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2~Tfcct Cf oy 1-21-ar F-Lz 170-1. V, 'q2..37(. .A= Tr-5153 mtpoxe mmato ot 8~- PYAlfto by G. x. awtmv, Ya;. r. *x4das 3 Rmum# pwo Is Ak No* ~s ftftl Xhft No*.. lb 10 9h8p 94. co mw 6e Participation of d-OrbitalE in Bonds Between Atoms With s- and p-Blectronaj by 14. E. Dyatkina., Ya. K. Syrkin, 3 PP. RUSSTAN, per, Zhur Reorgan Khimp Vol V, No 8, 196o, pp 1663-1668. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci jul 61 /5-,?/ 615- The Intem~it-:, n-' the Infrared Absorption of the r,'-~t,uY.L GrouP in Sydwnes and Tropme and the Polarlty of the 0=0 Bond, by Yu. G Box-od1ko, ya. K. syxkint 4 pp. MWTAN..,per, Dok A Nauk SM,, Vol CXMV, No 5. 1 pp L'27-1130. CB Sci OC" may 61 MM 113C11=11-3, Of XDIGCUIaI' EVdXOI; Estarification, ard Reactions of Aldehy3as in the Light of the Theor7 of Wc--Uc Active OmTlmms.. by Ya. X~ Syrki% 3.1 pp. RUSS=r per, Iz Ak Nauk. SSSR$ Mal Mlizo Sauk., No 1959P mp 401-43.1. Ca Sol - my 61 Problems Posed by the Theory of KMtChemical Bonds in Organic Chemistry, by Ya. K. Syrkin, 2S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur V"s Khim Obshch imeni D. 1. f4andeleeva, Vol VII, 1962, pp 401-410. AUMC-SCL-T-499 Set-Chem Sep 63 of MDleauLar and AcU-Baso Catalytic R-~-- actions in Qrganic Chomistr7p by 7bt. K. 83wkin, 1.1 pp. .=Jaj~ perj, Iz. Ak rAuk SWR: mal Ehim Nauk, No 4.p 1.959: pp 6w-63.o. CB Sci - May 61 'Five- Dxd Seven-Mambered Welic Active Ccuplexer, 12 pp. Organic Madstryp by Ya. Ko .~~ RUSSMIT, parp Iz Ak Nauk SSSRy OWel Wxt lhuk, No 1959., PP- .489-400. CB sci - may 63- / 5-3 04F (Uidation Reactions of the Olefins, by 1. 1. Moyseyev., M. N. Vargaftik, Ya. K. SrkjjU, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CXXXj, No 1960, PP a2O-823- CS 013 Sci Apr 61 Electron Paramagnatla Resonme In Uftal. Yxtylmj, by V. M. xaw*.ora, Ya. K. P.%gulk. RTJSSIi%N,, pers Iz Ak Nauk SMp OJAel XhIm Nauk, NO 4., 19591 pp 7551 756. OW/Am TG 2,3o-T116 '17~ - C2 66 Apr 61 The D%ehanimm of Sow Pemvxide Itcaetions, by t Ya. L �9~4m Wiswevo -21 Pp. - , - -, 1. 1. V RtMIA-9, per,, Lupekh Mda, No h.. 1960, pp "-469. cleaver-Raw a sci Feb 61 N-whanlaw of Organic Reactions Wdrolysir-3 and Esterification,, by Ye. X. Syrkin, lo I. xoiaeYev, 15 Pp. EMSIM, per, Uspekb Xhim, Vol XKM, No 6. 1958, PP 717-T30. Assoc Tech Sv 5QM8R Sci-Chem Jun 59 01SX, 10 4r~l Ramn Spectra of Douturoiacotylacetome anb Dautoroacatmeatic Esterp by D. A. Shigorin,, Ya. K. Syrkin. LM= RMSIM., perp Dok Ak lauk SM., Vol LXXp No 6; 1950v PP "33-1036. DSM LW X-2W3 (1M4) Sci - Chem Apr 60 Electron Faramagnetic Resonance In Metal 1Wtylep by V. X. Kazakova, Ya. K. byrkin, 2 pp. RUSSUNO per,, 1z Alf Jkuk SfO, Mel Kh' in Wnuk,, NO 4m 1959s PF 7551 756. OTS 60-21941 Sci /41~ 4 Apr 61 /F ,j 4,1 -- C! nd-~ I CL2,--i B by,, pp.,\IQ, pc-r~ Zhur Strukturnoy Y-*aim,, Vol Ir No 2s: RUSSIAt-1, 1560s pp. 189-199. CB Sci / W-1 eP la 71 sept 61 ayperfine Structure in Electron Paramagnetic Resouance Spectra of Benzophenone-K-Ketyle by V. 1,21. Kazakovas Yho K. Syrldnt 3 PP. TIUSSLO., pert Dck Ah Nauk SSM., Val CXXXI.. No 2.. 1960., VP 346, 347. Ms 6o-21929 Sci ILL4- ikpr 61 m.echnnim or the conversion of o-Toluammulfoill c Acid in-vo p-To.J=Dasultonic ACid., srrklla, v. 1. yalmrsonl S. E. Shnoll., 7 IPP. RUSSU3,, perj, Zhur Obghch llimp Vol XM,, No lp- 1959,, pp 187-193- Consultants Bureau Sci mar 6o Tnt--rm*LecuLar Dateraction of Tatrehydxt)- furam.e. With Eydrogen Chloride,, b Yu. G. Borodskox Ya. K. Syrkin, ~ PPO RTMST.AN,, per.. Dok Ak M3Uk SSSR,, VOL CYJ=.t No 1, 3.961, pp 102-105- CD sci ;?- " " 7 6 9, Jun 62 Orbitala In the of' Q,,ralop-,.vpvane ana Mer Uires-llf.=Larod -Ujjg CWLpTu~dS$ "by M. E. Byatkins wad Ta. K. s~,-e2r-l n, 4 pp. ."w. SLAM, pe--j Bok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol =11, NO 5: 1958, vp 837-839- cmaultanta Burosa sci Dea 59 o iezc~wtic 3 U,' captiludlity of Some "Ciattr---Wal cozt.~Ourtds Of uicicolc by V. 1. Belavaz, Ac I. A7tldC-eVaq 10 PP- RUssW. per Zhur ftwepu Wag Val Up ILG Ip 1957: pp IAM-1493- AM-tr-4057 Sci - Ch-.miatrj Dea %-a 6o PST 84 'tiUl-I -t Uf La .11(i C021 1'requency and Intensity of the Liiiss in the Rau-ai Spectrum of Ke-tone-cularoform lx-ixtureG, by lu. G,- Borod'ko, Y.. Swkin, 4 -op. -jUs ssDjN, per., Dok Ak !~xuk SSiR,, val MM, wo 4, I ig6o, pp 868-M. sci Ap r IS 1 1%5r~-UQMt- Of CMXtWU'-I- b7y -. N. rtartgOV Ya. K. S-vrhia- vi. mirmov and E. A. Ch pl). osual, per, Ax Nauk 363H., Vol CXXXIII), -Ru- 1958, pp 9 -102. 9 conmatinito Purewt sci Dee 59 Dipole Hommits of Esters of-Is=erIc 1,2- Cyajohexanedicarboxylic Acids, by A. M. Shidlovskaya., Ta. No I. No Nazarov, V. F. Kucherav, 4 pp. RMIANs per,, Dok Ak Nauk SWR., Val CXVIII,, No 5, 1958, vp 967-969. Consultanu Bureau Sci-Chem Y7 7 y 0 Jun 59 --ludeve-wat ne , xewpera~ of Patnealm lbuichlaro-Oomtep by r. K. lByrklnt..- V. N. ftloval 2-pp, Mal"'O thrue-60 perp D* Ak jkvx OMP Val CYP No 31 195% PP 517-328- US She" at conow c ik"Oleal on - of Illsoloarls (tin) act (howlet" 40s, 4.410 w On the Mechanism of the Hydration of Oleflns in Aqueous Solutions of Strong Acids, by T, I - Molseyev and Yn. K. ~ Sy-ekini,' 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, DoIr. Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol M, No 1957, PP 541-544. Consultants Bureau Sci - Aug 58 7,3. 6 nf~ J~emmTlm 'on "Tte Theory of Resonance or M-amerlam$'ll by Ya. 11. Syrkin,, M. E..Dyatk;Enz,, 8 pp. RMSUE., bim perp Iz Ak-Nauk OSOR& 911SI- IM- Ito 6j, Vdv-Dec~. 2.952.,' pp 11160-na. Selentific Chmistry mil 1, utz of Gcran~ O.-ganic =- ccule-al, by E. A. Shol"t-4vovap Ya- K. Syrkin. b-A-,,, pcsrp lz Ak Na," rv3,1 Ltc. 'FO 22 1954., vp Wi. CIA Y) 53-309 Con.-al-Itanto Bureau Scieutific - Chemistry OW 67/Apr % atla SUB ceptibility of So= Orgadc Com- pow3dal, by M. A..Luferova, Ya. 2 RUSSIAN# blmo perj, Iz Ak Nouk SSMO ot4el KUM ftukp No 20 19%2 Ipp 3w. C- -T 4 3~ 157 30 OU Caumatants Bur*" Scientific Chemistry Kay 55 M/M I M agnetic 3uscepti:oility of Coraplex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt, by V. L BelO'va, Ya. K. RUSSIA14,~ pcr, -Tz Oektora Plat-~-.Ay iDrug Blagorod Metal, Inat Obshchei 'L 1-:' - .- . ,Ak Nauk SSSR e ~Okz Vol M, 1955, pp loq-llc~t.~ AEC Tr-4104 Sci - Chem Aug 6o Iolar Refractions at Various Wavelengths of -lubetances Having Conjugated Bond Systems, IW, G. Minas, Ya. X. Syrktus E. A. ShOtt-LvOvUI P. i1 I translation. ,AUSSDS,. bim per, It Ak NM* am* O~del Ibiz Wi4c, , D pp 5b3. CLO 140 3.- USSRx MEW- Consultantz Bweau Scientific - Chemistry an Ga/May X047/ Dipole Moments of Some Intermeaiste, Products in the Synthesis of Vitamin A. by V. M. Kazaltova, Ya. K. Syrkinj, A. N. Shidlovskaya., 2 ppo vwk-k~ %Icv~-v Fun translation. RWSIMP %. -*-t- .- - -, Xz Ak ftuk OW No 3., USSHs- Cotaultants Scientific - Chmistry = th of thft HemimZ711-nes O'l Derl.vatiVa3 of 3-13thArhodanine =d 1#3-laclaladionap Shott-Ltvoya, Yck.--N. Sy,-rkins 1. 1 >y LeV&oyt--v, M. V. Doichmelater, 4 p-p. Russmwj locr: L'ok a- rz=* SSSRO Vol cul, 1T0 6, ,Conratauts Bur-emu Scl - rhy-6 Sep 59 Subot* I '0 ~O!~ Of Tll.e r ,ya-Licil, IEL. Com,plex Comrpoundsy IV 7N, ,,P 2.?",; -120 I;td. Sci -Chc',ftl Jan 60 Effective Charges and RlectronegativJity, by Ma. X --P~~kiqp 10 pp. MSSIM,. per$ Uspekh Kh'mj No 4, 1962,, PP 3.97-4.16. CS Se i .O%m 63 233s152 Dipole Yon-crao of Oartain MaroeywAnt D:ft;-i, Derivativea of Rhcdaniu--p -by R. Fu At. Sbahl.- Lyova., Ya. X. P7rkino 1. 1. LeykaysTs Z. P. Sytnlk, pp- S RUMIN., pQr, DoIt Ak.%Uk M%v Vol CXWT, r4 Con-matants aweaam &I - Chm Out 58 71, 91Y P,17)ule Moments of Derivatives of 1,3,5-Tkinitroben- ~,,enc, by, B. A. Shott-Lvove-~ Ye. K. S?T~~a 2 pp. Tuacksm, bimo per,, I& Ak Sauk SSGR, Otdol KhIm 4auk, No 1, Jan/Oeb 19561 VP 1W-, CM 54W67 Cy reel 3- consult=U Bureau Sc! - chamiett-I ,iug 1956 Siy~-Mlermlbered Cyclic Activated Ccm_lexes in Orf-,fy;%nic ehemistiW, by Ya. K. S)wkin, 9 pp. I RUSSIAN , pcr,, Iz Al. Hauk SSSR, Otdal Khiu Nauk, No 2, 1959, pp 238-246. Consultants DAremu Sci - C"11-Aam Apr 60 113, 1-2 /,-? Dipole Namts and Vibrational Spectra of Sulfinic Acids., by E. N. Gur-yanova and Y. K. Syrkin, 12 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, ZkAw Fiz Xhimi, Vol :IIXIIIp 1949; PP 105-114. SLA R-2157 Sci Aug 58 ~~e/;7/ 7he Dipole M=ents oT Sme Furan and Thimpbane Derivativos,, by L, H, fflustrovap Ya..K. syrkin h pp. UUC~AWIFISD RMSTAR., per., Zbur Obsbch Xhim., Vol 11111p 710 3p Mar 1953,, pp 478-480. Consultants Pareau Scianitif ic - Cb=letry / 3,, d 3Y E-ond EnerZies of or-mnic Go-mounds, b, Ya. K. S-rkin. mio per, 7hur Fiz Khara, Vol X-1-IT, -ITO 5/6) 1"A'3- SO Ir 310 A -0v cts krovatic and Alphatic Kgt)'Is I.v V_ y4z. K, Sy-rklit. !,or. Ak NauR SSSR- VOI I:S3,. 1560 ~ nor. 0 Tr Al Au2 69 The Use of Vacuum Filters for Dehydration of Ceramic SlIpa, by Ya. M. J&IkA_L. A. Bernshteyn, K. M. Kiseleva, 5 PP. MMIM., per, Steklo I Keramikm, Vol X111,, No 10., 1956, pp 22-25. Consultants Burean Sci - Chem, RaV Jun 59 cde the Typ~- of S'orlb--a lons an --su-c in Acmecus- Filmo- and ou Vatcr Retain- C--Pac,.,Lty off Clay and Kaolln.,~-/ CV. M~~- fl. Syrkin translation. -'USSIAILI, bimo per, Ko2lold Zhur S-QSR,, Vcl XVII, .:o 2, Ma'--/APr 1955, Pp 90-93. Co=ultanto Bureau -scientific - Chemistry C7 17 'UG 55 CTIS/DEX Synthesis of-, --l_,_-Lf_noSlLLILf ones. -L 1 -7 Condensa-bibr, Of!! Ar7i Aranosu_U-ones ";.-itij- JUdehydes 11'r Obs'-,,cl,. K"ain, 'Yol I-H", Jul 19 F D D. -3 c "s new Variant of Physiological Solution, by A - 14. Charnyi., P. E. Syrkim, S. E. Mmsovitakad , 7 PP- I I RUSSIAN., no per, Sov Yad., Vol V, 11o 17-18,1941, ~F. 18-19, Sci Tr Center Ht-W4 Scd%entific - RtmIma Ybdicine /0 661 The Anticancerous Activity of the Alkaloid Pebrit'-uglair. in Aaml experiments., by S, M. -rml. S. A. Syrkim At., 7 --,v. Ve -nmu FUSSIMAX.j -s-r, Voprmtny Mkol, Vol V-1, No 'I, ig6oo Pp 56-62.. pp scl yer 61 Oantact Baeo+Aon of wwastle avowsUmm (On Aseltic Tmw Was by 31o JL Vwml".o 0, A. ftrMnOw - ~v 9 lip. MWrM. pm, Vopvw ftkoUss VoL VlMs lb 8j, 1961* XL"Vlar M 00 Md JU 62 ~ Lnn -Certais, En~.-incerin.- ilysical Pesir ,n of Radiation-Chemical Equipment, by N'. P. sy-rkus. RUSSIA111i, rer, Min Prom Vol 40, No 2, 1964, pp 134-141. 1-.TC-69-13256-07A 77 /0 sci-chem Sept 69 391,679 13 747 Fr- I SYRKUS N. P., BREGER A. Eh., VEINSTEIN B. 1. FundjWneataI4"IMQ_Ipy,ijcaI characteristics of apparatus for ra,- To-chemical processes on an in ustrial sc specially for the polymeriza e Caract6ristiques technologiques fondamentales des appareils pour les processus radiochimiques ~L Vdchelle industrielle (en particulier pour la polymdrisation de 1'65thyl6ne) Proceedings of the Conference held in Warsaw, May 4, 1960, Rept.CW/l/81 CEA-tr-R-872 - French E u r a t o m caracuriatiqu" -ml6v"%loglqu" ApponlIs POW Ift N i 4- ftwAdLmlqpo* a xdwuo zod=trl*Ue* (im.ftrumuw VOW nalgkdml ftd4oobodoal Ift mw an an lawmms (Mwecl,Luy for Un .-464 of m4lmsh by I* Fe Sylftsp As Me Br*Wp Be L Volftt*JAp 19 PS RUMM to - lm ml rptp Owterame do Vwsovle-o Yapport NNE, 4 mw no. TANW" ft~ CIR frqa4ym ftl Basic Technological Cberacteristics of AppLrata for Conducting Pladio-Cbemical Processes (in Particuiar for Pblymerization of Eftylene) an an rmdustrial Scalep by N.P.,-B AMjqig6 A. Kb. Prom., B. 1. vamtevn. RUSSIMj, Wj, M21m Prm) No 8,# 1959j, pp 647-02. 9661794. ATIC MCL 6&/V Sci - Chm jun & VAls Teebsological Maracterlstice of Apparatva forRadlotchealcal Process" (In ftrtlcTalar Is tba Polymerization of Ithyleme) an an Industrial Sealke, by N. F. im)"I" As Xh. breser, S. 1. Valubtainp 19 PP - POLISEv paper CW/I/S]L,, latersiatlomal Coafereace an Nigh Rawgy Sources of Hadlation, Warsavp 8-12 Sep 1959. AZC Tr 3895 Bel - Chou jun 6o Ce~Exwticering Physic2i Problems in Ole Dc-dgm of Aadiation-Chem1W Equipment, by N. P..Syxkttj6 IS pp. RUSMM, per, MAm Prom,, No 2, 1964, Vp 134-141. 9228775 AEC-Tr-6539 Sci-Engr may 65 280,223 - ----------- 1,110 Ez:fect 01 .adiation Tachnique im tile Efficioucy of Radiation-Chcaical Processes, by N. P. Syrkus. RUSSIAIN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 152, No 5, 1965, pp 1285-1168. .IIITC 69-12454-07E A sy sci-c'slard Aug 69 1963; pfmww~.~ W ~w 4kAw P. C-1. f f '01. Ell 1 1~ '713 ~o n jp zj Creation of a Photoactive Surface aa PbS Crystals wid Study of the Photoeffect Nfechani5w. on it, by Lr N. Syrnev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, p--r, Doklady Bolg A Nau!., Vol 13, No 3, 1960, pp 269-272. 9667844 FrD-TT-62-1517 Sci-Phys via-1- 63 7310 2 Atomic Weapons and Antiatomic Defense - Arrial Radiation Research, by V. 8yrnev. I RUSSTAN, np, Sovetskaya Aviatsiya, No Ul (2669), 1957, P 3. 6--1 .57S 7 ?' ATIC F-TS-9218/III USSR Mil Ground Ftediological Reconnaissance, by V. P. 13~ 8 PP RUSSIO. mo per, Vent Voz Plot,, Uo 5, 1957t PP 52-62. CIA 605722 ATIC ~ '4/~?SLI USSR Military Mar 58 Radioactive Radiations and Meir Measuxwoent, by N. P. Petrov., V. P. Sy=ev;, 227 In?. *ARISSLAYR, bk., Radloaktivnnre Imlycheniy-- i Ikh Izmreuiyu., pp 3-192. ACSI 9-8503 ID a59683 Scl - phys 14(!~~ 3 Y 6 3.1 Sep 61 0a thc Reln:Lion Between the StrmtxTe, end Mect of Cholinoreactive Systow of Certain Derivatives of RXtg 2-6-Diwthyi-piperidine,, by T.I. 1. ~~Va. 6 pp. MMIAH., per., r-c=ekol i Toks:Lhol., Vol LXIV, !lo 3,, 1961, pp 3o4-3og. JM 13504 9411!91 Sci - Chem 1?2 Apr 62 Alkaromtic Amino Alcohols. IV. Pharmacological.1y Active Aryltetrabydroomzoles,, by S. I.. Sergyevelaya, L. S. SymnUitalwyap Yu. I. .~Mvm, 4 pp. RmsiAN, per, zhur otfiAW xhim, va mn, So 3, 1 TXTN7 1957s, PP 681-683. COMMItants DWOSU Scl- - Chem Aug 58 7 -Z' Relations Between Structure and Activity of Some Arylamino-Alcohols, by Yu. I. Syrneva. UNCL RUSSIAN, per, Farm i Toksik, No 4, 1957, PP 7-13. DSIR LLU (loan) m. 686 Available Br 5 Library Sci - Chem W On the Co=ection-Betveen the Structupi of Cer- tain Aryltetrabydroxazoles and Thd~ IftTect on. the Adrenergic Systmeo by Yu. 1. ByrDeVIL, 6 pp. a Sim, per.* Farmikol I Toks:Lkol, Vol XX.. 6, 1957, pp 15-20, ConsultanU Bweau - Wd ~7 58 7/1 Z3-0 FGnofin, A New Ganglin Blocking Preparation, by Yt~. 1. Syrne-.-a,. 3 PP, MSIM, mo per, Medit Prom SSSR, Vol X1, No 6, bfoBcou, Jtm 1957, PP 42, 43 ~ US JPRS/EC-L-141 Sci - Mfedicime 61 -1,06 I The Influence of Ions on the Struoture or Water, by I. G, Mikbailoys Yu., P. Syraikov,._15 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Strukturnoy Xhim, Val I, No 1, 1960, pp 12-27. OB Sai Jul 61 The Mature of the Interaction of-Anions and Water Molecules In Solution, by Yu. F. Syrnikovp 4 pp., ... RUSSIMp per., Dok Ak Nauk SMR, Vol CXVIII; No 4j. 1958# PP 760-762. Coaoultants Bureau Sci ; Chem Dec 58 7 7, MdUzVos v*dbor WAghts Under Now (amwtor RG- vlowedw by N. A. S)WWoyev*8pp;- Russwis per 11 sdmigmamarfftm rlogeove No lie 1%9o pp 75-78* JFRS 49622 um - Pal Jan ?0 399s416 Effect of Leakages on the Characteristics of Pneumatic Force-Compensating Units, by A. I. Gitellman, V. 14. SyrodoYev, 5 pl). RUSSUCT, per, kvto rn I ekh' Vol 10ai, ,To 9, 1961, PP 57-12061. ISA. Sci jun. 62 200,616 The Paleographical Value of Finds of Sea Animal Remains Along the Coast of Antarctica, by E. E. Syroechi(ovsky, S. A. Evteyev. ---------- RUSSIAN, per, Bull Sovet Antarkt Ekspeditsii, No 16, 1960. NZDIA Sci Dec 62 of V. S. S~Tohcnzakiyj pp. nussmu, vht"arkally-dlia -Imcbeniia Mitumt-vennylLb- 'LlYa Sil ERSR -io 5bp 1926V __y I PT~IW90 sci M~ centaT fe-im scie-atif Ic - Chamintry Aug M on the qaestiam of the XMct offtx7llim Fluoride an an orpaimp bw Be me -- 0:00 1. *RrtsMrskly, 3. 21 1 -.~- 13, W. MWIM, per,, aftftm 04aam Traft I Td& BnqMDomUs so 20 j9pp Vp 23-_V. AW W Tr 90 OrA - Ned Sep 59 $P6,, PROBLEMS OF ECONOMiCALLY NEGLECTED FARMSTEADSP BY JOZEF SYROKA, 12 PP. ii I PER2 NOWE ROLNICTWO, VOL XI, No 8, 15 APR 1962, PP 31-35. JPRS 15352 EEUR - POLAND ECO14 OCT 62 212,183 The Sea=h Theavy in Hilitw7 Afftirsg by G. N. Syr4*bmme 7 pp. Fm OFFICIAL Use ONLY WSIM., per., Hanka Sbonikp No is, 1966v pp 92-9.~ V7007M-V ADIA AP 1-6204-31*664W Sk P-okkAlOll USSPI/mil JLm 66 304,143 awomsui,, V. S. SILAEVA, E. V. New Volumetric Method for Titanjua (part V of "Influence of Complex Formation on Magnitude of po- tential of Analytically Significant Systems".) ZAVODSKAU LABO-RATORIYAx vol 15; 1949j, No 91 pp 1015-19;2200 wordsj, No 2622, Decor-an Tltsulumo by V. B.,-!Yrqbmg" 1. 0. Klimliko ti ftlS . dOWNp per Eavad lAbg M= Tat 1947j, lio 9v PP W35-10ii. *Ice Sclentifla UstallmW of Me 61w MoUlbaUm o!' saimmomm9a. - JVW OMIIL X-aw SMAUNICS aft; bw mu almus, -ft. 3. &jvcmmiotov. BMZWJ, DW., va 'ft& lees 3b %0 Oftal 2.9681, mw C9 3407 lumsWatim for the kurywis of Automtimfp the ixbmay-stivo DiatMatim of -a iUtane- zatwo I-ractims bv A. a* futroevo A* A* Vromatmum. AWSMAr pwo Val 440 S'D 2~ 196% pp M-123. ATS 9J-W? KMV 4 P-ProoWay T.Z "Iw~ lit, Jbw 67 The Suitability of the I~Iethod of Quenching Capsules in the Study of Non-Glass Forming Systems., by F. V. ~xr~tnikav, 5 PP. RUSSLIV4, per, Ge-olchlyn, No 5, 1960- GS Sci Aug 62 216,235 30-steripLis -e- on the study or Calcite-Water Spatem., by F. V. Syrow~~a~~UQy, a _ _L _ op. RUSSIW# bko Trudy Mwt Geol Sauk, Ak Nauk 13SSRk, pp 221-229. AEC UCRL-Tram -500~L) Sci - 2kys Geophys Aug 61 / e. s- 3 Jr. Materials on the Study of Calcite-Water System, by F. V. Syronyatnikov. RUSSIANS USSR Institute of Geological Sciences, pp 221-229. *PLEC Sci - Geophys Nov 59 U3e of Self-Synchmnization Method for Parallel Switcbing of Synchronoua VU-mchines, by 1. SyrCM-117flet- naqx~ .A~w RWSLILN, ver, Elcktriche3tvo, No 8, Aug 1954, pp 3- 3-9. OB 125 MM B3 772 Oci - Engr pZ a 4 .0 Feb 58 IL-tendnation of Genexator Losses by litthorl of Braking, by It A. SyrQEWmtnlto7. MWIM., per,, BlektrIabost7op No 4.. 1-938., w 67-68. I&L 14 &A1 sci - Ensr IQ --~ 31-S-11C71P Feb 63 DeveUWent aC Eleatric Power In the ll&t of the Dacisiom of the 92md C=Smaa of the anus I:qr 1. A. . 13 PP- W.. inskft-jWmtW,, ib Ij. 196p-_p IV 1-& JM 15820 USSR R&W .V161 ~~fo o at 6 p- Abcut the StabiUty of Grides IV A - JEO V- anMn!R~~ Ill' FIX" Juxw mcktrub"twom lo lo ims UL RTG-2M jui. 66 305 x 5M TF(Yvler Engineering Is CaUling: by L A, Syr=jaimilmv-. USSMI. per.. Izobretatell i Ratsioaalizator., R I No 12, i�-60, pp 2-5- ~ Ft Belvoir T-1353. Sci - Engr jul- 61 - ~ , - /(~ 0, Problem of Tranamisdon of Electdad Energy Over Lof9 DIsMnceG6 by L A. syromyawftv. RUSSLAN, per, glektrkh No X16 pp 13-20. NLL 9022.0.3 1964 (4M) (On Loan) Cc5r! T-1-65-40Y. "'~ 5 fkol USSR SCIIIElec July 65 284.616