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(DC J18 Tf*ra'Q6IC-EIdi'Ig F."Odiwtivity of Polish Forts COM-mrad With That & Scandinavian Forts, by Z. Szeriawsktj 4 " pp. r'910932 r-rj Techalra 1 Gcspodurka Mar-ska, Vol X. TITO 10o 1960, PP 306, 309. JPRS 6686 ZZUT Poland ncou e,:c Q,' (III't -5117) Szczoci,a Lagoon Fairv" and its Problemsp by Z. Szopwaki., 16 pp. FILM,, pter.. Technika i GospaUTIm Morska, Vol X.. NO 7/8.. 1960,. pp 221-224. ins .4, RE= - Poland Ecou A~ Fab 61 Conf~nce on the Automatlon of Osodetleal and Cartographical Work., b7 Jamm Szorenyi, 6 pp. HMUMM, Ter, Geodesda as SUA05mria, v4o3- xxv, No 1, 1962, IV 560 W. JM 13215 SOL - Rw /5w" Apr 62 Mcrst Recent World Achievematz in Turbo -Drill-I YjZ and Possib3ci.Utiea of Their Adaptation in Drilling in Poland., by Ludwik Szostek, 4 pp. POLTM.- Pw, Naftas V01 XVIns No T; 1962s P-D -191-193. ms 15366 Ez - polAnd Ecoa Oat 62 Insuallatic-a in a Vailvmi~. Lar a- Ankmlmr lotor VebAcle Llwt; for tho oi Live 11sh, bly Jml S-20stalms, 3 P. PULL -ats, Patcut iia 35,747. Clal-It of ~V--Mrce 1-i-tzlit % 4, f I c to L:ci- -, V,; ~Cij 66 ,W;..2,919). -R-900 Sinn 12 Pil- freobuical Pro&re3'3 3.939-195ap Gy From Gas's W oa-a 4, Teebaika pmam p 'Per), 252-254- va )Count o 6, Wars"i 1955; vp JPRS -19 31 -*B 17117 polana and pover, M31c racla Oct 59 CRITERIA FOR TECHNOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF COKING COALS, BY A. SZPILEWICZ 15 PP. =I. POLISH, PERs HUTNIK, No 6. 1962, PP 195-201. JPRS 15358 EEUR - POLAND ECON SCI - MIN/MET OCT 62 212,189 (ily-3666). C-n kCb4e" bY Future 5 -,r --) - -701 11) no 5,, 6., p;;rl YOlm-S= I xatvvicc.s Sep-D2C 1959 pp 205-211; im 2646 poiana yuels/pover I.,,Wj 60 Productil on of Metallurgical Coke-From Weak-Caking and Wonc~king Coal Varieties,'6j Alexander GERMM, per, Welkraftkonferenz, Belgrade, 1957j, pp 1-14. WEur - Germany US JPM/DC-L-7 Econ Feb 58 (FDD 25370) Thv Coke-Chemistry and Gas Industries at the Beginning of 1955, (Poland),, by A,. Szp~levicz,, ;pp. ,,.mo per, Gos a_ ctwa. Vol IV, POLISS p2g ka Gorni No 12, Waraawj, Doe 1954, pp U-12. CIAIFDD/U-7221 Fawr - Poland a~ Scon - Industry CT8 71/Aug 55 THE PROBLEMS OF CHARGE-COAL PREPARATION, BY ALEKSANDER SZPILEWIGZP,,17 PP. ------- POLISH, PERp HUTNIK, SEPT 1962, PP 339-346. JPRS 16541 EEUR - BPOLAND ECON 1, DEC 62 217p266 C-50, The Problem cf Gas MonoW In "rrous MataLlurgy, by Alekoazider qzpijSvIc%., 10 pp. POLISH, perp Energetyka PrzetVs1cwa., Vol. V111, No 12, Dac 60,- PP 396-399. JM 8350 E&W - Bean j= 61 (FjDD 25426) Coke and Gas Industry (Poland).. by EW Aleksa __ 8-mile-vicz". 18 pp. PMISH., mo per# Prze&Ad Gorniczy Vol X (XLI), 116 12m, Stalinogroil, Dec 1954j. PP 430-434- CIA/FDD/U-7229 REur - Poland ;~,q F,con - C6ke and gme in&wtry , dr,~-Y CTS 72/Sep 55 Y (NY-47391) .-1oke IndustTy Development, by Aleksander PPS POLISH', per,, Wiadamosci Rutuicze3, Val XV1.* No 7/8.s !960, vp 203-206. JM 7423 Mhw - Poland Econ jan 61 (sr-1100) Commeaft on GeneraLL ftml ThetAcap by EMg=dUGZ ~22ltUZL 8 p p pe 0 My Frse4ad Ovski, JaL-Aus 19U., fte 7, Ss PP 17-23 - JFSS 19800 DOMIA ED= - Poland g Ze 9,,f -16 mi mar 62 MCfect of Some Methyl-Amomonilin Salts on -the Sympathetic Ganglia,, by Z. Szr-gniawaki. , 8, pp. POLM., per., Acta Phjsiologica Polonica., Vol XIV., 110 1.. 1963 oTS 63-n4OT/1 PL-480 Sci 'Tune 64 261.,614 'i,wn-ty fc-am of servtco In rolzo--I, JUSN, pm,-,r, W-11- -v, las 2 -a V-1 t. S-:>c r,~b GS. Mactor YAnotlas Sla"torp by Wo FLUpezek,, M. Sxtmlnkolw, 9 ppe PM=p pwo *Uwmlkap Val Np lb It; 1959. 906OW AM-Tr-4153 ftl 4 Jan 63 1~ 220piVB 933030 1 Hunsarian Scientist Visits aul Descrilm Savlet PhormceuUml amd Chadcal Remarch rnstitutlooss ~by, Feraw jaztaLricomis 31 pp, WWAFM., per, A EUM mdamm Kamd&U!EtLal~ Wt 344---*9!, jPBS 35156 scl-cbm May 66 299#829 Photogrammetric Efforts in Foltmd, by Vi=lw~ Sztomphe, 4 J)pz PMIU, per., Przeglnd Geode-.yjwj, Val XUIIII No 3., 1961., pp 94-95. JPM 9744 Aur, 61 Sme Price Problem Under the Now -Industrial auagcz,"Ient System in czechoslove-ki by 1-1-lat-1-yalcv SztYber, 5 P*-P. POL.,3fi, -per.. Mionomiata., Wo 2, "1961, pp 464-467. JFIRS 10183 Mar - Czezhcsj-o"-Ieia Ecou cat 6.L MW - Prices in the Computing of the Effectiveness of Foreign Trade, by Wladyslaw Bogdan Sztybor,, Is vp. POLISH, per, Gospodarka Planowa, Uo 819, 1964, PP 8s-89. JPRS 27755 EEur-Sov Bloc Econ Jan 65 272,3S4 per# as all-pabod Fwas MW" M"W FA GM - I- AM 63 I f. i BEHIND "INTERDEPENDENCE" BY SZU MU, 12 PP. CHINESE2.PER, HUNG CHIII .NO 18, 1962, PP 9-12. JPRS 15745 FE-CHINA POL OCT 62 214,985 Sz,a Mnlilil-ih;SE, nogra~-h, Lun Chir-,- T J. ~~ n - ."U (,,-ission off tlne Eccno.-.L:if--s lc,c-n. 5 QpH-Utjt&tjVe LVaIUXtlGU CC CoAmUc and RK Uw_iDbtbaeL,e Fnctl=s In the C(mtlnu(xw WAU23Atiou QC f-a)-ish p-mms rer, rdw smola (;S2$ Vol VIP 196's DR VA-147. IM K 6903 sci-cbw reb 63 ANW.1pummW S (Connection Witb the C--.T-m,-m!qt Thc Szubmsl-:i, L T)T.-,. per, Morze, UTO 3, ig6o, I? ,--`F s 324`9 /X Scc Unions, Zntelligerrice, SabotaS2 illaj QO kjT "I I The Agricultural Machine Industry lwtitxxte., by k1agister Ew Hipolit, ~ nubert~ 9 PR- PMIM,- per, Przeglad Nechmiczny.. Vol =j, Re 19-20:-Oct 1960j. pp 621-624. JFRS gorm ED= - Poland Scon Apr 61 W-530B) Flarks f or Industrial InstAtute of AgricultuTe, by Hipolit Szubart, 10 pp. POL73H., per,, Meabanizueja Rolnictvap Vol V11, '-ffo 9; 1961D., pp 9-11. JIMS 7286 M*,;7., - Poland EQ OU -:t-an 61 Some Problems on the Synthesis of Organic Labelled Compounds, by A. Szuchnik M. Wolska-Witerowa, 5 PP- t~~ POLTSH, per, Nukleonika, Vol IV, rio 4, 1959,. qo68k486 AEc-Tr-4153 Sci jan 63 220,498 Ti;sL"- Vater Stage VItc a. -,L ion ot' the Dr-mube Cou saim, by J. Siitcri *.La mi d L. Sarenyi, 1'., illp, M=ARIAN, per, Tpxqmerza~tgE DmanyL_L Ito 11, Nlovez:~bor 19,63, pp 490-493, 518-519 DtA Lil -127-67 Q.-ur Lhmgary :4LO5 Econ flai 57 Szucht, E. Extension Diagrams of Wood and Their Mechanical Properties POLISH, per, Prace Instytutu WIckiermictwa Vol. 9 No. 2/31 1959, PP. 39-57. *PL 48o oTs 6o-21577 1961 Wnsil-- Teut Diegre= for Wool Flbers an(I Prapeertleop by Eduard szucht. POLIMS M-erp ftaft masvtuft V02. IKS DD 2p IMP I)P 39-55. 9W4098 ols scl - pb~fz ?.Aq APr 63 E','~;,~tabi)dt~j C)'~ ~Yru~'T, Jodie U--;*--- Sorter DavicGo ard- of Sll~jgle X-IbzLe imnts in Det-cwmining Ilbre Loneth, bvr 'E. J~ G. Glatmaka. POUSHI wr, Prace Instytutu, MokienrAmma., vol ~-Erc, zo 2, 1958, pp 1-69. Sci - RnEr f 3 6 2 Under a maom-Lifying GL-ns~ by V65% Jozsag emw4pi. 7 =~ ErEGA-11-0., per., IL-piles., No ks 1961., PIP 14p 1.59 9667830 3m-w-62-782 fti-Ilelm Feb 63 j ;2 " 5,01 SztJci;. Miklos. A STUDY OF THE ONE-STEP FIXING-DEVELOPING PROCESS. [196218p. Order from ATS $13.60 ATS-66PSSH Tr&nB. of Kep ea Hangtechaika (Hungary) t961, v. 7. no. 4. p. 102-106. DESCRIPTORS: 'Photographic chemicals, Photo- graphic equipment, Photography. 6 2- 12605 I- SzUca, M, 11- ATS-66?58H III- A!39MIdted Techaical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. (Materials- -Photographic. Tr. v. 7. no. 11) LIGHT-c~ENSI-FIVF SYSTLMS BASFD ON OTHIER 'nIAN SILVER IIALIOE COMPOUNDS. 119621 9p. Or,j,r (rum AM $0. 50 ATS-HOP591,1 Frans. of Kvp c% li4nKicchnike (Ifungary) 1961, Y. 7. no. 4. p. 109 - I 17. DESC RIP FORS: rtgx,~graphlc emulsions. Stlvcr com- P~T~n.js. 111410va, S'n0jilvity. ATS 62-17188 1. Ssuc". M. IL AFS-A0P!9I1 Ill. As-,octsitd,rechnical Scrvices, Inc., Last Orange. N. (Mawrialp-I'l,ofugraphic. TT. Y. 8. no. 2) rd. WIN I S w*y 01 OF A a S~b~"V~ I I PM#Sop PL% XQLXIM VOMMC4 19 JIL ISO# PF lit 3- RM POLAND VA L 3w Composition and Content of Free Amino Acids in Bovine Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Plasma Determined by Paper-Column Chromatography, by B. Szukalski, J. Zarczynska, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Physiologica Polonica, Vol XIV, No 6, 1963. OTS 63-11407/6 PL-480 Sci Jan 65 272,603 Secretion of Free Amino Acida With DMostinal Juice in the Dog., by S. Ziemlanski., B. 9n;4glq'd., 13 pp. XPOLUM, per, Acta Pays' nlorJca Polmilea, Vol Uv; NO 3; 1963; 1* M 63-11407/3 PL-480 Sci Jun 64 260"904 ojXFjjjj4 1j,j,fw 1. ql K~--htlbiaii L"eland, by Jurzy SzWraj,!3Jd Is POLISii, per, Zeszyty C-Dograficzaa, Warsaw 1959, No. 1, pp 205-215. M 6.3-11356 U-Pol Sci '-'ar CIS 275,758 -2U" -5zuiq~~Wicz' waclaw. ACTION OF SILX--%-r DISCHARGE ON ETHYLENE. I. Szukiewic6zl, W. 11961113p. (4 figs. ornitted) 23 refH. Order from SLA $1.60 61-20960 Trans. of Roczniki Chernii (Poland) 1933, v. 13. p. 245-255. DESCRIPTORS: *Ethylenes, Gases, Chemical reactions, Decompooltion, Hydrogen, Acetylenes, Gas flow, *Electric discharges. t, r, n (Unannounced) OM-0 T.A.1.4 $.Move A*Uvated Unterble of Unmbn Uaxtdm FML (M)v by &MIO OMMm, WMw MM* SOMM 4mmi. 22 w. APAUMA, VW& VOL 5# No Vp 1963it --W-3U?659L AW Nu Tr-5 Kun:Lo SUZUKI 331610 ad - 2221mw saloon ju er DESCRIPTION OF POLISH METHOD FOR GER14ANIUPI RECOVERY FROM FLUE DUST ON LABORATORY SCALE, By WACLAW SZULAKOWSKI, 8 pp. POLISH,, PERI PRZEGLAD GORNICZY, NO 10; 1962, Pp 557-56o. JPRS 1741g SCI CHEM FEB 63 221,185 Sowca of Pbotoueutv= for the Stvxt-up of the 70-9 SeuetM-, by K. ZMnmdO:dd, P, szvIcs -3 pp. PMUM, per, NWOzonlksy Vol V, No 11, 19W p PP 7,05-TIJ. - A30 Tv-41.63 5ci c Jan 63 22oW Automatic Power-Level Control and Automatic Compensation for Slow Changes in Reactivity in WWR-S Rector, by P. Z Szulc, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Nukleonika, Vol V, No 9, ig6o, PP 503-512. AEC Tr-4163 Sci jan 63 220,591 O'zulc, P. Regearches on the Influence of Treatments on. -the Losses in the Winter Crop of Rape Through Pests POLISH, per, Prace Naukowe Insttutu Ochrony Roslin, Vol. 1 No. 1 1959. pp. 231-273. *PL 480 CrTS 60-21~'i'4 1961 SSTEE (NY-3q28.). Comparison of Cons=-ptioa Level in Poland 1-111a C-arm,an, by-E-chdan Szr0c, 23 pp. POLJSJJ~ per, Gospodarlm Planowa, "NO 7, Wal-GIVa., 1959:, PP 26-35- JFIRS-2195-1i Mur - Polana Econ - Consuq9tion 7, Feb 6o z (NY -5391) Non-Polish VAchine Tools at Poznan Fair., by Jan Szule, 7 ipp - POLISH, per, Przeglad Techn1czvy,, Vol LXXXI, No 5, Sep 1960p pp 14-20. JPRS 7845 EEur - Soviet Bloc Econ 2"4 '7 (DC-3727). Offensive Opera-Lions From Depth, by Stanislaw szulczYhs.'tri) MV 5 PP- Z--~ POLISH, per,, Przegla-d Wojsk Ladowyrh) no Ij Jul 1959., PP 57-61. JPRS 3267 EEur - Poland nu Fay 6o (DC-35k]-)- lafantry Tactlics and TTaining of an Atomic Battlefield, by Stanislaw Szulczymki,. *.pp. /0\ POLISH, per, P--zeglad Wojsk Ladowych, Vol Ij No 5, Nov 19 59, pp, 36 -46. X JPRS 3386 r ~ar - Folund Mil - Tactics (7 s7-110.0 I Markmmazahly Is no LonMr a Problemj by Rcm-,sld Szulwski, 3 pp. POLISH, per, zoWerm Walmow4j, Ndv 1961o p 2, JFMG 12000 BE= - PG] 0124 Nu Jkr 62 POL V4, IV Sd - Did bftd 3d AW 64 03MMI GalUtl= Of 830t 83dl6WGD PXd)]= IU cVlinder at Arbiftery Omm SwUms by P. SmWUs 14 ppo -POLLM., Pars Amgdwm Itzitw)"ll p V04 Xf Noes 19U., mp 297-3081, Sai w mawtirm 0/ 4, Pf 7 Sov C-22 Timm-Space Tow9erature Distributi -FcI Air Layers Car Water md Soilo by Maria Siumimc, POLISH, per, Pragglad GoofiUEMP Vol SCIS),, CFSTI TT 0-50396 Scil.Narth Sci Jul 67 331,350 Synthetically Produced OestroGens and Vie kleabani= Promoting Wei,%t increaBs in Firm ;tnlz~- by P. Sxur.,owskj. FITMOR, per, Recueil i0s- Nedlaine Vot* Inaire ft I ,Rac:olo d' Alfort, Vol. 154, Ito. 2, 19-,8, pp SX-90 CSIRO/flo. 6934. 2 sti ,'-u ~- 67 33 5- 9ft S~fnthetically Produced Oestrogens and the MechmiBm Prmoting Wel4ght 1wrernse in Ft!xm Animals, by P. Sn-umuski. FMHCH.. per, Recupil de Medicine Veterinsims de 1'Ecole d-Alfort,, Vol 134, No 2, 1.r~55, F-0 U3=.A COMP/H 6934 P , S -7- C ee