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Guglialmelli, Juan E. Negotiators Fail Due to Intransigence. 5 pp JORATEDIA, Buenos Aireso Nov 1973-Feb 1974, pp -5-10. JM/L 4899 GUMMENT USE ONLY Gug]UlmaW, Juan Enrique 7 pp ESTRATEGIA, Bnnos Aires, Nov 72.-Feb 73o pp 7-13o JPRS/L 4980 inn - -- -- ra of //* TOOMMUH V-4197% V---,, OW Dymme r"Pows cbmwUrlistles or tbumeowl" for MMUriyAg SUrt, twpratum PP 703-7M Mr u!26* GUGLIELZINI~ G. //LA TERMOTECNICA,0 --/--/1973, VQ--,NO012, Dynamic response characteristics of thermocuuple for measuring surface temperature, pp 703-707, *BISI 123640~ ("up"1ya, V.G.- -- -- - Pyroelectric Materials Used for Analysing small Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide. IZV. VUZ. CHERN. MET., 1973, No.7, pp.179-181. 9f :f f '-f f 8-T7-- - Guiagnird , "a Bal-Ustic VAssiles Tested in 11,11itary 1,1neuvers. 5 pp QLAMN, Buenos Aires, 15 Jan 1974, p 6. jITIS 61339 GUICHM, C I i, //MM. 8a. MTUE M METAW=n// -'/--/1.973,,VO07OmNOOO9p A Process of Continuous CastIM Under V4cmm# pp 577-593,)M 920M OUICKING, D. //ACUSTICS// =--/--/1974~ V0030, N0005 An improved acoustically 3oft lining for a reveberant tank 5 pp I)p 287-289 NRL 1272P,,',' i -,LJ I ~, I i ,Y t- .I I A ~W I ) 1-Uil. IM IJLVi L UPilLN I u1- F uLji),,-. I Uf- F ~ F 8LL iL-LA,,Y t Nu VIA'lio~YA Ill(jW.AsiYAj ;if Pil?j 30-40 13-Mar-74 Unc I (LA-tr--71-60) 14 MeV neutron-producing tritiated titanium target9j final report. Part II. Study of the iliechanisais of behavior and neutron yieldg. GUILLAUME, M.: DELFIORE, G.; WEBER, G.; CUYPERS, M. ( LOS ALAMOS SC I EN T I I' I C LAB ., N.MEX. (LISA )). 197D. 7 ra n 9 1 a i i on L)I' KOR -4 2 86 ( H. 2 ). Or'. Dep. NTIS V-00. 14 methods and equipment; 20G particIp accelerators; translation-i MN-28 P Guillobaud, Joan-Claudo 'Medieval, Ethiopia Seen Rocked by Many Ills, 10 pp. LE HOUDE-p Pari3j 16 Jan 74, pp 1~ 6; 17 Jan 74, -- F p 5; 910 Jan 74, P 4. jpRs 61274 T4nr ?1~ Its . . - - - MICRUBIOLOGILAL LUN14WL OF FRWL~N BUNLD LHOPP EU MLAT I)LJkIN(; PALKAGIN6 : SA141TAR I),/ AUTHL,R ------- GUIL.LuT 6 t " ., , ~', I ,'. I KHRANITELNA PROMISHLENUST NO 3 1973 PP 3L)-,.32 FSIC-IJT-ZJ-UZW-74 15 -A ug-73 Unc I FJRNL-t r-2610 I nt erprc t a t i on of abnorTia I .ic 3tering of x rden i ncj o I I oys A. Trm r, q I a tel by R . G. Mangff e I I from Ac to Cryita I I o9r. 121-129(1952) 32P. -,ep. ~:Tl'- V.?5. trcn5lalluns MN-34 p NSA Guinnet, M. et al Contribution to Sampling and.1)etemination of Hydrogen in Liquid Steel. LIH drogen ans lea Metaux", Vol. 11 PP.1-9. 1 10953 Guinonen, Robeito Alvaroz Mexican iTesidont Gives Cuba Wo PAnibuses, 1 t) GRANk.',A 4EIKLY Havana, 22 6op 74, p 1. JPiI5 63203 Gujegougevski, E. Research trends in the area of combustion,at the aviation institute 6 pp FIZIKA AERODYSPERSNYKH SISTEM. HEZHVEDOM- STVENNYY NAUMNY7 I ar. 6, 197 AIR/FTD-UT-23-1215-74 Guk, P. 1. Urban Vehicle-Related Traumatism and Prevention Thoreof (According to Date From the City of LIvov). 6 pp SOUMOYL ZDRAVOOKHMNENIIE, 1,,oscow, No, 12, 1973, pp 44~~7. j ms 61459 Guk, IN. Concentration, Speolalization. of Apriciaturc I)cjvelopc-,,d in Ukraine. 8 J'p FRAVDA UKRADY, Kiev, 15 Jan 19714. pp 2-3. jvl(~; ~l 41 Gukasov, G. Slast Furnaco Construction at Krivoy ROT! I'lletauurgical Pbmt. 5 pp lznS41x&. mosaow. 9 Au&, 1973, p 2. MRS 60022 Gukasov. G. IZVEZTIYA Team Lxardnas Agricultural Situation. 6 pp I 17,VF;STl_YA. Mosciwo 25 Dee 1973, p 2. JPRS 61233 6 , G. //~i' 1~ LY A/ / 2 1 /1 ~/ -1 ')'f/4 . '.'- - - -1;0043. 010,03, ,11,-30 pp k) lot, In ceymnd 6 op J: .~; ( .11 19 Gumsyme P. S. ~~D SSSRS FMICAL MMMSTRY// /3*-l %I~RW#NCM Photodbomima Waatlon of Dmew in the Gm Phase Studied by the Method of Fadica FrMing, pp 372-375,,0M 15-Nov-74 Uncl AD--77961 e Thermoelectric properties of Indium actenide--bismuth selenide system alloys. GUKHMAN, G.; KUSFOVA, M.G.; NICKLOVA, S.M. Translated from Khim. 1nd. (Sofia); No. 7v 1067-1070(1969). 6p. NSA e"-0 V* X* II of a 1, 1 6 cl:tsdim or tu diabdw stru at isim nim an as EUPIdUty of the 7118 11 I'Lli 1 -Ar Alilm wx MR. elm= I'Mum 0 Vid, of NOW go 3%;;irTp W30 pp* 6UME63 CD 366 pages Valentin Yevgonlyevich Gull Structure and Strength of Polymers. STEMURA. I WOOD= - FMMCFV 1971. FSTC-HT-23-1051-73 Aug 73 Injiuvations in the Area of Curront-Conductinj!. Paint and Varnish Coatisi~,s, by ~,--Y.~ . ~Gul , b pp. LAKOVYYE MATERIALY, No 1, 1969, pp 27-29. NAVY/NISC-3427 Hay 73 MLf 1, TU* PO //Izv. vuz. Cam. WT.// -'/--/1973,,V-tWO06,, Mility of Dislocations in Md Steel. in the Aged Stateg and its cold Shortness in that States, VP 89-920191 U78W Gulak, P. V. Formation of free radicals Lu the enzyntic hydro- lysis of ATP. DOI=Y AKADMI NAUK SSSR, Blochemistry, Vol. 208, No. So February 1973, pp 1228-1230 CB J. Gulambourg Shielding of the fuel handling of the Phenix reactor. 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON 9-13 Oct 1972, Paper No C2-7, CE tram 6144 and auxilliary circuita REACTOR SHIELDING, PARIS 14 pp. apr 73 GUI ANYAN9 )- 9 1,, U T F C HN I ou I -~ Ll V ~iAN U F AG I UP, I NG F1 i i. L L L C TRG OL S Y S T t: M ~o k 0 L f E!~ M i NAI I UN ti ~ 1) Ai% T I b I t )I- I ju I (, ) I i. ',K I Y L N AU K 1 9 0 1 ( 109 1 , N 1.3 , M LJ SCtjW , PP 131-~iu Gulas, H.G. The Determination of Thermal Shock Resistance. BERG. HUTTENMANN. MONATSII. Vol,.117, No.3, p p _a- M - BISI 11575 Gulordw, Ve No Defended DissarUtions Raportedo 6 pp ; NAUK SSSBt SMYA-EKONOIa ILVE-STIYA AKM -a, lbscow, Ho 1. 1974. pp 149-151, JPRs 62A79 Gulia, N.V. Dynamic accumulation and recuperation of mec- hanical energy for transportation purposes. Author's summary of-Doctoral Dissertation, Kursk Polytechnic Institute. 48p. 1973. APL7JH T-2773 W .. ~ %GULILVs N. A. //YADERHAYA FIZIKA'// --/03/19,733 V0017,.NO003, one-particle exchange models for weak leptonic inturactions leptonic processes, pp 567-575, AIPH GULIN, B. V. //ISSLEDOVANIYA PO TEORIT PLASTIN I OBOLOCHE91// -4-41972, V----,NOOO8, Dynamic behavior of a hollow elastic cylinder covered with a-shall, 21 pp pp 329-346, AIR/rTD-HT-23-0363-74@@ 0, ilin,, B. V. Calculation of the posaiNUPI of unglufng of the filler in probZemi on the trtmaition processes of defomat4on in a cylindy-lcaZ caoing z,~ith an elactic fiUer. 5 pp IS,17LEDOVAPI.TYA PO TEORTI PLAST17; I OBOLOCIM No 8" 1972,# . j pp 346-350 AIRIF219-1121-23-364-74 Gulin, L.P. Coherence of the acoustic field in the refled- tion of sound from a wavy ocean surfaces DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUX SSSR: SOVIET PHYSICSI 61.212, No.4, 1973, pp.1082-1089. - AIP Gdin 9 F* Po Pro"tion of a Modulated Noise Signal In a lidti. beam Chwu*l Idth Cmstant Parameters.- 10 pp UMUCIEW&M.02M S11my-SOU" PO. .Mmor GIDR VAMIT&C g=M,* Novosibirsk, 1973, pp 139-147. JPR3 62481 Gulin, Be P, Correlation Cberacteristics of the Wave Field of a Naumochromatic Ptadistion Source in -Medis, Ath P&MOM partmoters. 13 pp =1 Ww" UFTIM MEMO H&USASMU TO Sumc ILY GIDROAE�TXK&-, Mosoov, 19?2, pp 4.20, JM 625?l Gulina, G. G. 3poetral equipment and performan e characteristics in the long-wave infrared region of the spectrum. 15 pp. VdgjOYUZM IA=O ISSIEWATEL SKIY INSTITM. ISSLUMANM V DRUM OPTICHESKIKH I 8VCrOVyKH 1 '4), 1970, pp. 22-31. AiR/FTD ----224-l8-33i1-'72 Gulubeva, V. Hu%arUn mid Soviet Boonordats Most in Moscow, 10 pp MQU MLQ, Mowove no 3e ~4 ?4p pp 156-160s JPFS 62642 Gulinova, N. V. Assured Heat Supply in Formation of Mce Crop in Northam Caueasua. 15 PP ICIIESKIKH IMOGNMOV, Loningrads 1971o PP 75-L%* JFM 62944 Oulinova, No Ve Agrometeorclogical Factors in Ueld of Sawn Grasses . (Hey) in the USSR Varopean Territory* 7 pp PUrl SOVERSWSTVYAIYA AD9mM%Q9CM9U PRWHOZQV. Leningrad* 1971# pp 91-96. im 6z* V, B. 1. Peculiarities of Me On gcw oxchange in varioun pZmit apwles. 0 DQUADY AKAVSRIY NAUK SSSR, B02IN11CAL SqIENCES. Vol 210, No I Mm ,I , j Z9730, pp 240-243 CR Institute Ureaor Scorsis Poor GWp Rotatim in Non-Chemozem Zone. by_Q,*,.Gulp;M 5 ppo RMSIA14,1 npo Wlvima &ME, flosoow. 26 Moy 1973. p 2. JPRS 59293 JM9 73 Gulyayovo Go Puture of Plant ~ielection Discussed* 5 pp SELISKAM ZHIVO , Roscow, 20 ~,ob 1974, p 2. jmzs 614& GulAevo, 00 onin Frm Central Russia, 7 pp BOVErBUYA ROSSIYA, IvAsome 3.1 Apr 1974, p 2, JPn 62146 Gulyayev, G.I. et al The Use of Low-Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment for the Production of High-Strength Tubes. STAL, 1973, Wo.3, pp.260. PBISI 11539 Gulyaev, Gal, 4 Ivshin, P,N# Assessment of the Acuracy of Formulae for Calculating Variations in Wall Thickness in Tube Reduction STALI 19730 (1) pp 55-58 DISI 11414 July 1973 Gul,yayov, G, V. Effects of Droperidol, Atropino and Promadol Pro- medication on Principal Circulatory Indices of Ntionto With Head and Nock Tumorse 5 PP MTNIK AMEM4 aWUNSK14H-NAv& SSSR, VOSCOW, No 7, 1974. pp 65-68. JPRS 63485 Gulyayeve 00, Vil, Effects of Droperidol, Atropine and Promedol Premedication on Principal Circulatory Indices of Patients With Had and Neck T=ors. 5 pp VESTNIK &Q2Wj UMSINSKIKH UK NO, YJOBODWO No 7, 1974. pp 63-68. jpRs'63485 GdYay4vq a. V. Fourth Internatioml Symposium on Wheat Genotics, 5 pp SEUXTSM I SAWQVQD5TVO, Moscow, Ilo 6, 1973* pp 73-75. JPR8 62091 auzyjav, 'N. ly. qynth"io for admmimi-ehUwaaostophoophonatd~"olfie' inlifUtor awtige-C A-synthetfoo DaU" dg&AaZ NAUK ~F~RVOrft 2150 nre 2,, 19738 ppo 3=317 . .. #MASA T? P45,421 GULTAVO, V. V. //STAL'7/ -~/-/1973J-0m2s Yeatures of Production of Thin-W%U Sections of "-Streqrth and StalnUas Stee2ap pp ift-1840mx n468m Wymjov, Ye. A. rw xine,, mmgmwas cxd nfokol ca"tont in the Hood of &MM. maviff a-Awomay r PERSUVANZYA KWVr. VOt 17s NO "9a 29730 pp 56-57 MT 73-14078-OSE 9474~ AP go amp la tu ra"MUNNOWA6 Or 01111a Adwi ftdau slow by a umor Dow Aw Qu I X.. P. - G. Variations in the alkane pattern durtng a vagotation period of antim*i"m wjug. ZRITSCHRUT MR PPLUMMYSZOMV voz 870 1972.0 PP 94-32 NTC 73-14428-OCC Guft. Jose Gabriel BUS Ron SpMM an SwIa1IA I&IM, 5 pp gj", lkvmo 23 Oat 19?39 p 2. jpps 6o641 Guma, Jose Gabriel Coment aant Continues Brealdng RGcoxyls. 5 pp GRANjA, Havana. 24 Nov 1973. P 5m JM 60957 Ouiwn6ro P. 1. Autamtlo Analysis of Body Tension in tbs course or Measured "Loal Work Varying in Power (on the Basis of Obaraoteristlas of the Parameters of Regalating Physiological Fmotlons)t 10 pp., r_K AKQEXII NOITSUSKIKH NAUK-33SHO No .5v 19139 PP 3PR8 59471 ,All 73 GUMINSKA, ZOPIA //UPRAWA HYDROPONICZNA ROSLIN// --/--/1966oV ---- tN----t pp 0001-0148 Hydroponic Culture of Plants, *NTIS-TT-74-54065## Gumulka, Witold Ways of Searching for New Posticides. PRZEMY-SL CULMIUNY, Vol. 50, No. 3w 1971, p . 13-6-41-41. FSTC-UT--23-468-72 GTJIMSBAS~ YITAAZ //CTTDITFTRIYT,"T/ / 03/11/1974,V----v,,T-".--, pp 0001 also pp 7 Deliyunus Projeot Violates Land Refom Law 6 pp ITPRS 63662 0, -Oro I W. CIJ~mge Of fuel and dmdpoint of fZue gag. LION~VSTOI-T WAIVE,' KRAFT. VOZ 5, do 8, Aug 1953, pp 264-9-69 -- CT trana 6320 GUNj G. YA. et al //IZV VUZ CHERN MET,// --/--/1973, V----jNOG11j Investigation of the deformation resistances and plasticity of nickel based heat resistant alloys pp 92-97 SISI 1215000 Gunashov, A, 1, Velocity Integration in Navigational Digital Computers. 6 pp LULNUZ ~Jijx~ I Svwt Lwdngrad,, No 1571 1972, pp 54-58. JPRS 59633 Gmdemmn,, K, Mixed funotion omjyonation.of (+)- 1.70 (-)-Hmb4rbitat and apsetr4Z ohoges of oyto&%vw P-450 in the tivor of guinea pigo fed o4thout L-moorbic wid. Ilopps SEYLERfs SEMCHRrpr MR PRYOI!rowr,.rscnFl 018mrs, voz 854a 1973's pp MH ,hTC 74-10223-08A -kAjt),s14 r7, p ~iy ""%WAMMI 14F 00 BtuUes of the SwrAval Tim ot Uctuft = Ourfww od the pasibilitin of lnftmd= It, Put M. lanume of valow Lwln9,,O=dUwo mrA pmvlms K1.1~10A to the up* Of Plaftles w IMMEMP Vv. 1549 imp WO 73-a534-06M IRIS N73-10069 GmWobin 0 N a Plans for Automatic Control for Railroads Describeda 5 pp GUDOK Moscow, 20 Jul 74, p 2. JM 9i730 Gundobins Na Aa Railroado aW Civil Defence* 6 pp Voymarg &MAN . moscows No 6s June 1974o ,pp 26-27. im 626a Gunin, YA. Ith1ebnIkovskiy SIdp Repair ana Yachinery Plant Produces Poor Atel system. 5 PP VQL'4YY IM;SM, 'Moscow, 28 July 1973, p 2. JPRS 59792 GUNIYAt G. S. RU INVESTIGATION OF THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTI ES JF DUST IN THE SURFACE LAYER OF 4.1 IRUDY (;LAV. GLOFIZ. 06S. LENINGRAD NO. Z93 PP I I L THRU L42 ( 197 3) I C - I i r - 2 3-U 9 10- 74 Ou"Jis 9. Mitrog" in 9Wd st"I Paft a. SAUUty of nitropn Wio" multi-*1own* iron altcVa oantafning varba"s ahromfuns xieksh..if vaUWUw end Mlybdow 2=U 70 HA12M ARMS Zia We v. SO, PP. HO-83SO ('4111ther, Baro Ilic Supurplambsticity ofdO Itrass 11) pp Z. o1 03, No 7, 19720 pp 385-392 FSTC-HT-23-645-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TU IJS GOVT AUNCIES Gunther, D. effect of working conditions on the elasticity Of main spindle bearing of machine tools. INDUSTRIE ANZEIGER, V. 89, p. 96-100, 1967 NTC 73-10961-131 Gunther, X. Analysis Of NOSUlts of Investigation of Ldolog ,,ical a,Sfect of 1[cavy Ionzi 'Idth i1fforent Unear bherry Lossf,s on the Ihsis of a Theoretical Inactivation E(OU (Thouretical Inactivation Mlodel). ~,, p p azacia.-si(AIA 8IOLWIYA I ill-XITSINA, iloscow, ~01 NO 5, SePt-Wt 1973, P.P 14-20- iiiis 6o471 Gimther, Ko Analysis of the Renults of an Investigation of the Biological Lffect of Heavy Ions 1.11th Different Linear inergy Losses __ on the 1kisis of a Theorotical Inactivation Mlodal LInterprotation of ).,~Kpprimrmts Ath F;, Colit. 7 pp MAICHBSKAYA 131OLOGIIA I RMITSINA, Moscow, Vol 7, Po 6, Nov-Dee 1973, pp 3-8. jpRs 61o2o Gumthers 0. Vo inftwnow of prolmpd bocU4 inactivity on &umbAydraM totermoo WMCURrPY FWI? WE iw~7 WANTS INKRE WDIZM, Vol. 240 Z9690 pp. 8Z4-1 VASA 27 P t5,587 . I GUAYAKOV , YU, M,101,101MICHESIah NAUKI// -/--/1974,v---,N00l0# Pp 006.5-00?2 Socialist Heaho for Developing Scienct, Tsclmoloe7 Explainod. 10 pp j,m?s 63?21 MzPMv 0. N. The reall"tion of saahaddla offtbor In blemp)iblaft polymer caqF"Ites 6 pp wgum Mk=W,, Ar. 66 igns vp,, 1193-M GMAMM 7. 0. //am-. PC= ~~-/-AMOOWVPIW* Cholca Coopultlan at Natuml go In the PATdo Fma atwo and EwUm laqmj, iv 433je6ire 76=16-21m onwil X. L awommovAl at Float Gromb tv BoApewt b4dr.. xa Am am= wx Am, - MR. va* M80 104 4 aiwo 1973o **- co Gurbuchov, Tvan Utilization Of Chemical Fertilizers Discussed, 5 pp. ZEMEDELSWO ZNAMEO Sofia, 11 Jul 74, pp 1-2. If RS 6 15 Nov 74 Gmhenkog Ve Grain Production in CUU Countries Uscussed., 10 pp liaDMARODNyx aa,SNWZYA7SBgnNU LIJU~N&, hoscow, No 4. 1974. pp 8-31. jpRs 63o3i GURENTSOV. V. I. //IZVESTIYA VYSSIJIKH UCHE8YKfl Z.AVEDE.Nlll FIZIKAt// -404/1972, V----,NO004 Protection from muona in high energy proton acceleratdral pp 50-55, CBO~ Gurevich, A.M. & Sasorovas N,A. Reaction of Uranyl sulfate Complexes wit)j Hydrogen Peroxide. RADIOKIIIMIYA Vol 148 No 60 1972 pp 831-836 *NTIS TT 73053047 July 1973 The sootution unifrority of 104 main aftwtums of the bassmont in the kisth-oWmigav ama WKUDY RAM $04SIGS AULF1411 SAUK SZRa A T07. no. 3, 7972, pp. OM-676 AGI Gurevich, D. A. Chemical Technology and Protection of the Biosphere. 6 pp KIW41CIDSQYA PROMISIULMOt, Moscati, No 8, Aug 1973, pp 33-34. jpRs 6o3o2 ,,I --j kin -74 01w I ( LA- t v - --?', - I '-, ) ; r r,~ct c- r I n i e r rtidlat ion or thin r I i , - '1.11~1,.v I ("I , G. . L . ; ~11M'Av I Kv, J. A . Trnnniited by A. Vii~m r f rnm r 1 7 . Y Ii I rr . : I I, i- m 1) . M m t 4, r . : t~ r) . I I ~ - 9 ( 1 '17,1 ) . I !, p - Dop. III T.r; $-) - 00, . 2C I ~ it LI , i c it , t rn F, 1 .1 t i 0 (Lit MN-34 1, N S A 0 Gurevich, Kh. A. Investigating'the Vibroacoustic Characteris- ties of a Single-Stage Impulse Turbine. S-UDOSTROUNIYE, No.6, 1973, pp.23-24, 25-26. NAMUT =615 ZHT-30-43-74 GUXVZCHS 14A, IIEZUKA GOMSZZA Z,VWVAII -1J2119?2,qVO#O8jNO00f* Vw ignition I"t of a omgl".rate of metal partiates. 10 pp, pp GUREVICH, M.A. . I . /IFIZIKA GOREMIYA I VZRYYA,// --/12/1971 '' V0007, H0004, - - - I Calcualting heterogeneous ignition of particle aggregates, 15 pp pp 518-527, AIR/FTD/TiT-23-1218-740~ Gurevichp 3, Ye. The Spreadin of Fatigue Cracks In Nickel W StAel lKh18N9T. 5 pp WO mmU"kgTRM- SMAV , Moscow, mo,c 1973, pp 103-106. ins 61605 owwlGhj, Ta. 0. 1 - WAMAIca 40t Ittenift Nitride lith OXYM gad Cutm AUdds REM mompillill IBM- J'AMEMA am Wo JWO 4# gma IWO 30. 2042 low. IT 70-1~696 Gurevish, Ya. B. Combined strengthening of steel using hydraulic extrusion. j~ZIKA I KIJIMIYA OBRABOTKI MATERIALOV, 1971, pp 71-76, n. 4. NTC 73-1ZZ90-11F. NLI, RTS 7346. G Uk 1: Y L V 9 A. R U USL if- AUlIJM(J[JVL t-i~GiN[S I)i,LMLNLNIYL AVfUM(jb[L'NVKH BENZINOV PUA I "KHOAL YA", MJSLU~N 9 197Z9 364PP. M f S I L-HT-23-15zJ- 13 Gureev A. A. The effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on carbon form- ation in carburetted engines. KHINIIYA I TEKFNOLOGIYA TOPLIVA I NIASEL, V. 13, n. 9, p. 37-41, OR-. NIV 73-10957-21D Gurfink, A. 14. Nonstationary radiation field in a s6ml*- infinite medium with nonisatropic scattering NESTATSYONAKNOYE POLE IZLUCHENIYA V POLUBESKO iu: uri,ihti yfiLaNR i RTmubt-Lxy, Nauxa Fress, 72, pp. 70-81 14ASA TT F 14,780 Gafinke A* M* Scattering of the $ -Palse From a Pandl Bm In the sea* 10 pp OMU OJMA I ZKOSEM LadrVads 1972s pp Oz-fus. JPRS 605n