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-Rate of the Reaction Between TitaniumiTetrachloride and MmEpeoium., by R. A. Sandler, 5 RUSSIM, per, Pt-ix Wm, Vol W:111, No T, 196o, pp 1465-147o. CD jui 61 Oa the Quality of Titanium Sponge Prepared by the MagmeBiothermic Process,, by V. V. Serge~yev.. V. V. Vlasov, R. A. Sandler, 6 ipp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXII, N09, 1959, P-m 1919-1924. CB Sci Aug 6o On the Origin of Coloured ftot on Tinplate., by N. 1. Sandler. G. G. BolovIyeva. RUSSIM, per, Stall, Metallograpq ani Heat Treatment.. Supplement, 1958, pp 247-250. BIZI 1570 sci - UwMet Aug 6o 4/' d "Is Tjhe InfLuance of GGzt!"~- a Technological RazametE--z or, of Reduction of Tlta- nium TGtrachloride., by G. V. Forsbloms, R. -A. 5,-mJlor, 4 P.,D - RLGSIANp pers Tevetaye Metally., No 10j 1960., pp 62-67. FS sci /11 Aug 61 Innotigation Into the Deformation and Pmeture in Plastlesp by Yo Sond-n. URMWO bookUts S&D.I.Top pWa no 291g Cbap 4/5. VA3/'Zn T-4556 Bel - ftes"try N 3J-)4 Mechanism of the Reaction Between Titanium Tetrachloride and Magnesium and the Optimim Temperature Conditions for the Reduction Process, by R. A. Sdndler, 6 p. - . p RUSSUN, perp Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol XXXII-10 No 5.P 196o., pp 3.013-1028. CB Sci Apr 61 NCH-202 218 Field 13J Sandmann. F. PLANNING IN SHIPBUILDING, WITH THE AM OF I. British Ship Research ELECTRONIC DATA-PROCESSING EQUIP14EXT. AsoCclation. Lo"M (England) 5 Aug 85. BSRA-2145. Order from BSRA: L5 as BSRA-2145 Trus. H w4woost go iq ;M OKI 1994. AwLbsz~ a, ro BSHA-ZIQv. 'A.305076 P, Gy I-lectr(mic Wtu prumeasing iqukp. ~r.'A;jo fvrj, .=sap Vol CIS, '!t.4 2" t~.,;Garm~ IiXA, kz~tlv-~o AdizAblistratim -,Z ,V Al 114 ~ar 66 294,43t'u SPdIDMAYR, 11 . Chronic Osteomyelitis and Sulfonamidev, German, Much. med. Wchnsch., Vol XXCIX, No 31., 31 Jul 1942. OSG Tr restricted ~ - 10 -~. 0~ 0 "I'molon Uwoueft the Actlon cr Pbowl.1 ty F. soul"Ier. G=M, per,. leab mitt POP No 6, X9%p lop 950-297. 5 got am " 402 ::)v 7 . #~ OV Changes in glastLeLtyo MagmtoetvictLon wd BlowarLe R"Utawe Of Fe-Al Alloy* ftrLog OCUCLO49 by Ve Lo SmWc=Lvskyo UMUtBUSo Part Ukr FLX Me Vol So 1943, pp 28~: *cFM Tr 70-59089 sci- June 70 v - I - ---,% R-900 Preview of HlghwW Projects, by Jakmb fowdorp 13 ppe (Sol &-on Trans on EDm)% UgCLASMIM MMDMMO pmp VAIyeVItestvdam&qjI ummIng Vol VIIII Ito 38 mftoetl Im't Vp ery-54. us JM/W-938 Ezur - Hunpry 7 -07 J2.j~ Scon Dic 58 291&D Following the November Blecums... 1by josse 56 Vp - RUMMUNs P"s T*rB&d&W WWA, Jb 12j, 1958,p Bu4spast, pp 20-25. JP= .1101630-D, Mr - Hungary Pal Aipr 5.9 Timly Topics of Party !Afe* by Jozftf &T;~n 9 vp EMURW, mo per., Parteletj Vol In, No 3# Nar 58 yp 9.3.6 us ipwm-lw CSO DC-50/u Ezur . amgary Pol jtau 58 6 (0/ do ~ Sor7ics Rmparia With the Soviet ccwrsVl"8a water lusp by M3d 4~9~ 9 ]M. UKI AIMVAIC IV ~ k-yjaa3oyjxvk It- - damagi Cepek.. pp 97-W. 31M Mr ft ID M61,63 um ma mar 62. P&VqdoL /1/ .1, 71 z Paternity-Proof by Fingerprints., by Okros Sanclo 108 pp. HUNGARIAN, rpt, pp 223-273. aRsINY-6345 XR1 - Hungary Sci Soc - jan 62 178,890 ktl~ VIM- H C i H If! lit' M U I R It V If I ill 4111 Ill -111 ill I I I 1 11 TAMA at ;eve 3 -b.-; T--i---nd 27) HJUJOARI~j~.,; Magyar Rilizzikai Vol Ka ll, 1961, D-0 51-50. Wluence of Adsorption on the Conductiv.-Lty Rnd Work Function of Semiconductors, by V. B. santlormirskly, 9 pp. MISSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz,, Vol XXI,, No 2, 1957, pp 211-220. Columbia 9ech Sci - Physics May 58 Wo.ariotherapy Treatments With Mex-Ican Strains of Plamoodim Felciparump by E. Beltran$ Ao M.z_444 3.1 pp SPAIMH., perq Rev d Inat Salub x Erfexm Trop-.q Vol XI.- No 2/3/4.- 1950Y pp 167-173. NIH Scientific - Biology 05 CTS 70/Jul 55 Susceptibility of the Vectors or Humn , . Malaria to the Mexican Strains of PUmodla, by A. M. Sandoval.. 29 pp. SnAlm, per., U= Copg,Cient Vdxt Vol X, 1951j, pp 322-337. Scientific - Biology CM 70MA 55 'e. U= of U.12 ou"aray valive of the ffm Omp Vw%W,, by. RmuL Vanaawl. SPAN=;, pw.. UTISmalm On ROXISOt VOI Wt lb 30 JULY? O*P 19". Doo at lat m ow at Phuduatifin 1b 1*5 Fab 59 uarantlued. Weeds and Diseases of AlpIcultural Crops. Iu Encyclopedia of Collective PamProductlau)"s by ~ - P. BandovIcb.- SMMMO Ybecov, 1949, v. 11 p 299.3U?. 30.1 103 USU Tr No 36 . Scientific - Biolosys piamvp-i=d~' IJIMR ~_ 7 11 Economic - Agriculture, planvsjedm"Ou P t (-; j W-thad fcr the Preparation of Pbytoeiterluep Fatty Acids, and lResin Acids fr= Rw Oulfate Bospe,g by ~- San4q~!!~ts T,, Undatrom (inventors) pp, SMISH Patent no 80941s patented alnee 3/22/28. Azsoe Tech Sv Sci Aug .98 The Orivin and Chemical Composition of the Extra- cellular Secretions of Axotobacter Chroococc=j, by H. V. Fedorov, 1. A. Sandrakv h pp RUSSIAN., per# Kikrobiologlyaj, Vol XKIXx Ilo 5j, 1960., w 695-700. 501 Jul 61 AIES C? (a the of Tollmsm In the ~ilvasnw Jim "a as aw7eume tw Sw W* S8043 SW G, 14 MOSSO"Idw Awsm. part 8144M 2MUmaw vaL No 7, 196:)* rp 3w scio-u and Hcw 67 O'f rt4fto MsPermd Ccmpow3ft Usod n t miufft37, 1w RUSSIMvi, bk. L-140-uwuriftLlm PP W-13.5, s I., & m ncl/~ Apr 68 Quaternary Slags CaO-MgO'AI203-8'02: 11dtiOAl CrYstallWbIon Ttmperature and Fields of Crysti-Q-1i.. zation. on Corwtaut Magnesia Plv=o, by G. Cavalier, M. ftudrea-Daudon. FREAM, per, Favue de Hatealurgie, Vol LVIII No 12, 196o, PP llk3-U4T- Bial 2265 Sci - mem jul 61 ItaUm commmist, Youth Ddims Commmdot Idea of -etu, straMU for Pewep by Avmda Serfil, pp. IZAJZM, per$ Nuwa Z1000j, 1b 16p 27 Aiv 1962; p 7., im 13650 mur - ItaI7 POI may 62 (NY--3000) ALL PERSONNEL STRIVING FOR HIGH LABOR INDICES AT THE SOKOLOVSKO-SARBAYSKIY?PINING-CONCENTRATION COMBINE, BY N. S"RIGAYLO, P. RUSSIANj, PER NARODNOYE KHOZYAYSTVO KAZAKHSTANA, NO2, 1962, PP 3.8j.' JPRS 14,44o USSR ECON SCI - METALLURGY JUL 62 202.,c,)28 The Sokolov-Sarbai Ore Conceitrf-tion Plant, by N. F. Sandrigaijo, 4 pp. ............. 111.~-' RUSSrAN, per, Metallurg, No 3, 1957, pp 3-5. Consultants Bureau Sci - Engr Jul 58 6 4'1j ? 7// ol- CY-'- u W- If ,0,1do:rf, rip. Pc-;z3 Arcbl-v f Grnakolop-L(-~, 7c,1 cAvey-T 1900'. Dip Mc,3 Cytophortamtric DetArmination of Protein-Boimd Thiols in the Mosis and Interpow of Bale Cells~ by W. Sandritter,, A. DrygLar,, !R 27 pp. GMUM, per, Z. Kvebaforach, Vol LXn,, 3959, pp 5.,6-610. NM 3-47-61 Scl - Had mov 61 COOMICal IBVegt4pt6OnB on the Question of the I,oss of Nucleic Acid and Protein in the Histological Troatment or Tissue., by J. Martlelb,, E. Diefenbach., W. Sandritter# 19 pp.. GEE" per, Acta Rietochem,, vol ii, 1956, pp 196'-"(q. ZM 5-5 Sci - Wd PAY 58 aip~S4-e~ LEVE2 N. F. SANDRUMMYA. S. S. zavodstaya Laboratoriyav vol. 14,, 1.948,, No. 9. pp* 1043-1052; 9 tabless 3750 words. Photocolorimetric liethod for AnalyiiinE Nomj0t4LjiAc .L=usims Mn CaWm SEFels. Elrutcher Tr=s,, Order No. 2247, 06-60. 9 Geography in Rumania Duri:ng the Poopla's R4.-giizle, by 1. Sandru, V. Cucu,, 7 -pp. PIDWIM, per, Natura Soria Geografle-Geologio, Vol XVI, No 4. Jul-Aug 64, pp 9-14, MRS 27221 Sci-Harth Sci I Astron Mur-RUM Geog JM1 65 271,232 Some Problerw of Rural ElectrificatiOD., by Fmgr. Gb. Moraru, Engr V. Sandru, 22 pp. RURMIM, mo per, Lupta De Claga., No 11, Wav 1957, Bucharest, PP 75~-3_6_- FDD/X-2764 EEur Rumania Econ Elec. o 3 The Effect of tep Discharge Erar(3y 4wd neum 51wagers- twe on the Intensity of Us A=IVW~cwM Uns Wra of Zinc and Copper,, by G.V. Ovach" x ejad L.Z, SQUO., 7 PP- RUSSM, per,, Zhur Aml Kbim,, Vol klrMs No 7, 1963., PP 799-8D7. CB Sci May 64 258.5116 Apparatus for Automatic GmvInetric Meavurawmt of Gas Sorption, Pbxticularly- Fbr beteratwticm of Specific Surfaces and Pore Size, by G. Bandatede.. E. Robens. GEEM,, per), Vol. N~s No. U), 1962, PP TOB-713/ CSnD/Ro. 6532 &- sci - Aug 6T 355-M' 61-14501 Sandstedt, H. and Lehnert, Edv. XPERIENCES OF VACCINATIONS AGAINST SWINE 1. Swine erysipelaa-- RYSIPELAS, CARRIED OUT IN 1943. 1196115p. Countermeasures Tder from SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-14501 1. SanJstedt. H. 11. Lehnert, E. rrans. of Skandinavisk Veterinar-Tidskrift (Sweden) .944, v. 34, p. 129-136. Animal Husbandry, TT, v. 5, no. 12) 1 OfR - of Tat6tcal Sorwim cmat c ApDaratua for the G1,aVjMOtwiC lfeasW~,-Ment of Cas Sorption., Particularly for tte Determination of Speoific Surface Area and Pore SIzej by G. Sandstode., R. Robens, 29 pp. GHMN, perp Deebms Manographien., VOL XLIV, 1962) pp ~9 -81. 923-7207 ac-o-Tr-loG4. sci - pkws Jan 64 AfiYl 311 HAKAN1041 GRIDWO BY WSIWN AND Smomamp 8 pp. FINNISIis PERs MKD#"TAI,700 VOL Lillis !a 00 19Qo PP 4-10m, CALL HO. TH4.1116. A.,A.-b q AFM KV SWIM W.QA~f I NLAM ECON 4 13 AUG 62 20602x Radar Observations of Aurorae at Soviet Antarctic Stations In 1959t, IW 4- IrSo Bryunally and 30 M. S44491ap"o PPO 7 RUSSIM, per, Ge=agmt I Won. V01 It no 5. 3.961 AGU /t~o SCL -16p, -IL , ~ 1 63-17M THW~AL CHENWRY OF WS WORNAL . ag"dGW4 0. AND SURFACE STRUMWE OF CATALYSM July U, lftnwkdaMlChwftkd July 63. 8p. 4 rds. N" va* Cr&r frm ICE in v. 3. n% S. $15.00/you Tram od Revists do CWmlo (Rumaids) 1963 (v. 14) 4. P. 279L DBSCRWMRS' ChOMICRI OWUSGdv& *Caulysts. Ad-rom ftlym-, % 's, CA" Cxk%o. du--Uwaphy. Ad=vm, A247228 Pwmistry-ftysicaL TT. v. 10. m 7) d look" OW4%0 On the Synthesis of Aromatic Oxyketon,as, by G...-.., Sandulesco, A. Girard, 5 P. ---- FRMICH, per, Partial Trans, Soc Chin de France, Bull, 1930, Vol XLVII, PP 1300-1314- sLA 6o-10319 Sci Apr 6o Vol III, No 3 Preparation and Some Proper-ties of Whisker and Needle-Shaped Single Crystals of Guxmanium, Silicon and Their Solid Solutions, by A. V. Sandulova. r. S. Bogoyavlenskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, No 9, 1963, pp 2580-2586. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 9 Sci Apr 64 2,54,549 Concerning the Diffusion Parameters of Indium in Germanium of Varying Degrees of Purity, by A. V. Sandulova, M. I. Dronyt&, 4 pp. RUSSM71, per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol III, r N -2,017- lo 10, 11061, pp 2913 AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol III, No 1() Sci 195,712 Anisotropy of the Diffusion of Zino in Polym7stal.- line Cuprous Oxide. %V A. V,, Sandulova, Cbang Ybeh-ch'ing, 3 PpP RUSSIAN, pea; Fim Tvsrdogo Talap Vol TI, 110 5, 1960, PP aw-". AIP Bow Pbye-Solid State Sci Jan 61 12- 131-t'fusion and Solubility of Tantalum in Gervianimn, by A. V. Eqndul:ova, He Yu-L:Lang, 4 pp. RUWIAN,, per., Dok Ak Sauk SSSR,, Val OXCVIII, No 2, 1959, pp 329-332. Consulteints Bureau Aug 60 TT-65-14008 Field 21D jft ~C~.~A. , OTOR FUELS. 13p. 1. Patent application (U. S.) Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-14008 1 49495 Trans. of Patent (France) 1281123. Patented by E. L Do Pont de Nemours and Co., USA. appl. No. 853,434, filed 21 Feb 61, granted 27 Nov 61 (Priority* U. S., appl. 49, 495, 15 Aug 60). MR 670 IZ-240/64 ileport of an Inspection of Land in the Maurpawah Area of West Kalimantan, Indonesia in 1964, With Haps, by I Made Sandy, 15 pp. INDONESIAN) monograph, Nov 1963. CIA/FDD X-5396 FE - Indonesia Soc Jun 64 Sma (FI-25106). Analysis of Co3to'in Dull4lW BiagW-razny Boma,, by V2ady*2&w SU*xokl Joiwf Swwkip 32 pp. per 7mw*tya L Budomlalmop No 22 5680 Ware pp IWAr - Fo2mmd Ewa - ConfitnWtiono Wets mn.y 59 mvsmul~ sy *am &4wp,. sip, "MR04 Pas ML. WA4 t9 4M.- 0.6- Treatment with Sulphur for obtainlig Surfacon With RIO Realwbance to Wear mid Self-Lubricatl% P"PeTtlest t7 J. V. s4wno3d ZULnN., par# Acme y Inwgias Val MI, No 67j 1955v m. 45-49. T.I.L. T 4696 sai - minAbtals V, 51.3- Sep 56 CTS Wide vans (10 to 20 ka) -- japu .. praimptilm Wave Probes by Notcwcabi Okaeblmp juxAchi. =IM513T2'n ?Vto Nlh= On%Ya Gaklat Kom Zmbvadmj, WAY 290. IM - MvY 94"ARL 784 Sol - Pbyslcg FAY 60 CIA/MD XAM Obgavatlcm of GoWaLtIOD D"MY Of SVPWSODic Wavi Cavitattomp by okwhim, Nagao T&JIrlp VP Amump rpts sd= x1boill cobwo Gamml soon Roll'.. b=obajp Kay 19W. lkvy g5w/=L 756 may 00 A Stuly of the Tim and Temperature Dopendowes of Mechanical Sftw)gth. by S. N. MnxWv, T. P. Saairova, 6 pp. HUSSIANO per, Piz Twordogo Tolat 11, No 6, 1960, pp 1033-1039 AIP Sov Foye--'**3id State Sci ri%e Tempa=ture and Tim Depwidowea of the Mechanical StTangth of Silver Cb1oride, by s,. N. xbarkavr B. ra. lavims T. Fo Simfirm, 3 pp. IWWIAN, per, Fie Tverdqp Tela, voi n. No 6,, 1960, pp 1040-IM2. AlP Sov aws-ftlut State sci / -s' J~m 61 Relfwticia B-at-ueen- Strength and Creep of Mot-als and Alloys, by S. N. am-korp T. P. Sanfirova, 7 pp. PUSS-1-I.N. per, Zhur Tekh Fiz., Vol XXMIJ; Fo 8,,, 1958.- Pp 1719-1726. An--r Inst of Fbyas Sov PhyB-Iltcb Yhys Vol 11-T., I-To 8 Sci - -Phys !-''lax 59 rocese for the Recovery of Tartlva7 Diefins, by H. A. Sa&ard, S. H. PaM3]dnidn, 6 pp. FM=s ftuteaA I.,aOj5!j6* M-671"Y Sid Mar 62 Vol IT 2, NO 2 / a f i~ Z, Id -d / Re2aticas Between Properties aW CouslItutlon of TrIcalcIm Phoapbatep It by IL As S&vfcmvb*)_,4 pp. Tmm,p pers comptee FAmdues vol 1933,v 99 W436- S. Is. A. Tir 667156 -1 Sol - Biology- Aug 56 CM/dex Reactiam of In the E411,0 by seaburche, 6 no . FRMR.- per# CampUs Bond= A=d Aar Ymmes Vol=# 1933a VP 3h-44- 13. L. A. 2r 666B6 .DIDIA W- sci - 3rij- 0? s Aug 56 M/dm Action of Amonia Gas on Phmboric Anl~&W,.Iy A. Swdourche -A. Bernettes M. Tau$ PIP FMCHO perj, BaU& Soce Chime F*a=4iv Vol XLVIls No k# 1-930v PP 273-279- it CIA/FW/X-1590 '014 Ara/ V Scientific - ChemisUy Apr 55 CTS AU-- S,/~ r-- /t/ The Comolaft-katf6h Ot. Ad&' sli6s imd ArdnesInoo, by -A. X-_;�qM-Ijp-x N. D.- Dfn4mo M. P. Gormehavap-3 pip. RWBIU$ Pero Parakei I Tasikolo Val Ino So 3, 1938o P9 -LO-U- ' Consultants Ilureau gal - X&A Apr 59 4*2X" 62-22700 Sanger, I- and S9nger, 1. -MMMUCAL ASPECTS, IL9621 24p. Order from K-H $30.00 K-H 8264 Trans. of Forschungainstitut Par Phyalk der III. K -H-8264 TV. Kresge-Hooker Science Strahlantriebe. Mitteflungen (Went Germany) 1957, Libr"T Associates, no. 12, p. 27-40. Detrol% MictL Another tram Is available from SLA mi$2.70, ph$4. 80 as 59-10297 119581 [251p. UESCRVMRS. OAstronautics, *Space flight, *Super- Sonic flight. -Plight*,veds. Antimissile defense systems, Searchlights, *Satelllte (ArtiflclaQ. (Engineering- -Aeronautical. TT. Y. 9. no. 11) Me cd Tech" L-nkts ITIcch-al-cal Papects., by -- E.-Sanger, 1. Slulgar, 25 p. GFUMU, . p=,, rorachungolnutitut tur Fblra:Lh dor Mittellm7gaii) 1,)-57,1 No 12) pp 27-110. MA 59-10297 Sci Feb 0 V03. 2,t 170 9 / 4 y 7. OX~- v ""ffect of the Cruising Altitude on the FmVaratiom -A -ind Canbustion of Fuel-Air Wxturcs, b;r B. JIEP", per., Brennotoff-Chem, Vol XXXV, No 3-4, _~-954, pp 41-44. ATS 579-W Sci - Ehgr Sep 60 fm"cl-w-t lllii~,.t Fil 2-ineo rill toy r P -flu varlu CIA ;&PIGME9,33. NA15A Tfil Mi's i im -sit Rqua= va 206P Sri aw Tito Attainill)i1ity of the Stars, by LWOW mono' Intonlational 1 Cal';ress i4o ~-' SOP ~51(11 Z. CFSTI IT 64-71372 Apr 67 323,04ilkii I- - 1-1 - .A - t.;~ Rocket FU& EnSLneerkq, by Eugvn -Sanger. GEIMM, M4 Rexmm 1933. pp 1-345 - 9227398-V NASA TT P223 SCI-Aexo E u qe 14) Fq,,;Il 6,< Sept 65 29DAS 2hd~ 2heary of lairtme watim in cauumawly B.mTAJW Cadbustton Chaabere; Part* I sod Up by R. am", pw,, am~wtw am.. vbl No I-es 3.4, OIA Avg Sanger. P-ur-u. T-HRM OF PROPeLLAmr BURNING. [1963)9p. (figs. ontitted). Order from SLA $1. LO 63-14053 Tram of 7eltschrift Mr Phystballeche Chande [Leipzig) (FAst Germany) 1951. V. 197, V. 265-276. DEISCRIPTORS: *P. Ilacts, Combustloq4 Tbm7o Powders, Thermochendstry, VeWty. Pressure, Temperature. SoUds. 63-14053f 1. I;adpr. IL (chealLstry-PhYSICA 7T, V. 10, M 5) (do d I -by Ellugon -r II.-nic. IT Of th,_ at-p-rap Paper Presented at tho 113aventh Con,,mcso$ Rono; -1956- Rand T-69 07 J2 0.4* Sci - AstronaV _/(Rj / or- S VPVuT-=,IIrfIII Polit-ical Aopo~-,tm oT Space Travelo by ]Dr Etirion 11 pp. GM=p pers. Mtoilunsan.. Fob M8. CYA/LMD 1-4254 WorMide Pol Bel - Ispace Res YAY 6o //X, 7 The Thermodynamics of Rocloto, by EiMpno Sanger, I I pp. BMWAN., per, Luftfabrttcchn:Uc.' Vol 10 No 1, 1955, p 14. SLA 59-IC474 Sci - Eng SePt 59. Vol 2, Vo 2 9 /' sw Mechanism of the freezing of s4er-ccoled water drops by disperse substances, by Pruppecher, ff., SanWo R.6 -w-47=~,4 GEWAN,, r., 3 Angev K%th und Pbyalks 6~ na 5, 1955, P le07-16. CSIRO-" Sci Aug 59 Technical Aspects, by E. Banger,, 1. Sanger,. 25 i3,- GERHM., p=.. PormchunpInatitut fur Pbys:tk d*r Strah1wit-rieba,, Mittellungen, 1957s Nei Up pp 2. f..40. BIA 59-1W' Sci Feb 60 Vol 2j, No 9 T-rajectories of Beam-Ridllugr Roclwts W111th cas Jat Cioatrol,, by R. Saugaro R. Rotho 22 Pl?,, UraMOMEW .L, ull tranraatiou. v- LjEjqCjj., MB=s ENGLMR.. mo per* Zolt4;chrflgt hier no I wm~ .Zemndte Vol in,, land JIn Una Ph"Lkv IV Tul 1952, pp 241-253 ATIC F-TS-*MO Scientific - Pb7nlca,$ be= riding rcwWmts I CTA 1023hliB rob 53 0 o ~;l The Role og the Adiabatic &pwant in Chemically V=lc~lac Gao by LL-eus Bangqr-Bredlt. GLINAH; per., Der Adiabmt=wT=eno Cbmliucb V-eranderlichen Gtszgm!.a*ben., Vol Vl~~4955; EV 35-661. 9661823. A=C MOL T02/1-2 Sci - C%em am 61 Second Anmal Report or the Directovito or the Institute on the Work or the Research Institute ror Pbysics of J*t Prqpulslon, Stutt4prt,. at th 7hird Plegular Conference of tbom Members cmW2-0~ 19%, lky DWn Sanger., Irene Banger-ftedt., GERMN., rpt, Zwelter Jabresbericht dtx Ustitat- aleitung uber dle Arbelten des Foreclaw6olnetituts fur Pbyslk der Strahl mtrlebe B. V.0 Stuttgart, .2 wj-7,04mer dritten ordentUeben. Offteliedemr- ammUing an 20 Jul 1956. .1 NAaA NAM? Sci - Aeramutice 7 Aw 5T