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(SF-2091 GREATER ATTENTION (MUST BE DEVOTED) TO INDUST TECHNICAL PROGRESS IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY, BY V. A.-SAMARIN) 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER., MEKH I AVTOMAT PROZI, No 8, ig6o, Pp 4-5. JPRS 12475 USSR ECON FEB 62 183,092 Fz~actical Method of Designing Gas.-Fill-ed.9 Plembram~ Type Leak Pressure Gaaes,, by V, va Sam-xin,, V, F. Tsylibiki3in., 7 pp. WSz)IAN,l perp Trudy Sorskogo Gidrofiz Inst.$ Vol )MII.j 3.961.0 pp 6.1-Y.3o AGU Sci 2 32, ".2 Dec 62. Olb Dicorporation of Lab,.plled AminO Mrids-.Ipito FrOtein Fr=tlons of the (;ell li=3.el of Liver and Ehrlich Asoltle Caminow I j by 0. P. Semerina 7 P-O,, MS-IM.p pero Biakbin*&,j Vol XXVj$ Uo 11 1,061, lm 61.69. CB Sep 61 Ole EffeCt Of EXCeBS StrMtjj= on 0645 and p32 MataboUm In Som, by V* V. xo~laklyj I. A. SomrIng, $ pp. ~-Y RMTAI%,Xrm Dok Alr Nauk 830., Vol OW, No 6., M. AIM sci / .5 '~' 'jp~e' Feb 63. Via uZ Cz.-tain Fropgrtiea of Piporldime Orouy EnIfera on tba Chemical struct= ok Moir Molecule, by G. I. Sa=ri=,, 5 pp - RUSSIM, par, Pannkdl i Toksikol-.. Val XXYXI, No 2, 1959,9 pp 144.1w. sci Apr 60 Construction Delyas at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, by M. Samarin, 4 pp. 07M ------ RUSSIAN, np, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 27 May 1962, p 2. JPRS 15971 USSR Econ Nov 62 Vacuum MataUurgy, by Ale=der H. Lah ~---in, 419 jp. RUSSIAN, bk, Bftlqym MutaUurdya, 1958. CIA/F.DD XX-1032 NOT FXEXAMBLE TD FORBTW Kft.TOWM so, - iftn/yet Sep 61 14 ll~ a-3 11 MID nimm um ony cl4-Glycine-1 Incorporation into the proteins of Fractions of Mlk GjwA Hmoggmte fyvn Dgan 110 b7 L. 0, P. -Samrina, p. 6 jjq RUSSIA.Mp perp Biokhimiya, Vol XKM, No 50 Sep-00t 1962.0 pp. M4 - M CE Sai. 111-347.1 W),47 Aug 63 CharaCOU19dC-Z Ot R-IMA-SM L-RNA-*f the Nwl.ledodnmuWWmM ANuam d an AniLmd CcUo by G. P. Gowgyevk 00 mc V.4m R M- WM I MIX I- to -n a 3, USMAN, -.)fk Ak- 19640 pp 686-M. JPRS 25824 5d - Blal & Med AL%. 64 200612 Isolation and Ccatain -RUb:=-,c-1cpprot2i t~f the Nuclear Sep, by 0. P. Samarina, G. P. Cleor&rc 3 py. WSSIMI., per, Dok Ak Nauk SM., Vol CXXXIIIj, No 3, 1960, pp 694-. AIBS Sci Apr 61 6-3 0 -7 2hr Notdxdlc Activity at Componsaft at Nwlew gaps by 0. P. GoWSty4ows 0. P. Baw2daiso 7 ppo M3KMj, vws KdWas Vol XMm No 3s 2,961$o MA544". ca Sol AW 62 1940581 mly!33tIG-at-lon Of Uha CQ=4utlonm of :-:Zaoz.,q--,vaticln of !m-lno AaUz imto "ladivictial " 13-04- .JUID GW Preitaian C=Tle.-zoo. b:7 A. G - lonikain,, R. G IRUS-Sltaf per.. Bi&hlalyn, Vol XU, go 4, X954, ciA go43038 WO 10-2 70 Sai - Had Oct 59 The Proteins of Blood Sera Wring Cirrhools of Liver and Mitral (Disease of Heart), by 0. P. S=axinap 5 PP- RUSST-A-4., mo par., Byul Eksper Biol i Ned., Vol XLI, uo io, oct 1956., PP 28-33. Conmi"tants, Bareau Sci - W-dicine Jan 58 lacorpoxation of the Pepticle GLutatUoae Lato Teolated Proteluej, by Oo P, Aggmzlmj M. G. Mritipmaj A. S. Sonikovs, 6 ppe Fklu tr ED38=8 blm per, 3310 Yap voi xap so 1, Jav/Pab 3,996.p pp 10-160 t n'to Bmau S" - Blolqw A4P .4 71 Dec 56 as 1/ 7 Binding of Labeled Amino Aoida by protoln and Ku- cleic Acid Preparat'Lonsp tV Os P. SamariM., 1. 8. r Zl:arskiy.9 X* A., Perevoabchilcovat I: F F RussUN, per, Bialchim., Vol D.Vs No 3v 19601, At OB v,eb 61 The Frwtionation pf Nuclear PLvtelna mad 7WYLr Incorgoration of C-L4-01yeine-1,, by la Bo Zba--skiy and 0. P. a 7 pr ~ MSZAN.. per, Bldshfto Vol MCM., No 3, 19621 pp 557 - 5& CB sa .Tui 63 3~~*2 Synthesis of Individual Amino Acida.rrr~,yb Ammonia and Kato Acids by Driffe.-Ont SjAciea of Bacteria) by A. S. Konikova, V.. G. IaCitanan* L. K. Ickobson, 0. P. Elamrina., 16 pp. n-USSIAH,, por, Diokhimiya, Vol XIV, No 3,, 1949j. pp 22,3-229. KH scientific - Biology GTSID= S-122/61 Ribonucleoprotein Particles of Nuclear Juice and Certain Peculiarities of Biosynthesis of FTotein in Nuclei, by 0. P. Samarina, RUSST-AN, bk, I Konferentsiya. po Voprosam Tsito- i Gistokhimii. Doklady, Dekabrya 1960 goda, 1960, pp 8-10. -~JPRS Sci - Yled 9 Mar 61 Aspartic-Alanine Pminoters-fies by No Oo Kriteman, 0. P. Samarina.,,7 pp. RMIO, tbrice-mo per# Dolt Ak Nauk SM,, Vol ZXIUs So 2. 1948s PP 171-173- CIIA D 15LI25 Nis Scleatific - CMWatry CTB 66fitar 1955 Po2,ygraphic Invirestigation of aulf=ic AcJ'Ld Solution of Titanium and Nioblum,, by So 1. Krylov, Do So KDlevatOVj Ve A. SaMarina, 7 ppe RUBS101, tbric6-w per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM,. Vol xMils 19541. typ 593.595. AEC Tr 3040 sci - Chem Oct 57 Acceptanom TostimS - An lWisponaable Pb=e in fitgine Mmmufacturep by N,..!I. Sqaerovp 6 pp. UWL RUSSM, per AvUtslowaym Prmp No 6j, 19580 pp 41:43. AF M56049 Oct 59 I - TT , I- ui vie xcitatiu t w- '"ve-uides-I uv i"'. A, per, .-h Tek-h Fiz, Vol 17, 1947, 128.1-1296. 3 00- 0 9 17 Z/ FtA) 70 4412.54S About a DI fforntial SYSUM Of an 14c""Od OUWV Of ACaWaty for aa Equatlaa of a@ Elliptic Type with Spatial variablesp by A. A. Sawk=kU* V. 8. Altdnyo% RMIAN,p perp Zh* Virche M4 A KU4 flu Vol 30 No 6, mus PP Ivego-MI30 MLL Ref: S52SAF 19" (SBOS) JU" 66 on Msccnt.1waous Sol-uttom o-0, (~=-Mwnr Equ!.Pt:L= of tbas 1?-4mt Order by A. H. TUdxmovk A* A* Sa AgM=p 7 pp. HMMN# pwo Dok Ak SauAg Vol X=p 190p lip t1-30. 92=90 AWAVZOW-963%) sa - xxth Oat 63 3459365 Convergence of Differeme-Schems- in-the -Class -of Discontinuous Coefficients, by A N. Tikbonow, A. A. Samrsklyt 6 pp. RMSIANs, per, Dak Ak Nauk SM., Vol CMCIV., 1959., pp 529-532. 9201247 AM UM..Tr M(L) Sci - Phys Zan 63 Aut=aion of catalyst Circulation System in Catalytia Cracking Imtallaticns bY A. P. Anisl=wg A. G. 8mm"kiyj Yu- -A- AlckBOYIeva 7 pp. RUSSIM,, pert Wtmlya i Wektmol %bP3.iv I Maselj Vol v# S6 6j! 15e.. pp 1-6. SLA 61-1,0363 Vol V, NO 5 Jul 61 2.60,165 rx-!, kibaLel" A. (3~i kadveya-l-a., R pp. jT f:! C, A I 10,-~-- i ~-. aAul. I.Tiz _',a]JJLIJ Vol Yn't-7" Pro j.grn~ pp ("Icavica-Elmrio Sc'- rc~-D 62 Production of Galvanic Coatings on Titanium, by S. M. Burdins., A. 0. Samrt~wp 5 w. RUSSUN, per,, Zhur PrIk XhIs,, Vol XXKXII,, No % 196o, vp n4l-n45. CB Sel Apr 61 - /Yf, &g. I The Behavior of Ma siun in Potwoolum Dicbremate V Solutions., by A. G. Samartsev, H. Is Levitim, 4 pp. . MSIAX mo per, Zhur Obabch Thivaj, Vol, XXXV, So 10,, Oct 1954P PP 107-16"- CIA C 42157 Consatmu Ihmmu Sci - Chemistry 3 rj /ca 13 = Jun 56/dex Electrolytic Plating of Black Chromium.on ~j Metals, by A. G. Samartsev, N. V. Andre- yeva. RUSSIAN, Patent No 188,252. AIR/FTD/1-1T-23-1005---68 o,.,O. sci-Mat Apr 69 380,349 Reactlan 2 of Isobutone Nitrosodbleride With Amimes., sylethesis of 0(-Aminoadshy&s,, by & A. OgUbIlus M.- A. A pp. WSSM per W= Obaboh n1av Vol XXX.. no 3: 1960, -13P 805:w9. CB to .3 Ycaug~;Loa of -the 012 D(~Yooit In tb-.3 p3ttallno- gor3k Wrican of the Monov -by V. ~,j. Ssmuv4av, 7 PP- ausamp "ri 0603malys ftftis Vol 11, ro 6az, JL9.53,9 P2 2.5-19. Rev of R=slAm aso Scl - Geopbys ~- 4, 16 3 Apr 59 12 918 GE-1 SAMARTSEVA A. G. Electrolytic separation of rare-earth radioelements Die elektrolytische Abscheidung radioaktiver Isotope der Sel- tenen Erdmetalle Atomnaya Ene~M., 7, No. 5, 468-470 (1959) Kernenergie, 3, No. 7, 665-667 (1960) - German E u r a t o m 12 706 SANTARTSEVA A. G. Fr-I Research on polonium chemistry. 11. Obtention of hexavalent polonium Recherches sur la chimie du polonium. 11. Obtention du polo- nium hexavalent Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 33, No.. 9, 506-509 (1941) R. 1044 - French E u r a t o m Recherchas mm our U Chimi fticatua* a. Obtfttlm da Polamim Reamulmts (Zmmtiaxuom at 00 OMISU7 of PaG01=0 ftvt 114 p2l"MUM or irammient Polmit"), by A. 0. smartlaw's 9 99. Rusez" to Imms rwo IN* Ak Smuk SMP Vol X= v pp 306-XV. Reveme Tram CM Ir-R-20%4 may 61 AEC-tr--~-k~iyk'p.400-10) Uncl. ELECTRODEPOSITION OF SMALL AMOUNTS OF URANIUMi NEPTUNIUM AND PLUTONIUM. A. G. Samartseva. Translated from Trudy Vsesoyuz. Nauch.-Tekh. KonL. po Primenen. Radioaktiv. i Stabil. Izotopov i Izluchenii v Narod. Khoz. i Nauke, Moscow, 1957 (1958). Izotopy i Izlucheniya v Khim., .318-25. C-4 P NSA N-3 Electrolytic Isolation of Small Abounts of Uranium, Neptunium, Flutonium., ond Americium., by A, Go Samartseva, 5 pp. R1ZSIAN,* per., Atom Enwgj, Vol VIIIs No hl, 1960s pp 324-329. CB Sci /5-Y, -U Jul 61 ~O B$dWZChft SUr 14 Mitdo dm rwwaimm. no obt"tum am Polmlm nexonleato (Res4srob ca the mmiguy or Pazain n. Proito u-m or immmacat Monlm)a by A# G. SwKwtaafts 8 pp. i RMTM to pwp Ift Ak Book a=# Ta XXXMv so 9,0 194r pp W-M. Ram" Team CWA fr-R4" Bel my 61 Production of Chromium aud Carb=-Free Chrome by the Mathod of Vacu= Sinterin,% by A. M. A. A. Vertman. RUMIARp joarp Trudv In3tituta MatKUursit imeni A. A. Bavkova., Wo 1., 1957p Vp 60-ff). Dept of Taterior Bur of Ydnes Br of Blt=Iamz Coal TH7,, 957, No 281 Sol - Min/Met 17) q9? 63-16M &Kyr THE MMOVE&ORr OF SrARCH. 11.9631 t. 56029C, M.- 14p. Available ftom SEA an Wo 63-16627 Tram. cc 6ade:rreichischei ammokerl-zeitfung) (Austria) 1955, v. 56, p. 66-71. DESCRITTM: OStarches. OFoA OCIandcal bmds. Omolecular assoctulam. Viscoguy. radcal Properties, Gals. After an twroductory d1wassiom of today's kmawledge A A"'47771 abo,A the aructure of swch &W abas We mochuilaw of Me wicaue fartnetice. sawarm umduw ster POP" aradous are dtwissed. sucb as wreH w,r-4-. star,* With Increased viscosky, pLddkg starch thin cooking starcht. micelle starcb sad notable ;t". The uwiocw (Cbsusistry-ft"IML lar dwages vhIch pwmft to transform the.qualities of TT, V, 10, no. 8) tbS K-TCh in adaptadca to the MA-409M ~ "I, 1 00 d TwiOd bwdm la a wdw awmar al d" dI9Cws*& (A;9z) Strike Photog7aphy With Use of an j"%A Eva'aian Mancixnrcr.. by S So. 3.1 pp. per., v0st Vag I,'Iota$ No 1, 1.059, Pl) 45-5,3. 6149222 ATIC. USSR Mil Sep 59 '5, Effect ()f Asco;rbic Acid an the GwdUl OxWr. of Laboratw7 Aninalso by Ew P, Sambordwya RUSSW, par# RnUeten AM&& Ekggd IM& Blologli I FbdiWxjEp Vol 54p NO 108 19bzo pp 3.10-U4 IM 71-16?23-06A Fab 72 The Wfect of the Triterpenes Contained in Birch Touchwood, Folyporus Betulinuso on Sticker's Tumor, by J. Utzig, _p= POLISH, per, Medycyna Weternynaryjna, Vol X111, ilo 8, ig,57, pp 481-484. WX 7-4-6o Sci - Med Sep 60 'U'rantages of the Suspensioa PoVaerization and poly- condeusatioa I&thodE; an& Bquipmnt fDr production Of !On-ExchanGe Rer-in-- bY TaesO Vb~Ods, bY F. T. Shostak, M. V Vittikh, I V- -s-szb9=9klX, 5 PP. RUSSLUIj per, Zhur Prik 102im, Val XMM, No 6, L059, PP 1238-1243. CB sci Jul 60 (NY-30w) SpeclaUze the ProduMlon of Toole wA TwftnoloO4~ Equlpmnt., by A. Zasuicbftp G. Suborskly, 8 pp. RUSOMP "r, Plww"" Kh=j, No 1 1961, PP 77-82. im9w van / fi~ 6 0--, Baca. Aug 61 Winter -77%ploitation off Soviet Civil Aviation .2~~ 13 pp. MICLASSIFIED Equipment, by V. s RUSSIAH, per, Grazhdauskaya Av:LatuJya, Wo 1, 19513, pp 22-24 - 2 1 A) ATIC F-TS-9760/V Sci - Aero Jun 59 Special Blowing Techniq -12 - tles (Using L -C02:" at tli2 Basic Bessemer Shop vzp of the "Aciers-6 et 141nieren de le Sarifore!Works at., Mlorlceuu-sur-Samt?fc, tV M. Sambre. UNCL F?MCHj,.per.. Journees Internationaler, ae la Sideruri;49, Jun 1958, pp 1-9. British Iron and Steel Ind 1135 Sci - Engr; Mn/vlet 4; Apr 59 Speech at Reception in Prague Public Hall, by Sambu QZECH, np Rude Pravo, 29 Apr 1960. FB IS Excerpts from Speech in Gott-i-mldow,-by-Sambu.. CZECH, np, Rude Pravo, 28 Apr 1960. FBIS Speech at Gdansk, by Sambu POLISH, np, Trybuna Ludu, 24 Apr 1960. FB IS Chairman of the Great People'a Ift=1 or the Xcngollan People's Republics at the ;Lrrival ar the Mongolian Delegation in Berlin., by Raus Sambu. GEWAN,, np, Neues Deutschland.. 30 Apr 2640. PM CLIUry IMUrty utwudled IW tho U.MN,.tut Motboa MU& a Mw GroVda gaeordlqg Tar,-~a- niqm,t by G. Suft=s IZU=,p pwp AVA La4amialffaop VdL LMWo 1963., stp 3TU-3615. SIA 2T W-1-M3 Jm 67 326s957 Application of t1ae PoIarogmphic Techmique to tim Detemimuon or m in uranl= cawmuAo.. by C. SaftmM.- et al. SPAMM., pamer., P/10&.. Pmeeeftro of IntamatUma OW.erence an Peaeaftl Uaes of Made Zwrgy 863A at Mueva 8-20 Aug M5p Vol VM. 3hurmtl Ccer -7- Us Sol - NELCLNW PbYsics CIA 1-669.9.162 Folarographic Detem1wtion of Coppero Cadmiump 7.4n P NiCID-31P CobsIt. rAW and Blevath In ,j et #Ll. Uranium and its Compounds,, by c. s!aM22W SPANWH.. pqmr, P/100,, ProceedlW of Conference an Pmceftl Uses of Atoode XwrS7 Ibld st Gen"a 8-2D Ang 1955jp Vol VM. Internatl cour -- UN Bel - Nuaear Pbyzics CIA 1-W.9.169 / 41 mobility of Exchangeable Sodium and the Establishement, of Rates for Gypsum in Melioration of Solonetzeej by G. H. Samburj 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pochvovedeniye, No ll, 1963, PP 35-46. Scripts. Technics. Sci. oct 64 268,1M I);spro,.-zr,eT:-t =d qatjon Atio,11 0 Lrj-d;Ie,ud S&Une Soils of the Southern Poleslye and Northam Forest-ateppe of the Ukrainian SSR, by (1, H. S=bur, 1. 1, Kovalenko, 9 pp, pq 3,6-44~ per-Pochvovedeaye, Ho 12 - 1959 AXHS sci Jun 61 Stro-I toll -441ago I-ArU ttlwla ,S--Oz,Qx, Ardi-iii- 64 14W4, "Faa Tr UJ~ 205t, !~6~ / Z, & ..31cl~ Ufa 14 4z -, x C, C, Yessage to Brezhnev, by."=W&, FUSSMI, np, Pravda, 28 Apr 1962. FBIS t.-Tire USSR Pol pp mhy 62 Plam for 'Ll3a ViOC141 0,odiewom.. A Smiple 'AAW Do 15 MMULM2 vAj, so 4;p # M-530 JPf6 30OVI 12-900001in am mw 65 moowk (DC- 5903) Speech by J. the Polish Dabassy Reception in Ulan Bator, 7 PP. MONGOLIMT, np, Unep, 14 Jul 1961, P 5. jpRs u841 Asia - Mongolia Pol Jan 62 (DC-5903) Speech by J. Sambuu, XIV Congress of the 1,TRP, 20 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 5/6 jul 1961-. JPRS 11214 (DC-5903) Speech by 0. -- Sambuu..,-- Representing D=bhan Aa-mak at the XIVth Congress of the Mongfolian People's Revolutionary 10a-~,,y; 12 pp. MONGOLD.11, np, Unen, 6 Jul 1961, P 5- ipits 12086 Asia - Mongolia Pol - Congress 5 Feb 62 RqI-admantal school 18 shmdng Resulta't by 0. "MA=ktoags 4 pp. IMGMWj, n2j, Unen., JLO Aug ig6e, v 3. ins I" FA - Wm2ganm .2 1.2 " S-,4 4 fte Oct 62 Sorption e- Vater Vapor and Heat oe Uavtt-ivii~ o? Certain Polyamides, by E. F. Ifekgyach, Z. A. RUSSUN, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XXII, go 3j, 196o, pp 288-292. CID sui .vAy 61 -Z r6-- Sorption of Water Vapor &nd Heat of Wetting of Silica Gels, by E. F. Nekryach, Z. A. Samkverkn, 4 pp. RUSSIAH, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XKII, No 3, ig6o, pp 293-296. CB Sci mmy 61 1r3' ae/4 ;P Decomposition Experiments on Starch in the Absence of Coreactants and Their Paper Tech- nology Aspectss by M. Sumeco GERMAN, per,, Oesterreichische Cheinikew- Zeitung, Vol LXI, No 1, 1962. pp 12-17'. CSIRO/No 6168 Sci-Chem, Aug 63 3*.I-l 001 Retrogradation of Starch SttkUsd by W=s- of Infrared Spectra., by GERMANg per, the Starke.. fov.. ic Sol pp 87-90. - SIA Tr 64.20449 May 67 325,011 The Characteristics of Electrolysis in Solidox by N. same. mm.9 perf Bee Trw Cblm.,s Vol 65s 1946, pp 614-615- *RM/MS TT 71-5W Available nS Wy M - S A r-n e, a, Jme 71 or=. OF CRYSrALLOM ON FAffM TION. 1196311 1p. 10 rob. Ordw &M SIA $1. 60 63-16M Tnw. ft= wAdmotifted DBSMUqM: OgwdWs. @Cob, Tew*xuwo. ass. cmwmw. ftftalm mmpnmb. (CbmmdM7-fb716GR4 TT, V- 10, n(L 9) 1. Tatift ftme 1. smoc. hl. IMP Gryazevaya Sopka - New oil Field in the Caspien Sea, by F. I. Samedov, L. A. BuTyakovskiy, 6 pp. 7 RUSSIAN, per, Geolog Nefti i Gaza, Vol IV, No 3-B, 1960 RRG Sci 213,126 Aug 62 MY-1374) Matezial on Anicteric Leptospi.roulz of People Ln the South of Azerbaydzhan)by X. S. ~augdgv, Ya. S. Entin, 7 PP. IUSSL4N, per, Voyenno-Med Zhur, No 6, 1960. jPRs 5434 Sci - Med sec 60 ormt Avis"= a-limp. vu. ftwp~l, parik jg~mft ft eta I~Ao* 3t0 4/~M, 2w =4~xuw ftl - us Jbw 67 Existeum of Parlodic 14mitUW 114Lwas for a Mm- 34 or 02tium3w victoxvitual, fttati=op by S. A. gwed=as 6 FzSSUNs pos rx Ak No* Z Aawoml Saban SMj, Seriya Pis-Mabomt I Makh Nmkp Mb 2# Xq6:),, pp 27-33. AUA I" lo X* 1,; 1963 $a - Pbys ftr 63 Isolation of Some Nitrogen-Fixing 3lue-Green Algae From thE Rice Fields of Egypt in Pure Cultures, By Mohamed Sameh Talia _5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXXII, No 3, 1963, pp 492-497. CB Sci Apr 64 255,043 FMMF~L= a Testing and Correcting a Go tric Iraeo(lolite in Conji=tlou With a Precialou Cams., by P. Sawl. USaAOSMID =moo Up Die PrMfung und DMICUOVIDS elUMS Bildm"stbeaddlita in Varblud=8 mdt Oiner Luftbildweaskammwa IM# 9p r(6-986. 003 Tr set - Sugne"Ing cm 6el/mv 55 e OM swxch for tim unt aduva umm to Diminuh t2w Rtak in Bargtml Mmatmat at thpWto3damse (Vae Or an Alk&Wd 4r px"Itmr-ary Paput, by 0. DWA YPO mmm,p PWA gm Mam ft 9 at VOL LVMJI low ILT"'Ll 2r IWO119% Ekd mwdm -Y-0 OrA 56 00 - / a oleo opumum ArIthmucal Accumqr of Floating point CacTutlvg Owbiwas bV K.. _Sa-MS-"-On& et ale OMM, Vw., Z. fter Anpwandbt Wthemtflc und BW9*p VOI IV.. 1953s PP 3-L2-3326. CURO sa - lwv /,?- qf,5-1.0 mar 6P- J.- 6 E!=SdZ;! 1)y C-I_ T, rin ~32-337fT _;not ',If 311'01 Scl ,43 numanian Attitude to Zionlem wd RetAwaUs Imigmatas by S. Samstp pp. HaMp op., Rmrets 31 Dee 1954p Ract to State Deep No 428 Tel MM AvIvp 14 Jan OTA D lh~a6 RE/A - Inwa EZur - Rumnft political Dapt of Stetem 0.2 #Oj a.1 Fab 55 M/WX Construction of an Electromagnetic Isotope Separator, by M.J.Sametband. SPANISH, per, Argentina. Conision Nacional de la Energia At-om-lca. WRETI-ca-c-lones, no. 1964, 1-12. NTC 70-17002-18D A I Jalnr_t~ltek Ptecording nintrumnto for the TedInclaigico. Proceso ~ I Steel RoU-4 nS2 by E - 1. gaintakly o 3 pp- RUaStkN,, r-r., ittaLluM, no 6v 1958,,,W 30-31 Conwaltants D=eu Sol - an/lbt AW 59 -~ 6 0A s ) Desumcdon of Bwh Overawwdt by Clwmical Tratament DurL-4 the period Before Opwhg of its 1-4mve4 by T. V. Zadwavdw^ P. A.ALUPO 7 M RUSSIMO VOrp 0 No 2,1964, 41-43.1 WOO RS 25528 Sd - Agri, Cb :164,754 Aug 64 E CONSOLIDATION OF CONSUMERS' SOCIETIES IN UZBEKISTAN,, By SH- SAMIBA-YF-V_j, 5 PP- RUSSIAN., PERp SOVETSKAYA POTREBITELISKAYA KOOPERATSIYA., NO 10., 1962t PP 53-54. JPRS 17704 USSR ECON FEB 63 -az3.,g16