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:j ji-7 j---j- B. N. Kaurov L~eten-lin---Lti-nrl Of t110 angular location ilif an unorimu,-d astronomical satellite. KOS~fMIESICIT. ISSLEMoviNryi, Vol W, pip 11.7-11.1% 1972 - '7 1 1 r7 Ali -rVM 'q E - 7A 403NL-ti-468) &AMINO ACIDS AND PEPTIDEB, VIII, OXYTOCIN ANALOGS WITH 3-NITRO-L-,D-TYROWNES AND p-NITRO-L-PHENYLALANINE IN THE SECOND POSITION. Auna, Z. P.; Kaurov, 0, ; Martynov, V. F.; Morozoir, V. B,, loTranslated by S. J. Amoretty 03rookhaven National Lab., 'Upton$ N. Yj, from I,Vestn. Leningrad. Univ., Ser. Blol.; No..16, 6V4-9 (1970). 2013p. uDep. NTIS. 2schemistry (organic); translations 3107C ,UMN-4 UP NSA - -- -- -- - ---- -Ak .-- --- ---I : . I Detern.i. n/. ~ I ~ - ~ . - ~ - -i ---l ition of the An.vular Locatioll wl:i, Astronor4cal Satillites J)y Ye,-. 1-4. Kvnnolio -cr, voftmich Issle4l, Nr) 2, lIP7:;!,, )(- 7 fj 13 A I ~- 11 1. . -- - I vIlll,llho~ltl::4id 15 INO, Ilyp MIT-JZ4t. Ault, 72 An InVogtagStilon Of Ajdal kbrjjft%joj%W jljjMl a, SIALnftr k;IUPtAo COW* tq Gorbard Ks%vWua,., I I Qua"* PC# 7.8 UNIM& Val too NO 1% itoe7o Dopt of hM SIC tr 2363 A. I L Apr 68 D. 7mishilailte .!,'uircrical voZzition of one kxbvdtm=. irl, ,!Dscow. iiiilT--;,T -P ,,, i 7rc-,T. ncursunz RABOT A 15A 1970, pp 4rj-.Sl by D. JP. &wdA'lAtQ To, Am Inst of Five Vol 16o 1b 5,p llow WTI Nov 71 -_-acii~ar Todmir.4-1 ~wxillmvy by to xazox, Vol MAJ-562. *AEIC ~&XL-TT-1022 EDC -Jon 171, 1966 jm) Legal AsPeets of OLI Storage and.Wator Pollutiong by Do Rout. GEM"Ns part jkdga"d RehIsm WEIM - Pejroob~ls (TIM611491 sit 16'aftimijalL. QgAL&)# Vol 19s 1966p pp 145-146o NTO 72-10909-21D W 72 Abumvuon or atroon Odds* by --n- utv*tM Nitric Acid at Subsera wwwu-!-Ij"so by V. M. KaUt Cho*11 FMUMj pu. Wautnmkll Mad Vol 33j, 1967,, pp lw-114- ATS "Z-1088 - $8.35- RTC 72-6aT56-OM Jan 73 w- q -.Fr. Tr nz~- TT- ~- fT7- r.f-, .-t ir 471 .4 17 or, of ea c, la - 0 1*6 --Possibility -of - Mmaning- tU ProdutivUlp--cf-It-_- F_ I'T Gamral-ftrpo" OLOtal Cw"twr Owa Solviag Scon=Lc mW Hatbmatical fteblamg by L. V. Unto"OkIke Va. 1. F". I p1p. Masi", Pace ft". Q_t!Rg!Qw i ww"I W matuft VOI Sp 50 Zg 1969S pp 2745-279* AIRMAINT-24-107-70 SC-1914C DOC 70 KAUTZ, H.R. and GERLACH, H. Properttes, of non-, stabili'zea a_'ff-__a'us'tenitic steels for use in the construction of nuclear reactors and steam boiler plants. Arch. EisenhUttWes. 39:151-8 (1968) (CRLIT.4t6lx). ti*n of Cas TurLines 4nd IlKhasat Qllj~ TUMU12- Charger, ~~y ti. Gerlach, ii. P., Rautx" -er, '-,.T.Z., Pof.- 3774.5 (1791) sci-mach ~Iay 69 '360 134 i An-A A rro-:erties ui j~on--,~tabdlizrkj -AW-iV9 / for use in thd Construction of miclear Reactors Mritl Stema Eviler Plants,, by 11, It, iautz, H, 1.14mlachm, G15d'AN, For, Arch* EisEev Val $90, liabrulgry WWO pr 151-156, 61SI 6446 tlay 69 3S20447 Vy 111;68, 1371-137F, mby 69 K, K2kUtG frew Results of CoTroolon of Refuse Incineration* Gk-MX, pers, VerIM19 9 mittall4ma , Vol 510 IITC 72-12699 -13A sept 72 Observations on Precision Gravisetry,.by f.,~Kaw 4ebon. 9 pp. GERMAN, per, Vermessungstechnik, Vol 19, NJ) 8, 1W.Ij pp 285-288. ACIC-TC-1807 GUO June 72 StaUstlool ArAlysU of the PrInodpl 414000POtSAI fla4 tr dAftwo QLAMMI I At in- VOL so It* Up ACIC WSW 84 r4w 68 .,Aamrch ca*A*but4a to* ftUrced ImaptwtotAcouis bgr "WAS34V ,Ava]Aks 8 C", -ii, rpt., I ion 69 MW TnoohlM by A. ICIWSlft'OW* 5 IV- trip Noun# p rob 68 kW Ae A* UNOUWW* Ruwlmo pwo lie" No 6. 1900 lppp DOS& OAC51 Jm3W ID ZZWO567 sel-4:sch Ew DOC 67 LIC I-I.An -jf Instr, t S"ln(-4 by *Aujar;vl A. -A* KrylN =a b. F. Uzjuirp 6 lip. H"W', Par, ftl=.*lm=vAn 41 4p JOU!,,, PPO 21-M. J?rS 3G56o, U &7 uml Mon AU-6 376137 lba A&LAS *f P*MnMt MgMt IOP At 110"lalkilitt' oz 550-7000ca by i6v A. Kovelarle so G.UvoloLtso 11 pp* RUSSIM9 part 8lj%tKWMjLD No 12t 19*11o pp 72-7s. AU44PTD.-W-23-643-40 A, Al-a 4 ' Va A SCL-ftt ifte 70 I I I III ti III I I III i u4satim or CmbAt as a ForKUSer ft0l lMdt ftWf* bY Vo To gwnaddl* R* To tnmv",- Rasa"* Wo Mwe am %2 has 1b 70 XWO Vp 2$47. Dept of laterur am*= *r CONSOVOLA vidmies Dr.i A or ftvW4p ftsbwise SOL.Cbft V. V. Kavalskiy ion 65 3fto:03 in Electroradiography, by -11, R. A. Ravalyayakas, 1. V. Syrelovic4h. RUSSIAN, per, Zh Nauch Prik Vot 1-Uptotaw ~., Vol 13, Lo 1, 196�, pp -2-4---IB. NLL Ref: 5828.4F (12959) P'. CL - K CLA~Ileeud~f sci-Elec Play 69 3901,939 Sly in I-j4w pro '.*14 n, 14~65. K CL V A,. 1Q Jul "'J ri e b 7 -~ :'?onlacc ilibemnt C~Malrw' Tiam". it 11,10 ro. 71 5elseting Students for TowhtM JMUtWWjg,,, bar To be Naveraus 1, bb, 4ordlene 14 we RL-b-'Ame pope !~Y2 lbsollmlo lio 10, 1968, pp 7o.77, JM 47336 USSR Edna Fob 69 II ~71 . -- ~ -1 -' , - BuLlding of Wooden ilowea t0 by be. FAVarin* RUSSIAN# Aps. 9084001v 2 J4;v p VAY 72 C ij,'v I '~ I ',. 1 - St~ I ~, I ~ j,-i it I (; I r: A N 3 i I-),% 1 -1 T 101'4 %) 41 1 ", T Q U D u C - i) *,' 1,~, ~ v 1 D;- L Y KCINSERV'-JAYA I JVUSHCHESUSHILONAYA PROMYSH(J-1414 OSTI NIIJ '4 1,)I1 P;) 7-8 FSTC-Hl--'~-1620-72 As ASUMOUS TIONN"W" MONNI I tollp aim phuuacoloey of the coronary civAillation 1. IW N - V - Kwerift - Fwmm., per btwmm, 19651 pp RO wz 608 SrA - Aug 6T 33T-II& L -,C Effect of sum"mung the suormovuo Huaud of Vio an Va Qxrboaft AaUvVW at Us ZUW of IMANUM Babbitop by L 1. jbdkofto ROSS= Dw. tbk. Ak.. No*.:&" -7~, ;Ca 187~ No J~, Aug 5;~,p pp OVA. OB 16W 70 ~ %, sei=tiflc itesearC4 iwtitL%ta at A149 and CUrdool WMWICEW. tV Re ~lw ILwWDtlWW- AU35,TAilt bk, '613mv*iv jmm I'limat JAL"tat A= 1967, pp ACSI J-$Mg ID 2wwl5m k Kovit$tKiy sci/aWl Jul 66 pro5pect,us - &UYV somatiner Roamrob ;UllstitAfta of &4erjwnW srA ClUdwa (Mclql7o IW R, is. lavotddys %a, 4vhmwaAAW MorkohrWN0 -W 19679 rp 1-46- ID 2X*0&,9268 ,. Ye. KcLv e-ts k iy p Scd/M 'Sept 68 itle ~~Wutayd7o et ale U.0 zam. r! v I'liolola ' natlbl Lots III 111111flumvp ["11111111111.191 lot .Amcturo of the *mroa Uwtran -VOtATTIM dif ~W' In ;me S*W- sautammo ter 1, V4 liffiviOle Jul 68 The Introlwtlon of Set Idalemle PrIam ror Inftstrial OMMMAtles am Rates for aviduld &M Amme bly M,# I* Kimdtatlyt RU=M, per, fte MM S$Mlld,ot", lb I# Jan 19670 lpvpo iplu 40W? USSR 1. KAVITS-VI/ E-oon Y.~W 67 3Z5*$At zAit, juvi actse" iAr soobsbds A ;jauk 10,ri 14 411>11-i Vol AA4 ~'~D 01. b7-74, 112 1 cn~ lax 66~ 296,47W Subtauscoza Tissue Reaction to suture glaterAul Jai it, Long-Torm Uperizent, by J, Kaylowav 14. Jwivus4lv3, 9 J%P. Mal. per. Casioslomska Stomtologlo,, Vol 6Vj Par 1969. PP ACSI J-8075 ID 2204002770 %) L SCI/801 any 70 i4n t, m of 410ow with *MOM Nomdl$* at,nns 1 11, 4 an P2&U;nm MA fto"W* tw 5, go motandwo no Po sabolo"* Room* pwo Allk.200* va 2a6 no 36 jaws 296% vpm4143- C13 A) - A) , klQ V t A P- 4 d z 'E mw 69 3TTONR affect of I I t- -we = wo utwo*d 0010= ar Qwbm mww-~ - an 0=1 D*um~v ard Piguame IW N. U. sm - - - - - - - N. P. sabourno ROMMO M* Ak **.OW,* TKI Ifto Ob 4s 290,p Vp 1:63. Cm A) - g J Nw re x1o" Of ~ioo~% "Ti*nslon ftvd awAv4tion servi*s, by t,* !'Avt&3*dGOp 5 Wo 150710.p 24, IMSIAZI. part 7&rM 30 AMS JM 42315 k, kci I/ -tclr 4 14 tl&,.~,~ ,tcJ,.r;mv. cw%j, X)Otect. comtem. cat 67 ".%3 jmdwnrULI-&Wc tz a tbarmics Awftuwg~ !MR& for no Do"dopmIto Ily "bir owlimil, Vol 28 polimot Vmp lb 11-*0 lkwo- ON 196% IPPI-914mg. irm ra 66 stalaxoss steel Castsutsboy Lumtosbi 3111mmotup" masse, x6vabsts" at *to JAFMLUS per& zailzos Vol 14# He 4370 :4065#, PA 401-1100 ASC tMIfttZ%-"j Jun zz 40 ili)z' 4 JU-1,Y 72 m the Surfain Meaumm Tv4n* or pi tnooofta 1* MH and lwmtt j%theftlo tv T* lauqpoU* JAPAMMq pWg BE" Vol at so 19660 pp 92-1000 ATS JS-143 Fob 69 WIt of Load Otd p bF T. Ks=VwK* JVAM=p pw~s M" If* 19wo pp 63-0o A25 JS-13D Feb 69 3?3o833 ESR Abearptian of AdvWb9d QMM Oft MOO W at L4w liplawwo F"t to and Uv-rn""mtAca tMat of 11133 Abscrptl=4 tV To SMORgUaMe "PA:Wgo pWp MMU Md" Va 70 Nb 20 1%7# yp R-440 ATS JS-lW Fab 69 ftQtQ3=3tiV* SSR =4 Phatoconductim iwlr-lku~ and AS-Doped Zinc Oxide* by To KmsjiWhIji,#, JAMMU& per& 2!9 .el 19" s pp 24-30. Rwhin Vol VII;o No 14, ATS JJ-"U SCI-Phys Jul 67 WOU Rolls in Hot Strip Hills, I)Ir 11' JKAW 1114t,m, JAPANESE, per. Tetsu-to-HaEa.i.LtL, Vol. S, 1971, pp 761-77 BISI 10037 June 72 i-lrl tne 'Iec.lauli~ua Of ;;ge, AAardolliuq in IL F-~-20,A-1.35'Xi 'Wartonsitic iklloy" til U. sL, I-er, J. Japan Inst. Matittlas 112 70-57990 -5ci/mater j% uj 7 () Vynar-dc ilro,,erties of C crout iiij,h Temperatues, by T, Koualtara, JAPAN'i~SF, Tvr, Konkurito Jantru, 7(3), 196DO 'n-) 12-19 *jV.C/CPI%L/Tr-2124 SciPaterals Apr 69 T- 7- -~-a T- - _-r -r- -T-,-.T Azal -11A -JIL, A LA.' 11 1 -~A~.Elc Irail hip Tat--;u to 1W, 4, Ak aTect L-r ",Vmp slaumm cc the sit W-'~rkabUlty 4 Lw Ou%n Mal*# ty TI Tswljo r4d Cb. No". juvams prp, plw-19 Vill 590 ib 4 -L9668 pq RX-M. Wei c h ACL U)01 fti-mat"U" ,CA% 66 ,.') Vv !Wlocity -:A ocoxi"tion iii tutic froo wi,atii, tittwif of., J..L', xu~.~ .Oar, Totsu to-JLuK!ww, Vol S2, i,o 4, ID66, e,, IOLL.91 ~Ms A. 7- civ 1.41gr uct 66 I ~ ~ ~ - :_ - I - - .. I-- -1:i- - -!-- ii i i ~.. - III ! 1! . I - I : - -.- J I I. 111 u;; ,ir. 11 KAWAI, Y. and others. Determination of oxygen in liquid steel by an electrochemical method. '- Tetsu-to-Hagane 5,5(3):S279 Lecture 279 (1969) (CRL/T.4194x)- . ..~ I IN !-~- A-111-H ---- i -, ---- I I I A - Mar 71 -IT A Surface Crack* In Ltrgo HI h ~*M jil steel Ingots. Part ~Tbxo X4094 0 Surface Oraaking inlTigh;strat 1h Steel Ingotas 67 go Iowa auto JAPANESE& perp TotgU tgj1a Sprigav Vol 57p No 4v 19710 RTC 72-60031 8-11F May 72 I-a.4,L4,sL.4, Surface Crack* la I-argo Milgb- steel Ingots. FAA 1. sutrooe in Laree, ftool Ingatop hy IK* -TAPILMMR- neAvo- Tatmill fift 9-0-9~ -- -- - -------------- May 72 ~`;rl Vitt!'. art I F Un etic's v lcwin,.~ ons iu ",I ~,,er Totsu to 51, 1.4i .1, 7112 1 A~p IV p Airr 32.2 311)5 -- - , , - - - - .,-! - -.;-. - . :1 11-1 L.--1- 11 ~ I -~ ~ - - --I .1 1 1 . : I I U!l 1 1! , I i I I I i I I I I i I I X A Study or Va OIAM7 CC US MWIMAIr Cloatinamar-c"t Slabs# Port I - xwr". of vertlefA secuam at castimmoy-cwt $3408. Peft n - Spaclog of IA* Oolvmmw-Cry*isl As** In -C"t sial'o 17 9. IW*ooo ZAPAMM# pwj 24ou -to Val 58 no 11" im L*Gtwm T4 a 75.0 md $9~r* M M7~ Jeft 73 ft"Anx sonsm An 1004 W-W ft* boo q -) br W. nag q " g. gpoodo IrambeAmmumlift 9";;r 3w0 *1 4ile as 49 afto ftow '. VAW To Yf\,\ AL -t to S1, flo 4, 1 jijS, 711- 7 IT' V; 7020 SciPattrials Ap r 6 7 '522 oiolg F '-,I LZA-i ;.ierv Tu%zu to Vol ;I" lial 4, 7 ~ili4 A1 i - - -- I - 11-11-- - -- - I ~- -~- --- ll!!dl~ i- The Effolato of t2mi PJinftl 4ody- suA Pitidifta am D=UJI 23"P RWJU4 JAPAIr"sa, Pam, P M~ -124'ww~. pp 122-1a9 rim 71-16626-06P Feb 72 k 7 Strength mid Fracture of Ultra-Mg, ~Iy Steel. JAPMESE, per, Powder and Powder Metallida, ~i~oll jl;~O No 8. 1971, PP 331:33Y. IiB 9741 g~. VA:M 1 RII 1 11 N i I il by T. Kawalzita and S'. Kmbayauma., JAIIANZESH, per. Pmidetr nrut Vowder Mctalllwrqjj~, ....... .. . . . .. Vol If,, -.1o 7, . 11B 8241 Jun 71 - I . - --,- I~ :' ~-,! LI !L~ -- L1 IL ~~ L: 1 :.". .. . I I .! 11' il 1 11 ~ i 1:, I i I : \ '. Y\Irx.XAJ r, 1~ I -IN(,qA .,- Jume 73L \'~-N ~' , ---~ -~6- VN J(Z~ Development ~'~ T14Mda of People r a 41,ounmils Outlined,, by Winoenty ftwalea., 12 pipp POLISH, per, nows, progio warsaw,, MaT, 72A PP 69-79. .Tpns 55625 Apr 72 4(ORNL-tr--2677) SULTIMATE PRESSURE TJWTS ON PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PRESSURE VESSEL. #K& .W19h Hangai, H.; Tsubol, Y.; IBobata, 0.; Otsuld, Y. j~TramIs"Wd for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., from IKonkurito Jankrug B., No. 8, 1-16(Aug 1971). 2030P- UDeP- NTIS. *--"--*-- 2gengineering; translationS 2T13 2gMN-38 nP NSA 0 K. Kawamura, et al. 0C e Determination Of Iron In Iron,'By Fluorescent X- Ray Spectroscopy-Effects Uf Internal Stwidard For Briquetted Samples With binder NIPPON KINZOKU, Vol. 33, No. 6, 1969, rj) 679-1685 DISI 9SSl Jan 1973 clinical smateriolostext st"Uikk of' DephalezIng by R& XuLiwaasi* MAIMS,, part itsm igurnkLAT Vo J9700 1. - -- - --- - .- - :!~ .-~ lllft.~ - 1T 11 1 . I I I jj-~ ; , ! ~ H . : - - - 1! Ili :I : Apr 72 T Pr*ParatiOn Of Acetylene Iron Lovsr Aliphatic W rocarboas by the go* of Hydrogen Plasums by T, law"*, JAPANESZs,990r, Irarve Reg 9 Vol 719 1 8v pp 492-496 NTC 72-11557-07A June 72 34. 11 W' I I F~ I I W Ull I' I, in 0", ........ . ....... ... .- - Kurous diew's Fula La "Appsma" L)omlulgmd Ily Japanese-Com.unlot Party# by YawwaXi Kloolmim, 12 pp. JAPASME, npj, M&lLata 4 D= 196G# p. JPM 39374 A~4 7ri :5 FE-Tapan Pol Jan 67 316,oAle xiuaticl of th& 11 #K, ties a M 19 ~ -- - - j, ~ stearl batbp Pan IV of me OW t3u Reactions in the I&SLIC OXYSOM LD hn"co"; Pv by KO Kawakami* JAPAIESS9 per* Tetsu to 1!!Mm Vol Sir 1110 4o 196% Vp 714-11T= NO 7021 Sci - Mach -_-ffect of PrecipitAbbion ilardarting aim wic, Higli-Tam-perature Strength of 18% Cc, i2m Ni, 31 Pic Ni trogen -Alloyed Steel, by Y. Kawabe and R. Nakagawa, JAPANESE, per. Tetsu-ta-Hagans, Vb% 554 11o 11, 1969, Lecture-1710 p S 561. HB 8214 sci/mat gap 70 ---------- Olt 3, 0o Cmsww,p bY Vs"&J& LO"4ks 10*sk&" 11401141. JAPM090 pipi, SAAC scl - as Jul " 44-Study of the-Antidogressw4v-8freaft -at--JjmUi trwm Volne SftumUaL AnSU"No %W T. lowdtat T. smam. IMEMOOKk ywa, ubm MOP v" no loIrs pp 1689406. ' I aw 69.X5454-wo Ga4m Do 69 ."asul'-s of 1970 IlatimwO. CloinAmm 'ItION1.10ii4 , IN 01, by "ima-,ity IS mv - W,1~71 -Yor'. "Olle SEMI I ~44u'awfll .1,111111 [1~1, ?f 1- 0 - W Anr 71, pn, 35=74,7). 1 - -T7`1~y, -53-163 Cmmquenma of aspW pqnUtla,2 GVON#A !in PC, a s IV wmow* Ka"doot a pp. F -ISIf , nD. wasamm 7 sne 19ft p 3. 41ft 46M log-polud R ol ( e,- WZ~l om Oct 69 Z40?1* f.J ibligh 6e~o sa'al'ou 1*04414ris id,-Icmty rmma4)00 5 We tLpo p 3. raw tW I twonta auulec. 23 pp. m-pt, pp 24-~40 - raw$ jpiw- 469W W bwPcamad L)ec 68 354*OWL Uwe =XP ma ab 24. 913 Imw 1901, vp* 1#40 JPM 3DM Z94P*Iond Som im 65 06M -ua J b7 li"IrsoftAo 6 Ive Fa6mi per* 300 105 Jul IOCOA, V. St irm 32M NO-Pa3mad abon ovb 65 Statistioal Information System Moderninad, by Wincenty Kawaloo, 5 pp, POLISH, npp Z1216 Goopodaroze,, Warsawo 19 Mar 72v p 3. JPRS 55712 Apr 72 MOM? 3*LoXWAZiA bw 67 VbWl P02yrarizatUno Pwt 22). Vlrqt ft4Mfls- Istgon in tjw Pw 1 1 o of jppvl-dto*Aft*%ftd JuanT Dws va 96, iliko 9o$, V690 148-2X; ATS-JO-261 NO TO Amsm