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Euperimmtal Pethod for VatermInlng T*W Meta.- Garms Hadio&cUvlty of SoUs bV A* Subot !i ppe RUMANIN per i s2bL146 Btaabarects Vol 61 14; 4. 1~8-pp* 23-27. sipm 4?48? ,/~, .d- Sel-Agrl PAr 69 374,o820 '-vIle affect of t:?.,e Entry Begir-ning of Cavitation, RUEtP.IIIIM, per, 2nd Cord pp 347-354. k-a.L 'Ref 6075.461 (1961) July, 1969 Curvature o"a tho by it. Sz.-4-;o. Id'-D on Hydra 4,1eipii, 1966, 385-354 i,,ffeots of Automtlanv ~~Ms rlzcu=edq biy- /~ Bela Ssd*v 15 pp* fat-40M, per, Alm -qwapeAw Jay 19699 r1p 1-9. JPEO "7 0 a-.Emo"y ~ ~'&a- Eam Sept 60, 391*M. Sare Achievements of the Departwnt of Phottogrametry of the Cartogrammetry of the CartoVaphic Enterprise of Hungary., by Bela Szabo; 7 PP. HUrMARTAB, perp Geodezia en Kartografta, Vol X111, Ito 4, 1960, pp 271-274. JPRS 9235 Sci - Engr /S7~'- e) Z_ jun 61 Medical Color Photomicrography, by D. Szabo. HINGARIAN, bkj, 1967, 135 pp, NLL (Ak-ademiai Kiado, Budapest) 'g. 4ax6-1 Sept 67 340.291 Bmnomic-lbdal at-W=164~.T-Pricw-Ws by Ferenc Cs*Mly,, Alaftr Szobo,, 28 1V* WMARms pw, gnwiftg szemleo D~st.. Hey 1969., pp 54565W. JM 48354 Jay 69 386*923 Ea& Szabop LawAo Bakag, 7 pp,~, ""MuUmut Part -K"a mKogammuko Buftpesto AV 1969* pp 329-_~M. im 484" C/ c-'4/ -5z-o- b o -q4d-plvs 3880883 Aug 69 Or" Determination of Trace Elements in RDcks by Neutran Activation Analysisp by I, A. Srabo, MMGARMp per., No" Tud Akad KdSP Fiz Kut Int Kozlemen. Vol 12,9 19649 pp 355-364. *HM TT 71-56077 E. ig. sz4.~ a July 71 The Twenty-oYear Olds (HuWry), by Laszlo Cs--- Szabo 11 pp UNCIASSIFIM HUNGARIAN, bimo per, 7Atchatar, Vol VIIX, Wo 1/2, Munich, Jan/Apr 195T, PP 1-8t Us JPRS/DC-L-.126 Mw - Hungary Soc - Literstr--e 37 M (11Y-3976). Role of Petrochemistry in the Development of the Chemical Industry, by Jaws Balassa.,.ftrenc Szabo, 21- pp. HUMARIAN, per, Kozgazdasagi Szemle, Vol VII, NO 3, 1960, PP 293-3 5- 305. JMS 5347 EEur - Hungary Econ Aug 6o (FDD 29246) New Biological Wthod for Detecting the Effective Agents Produced by Microorganiamp jL by Tibor- Valyi-Ragy, Imre Szilagyi.. Gabor Szabo, 10 pp. EUNWIAN, b1so per, MICOURYGmat a 91werk1ge Orvostudomny, Vol V, No 4., Budapest, 1953, pp 1-5. cr.A/rm u-wl2 EEur - HmMWy Sci - Medicine Nov 1956/eTs X. The Flow ot LMbj, by 1. ftmzW*p IL Faftj 0. -BrAbo) 72 pi?. am=, P"y plueldlosle =d PathAqae des LyzpbkMsLl&mflwv 195f; lpwtial trwAasu=j P-P W-3321. N331 12-18-60 &--l - Mad -1 Ir Fab 61 1.4 f, c/o -4 tO S4 on tlac aeiGin of Resist I)YR. ~qszabo: 5 i,. vfo 4., Mil-=bbiologiyas Voi )Q"V -527 .2 Amer last Of BJOI Set Sci Fay (.FDD 20379) New Method for the Biological Detection of Agents h-oduced by Micro-orgauleu, by T. Valyi-Ragyp 1. Szilagyit G. Szabo, 10 pp. UMARIAN, mo per,-Kleerletge Oryoutudema, Vol V, NO 4, Budapest, Jul 1953, pp 285-288. cn/=/Mm a-ur Hungary Sci Med, Biol, microbiology 161603 Ny-10 THIIE EFFECT OF DIBENAMINE ON HISTAIMINE SHOCK, SlY QGYORGY EXA0 SZABO, ZSUZSA MAGYAR, 2q PP. HUNGARIAN, PER, A MAGYAR TUDOMANYO3 AKADEMIA BIOLOWAI EES ORVOSI TUDOMANYOK OSZTALYAI,'Ai( r KOZLEtAENYEI, VOL X11, NO 3, 1961, PP 271-284. JPRS 12265 SCI - MED ED 62 Bve2x"ica of nrealdk7mm ct ModUm Voltr4p SetwftUt IV $ooqb Skaba. ljp. SWAMN4 W# TU JAp lb 'ep 3.966# jp W2-. MIL TZ 619-W act-Mae & Elft aw ftb 67 F.f.pect of Vaso4ijators an CI-piLlar" g Szabo~, Z~Uzs'.! "~201,*!!-,'.. J, by 26 p-p. HIRMARTAK ., per, 3jol,ogiai es (),-.roei Iradomanyok CsztsIyIIIrILI'K I- Koilerrnnyei, Vol XII, No 3, 1961, P.P 261. JTRS 1191706 Sci - Yz-d 11911~ .3 4 a On the Diwetic Jkxbminm of Actica-of - Triasine Derimtiveap .IS b7 Gywgy Szabop .10tth WAudera ZAUZsama mamrp 29 PP. MYSWMANi p"'t Belorvool ArcbIv=* Val via No 4p 1953s CIA/pw X-2921 %4-- o/, Doe IW CTS/6= of Enteripraise Liai~illtlas Cmdit t,4.vr, Pom-puilyi scQuilo. v"I Vill. ;w Ila Si~,yt pl, 747-751. JP1~5 '27PS35 1-:,.; , ~ . -4 'arvry i~cozl Jan C-5 2710,4v& W", The Effect of Certain Enzyme Poisons on the Myocardium in Different Temperatures, by I. S b E. Vass, et al, 4 pp. Lj,q' RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Med, Vol LII, No 11, 1961, pp 72-75. CB Sci Sep 62 Ow 210,627 Tba EiTect of Cauxtmnt UxSM Cam*Lt3Axw an the Buffer a of uuva* ty 1. Smbo & 1. Totbo 16 pps GEPYANS pore Anam A91- O"gagginp Vol 20m, ft 2# 1961s pp'93~-Jmv .PSW3W567 FTD-m-67-n saw a il Jan 68 34%3%0 ' Television -Pulse Oscilloscope, by jmrpre L~ V!) HUNGARIAN, Der, Mares es A-utomatika, Vol IX, 17C 7, 1961, pp pp-1-222. JFRS 11366 Sci - Mectron jan 62 / 17 X/I S- OF-11109) H,4garian Pneumatic Analogue System Coqputer Unit, by I=er~~13 YP- E[MGAR-TM per Meres es Automat)ds, VaL IX, No 2, 3-961, pp 5'7-&". JPM 4T29 Sci - Ehgr. 16 o.' o 57 / jul 61 nar; Iliodletw ftid ~Vgbm,, Uy Dr. Xtitlwan =d Dr. latum SWLUrj, 94 jj%~- 4ARTAU mmk wil 200 No 6j, j~m 19M., vp-'244-w2qbip JPFS 3217.) Ez-a' Sk-A-DX1 act Water injection in the Petimsovci Oilfield for Increasing the Recovery Efficiency, by J. _�7mho, 12 pp. SMVENIM, per,, Budarrka-Metalurski Zbornih, 110 3., 1963; PP 273-285 - oTs 63-U450/3 PL-48o Sci jun 64 261,425 Com iLspectO of the izechanizatior, c)f C. alld Hal -70sting, by Jo-nos Szabo. l4b'NGARIAN) Per. Jcx=,.rek, i, 'Lic) 10, i-962, P-Tj 336-33(). JPRS 13855 Econ may 62 WHE NEW ASPECTS OF TK MECHANIIATIM OF CORN PMVJCTION AND HUMTINGs. By 10 PP. MNGARIAN* PERs JAMM,* laffam VOL I X* NO i op pp 386-38~. N% 30 I JPM 13055 EM MOMM ECON MAY 62 1.97#372 (m.-3-0) Yagmtobydrodynamic Shock Waves, by Janos Szabo., 27 ipp. HMGML4B, per, MaUer FizikAi FolyoirZat, iio 1, 1961, pp 35-48. am 11725 Sci - Phys / if / ?"~ Jan 62 1 (-'w- ---o) A ChZmical and Fhar&iacologica-I Study of Aryl.- Benzo-W-1,3-7-Mazzirm D;-:.rivaties,, by Janos S=~n Zoltan Dirner, janoo Ivan, Anm B. Ma6nrarieuki, 13 PP. MJII~ILRIMI, peer, Acta Pharmaccatice, voi =, i;o 2, ig6i, PP 75-82, Vol No 3, Apr 1961, pp 128-132. JPRS LL427 Sci - Chem 17 >-77 D*c 6i Some Economic Problemstaf Purchasing and Price Policies for Agricultural Products, by Tozse-L Szabo., 18 pp. HUNUJLW,, per.. KoWzdasagi Szemle, Vol VII, Do 11, 1960; PP 1325-1339- aW 8231 EEur - HungaTy 1513) 701 r5con jun 61 Replaymant and Personal Incom im &mpry, 1949- 1956,9 by Dr Jossef Szabo#-31 VP- MWARWJ PWO magam"041 S54muo Vol ZVO so I, 1957. Dept Ora@= aw~ of the O~w 70"Ilp Sot Jan 51 . .... ....... .. Z20 zomlopmftt and at Ajgu,J=A-ULr-&L M aRr A, RUU*l- bv Istm valmr am HMO Jawair sadv~p 93 A~Am &MON-V m amoot. 3b Iasi ftt 190 W* jpw g6u Jo =43memy sew F0b 66 Producing Halienent Tmorf; With Hucleoproteivwj by Dr K. H. L. Szabo,, 14 pp. GERM., per; Medizinische KlInLk,, Vol L., Vo I-Ok 11 liar 1955s 385-388- NIII Tr ft 12T Scientific - Biology., Medlefte ~:~, 4-/,~ / r- S ?- ~, '? ~., 37 ; e", Tiic fI-Ae of Fixed Amet Yzaagemat in Ue Rev &uu=tc by VAIrnn Szdbo and Miklos Yandel., 15 pp. LU3GAPJM., per, KnOwAaw-A Szemle, ED 5o 11hil 1966.v PP- 525-536- JM 3-112 3 S'~-> ci L c;l Econ seept 66 310,250 SF-1835 Increasing Production Through Autcoation, by Laszlo ~a~ abo, 3 PP- HUNGAPJAN,, per,, Ujitok Lapja,, Vol XEII,, No. 22, 1961, p 12. JPRS 12876 EEur--Bungar7 Econ March 62 1,gPj -? V,6 %ay and CllvalUtim SYSTAN Or 1AW-1 N-x for -,Ww by Laj~oo Elzabo md JosWof ~Z-Z, 5 vp. ~~- I ,gwIVITM., VW., MMV= PAmoolVwdusugg Rb Vill 7 Apr Os, pp. 3&rf. XPPS 3M95 MaUDGWY F-Cm Y-M 65 21"s 0! lavesw M-1, !VU=Cinc. gymikr~., 0'-~' the. "I M 60144.~*] ta by Lw%lo S!E~i~bo 12 pp S,-X4'-W0,t Very No 2ip 1POlb 6% '-s' ]::~'.4-167 JPFS 21me W&.Wv. Moe p4m Apr 65 2 ?J,,p I "ft WaVoj=61th 813d Tlam-depeadOut IAU&u MMWQPt'- bilit6v of an Ideml DmamVMWW ElsetrOu CW*,P by H. s2abo. GEMM, mmols, 196T. *AZC n -,&~ sci-ph" fte 0 63-12451 Iz-bo P. _TFM_D9MdI~UTY OF THE CRYsrAL-STRI TURE DLSORDERS OF FINE CRYSrALLINE CAR- BONS. [1962] 6p. Order from AIS $11.75 ATS-SSP65H Trans. a(Ma &r lu GmanyosjAkat(emial Ka r I "o] Im[ezeteuek]KozIemen[yeI] (HL - .. i, . 7. am 5. p. 296-301. DESCRUIrORS. *Crystal structure, Ddormadam, -Crystals, 'Carbon, Lattices. 1. SZ" P. 11. ATS-SSP65H Ill. AssociatedTwJmical Services, Inc. East Orangv, .3 1. (MysIcs--SoIld State, Tr, Y. 9, no. 6) Ofts d TeebWcd Savkes _Sza~_ and Kren, F_ ME ORIENTATION OF LARGE SINGLE CRYWALS I. PREPARED FOR MM PURPOSE OF NEVTRON- li. MONOCHROMAT1ZATION. 11962] 9p. M. Order from AIS 415.75 ATS-56P65H IV. Trans. et W ar] Tud(otnanyosj Aksd(=jJK0ZK0nt1j Fil aw intIczetenek] Kazlemen[yel 0-tunwiLry) 1951- o. , P. 366-373. DESCRIPTORS: *Nuclear radiation specmxneters, K~rystals, Chromatography analysis. 63-12449 Szabo. P. Kren, E. ATS-56P65H AssocistedTarbnical Sff.v,r .e$' Inc., Fast Orange, N. (Physics--Solid State, TT, v. 9, am 6) REPORT ON THE RESULTS OEMAINED IN CONNEC- TION WITH OUR PREPARATIONS FOR 7HE STUDY OF NEUTRON DIFFRACTION. [1962]5p. Order from ATS $8.95 ATS-54P65H Trans. of Magylarj Tudi'omanyos] Akad[emial Koz[ponti] Fiz[ikaij KuE[aio] InE[ezetenek]Kozlemen[yeil (Hungary) 1960, v. 8, no. 4. p. 189-193. DESCRIPTORS: Preparation, *Neutron diffraction analysLs. 63-124-51) 1. _':Zzabo~ P. 11. ATS-54P65H Ill. AssociateciTechnical Services. Inc., East Orange. N. (Physics --Solid State, TT, v. 9. no. 6) offlee a udweai serike, Ii-- ..19 Qwwma ead -- -fts Amu$ V IWISO aft*% w W* W&VAUM* PWO A IM Ma WON NOW Dwo Lunim "No no*w-w*m ,5 Z-a~ L 0 UdA 6 A am 0 34%x2 L'Effet de la Reflexion Totple sur la Construction (Calcul des Dimensions) des Coilimateurs de Ejeutrons, by P. -qag~~ 7 PP- to FRENCH, per, MaEZrar rDidomanyoO Pkadunia Kozpon'u_i Fiz Kutato Inte::ctench 1,,-o::Iereiiyei, Vol VII, ITO 4, 1959, pp 257-262. 909t3426 Reverse Tremolation cEA Tr --,,Io x-W4 Sci 23 may 62 The Orleutatica -of LdLr9d single CrYGWA Px4k~ for the rdrpose ot M Neutron-X=o-Chr=RtlzetiOn,, by Pa Szabo$ Udl &=I 9 yp. P=A Usaw TadmWom "a, NOMMU pit Mxb4o MAembawk K*zUmw4-vdr ft To 1959t pp 3%-XI373- FAI - pays jim 63 aatho-Ribiu~ talued in--(=M*Dticn-vith- orco PmakiraratAlons -,rjr the GLU4 Of 1:0711"OrOD Mf- fmct:icn,v by Pa Szaboi, 5 PP. MMAWS, per$ Haaimr TWUnaMm Mad MxToo*:L nz meato Mmt=sUnck KoAawqvols No Sm, i9608 rp 3.89-193. AW-Tr-554 Jm 63 ,3 J v o Uae rizLivi~e-,W022-ity VL tle C41- td0k- RVLvi-p~IU-0 MG=d=z of F!= cyretaUL-le carb-Or'si lu Pal Szabo JV Frm u=,9 pwy Niaw Tuammyoa Akad lb--poutl pis Mitato Mmtezatmek Nazle"Meiv No 7, 1959s M6-301. AIM-TP-55565 - W-ft t Jun 63 Method and Arrangement for Destroying by Means of -an Electric Current, Parasitic Insects Infesting Vi-nes, by Sandor SZLbot, 3 pi). HUNGARIAN, Patent No 37,933. Patent Office Sci - Electricity Oct 62 212,78;k Factors Imoluenclug the ftemal- Decomposition of Potassium Plerate, by Z. Szabo, J, Szmvay 23 pp. UMMARIM, per, KWav Kadal pokmirmt, va 1XV1, No 6.. 1960, pp 227-234. 9089%3 AM Tr-31 Sci - Cb= Aus 62 ~2 071 -1-0 91 DetermimUm of the SolublUty ProducU of UstalUe ilydroxIde PrecdIdtates. 1. Rftctloft of the A'Iud- mmi Ion vlth the Hyfto3WI Imp by Z - Szabo GMWMp 1mvp Zo Arml Mmo Vol MVIr 19"j. im Ut 4MAA. CODO-M fti Aug 59 Tl'w Ultalytic italvit) Uf -iickcl as a fuuCtion ~Uf W.U L;,aieL-L Structure c.-L:' its Acixi-uxidc Carriwr, by Z#C. Z~Zaba. CEkilkl, ter, Zeit Fur Phys Chew, Vol 23, IWW, iiLL i~ef 9022.~) (1146) July Ug (SF-154T) Cybernetics and Idngulstics, by, Zoltan S 11 pp. WMGARM, per, Korunk, Vol XX, ft 1, 1961, ]PP 39-49. im It56T aci - Wth aw 63L ,.j 9 !.ole oi- %.atalysio vorldng L-or.=-dttm Re-Ul"W" zoltan 6zaboo M-, ir LU:~APostl AV pp 312-316. W33,5 arc' July 69 387,936 Kinetics af Tbermal Mcompovit-ion C:V Silveroxalate., bV Z. G.-Smd-bo., E. Bixro-Stzarp 3.pp. GEWMj perp Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemic, vol 6o,,, 1956, No 8, pp R-O-U i. CF= TT-G~-3.8088 323.*330 Sci - Chamifftx7 Apr 67 - ---------- -- ---- 2)- Hungarian Achievements in Inorganic Chemical Research Over the Past Deavde,, by Zoltan Z Szabo, 6 pp. HUNGAMM., per; A XWar Tudamanyos Akadeala Kemiai Tudamwjok Osztalvanak KozIewwel; Vol x", NO-3p 1960Y PP 355-360- Sai - Chem JPM 9709 Axis 63. 0 Currelit Status of CataUsle Research In D.UM-aly,, by Zoltan Iftabop 6 Vp- ZMAMM.. Vw# &ME Fmq&Lwk XAVJR V01M. to July 3,96T# vp 3V-3w- ,ipm w5ki 7-o I -~ z- cr / 0 scd-cbem Oct 6T 31*o". Wmamdes Or Bauble Belts In Mm-lipted SoUs bor I. gZabol. and K* Domls. UMCKAM, Pm. Affldn'da Es TaWtan, Ta ITi. No 3# 1955p Vp 251-254. oat. 62 7:,r Influence of the SaTety-vactor 0 the Parmissable Rate of Start-up and Stresses at the Edges of Openings of Boiler Drujas, by G. Szabolcz. GERMAN, per, Mitt VGB, No 107, 1967, pp 114-118. NLL Ref- 9022.09 (4772) C, S c i 475 e eh ",e Spectrographic Deter-mimtion of Ger=aim In Coal., by G. 8zad*qft-Kard*9sv 1. Bank*. HMMRUHS m0 pwo usaw Namial FOIWQU*&+,J, Vol Lug Aug 19550 pp 225-2-14. D.B.I.R./27009 sci - Chmiatry 11,16 AVV 57 M/40-z / 5?,Tz 1~- w L,# cly -S L* Li Z~ 2y q 4 .., e General Geograpby of Plants., by Wladyslair Szmfer. POIMSH, bk, 2gal_~m Geograria Rosiin, 1964. *MTS TT 72-54012 General Geography Wladyshaw Szafer, POLISH, bk Zarys Rrakowie n~ tie s of Plants, by 171 pp. HistorU Botaniki w esclu wiekow UWw 7 cc 1-2,q '0 Sci/b&m Jan 70 a- 401,278 Casoolm lvmVbaAe,,n-ttls in Wisop Cmised by pooteurelu IfultA)Cidap by St. MadeSold j, Js Nwavolds J. Osefleav&.1 3 Iv. PM-M, pwp MsAmne waterynewyana, Vol xm, No 2j. 1957j, pp 75-77- m 60-mig PLASO Bel - gaff /-P~4 1s-q reb U OffIffeRb9copiculaT EN HET swEwomcm vAN KuNsimFsrsrOFFEN (0 HipwkD0jnG6d I Zbrylanlu sig nawoz6w szrucnycb)H rl and Caking of Synthetic F-Illizers) 9p (1=19COTI.-C, includcO 7 refs NMVL-1123. Order from OTS or ETIC $D- 95 63-262GE Trww. in Dtacb of Cheffdk (Poland) 1961. v. 14, p. 61-63 DESCRUTORS: *FerdUzers, Synthesis (CbAmistry), Humidity. 63-26208 1. &Mhdcki. F. U. MTWI.P-1123 M, Stichdig Moc"k TbeVb*&Ujka Watens- chnn)6ujke utwumr (A5xIcuIr=c, 7T, v. 10, no. 10) UHL# A Tnbksi &r*., Studies un hydrolases of Digestive Juices. V-11.1 Proteolytic Activity o-f Canine Intestinal Juice, by Z. Szafran, Halina Szafran, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol Ix, 1,4o 3, 1962. 9063433 OTS 62-11051-3 Tan 63 ,.:I, ~-Cl. 35-6 Studies ca Hydrolases of Digestive Juices, VII..1 Proteolytic Activity of Canine Intestinal Juice. by Z, Szafran, 11alina Szafran, 10 POLISH, per, Acta biochimica Polonica,, Vol Ix. No 3. 1962. 9068483 OTS 62-11051-3 Jau 63 33 Studies on hydrolases. of digestive juices. VI- Ester~-'Se of canine intestinal Juice; by J. Oleksy, Haiirra Sz-afran, Z. SzafPu-.i, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Biochimics Polanical Val VI,T'L.F No i., lc6l. ces 6(.-2-156c.-i PL-h8o Sci 3 3 Feb 62 Szafrandwicz, Aleksander and Milaszewiez, Olgierd Influence of Addition of Small Amounts of Organic Liquid on the Bulk Density of Coal Charges in the ColUng Plant A POLISH, per, Prace Glownego Instytutu Gornictwa, Kbmut,ikat nr 100, 1951,19 PP- *11L 1961 Influence of the Addition of SmU Amunts of organic Liquid on the Bulk Density of the Coal Charge in Coking Pliaut A, by Aleksander Szuf!raumr-'.qz. Olgler-d. Ylitaszedicz., 27 pp. POLISH,, per., Prace Glownego Instytutu Gorzfdetva, No 100,- 1951.- PP 1-19- m 6o-21363 is'/ ~jo 17.z PL-480 Sci - Chem 1721721 oct 61 Heat Balance of the Grcwth of Itmbeatemolum Tuberculosis Hy?Rvj, by J. Rellerp P. et al., 6 pp. - .I BOLM,v _twp AcU Bloeblidea PblanImp Val Vp No 1A. 1957. OW 60-M377 PIAW set W 64 M0316 Soluble Ribonucleic Acid and Polymerization of Amino Acids., by P. Z~~s~ki S. Klitaj, 10 pp. POLISH per, Acta Diochinica Polonica., Vol XI,, a) l., 1964. oTs 64-nW6/1 PL-480 Sci June 64 261.,6o3 Ribonucleic Acid Fron the Bilk Glmd of the Silkworm and the Am:Lno Acid Code., by P. Szafranski Jadwiga Lutowicz.. et al, 10 pp. POLISH, per., Acta Biodhimicl Polonica., Vol XI,, 1101.0 oTs 64-3-i4c,6/1 PL-Wo Sci June 261,9604 FurthQr characteristics of cytoplasmic nucleopeptides from the guinea pig liver; by P. Szafrans-ki, T. Grolasze-uski, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol VIII, YO 1, 10,61. OrS ck-2156G-l PL-480 Sci 0-7, Feb 62 otein S~nthesis in P. oza-i'cans-ld, Hasina I-,eh--, T. C-olaszevskl, 10 FTLISL-f, per3 Acta Biochimica Polo'-qlc~t, V 0 1 T-r 1 lcl)61. o5s 6o-215C-o PL-48o in 6 2 OY-49CVO) The Signing of Crop Productiou Contracts for 1960-1961, by Antal Szakacs) 5 pp. HMMRIM, rmr, Magyar Mezogazclasse,, Vol XV, Budapest, 15 Atis 1960, P 15. JEW 7076 Esur Hungary Econ iov 00 Ml NI NG PROGRESS I N THE BALAN III NE, BY FR. ~ ~KACS~,M. CRISTI, k 5 PP- RUMANIAN, PER, REVISTA MINELOR, VOL XXX~ XIII, NO U0.1 1962, PP 370-373. JPRS 15652 EEUR - RUMANIA ECON OcT 62 213,54o Rainfall Exceeding 50 mm in 24 hours in Hungary, by G. Szakacs. HUNGARIAN, per, Orez Met Int Hivat Kiad, Vol XXI, 196o, pp 44-48. NLL M. 3878 Sci Nov 62 gm Modmlw Daft-Promeming SystOM DMMIC"do by GyUU $=I=$& 13 pp. mr-Ap.m. por, w Amos m raniks- lkdopmoto No to 19699 yp 9-14. JM 48052 awt Ew Jun 69 3W0063 Titru4c t~atemimtton of Borle A'~Id.. by E. S;hi;lek., 0. Szakacn., M. SaWmess 18 pp. GERMAN, perj, Z. AmIA Cbm.. Vol CU., No 1., 19560 pp SIA 58-576 Set Aug 59 ~91 J~ el fr 5~e