 16 1 B' F * Sol I ~i! I , I ;!;;I , ~i L J I ::I I . v (DCL-6330) ,It "'s of the Tcr~pcraturo MA '0 . 1; thlc Atz=lbcrc and -U)c Ru "Po" I ulc iet~ Strelwk, Itt lijbl b~ V. Blir-bcl'- No. 8~ ~1961) pp 26-32- j.1504 ipm pr~'il 7C t~i3~ c6i=i; O~f Ac!i Levols, o.L~ ati&t the Ei~ctrawdollin[,. v,~j~i P. 7-Sidikav) 15 PI). OG PP ic O r u itild rNccor,~bg rrs ! L .&V %mt .nd Noia ture b-; ILI 1 1i] t F . J ; It ii cio t . r1o 6 96 . i . p , , JTR S 11504- 1 '777- 1! by ~Vil~ AALMA Tttw" MetribU- elrb So"m R. 0 s mov. [is. 0~!'Me 9, Evj U pi 0 OF PMMAS ON PF~ NO%k~ (!'ribimenna I I Ya 'c Jn0sJ Sne im, )y Irene A. 2 11667 ss~ 1961. ldroi4glrai cOnci :1ii;it,y, Density. rope 4, *Sjcill~ 'irtie gr~lphlcal~'y thel ,short- i~ula'&' allh669h it~docs not: I u a~ i'(Author): fo'~m T 8 Vil noi 14 62-11667 1, Anisimov, M. 1. It. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C, Me* sf Tockmical YOC VTO 9 i GIA) 11" N 10', Val .:z;z913 hyall -6619) 40 1e Q i ~j as a Fumcdm of No Ill, 1961& pp 22-30-1 1 t Awaff 2870313 t Lo d' Q d ka ing M& COW!erww 1~ Al AN, . 11" r$ Met , *ds no 34 1196 q 1, (DO-6655) bly pp 66-f8a : 11 1 1 " I i ~: i I I . 6 i i I . i A I I I I -~ ~- ~ I ~ I i 1~~l i m Ic A~I~VTI N C 'i, two 6ruen 62-11737 1. K&M A. L. U. Weather Bureau. Washingtco. D. C. ym*taii VUyanlya na o Poly~ kbob 2. reli ju 'i37 -11 2 Aowyal (USSR) 1961, $W ther fore- to t 6, mpl'ri "I I e tit pres- over offic.0 T-h-kal S"c*s S1.1 l Ilddia n I alic , il-~ -Ecirth -L~s CL PlO -,let of N I v. .. , ) Oax Dc-661P4 lyd 'Usc I Me l i Gid) i-io 1; 1962., 1)p 50--6. jai scl 01>1 s L ........ (W-6644) ~~dmlomr and Oceeno,. met losy blot' Gid 60 r 1962., p -63. JPM 4-u9 Servicing of atims & tlm Vo F. 'Pokromkaya,, 1962, yp 41-42, 19az 4p~pl i I I! .i , i j . I , ~ft -~ I * D i 1 7 I I ml: i6 ---Nmm~ (DO-(") a*,b an a t., P'llaIr 196e, pp 90-56. a.r ps--,4a L I. DAY)OP pp 3-84 L~-,- I :;, r. " , . ~. ", itl,-,~," 1. -1", "6w 0 I ~ I ~! i ~i I I i if 3d 4 *~ I I I I - ; i i I I I ; I i .1 1 ;~ I i . i-1! II ~ (j)c-67:28) M. S. (DO-028) "' Global Rat$ aL ~g irkIjivp, 9 pp. lb~2 PP 27-30s 6- m v 12 PI (DC-6728) by 46-Wo 7r r . I i I I ~:~It ~ I' i i i~i . 17 I t~ ,~ ~,. I :j-,~ ~ .~ I I : j i . I I ; ~F~ I f li~ I I ~ i ~:; I :: I ~ I I I Lit Ii 7"W"O~ yind, ondit 6ns of 1 Col. ectiVeC nouds Development, Iv v0Z a 0v IuW M, r, Mat i~,,Gid, ~o 40'~:19(52, pp 4:5-46. zf: 5828.4~ 196 (5415 3 7) (loan) May S-3 IX, Qn!jt~e 1. ob mlot Artificial ModIfication of Frontal 'i . 3,1 .M ~I 11, N CIOU6 te in Mountain Regionp., by I. V. But. (IjC ~~I .nuos. ~p IT Met i Id No 4 1,?62,, pp 46-47. JPRSI o Sci Gi p 29'Ma'. .2 ------------------- 71 -7 77,- (Dc-6853) PUB -1 "ill0q, 3WSCIL~TiFIC RESWCH INSTITU- T ~~6E T' y %i .1 1~bjvj p ROSSI p mOEOWLOG I YA I GIIDROLOGIYA, 62; 10 jars ~i 43 1, -E ju~ 2 202 P033 A -------- 4r J~) 411 Fi. A sc 29 6i ns pe It of he c i entif ute of Or'ecastillgl ~e i did' I JPR S 77 ic 1: No 4,~ 11- uncil of the by L. M. Margolin. PP 71-72.