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A. 6 1%',P i I-ov ACUVIUes and lasim of the ivaW*, LAi-vvrSity 4todq bV 4 SbIPLIwit 5 pp, '. i --- -- ~;Wlow('* apt AMMMAM", 1"'imeowo 29--ropt 1971* p 2. If i - 54" 1-50V ?I d Influence of Additive Conceatration in Oil on the Wear of agUy Ioaded Swl I -Ibdule 1,%tric Geans by G. VO &4141ov vad 1. G. Tmakm. 6 pp. RUSSM, per, Njammmgw" i r*ft&Wg&a No 10jo 19699 pp 20-22s AWMMT-23489-70 SaPt 71 agate L - R - S J, -~ p ; ~:s; ~ Thernal E-r-plosion Under Conditions of Increased Ilydrostatic Prossure, by L. A. Sbipitsin, :~IL pp. TOSIAN., blc~ Temost2a&c Vzry,,rchatvyc Veshchestva i Ikh ReLstv&2 v Glubok-11ch Skvazhinakb, 1(,t69, im 5-24. AM-I/FSTC/RT-23-791-72 Aug 72 .iain RaNdtao:r the qt* of ,',AlOAA vaotare r-nd (weloMent of Coutzol ~isasaros in the "oviot cirdw Varine the Past 50 Yeast by 1! " -SKpItal". 10 pp. RUSMANI, pqrs, S ielp ,, play-. i PRS 406 6-clo-B and, 11-1. ion 08 6ldm8 wW Pi ~-., (~- Xy` ift 21 V4" Nantatitive Characteristics of the Central Compensatory Process# by ti. A. Shipov, V. A. Galichiy. RU3SLIa4,, per, Dqk A Nauh SSSR Vol 133, Uo 2, 146), pp 493-495. Ca May 70 X, " . \' )\v"- ~' \A IOVCAtitAtion of the Atkaintn~u"-~ ia Uw Au6los i~vcr the illorizan by R$4~jt~. imtut!s by x, 6, Au"Uvakil, U, 11, "ihi:~Oiao U. .5ql ,C. ~A, s~.PU.N30q ivasmatim of the Olar4mpa Sphere*t by Fw Yao 'StdPmQv* 28 PP* rapi5U40 per, ALrd 0 119711 pp 10-290 A, -~Mams a0 5 jml~ "9 ~,apt 71 Methods on Increasing the Reliability and Operational Stability of Power Systems and Their Pooliq and Son Procedural Problems of Calculating Stability, by L. F. Shipunov. E-NGLISHj per# 2nd All Union SojeDttfie and Technical Cmference on the StabjUtv md Relikbility of Powr Ustems in the USSR: "Enerelya". Moscow 1969, Pp 113-126 C.E. Tr-5739 sept 72 ,A ,, ~ T ~k'-) ~'k , ~A),\~ Now Rae of vo~atioma-Tocbacal wucation in Work Training# by Vo ShIpunov, 10 pp. MI-M. per. Sotdalistiche g, r"Osoow, 0 - M~~kn No 3v Mar IM, pp 323-129. JFRS 55837 YAY 72 -,uor., t v -'Imm, by imm "AUir-L-ay 4o ct UwWalow an variom ",adirAl ; robiml of bY Ue3M ~bdXfibUrls Iva Per* 10 4,, i ov 017, Ti, - 5) 3 0 32 a t u fo r Automatic N&pg'tjC~,,jusp*Ctjou Athod for Steel Ban and TubIugv~byj.,Shi.r4iwa JAPANESE, pier, Hi-Hikai Keasso Vol 21,No 3, 1972, pp *ABC/WG/211/2, Dec 72 Selective Oxidation of Carbon Honoxide by GuO-Xu0x Oxidizing Agoutp by T. Shirai. JAPANESE,, perpamas2ki LaIrlikul, Vol 18,, No 2. 1969p pp 189-194. NTC 72-11030-07B May 72 I . ,~ , a-~ , -) ApplIcatlaa of Iron Ond Btedp JAPAIMS, per, 19711 p 164. DISI 10628 Sm T-ChawAl Epm to Study of by T. ObLrsda. Tistm-ta:jgM, V01 57p WD US ~ Nov 72 on tho ftxmts of Sod W T'I'mro- MO Ommcvu,,~ 17~7 Va%x.--ra., SW-raiabiv III Ifp. Es vp4.3 Dd 15-Y4-1 F.Ai YA4 !~ &,'l Koeuhm AMD L 3L_ i pp 115-120, q-VbL'-- of Con.-tiants. Komvft IV FM~w;I!06 Od 72 Sai/Mat - Sep 70 \ , C~- System) in calcivi-I D.-Qed art 11 of `-tu("-,' Of :'or. 7 1 ~~cxi ztion o~ to o,-f "Stu4 n` . .) i ira:Lw ~cr '1e tat, - to ia. V 7 1 aftZenntlia Tbaml AGAIP10 of NonWt"C indualwav Part IV of A ftu4y Or HometlLuic bauda= Wing 4MUOU0 QLWwj, by T. Shiftival JAF#I=., per- MW2:m!m~ Vol 55., No 11, 1969. lm am \ IW 70 413 Clinical StwItes of Bow M=ou TranapInntation Hemats and D:LSMMIQM of 40 Casco (No. 2) by A e Mirakami JAPAWRIO per,, Wahin LgbLi.- VQ1 21.. No 4p 1966, pp 651-kZ7 H9vj NIH 12-7-63 Feb 6 9 369P523 StL14 of Trestmeat of Laterite. 1. the, Rcducinj5 Roastinb, of Laterite for Sepamtion of Nickel by Ammoiia Separatimi. By Shlraae,, Y. JAPM,Si~j per, Sibm Koavo Kmani Vol. 31, M- pg. 25-31. cz 1). 2.25 444, 5,61 =d Structwoo,of OlIver Catalysta for Production of LWI*m M40. 'by T, MIIV*AWd JAPAME, per, b"t Vol 73p No 4. 19?0, PP 642-665. NTC-71,-611229-07D NOY 71 President- of !Lcaj!xv of !>Ciaaces of 12"A on Ceetain !-~-jwlts and Damic Airs of Scientific by be Si-dre-adab, ' -;). u 7 w X V XQUT, np., TJ c Feb It lk~ rp. 2 n bucolia sci-l"line Tun a. qLVkq'C44e"b Progress and Results of Scientific Research Reported, by B. Shlrendeb, 5 PP. 1.4011GOLVITIT, Per, Shinlloh Llaami Awdral, Inan Bator, No 37,7197J., PP Y-10. PRS 57243 Oct 72 ta, b~ -01 ar, stadt" of Bwo marrov Tnalplaw1o'.. U lu); andts " Cw*ldont4w 02 43 ftm or Buu-e 14uvm -nspl*nWiore PaK Ut 4 A. WrsbxA. JAPKM* pfft .RMLIP Vol 210 ib 3# 2966- kr 69 378o682 Ses; Vatov DistiMtlon 'Projects, b-j- *Abd al-oadir shurivst 5 P,,,,). VOW, Tlpo al-Biled- Jiddat 2!1, Vob 71, PP 111, 6. -P,P!,:- 513042 may 71 0. J444'."") Banding on Work Rolls in Hot Strip Mill FinIshing Stands, by T. Shiraiva. J"ANESE,, per, Tetsu-to-gagane 1971, 57, (5)t pp. 823-835. BISI 10036 July 72 T'T V.,er 'n avirial I'lass BeUtlo-uhlps j:or limaaa.,t Stateop ozy D. V. sairkov. RMAUs t*x,, Vok Ak flauk SSBh,, vui ica, ,.;o zy -AULIAltil -194, Pl? Tbe k2 klot of ?IV$ Val 13,, "'o 81 194 -) , V V L Mio 7w Umory of Rasmmiq blatesp by D. V. '.Wr;zv. WMWi,, per, lbk Ak !!auk C-b-,,B-. Vol 181y 4-;o 5a Aujwtp 1968,q pq 2x Am L-mt of Pbepc Vol 13) so Gt wj~- L), q ~ I P- k (~-, V Mar 69 IN s 6 5 2 nethwi of Laying cmt Printed Acircuits, by G. Ye. Shirov L. 1. LOpidU3- 17 PP, allSSUN, rpts PcisexpLye fteblalitellcrykh Machin Dlya Awliza Ustoychivosti i Tok.0v Korotkofto ZgMdEeniya v Eneraosistemakh U-03, pp 19~)-2130 AIRIVEDIDIT-24-109-70 sc:- i C, c Dec a by 777~7 w 7;, 0-0:2113 ~cvap Charps in amic oxnen w vocezo Incromoot" by oxy-vuoi DiowivZs by F. yovw=oto, K. -,,-bLro. ,TAPAN:3S3q peto To V,01 55, No !I., E40ture )7t 15 75A A StuOy on the Beat-AculAstIng AUqj A-~ bV Mdro EDburat Oph1w IM"am. APAMMI DM'-v bauta m3stitate cc SPDWMO Aerousitled Sclea-mat n,. Apr, 36 llistoi7 and Platfoini of Japmiese COLZ2.unist Party, by Toyota Shiro, 7 pp. J'APMESE, np, Nmiiata; 7 AuC.: 1)66y P- 5- JPRS 37546 IT-Japan Pol oct 66 -~lp_ ) _16i Involuastim uswtivo &Ik Of caXasello Am .4-It bw P, SWX*bokav* UVAINIXis Pat aw 70. 7 p p bone IlemAts of Obawntims of Polar-Cap Abscaption on 5-7 bebruary 1965 at AntAratica, by A. V. ShjrooVjtQ7. flussIcide pore irL~knl Smo!4LOI fultarkti- Cho-skoi a2gat4iie iio 611, 1967s PP 66-73. 1,4pt of i-avy AI?L/JdU T-2201 sci-i5sm soi Jan 69 3729318 V%~-_)C' Oy- Contact betwemn 'oviet, kblish Armies Tmeed, by K. 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Shirshav. 5 pp. RMJSIX-,~, pc~r, Aev, No 2, 1 56247 June 72 Effect Of C46jugate Procenes co Resistance of Ifold Motal to Brittle Fracture in Welding of Steels with Differmt abodeal Omposition., by Yu. V. Sbirshoy aW N. 11. Prokboror. 10 pp. RUSSM., per, ZO& Vywhave TW=ftjkM u&LU&c-h2- LaIaLtoftm &mm&mln t ProcJmodL 2Eomakh �2zaAmmIz -1 Kpoutraktoly No 133) 1269, pp 79-66. AIR4?FT44AT-e~4-71 Doe 71 idula Wwk Imwa lotw %"do -Unt aldormys ,bv Vo 5!drsw* 6 pp. Mm,iq Perf ZLaamo 544m# 'kic 61,19n, pp 6-7. j r.R; 532W Ov?l V. skjaso\( V. 1. ftftyaw Inv"tigation of the USIdity of Rolltng StwW Fr~m from Hod*" M. "Z MU. HIT.0 1972v pp 176-177 00,-~ 3181 IM3 Fob 73 VolzWdy ibtbod e Uaeftbtlon L*r.-OnWo 1V V. lhU7&stLdnq A. -asWowe 6 pp. tob 1,4690 p 14. 9 JP~iS 4OL9 7 1w A41 lod"n"i M vp* XMIAOR pw# Ague= ft4&2%9- v#6 MY IW28 pp 2&"Ii 57= ftt ?2 I ., ~. Q il .. - - . ,~ ~ ~ (~- 'I f~ , : ~, I I A t I Subodcroewpic orgmization of mom Tbylekoids in Pea aloroplasts, by A. 1. Shirysev. fl=Ult port DA Ak 16A swo mot sci., Vol g.D4.% No 5~ Zme 197-2) -PP-M57-3239- 3 J9a 73 v Y~ 'air. mc.perimntal Study of Hyaloom PlWabetim Plunte= Pans, und flsemphy'Mlls Punatnta Can* nnd rra=. Ticks as Tularemia Vectors., by D. T* %iryaev WWrM, per, Ved Pa=zLt, V01 35, No 3# 110P pp W4 NEI 11-23-63 ON LOAN MY Scl-EM Feb 6) 369o5W Plumbeum PWZ. and Punctato Can. mg &m. Tlab u Tularmils VactmP by ID. T. Mdrya~ws S. F. Mmobulz. =SIRUP pwP Nwlt Faraft I ?Bzuzt Bolcmd, Vol 35, go 3, !,%6,- Pv 30r-3(9- Dee 69 ilhe Adh"iocl of luemplastic and Rwmomactivu vaymaric eoudim Agents to organic vibers. by L. 1:"UrLienw, C. V. Sh"70yov, 7 pp. xonfaventr p go l?OVISEVIA i Volikaill&al 1476 L C Somm" RelAlmas by 01,44aw 8Ippo RWSW~ W,b &ghba YLIMML0#4m, I'lomms is Ims pp 97-1930 ims AMC 72 rooortio~~ 0i, 03rif izl,~', iy." ca L '~or, nika otal-In-ti, 77= 971- 7 lo. PwtidlatiOn. of MOO. Rtftlsts In tbs. matatemom of Toodw ~iOU istaWs by :vo V. obtry"Wo I&I I I A"', vat, usage V63 69s, No 5s 1970s VP 53-54--- V 71 Use of Tamimm-nea on !bapFi, by Ya - Yt- - ~ I RMIAN, per, GollesjL i Ktrj~,Cafira, 11-3 3, 1.,)67, pp 6207 fZ51 J-3370 ID 2204NQ-%7 Set-Electronlea D~c 67 346,109 ~-~ 9t C~14);"Va 40fim rmtlinvd. by Too adMWO 13 POO Rtm$lm,w perv 1 *&jggo I- ~#, ~kfb No 96 sw I t 6 pp 11, 1 * 0 4 M.' 34744 ' I . A~ im 7i. OCO-A 114"ip Usdoo $"iaUA b*ogistim Momewo tw l* sawma,. a MU, RUM* pen fir . a-qwv-tU, mooom# .N70 ?,P Ign" V" .10MM-1 mi ow - Oct 71 ~L(. SOYP,144ev c ~,Orasft Dxnon&t %sauticas 0,4~te,* by ru. ~~K~v 8 ov ,, , 0 *?# pro j!mmAww"v 40SOMO ~ ids 19?1,, v 4?~ "919 1'.09t A Zak C~Azr v~ Oi~ 31* 2rodw:tAmkf " Coatries to be Caordimte4o by in, ShU-pkpvt 14 ppo RUSslAiio ror# g2mm aonm4kis "bqwlf .,i0 lit 19691 pp 109-116. MLS 50131 Lzon 04 Vio MoWod of Pwr chromtea-ra" of caro*'OLL. olds. -,'UtrlWuloa of Caorlooo cauvounu-, ca us chftftWow ~=Lna Ua SepwWou of on.-mr,=uz., 4Y V. S. Sukavi, 3. A. skirjayeu., ;~Z~ pp. uwt,&tut A=jM6tA'V- QVS OtOjta* Val 1:0 -4~7 -.7,; -A 1w. ?.IQUIAW G. A. shiryayeva awl ~;l Mastering ilosi&n Capacities in Induintry, ~q SIATT*nxir~, 10 rip. iMSVII., per, Mono U.-ch-ealdLix7, Voull, Iloo "I 'XI,.- rp. api's 6L USSE Bcon July 67 3 Q )., (1 5 " ;^ I L i vWxv; ~-Ilxuta *a U~e ftv,~; a2s---tmxic ca~:psler L'aaa ta 'oy IA-1 IV* tntrjayzvee I K'azt gzaAvvio (-~- 11 . , ~-,, (~ tj A t-4 Q Pigwntz of Tobacao Tissue Culture, by G. A- ShIrymva. FMW,, per., Dok A Nauk SSPI - Scl.~ Vol 202~ ito 4 t Feb 19~2-'*- 977- ., pp~ 0 CS Jan 73 171 i:o 6, rp if-D-4?* con x1hartows Reourraft loat Crielf.Investigat6ds by &I.Tayyib ftUbabo :7 PPo ARARICs, npo, almA j, - XbArt oums 30, Jun 72P pp 6--7* JMS 57166 Oct 72 and Idstributicill of I;ausito alld' (.1)a-wisite 0-To (ml t["c ;;,Cst si=". of tho Urals, IN V, ~.,, shishaLov. Rul!~Isliv.t;, 1:~cTP Ucl A SES-R, Vol 10, Jito It Xl t~~y 70 407.0S4 bww cc anol'Usatbm ct Cabo= za Batuaw ftm tba 2at4adtw cc X-111W ummum (u""low tnu ow v"WO)" IV 36 WAUOAWS H& fkame maw= " W* -Xibm Vol 36,P 14, p-p?q5;wv- AW-23TSW 6 7 'XXI 0 alukt"Unpa. lishnnriot~