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f I . 4101,1i 12 1 w Vt. I rf4fixq if ti Im wat I; "I I; Russian Standard~ for -.'und Loading on Tall Struk,~Lwes, G. A. Savits4-. RUSSIAI,', per, Stroitel Prom, 7ol X, No 1, 19' pp 14 15. 45 AEC, Tr 530 Sci - :Engineering kag 1951 rl~_7s 'q /03~ 7 CartMA of Antaom Das24pj, by 0. A. S"ItwdY, T PP- amims Zlektrw"z I j, go 12s .1960m Pff, 'VI pp 691-71. T ~ I s --j I - OUTA Tr I= Bal - Electron //0 1~ .71 4PI asp 61 ~,-uvor Antenna Structm-co., 7by Worgly A;Jul vIch Savitskly., 182 ppe Ws'swo b1s, ADtenw-!agjtovy, SQQj2!jDjgll 1962 vPo 1-70,9 JPFS 3W5 CE6R61Y "9,00,L lFe VILIH S,4V17SA-l UgSR scl-~~Cls Dee 66 315,8e2 Lc4-al Antiair Raid Defense of the Dvo: x. i. savitaki*., !20 pp. UNCLABSXFM Fv-U tranaUtIon. .Russymi., Pubuabing n=e of the AU-13tata Volimtary Society for Aid to the Armp Alr rarce and Nary. 1951. ID ME& F-M6 .4altary - Antlair vala.- defencO. -Aca - civil deftafts &V rwld "OCIDIOL rob 53 CM T of C: and Review of What the Public Should Know about Defense against Destruction from the Air, lpyj. 1. Savitskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Ghto Nuzhno Znat'dlya Zashchity ot Porazheniya s Vozdukha, Moscow, 1957, 94 py~ B-273 Head, Lib Sv See Air Info Div Lib Congress Experimental Data on Sechenow's Phenimenon During Dynamic Work. Coununication 2. Chwiges, in Ikffic ienc In the Process of Prolonged muscular Acticity With Passive and Active Interruptions.,.byI.,M. Trakhten- berg,, 1. V. SavitskY., 3 PP. RUSSIM, per, Byul Maqar Blol i Kedp Vol XLIIIp No 1, Jan 1957j. pp 28-31. Consultants Bureau Sti - Ned may 58 0/ Experimental Findings on the Sechenov Phenowcon 14, Dynwac Work. Camwmicatico 1. Tnes ot CbnnV in V.-jacujav Wo* Capacity AMr Pboisivo cnd Active intorruLytione, by 1. M. Trakhtoubergs 1. va Savit'anjr 4 P-P,. RUSSM, mo per., Byul Mtoper Biol i Ibdp Vol XLIj 'No SS Aug 1956, Vp 22-15. Cowultantuo BUM= Bei - BL-d 5 61 Dec 57 - OW 25676) The Change in Sam Phases of Protein Matabolimm AftRw Stimasting the Centwal NWVULI Isystem by Cardiazo1j, by 19 V. ftwitelfty- 23 Vp. UMMnMW,p bim per.. Nsdicbniy 2humd, Vol rimxxp No 3., Kievp lml pp 7-17-~, A CLOW U- 55 usm GrA - ftUoim, namoph7siology MELY 56 IT F I H t I I r-*#Vl Ol FIN It 14 OY-3917) Changes in the Protein Metabolism in Animls After the Administration of Radioactive Phoophorus, by I. V. Aa][~tskiy~ 10 pp. RUSSIM,, per, Medit Radiol, Vol V, No 2, 1960. JPRS 5078 Sci - Med Aug 6o AK~ Changes in tba Nitropin-ftetain Compaition in the Blood of Rabbits After the Action of SM13 Doses of Strycbnine an the Central Norms Syvtmp by I* v. Savitskiy, 19 pp. UMNLMMN, b1mo par, AM"& Vol XCE112 NO Ij. KieV: 1M, Vp 23-32 / W cm/inw/U.-M usm Sel - Madicinep tbarapeutics (IMD 25673) Cb=pa In tAe Ritrqpn-ftotelu CoNpositlan of the MAod In Fabbits After the Maplazftbim ot Skin Presam" by MdUSngp by 1. V. SWLI!~l 14 vp. MMMMN# b1m pwj, Hadicholy sio Vol Wo 4.9 Mevv 19549 Py 26--30- CIA/Mlil-T(89 usm 3 3, 3 43 Sci - lkftclmy vOtGVUw7.- buntaQV To the questim & the Nature of the Plxwtic -Defoxmatim or the Surface layers od! Rubbins Bodies.* bY K. V. ~G~V~p 9- P, 74RPWbeAD1kDVUP RMSURO tbi~-w pw# lk* Ak ftuk Smp eAlm; Vol =8 16 US i$".% IV* 3 6 9 9 Morrim mm D. 165, 43-50 - Pbrafto 49 .Tun 56 cm/a= Investigation of the Temperatura StabilIPY of Strain ar.6 tba Kinetics of the smThaing of Frizilmi&a SueLaces a by 5avitaki:y) ii. !L' 4 pp. 'Ivrj -j'9 MESIAN, per, PoIc At Muk SSSR2 Vol CXrX, 2r0 pp 490-- Amer last of Pbcra Sav Pbys - DWelAdy Vol III, ITO 2 Sci Jul inflwace of the Pomad Blip of Faaw In Plwtla Cm- pression of IL-tals.. by K. V. Savitakly end ti. p, ZaSrebena~koMp 5 pp. MSSM, p perp Fla Yetal i HataUq Wa Va No 2; 19571 pp 113-119. P"Ssma Imt 80:1 - Miq/b%t Nov 58 ~rwl" //y Me na or Matals by Mopme Parbleless bV & V. EwAtaklls, at al. RUSaIANO pars, realed po aftmm~i E!L~~ but M. A. A. Babmr W2, Vol 9 pp X19-425. Em 9498) (on Imm) AW 286,,994 'K"., Savitskil, K. V. AN-nqvrsrrG-ATPo'R OF -niE DISTRmurioN OF PER- MANENT DEFORMATIONS UNDER FRICTION SUR- FACES. 119621 7p. C~,der from ATS $13.60 ATS-O6P59R Trans. of rrmoo. Imledovanlys FLzltkil Tverdogo Tel&, n.p., MI. p. 107-114. DESCRIPTORS: *Frictim4 Sd rfam properties. *De- formation, Distribution. (Mmhanics, TT. V. 9. am 1) 62-17270 1. Sevitskil. K. V. 11. ATS-06P59R Ill. Associated Tach2l,-] Serv%ws. Inc.. EastOrange. N. No d T*Ndmd bm6w - Study of tha Strained Conditioti of the Sur- face layers of Bodies In Friction Valor Oscilla- ting Slidingj, by X. V. Savitakly, I. P. 0eras- kovichm, 6 pp. RUSSIM,, wj Piz Metal I Metallj VaL TV,, No 39 1957) pp 519-526. Pergman Inst Sci - minimet Sep 58 .~jrotectlon FrQm Poisomlog Agents. loell'o, UsmAld the committees of FVM,, 73Y L, Savlt*r '~ U11CUISSIPM TU.'- , RUSSUH,, per, Rings of the Fatherland,, No 6j. Jun 1953, pp 18-20- Navy Tr W,)/OHI.A 543 USSR :?Olitical Standvrdization of the Specification Lor Glass Sands, by M. P. Savitskiy, I. B. Shlain? 3 PP. ..............- RUSSIM, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XV, No 7, 1958, pp 25, 26. CB Sci Oct6b m Foreign Standards for Window Glass, by M. R. Savitskiy. M. I. Berezhkovskaya, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVI, No 9, 1959, pp 44-45. CB Sci Aug 62 209,770 ri,ew Realonalized Varletles of Groln Oxwo for The Flelft of NolNums and Sovkhozess, by MMIANq W, Doe% SwIld I Nwedaml OjVt v aalsk9m lboss, NO 50--w IV CWD 5aA7 LIM &m Agrloatwe SOL R1024a ,bm 56 CZS/&= (Iff The Cunew', Stato of the Pivbl= of Datentt=tIon of the Contractile Pumetion of tkm p"eazilium by the glectrocardlogrnh Wvt~,, by M. V. Savitoldy, RUSS.TM,, per,, Voyemo Mad Zhur,, Do 2,, 1960p JPBS 2925 Sci - Md Oct 60 1,2 1he Applicatlion of Radioactive Isotopes -for R T Research and Economic Purposes in the USSR, by P. S. Savitskin 7 PP. POLISH, per, liukleonika, Vol III, Wo 5, 1953, pp 575-532- AEC-tr-4143 PL-48o Sci i,iaay 62 .1 10 3, 191- 0 - FOR CTS-& DEX - - - -- --- --- - -- -- - Savitskiy, P., frIsotoDes in the National Econibqr" Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta. Moscow, 11 February 1961, p 2. I~t To be published in JPRS IVI--3000 Soviet Precision Equipment (7) f-asticity or Ri&-~ ,.Trature ftdlfi=U=g ~f t~il3lmorphic &tala, byj~ . H. Savitskif W per,, Dok Ak Nauk SBSR#, Val op M* 3j, 7 Brutchar ?=to Ito 2773 r.-'cientific MetaUUM7s allGYB* P(AYR=Pblc 94tan 5-, 1- ef-~ C. 0 St'ruictLIP-ra GZ4 -Prqp-~Inr, C.L, -UZ-n%bS.=- Abimium Moyal b7 V. V. BUMS Ye. U. ~~tak~lyp 9 pp. IIL%-Sms Vero 22w ff"MR fhl~ Val vi.. 3,96op pp 9b7M5 rm m...10)3A sa - min/New /(,-)' ~07 1. Sept 61 On the Plasticity and Fractuve of Openched Steel in a Plane Stato of Srwsos, by F. S. Savitskty.~ 0. P. Buxuakina, 5 PP- MUSIAN, per, Piz Hot i Metallond, Vol VIII No 3,, 1959, PP 421-425- Fergamm Pmmm Sei. jul 6o Ap- 14" S ? d WInd laeA on E-nSineering Constructlans, bylGl- A. �s6 :~~4y,, 5 P.P. IMSIM, yer, Mt :L Gid, No 5p 1959, PP 30-32. Aner lbteoml Boo AT Cambridge Ika Ckmtsr Sci - Geoybyaica Yeb 6o Antcana Dkvicas (Chapters 9,10,16). by G+A. avits], RUSSIAN, bk* Antanny-c Ustrovstvap f p1) 151-203; 204-225; 460-465 ipl,?S CSO INY 13567 USSR Sci-Electronics Feb 67 This Is a Platter of Perspective# by V. Yemal'12,mmv, P. Savitskiyq 5 PP. FDD/X-3696 59 (IVY-30w) rzotopes in the N&ticwl fta=Vp by P. 6 yp. Rwsm.p up.. Woomdebaskays G&SOUt 17 rel 1961P p 2. im 10024 '14P .6117 USSR Boon so6l ApplIcation of Radioactive loottopes In Belentirix Investigatlons, by P, Savitakly.. R. AnImL9 V, Seraukup 17. RUSSIAN bim per tormys Vnerglym 0 Moscow Jan j; r;6, pp US JHW/NY-L-292 (NY-1534) SCL - Nuclear pbysice J-13 Sep 58 AppitcattUona of Radi=tIve leatopes in the USSR, by A. V. Topabyev., 1. T. Aiedoev, r. s. switqh-iy) A pp. RUSSIM, per, Atom Energ, Val V, No 3, 1958, PP 321-334. CB Oct 59 9 Aw low w 16 U Va#W# t"o"t tham , -- R&04 . Correlation of Sections and Scheme of Strati- Mnaphical Division of Cambrian Deposits of the Anabar Anticl4n , by V. E. Savit 11. P. Lazarenko. RMSIAW, per, TrvAy Nauckmo-Issledavatel Inst Geolog Arktihi Virdeterstva Geolog i Ckhreny Redr SSSR, Vol C19 1959. Dept of IntaxIor T57j, 957, 71o.2282 may 6o Sci -'Geophyz USSR rvL, Bffe--t of Chromium and Umpnese on BrIttle Fracture of Low-Carbon Steel,, by V., GA_,,gp U, .j~;WK yj. K. V. Papov, V. F. Zakharov, G. M. Gi~ig~P~W.' RUSSTAN, per., Metal i Term Cbra VAIaIlovs go 9., 1959, Pp 49-51. HB 4974 Sci- bUn/Met /Yi�,- r~i D Jun 61 . - investigation of Dynamic Bending Gf Steel's uy Deformation Diagrams, by �M~~Lk_lxj, ;(. V. Popov, L. A. Gayvoroaskiyy-4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Metal I Metall, Vol VII, NO 1, 1959) PP 133-136- pp Sci lale ~ ~w A~ag 60 ', 3 -,a A syster.- by Yq. ~4 SaVitsUyg A., 14% ZWkb&M. 13 pi). WSSIM, per,, Mumal R*Qrgwd,dwskcw- IldIdt VoL 90 No 10, 1964,, pp 24Z4-Z459,. pum-sn", FfD-W-65-235 Sep 66 .,rca)l.,tw of LI-M v(:*cTy arad Use of:tarc CaWi Metala, edited by Yo* M.. SaW.tGUy. lam-khovs. 362 pp. * bLY Lg2rooX - n!~Ai pudkow- zQvnykh Mtollow, U64, pip 1-171. MRS 28949 sci-mat & ~!ar 65 Fazetions Qf Coluubium and Vanadim With iumv by Yo. 14. savitskiyo V. Baron, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Last Mot in A. A. llaikova I%Lad Nauk SSSH !lb-14-19gs' ;,- mr.-Ya. AEC WffiT~~s-10219 " Y'C. M. solv4sk'"I Sci-chm- July 68 357t420 kawftwn 41 IL wzsumF.1w, smulmodkovilm" or 14-no,ov, 4" NO IMAP IT 10&1 t& ova um Effect of Rare Earth Metals on the Ductility of Cast Molybdenum, by Ye.M. Savitskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, m Metall i Toplivo, No 1, 1962, pp 156-159. sic Sci 213,681 Aug 62 0 Effect of Cerium on the Plasticity of Vanadium, by Ye~ M. Savitskiy,, V.V. Baron,, 10 pp. RU3SIAN.. per,, Iz Ak NaWc SSSR., Otdal Tekh Ilauk; Motall i Toplivo, No 3, 1962.. pp lo2-am~ Sir, sci Dee 62 P .5 9/ (1 :2 81, Interaction Between Yttrium and Other Metals, by Ye. M. Savitskiy, .L. V.F. Terekhova et al, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Metal i Term Cfbra Metallov., No 9-10., 1962, pp 42-48. Acta. MetaUurgica Sci may 64 2582551 MODERN PHYSICS OF METALS AND PROBLEAS OF NEW TECHNOLOGY, BY YE. M. SAVITSKIY, 12 PP. RUSSIAN PER VEST AK NAUK SSSR, NO 3, 1962, PP 24-34. JPRS A143 sci - M/M JUN 62 1990890 The -Effect of MieniAnn o-ii dic Properties of a by Ye~ Savitshiy, if, A. SuOts, M, A. Tylldna. RUSSIAN, pa- f, Metal J Term ObTa i4etal, No (5, 1962, pp 10-13~ RM~ZR~~R ~668247 FTD-71'-62-1840 sci-P-1/m A I 11 61.5; YAlikh,48. M. and Dashkovskil, A. 1. AN ON OF INTERNAL FRICTION AS A MFIMD OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OP MEETAL ALLOYS. 119631[14]p. 12 refs. Order from OTS or SLA * 1. 60 63-10907 Trans. of Akademlya N4uk SSSR. Otdelemle Tekh- nicheskikh Nauk. Izvestlyo: Me"Unilyd I Toplivop 1961. no. S. p. 96-100. DESCRIVMRS.- Metals, *Alloys. *11aternal friction. Crystal structure. Transformations. Temperature. Reaction kinetics. Analysis. This paper gives Me results ad the measurement of Intenal friction In several Sirgle Coutponent and binary meral systems and an attempt Is meft to establish the nature of the Variation of the level of is- ternsl friction with the varlatica'al such equillbrfum factors as the tompLrawre and composition. 1. SdwftskU. R. M. U. DtaMovskil. A. 1. IF. IC'. MD. 2) sew IN TIN&ANIN sw*w I Pwimarch on lianadiumg-Copper-Carbmi and Uwqd1;m- Copper-Alumbum Alloys, by Ye. M. .3avitskiyj, V. V. Boron,, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, TrWy,, A Instituta Metallurg imani A. A. Daykavap V111 Metalluvglya Metallovedaniye Miko-OLmichaskiya Ratody lazledavanlya, Itfttell'stva AN SSSRO 1961, pp 149-165. 9679801 FTD-TT-62-134 17 Sci- ch6m Dee 62 71- -i"(1N.Liag You 7D Gadoliniua and its Alloys,, by Ye. 14. at a 1 P rp-pq. L- R=rM par.. Tsvetn" Metallys, Vol Ij, No 11p 1960j, py - 59:& - - pd Sci ldx- sept 63. .1 wDErw wrAL Fms cs Ate m pwei nis ;F MWERN IrEOMMO Br YE. N. SAIIITUIY* 16 pp. I- R%7AN M VOT Ax WX W04, NO It IX9 PP i 3L 14 JM x IVIR SCI - DOW WFAL Z- OC 1218 (Dc-,qlqO)- Study of Microntructure and Physicamechenical Properties of Rare Earth Metals and Zieir Al-loya., by Ye. N. Savitskiy, V. F. Torekhova, 10 pp. RUSSM, bk, Redkozeml 'ny-.e 91 nty, pp ZJOD-306. JPR8 L-2W-D Sci - Min/Met jun 6o ,j 5-36 /17 nase Diagram of the V-Le Systey2p by Ye. Id. Savit'. I V. V. Barons YU. R. I!ef lx=., 13 pp. RMIM~ per., DOk Institut Metal it'eul Ao A. '8AYkOvas NO 5s 1960s ff 1"-173- ins 4o4 Sci - W~Ofttsu oct 6o (BF-1029). Investigation of the Structure and Physicocbemical Properties of A-Uoys of Molybdenum Disilicide With Nic'kel, Cobalt, Vanadium and Nibbiump by Ye. M. Savitskiy, V. V. Zn Baron, 10 .r RUSSIM, pe -'f&'A=t Metall imeni A.- A. Bukovu., NO 5, 196o, pp 156-161. ins W46 Sci - Chem sep 6o 10 (BY-5694) The Rare-Earth Metals and Prospects of Their Industrial Use., by Ye. "-njqj!k1z,-3,3 im. RUSSIAN per, Vest Ak Nauk SM., No 6s, 1960, PP 81-M. afts 9175 Sci - min/14et /S~~ ,/ S?~/ j~w 61 Siaterad CoR7,ar FwAor,, by Yo. M- Sq9itlq:4-x, (X0 "0 RLWIW,, par, Tavatme Metal~Y,;Nol I, lic.7, 196o, pp 72-76. pal T-1 jun 61 15-7 3z/; Wyltaldy. Ye. M., Terekhova, V. F., and Naumidn' 0. P. 1. Erb[um - -Properties BRUM AND ITS ALLOYS. [1%01 6p. (I IIS omitted ) 2. Erbium, &Heye--Propertlos 11 refs. M2276. I -Savitakiy. Ye- K Order from LC or SLA ml$I.M ph$1.80 61-13758 11. Terekbowa, V. P. M. bAun*tn, 0. P. Trans. of OTevetnyye Metally (USSR) I%0 [y. 331 M DSIR LLU M. 2276 no. I (p. 43-481. Tbe physico-chemical properties of metsWc Er of ". &%% purity were determinedL Tbe hardtiess at cost Er Is 130 to 135 kg/sq mm; the limit of proportion- ality is 19 kg/eq mm; wd the ultimate stroug1h under tension Is 29 kg/aq --- Contraction under ompres- alon Is 22%. Melth* temperature is 135042M the boiling point 26500. and the boat of evaporation is 64.75 kcal/S atom. The hexagocial structure (with parameters a = 3.55 A. c = S. 56 A. wd c/a = 1. 57) was determined by X-ray analysis. Tbe density In 9. 08 g/sq cm. Er alloys, to 59& with AL Mgj Pe, Mom of T-CW401 S-f-. and T1. but not with Ta. All allop are 11-phase mix- (MetsUargy--Structural. TT. Y. 3. no. 6) (over,) I . PAWWOO W Twoffakimium V94. Ov no OL WITSMITS Os $h t"INAMM, 4 1 W. RLMIAH PGt WTAUMMIU i MOOOMYA ;;Q;iu aziz to 9. to, Op Imov. 1" 179" SO Wid WA 63 00,03v New Compound in the rd2anium-Uremium System and Its crystal 8tructures by P. 10 KrIpyakeylabo H. A, Tylkinas Ye.. M. SavitaL.4qup RUSSM., pery Is V~sshikb Uchab Za"ds Chern notallargs No 1# 1960, pp 29-15. AM Tr-4-V.1 W1 - Mln/Met Apr 61 if 067 r irclm of .041 X V. V. j"F!vOll, TvL-l -Ova, Rr '"J"3SIrt, VO -1 EVA,. fOt~ VO I rv jam- 6o Th- Phaze Diagram for the Chromi=-Cat'iUr. systen, by ~_E_ Savitrkiy,, V. V. Terekhova, A. V. MoloPov, 3 P. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg IMiTa., Vol IV, No 2, 11059, pp 435-438. Cleaver-Hume Fress Ltd. sci - 4c.01 London jan 6o The Phase 01aars-m for the Rhenium-Molybdanuum -System, by E. 0. savitskiy, M. A. Tylkizin, RUSSIAN, per, Zbur Neorg Xhin, Vol IV, No 1959, pp 424-434. Cleaver-Hume Prtsrs Ltd. c ."I London jan 60 Racryutm=zatjoxj DU~pw of 3afnimp by IM. A. %akimv R. v. zitaenko,~Z. 14*0 ftvitsklyp MSUN,r perj, Dak Ak Nauk OM, Vol (Mt=s No 2p 1959j, pp 310-312. Apor Inst of plus 8w rXim-pongir Vol III, IqO Sai Mar'60 ill Yttrium and its Alloyo, by Ye. 11. Ssvitakiyj V. To Terekhovaj, 1~ PP. RUBSIAB,, per, Tovetvne YetaUy# 110 Is 195911+ o-'5z. Cr.A#DD X-3793. Sci - Kin/met Nov 59 '3a Be On Qwrdp by Tb* Tao SwIt31Wp 7 lip* RUSS= * xnmmqa 9-1 R ms Saip No 26610 LL5689 JL4 NCF7 als 2 rpe 966km rn6ft-61-48 UEM JEU AF4 fts as %am/fts 19 mw 6g of ~Uva-X-Mbored Codois for Chwuctor- 4. ~ "~. V, on..-.41-1~4~,- per., Mektronvyat'j. No 7., JU 1937., pp 57-62. coasuitauts 13=mu Sal - Rleetr=ics ihn 6o V (D(!-4836) Utilization of Eleatric Powr for Irrigation ana the Hstablisb=vt at Regional Power Cobaws, by V. C. Osupj 7 pp. TIUY ANW., perp Necanissrea al Mactrificarea A urii., Vol Vj, No 5; 19600 pp 'j~2 -34-- JPRS 634 Mur - Rumania Econ '1-5441 /,xd reb 61 A Plechaniedl Wind Computer., lay P. X-,Gav,4dj U.9 3 PP- "Ad"widi-14 93 P" 1IMSIM per,, Vest VOE Flot.0 No 7., 1958., vl~fliiO~ 647093 ' ATIC Sci - Aero INY 59 0.?"? 's IntdxTelationships Between Azotobacter and Typical Rhizosphere Bacteria or Corn.. by M. V. Fedorov, X. A. ~!~ 4 PP* RUSSIAN per, Mikrobiologiya,, Val XM:,, No 6, 1960, pp W2:V7. AM Sel Sep 61 Ttis 4pead, a" 40 brM Daft and Ph&uwhp-lcal Reduction of ProtoebloroVIV11j, by by V. B. YevetigneM, 1. G. Smvlzina,, 1.2 ps. RUSSM, par# Bloftzikaj, 1959., Vol lVj, Vp 289-299. SLA 59-205,56 sci Mar 60 Ile Vol 3., No 1 4;7- 62-IGM _&ykLaa_". and Evstipeev. V. B. COKWARISON OF THE PROTOSEN371ZDU ACnV- 1. savitina. L Q MES OF CHLOROPHYLLS a AND b IN SOLEMON. a. Endpeev. V. B. [1962)[51p. 12rets. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-18630 Trans. ot Akad(emiyaj Nsuk SSSR. Doklady. 1961. v. 138 [no. 4] p. 958-961. DESCRIPrORS: *Photosensitivity. OChlorophylls. Solu- dons, Photosynthesis, Ebotochemical reactions. Pyr- idines, *Orpnic solvents. The experimental results of this work favors the by- pothesis of the accessary photochemical role of chlo- rophyll b in relation to chlorophyll a in the Phowsen- sitizaLion of photosynthesis. (Autbor) (Biological Sciences --Biochemistry, TT, v. 9. no. 6) Offin W Teckkd Swvkss Study of the Fhotoreduction of Chlorophyll aad 'fts Analogues in Various Solvents by Measuremeat of Electrical Conductivity, by V. B. Yevst-igaeyev, G. ft.vk.I:n!~, 12 pp. RUSS)YIN, per, Biofiz, Vol VI, 110 1, 1961. pp Sci 1j,2, jan 62 Nitrogmms Subst=ces in the Say of Pumpkin.% b:~,., V. L. Kretovich, Z. G. Rvstingneywm, K. B. Am 1. G. Savklna.. b pp. P.Ws'UN, per,, Piz Pasteay" Vol VI., 3o 11 19591 PP 13-20- Amer Inst of Mol Set Sci * Bibl Sep 59 ~?Z 9.1"r Absorption and Ruoreseence Spectra of Water-Soluble Analogs ofmChlorophyll, by I.G. Savkina and V.B. Evstigneev, 5 PP- PUBSTAN., per.. Iz Ak Nauk SSW, Ser ~`iz., Vol XMn, No 6, 1963, 1V 776-779. CTT Sci jun 64 261, E64 um Reftaum at Maui*" an& PH P ta com"att" Ma am on VWL FAdkt*ttm-qt ad 0 W T D. Vnttg2sW*w* V A. Gwvr11Mz"r-14G- APAGO 1 1~. D* A N2* Mme It*& =w# .1999. vp ;ii~- AMW lint at uta a" ftl - SOL 00959 ?46, 0117 AndcoaguMa Effea In hftdm of MW P=tdn. Blood Subadtm BK-S, by Do Go Pamov,*01,, TtftvWv, 9 ppo RU~iv pwo 'Pr2am Kro". Vol lis M as 19"* pp 4*-W. iPff24118 Sd - Mal Apr 64 2M. 248 HIM ffjc~7ra israngivu and U4AJrw=.ltA Awdw, 4m, Nsob*2 1* Tel.. V46 at Vs. V, zsw-" "Iwo IMP. I I-MAIJI)TIlul Film, by S. Vul VILL, IV62, pp- 97-1(,15. r 02 ffiSh-Ekpwwlon Fouqp W & Saylov and as vasuervo HMSIA3# par$, PbOa=q Daop 103,t lb 34 pp 21-23. NZ RM 2%3 (On lam or Puxmhsm-) r, s v K6 v pxg 65 mps% F 1. i. ir ~ 1 Determining Amplitude or Attenuailon in Kepers or Decibels, by T. Yea, I~m4ny~ky V. 06 Shveirtama, 5 pp, FWSXAN, per, Vestnik Srjazlt No Ilp 194% pp 3.4-15. JM 61,47 Scd Jan 61