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XmppvtalA J~Jk-!c-to:ea in the Mtraction of MosTqzi- L-ees 17-Y U. llahm. o L-4 !Irk altaun ZOO-L'. ll~~ of p ra Ct io It. Inca of oklor and Sweet in th!:! Atta -'o "n- the 11-mp by U. TLhm. 'oit(a T.'zo-oica, Vol X 1~0 3: A,957; -'G"3 J, ','g ~i- The YubOtIon a, the A32toomaj, P91PI and Tani of 1 1; Aedom Ae',Sy A] L. T=dking (W the Hosti. by In the i z0oaxo4op Vca Lvj, GOMM"* 7V-792- go 48 son 4q01"Mf&/Jm ml Jul Pmier bh& Reat Reqairmente of the Pwpublic of HSyptq bi ~Mli ~A. i 1. H. Abdel ni~mm ARMC~ papej? P/UOS.. Procee";s of lateruxUanal c6lif~r, 1, 11 ; I m=e pu Peacefa Uses or Momic Energy HaaA at G6aelva !f L~O pajS 3.955, Vol 1. laternmrU Couf UN Sci baci Ftwoics Clk 1-4%9.9.162 Prosip~ctas il iFinding Radioactive 1"eral Deposits in df (Abstnct 0) Paki~4uf 1us Rallm a fty) j? Pr*ceedings of Imte=ationaa acefta Uses of ktomic Enersy Held 1955., lutemta. Cwf UN ft:L i~acaeimr Pbwoles ah 1-669.9. ~I_z Z2 -7 7 7 inves;li. t r1lon"Imill ing cc*--ra- N. Iva G.MaMiijil par 1101' VIM - Til Sci li;.1.1in~ Aug 62 iat k~l, a on t.~Liench trpew Ageiug of St-~al;: -~rqTem by Heaourement. of Damping, .6 Stre-q~th aw3 Refoiwation, by Rahmun. Archiv f ner SiaenhW~tem-even.. F.*b 1962 -P 131-140., P BMI 2&)6 tals `moo I tt i; N. iuq,#~ I cxr ~ I SAVOlent I ti=sp by I Psi, A* A Nauk MM, Va =M, I ; '. ;ol , ; 9734%. Lai FIcatability of Morals !Mwough a A. awttep H. Nor-5 bboner Blstt~ Vol V132P No Dapt of D*mlor TR7 W No 447 Q by Wiwajilla in crsdiW tozovia,, U. 2 Wf 4 7 on th61 Wd- &Oja of lx=-V49aadlunt Anoyis in M=lwxatwav by A. Itahmel. GM41i p Ar6- Zisexhutimea vol 34, lio 279-290. c3liA, Jul jori 333,878 =a YmAmu or %%o amm 'but AUM at'840 6 J= A. lla~el Gee an4a f G2%wnoljvbdem ox Yft#m tem"Zataxwo elaveesp by A* Pabmall aii, 13' 7" wo~ a to~ZRW per# Arch RLooWmtt=ws, Vol 1 J, i16 '!6# 1959j, PP 351-360- Pavezw TrmmL&tim sei ox 11 "1 a Swelas Nffect of A1611 I Dep"Its at tul simitamo= pft"iii or, of 801pbur Tmadfie in Fwmae 'I ! Arch I --up Nbis 19600 VP 59-119P.0 am (L4. V37 Sol - IXI: 66 1! q loa of jrou-MoITbiRjumj tj~j,,% ya ied TeWvwt by,A.~ FIC-4aplo UPICL 1! Dial 1.%JC 4~9 the Reduction. of Vickel Odde With A 'wis 14 pp. rt r., 2. pbygik. Chqm~ Vol 1j, Frwileu AM Tr 2087 SCA, Ufl Chmititry, Har; 55 CTS/M A~P-jj lf-c~ ~mnmiat*-d Teeh COM 0 THE SCALING BDIAVIOUR OF BOILER STEE! BY A RAHMEL. GERMA j, P, VEREINIGUNG DER GFMSKESSELBESITZER MiT''ItILUN EN, OCT i961, PP 319--332- Bisi 2692 scl ENGRI, AUG1162 --- ------------- Vv=vv --- ------ 114,.- at, 7t- imd XmmmI.Lon., Val V'21, a, M5 ,8nov ~an Obstacle and as th puthvay. Mtbrds of "'kUt"ne:tlnig- T~MnsP4"s in Wirs'Wr Terrain,, by 9% T rabovist, 10 YY. MCL 6ult! per, JaMml of the RqpI Academy of War leuaqt~ Jb 10.0 19580 ID 2109XL9 ri, 17 S 3Y l~ h i'i ..6tion of Chlorimted Mcycloheptanes and I= ftoductsOrigimting In fozmt C 1 ceases) by H. Rahn. -AEghlves, amati onal en de per . -It Ege .un=e et de 2hei Vol lb. V2 1 126-143 6S54 A. 33.5-980 -u9 4 ~of Chlorinated Bicyc.-Iobeptmea ond Timiri0ormtion Products OrIginating in ~Oliq Pm-mses) by R. R,-Im. 6r, Arrhive FHOMMO a lmterwtoione2es do ,11 .. ! Lr~~c' et- de TheMie, 'Vol -1U,- No 1/2, ~063 PP 1143-M 64 Jul 67 B4,220 (NY-643o/W) RePort on tAte Production of River t Fisher7 in FAst Gemany.. by H. U. Menzel, Alla W e " 10 'T , ~ mk-U-i-j Ott= Dmtsaha Fisahexel Zoaltung,. Vol VIII, Aar 1$094s Pr 97-101- Yo? 3 (ny-4188). -fort on the Production of East German , R d hshlng, by H. U. Menzel., J. Rahn., 9 pp. dv.Rm '~per,, Deatache Fischerei-Zeituag, Vol VII., ol '6o v I PP 97-102- JPRS 5645 uIr rmw2f Agrieulturey fishing 6C6 6 Oi eke and jUver Fine Fish Produation r,-f tlhz~ I i I; ~ teermbn Dam6cratic Republic With Special biot: 1 11 . asts on the Pond-Carp Ecozoilty, 'by ~Ofich-im T~P'~R, 7 PP. .4", pax, DeutseNbe Fiacbere-I Zeilitung, I vi 10 7 PP JPRS 1-1888 k~' prmany .CM 62 'e at, of ure on iiawii)er of isture and Terkpeiat 5oil? by P. 11. 2, 1.960; pi) ~~-9-2-13' Ruer Inst of BiO2. Sci ~O-Ts=34r of Mae Nmricats from ~Qw;rlan~ t*:,Another Owulz to ,Ifta io~ !s by I* N*' Wmemikao 1: pp; i Pli MUR perv batmichesidi Zhuro va 11,6 No S",Omss, OUS-701, ill 'TT 66-S1102 kit ti Al W ina Res'tama in the Blood After A6ni~,S't- ation of Amim Acidsj by 1. Rahusa-SuszczmT- i3i~~ 10!) PW.ME 1b; Spi 't :16dr, Pob3u UM n ak* Vol v=.q go 44,p IT 1405-1407- fie Chemistry HM Tr 82 Oct 55 racre4ming the wotein Alt of, ~ftwp. IW & RvAb,]Aio K. 061 ~~ - IL Llets. lit e INJea�urement fof the Definiteness and Accuracy oredi tion in the Determination of Characteristics o . I Co mplex Objects of Automation by Statistical 1$16tho'd~ by N. S. Raibman, 9 pp. IiR SSI per, Avtg at I Tplrmpk'h Vol XXIV, 14N0 9'! 1963, pp 1236-1249. Instrument Soc of Amer Sc Aij. r 641 2552014 Wu the Matbalo of 00 law"twilace bv 1% YSL, Lot, as matbm't 3b 3v& Awtomb A 263mm"i Vol xmo Up! p X4664M4* A ist Id-al -Method for Determining Itimmawn Ful- tidill,16.-Isi -ial Op5rators for kutomation Cbjectu !I ; in 1,4~: Z>,t Uncar Approximat'."Lon. by and E. 3. Rnibiann, 8 I-D. tar, 'kv-Lomat :1 Telemekh, Vol XXIIT.... 140 PP 91.8-925. ohl ilsctm~ awmasum Ila a eybabrOUVA to by 1. YID No So SMOOVILabs 3 J~Srv MW RkWer I jWrat Fisp V" Imv tv Amr 11%Bt vb3, vin (35)m No 4 Aj WPM T P U c id Improvement of the EcunoLuc System* by Ov 11 C. iovi C I I ppj SERB Alq,, lietr ::I No ICI, Oct 1964, pp 1~15- Mi4L, F.Etir,~Wgos IIavia Coll 2720915 jovan k/oL- ~11 2&)p522 lbe Vdft at am*m i*. S&M man" MA patw adordail a of Iwo Lu an Umic Crptol Dae to t:LDxo* by A. le Aaldbanko, 5 pp. Pft Tvezftw Uln't Val V,, No 7~ 1963s, AWr I=t ]Pgp On rMa - SoUd State Vol v0 NO 1r q-q, 09 C81culeul(M Of the EUCtric-al Coaductivi%;- of Two-Ccoponeab Pouder yet,-a products, b,, 'A. I Raldm*a$ 1. W- Fedorchenko, Pis Uftal i MetaLlov, Vol X.- IT .a 61 1~146a US-3 CHENICO 0. 1. njIstructure of nicket during creep and problem of Pg 6oncentrational distribution for alloys from ,eWs metat powders. Part H. On the problem of 4 the distribution by concentrations for alloys of ie* metat powders Zhur,, 3, 408-417 (1958) English Euratom Nusaal tive Mwtbod for Dff termlmtlou of the Glassy -: i F '?or= 6" )jDD or its Sewatum fram es In Almoftwilicate Refr*ctor:tesp Crys by Kill St ?a PaicfteAox 6 ype I' Kri Zhurp PrIk Mftp Vol =Mp No ny pf I, 19601 ca Sal The Dest dtion of Forsterite Refractories on lieatinglh~a Gaseous Medium of' Variable Composi- tio b~ P. Basyan, T. F. Ralchenko. Ogueupory., Vol 1957j, pp 1!. Dsm LLu m.il63 ZJ Tech-11-6. 169 Obeixdml High Preaours Prowsses, i .I I 21 Vol IULVM,. 3, 1956., Vp 203-' 3. go CSSIRO Apr 6.21; 'DC-5639) xe"T, mcasFps for the Organizatioa of B'ploitation or A~4as tWdetr U-rigation., by Al . Ralcu 3 PP- Agricultum Ndua,~ Vol Vill.. No 706, 31 akh PP 1, 3- JMS 8523 lj~~ql d7o7 ROOM :6 ul J 6*0M by,* ft. IL VAWdW A. 1". ?~,Io! 3 t964 eou Vj e I st~4 thelTruth Confessions of an Iraqi Communist, 11: . I by C ade al A/ ARABI J'Blaghdad, i 6, 7j 1959. *JFRS./SPECIAL NE/A Iraq Pol Sep,59 h U ia Dmper WiddhS W DC.F Motoxe RUN H a PATud An"Uwe WbxUT*g !~ 4, "B'dom, by. ~ R. R. RWdnd A. P. Md. N rJel=toetm-j,1916?, Nol I pp $39' i N 2~1 03 1964 (3410) (On Ljoan) L 90 Z9 a ~us s4-;4 p i tudl 2440615 c a of'Cyammide* =* qwmtitative 1 51 c-16: ptandmtlon in TISSIUDSp by Hannz .Aj =,1s, 2-c*S pp D60 Vol nt ftu()-T;- Adf-liticijn eu ef by F. 21 Vol li�11-3., i?p 253-L,60. -loan c3~py oulyI STA 57-2809 ateel aWit on 01.11e.1u, nal Stahl Wad Ein Vol u:L1. ea- 171 4PT.40 piricc, IAN "Ateriii6sen vol No 7., 33 gigs,, k Itiblespilt R3 po frinIVI t , hce~ )f Dtrferiln't 'Alloy'Additions upon Propip ies 45f~.c contaWng Pernment Magnet Ili ! :I 6teeia Order No 1866v $7.20 (SF-18555') Mtr ~,Migimerlmg In Building Co,-nz:~-~c-~:Loyj, m,senleur Faidt., 5 17p. perp Tedudsche Cremiinschaft, iTo 4, 1961, VP 135-140. JM 13432 62 c ~6r. of i P12o by Absiorption and Scatter ~'. I- , . Ing.. Is: ad mkly wd J. Tvaik. i I Per) Cimptes Rendunp Vol CC=,, 19501, pp 34i--347 T 1, - O~ade InC, k~-e~Lqur-, Ifol XXA-~FTIT; 1958, vp 9093616 AM Tr-4&J3 6 Meamlzi6c~=U Cif M: Difruslim Lenath iu a 6oilk~* ,to Deftndne tbe Transport for' Mwx=al Ncutmisp by tT. HQQWII 1 V4 *iftsld. J--Xn Peacew Useo of Atxwdc Maergy Held &i O~D~ .~D'Aug 19.5% Vca V. twin Yj Wdlol ca liftematem Am !I . leis GObWtp by A A. ftlaMtmv M3 INIM Jim iskj% VA 3=6 -NO UP YA"70 by L. U plauftwo re 3;6s427 -7-17 3n waft lip, r A at Ability Cdr AjLr. imp, --7-v --h-owwo 29 IM 6 7 Eli Indreeis'ed Det~ei4nat: yao, ~'Rai RUSSIAN.9 p 3, pp 306i fisitivity in the Spectral h of Rare Elements In Solution, by baum, E. S. Koatyul-, ; 'C'Va pp 0 v Zavod Labv Vol M71,, No 3., 1961., H Of th Yie-t SIAN 961-91634i o'd od:' Additions ':.a Spec-L-r-6-raphic si for Indium and Geroaniiza,. by Ya. D. -a, 3 PP- itj ov d -,.~oj Vol )Drv, av C) ixistru Soc of Amer 6E ibe Una. Mxbmnal:w in an Are Immmt, otmogm$ xda*br 7 w- V~~~ G&do faved Re, IF 909!2w )RUSS 1449-1453. ae~~ I~ative 8 t I Pectral Analysis of Ores by the ~~'btlon of Samples into the Arc with an Air u ~baumj M.A. Luzhonova, 5 pp. Tnstme Soa of Amer IAIF per,, Zavod Lab, Vol XXV, No 129 1959p 61 la~ td.~ D.", 3 pp. RUSSI.IM,q Ifto per, Iz Ak Nauk Ber Piz, Vol )CM.. NO I s1955ir TP 70..T.L. c-TA c U53 Colmbia Tech 'Tr AZ scletai ifIC PbWI3:LC8 s r1p p 167 340o302 VIrz Z. t2. an oz, Q,." Of the sera p er., nlu- 0 19.4 bt R ikher, N116-1 i~her, .~R A RA, MiibN bl~l TA PHORts~s ~1; FAS] %i() .1-ipt fir Order fro lo or'81 I ! Trans. -.1 i I-ab 3ratorn, p. 36-39. DESCRI ff,016~ SeO serums, i-.qjeqtr0Pho1 method fo;r t etcrml~ rein fractiops present potato stAre4' s6~ution' distributed 6verj the ~ . , I ~artjtioned SL tj Itel '4 1place r conta t ni~,,,*, ejech( Cs iologi,caj S i~ it: k6va, V. N. and others. MMUNE SERA HT EUECTRO- TS 14 PLAI [1963) fB)p. 5 rcf*;. -2. ' 214 $I,. lo 63-23044 i ic belo (USSR) 1962, v. 8, no. 7, ti~,on, Troteins, *Immune SIB, Starches' ~ng simultaneously several pro- ;tinmune sera Is describLd. A ijki'xed with a 6tiffer solution is ~,toffi of a glassy dish W'wcll is ~1 a glass ro& Two strips of 166 the e'dp of the dish to make Asecon d layer of buffer Hiemisti- -v, 17, v. 10, no. 9) (over) 63-23044 1. Raildier, 1. 1. 11. Mirskova, V. N. 111. FASEB S-214-2 IV. Federation of American Societies for Expert- mental Biology, Washington, D. C. V. Scripta Technica, Inc., Washington, D. C. OM= ~d lechWai Sere,= 6r~rcll ~?)Ution~ ~~eii pouredAnto the dish. After the 63-23044 Oat~ 6i'dr!4 bong both sides of the glass rod :1 irc~tc~es re c6 ~6-7cm from the cathoik., Exactli 0.5m~~Eii~s'erut6' ~IlitroiJuced into each trench. After absorpti(M of Elk s n-utn,~ the trenches are.filled with ~ufieer,LI-41 stard 31'ucion.~~ Six plates are placedin the electropt 0'retic t. i~mber~~ perriii'tting simultaneous, a64~sGTf 12 .4'a'' lie ',,Pie starchplates are cut into p 10, iiie~es~6&lbrdi~' Itith size an position of each frac- tion. , rEacilh pkec..,centrifu e with 10m1 of physio- gi~ 160: gic'al Ell n. he su rnatant fluids repre- sented cbq isolat rotein fractions. MCCti-OrAiore- P gz~ams 'If1ln-orelp" ~xaction_~ o iained from normal and immun' h' Ise S'b 'a,, Llsin t is r6chnique show that the proL6in 6 ction 1-Pa'ration was quite precise. Coll"! on of 34~GlobulinB in the Blood Seru-In m' Do~0~4~(Eldc~,ropho'retic and Turbidimetric Deter-min'. ~ ~ ~i, ~ II lltiO6 1. 1. Raikher, N. 14. Protserovc., N. M. 11 11 T I I., Me~6i'ei-ri-'s"'kilrb, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, perj Problemy Gematol, ' Pereliv Krov-.~,. ~ I, ~ Il ~ Vol V,1~0 2~J960, 52-54. PF sci Oct~ .60 Q sof ~ttArlsttcs of Post- ty Ital Typbus Fever on - HeArSection In~i~-Iloigz ~in Durorm* zorms or Reev. V. Psba~nlchWws ga G. Nostmp I. ft- TIMM.* 3 FPO W 0 Vol. p no 3.00 3-9388 99- Perpnm IrAt Med! ip Arftccumic A cid lit Vol The the MM 9 101 U Moi cam p 3.959 cawdkmto Damu .4 ui* ado Z -7 INNIF-01 or wmt" I Tga Iwo 4345 39 0 com BIto emical Investigatio of Piaphorase a A; n ~~I: p ik"cci4~!c Dehydrogenase in Induced and and an., lan 6d Hepatomas., by N. T. Raikhlin, 51 13 )AF.Lj YU.L.IlUsy Onkolog., Vol VII, I'To lo,61, Elsevier Pub. Co. C;cji 195;392 TpN- riae and Succine DebyAFpgenase in Fma'aiidbr'o2~''a'ad Ca=e-,&ous Tisdue4j. by No ~v pp. .Voprosy Onkolog.. Val VIIp ffo 3j, MWTAN~', pei 1961.1. SaL .]Rd.Vo*; & R%er 77 cPericaddes Ouqftr Xj: ppper sl~x 9,xidpop by 1. A, Kazarnoyakiy,, W# Zbw Fit Kblmt Vbl XXI., No 3: 1947; -2 9080" pp AM Tr-4758 oor App q,ntw- for D--temi-ning Drissociation bu 1,; Raiklislitein.... 1. Kazarnovski-. 17i Zhiw 'Piz Khim, Vol XXI; !,'a 27(-260. CSIRO 35,10 t 2 6 S14 rags or the 9 Deeamposition of Ltw ~Wsoclato Mmaber of the f Sais ce USSR L A. Kaza=vs4j, In.sad-L. N. lbrkova 4 pp. kdkhahte soi C~~ CPs adee-w perp DDk Ak lisuk SSSR,. s6 4,, lip a1-644 Clonmatunts Bureau Relidb~lt~,~Ill O~f Passive Fledundwwy Circuits With pexm~ Conmeted EL-ftadant MmMats in the ft r =LstributAou of L*a& or Volupop by B~e A, L. foswlff~ pv.~~ Avtmmt L TWamakAp Vol MVp ao 4p 104.5 11 "1 am rf,*i - 7, Pro'Lem of Structural Reliability in a Th ~~'slte~ ;E~r S,equential InfoTmation Collection, ~Lll 1 Ptaiki 6 pp. y A n 6SSIAN~,'per, Aytomat i alemekh. Vol XXIV, :lb63, pp 1260-1266. Instrument Soc of Amer Sci: '~64 'p~ 255 016 I irr~~ !111 11 ~ ~Sq~entiflp-Tocbnicajiconfere I., rice of the Yourig IPcien~4t6 o~1~6e institute of Automation and IRm6t6 C66trAl ~y A. P"'aj~jn') and N. V. Forbashovo pp. 5 RU r. omat i Telemkh, Vol XXIV,, pe No 3., PO~ h25 hTF ISA 2.1f o ST3 160 '61"16 got i De+,6r"iiang he Opbival Reserve for a System While to 6count the Damage of Blocks in the e By, A. 6W. Russ~k ~r*1 Aytomat I TolemoUh V03L ft no 1.964 1 11 P'P'. ii6 -- 15" ol, I'llape-l-S D-woted to 6 1*1 .'Dil j-rp R :.(,ar 1961;. by A, L, cu, Ar 7 e 19' - 77~ IWO r, Ccdh dr-; and La6ti Mlopplaa U, c -4 c i (I inn k~' *s 1 5 pou-'a OX; -~h~ Zeart oZ lZrwtharmic luiiimal-, :Dun C&~= Pa-raut, aad Resto27all-ima of tlie Gener6l C--!--~cMlLation by a Cambiaelion of Therapsutlic ~l ('. M-easurs b'~ IZ~, A. Rallm et al., 9 pp,- -RUSSIAN Per iment 1, M~ Secheno-va, Fiziol 7-amr SSM iq o'j -14( rv p 1489- 'Ttm 66 bwdooll Afttw" *J' the Emlear AppamtA pf iilmu~v DUN=Grl& IMdes Striatus and L.,% uwm,p,. bi B.-Babovp RWUW,v yuji Duk Ak. Mu* Vol =Up so 6p Pi" ftst or Bl" ftl The 1 in-mine Of SWMLuy Matm Palypodim Rydrif or= USSOW(Goeleatamts) am ftw.Va*mi Jumalles, by E. VIP RLikovas HUSSIU -,81 Dok Ak Mauk SM., Iral CXLl., no 6s 80:1 i Idol; cl Do- C" In*entleatUm of the Parasitic am Ryft-Iforve Van (Coelenterats).. Vol: 0 vp ~H, No Dok Ak Mu& SMv Vol =as No 3v VV; 54 Amer lost of Blol Sci ~~f L~ ?9 RVM~c of:. 1#0~ iad7'f t IM FlUer Diaperafty and the GrlrmUng Tim machaideal Properties of Polywras, by . and T. V. ~~ p. 5 KalloLdryl Zhumal., Vol IXIVv No 62 PP. 742 - 748 the Wftct of AMItIms ot Dispersed Irm .%S "AIA Lve an the Pbplo*cvacb=,'oa3 Properbles or by A. U. 8miromm L. V. v 14 1r. Awo p" 4 PD. Rassii Dak Ak Nauk SM., Vol MMV., No 3, :Lo6o i:ET jui 6111: No:~ yao per In -63- a tions of the Lip INNIPlicitted by 8*0 Di Fraictuit of ~,-be Fo=r,, by J. M. PjAlUrd, 23 PP. i866. SIA Tr 57-1497 scl ILI b,-,r J. 5 91 tuat Be Phal bV Po HdeawAts 20 PP- SHA.- Aus ~6i