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lttmorAm Ilatbiguamb 7 -Oqn. 1 01- Mexican Journalist Interviews Colombim Guer- rillas- by Ma io Menendez BDdrlguezp 59 PPo GDV-C .9 UOR MY SPAN=# pw. Sucesoo Rm TodOG 1 JulY 1967j, 6' "~~ p and 15 July 11P. 12-500 July 'WV pp- IW5 1967,p pp. 22-45. JM OW 24W /0 LA4kodco ma Sept 67 339#195 Colombia: Analysis of a CriTni nal Plan., by MarIA) Menendez Podrlguezj, 14 ppo GOVEBIUM UM aff per,, Suceson-Pars Todos,, 22 July NTKSWI~e 32-39. JPUS GUO 2497 R,- LA-Colamble, Soc Sept 6T 339jM 'lm I lenn Jaiump-llst Rsoorts or. Cew-.Urm LiuO2Tnlss, tT -farlo illenwtd,02 rbdrl9nV--, 37 -ap,~, er", OOT-4011"113.1,1P U.;W-. ONLY. OPANISR, Fxmg2a 4jEL.Tbdqs. 24 Jun '.9-67, -pp! i-xv.s. 2455 ALI jiml 67 3V3.7-36 The ArvAad strw- ,,,Jo in Venezuela, by 1.!arlo Mamendou *ibdriguozo 47 wo !MAIISH, per, smaosoa Pam lbdos, 31 i)aa W0115. PIN 10-45- 2 M.'- '10 MEWLIjby- RODPjquL7- M11 p -Z L&-Vonamuola Pol/soo Fab 61? 315.411-1 -~uea Chiz.rcU and the Cub= HeRrolution, by 111--a-io 6 pp. sp per, Bucepas ram Todoo, 17 Sept 1-f-6, pp. 11-19. LA.-C-aba poi D6a 66 315,,674 dm:l ;,~knAcan ampine --nwa '!Yalusive Interviev, Jith P"Mal, by a-= "ienwWoz Ebdriraoz, 51 SMISPIR, Per, 3ucesos. '--b 172P,. 10 -'--opt 1-964, 33353 L/6.Wba k). V MENERET,, j. Isostatic pressing. Industrie ceram. (581):25-8 (1966) (ACI) aINei f~etmme DCAS In Latbq AnoA=m ~-.vvtm , 1;tw Garlas ~-!Ontta, 14 IM ga "id Weno-S Air,--Do 25 -V 19?19 Aluminum Analysis by Mans Spectrometry 1. Finding a Correlation Betveen Certain Physical Proportion of Elements and Their Relative Sensitivity Coefficients# by M. Menetrier. FRENCHv per# Ngthodes Ph3rp4ques A'Agalirsev Vol 4& No 29 1968# pp 153-160. NTC 72-10988-07D IT k1 &~rc,(.P kI 99-4-1e-' May 72 r;z;Tc IN-1-23-1-68 - (-LD 29 - Aw-,) F,8473-D I I July 67 Defense AGaiust Mas Destauction Weapons By: F. I. 14WILtsi P. F. SevastlyanOv., et al rrm: Voyennove lzdatellstvo Wnisterstva Oborony SSW., 14Dscow., 1967 pp 1-247 247 P) Russian ~!- est for wds: Please translate and tj-rpe 1 camera ready copy plus 3 xerox copies of translation. Do not mutilate documett. Reproduce for Paste-up. Prepare Data Handling pili :- Make covers as sanples attached. Alualmo Aimapsis by Uwe Spectrometry IC. Flr%A-tn a CorrelatLan Between Certain Pbstoical ftoperties of ElemenU and their Relative Sensitivity CooffleLontav by M. Monstrier. IFMOO, lxw,, Notbodes MUSIX" dvta~ (ms)s VCCL 40 No 23, ZU, 153-3ibO. LL (357(-69-330 Aug 69 389047 .0y per* Mwrnieafa MeAje;Lr-s Use dirlive.Sionvirultat Vaecdne of TrZpomema Cr=i in Ew=. lteinp~ by Mmberto I-Senezes, 3.4 rv. Rev MUt I-SedLTIV 1 13 , r-. 0 2., P, v0 1971:0 Eael -I.:Lb to I pp R 6 809 021172. ACSI K...3293 Alu-mlep--~o MeA)e-x-es RietologiCal LaBIOUB of Nice Injected With a Nonvirulent Strain of Trypsuosma Cruzi,, by Ehzmberto Menezes, 3-1 pro. P01MUGUSSEp per,,Bav Bras Ned Trov. 15, No 3, March 1968 -- M3-65. Zncl 3 to 6 809 0253 72. AMI K-32M 3) P- C 7? # L., rn ~ e P-4 C> M e tj e;L e- s Immunization of Mice With Livep Nonvirulent "Vaccine" of Trypanoacma Cruzi, by Humberto Menemee, 11 pp. PORTUGUESE,, per, Rev Soc Bran Med Trop., voi 4,, No i, pp 1-9. EBS"=' to IR 6 W9 0253-72. ACSI X-3295 Dee 72 'r-mm4 cation of Nice With Live Nonvirulent Vaccine of Trypanoscma Crazi. V. Testing of New Vaccination Patterns, by Rum6erto Menezesl 14 pp. POMOLMSP per v Soc Bram Ned Trov.. Vol 5, No 1, pp 1-15. XhcI J318to IR MR. ACSI K-3M (4-" - OaS-3 --7 -Aw Dee 72 Ac-!LLavqx,vatm Rawhing tho 'Irlarld's Pcvk- gleleaurie 'Amwolow'', by mmtk.-Y, cl, Inc-ruam (1322 lSeT OW)s 5 pp. ammosp per, 2:110-b"12 aa~-, Jan 1965, reg- 30-171t JVFS -3355h Pa-cammist Cblm sc,4,41qw. 4sn 66 295s03.9 Ci:Yz.uxent an Sun Yeh-faug's lioactionary cal Stand ana ze6nmicc l-'rogymm, und Halao Lin,15 -_pp. C.IINMW,, per., Had-chli;, Uo 10., 1:)-66.. pp. 26-37. JPW 37526 by klenL Kluai 10 -AuC U ,p_ IM-China Fol oct 66 312,343 n 9"- ! tWt a .~- rwrt L-c % per 2 ~011 2.. 15 Fob 1965# Vp 46-*,rw Y!"o Chirs t3op 65 1,4, ~11.115~L-hi e-z 275-4`33 by Ckry g~qo, -~ pp. P.19MCIE, par,, I'ArIlMe Actupalle No 1, l-,Z5, p1p. 52-5r,. JPItB 339W A// POI ftb 66 295sf331 ..Ili,E~tasuret,t~.ntIf-,,s,u4r,:f-~-ace termperatmes in c6ntihuous c6sting, by K. Mlenge. per Iisiemens-Z., 1971, No. 45, 10, :p~ r;542 6'4; SISI' i-03 59 ciec 72 Nwistmofent of Um True Vith 76' sauatim pymmetom ma *f tbe ftimelvity or Steel Maltes, by Fo Llem%mg Mid Ire memo tAMM% pwp Amb- ljqlg~v Vol 39j, biar 3-967, Im ).99- M--~ Inal 6n8 A' 50141AWrIals J%b 69 3690650 at LOW per pp 4 To-he Ridnfommmt *f Plastics, by irl. ~'Mvles, 26 pp - %, C-HRMAII. lyint" Kunstst*ffe, t;o 12. 1966. pp 818-823. P50D7Jqw>&v Dept of M&V7 aC Tr ft sms-Mat Oct 68 Tito Ageing Sehavior of Glass Fiber fOTC&d Plastics, Putt ..L,, by G. Pleages, F. Ilesselt. GEWIAIJS, P'er, Kunstatoffe, Val 58, No 7, 1968. pp 509-S14. NLL Ref: 6313.4 (5653) Sci -Mat May 69 380.816 inalkoh: va. 006 Alam*drjvw b,w 3# "m IMM!i P3114I.Ace ona 13D=Itorial Pro ule in rA=&ILUmnd, L7 Pler~ U=14 6 _W. 1?=H6 np* 1-0 24 Aus 1)66.. pp- Is 5- p- sousailmad Ocm- Politics and Territorial Problems in French Somaliland, by Pierre Menil, 6 pp. 1! 11.. np. De Monde., 24 Aug 1966, pp- 1, 5- JPRS 37644 Africa-French Somali-'Land Pol oct 66 - 332,502 On t7se Prt;~scltcc avid D:ualiing of Aiti-I aj~d Atitl-il- Aittibc,Jics ii-. 2~ultitransfu5cd Patients Ai-fliCted by Cooley"s Disease, by C, Meniiii, ITALIM, Minerva Chir, No 24, 1969, pp 511-517, Iii7v* 1411; Jan 70 400,14S Numerical Similarity Rstimates and their use in ThaDnoWo by Tu. Menitoal. RUSaM, per, Bot aft, Vol 51. No 3. 3.966. pp 71-- 54 CSIM/wo 82~1 Y--- -0~77 -e n1 I r6 11~~ " / Scl - Sep 340.172 Wmml Socbmimms. by 33 -1-0-1diva Ileads or Mdlm lootopm 130L to 133 In the SPWtaftoom Flavlcn of Vv*Al=w23Ss by E. Sooko end G a verrm"Wo ammo ywo 2099"s. AWWLP Vol 6* No lit 2966# pp 26-W. P9U3(M?67 AEC 106TR-4555 SaL*Jkwl &A Nwr 67 3k3,636 ot fell-, Lo7 -Tba ftumkdhott---P4sw-Fz&d amd-the kt=itsul Hoed Metuarks by Yabys Ould Vockoi v 7 PP- From nmm.o pw-F Bwolm We 1.90m. pp. JPPS 34380 Aftics Zean Mar 66 296#79D lbUiod li*wUcn r= -uwttt-.=u mamawls', tw K. V. rAcIbm-a. 7 0 r Perm. - 21jet Vol 4s 2966p pp r212V-Lw- D%* or lkmv Mrimmu-0L uo 23M &. ; VI/ SWUM r .AW 68 351,01042.9 sitalitlion Itz Morocto seen ClouiLy. rilhreatening2 by F-Illamic,0410 mannalats 8 ppo GOVIEMI~VMM ME ONLY FR.7#iTdlF,'o np,p Le Figaro Hebdom- dalro, Parlus, 8 NOV '723 Ipp 41-.5. JPR3/L 431-09 wo aw AM II-! F ~61;1-,- I I t ]-It 1;111 IMAcal,, T.-Iilltrtw~r~ and Flovoign ,Utl itt!kh t loirwo by FrIartools PIP - TIT, E. 0 i TZ mro nariv, 13 71 Vp M 0- ID I S IL L%Miali~it* 41141 11-D&I 11C pil Itoj&AMS, In 110.1 -.1. --a, illm-lflijlilt.~ VI t; I I Illillcil V 11414.9tif IN71 Ull P I I IIIM I I IW I I, I I i or Obrxodml"mmem Tmkbe Plam cu O:L2*d =am Ift., ft 3j, 19PP 39 3.03-108 REM 9ml am, Z65* 4~p Z57-261. C5 ~ A Jun 'Z 1, 0 VI Ro is All'# D R LTD 93* IMD .I A01' V L 7 1 Positlot of Itttell Party 0~,.,ttllned, b7 1I.-'T.-n. pp j;- 21-tost, Parls, "-I' Fob PJ C3-. m Vol Me t,) e- Attmization and cmwational blyiag* by (). -mminillo, FlfkWi, per, Revue do la conserve, Vol 1O Ja~jkb 1967,, *ACSI J-2708 ID 220402S667 Jtm 67 A Piew Attraction for the Food Industries, by C6 ~~Millo* FPZHCHI, per# Revue do I* Cou3erve., Vol 1, jawizeb 196~.' *A(31 J-2708 ID 2204025667 11cm Jun 67 xsour of Tafilalto by E. F-b=asscn* FULN01'r per, Revue 4c ft%9F-Ue dil g-b ]Woe No 3 196t. pp 57-VZo WE 1 mm, 11) 22W30266 S. . SIB/plovoew Gon Aixg 66 3O7v4lO Sucrose Esters as B-11alfiers and Anti-Spattering Agents for Yargarine Emdalons. by, A.R. Manning. RUSSIAN, pext Trudy Vocs. N.-I. Iml Wrov. No. 24. 1965, PP 254-161 NLL/5828.4 1965 0640) "'~ - "~ . /~ ~ f ",-! /V / '~; -'- Sci - SOP 67 339-764 W 1911fil I I fluall"Milliz IM 3111 1"H31141-4111 1 Im ova= am toe Utz WSM vo a by Moise Mema~,., Almister X hurc-a DnveI5j*wnt and C~operatimn, by 14-Ase t M msall, 5 ppf. FL;U=ifp np, LI-A,.,,be Nouvelle V.:)l 11-1 26, 30 June 1~6-6, -.7)P? 3, 7, JPBS Africa-Dahccey Ec= Sept 66 3Yj,266 iiYdrodcalkylatiou of Pyridine at l.'oriz-al Pressure, by F. Mersch. Gl''WIA.111,, per, Exdol U. Kohle. 22 Feb 1969. pi* 67-71. NILL Vtof: S673.843 rirc M.- 77te 227) /- - M 4~- /"~ ;S c 6 5 c i /C 1.1 w Dec 69 397.231 Electron Optical Multistable Devices, by 0. F. Wealshikh. RUSSIAN, per, 1z VUZ Radioelaktronika, Vol 11, No 9, 1968, PP 970 0. *I)Opt of N"Y NIC k- Sti-elee Juno 69 Electron-W.1cal Matistable Devices, by 0. F. MmOshIltb, Ils pp. RMTAV, Iper, Iny VUZs RadlWektrordks Vol I-, 190 9., 1968~ PP 970-98D. RVAITOPIran-3021-70 0 - F. M e- ti ' - , ~ ~ ~e k Sal/Elect Jul:r ;10 MLIxistabie "vices,, by 0. F. hVn*shikl-.v 14 pp. RUSSIAN, pp.:r, -IIPJZ. Radi"laktronika, Vol 11, NO 9.1 1968, irp 97O.-OB0. Dept of Navy NIC Trmjs 3021 SciAlact Apr Wl ~A. I. Men Ishov Spwe ecascm. *cs 17, 'ka jfVSSIO- X63micheskwia emonom, 1971, 296 pp. I-Mal"A:277 F.750 sept 70 tical Zc:in.~v C.-rurses in t.? L~ Tuchnical Training at Higher Dlucati~nal Institutions, by fit Po Man'sUkuv, 5 pp! IOSSIAN., per., Vestmik VXpqhq-y S.-jvalv, N PP- 651C7-r j,-PRs 36T~P- UWR G..)c Sept 66 3,93,342 ChuiractmriGUca of ContwVorary Capitallat Cycles twA Criaia, by S. bjentshikovi 18 pp. I;UsBTJUI 5 mar 1966,, ., per., hv* 110-1M 0 JPM 359M soon Apr 66 's, /P. lhea ~~ i-, I k c v more About the Adidostration's madlum-Term PmSram, by S. M. Mmlabikav, 7 PP* .I RUSSIAW, pert _qMt Ecanamics.-Palitics, Ideaqm, Hasamp N*.2# Fab 19739-pp 57.60e - JPRS 5&18 liar 73 Fill., RIW- I I MIP 'UNNI-lit I I I I' I lii,131~~t Mot: 19"V ko va~ by 14=01 alhuyi" voi 48 E mstm,, per,, lbtnae- 71hot. no 8,, 1972., pp 6Mt,,,i. *Do-pt cd' Ccmimarto 73 .~eSication of Air in Life -SaVin-, SYGtaas33 of ilartactric CaLinu, by ~,-. P. Perfiltyev. V. M. NOW's.hova. rpt, RonferentuiYa pa Kesmich- cud f t-,r,a in a. 10-12 ~;r a, Itaterialy NOM 966, f7p AD 679 371 AIR/1--l"O/HT-23-1.392-67 u 0 V C-',- sci-B&M Val-, 69 373,053 7~1 -%a A A likmm. 20 MA.0wa -m v vp bl Ll Std-EM Apr 69 3780361 i1sh iouUtlans Competition for food Analyzed, by V . ~ o Mansbutidn, 9 pp, R 19>51MI'v per, Y.&OURVI, Moscow, Val XIXU, Ro 219 1968, pp IYR.1602o Jiw 4M Scl-B and 101 rob 69 374,663 ,.-&P 7r Modelling of a Population Of Commercial Fish vith Caloula~ion of the Variable Growth Rates by V* Vo X*nnhutkin. RUSSIAN# perp ZgSlogicheskil ZhgrjUat Vol 469 No 6p 1967v pp 805-810 NTC 72-12464-06C July 72 ih-volopr,eat uf a I'llew f3uasurin~; for Vass Transfer Datersiliations in 6uspended Droplets. IYY 11~1. I;Cllsillg, 108 pp. GERt'.1A.4, rpt, WWF-ri; k 68-59, Sci/Cheri bac 69 396,044 luvestiGatlm oT Ptoftation Process on Models or the Slqp2mat Popu3Ations of LUter Ardralux by V. V. Iftiabatkinv T. 1. Prikbodlim. 9 pp. MWTM., pw,, Gidr*bUil Mumal, Vol 4, Ito 6, 1968* PP 3-n- Davt or lut*rlw DOM of CaumwaUl Fluberies OMae of Fbav4p risbarim A-29-Jum 2969-lb 106 On Men V, V Sal-M BW 69 396,824 EfCfect of the Explosion of an Explosive alarge in Sheet Form on an aluminun Plate by Ye. V. i-slenteshov. PXSSIAN, per, Fizi-ka Goreniya i Vzn[va, vol 3, no 2, I~Tf-,pp. 296-290. F'.M Special G08-70 70 405,904 -Ada . ajnl IdeatifloutIm of V9 The 8gjwojAq;. Spw in amt-ftmtumad FAMCIO Pm*toLw by [I== or um Itmtromms tw IL J, slawl Inm Heaft- 16 LV. ammals parvasalow-WA mmm-*~Ouw wom- Ido 22imwml~m Val 3v ~"5-5u. vvb ~*r IQUWUW nabwrift at ra"Up nmbw%m A-30--%4V2069-lb 3 an um 'jl-~ ??7~ sa-30 uw 69 306s835 W. Ikoze Iwo$ NOV 72 M.;, IsSenzet Thi~-Ia* chrumtographic Inmtigations on the ~bxmtian of by-prodwts in the i.:Of tolbutmdA - "atbesi PHNNal U.Nol 26, pp 738-739, 1971 0-07C MUT Mu naT 73 cm t,%m st4p Be MMMMX* lpwo 2965, 0 5:m mm-lym RdMW4 tw J. Not.-ad. VbL 3p 1 -- - - - - - , 0771 /11, / 33to QLT SOL ja er Mill '1111tiliflil Optic2sation of TUtIag CaupUs In the Design of the Coutna YAWsmiWe or C*Werters, by & -Now and Goi-Sentro FFAMM,, per, C.D.So' Clm~s Mr 1966.q PP 723-739; sm 5663 reb 69 369s.563 T, zer-lon fltvuy, -6y ij. IlJouzol. per, ZVI Mun G7 'A wu"7v~-~, seeliliolints, 'by If. Venzel. 40 pp. (;F~mMfl: joar, zeit Geophysik, VGI 37, Nlo 4, 1971, -9 9.5 6 2,'S 1 T D,.iWAC4TC- 18,34 GOW.RTENT USE ONLY Sept 72 It,',6b AI=Ml fmp=t M the Ptndwt~ of SaDt Gm-.,.Dm ImIlmd vishiv& by H* Uko ftmlw--.z2 P-01 Guam, Per amofte MOMS 992mv BO It'r Apr,& IIV? 97-U31, JV-:FW 304A Va.00=mxr lkbol) im 65 AcIllovertmato of the R ilroad in 1966 and Cioals for the Coming Years, by BObOrt V,-nwl, 5 PP- GRUMAU., Deutache Risen k# no. 4., Apr 196f, pp- Z-=7- JPM 409i16 IF6 Zed Me )7 z-- EB-Gorzomy Set-t*ch, Ind. MW. -Tuxko 67 323#529 pro"hw" Aw sutwim Famup Trade Uspatest '7'- --5 by SkWAW I - -- I :dds-5 13 pp* ALMBSAN& pwo Ammowls ansumo, Tiram* Ro 69 NOW-4-60 1969P pp w-529 50355 Ok -9-AJ Clefe Me,07 MmUbmnla saw AlW ?0 40%5%2 vl* -;va '16: r.lrl";al Txylozlou~:-alltt f 1 o' s, IL A 1 .1 -? ~ Swe Recent Ipplications of Electron llrol;E~ r-dcroarialysis. Av I.A.. lionzies. 0:10L%14, par, ii*erizs. Korros. 19, DCC. 1968, pp. 1050-1062 BISI 7280 -7 Sci/1-at 398,855 Dec 69 uwWam -of vauna-simmma H* A. QmAbWo lb. a. I Ito* AW QMM ftwa..632 N. I. Menzorova -let mc t-i 70 A Hatbod Of caculating the a,. Goopotential for the Natural Symptic Perioa, bv 9- 1- V*pj.stzvin,Idz&.. 9 pp- =SUN, per, Moteorologlys I Ib 3., Var 1966, 'pp. ho-1,14. 3M 35188 UWE sct-us/A mw 66 21", 974 ED pj~Dlorvtlion or Cyc2la Eats" Frm Torepbtha3le Acid Val 1031p, 197DV PO: M12-12597-4= sop$ 72 ..... .... Use of Finite ]Xfferences for the solution of Dogworate Mliptic and Parabolio Equations, bV R. Mwc# V. Ja. Rivklnd. RUSSUN9 part R* Ak NA-1- SSSRV Vol L720 No 4, 1967* pp 783-786. Am Math Soo Vol 80 No it 1907 p . MEP-Q- Now 68 370,331 on Rrazilian 3tato Govermrs. by Luis FerrmrOo Mareadanta. 15 Pp. FORTIDUIESS, per, ReaUdmas. "Mar 196-79 Ppe 20, 21s, 23, 23 and. 26. jpm c-,uo 2)58 LA-b'razil SIO Apr 67 319,665 'A Repoeter ASW3 a. TWO 19094M in axamw. IV bxb ftwooft - --- 25 mp. no"1111*123i m a= %MWA~s vwv ftp w2 7 pp =w** im 49D RIL94 Tuiz r iermndo Mereadante - IA - ageou ftl aw 66 SIM45 SIAR-0--a-Z. Jaerloa lares. 31 ~kt gvmxdt~ tho ptmud=. 110171 inn icm-ry Tot4a i4pian twMao Ymrrjm v, n mp. s1wi'lials up.. Am* LbMil I Doo 19M, lap IS, 19o nip 7A1, 7.4 -jag: .1 lUld4,. ; OT SUffMVW Vi9va an Mul Wal-34 ? r7i 1.3. -as a jila"i3ma, pp 20-22, izi ~6879;' 'IN11f 1.7 111,011 1 1 j! I b~!, Wsardo Mm-casdo Jandno U ppo spa" Mm* 1$-25 Veb ISM. lip 6 ADI Apte