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U-aft- to j&7 ( 11,9 Z- ). The Political Report Indicates a Practical Way to Speed Up the Restoration of Security and Levelopment, by Muhammad Samikidin, INDONESIAN, np, Harian Rakjat,, 12 Jan .1961. ~JPRS YE - Indonesia Pal 13 Feb 61 Ifteroradica Studies in Polyrwrizatimi and DqgTadation Froocams, by S. E. Brosl3r, R& N. Emsbakov, Z. M. Saminakiy, 11 pp. RuSSTM., per., Vysok=ol Soyo&,Lnt vol Is Do 7j *59.. PP 2374-1,3W. IV 4~ E/ e Sci t 7 o1 ~' Aup, 61 Investigation of PAcroradicala Forme&DtIrM the Mechanical Destruction of Po]P.,vwrsp by S. E. 'Breslerp S. N. Zhur-kcv,, E. qXasb--1u),%r.4 R. M. "ns~,Y* R. z. Smsbevskiyo 5.PP, BW310p pers Zhur TelQa FiZ# 1101 XXI:Kp ft 3# 3.959,o PP 358-364. AI? Vol 171, No 3 Sci - phys Oct 59 A S_tu41, of Nacrora4imas 1u Pa2ymrlmticc am Degrolat4on Pracemm', ft. 1. by S. R. MWA*r,. 1. Ng Zub*kav*,3A-&, At MUN, par$ Vraakwalabillumm Sqmdbwalra UMRS 3,959,9 VOL is To ILJ, Vp Sol yl~ 7t~ ma 6o Val 3t No Of t-"temic -the zbelOv; 9 PP Vo Zhu, pp 2535-2,553. .cr !list 0k phyr, Sov Phys-Tech ?Ilya. physics jul a-nm V. D. & EtU 8 LOS TRACrORES IDT-34 Y Ur-28 CON PR UE % . ISMOK V. 06 SUEDAS DE ACERO Y GARRAS FOMW py p G U. 43D W209 Trahom Ur-U I OT-211 a Makladarmi 7AOWPkMi i M. C - (b bfix=6d4ft SMINIYMI mde"ni (resdoX 4f the Or-26 aW DT-X Tramn Prod&d vidk Sod Wbwls ad AxlUldal DXWDMNK$ft awmi Wp). top. I refs. Cmt di-"L - Onfor han OM ETC or CM SL 90 62-292" Tralm.- In ftnUb of TnkMy S Sol-dommaoft" WSM Lgs%-"- 4.06 6-11 DESCUMM Tests, ofteclools, veme4a Wheels, 4 7 b, "chinory, Fabrications and Amms-7 B*d~M-T.. OWN d %o" womm Tr, v. 10, om 7) coefftclents or mov M=Zidh P.-vsM=,-Rvnmrdns noloa In %bxblw Macom by 0. S. SMA106b)Viph, et al. UMUM37m) l M W;AR., 3r--, TalaOM*rfPtlkuj- 2) 8,P 1957il pp 18-M. co-op Tr admm 541 (L 2.8s.) SOL - Env Oct 58 71 HLgb-ftc4uencY Argentmetric Titration., by yu. yu. _qa~m~ V. U. Gwokhovs4o 6 ppe RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal XhIm., VOI UP So 5* Sep/ Oct 1956, pp 621-626. Consultants aweau I Sdi - Chem "v f ga"dl Jul 57 j High Fmqwncy Titration. A Q-Xa Method by Yu. Yu. ~= 8 pp. WWUNS b1mo per, Zhur Anal Xhim., VdL X13, go 2,, VAr/Apr 1956,, 79 149-158. CIA 9001_Ua - Ct Real zo 55 sci - chemistry Agricultia'al Production Nkwt be 3htens:if ied, by L. Sam 6 ]V. JjAj mmra".. Iwo um, 7 Aug 1962,1 pp 2-3.0 ilm 15M FS . Mongolia Econ, oat 62 "PW 4 / Sri 195 Tw, A* ftmkwt was=* par* 9"Oftv mateurt M 16 so Lif, XqW* w 53-60* eel 6a Ultrasonic Cardiogram iu Mitral Stenosle, by R. Gassler, H. Samlert. GERMN, per.. Z fuer Krelslaufforachungs Vol XLVII, No 7/8, 1958,. PP 291-M- Commonwealth Auoustic IAb Sei - Med jun 61 I'MCKEY R..F CHENUMNY A.J9 SCHRODER., W.., WMIMECHTG- and MMT, R. Cellulose Acetate Uapillaries for the Use in Taking Debye-Scherrer Pictures if Zeitschri-ft fur Blektrochemie, Vol 47, 1941 AEC Tr CTS Oct 1949 (1/49) 30 c-rain Drying and Grairi n-jers., by A. P. GerzhOYs V. F. 68MDC!kqcv, 304 PP- IjUSSIAN,-bk, zft-nosudieWLe :L rmuoxwWhllklp 1958, 323 PP. ova 6o.2u6k PLJM USSR Econ - P4Plcat=e 6 3 0 mjw 61 psT no 92 Hydrological Paglm-ot the govosibfrak ftd=- Mectric Power Statim Reservoirj, V.C Samochkin, D. I. Abrmwvlcb. RMSIM,, per, W290chgim Sibl"koe Obdelenle AX 11811. No 7, 2 pp 7-21 WA(FMS 2434 -350.0d U-,77- Jul 67 334sU8 The Effeft of AfirenocarUcatmic Mxtg an MW Migg P'lAmlnwnt Of P 9- Mad" AUmm"AdOX"o IW T* ChVUMdels Lq IDAMMood-fts at *'* 9 w. 8 pwo axwowmicalds Fo2skas Irol Xlv* Nw 1-2o 1963, OM 6.1-UW/1-2 ,26LA558 SelectIng Alternating-Current Locomotives and :~aulment for Electric Train LocomotIon. by A. W. Samochvelor., 10 pp. GMMN,, per, Z der Organisation fuer die Zusamenarbeit der Risenbahnen, Vol M., go 1, 1960; pp 13-17. im 6168 BRur - Sino-Soviet Bloc FE - Mina Econ Nov 6o 13 Far-fec"tion of raq-sic 1ndexes, by G, Saraodalaehvili., 8 pp. TOSSIAN,,'per., F-Imovoye Khoy.,, go 12., 1961', pp 61-6 JPRS 1533-3 USSR ,2/,?j-5 A71 Econ oct 62 Permeability of Protoplasm to Water aDd Proto- plasmic Svelling., by A. M. Alekseyev, G. I. Sovetova,, S. D -Samodelkina, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Piz Rastemiy, Vol VI,, No 60 1959, pp 649-653. Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci Aug 6o Advantageo Of the IP*A-gt-r of PWol:Le W.Ttli XudUstrIal Umnalmb. by A, Ya. sawdlunov., 9 rp. RMSIM,, perj, Zhelezmdoro2bnyy 2xwoport., Ib S., 1962p pp 24-27- JM 1.6310 ma me :I )/I/ P -),o Nov 62 calvlm -,;It I'liarciaom. Stra*!Ua~~ tv 1". =41 ~~vozamp 14 Ata l!4D. M13 .3v ,y na am, of Seco-aduz Saiine 'rectonrica on --he DoTmes In the Eastern Section of the ITeeir C.-,Fjom llyueolftse, by V. S, Zhuravlev, V. 1. alISSZAll, per, Dok Alt Illauk SSSIR, Vol CMMIT, Fo 1), 1-0,60, pp 891-89h. AG' 2 3 sal !ku,g 61 The StratigmphY of the Upper Cretaceous Dq*sits of the Kassarm Anticlin on the West Coast of the Aral Sea$ b H. G. Ckmtsk:Ly., V. 1. Samcb=vS A. L. Yanshino t PPO RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSW., Vol CXM,, NO 5# 1959, pp 1109-13.12. AGI sci /'5- 3 5 6 .~ Jun 61 j 'Ud u u of the Are-I Bea, by -R. 0. Garetskii, V. 1. 1.1'a 1, -4 1, Pp. msdurc--~i and 'La ..,* ansbia, RUSST-AW., 'par, Dak Ak Wauk SS311R, Vol GXIX, No P. ' 1195-1198. ConBultants Bureau Sci - Creeophys Ypar 59 Wt-1-355) Rwpld The ManufacturUg of SuperThaUhate trom NortIC-~.-Vieftmue Phos*ate Foap by 1. $g~oil, R. lwasau,, 1. Alexmn&mlaj, 20 pp. MMMM, per, Soviet& de ChImle, Vol Xrlp No 9, 1961, iW 512-519. im 1*31 7 Boon Apr 69 15/ Modified Contact Furnace at a Sulfuric Acid Plant., by 17 pp. HUMMM.9 per, Revista do Chimie.. Vol XII., No 2.- 1961, pp 65-71. im 9615 HEur - WHOW Rumania Econ _?61 jul. 61 Frequency Divider With Direct Locklng, by T. S. Fedosava, K. A. Samoila, 19 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Radiotekh i Elektroa, Vol IV, No 1, 1959, pp 43-53. PP Sel sap 60 / 7, -- j sae Diffusion of Thorium and Disruption of Thoriated-Tungsten Electrodes in 11ealry-Current Discharges in Xenon, by R. E. RovInskiy, M.- V. Samoilemkqj 12 pp. RUSSLO, per, Radiatekh i Elektron) Vol IVj uo 6. .1959, PP 1018-1025 pp Sai sep 6o Approximate Procedure of Selection of Optimal Adjustments of Intermittent Regulation Systemil by V. P. Grishchuk, Yu,, 1. Samollenko, 13 pp. RUSSIAH, rpt. CIA/FDD X-5037 Sci - Engr Nov.62 215,255 Approximate Procedure of Selection of Optimal Ad- justments of Intermittent Regulation Systems, by V. P. Grishchuk, Yu. I.-Samoilenko, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, CIA/FDD X-5037 Sci - Nov 62 215,25S Action of Non-stationary Fluctuations an ar Systems., by Yu. I. SamoilgAKO-i 3 PP- perp Radlotekh.. Vol XXV) No 7) 1959j. pp JAVY. 0,?/ 61 The ReliabiUty of the Symbroutwtiou of an .ftuto-Genorator In tbo Presence of Modulatea Oscillationsi by Yu. 1. Samilowwo a Ype MMIMo Per* ftdictakh, Vol XV.- No Tp 19(*j-- VP 37-41. PP Apr 61 Discrimination of an OsciUator Synchrcmized to a Harmonic Signal, by Yu. 1. Samoil 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per: Radiotekh i Elektronj Vol IV) No 11 1959, pp 39-42. pp Sci Sep 60 Automatic Regulation of the Contimww ]*%Pdto lAsebing Promsep by V. 1. Owaraw 11 and A. N. &NAME sp 7 pp q MBIM.- imrs Tavetwe 1"tallys Val mv Ib P, 1962.. ]M. 49-55 ps 301 Jw 63 5~3,9 "The non-Specific Reaction of Animals to Injection of the Folysaccharide, Zymosan, by R. L. Samoilina, -10 pp. RUSSIO, per, Probleuv Gematologii i Perelivardya Krovi, vol vi, ITO I, 190"l. pp Sci Jun 62 1!33,326 (v,,Y-64s)q/RP.*L) tirLalysiss of E=cj.-s in Phaze Frequerc-.y t-lot-2ra, by WE A. T-, Doxo-leaho., K. A. Samoilo3 Vj -pp. RUSS:U,31, I~er, lz Vyarhikh Ucheb ZavlaLl, JWSSO, Ser Rad--',ot--kh, Vol ).V,, No 1) 1961.,:PP 55-63- JIM zx 109210 Sel D--c 61 Synthesis of a System for Stabilizing the Tension of the Hot Strip in the Finishing Units of Thin-Sheet 1,1ills, by A. A. Samoilov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemkn4ekh, Vol XXIV, No 12, 1963, pp 1692-1701. ISA Sci Jun 64 259,2845 10 735 GE-1 A. G. SAMOILOV, V. S. VOLKOV Fuel elements for nuclear reactors Bremistaffelemente Wr Kerareaktoren Atomnaya Energ,,., 6, No. 3, 261 (1959) Kernenergle, No. Zp 129-139 (1960) 576 - German E u-r a t o m Fuel 31muts of Nuelear ft"tors j by A - 0. samllovp V. S. V02bDv.. 3 Pa. WMIM.. p",9 At= Horgs Vol Up So 3, 1939j, W- au-46. 0B Sal / 3.1vi 2T,-7/7/ Dee 60 Distortions in the Crystal LaL-tice Jn Alloys Based on Nickel at Temperatures of 20-50T G ay B. 14. Rovinskiy, M. Rovensk:Ly, 1.1 pp. SS , per, Fiz Meta i Metall, Vol VII$ IRUS IU 140 1, 1959, PP 79-90- pp Sci Aug 60 _,d ~n -,;h(-- SLudy ot' the Act pUT) of Convergence, by A- Ya. ~amailov, o. N. Sokolova, A. R. ShaLchnovich, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Biofiz, vol vy, tio 1, 1.961. jan 62 lletm,:Wtne~ion of the Sligu of a Local Mpetle Field In the Nrialei of Gold DiDoolved in -T--,-m end Nickel, by Be 1-1. Samoilav., V. V. Oldyarevskiy,, e", ale; av- MESTAN, rariatm sources., Mosecm, 1961. 911"NMTO AMC-tr-5476 Rai - runpler, 63 _pcraLure of Liquid I.' iswiu, SEL-L,E at -~h~j Tem ne A by E. fl~ Samolloy. R-USSIAT-4, per,, Zhiw Eks-per i Teoret Fiz, Vol r.,TTI; 19)1101. v,!p 1C~30-10hOa CSIRO sci - Fays s f,3 Ly 6 p / -PI Z/ 'IV k1fillill -~ Ir-I I 'F, BMSMO r* 0q I b 3 p Z Co Ip' p UL ft4A% K. A. Samilova Mug 0a," 2441W Bosom ika 67 . The Heat of Dissoludan of Uranyl flitrgttg in Aqueoua Nitrate Solutionts, 0. Yu. Samol-lovp V, I. YnEshkidwvq 7 pp, -1 RUSSIANO per, Zhur Strukturnoy Mitiv Vol III,, No 29 19624, PP U345000 OB SOL " I-vir Fab 63 -9 ?~ - all the of Of long in Aqumokw (In comectuml. With -the 11:3 '1 Donate Obtalaodk by 2. Be Oamlek 4md R. R. Pbulemp by 0 To. 8=4~wL 3 Vp. PLVSM* ipw* XUMP No III 1999a pp 963141632. 00 62-4MPA Sol 9x Aar 63 Preparation and Certain Properties of 11afniwa Cabide) by G. V. 0,%mnonov, V. N. Pederno, 6 pp. RUSSIMI, per.. Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXIV, No 5, 1,061, pp 963-963. CB Sci //W/ , 41.z, z Feb 052 Silicider and Their Uses in LaUlzeerlng,, bj- G. V. Saasonov, 2270 pp. IUJSSIAlf, bk, Silitaidy i Ikh lspollzovaalye v TeUmike, 1953, 201, -i,~-o- S-'6757CO-V FTD-TT-61.,40) Sci - RIAU 5 Feb 52 1",~4 , /-W Injector for EMOctx%m Aaaaerators, bV 1. M. 4wd-lmov, 3 PN RUSSMI, .per, MbM7 i Tel& BMW, No 2, 1960t pp 21,22. wk s0i 1?bb 61 Be, Coaceatan-,tion ia, tho P!cmskphe;-oa 0,.rar 1-he At-l-matic, ' 'Lov, V. !j. L. 14. S=o, 6 ppe ,,qr 'No 3.,~ 1.96P.;, ssmW: per~~ Atom knerajo Vol XTU: ED 25-30. CB sci 4r 63 231705 HIMMIrIf", " : in th~& Altd-I-V-43- oL- 1 -*; k, ktlr-ntic aS C-c c -Qn smoiiov, 6 pp. nussm.. per., Atom nwrgy., vol xni, no 1, 1962, pp 25-30. CB scl j~,u 63 233.v709 interaction of the HSC-~ Anion with Newrest Water Vx,Nlecules in Water Solutionsy by Oa Ya,, Samilov., llu K'o-yuan; T. A. Nosovas f-PPRIl" -1 .-MIAN, per, Zhur Struktix=y Ehim., Vol Is No 22 L05650, PP- 131-:LP- CB 3c' Bept 63. Thermocbemi cal I-L-thod for DetermJmation of the Coor-dination Numbers of Ions in Aqueous Solutionsp by 0. Ya. S=oilav, Hu K'o-yqanl T. A. lWonova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN.. per.. V= 19trat MLIM., Vol I.. No 4l 1969,, PP ho4-4w. CB Sci 'Xg~ V, a Sg Sep 61 The lidluanea of 8odium and Calcium Ions on The .Migration of Boron in Lthdarground Brines, by 0. Ya. Samoilov, D. S. Sokolov, 3 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaukSSSR., Vol CXXX111, No 6, 196o, pp 1428-1431 AGT Aug 61 Vibration Frequencies of the Water 14oluoules " the First Coordination layer Around an Ion in an Aquaous Solution, try 0* Yea Samoilov, 3 ppa RUSSIAN, per. Zhur Strukturnoy Ithim, Vol I& No 1, 1960, pp 36-38. CD goi. Jul 61 IT 7.1 5*v~ A Universal Beta-Spectrometer v:Ltb Dardble Focusing to an Angle of 7AI-z-. by P. s. saqQLI qy-, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Xr1obory i Tekb Eksperj, No 6., 1959, L)p 33-3b. 10 lastru Soc of Amer Sci Sep 6o , 17 7 13 277 Ca-1 SAMOILOV S., DYATKINA M. Configuration of polyphenyls and triphenyl-methyl Zhur. Fiz. IU-dm., 22, No. 11, 1294-1301 (1948) TT 619 - English Euratom Physical and Chemical Properties Of 1,.S2 Catalysts. Comnunication 14. Catalytic- Activity of an 4, Unindzed 1"'S2 ce'--lys' for the Hydrogenation of Phenol, by 5. -11. ~eu"wi A. jK. Rubinshteinf,, PP 7 SAM011-ov, P,USSIAI,',-P-e-r-,-Iz--M,7-riaul,, SSSIR, Otdel Kiiizzn Nauk, 1,10 3, 10/ 60, PP 7- *3 f Sci 'Kay 62 CB 195,352 Physical and Chemical B?operties of IWS Catalysts. Communication 6. Pore Structure and Remical Composition of an Unmixed WS2 Cataly3t, by S. M. Samoilov, 9 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otffde:L Rhim. Nauk, No 8, ig6l, pp 1416-1426. CB Sci juj- 262 202,698 SorpU*a at Rttroom aM ledswo Tooft bv* TIMMUM gande Cotdoto by Tu,~ A. TalltokWo a. K-~ SMOLUMS 6 NO RM10j, i"wo Is Ak Ra* GM. *W*l Kbft ft*o ft 59 196o# iv Wo~ftb. 05 md por 62 p*,66i Investigations on the Physics] and 4 Che&ical Properties Of WS2 CalalY'4ts- Communication No 6. PorGus Stsucturo and Chemical Composition of the Unnix*d WS2 Catalyst, by S. M. SalloilOV. RUSSIAN, per, Akadesira Nauk SSSR. Otdclenie Khimi-cheftbikh Nauk. lavestiza, 8, 1�61, pp.-1416-24. sci-Chew July 69 396.643 Rxmra In B~pcctrqpbotometric Moa&unmAtv,, by DO PO Kanarl, ve Pe 7 P.P. NMIANp pery Zhtw Aiml Mxim,# Vol XVIn., So L'L,, 1963, pp 1M4-1290. CB Eel Aug 64 265,466 Behaviour of Ajdro.-..,ida aW C;Ucium CIllorlde in the Circuit of a Once-throug# Dcoile-r, by Yu. F. Samoilov. BUSSIAN, p*r, Tenlo--nerget1ka, voi 6, igo ;?, 1959, pi) 53-57. WIM/9022-09 1963 (3--).,92) \ILA-. F, Sp-n?ol Lo c) 3 L:L - jul 6,( 334,L-E4 Dissolution -of - Sodium Chloride -in--am Atmosphere of water Vapor of High Pamoberep by 0. 1. yarbyama, RMLU., perp Mm Nemg Mdus Vol Il; ~ No 12, 195T.. pp 2829-M33- Am-trJm)62 PL-480 Sci - Chem mv 63. PST NO 89 Decomposition of Calcium Chloride In the Generation of Higb Temperature Stwim, by 0. 1. Martynova, Yu. F. - - I J 0. K. 4.3mirnov, S. D. Chekjo3vVs~kkavy~a).-3'pp. RLISSIM, per, Zhur Neorgan Kh1m, NO 1, 1960, pp 16-22. Cleavar-Hvm Press Londa.2 Sci Sep 60 W/ J Investigation of 1-iLninmm Perceptible Diff crence LTitervals Detween Two Tone Signals, by I- K.- Samoilova, 7 PP- RUSSIL per, Alcust Zhur, Vol VI, I-ro 3, ig6o, pp 381-387. AIP Sov Phys-Acoustics Vol VI, '~O 3, Iday '02 195,477 SubStances with Complex-Forming Famr,, VII. NgllsS- memaptootb.v2aminothriaostic Aolds, b7 V. G. Yashuna)dy and 0. 1. s pe 6 RUSSMs per., Mnw Mahch Mdmv Vol X]D=,, NG:Loo 1962s pp. 3372 - 3379 fti CB jtlo." -,/YT Aug 63 Changes ia the Ma&metic Properties of Yeast During Growih and Cell Division, bf 0. F. Samoilova, L. A. Blyumenfel'd, 5 pi?. RUISSWN., per, Biofiz, vol V*-.', rio 1., 1961. P71 Sci Xs",;" jan 62 Anisotropic-Medtron -Scattering-by -Ioni zed Y-ich, 1 . Ya inpurities, by A. G. 5=oilo Korenblit, 1. V. Dakhovakiy, 3 pp - RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CUM, No 2, 1961, pp 355-358. AIP Sov Phys - Dak Vol VI, No T sci Feb 62 Thermoelectric Eddy Crurents in an Anisotro-Dir- Medium, by A. G. Samoi-lovich, L. L. Korenblit, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Val III, No 7, 19061, pp 2054-2059. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol III, No 7 Sci 201,683 jun 62 On the QlWA3t--In of the YOtal2lC Lith.,m.; W A. ultsov-1ch, 3 a, Mso*tic'&WCGYtmce of G. Bmwi-lada# id. jOE$b-kN$ p;Lz -,-la., Vol-l:rv No 2a 1960., AIP SM Pbyo-&;,---4d Stat6 sci The Flaw About an Aerodynamic Cascade of Thin Oscillating Sections, by G. S. Samoilovic4, 23 PP. RUSSIAN, per., Prik Matemat i Mekh, Vol M, No 4, 1961. Pergamon Press Sci jui 64 263j,678 Nonstationary Rotational Flow Over a Cascade of Thin Oscillating Aerofoils.. by G. S. Samoilovich,, 10 pp. ]RUSSIAN, per, Prik Matemat i Mekh, Vol XXV, No 5, 1961. Pergamon Pmss Sci Jul 64 263,497 *velcrpmant of I'lliclear SmAsions, -by L. M. Barkov, M. Samoilovich, 3 pp. RSSLAN.. per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol Ij. Ko 5, .960, pp 1059-1;~fi2_ AIP Sov Phys-Dok Vol TE, No 2 3ci ~. / 4~ kug 61 Increasing the SPeed and comWnsating the of Ty~---R Emulsion Mounted an the Sup;ort,, by D. It. 1-Samoi19!Lq-h'1f et &L RUSSMN, per, Zhur Prik Fotqgrafii i KinewtoUafil, Vol V., No 2, 196o.. pp 142-143- NU H. 3079 k Sci - Fbys - /Op'a ' 7.?,q Feb 62 Preparation of Producer Gas Free of 'far. by M. K. Grodzovskiyo D. M. Samilovich. RUSSIAN,, per, 1z Ak Mxuk SSSRv Otdol Taidi Hauk. TSMIURPUMo 2, 2, 194S Dspt of Interior IN7 E57 No 681 Sci- Fuels Nov 63 /ed/ An Arrangcment for Semiautomatic Photographic Processing of Large Pellicle Stacks.. by D. M. Samollovichj, V. A. Smim:Ltek:Ly,, S - A. Suldiov., llydt6v., A. V- Rulev., 5 PP. RWSTM,. per, Pribory I Tekh Eksper., No 4, 1959j. PP 58-62. lust Soc of Amer Sci - Jul 60 i7latheiuatical Fundamentals of Aerial Ijjterj'6--- pretation of Forests, by G. G. Samailovich. RUSSIAN, Pb; !tesnaya Promys-blennost, 2964, Ip ACSI J-6387 FSTC-IIT-23-733-68 "U. Sci - "..lath June 69 S84.470 The C-xa:m-risca of &tpe-Imantal. and rvasi,,l~u B-a.%m cn 14 La L- -, ~,S c s Thr",gh L-_bTe_'ffz'h 10,za-lo, by D41. iq. DaIiih, OY, S. MIMI.Till'. klk~i Ae-o(Ar'n-rda PrInexplea OF Axinl Tnrbirv)a,. 3_19~~,S)~ -91) 3)b'.325. ai i4. -10,90 80i - Feb 62 /A/0 " lawesfAssUms an the EfTeat of Extsw4a of Sam roweem plaaft an the M 4 m m da Em ovie ad "Wro- trage AafAV*ty In Mts* IW 8- MMSMOS R. _~!!njUk* T pp. FMMO PWO MA*rywla-dr, pwj*at WL XWO 3" I-e# 1963. ow sa ime oft ot BU05" 3,-nthetic Studies Im the Field of Flavonolds, 11, Syn.- thesis of 3-Nitro-Flavanone, by G. I. Samokbaloy A. K. Shakhovs, K~ 1. Budagyants, vp, RU13,31AN, per, Zhur Obahch Mim, Vol XXXI, No 4. 1961. pp. 1147 - U49 sai Anr 62 Studies in the Field of Complex L-IpLds, Tho 9~mfhesis of ge-W -Olepyl-P-Stearoyl) -Cephslin. 1.V N. A. Bog- s] ovsIdy, G. I. Samolctslov, N. A, Preobrashens)cV, pp- RUSSIAN, per, Zbur Obahch Min, Vol XXICE, flo 4. 1961 pp. 311~3 - 1146 CB Sai Apr 62 VWUut Bantluels of tba Soviet WWp by M. Bwnckm% 3 pp. uwuwvxw 1. R=UNS up# sun% Mytots so 170 19 3~611 1"81, p 39 BMI. to B-IrA-rA,, AT=-MI. AP U&1163 USSR Nil out 56 1 ,y 7 'f 9 Ir Detenaination of P-lafma Transport Coefficients by the Grad Method., by H. V0 Sanokhins 6 PP.; RUSSIAN,, per# Zhur Tekh Fist Vol =CEI., no 9. 19622 pp 1055~,2662. Amer Imt or FtWo say PWO - Tech Phys Vpl V310 NO 9 Sai Apr 63 Telecasting Reception at lvunovoi ....4 UNCLASS ~mokhbi. RUSSUNS, par# Radlo,, Eo 9. 19520 pp 39-40. acrA ft. a scientific - Blectronice Z%m 54 CTS/DIX I ~, 70 -q of Cald-Rressed Flur-Ondned CmajilLite Moclop by V. P. Sonedov, X. 1q. amowiin# 6 py?. jSMAII vr" TMtRY-3 NOW17j. Vol M:z TO 7p 1. 1 'T IIT 1-,I- I I I I I Wilif I; I I ftrwrMloru-tv "'Rif ~J,qvi,z , ilj.UAV;.i i" " .~" ~ I -%,- ~ 9- p by H. v. samokbiu,, 6 PP* RUSSWv yar,, Zhur Takh nz., Vol s No 69 1963# Pp 66T-674. bmr Inst of Pb7s Bov Pbws - Twb nva vox vin.. so 6 Sol Dac 63 The Effect ar POlmlsatlM of the (Wrt" and SubcortIcal Centers an the Motor FkawtSm of thO StMMa a8 MW4 by X-Ra"g, by A. A. I 1616,p V%A 'fit 19r UVIS so 841 - Ned Mr 59 . ~iwry stomp wa~4~ ulth duol-threoWd ana4imra by A. E. Ba"rin6vio D. & Vielodkwo and U. A. Sawd. IUSSM,p RaMotekh I Blektrons, V161 ZKO go 9j. L959j, pp 1419-1496. lei )SC 'PP 7m ftbm Selection of Sunflowers# by Z. Fo samb4ims 6 pp. MCIASS3FIBD RMSM.. per., Zemlaallej, 204 No 2., 1954 99-109, 571-A Co/-/364C7 sci Ma TAb 54/1723. Scientific - Biblov 11,1731 (DO-2800/21) savigator-Bombardier Training# b3r N. SmOkhvdIdrjo 3 pp. RMnN, np,, Sovet&k3ya,&vjmtmjym., 10 Apr 196,Dv Ip 2. JM 6076 USSR /,.?, I Nil oat 6o P-nisotrolry of the Largit-udlinal Nernst-Ettingshausen E-ffp-ct, in IM;4gretie in the L,.-w-JTempr--rat-m:e I=ersion, Reg-ILOP..; by P-. I. Davider-ho, A. A. Samokh-vialov,. I .L. G. Fakidov. 3 pp. RUSSIANS per., Fiz f-Pverdogo Tela, Vol 111, No 6. i9f6rij pp !650-1653- AIP Sov -Solid Statx.- Sci mr 6 Mar 62