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Oler, pp pbic dharacteristic . The Cent-al Part of the iRi-r-ir Basin, by D. K. Bashlavin, 3 PP. ~Z, ]?(,i1-., V,-:.-s I Moskov Univ, No 1, 19&D, Ser 5) EZK'rP,,. C TS Arrily Map ZS'ervice USSR~ Geog I 2 1 M4, i ib3 Coil 1 A o; ~aio,~Iar Alotion of a Body by Z~bL= Of 1% 1% P. Utvin-Clcdoyo 5 PP. RU Vest lbslwv Univ, flo -up 196o, P.P T9. AIM No 1., 19"3 Vol I "lei Mar 3 ! (; I- ie irpO Raliation of a Pa3ticle with a (,,n=,gc Tilli rLSIC mguetic Manwit, by L-4 Wng Ha, 3 pr - -)S Liq rt Mos. Univ. No 6, 196,-, pp -2 -'So. 331 pr, VeL interntl Aysical Index Physics Express Vol III, No 9 H ron i,iaudna of a Particle in the Gravitationp.1 s-Lmily Rotating Bo~t-,, by V. C!, D:~Miu, irv 6 pp r!cj 6, ig6o, P Tirterfat! Fbysical Lidex Physics Express Vol Ill; No ~ims'c Hmti= of tbe K=waI3--Izn Distribution jibri im a Relaxing Gas., by D. 1. Osipov. per, m 8 ov T 0 1 NASA TT F-aIT3 i'v ;I~ys. f ju . 162 .,5 im w*11, ulz Cum t4brati4i~.v TxvestlCrAtions -Ti 'lea L, 4~tfl Ar-p I., Al Pet (NY4 of the Effect of Iant s on Mature Demmeentor Piclue * F. Hironriv, K. V. Krashkevich, y V oval rt al -pp. e , 10. vestmft.,"Ov~&Ogo Us Vol M) JL961., pp 26-31. JFW 104a 503) Gen is and Development of Cir-lues in Cent--al i i I ~ zab:,y,3iu'!tl'Y, E', by V. Ye. Fedorov, 2 pp. RUSSII DT ) P i~, Vest Mos.k Un.iv, ND 1) 19 1, pp 6ri-62. (Cal 1 1, No. 61 V58 Ser5) EXTFMCTS Army 'Map Service ussk G:~Ogjl '63 Th~, ~A rst lba-uaim Conference on Ozone .7,-IPL the ME!' 10 . Elli ,l catiOnal jn.Stjttjtjojjr,, 't)y YL), Yemiel'yar.~- P. Rus 3i i?-4, 3i -ir, Vest Nlzskov U.., Wo 1, 1961, JPRS :Lo4l2 sci i mi v ~ .i . oli n A c nulation of Sand in the Western Part 11 Of cle,-tra~ ksia, by Ye. I. Selivanov, It pp. Fiusslk~, P-'-~', Vpst Moskov Univ, No 2, 1961, pp 10-14. caiii w0 V513 S'C'~ ib~T*Rj"~'CTS Army Map Service Geog~ 21, 6 MAl" 3 orf ati, Ific Cmfereace aX Ga Eccnazdc cupeti.- f I I en Tsm World 6)ratefwj by I, FaLdnnldy~ r 34 pp% liLLA ~J)er, VL-13+. 96.11~1 w), a~~, JPIC IL583 USE B /7q, 6' , I~sat-ion of Pyrazol-es., XWI- Biolo&lcal of' Pyrazole Wrlvvtivea, by I. I. Grandborg; 1 Iv ~Icrinaaova) A. It. Kostj 1~) pp. VOst lbsk UrAv... No 3.. 19Q, PP 27-34, 15 Fformation Cbaracteris tics. Structure 1 4 and R eandering Riverc; Floadplains and of T 0 ~ S. Div e dInto hrrqs, by V. Ye. Ostaaiin 1; pp. RUS' VP -v, Vest l4oskov Univ,, No 5, 1961, (6ii-i16'. C11 V58 o0er 5) EXER'XTS Army M.:.p Service G.. 21 ~63 . ~. .. VS I - P " Tnio 1-1--irm Of ;Lbfanily Ptexicbae ' . 3-11 I 1e PlOx-a of tl,*-- MSR,, by _7~. J. f;L-iclkcyv 9 c "41 b x 0 fero ~kastnik Z.b3kcmsWcjo Lhiw-t-sitnta, - - ' o", !j q 39 6r, L3p 45-52 Ll I Ti~ . C9-55056 S:x t Ell- iG9 21 1.1 389,814 I I T 01 HEM NATURE OF THE ADSORBENTJP T ITY'OF SURFACE; AND ADSORBATE- IFO AI BATE NTERACTION IN THE ADSORBTIV9 PROP- ESljF,,ISOLIDS., BY A. V. KIISELEV, 24 PP. ~W~ O'ER,, VESTNIK MOSKOVSKOGO UNIVERSITETA, W ~3 -20. Cl JPRS I 217062 I mom go Im u I d~ LLEd'RON!l C AR~1-6,UE COWUKTERs I t4 So;,IE R E I. L~ ~PR6BLEAS' ~ ~~Y 6. V.I~SAVINOV, R. A. o1 A.-LER 11'61,41 1 f OF I it 3S 1. kl KOV U~IV, NO 1, i~621 !PE VEST ~os 6o im; 19244 sli t ch'i A TA fwl C~ q 65, 231~016 --- - -- --- --- -- Nat~,Iral " nalitY of' the Lower I?riob'y-ye, by 1. 1 S. 0. Pol',akO 3 P.P - R U SI I I IIier 14est .1,40skov Univ, N 2, 1962) D pp 25 -~31- 1 (Call No. G1 V58 Sel' 5) LXTRACTS Amy MEX Service USSR Gt" Q~ 21 ~a~ 0 lolr~~Itftnaixlf,r +lie Bonuo Wm-g-n 8,,ruteu anti -d~~,, 4 Lice of JubmirdIng Bomiscs, by G. V. TRIM tt, 14Dsikovsk%-v tk No 3t 1569's' pp 15-23. Jills 1619"L '7f Sep trosi.opic Determination ol the Concentration Op 4e 1'02~ Radical in an Explosion, by A. I L V hi~ V. N1. Tatevsk 4 pp. RUSSIAN, 'er klestnik Moskovskii Universitet, No .3, I P . I 23. 191 Pil JI-III/APL 'T424 Sci J aii 51 4 i al A bi the N Pjj&b IR t un IV k 4 o : , , '77 u ;1, 1194 OOD )D496' 6 4' ti 263,W3 5ethW of .~IM 1.-4 f J. Si 'BTWA!-., t9 Yc-,, A. ..I 0v ~S AN, Vest Moakcrv 13 12. .1tant Features Of tilfu Cli-riate of til n e 'by 15.21. ch rQ 46-S 11.32 C I 0 7 c IIInle 1.bms of SUDfamily 11-1-bariclezva- III )'.'lora of Cie USSR, by A. .1. Slackov L7~'Il e- r Vestn:U." f-bakow amcp urliversiteta 6, ll~ . l, 4# 19620 j?p 48-59 1 7 ~!~-55056 b 389,,815 irl6rbi+,s of the Earth's Artificial t-ol, by E. P,. Aksenov,# B. A. Grebenikov M 11 ~erp Vast Hoskov UhJv, go 5, 1962, Xwt TT F-83W 163~ witl~ MY _,1e he Problem of Trsmsivrse Instobility of j&rged Beaw In StoraVi Systeaso, by V. G. Gr bin, S pp. RI AN, Per; AgAMM-k-1hiv, No 6, 1962a PI! 13l Wfku)rl4iev by G. M. Panebenlw 5 VP yp 3-6. 1963 no l l u ., n vj, a Vest Moskov AM-Ibr-M2 Sol IRWO ~41 L .. JUI st ion of Microelemeents (CU., zn., Co., I., bb Sr) and of Some Mai.-roelements (Sj,, *$ ca~ Mg.F) Between -Wie Roots and Tops 1 C, f s In Rdiation to the Phase of Devel- IMMIA, by.G. P. Bondgrenlw, -11 p. lip MN RUSS per., Vestn:Lk Moskj)vskogp Uhiver- ite~ :p NO 1: -73,, pp 19 U. I it! i Soc Ai~ Sci W. A In P-10 4 1963, pp 37-4t. z-,, mosses on k0" 11 pp. , No 2, 19638 We " ;! 7111 1., .ii ~ ~ I 1; : ~ I :, 1 1 1; 1. ---- I NO ESTABLISMENTS . LOGY POTASHNIKj, 10 PP. NSKOGO UNIV., il. 20b25 238.,7o6 ilivapo tivity Of Soils of the Light-Chestnut rx, dom.pl x by Yang Pen-Chih., 10 p. IL-:kll Vestnik Moskc)lvsjkcogo Uaiver- pe, r. No 2., 1963., PP '537- 7. ~S' ~il! di Soc Am sci - 1~ ra T.J. c" f Eus Jan 6'.1 I the Muntainous Subtropics and intains of Rarma, by B. G. Rozanov,, 1. ]Rozanova,, 6 P. per,, Vestnik Noskovskkogp UnIver- -1 NO 3p 63, PP U 76. So c Am i Sci han ' Df Light Chest- jof Some PmpertieS ~t 9~~se Clay loam Soil Under the Ilffect Fo est Belt Plantations, by L. B. Boro- ins ty"a., 8 P. imit . per., stnik Moskjws~M Tlaiver- Awl I No 4 . 196j., 6ilil'ildi S6c Am Sci BY G. L. .UNIVERSITETAt 24L..562 Of 1~2rQq for ~,*Pratltm I t 71w~ 44 t, .0, ICI VA pgj~'ion of &=us in the Soils of the C ~Nlle iValley., by G. R. Fakb iij, 8 P. )vskogo Uhiver p6,r,, Vestnik Moskc !te 30 ~5, 1963, 59-67- ~~Stiil 061 Soo Am ~sci tij -1 -,? 11 ~ J7- 11UL ~>Lf- I,.' r. Un v : 1C Cal i0m, ~iysical-Geograplxic Zonging of the I iab:~ Area ofiCantral Asiat, by T, V., AIVU, HDskov Uni,~,, no 1, 19641, A 2960166 h c IacluuAsaiiOf Action of Finis on Tkeir by' 1. (4 Chigir 7 pp. f3 Vestnii., Mosbov.Wcogo Universitota, 1 22 146!' ) Iti A him* 1" 4. 1 at I mio prx. iwx7Ak, "LLY 1 4. De r dat: g; I'n'of Wool by Microorganisms, by V~ ISh opbnikov, Ye. I. Kozlova, 7 PP. RUSSMAN,i er,, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, No ~196 PP,58-63- 3,454-68 ~,r ~4;- rd !,Ibt~p history of' Zaniw~ of Hussia, by ~1- V. Dye 1: g, pip 63-67. '16 ~14~26lc A L 65 0 c 1] 296,176 Feb talk Iloskovsko! u Wiversitota, lip Bo-po. '1~046 46.5 ;L Ic 296,168 deo4imical Origins of Ufa, by 11. N. V51k Y'so AN r Vestnik ~Wskovsl; a Universiteta ~Omg RT, pp 3-12! N 230 Sci 340.393 il:k by Rl Se Aw B &1 1! XO~ Irk ~the Posterior s Aid Certain Problems ry=.,e S WWVI qt A4 is PP. No 2,1964, pp 25-37. 264,704 'i I'tai~ t add C&apilation of Uuiastral n e tl k iav).4 C~~ tlic Lkmd of A&dwLstrativc A=as, 1, Gorkniova, 7 q jier,, ~Vest Nosk Utiva No 2, a.; 3j, 3$,jI4A 0 Z 297.479 . I i1 i I) ~ i II ll~~ L piological Activity Aria Mijahe L&P N. No 2. 1964, 264,705 CICI 11 rile ~Llkiilow On tile Ssyl. Uvor on 7 July 196.N., by '4'v&ts" -'Yo K0111,Orkh1a. 4 pp. U, pi,ar, vost Mosh Univ, No 2. 211: f lic U Socaid lntordopart;i~xnital ~~tg lti.,ic Conform-= m tile problel.1s oil la Left-11,mik. Ukraine, 'by i~risldnao 4. rip, -NOr VOSt i.,O-Sk Univ, 2t L)64, LU~ I - 8'5 3 4C 7 -0u E ! Of tile Geographic Society ' Vestnik ljosj~ovsA,;oj,() ~kjivcrsitct-l s 6 S 294 mossommomn-- r~ tion of~Nitrogmn in Soil Organic 11-tt ex I iraAlionps -by M. F ovabLinnikova d D 16. oriov, a P. p pe!ij, V~Stnik Moskovskogo Univer- et[L 30 196W., pp U-20. Pei Sod An ~~ke'mi*, and Mineralogical Compositoon '2e ol the Clay~ Fraction of Gray ~brest Soils 'Iial Kai I O~last., by B. P. Gradusav and , EP is. sevskaya,, 8 P. S R R r s perk Vestpik Moskarskogo Uni-ver- j 16i ie a NO t t i 3.- 1964., pp 21-0 S ~il iSoe Am ~e ~ud korl I IZ-S 1~ 3 ii"tio'n; o'i CaTtographic I.bhtcKIs in 14~11 T~Ctoqic rwolwnts, by A* Ii,, L. Flo; Litvins,8p, IxItr* Vestwlk IlaskiwAggo Urilversiteva 64., SIZ-3-9.~ .,rt; PAP41ts of Scientific Research by ;,y hy tiepaxtiwnt oj.~ tloscm Universi- t t ii )6 ~ 4 pe I ~ 11 ssit 40 I)br,, Yespik I-loskovskopto Wiversiteta, hr. All 1 11 Lrsg,c ir 1 22P s 1265 294,327 Fr- 1~ arn ed Council of Oe Geography )a 11 1kt by L, 1, Grishina, lp, sn~v , pC1,-,p Vdstnk Hoskovskogo Universiteta 4 22 C 5 1265 Ilk' SJ,,. 2940326 a' ari3 on of the Organic Matter in dan&Solonetz Soils of the ' gm Region., by P. Ye. Solov' and No Tyurina-Zeymlashvill, , mm kk per, Yestmik Moskovskogo Univer h' - s 6' i ta~ P I 10 4 199, Fp 57-63 0 Soi l S6 L Soc Am 3Ct E%r, IqCi 6& .1101~ illaut"rim Oi! Oumtitative i3l-rurs n ~i M thu, Closeness of Correlated Ica) r ctii ins, by G, it, i5aflyanov. J(UO:~~ IN bar Vastnik &Iloskovskut~o lyi IN 4 31-820 I ob ~Th 4:' -Se m , '' 11:~~ d, as-toMectricaUy Tune UH rky It R 66ni toiis; Aidrey~,, L V. sk RUIs I ko~ U ~V, No 60 1.964, 1 A 1 9 C . ' 4 3ig", zie sci ~Na 269s,009 -1 Mal I- )F*gttwbadrA "e VIC 60 11)(4, pp t, Lau, dumpe Mappb%, of Mom- PTSca ~e I r Areas 0outhem Mt. WbrUI3 Region), y Ud. I&MIYOV WA K. G. Tmwv, 7 p. venuft Mo RU, k I., Oer AWLADOM Uni, verb 0#1904,0 pp l5b-CII. iD 2! 065:765 Scl 29.7.681 ctu~r e of Sod-YAadow Soils in the Moskva : t e' r F1 odplain, by L. A. Girishina, 6 , 7 P. i-I RUS ~ ' ~ILWI j 1per., Vestnik Hoskovakogo Uh:ver- i- 6 11 ~ 6- . I No 6 1 1964., PP 67-73. SDU S t C !Soc Am I )%i 661 Tilb isi~ Sdoifitific Scinbar of Ukrainian spher by V. 0. Yem,, 2 Ipp. RIUM IANO'pe~g, Vest Moak UnIt, blo 6, m4. 87. AC, 6660 j~ ~wt W~sw, -ul U 280,475 71 by RL pp AC D 1 0 13 .... M~~ gical Conference. RIO 6, 196 49 ~18011476 by NO 6. 1916A, c ,~ t ~Sx~ ~~ t~afw ~ I 280,07 i ~~i 7 n Lk tp I xtidle.6, md llati~riais V'14W in the Ioumal lwlrastai;~ Fj 7 t; aiw. mmota DOC 1964 pip rau_529 O N MMI 1 4 - 65 J ul 1~5 i TIC OXIrWTION OF XYLZUE, N. I Sl~d~kn and N. A. Pazdnyak, Vesta. Mosk. Univ. _G, N~. Ser, Ftz.-Mat. J Estestyea, Nauk, No. 2, 85- B81 51). W9, I Z~S ; Z T; 2 R 6.SO ($i.so) V. Ye. Milal-ukav 'temperature dependence of the thermal ~uctivity of stee3s and ir-on-based alloys. 18 PP. le'stnik Moscow. Univef sitet. BeriZa .cheskikh i ventestvennykh naxxk. No 6, 71 july the Construction of a Dynamic Correla- ~= Stressev w3d DefDrmatlons by the )n of Residual Deform&tions, by V. S. ,pp w, Vestnik Moskovs1koso Univ, Ser 1, ~6-1 C, No '5, 1951, PP 13-20- 346,174 L: --------------------- by niar lit-t.s,t !'Oc;4 uIlIv, Si Ia ei f Zi Tconltm in Solutions of Mineral Acids, Be' ~Yavskaya, Mu Itin-Ven. ' S RUI A t I N Fu estn r ik t,bs Univ, Ser Hat., Mekh 1 4, V 4" V l 14 N 1959 i Mi s v 22 4 o, o m, , , 0 pp , NTIC4 69 -13A T-OB sc~ S R b em b 391 680 I , 61-16086 ON OF NION-PERIODICAL rI ON THE! AffP1 OXIK 1. PoraWi. M. K. . I FUNUMNS I -, ME 4S OF ALGEBRAIC POLY- 110 6 11 MIALS. [i if (it ~j 9 rela. Order fro 10 or !A1 $2.60 61-16006 of. '- - mrd Mntematika ~ Tra n f rv L1 . e n . c . o hjq ll SSR) 19 0, V. I Iiio-. -1I Me hanikal I I- I' . I ~ ; !),R$ I ana. UMerl D2 RI C opun. I I cat analysis. mynominilk. J I- mial 'A'pproxi inn t tons (in terma tips ~,PixaNv de 11, of I.Mp, - 1:, 11114 1' MS) f< rIrusctions and their derivatives. (Tranal,ito ~ (,Mathcnya ,Cl; 11 r,; N16, no. 3) (NY-5975) j~lh6 Sytthesis of Optinal Correcting Devicf,--s~ A. Gorskiy, 18 pg. 3,, per., Vast Haskoir UO Ser 1, llfttemat, No 6, kov/Dec 1960,, PP 51-59. ITM 9137 Sel Rnar O.-A he Hkihanics of ControIling Angular Motion L aja 4y 6~~ ~MeURS of Rotors, by N. Z, Utvia-Seaoy- 'LAW, I~mvc Vest KQsk Ur Bar 1,, Matemat, 'Mekhav P.X,1~18- frov 1960,, pp 72-IB. s is ITLY'R 61 orllrcemii.2h Petravskiyj by S. A. Gallp-arn, 9 Rube ,~T~ L ~l M eY,-r .. ... ..... Bioj 44 Vest Mosk Univ.., Ser I, Matematilia, ,c 1) pp JPRS 10238 -7,1 77 Imochrmator Idth J~mbjo Foz:usin- .3f,1:131 tic ~Ctor Field. by !V. 11. G.. Tollkovskil,,ra 12 pp. 11 , I or,, va'st Mosk I~Iivr sew.1 ~i-iati I Ro 1, 091, 22-28, 7009777~) 287*557 ~e D'iermimtion of the State of -tress and n i Ll ght YAtAls Under Neuta-on Irradlation G.~:hNia-Aevi, 5 PP- AN,']~er,~Veot. Xbokov, Univ. Mat. Mekh. ]?~ J 154-557- Lt~ich of t t he Profile of Least Resistance 661&r wing, by B. 1. Borisov, 5 pp. !I R imi ~er Vett 9~sk Wvorsiteta,, H Sor I m malt i~ Mvi~hp--W,6 1; 1961, j.7p 6~-6S. 968S064 PTD-Tr-65-397 ~[ p'~ ~Eng-~ 63 r 'P ~! 0 ~.., 7,i --- % , ~, -r-, . '.., , 11 / I '. _ .1 .. HU IV.~ SIA 2, L 62 C, FLOW PAST AXIALLY SYMMETRIC BLUNT TH A DETACHED SHOCK WAVE., BY IGAYEV., 10 PP. PRR, VEST MOSK Ull I It, SER I . MATEMAT MEKH, FTD-TT-':'2-351 Ys 2u4 444 U , M70teady One-Dimensloml C;ao Nation tam U) lXrj&ut in at Channel of Vwldtle Cross q'., 2i 11963... pp 73.-'rg. ~661964 63: Sa~ ANXL( C70 V1 n;3t SOLU11ON OF 7111E PROBLEM or AC at 1.14-1 f ON OF PERWRELAMNS. Apr W [7)p.1 I )1113. 1 AvaIW ic erom 1% A~ In Its journaL V, 1, no. 4, ~5. 00 11 11 1 p &,!riya 1: matepiatu cum h klus 1% (v. 161 iii; 5~~62--16. Trill DFSCRIF-6RS: A~Alog comlUers. OPLniurbatlan theary~~ 0, Ancaj~ Otemoi Vqwdonn (f morlan. 'Nov - linear LqyR,-ms,' Mthenuitical axal),Mft, Dynamics, erxff ;31a rw, Illegmilon, sdwduling I tx~ tip (Mathdiri rlc~~' T v. 9, no. 12) 63-17211 1. Salnow, Q V. U. American InaL of Aeramutica and As4veautim New York M. P&m&y Tmukdons, New York Ofte of Tech*jd Semktt ation of Pressure in a Two-Phase Liquid, '0L Ir perk _Vesk Mosk Univ, Ser I Matemat pp I K L- Al"E' A Risley Tr No 340 scj~~ - plays 2~~ F~eb 1~1~ 9~'~ 6 3 'HE ; 1;M"1 I cs OF A DAIAPX-lk'G PYROSCOPE: DY (ANII 13 PP. F~)ER,. VEST VOSKOV UH 1117 Pp "2-4o4 FTD-TT-b 2 G 22 -14 JUL tl;2 S 01 i,ipativity of a Cemda Nonlinear system Di I rnual squtions. 1[0 by D. 12. Damidovicho ppi I or, -Vmt Mnk Q lk Ha;~uat Makhe pp 19-27, 967OL36 M-TT-62-1149 A CIA ading-xfte Temperatwe of a rInt P3ste Cbj to Amvdynamic Ri*Uzigs. b,,7 . B mddimf 6 vp. pw) vvo-yAwkwa, Ual"r ser r -Nate Wif.9 PM JIT.-62-23M I!A (NY- 1878) ,ni d Nikolayevich Sretenskiy (On the Occasion his Both Birthday), 6 pp. StA' 1, per, V st Moskov Univ, Ser 1--Mate, hap INo 2~ 1962, pp 77-80. JPRS 15171 hic Plu,;tici ty by Yu. V. ',.c' tc!J, ~ ;:i Is 7 kl: JlTbA AL U-Ii-I ~i 2:, 'S ~',S S. J Vast-il ~, Orbits of Wars' SLutellites, by dvya~, 13 pple V6st Woskuvskogo Univ, Ser III i 6ollolayal, No 3a 196bg pli 35-45. AAS a I-Cfi:)"' -~10844-69 Sci) A t , 38 6 b*0 63-10728 sow, ONE in SLA 1.60 63- 0728 [Sofiya 1: histenmuftt, Tram pimumn. --oldow nwvbsnkj A a differantal equwJam is con- III sauji no' tmW to dincontin=0 ft.-ttmul it the .- I , ra. Mils result:i or son 00 tha bodlea In celemW ii-O (A the 7T, v. 10, no. 40 Orce Id 7eckdeil Suwon 71~i' T'A"11