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H3w).o2vtion of MD=mite and Asaoaiai~ed Winemls ii~tbe -Frovince of (%.ine, by %7!.n-%%i Shen ,~, 1". ~ .. CXWMO F1865p ProceedluSp of latorna- UOMI O=bMMDw olm Pwaful Uwe of Atomic RuerEW HaM at Osseva 8-20 Aug 3955s Vol VL -Ci - WO'e-M, p4ysios Ar.r 57 crA 1-65p.9.162 -4e'7 7^92(e, pp :35 -4W set Nov 59 A_ DlayolopentodiezW1 Cobal~,, ttr E. 0. Flooher, R. Jim 4 pp am-201 I Por a , ftr M 11 Vol VIII b, 1953, pp 3XI-328. S.L.A. Scientific - ChosIBtry *VO.? 6 orf #, ThG U07010POntad"IVI Coq;aex of' Cob< 9, by E. 0. VlAcher, R. Jim, 5 pp. GEMW, pw, Ad&MMM Vol VIII 1953, pp 1.2 - SoLvAe Solentific - Chemistry r/ j~oj;~D ~,,uw;aTitxv on ).wvQi3t-7r-"v cc==f.-r F.-Wr,* 22. per., %Aacfv= ITO 0~~- 1958; DP 576-5al. Oct 58 (FDD 26734) Reserves in a SoclalLat Ec=omy by Dr blaymir Jlxiw&h~ 9 Pp. C2=., wo per 7mkw=jcwj ObAW Vol X, No 7, By Pragm., CIA/FM/U-79',;'l Mw CzeabDoloyWds Camerclal traM, a flw AIr 56 FORTY YEARS OF THE J. SVERMY PLA14T IN BRNO) 37 PP, BY A. JIRANKOVA. S. CERMAK. CZECH.. RPT, 40 LET ZAVODU J. SVERMY V BRtJF-.# 1)56, pp 9-14., 17-22, 26-3o, 45-68. 519TH MI BN 1-1463 1-1463 ID 2198543 EEUR-CZECH ECON, OCT 62 212yz66 ThC SUrgery of Pain, I y AnI01Ci Jirasck. CZE01, U. NLL (loan) Sci .Jul o-I q6 0% WJ* u A"m USA Cklaw" an Woork Vilb amuowtive Faints by Le Jlmnks 0. JU=Mnp 7 We mmo Vws Aaft ObIv awoUmp impa 04mis VC11 8 X1 *a# w M9-Mo a Amw2r-M5 ftl - ON ADS 63 --74e1 -1-3 "3 The ApILUcation of MUem Varniebeis in Commmi- cations - rlng,, by Menek FaIx, Frantieek .!ATMt-y 7 ppe CZECH.. perj ObImp lb kj 1562# pp 229-M. .. ACSI I-16ft ID 2OD3217 Sci - IW , z /,9,, V 7-f - 18 aept 6e 62-16752 AN SUMS0. FORMATION OF SPHERICAL PROTEINS DrM 1. jirgensons, B. LINEAR PROTEINS ON DEAMINATION, III (Umwand- lung Einiger Sphlroptrotelne In Linvarprotelne bel Desaminierur% 111). [19621121)p. 19 refs. Order fron SLA $2.60 62- 16752 Trans. of journal fUr Prsktieche Chemie (Germany) 1944, v. 162, p. 224-236. DESCRIJvMRS: OProteins. *Molecular structure. Amines, Decompositlak *Solutions. *Age factor. oviscosity. The dependability of viscosity of solutions of the deami- owed cavein. albumin. bernogk*dn and edestin an con=tration and the time was examined. It was tound that in a region of low conceacration and vrtrh an excess of sodium hytimmide the vi - Ity number n,p/c dl- 0f%'. f 'I (Cbemistry- -Physical. TT. v. 8, no. 12) (over) Conversion of Some Spherical Proteins Into Linear Proteins By Deaminat3on, by B. J-'-rgensonsy r~ M-MAN'. USDA per NC State College Vol 77" Jun 59 &A.- .MA V&DI"aft al I b- d AW ~ psotgauve Power ar -~-- It -- 110 4AMOD bF IL/mrfmo~- 3004 vWS a -I NOW- . I ,wlmmwmm mm ,M, is , Im VbL 24W --! -S& SKA sept 66 309,761D Viftosity wA Molecular Decaropceition of the Proteins.9 by B. Aromemsp 13 PP. am",, perp Zelt Pntkb Cbens vol cm, 1942: pp 120-132. CIA/FM XX-2h8 NM IUMMULkNa TO AMGN HATIORUS E101 - m im XAC nV7EFMAL USE CM A VAp Picimp for Padw.0 by Taman lbruak,, Lubamir J;Lrioek 10 py. MWII, per., Gbzor,, Vol. XYJI, No 7, ig6l, -np 391-397. AM I-IJ73 ID 21983,24 scl - 2w: Pk"', me .2,16 i4 thy 62 ~~ OFD 250 Slow Time BeAe OsciUogreph, by Lubomir Tirimk.. 4 pp. c , per, Sdaloviel TechnUm, No 32, 19591 P 462- USMIA 2-6614-B Sai - XW. Mmtzmlcs mar 61 / AlI 6) 11 " "m *@No to MIWW:i "" IWOMMMOULSM wt 315,01, w MR 'rain two -J, I r,-- I *am &as 66 embamm 0=8bruw lb 6.p IL91KO CI,1~ (-- ~- 3wPow I ~ -~,,uential , stiiat :..on a-f the Distri-u' 0- 1 -j I u Tolerance Lirits, ',,y Y. Jiri,,-,u. "U ~;:Udll 17'.. - I .~ , :j Ancer 11-ith -;o,, 3ci A q_ tiL 1)7,-- - YIm of RWd M - Uftct of' WX COMOsitiOD OR Nibcbwdcaa 9"VerUes, to, J. HWI Iftlam am=., Vol. I!.,, No- so 2, 196t, 7- c~ t, Aug 67 -37 3-2i- goo of Zj*eavVrqpldes fbr Dommimalm of Sw- Difftsion in mobou W tu *Mowtj." bvmsion TeebnIqmot by 2. ArbMAW. (23M POW-* abom V"bek Prop ) 8k Pm v Ostravoo Vol 8: i9fts ---- 5mm. Tr T1-44' f2. --T *, lZ k: C, ~j -, k,-; '-4 t USE OF RADIOISOTOPES, BY RUDOLF JIRKOVSKY, 5 PP. GOVER14MENT USE ONLY -- CZECH, PER, TECHNICKA PRACA, VOL XIV, NO 10, PP d -0-05- OCT v)62 303 JPRS 17056 EEUR CZECH ECON SCI - NUCL PHYS JAN 63 21,,,114 a"r ~4 i n'~ E31twek (.1mmat PlarAs. by 12 FWan Trww on Ulur). =MASSIMED CZWE3, WW, Stafte, Vol V, R* 7, DmUslavr-e Aq.-'58, rv 207-211. U,5 C"eb constr"tIon / ;7 DU 58 7, CantrIbutleft to the Stwly of Laxw-Dropping Uvervoltage, by J. JlAw, M. Bvebaft. =M=; ser laaluminku-alar. VWA. 53. No. 14, 1964, pp 202W. z" W-V902.--".09 1965 ,7 -j- " /,' ~, c ~, sci - Aug 67 339-531 TT-6&-"237 Field 9C Svolada. S. CONTRIBUTION TO THE M;DV OF LINE.-DII0111ITN"G 1. Central E'lectrielty OVERVOLTAGES. 1965, IBp, 13refs. CE-Trans- Generating lkonrd 3828. 1 London (England) Order from CFSTI, SLA, or ETC- IICSI.60, NIFSO.50 as TT-65-64237 Trans. of Electrotechnicky Obzor (Czechoslovaida) v53 n4 p202-8 19&4. !he Ria.zig oi -we %.;O&f3l.Cd B-'a In Winter, by IPukuoka Jj.ro.. JApjui:EM3, vot, TokYo, .1953. Sci - Geopbyulu; oct 6o (DC#3601) SCH I SHAT I C TE14DENCY ADN FALSE FROPA(~ANDA OF THE ANTI-PARTY GROUP, BY JIRO YOSHIHARA, 4 pp. JAPANESE, NP, AKAHATA, 12 APR, 1 1,162, P JPRS 14594 FE - JAPAN POL. JUL 62 205..5J3 A Athewaticul olodol 0;~ the Liver Chrueooxcretory Fkalction. by J. 3irounaki, J. drousils 10 p: . U.K11, ,*,er,, ~&VrneLik,is, Vol 5, No Z, P)LOO Alk/M)/HT-23-743-68 Ten Youxe of Planned Water Nw-m4ymmt, by J. iirousek. CZECH., per, V9W BowpxI%rstvL, Jun 1959, pp 241-244. FM Bus 2319 R&W - czeebog2mrskis Econ; Goog .1 91,5',~ ?'~ 5~~ SeP 59 I is bom ~O-k rauvan ilwalm - at AMOSUM IdOIC tJ s tw Lo ilvandto flift 1:02 430 il,q.sc,r.p pwo- 2549s, pP 103-aal- M Trs ~ L - J , )- scdoAjrj,!: r;w 60 4. 368WA Als-datse A%Mbwftlwo qA&Xtbonis tIV T I* ilroolk. I Vca h3s ISh9v PP 3JOr-aM- -,Mljp pwa an IMT nm smanow 1 7) (~ ~ k I - i"'~ L- f3cd",J! !4w M 360A53 A it, ri I ~ut 1 ()n t:c~) -._iic t 7~ "-)C. 3 rolls "'I, N YIN N D'IA MINNOWNIC, Ims 40 =p - - bA I MODICA WAMSM w A= =now, jo Awm- a a. 0 - - -mmew m sav &4bm~ f wonn"6 la xw IM opopm!o. an up"com ~'-q c/' '5' / 9 am - -.0mbmba #me - -- Regarding the Protective Action of Pure Proteins in Photodymamic Phenamem., by 0. Jirovec., Z. Ziegler# 16 pp. GEY04AN,, per., Z gee Exptl Wd, Vol XC, 1933, pp 651-66o. S.L.A. Tr 57-386 Sci - Chemistry q 9,/ S, ~L K Jun 57/CM Wc:r.,: of the ParwitoloW I.6ba.-atoricr; of' the District; Stw'lonB in LO ".nbou'lovaktal by Otto Jirovecv 3 rm. C,tU,U-YW,. m. per, Propbvlaxe. Val IE. ric 6, B~,i-lin, Au,,,T 1955j, pp 49-51. E23'ur -. Czechoslovakia Sci - I*dicine, epidemoloU CTG !,,'ov 55 Copyright jirsa. Fr. PENTACARBONYL OF IRON, 17-S TECHMCAL SIGNIFICANCE AND PROPFRMES. [196115p. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 61-18901 [Partial trans.] of ChemiCky Pruinysl (Czechoslovakia) 1953, v. 3 [ 281 p. 100- 102. DESCRIFFURS: Iron compDandS. gCarbonyl radicals, Physical properties, Antiknock. 61-18901 I . jirsa, F. F, I 1-~ 1-1 % t'. I"., Q) Off- .4 T-h-.1 S--, M J~ of No VmW too~owmk m 0 - 116 %W TSAM jm% 58 up. Comm rwo abdmmo ib a. mg, w 26-3%. im U-M n - 0 , I I Oft ?-,~ Aw a ~ I V) --~ ;1b) ~ i -,-- - A Flora of Japan, by Ohwi Jisaburo. JAPANESE, bk, National Science Foundation Grants Grantee -- Missouri Botanica-- Gar"'Ien 8 Aug 58 (SP-1855) T6cbrlcal StaWard-I zatIon of Rolaiz~g W11 E,mipmat in Czechoslovakia., by J. Arovec, V. Vori sek, 4 pp. CZBDH,, per,, Nore-Alizace, Vol IX, Ib 7, 19k, pp i7i-iT3. JM 11962 ED= - Czecbmlovskia Reon Jen 62 !ha OT,,ll 250 Slov Vlml- Base Oncil.*~i~q,-:Illi;: I P7, per., &deluvwi Tochnilm.. no 1e, 1959, p 462. =Zlt 1-6614-T) Jun 61 63-12334 jiru_?. and Kubtra, L. SM-ILIZED VANADIUM OXIDATION CATALYS-FS 1. j1ru, P. FOR THE PRODUC'TION OF SULFURIC ACIEX Oct 62 11. Kubica, L. 161p. 12 refs. Ill. international Chemical Order from ICE Inv. 2, Do. 4, $15. 00/year Engineering, New York Trans. of Chemicky Prumysl (Czechoslovakia) 1962 Iv. 12(37)) no. S. P. 232tf. DESCRIPTORS: *Sulfuric acid, Production. Oxidation, Catalysts, *Vanadium catalysts, Stabilization, Potassium compounds. Sake, Phosphoric acids, Tungxtic acid. Molybdic acids. *Chemical engineering. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 14, no. 6) MCI D1 1ttkwC21 sa"Kes On the Electronic C%Wuter Developed at Ooaka finiver"it by K. Jo, S, Mkinouchl, Y. Yacui, (t,VP- VA -~,SJIF!rt D JAPAMR, per, Denki Temshin Gakkai Zaashil Jun 1957 USASIA Tr " OnI - El.trtren , - ') '?- ~2 ~ Feb 58 1r U-o BouD&wy Lisesj by Jo Shulq 5 pp. r-nmis apt :4m-uu ah-Poo, ion s8p 1961. AlComOmp Scag Kong swv*y of ChIm midalmd Press go 2434 8 Fob 1961 F3 - ChIM Fol ieb 61 11113 f ., ~~a Srady )bo Tse-tung's Idtarar7 Stylep by jo MAAi, U pp. p P"v USLU lb Ts, 1 Apr 196o. Aloll 0 ___ __S ]big mm ftb rx" mm wftl=d ag, ib mus 16 aw v6o Is - AU Oxim fti &160 117 /" Inpact Setting Baplament,, by Hans Joacbim K-rotten, 5 Pp, - FR=M, Patent No 1,122,568. US Dept of Coum-rce patetit office Sci Llb / / e-l- /~ 'Y ~/ 61P sci Aug 61 Stlg,lilzo orl e., on Irradiation Gau4itivity of t0he by 1,; Jana ju"Chim r p ~10 - P 3- S C.- A- -a 12- "-p 59 L-snsparawy Records as a Nbtkiod of OceanograpUcal luve-stleatlon, by Joseph Jgachlm. IDICL GFOW., per., Derutacbe Fativgreflecho Z., Vol ITIp pp 69-77~ Naq TZ 2859efBD 108 Sci - Geapbya sep 61 .14 4~ 7-~~ d4lbommem4modbft Tam any" I wdmvap k milli- , I X;'. a - --- -IrIbMU0~9p26416 US4POWO as ww" aftin (DC-3W3-) Frauco-Sovict Friendshipp by Victor Joame-s s 6 pp. r.w=,H,, porp cobUrs ft Gmuolsmf Vol T.AVIIP No 9o 1961., pp 13W13V. a JM 12394 .Mlur - Frmoe 1,,P.2, -5-3,1- Pol Feb 62 (DC-380217). Artlele on Peaceful CoexUteace a=d ContinuatIou of the Moalqgiml ttle by Iftsber of Gentml 00mitt" Of :=- Ccom=Ut larty, by Victor JDMUM,j 17 PW v WAS" do CommUm, Vol MV, 20 12., PArls 19". PP 10341219-, WSW . ?ran" 10 /1 On Vw AUW of ftMWIM GWI 9041=a bY A. 26 W 0 tooLANW.Mi 310:10 pw Amwbw 40 ~. -f SUN" -04 ftwv 8w 60 Val wp 9 lbvy ltr 911ANI 378 ftl . ftotoftylp AUNP aw PI on 63-IBM M. PRINapLiss OF co"MWiCnOW AND 1. )*. P. ON OF Mg 12.5We TRANSNSSRON U. Toxas. M. 11543112P. 4 rIft - 63-18029 Ordw bee SLA $I AQ Tito. of dMW Ot TtMnAll'cM (pr&nce) 1962- T. 16&, go. 3, p. 143~447- MaWnOn OTrmontsoko 1100. OCIM" c6131-- HLO ft"Wocy. comuVetwo. c"rellm. we" tnm- Swaim 4 7 1 9S occom W" cc ow Ifter!.1 pit":10- cc wtnx:dm =0"rocko ce " .5w2 1 - ca Misom $7a= cc 2 60.5 um. -"W CWAWv comput" &W tD am uW in do 4 Mq9 lyltm and sbWbg bow odo - q bed bw ohm d do 1 ftr SM Ofte d Wd&d NFA- agwisms ot qpf"Mg as Mo" 93 TT. V. W, so. 7) 4MW) Extending the rrequency Bond TranSmitted LJ 2. 6/9. 5 m Coaxial pairs to 12 Mcjgacyclo3,, by F. M. Toutau.. 29 yp. Fl==, pers CaUles et TiwuaAiasion, Vol UU) Pro 1959.1 pp 145-156. am 6o-j68o6 Sel ftr 62 vol ry, No 6 j~ SiM3 in ed Th ~j - 0 1 c TromMent of EqaUbrlum and oackUtims in Rwacal Chad a- try., bjr G. Job * 40 pp. GZDW$, xpts, Veminfoghts buamingbye Behand NASA 77-F-I Aug 71 The Cut-Scratch Dicewle p Joblo ~-22 pp. PiMM,, per,, Act& Paellatrica, Vol XLT-II, Supl XCVIv 10054,v pp 20-38, 60-". RIM Tr n-16 S.L.i.. Tr 2.320- Sol. - mmucins Dee 56 cTs 2 studiefj "r the FormUm of minerjEa complexes ill Solution and coa Their Stability,. by P. Job, 103 pp. FARWO lWasebs jperj Aumam do Chtmde,, 'Vol X., 1928, vp Li3-ec*. S.L.A. Ift 80/1956 '4E'C- - ;r,' - 3 7 Fow-KI& Cold ReversIng )JUl., Anz--" Ing Plant and Two-RUh Sidn P&os XIn of the a.) S., by~4obard. UNCIABOXF331D FRMB,, per,, Tech xWerm Jul 19,mi71. 108-110. Tr 756 (12.15.0) Wsr - Frame scon APr 58 Ole/ obsis, G. Ii. 7AS tLE&RICAL DRIVF- P:. 0 o( The Radio- DU astronomic2l Observatory at rywinjeloo. (1961) 3p. Order from ATS $4.75 ATS- 85NS4 Trans. ol de Ingemleur CNeLhe;-Lands) 1957 1y. 69] no. 3. P, 18-19. DESCRIMRS:'Radloastrowny, Radio equipmmt. Astronomical obeavotorles, Nethw1ands. 61-25644 1. 'Dtle: Electric drives 1. jobsis. G. H. U. 'ntle: Radioastronomical . III. ATS-&5N54E)(J IV. Assocl2red Tmlmical Services, Lnc., East Orange, N. J. -291172 (Asuxcotny. 7r. Y. 7. Do. ii) 0#11- f T-W.4 1-4- iqffused radiation of Dielectric E.order Case that SThere lk%terial ?!e&in Possess Almrst roumi Viffniction by (;* Jr.PbSt. FM'XI!, ver, A=lm PhXs, Vol 78. Ll.*B/TP.X-,IS 1722 July fi) !;jheres for thrw anj Arklent Ir(Ilevigs .aye 157, (NY-4447) Ten Years Work of the VES Carl Zeiss Jena., by R. Jobst, 6 pp. GZMX., per FoLqmrstetechnik, Vol VIII, No 10,, 1959., pp "A-451. JPHB 5842 Sgur - Germny Scon Bov 60 /1 ,~/ I /j d) " (a-4167) New Developments of the VU Carl 7wiss Jena, by BOOM R. Jobatt 14 pp. 09"N,, per., ftiqMrsetatechnik,, Vol TX, No 2j, 1960, Berlin,, pp 54-60. Itur - Geramay Reon oat 60 /S /I ftA TeWa Work of the VA Oorl Zeiss Am. Men Years of melp in the Acm ckf the Ocavon Dmocratic Repub3le, b7 R. Jobsts 20 pp. GIR"j, per# ftiqpmeta ToobLIJL., ND PP 4W3-451- FM/X-hM Germtw 391 im 6o in VIC L~ 1,11'.';ASL'l~ 2%, Use u-.L" Gluthe-U*,irllde as Anticonvulsive Drug,, by IC. Joe lihelga I. Gerberdiug) ) pp. GEFaW., per, tied Wnataachr.. Vol IX,, DL'-c 1'1)55.. PI) SLA Tr 26TT Sci. - "'Lodicine 14 Nov 57 Central Stimul tim in Disturbawes of Vegetative Functim With Particular Consideration of Ritalin., by K. A. 4~qqhbeim, 6 pp~ MMM,, per, Y*d F2inv Vol L,, MY 1955, PP W4-866,, 7 SIA Tr 57-1836 Sci Jun 58 grwdm In Glow Av a Coloolng otal. adds and I' " mbuowuve 32"Wtv by F. ZeChImm. no Ywo ame-mmu-mnmasoaftchmul, V03L Ixt IWI, " 70- Oct - 52 VolatMeatlon of Fluorine From an Opwque Mass In Dnmnftnes on Twupwature and Tf * bgr P. Zdahmwm. amumo pw., "Chmals, Vol XCv 3-957; pp 910-212. 8-al - pkwe -Z 03, ja 6p A AWwfto CpL sM MAw Mus mile aws -Jim- a for Fladdft 4ma vue ma am* *WR adtaule 290-M, vdL. 97p M),. 6, UL.&6 IN6.&-'% sumv4swoon& fts 66 WAL CrjLM*a awainstAon of a Fluorine Oisqw Mass mix and a clap Mass aft as a omaftnS ftr Gimm Moms and nm Slass aLum move mdftble for %o PaTowt bv r. jachamm. amm's. per, -- AUULAI Vol 97 So 6. LA. Vp 6-123 ACT $10*0 Sol - 39P 67 ~7~ a7 0 Fluerifto Opals - Practical Laperieuce anj flelting Esperiments. by F. JoChmamn. GERMAN, pov, G lou -final I -Loriuso -Techut k , Vol S, Io 11, 1994. pp 309-4)3. 437--4WU. NTC 69-10900-118 ~'j e I->-)"- a ? L- Y~_ ' Sci-wat May 69 392,&66 So ft~bozi Yell(y-.; (Yla3z Gla"s - U*16 by Fritz Joi!hwan, 1,' 6.. us, 6ri 0.-)-'ri Bereditery Emortcois Pautz-Jogbers (Melanin Spate on the Skin WA Nicous Wmbr&De In Polypovis lateotlzi), by J. Brockhous, B. Jochwus., 11 pp. GZRW,p per,, Z f'%wr Kiudorheilkurde, Vol LUVIIP 1956, pp 577-585. RIB 1-14 -p-1 Sci - Ned Jan 58 JOCKEL,H. Catalyst question on the steam/hydro-ca c racking. Gas Wasserfach I I O(Zl):56) -6 (1969) (GB 412/T471/MRS/69) 3cjj.~ffbautechnikj% Vol NO :Lo' 2) 515-52- FDD Sim 2-540 1~con (ft to" al"Wo w GKW&4bv" admbe MA* AMA^ - im- 0swo vr~ll 3- "m 116L At lb 26p 193T# am 6t Reflection on the Role )f Serial Transucw, j,-, Peaceful Evolution of Underdeve3oped oy F. Jacques Jc,(3eau. ryt , FRENCH,J\Institut du Transport AE!rieu, Par-is, Jul 1~61. Rand Corporntion VAND M-3165 WEur France F-c on Oc t &:-, Process for NWdng lkalm Spaces in Gypsm-s Cement- and CUW- P-Latesq by 'Her=wm J15diaMp 2 pp. ... - 11- 1 Gawm, Patent so 62.,2D5. US Dept of Comm zte Patent Office Sci LILb (Gift) Sol - Abs Jun 57 Fre~~dczn .o-+ TOormation and Human Righta. oly R. 21. E-axjoto Joed ost4wd So ~. 20 pp~ INDMSIAM, per,, Mimbar Umum, 'Vol. 35, 1 f~! Aus :,,)01 PP 10s Ili 57--P- jm-s 5'(6 P Pol Dac 60 I)Mminr; vytd the 1k; 1--y 14 PPO per, Kris' allogrifiya, Yol 711. :f.96L 526-533. Juwr inst of ?IWO Swq phy's - No T" cormtkah *me"" ter the by 16 u0bou"m 4 06 herldwas " OaRm"o pore zmll~v fw MWIL u0 ,)F 2696221* W. Gtht"Hol We job Itol"t Doofts, pp* 11134 1"4. 0 ,I . -k e ( : ~ -l/ , I ; , The at the mqw atmum prqw- tim of Mm%Ubip =d Pattimat Nm&wUUq b7 H. JoWder. OMMS pWx AdIlmd ZMMLbMW& Vol 41o No 12j. 19Wo IPP ~,-_129 - "C ?I-ihlTe-ilx Fab 72 Sulfide Stains arA DisooloMtUos cm White Ride q W 0 .. Joor",p T P- GMU,, pers Me Ledwip 1950p VOL It pp 257-259. stA 6o-lm47 SOL Apr 60 Vol M r No 3 / /a/ .4 // SP-10D8 The Splendor said Misery of the Eecret Serwices, by Joacb'm Joeiten j___,L GEMWO np., Die Waltwoebe., Zuerich., 1963- JPRS/DC-11852 Nil Doe 65 Ziectrical Studies in Bisele and Ptayerystals, by A. JoM. 0 FWP Z. Pk".. Vol 359 192439 pp 446-448. TT 71-553W Available M Qay 4 - 7-1-0 ;., ~ e JUDD 71